HomeMy WebLinkAboutAffidavit of Heirship Mary Creed Worsham Horn 1993 Ayyy Av3T HFN p THE STATE OF TEXAS R COUNTT OF BRAROS R BEFORE ME, the undFdrAAwd AULAI ree late day ed MARY (ROME VORSHAM HORN who 0 known to he t� l person ae name is subSbribed to tins instrument And who nr bring by Any un bar oath. deposes and states as faller$ ably r.o . That Me name IS Y CUED oog'0 6917 on Briraw my Texas and I BOO.53 a Pa? .1hittingNbnn horn in Wolfe Gry. Nett Giants Tex" a Apr 3D.n9 0we1 have lived in this lSnItv for ost of my fie ough bout 1961 to S� S pA Fy 1966 when t lived vm Nail Harris Cal Total 1 Hmavory famili Saugh ar 3R%ap 3RA i%,in the lady goodly sea nla31 in of MRB SARAH 0 CUEDwos married `,.✓10% Io tw s nd Militate lv and than marrisi heap to Joan Franklin J Ott't Lee and Joxpn.St Geeavn Y 1AR1�5 John na v ueel in Wellborn ofRjS. mhtpn Franklin Lee was ban that f being Min ther We who sides am We Wilosm Stan she Worried De+ p0�.R T�ldrenftl and Am elulthr a Wait LeOil" a ht s be tendiloo ,as. a home 4 An be the Franklin WAS was sarvivem by his We. Snan 0. Lee and hit daughter Dousy amen aeuna tsals n LAW Franklin us of °" deathmnxutpm too May 631n FilDiary NOW Was Waste tied intestate an ms] rvn false She WAS andersed Mar Lima and am e adyto O uThne no children I a was died Assume an r ldo d this marriageN rid Debts Mae We V, IFCOX never Adopted any children And got Children who brwgn% up ot rionera in She Wine 4 date Detroit and Billy door We WIICM Owaro Whool sm but by toont he Adsorbed all British And t a ISO 3d 6 hee o �.v Cara Lee remarrMx mfldren rried brief law athdJoan iage r N1in Leehouse h 0 cith art Lee marrard sought A eed an Or about 1887 �RgpN°3 af[I�ha SWO Of lot Cause but the socand clue dlash D ohhad Iwo daughters from his previous rur dMna+et AnnnOd had one rr l Asia Cif tee ISO oafjo.q name was Abortedo At daughter when he re were five et5len M Crised old Satellite On August 10 or We �'t9Hl Nnnp MryU My JosephMnbCrd And then born to tSlid OdCooed g p� 0ome 0 ynddarn manhOlG nwer eht VagO do games dams Mla m ss previous vYnMmarriage and ab�a Five 151 chill listed as d� mBry lots Aliode Used Jack 1950 d o g nnlry. to D lectson aealate mane time and Me rt Bryan, eandBno counters were eauught up in an adopted "oton d u. Jailed Add Alms reaude &andJackeon i ooBa Bruce 2. exas `eewen Usewho vdead mv;ed ov time Beumnd on: time =I e�,y o Bow Vick who tied unw w (Madder 31 e[964 in Bryan Term. y 5There were four��1�' Beulah Geed Vice. IJoy Viek a�Beulah treed Vick never adopted My children and Inrnildrn wen brought up or raired in the home of Roy Vick Add FINVIIIII add Vice other Man She four 14 1 Children listed as f(darson (a) Rise Vick ) ce Lo add c Ml uce Meld M balm Souve. LoLouisianaLouisianaIel fickF ViaaJIM An, Texas off Idl William Date Via of Byer. Texas hJ+Ny�TV3- Jonph Oau(Wem died dominate ao march 161922 Joseph III ourd Used will marred m uma nd ne ttme OILY. to Beery Thomas MIS Henry Thomas ss Also intesente in the Mid 1970 a 9e'e load slid psehafi en qThere Were five (5) children boleu ato the Marriage awls end p.ph Marra n Were news Adopted any diddren brooms Up or rallied AS lot Real Thomas Mmi ma pxph Our Used as deer than were nthe live 15) dorm lined as follows died Bitter yea', 'to slWorth Tear BakersLaw Mrssmwasle Onarrriea one the and One m here so e me four Ponta dred� etLtt Ruby Ponta Rah Re Wass rAdopted dudan n dollar none up ill raised in the Mine d Raise Lee W039 and Rubv bases other than the four 141 Children oned 45 follows (all (Rare MI Weer wv married we time and on time aide oWsvne SUAI MUSIC ore thow alow"d There were three 131 Chorwn to The Distillers? of We%ne Sheffer And close MIS Shelter . neither atDYeae e thildren And rough p or rvxd o the ted nav Close Of e ehedeu and Gloria Woes Shelfer other I Ban [he Unce 131 Children listed As(a) n Wayne Sheffer, or Houston. Texas lel a Texas (at Laura Speyer of a11•, Texas is li S, muto.:. (a)E Mary Lam eN.ea a on m.real us soy Makers 4 San present California wylam w May Lm Nemaam were invariant andLee name no Mary Lem Cy no m4.rEa' Ne Mary and no Lee Dyes;jams on mayor There wore any children name N Jussidem °ed\—_ Tory Janssens Add Mary Lere ee Nonht up eJamgmnn to yE `ymre I213. R aNea know that Romar hea:?enes Near as in married a uses adarrissam weveral call were Moral I do orl kners, Of name 0 his wife par children au a in Crossley Texas -£ j: :£`"oats Noah Ban. imd Rod of the name 4 me were or (B) pe euem pees ow en wluae lh. .�ecAe ,,ktl in s p ee Wo intestate married mm time and me Te MeN 10 Crealla Ness, who remain in a Mesa en poere were m lm Dm $Jima Aiat to anti Danube None never named In In* boom a tires uen Nesl act diddreft and no te not Cal forest Want other than Or two M a r nro ue IhM Virginia Nem Barkoaski remdes in La Mesa, Texas I do know Oat Mary wa Ness Baritywal MOO been married and of we Ott,. ( M mroamm mesma enahrhddren hoped intake to known Tessa I arch know that y Ness es IN her col Lynn uch or 1987 in Pil fdSa t i the Felton ss wasw irchn married one time and Me 6 timWaDyeaee �e q adopted s marriage Na T wer Neu adopted p or rased in the home m Lyon inao„Ness and Etter Neva lee Wilbur lack Ness In the y mee''g3 time lChildrent Tana i:n wens um m �me three 3wj- ey and me N a I belt ke Nacen W not purchase of W dr aro and ee 1986 Wdbw lark Ne� Boeddide were eas newer adopted �Up or raised an y mineral aact Ness and lumeq es men than the three Ut (AlCarl PearlWon Reid resides ut Ri ened . 0lawom lob MI Helps bid has tontim ri bill I do not Inow it she has califirshis JOB Dorothy newe„ y Dee Worst Fyayer Us again Martin. but l do not know it me his any Children EIM, Linda Lee Dirds Johnson died on May EE. 1989 in �B5b Cniffriv lap usual Linda Leeagt, phom y children. BN o0% lel Others soared. Strips diee .s Carta Pursue the 19ED o. x sg19�t,ga'y A a¢° Mrlvgy hgnnmg i9 pe no He was U gnBA 1.'yD 2h� d treed dted as an lent onnOnooer 1899 in Bryan said Texas Texas Cashion Creed is buried t Minter Springs Ei )P�A'11V S� TexasMReggin•esionald F CK orally to Cd died intensity On February 16. 1160 M Earl � to Mary e Herrin There were Two f2) drilling been to the faaffini? Of Reginald F Cr"d Paid Mary Monte Herrin taxes VV ts> Reginald F Creed and Mary bolor Herrin �reercl eastern mecined ani REG, � d int they bond of a' f 6 Einald FnOnd and by fMary Mi Children and pro carldrem were aine Herrin Useht up a d other than the two 3 nil Rib �1 0 if as Nary Geed 1poi Horn u Wetmtn Tests nit Maine Used remarried Edward Earl psR±D1 Mary ern FebruaryMr 7 1967, M fir As A Wellbom, Texas Thus were no insisted turn Or adopted to this marriage q.? no ell children were brought up in raised in the "me of Edward Earl hall and gna� w Mary Mesine Herrin Geed Dowling' Eyand Earl ECIWILFIR and Mary Mall" Dowleng Myer adopted MY ldied �ii n Brains Uuty on February ET 198D Further Mfism ail Mrs MART aM VDaeAM HOHR STORK TO AND SUBSCIIBBD action me thu day of October. 1993. f'�W)X lonedi'Mamped Name OF Notary Notary Fub1rc. 5Mte Y lest A ✓ Y VP y Comntemn Expires._ ity 8