HomeMy WebLinkAboutWays to make town hall more effective 71 .4„..... ge-eb..-F--€__ .. A8 , \ L ` S �'"° ' `L`' - r 2 Zoo ' i Op ,, _ .. . , .• TOWN Haas LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1 Residents of • Congressional Ways to make tonight's , District 17 can listen to the " town hall more effective entire telephon- ic town hall con- t was good to learn that U.S. Rep. Chet ducted by U.S. Edwards will be hosting a public forum' to Rep. Chet hear in- person the ideas, thoughts and Thursday by comments of the community, y , as well as going to answer questions regarding the health care http: / /edwards. legislation being drafted. house.gov. I have a few observations and suggestions Edwards also , about the public forum. will host three • Respect each other and treat each other in- person town with dignity. hall meetings on • Don't judge. Differences do not cause con - health care . flict, judgment against others does. reform: g • Wednesday, • Don't attack. The end goal of conflict 6 to 8 p.m., should be peace and understanding. Brazos Center, - • Seek to understand. Wisdom comes from 3232 Briarcrest understanding. Ask critical questions. Drive in Bryan. • Add value. Provide ideas and suggestions Doors open at to improve outcomes. 5 :m. No ' p signs There are plenty of emotions flying on the , or recording issue of health care. Our emotions are art of devices allowed. p seating capacity being human. The ability to manage them to 1,200. achieve goals is the genius of being "emotion- • Saturday, ally intelligent." 10 a.m. to - , Bryan- College Station and the A &M com- noon, Conven j munity has a great respect for tradition. Our tion Center, 100 tradition of dignified discourse will undoubt- , Washington Ave. edly determine whether the public forum will in Waco. Doors add value to all concerned. ' open at 9 a.m. I have witnessed the application of the Seating capacity above agreements with all types of 1,20(1 groups • Sept. 4, including communities that have dealt with 6 to 8 p.m., controversial and conflicted issues. The Cleburne High agreements work. School auditori- At the end of the day, we all want to make um, 1501 Harlin our point — and that is a good thing. What - Drive. Doors we should help each other do is continue our open at 5 p.m. , tradition of dignity and respect so that the Seating capacity value we seek to add is heard loud and clear 1,800. and not distorted by confusion. I look forward to our session with Rep. KNOW YOUR Edwards and hope and expect that he is will- ing to listen, learn and do what is best for our nation. • DANIEL HERNANDEZ THE Bryan