HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed James Hope League 1911 State of T'axas County of Brazos. Know all men by these presents;that where as,we the following named parties; W.R. Mr's S.0.Cre . they only silt vl?1=?' Chi1ar n of thy! lAt! .T_11%_ ^w a i cn1 ?,• .rs at law,bPing owners by inheritance and in fee simple of the following' described tract of land ;Situated in t,ee County of Brazos,State of Texas, a part of the James Hop. league of land: Begining at the South East ()or filer of said tract of land ,thee Sallie being the North East corner of a tract. of land belongiig to kirs S.O.C,reed; Thence N 45 E °E ` Titras and corner with Ge.o Camhell 4 Thence N 45 W 800 varas and corner on line of Giddings tract ;,Thence S 45 W 720 varas and corner with the s .id Mrs S.O.Cr-eerl tract: Thence S 60 E 807 with her line to the place of beegining containing 95 acres of land more or less ''. And whereas we being the .n ean=aal undivided I/3 of said described tract the said Nrs S.O.Creed ,being desirous of having her interest set apart to her out of said described tract of land ,therefore we W.R.Farquhar and J. E.?Pa;°quhar ; do hereby convey releaa, and seat over to Mrs 3.O.Creed the following described tract of land to wit:R®gining at the South East corner of the foregoing described tract of land,the sane being the N.E. of a tract hrlonging to Mrs S.O.Creed ;Thence N 45 E I00 varas and cor from; which a P.O. I2 in in { is brs N30 E 5 vrs . Thence N 45 W 800 varas 444- c >n the Giddings line, from which a P,0. 20 in in dia hg's S 60 E cs varas. Thence S 46 W 320 varas ,and corner with tact fist iI.rs 6,0. Cr Cre0c1 tract. Thence S 60 E 807 varas ,containing 31-2/3 acres of land mo re or Z e s;To have and to hold the above described tract of land unto hPr the said ivirs S.0,Creecd and her heirs in fee simple forever And 'tie said i 3.O.Creed joined by h r husband J,M Creed. ,in cc isider ation of the abo e do hereb convey rel ase and set o *r to the , aid W,R.Fa q'ihar. and ,1 .Parquh r, the rema ng portion of said deRacr bed tract of and the 4 _e being 'scribed a. follows to wi :Reginiz at the ti r ! Z,Lii oc,_____,), c_ at V itl ectrieriV"ihe' ' 4-;----- ' - af -- 7 k.,fitv , , ( .1 7 . L5 - i -----:. ' • r A r.a__ e,,,\„.., from wh.ch a. P.0,12 in in\ia 'Ors N 30 E 5 and crnr t v• th. hr''r 'ire i Pr c•cs . f - 1 ;Then . , ce N 4 '' 800 varas wi h h. , )rn.i. 0,1 n_ Guldi.w.s ltn6 _ om which '4 a P.0.20 1. in dia. i)rs 5 6 E 8 varas ;Thence 45 E 400 vara, and coner 5 . let_ at the N .GbornPr of the t "et first describeo: he Theno 3 45 E ..---,' - _ , wi th a tY) tWirel tra, ,. , 4 -, Jr ...., •,,-: — ,- - . • --- • 7 .-- - ' ..‘ 400 vas t tile hegining taining 63 and If.. Acres of land or or 1 ji?t313 To 1.a. 1 . an to ho.t.d unto tile said W,E. Tear uhar and .1 . E. Ti'arciuhar — z . ' 17' ; ' . ' •n fee simpbt_l___orever,Given uncle ' our hands t? the /1 day of k7-e-- 0.4: /V e" 0 • . /7 GG--€-'7' ------- Countv Before the undersigned authority this day came and appeared ',Ort,Farquhar e / arr4 known to me to he the person who signed the fliegoing instrument of writ and acknowledged to me that he had executed the same for the pilrposes and co.lsiderations therein expressed in the capacity as se t Gilt. in t.76,his. acknowl PI gement. WI til ;; :: 2 es 1 cif office th i r, h' ._,.. of aciyt 1 19i/ L s : e LAIGAJe 1 . , el ill e. a . -.7;;L__,,Lic-0 ,--- ' - , ' vr--- State of Texas ," , 0ount;ti or 4444infrs, la (",-L.-- __.,...efitieLv 01.0 Before the undersigned authority this day persona r appstarqd J,J4:.Farninhar ro Tr,eA to 1 the person who signed the for goine, instrument of writing and acknotledged to me that he 'aad executed the for the purposes and considerations 4herein exprssed, Given iirid hAiid - --' the 4/ of 91 -eelf - - , ' HIE. 0/ e f • 4 - I , , . „ ,. . . :. ... . . _ A...........bi,osork-" 41P...■ i.' 4. it,_ ,. - --1 Before the undersigned authority this May came and appeared a , F .i,'t'plilbi.r _. . ,. known to me to be the person who signed the fcle~ going instrument of writin;j and acknowledged to me that he had executed the Same for the purposes and co side rations therein expresse:d,and in the capacity as set out in this (acknowle.i es lent. Witness MY han seal Of office ��,� � th.1s t'`1• )71rtav of _ _ 190/ State of Texas Q � r e , • 0 o un t r or 4*4m '►�1.. 6 i I', �, - -,1- �� - o 0- / _. ._..... G'�` �y` .. • t✓-^� f Before the undersigned authority this day personally appeared J.E.Farquhar. ,kn:rwn to me to be the person who signed the for going; instrument of writing and acknoeledger1 to me that he had executed the same for the rposes and consideration herein .rein expressed, Given tinier my a n ,-17.177 :.s „' :S the I , :� i" ✓ /�� - v Sty t : o Te� Xds #, t� . .. 6 41„.4.____ Count;, or Bra os. 4 .. �-v 4 Reh1c,r0 thR indetrmid twits day qar. sonally CERTIFICATE OF RECORD MU- KELLNER -PCT CO., WACO I THE STATE OF TEXAS 'J j 7 . _. COUNTY OF BRAZOS J I, ® if 7 County Clerk in and for said C 1ty, do hereby c= t'fy that the foregoing 4111Ar ■ dated the / / day of A. D _19./q together with its certificates of authentication, was filed for record in my office the // 4 d/ da of A. D. 19/7 at. _/C o'c1ocliM., and duly r orded on the / t�� day of '/ ' A. D. 19"/ , in ✓ u --� records of / a�� County, in vo um,page WIT ► Vl Y HA 'TD AND OFFICIAL SEAL, At my office in Bryan, Texas, this -/(--' day of. / / / A.D. 19 // �a �— -, ✓ .._.....,.... �. [I,.s.] County Clerk Brazos County, Texas , By Deputy i mir - 1m- Inu0 PO ptcoRD n e 074 .............. E E E BP . - .. yr M W. K. rarqunar et al. to Mrs. 5. U. creed dated November 11, 1910, re- corded Volume 38, Page 54, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas, to which instruments and their record reference is here made for all purposes, ` SAVE AND EXCEPT, however, that the Grantor herein reserves, and it is expressly agreed that she thall have for herself and her assigns her presently owned undivided mineral interest in the above described prem- ises, for and during her natural life. ' UCUMENTANY E� ■� I " ( ,W_ Ai C L � 4NO . CENTS LJ) i 1 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said i Reginald F. Creed and wife, Maxine H. Creed, their heirs and assigns forever; and I do hereby bind ,mys0.f -, Jay , heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said.premises unto the said Reginald F. Creed and wife, Maxine H. Creed, their ` heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand at Bryan, Texas, t his / F --- day of 1' Gtji- f , A. D. 1959 . Witnesses at Request of Grantor: + `� ^vk /9' DAISY LEE WILCOX, feme sole ■ a. .... _.._....... .— I