HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Cooper VN WarNe w, C Jerry Coopf', 1Q t: v . 1 3 1 1 ~f~ Tom Dotson and Jerry r ;h'eston Daily News as oflowing tours of duty Wh l hd l Wi l ere e asked W "tell it o es a e t rawa the Vietnam war and Both have much to say l h db ritedifferent. Would o Mean B at o By JERRY LVOPP.R hasn't mired himself so deeply d in his pwmlses of a seale Coulter withdrawal that he forfeit, that How do vvu feel about C Y we do have a responsibility to moratoriums, Vietnam, troop ooper. In Lt. Jerry C. the people of South Vietnam. withdrawal and U.S. casualties N US Army, completed a $j in Vietnam? [v one yew lour of duty in the vi f: I wonder too if these peace - ' Republic of Vietnam as a i demonstrators realize how many - t hard Thew questions aren ; ;R Civil Affairs Officer w H people now living in south for me to ani but my :,sweet, X June 1st this year. e ip Vicnam were at one time mar arum some clarification for ' spent most of his year in i f Il refugees from the north. One tho who don t logo. me and se ct o an Due How Distr of my best friends while in - - guns possibly (or those who i Nghia Province about w er. li in do. miles west of 'Saigon. There ij Vietnam was a tm mry t A he helped plan Rod mdse, merican prefer working with an ' F Firm, I'm proud to live In % operations aimed at ton- advisory team. a country where things like nmra- [ti proving educational, medi- Ile told me of how his family - loriums are allowed. There are cal and living facilities used had left North Vietnam almost a good many places in this X by some of thc same res. : j ten years ago become of the _ world where a person could ideolz of the district. lie 0 lark of political and particularly costly expect to be jailed or ti voluntarily taught English i whilmus freedom. quite likely killed for openly { to about a Vietnamese - -tt This is why I think we do expressing opposition to the goo- schwl children, wine of :j urpose in being in have a emmenl. whom coaltnlrc w eorres- p pond with Vietnam and why 1 object 'Simon i i la d on As for THE mormichm, 1 ? : : : : Y S; % ' wtuiy to restr ct ons p ce JERRY ('OOPER [eel There are a la of people ::;5a` i: :SS: i;: i: • , 3 our military commander, mere Sees Bloodbath n the world where desire for of unarmed civilian populations that keep mein from haling war. if the medicine and a peaceful wand !That's MN that were Minnatted by the the lbw of men and arms south- sh and buildings none front in cash desire too) l is p H the VietCongandlhe NVA. ward. As it Is they can barely the Noah the U.S,, it vase responsibility b time e slow the stream at all. want's much difference to duets. world Peace. My f"fings areal Vietnam arc ' d ll They Tier were getting the products. m sore, by the muse colored, I e 1 consider the w ca f N h The giver:.. By didn't matter. 117 !lase people want to do relationship I had with those ort communist threat o . is get out of Viemam because Vietnamese l oohed closely with l Viemam n caaeer that m only l t What Is the point in carrying lL's o Irustraang, costly , dirty and ospwialfy those high schoo Ou be stopped by being n h on a pointless effort rot two situation. I'll agree with that kids I taught English In for o gad destroyed. Anyone w b or three more years' There is analysis wholeheartedly, hot how 10 months. e over thinks our troubles will rl 1 lhillv: I.v 1 I-ing if we fwd ewe bars and leave , " lc, :it , .:r1 \ ell 1 , 1.+111 it slid tom mast but would is sadly mistaken. ] Vicnumesr dm. Tit. .N.101 u.•u.ivo .~iu Lillie :none: aoG 11". 1-111- across the only be the beginning of a longer knows fur ce:e.ui non flit we:r bvesta:uipalemblc., iemamese countryside play bout and mad mom natty conflict pulling out TDey''VI' I03t IImre ' ' sides of the con, depending on than the one experienced thus tom 500,000 men. Arc they These "peace lovers aren t ' who happens to be in their far. going to quit crow' Are they able or don t care bar what area of the time This may i h we would be doing to the people have been true in Dome places, Such cancers aren't satisfied going to bargain in Paris? W t the beginning of the iwibul of South Vietnam if we withdraw hutnotwhere i was. with a Snell sacrifice like south . tht bargaining advantage went our troops in a wholesale In particular, the residents of Yletmm. They will continually to the 'North. We re standing manner. I say we would be a mfujim hamlet nearby had seek new morsels to sshsly' on weak ground in Paris. W'bit selling there up for a bloodbath no love for the VC regardless their never ending banger. IS the point it. N'atering xd.WD worse than the we pe•Ipetrated b h N h Vi h of the circumstances. One man i Now that know mfeehn you y g5 Americans die for an {sun- math on, y t ort etnamese w en e wax abducted dur ng the night ralonans ,,it Vietnam on m dial's nut going blt wills they invaded the old city of Huc during lie 'I'ef .dlensive by the VC and shot In death ' outskirts Of the on the eer o 1411 go on b are final portions to be her y honorable an ay. y ' of I968 . Hass graves are still y hamlet, of the original question. ve already been lumudbatd. Wh ' bring um•overn•rl that tell the In another instance, the people Sure. I am for withdrawing W eVCalready lost the war. stmv of that mus acre of innocent of this hamlet were quite pleased all troops from not only Vietnam True, something has to be ' civilians, when the District Chief had but frorn southeast Aug. done. and fast. It s just A their hamlet chief replaced However, i am for this with• sluane that nltxens. who oppose ' 'low I'm bare some Of you because he was discovered drawal when and Only when the war can t devise a more tpeace terers" "at to tell me misusing materials intended for we have accomplished what we effective way to speed up rir. about the atrocities committed the use of the needy in the sel oil to do there and that Mean's pullout than will, the by South Vietnamese and. ob hamlet. is to halt once and for all current motawrium efforts. yes, even U-S. senicemen. I also had occasion to see time the overt aggression laying I vroe't deny that they take (be government from Saigon clear Place- i World venture to na ) that place or even say they sboold down to the hamlet level opeale a good Percentage Of moro• be excused, be... they effectively. Funds and materials I'm against smselesf U.S. lodumnes know as little of the shouldn't ` - made available through notation just as much as any ' tone namn• ca mr war a do ti 51 a thaWOllue, cal liufugw Urn- t peace number too. But, 1 can nny m However. war never was and istries for rebuilding homes. W putting ool Of Vienam, cal6nsmsts. A college girt at O ll i never will be a pretty thing. building new school classrooms because that art gloat world ct. 15 morator um ra y, a h k The things I did hear about and starting agricultural projects make aensekss all the casualness w en as ed a quesdoo about whole I was overseas were always toupgra lelheeconom-v- that have Occurred there w North Vietnam, told flux wriler, " twrla4d acts and usually military far. Now, wait a minute. Are those circumsmnces demanded what For these and many other the good gays or the bad guys? we;id stern to msmv to be reasons too nmerous to mention if there is to be any major ' a cruel art. I am not inclined to favor an change in we policy let s let The momtnrium people know yet, none of dwse acts even immediate witbdnwol of U.S. it be we that '111 help find Wt something bard is going approached the imiiscrimmale troops as advocated by mgrs. the course to tree pewee in no in Southeast Asia, and that shellmgs of civilian villages and bfiam lxsdera. my greatest Viemam and perhaps the entire id See BETTER. Page 14A the mass murders (yes, murdersI hope is that President Nixon "r . _