HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 BCHC Minutes 12.14.2009 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, December 14, 2009 Room 102, College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive, College Station, Texas The Regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission was called to order at 6:18 p.m. by the Chairman, Henry Mayo. He introduced 2 guests, Jay Brakefield and Matthew Watkins. The members present were: Barbara Althaus, Michelle Audenaert, Ray George, LaVerne Hawkins, Chad Hovde, Lauren Hovde, Susan Irza, Tom Lynch, Henry Mayo, Regina Opersteny, Wayne Sadberry, Nancy Schwart, Nancy Tiner. The Minutes of the October 12, 2009 meeting were approved as printed and distributed. The November meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. COMMITTEE REPORTS; A. Research and Markers — Chad Hovde reported on the tour, by members, of the Wipprecht house and said we won't know about the marker approval until next year. A proposed narrative for the Railroad marker has been received. The College Station Depot marker, near the Albritton Tower will be moved by TXDOT. B. History Appreciation/Education -- Susan Irza reported on the completion of the Bookmark project and recognized all those who had helped with the project. She moved "the October 30 report of the Education Outreach Committee & the letters of thanks for the El Camino Real de los Tejas bookmarks be attached to Minutes of BCHC for December 14, 2009 ". The motion was seconded and ADOPTED. C. Heritage Tourism /Outreach -- Barbara Althaus reported on the committee's activities and mentioned the new temporary location of the Forsythe Gallery from TAMU to downtown Bryan. D. Finance and Postage — The chairman announced the annual budget of $500.00 can only be used only for postage. E. Publicity — No report F. Endangered Properties — Chad Hovde asked members to volunteer for this committee and report on any endangered properties. Chairman Henry Mayo gave his "State of the Commission" report and distributed copies. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Open Meeting Act compliance -- 8 members haven't completed the training. B. Bylaws Review — Chairman Mayo announced a special meeting may be called to work on the Bylaws. At approximately 6:50 p.m. Lauren and Chad Hovde left the meeting, to attend another event, but a quorum was still present. NEW BUSINESS A. Regional History Fair — no action taken due to budget restriction. B. Chairman's request for resignation of Barbara Althaus. A lengthy discussion followed and after several minutes Ray George moved to "Stop this discussion at this date — Dec. 14, 2009 & will not be further discussed at any future date" . The motion was seconded. The Secretary questioned the legality of the motion. Ray George announced his resignation from the Commission and left the meeting. The vote was taken and was ADOPTED with 1 abstention and 2 "no" votes. C. Committee Structure /Chairmanships — no action taken The following announcements were made: The January 13, 2010 Exploring History Luncheon (City of College Station) will be a program on the Restoration of the Texas Governor's Mansion - announced by Susan Irza The African - American Museum will have an Open House on December 19, 2009 from 2 — 4 p.m. - announced by Wayne Sadberry, The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m. Nancy R. Tiner Secretary