HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed J. Hope, S. Davidson League 1959 9 ti No. WARRANTY DEED With Single, Joint and Wife's Separate Acknowledgments FROM S 7 PAIsy LEE WILCOX, feme sole TO REGINALD F, CREED E T FILED FOR RECORD this day of A. D. 19 at o'clock M. County Clerk Co., Texas By .41P I , Deputy. .RWOR.DED cyt\ow' rt .0 10 A. D. 19 in County Rec. ds, Book County Clerk. 7'6) Deputy. Recording Fee $ This instrument should be filed immediately with the County Clerk for record. , oneziy Co. Dallas LA7. 461' fARISCO BLDG. P. 0. &A 146 TA 2-6555 BRYAN, TEXAS C- 102 — WARRANTY DEED -- -With Single, Joint and Wife's Sep "'rto 4rIca(roya^^5r'ts ._ Martin Stationery Co., Dallsa -- - -- TH ' STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF BRAZOS That 1, Daisy Lee Wilcox, feme sole, of the County of Brazos , State of Texas , for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO /100 ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, to me in hand paid by Reginald F. Creed and wife, Maxine H. Creed, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have Granted, Sold and Conveyed, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey unto the said Reginald F. Creed and wife, Maxine H. Creed, of the County of Brazos , State of Texas ,mtlaxiziagbcoextoinc all of my undivided one - fourth (1/4) interest in 96 -2/3 acres, more or less, in the James Hope League and the Samuel Davidson League in Brazos County, Texas, and being the same land described in a deed from J. M. Farquhar to Sarah 0. Creed dated September 24, 1890, recorded Volume —_ ' 14, 334, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas, and in a deed from SINGLE ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, l COUNTY OF BRAZOS J BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, ____________ —_ , in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Daisy Lee Wilcox�feme sole, known to me to be the person_____ whose name 1 S subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that _ She __ exeeut d the same for the purposes and consideration t ra'r�xpress . / GIVEN UNDER IY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, T 10 1 day of__ t . , /.r/, D. 19 • • A ` IN AND - r u (L. S.) ,` -- BRAZO- S---- GO- UNT -Y;- -BAs — - — -- JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, l COUNTY OF J BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, , in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared and __ his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names 'are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said — — wife of the said having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said _ acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This day of , A. D. 19____ (L. S.) WIFE'S SEPARATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, -- l COUNTY OF J BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, , in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared y — - --- -- — - - — , wife of — known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained, to her, she, the said acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and - she declared that - chc ltad i lure= sige.cd thc surf - thc parposcs ar_d esmaicle io-n-- therein expressed, aid --that she did not wish to retract it. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This -- -__ day of_______ , A. D. 19 (L. S.) CLERK'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 1, A. B. Syptak , County COUNTY OF Brazos Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the 1$ day of Feb. , A. D. 19_- 59. -, with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in my office on the 5 day of March , A. D. 19 59 , at :3 o'clock P • M., and duly recorded this 9 day of March A. D. 19_ - 59 ., at 10 o'clock A. M., in the Deed Records of said County, in Volume 1 95 , on pages ____ WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office in Bryan, Texas , the day and year last above written. A. B. Syptak Co . y Clerk /J B a Z s % County, Texas. (L. S.) B r� / =` 4s -` u ) - -i F'- : / 42 Deputy W. K. rarqunar et at to Mrs. 6. U. (;reed elated. November 11, 1910, re- corded Volume 38, Page 54, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas, to which instruments and their record reference is here made for all purposes, SAVE AND EXCEPT, however, that the Grantor herein reserves, and it is expressly agreed that she thalt have for herself and her assigns her presently owned undivided mineral interest in the above described prem- ises, for and during her natural life. _' 0Ci1MENTARY ^b us s \ . _ �9 it 57 GEMTS FI TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said Reginald F. Creed and wife, Maxine H. Creed, their heirs and assigns forever; and I do hereby bind myself -, A my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Reginald F. Creed and wife, Maxine H. Creed, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hard at Bryan, Texas, this / V -- day of 1 � ' , A. D. 19 59 . Witnesses at Request of Grantor: /wkJ _ DAISY LEE WILCOX, feme sole . 1