HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Chamber of Commerce Program of Work Room s s INTRODUCTION PRESIDENT Lee Cargill RepublicBank A &M y our Board of Directors, Staff, and I are pleased to present to you the Chamber's 1985 Program of Work. Your Chamber continues to assume a leader- ship role in the overall development of our fine community, working with those organi- zations that shape the future of Bryan- College Station. Throughout this report are specific activi- ties that focus on important issues of con- cern to our community with the clear goal of movement toward their solution. We have assembled a capable group of Di- visional Vice Presidents and Committee Chairpersons to carry out these goals with the support of a strong experienced staff. Let me invite you to review this Program of Work. As your President, I am interested in what you, the membership, think the Chamber should be doing. Your continued support is vital to the accomplishment of our goals. PAST PRESIDENT Louis Newman, III Newman Printing Co., Inc. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Ed Brady Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce AGRICULTURE COMMERCIAL THE GOAL To increase ~ THE GOAL To provide an the awareness of the role informational service agriculture plays in the addressing the needs of community, support and small business. Igloos] encourage youth agriculture activities in Brazos County THE PROJECTS Through and help increase Chambers the Business Seminar Com- participation by members mittee, develop and conduct involved in agriculture. seminars directed at the VICE PRESIDENT needs of small business. VICE PRESIDENT THE PROJECTS Through Milton Lightsey ■ Through the Business Larry Linder Bryan Production Credit Western National Bank the activities of the Agricul- Association Forum Committee, develop a ture Advisory Committee, provide assistance to the series of meetings addressing community issues of other agriculture committees, act as a liaison to the concern to business. agriculture extension office, provide seminars for education and benefit of the agriculture community, study the need for a program to review the agricul- ture program presented and approved by Congress in 1985, assist A&M with their Field Day and assist AND VISITORS BUREAU the County Extension Service with advertising, pro- motion and sponsorship of the Brazos County Hay THE GOAL To attract an Show. ever increasing number of ■ Through the activities of the Livestock Show conventions, meetings, Committee, provide support from the business com- workshops, seminars and munity in the continuing improvement of the Brazos tourists to the Bryan-College County Youth Livestock Show and assist the Exten-. - Sion Service and FFA in advertising and promoting Station area. the Youth Livestock Show and Sale. THE PROJECTS Develop n ■ Through the activities of the Agriculture Recogni- a marketing plan directed at r tion Committee, plan, sponsor, promote and publi- cize the annual Agriculture Recognition Banquet, kinds to this area and Jack Ford review and revise if necessary the rules for selecting BrazosBanc Savings candidates to be recognized. implement the plan through Association of Texas ■ Through the activities of the First Cotton Bale the activities of the Director of the Convention and Award Committee, establish rules for the selection Visitors Bureau. process, obtain financial su ■ Organize an Advisory Committee made up of support for the cash award representatives of industries involved in or affected and publicize the winner. by the visitor industry to aid in identifying and solving of problems encountered in the attraction and servic- ing of visitors to the area. ■ Investigate the feasibility of creating a Housing Bureau to aid in the location and blocking of rooms for conventions held in this area. ■ Publish on a quarterly basis a "Convention Calendar" listing those conventions already booked to be held in the area. ■ Continue to update and print as needed the va- riety of brochures, maps and other publications use- ful in the overall promotional activities of the Conven- tion and Visitors Bureau. ■ When construction is completed, conduct a Grand Opening and open house at the new Conven- tion and Visitors Bureau office to acquaint members and other interested individuals with the new facility. EDUCATION COMMUNITY AFFAIRS THE GOAL To recognize` THE GOAL To improve education as an industry and community affairs services, its economic impact on the and initiate new programs fort` community and to serve as a the purpose of enhancing liaison between the business the quality of life in Bryan community and the educa- f and College Station. Y" tional community of Bryan- College Station to encourage THE PROJECTS Direct cooperation between the two the continued improvement groups. VICE PRESIDENT of Leadership Brazos, a pro- VICE PRESIDENT Peggy Calliham gram designed to seek out H. Ray Smith College Station Community Texas A&M University THE PROJECTS Continue Center the finest young leaders in sponsoring the annual Vocational Student Luncheon. Brazos County and prepare them for positions of ■ Explore the "Adopt-a-School" program successful public and private decision making. in many other communities, and if considered feasi- ■ Continue and expand services provided by the ble, implement through a cooperative effort with the Health Services Committee. Such include the contin- local school districts. uation of the "Health Here and Now" column pub- 0 Explore the possibility of creating a Blue Ribbon lished weekly in the Bryan-College Station EAGLE, Committee made up of business, educational, and making available to the community a brochure de- governmental representatives to act as a community scribing local health care facilities, the development focus group to identify issues needing attention and of an active health services speakers bureau, and to explore areas of mutual interest and resolution. actively involving members of the medical profession in Chamber of Commerce activities. Develop and implement a public awareness program designed to INDUSTRIAL familiarize citizens of Bryan-College Station with those health services available in our area. ■ Evaluate the effectiveness of civic recognition THE GOAL To encourage, awards and, if appropriate, make recommendations promote, and recruit new relative to the enhancement of the Civic Recognition industry to the Bryan- Awards Program began in 1984 to recognize individ- College Station area. uals and/or businesses for their accomplishments and contributions toward improving Bryan and Col- THE PROJECTS Plan and lege Station communities. conduct an event involving a ■ Develop a community affairs program, Brazos variety of different interests; 1 In Action, to assist local companies and organiza- business, government, edu- tions in building a better community through volun- cation, etc., to develop an VICE PRESIDENT tary participation of their personnel and other overall economic develop- bill Mobley Texas A&M University resources. Such programs in other cities have proven ment strategy and a market- to be a consistent, systematic approach to commun- ing plan for the community to enhance an industrial ity involvement. recruitment program. ■ Upon completion of a marketing plan for indus- trial development and adequate funding for this activ- ity is located, implement. ■ Plan and conduct the 1985 Economic Outlook Conference. ■ Develop a stronger relationship with government entities, like the Texas Economic Development Commission to make them aware of the positive industrial development environment in the Bryan- College Station area. ■ Plan and conduct a visitation program to existing industry to become more aware of their needs and any problems they are experiencing in our area. ORGANIZATION PUBLIC RELATIONS THE GOAL To explore THE GOAL To create a those activities which will aid positive image locally for the in efficient and effective Chamber and its many operation of the Chamber of activities. Commerce. THE PROJECTS Evaluate THE PROJECTS Continue the effectiveness and the the activities of the Blazers, a Chamber's role in the pro- volunteer sales group s duction of the Holiday charged with the recruitment VICE PRESIDENT Parade and if deemed VICE PRESIDENT of new members. Ben Hardeman worthy, plan and produce Reba Ragsdale ■ Develop a volunteer OMC Industries the 1985 Holiday Parade. Automated Clerical Services . group of 6-8 members to aid in retention by calling ■ Continue the development of a Speakers Bureau on Chamber members whose dues are delinquent. consisting of members of the Chamber Board avail- ■ Plan and conduct a "3 Day Membership Blitz" to able to speak to various organizations on subject be held in November to aid in the recruitment of new matter pertaining to Chamber activities. members. ■ Organize a Governmental Affairs Committee to ■ Plan and implement by March a monthly "New meet on an as needed basis with the Bryan-College Member Orientation" meeting to acquaint new Station state legislative delegation and national dele- members with the Chamber organization, goals, gation to discuss specific needs of the area and how member services, etc. these governmental representatives can help. ■ Plan and conduct Quarterly Membership Meet- ■ Organize a committee composed of all the ings to be held in April, July, and October to provide appropriate organizations to discuss the feasibility of members with an opportunity to "network" and be creating a County Fair Organization which would brought up to date on Chamber or Community look at the development of an all purpose facility for issues and activities. county fairs, livestock shows, and other related ■ Plan and conduct the Chamber's Annual Banquet community events. to be held in January, 1986. ■ Develop a series of public service announcements ■ Through the activities of the Staff Evaluation to be used by the electronic and printed media to Committee, continue the evaluation of the Chamber help promote the Chamber and its many activities to staff on a regular and systematic basis. To accomp- the general public. lish the goals for new member income, retention, member service programs, and the implementation of r CTT an internal network computerizing Chamber mem- bership records, employ a Director of Membership by January 15, 1985. ■ Through the activities of the Operations and THE GOAL To oversee the Procedures Evaluation Committee, study the feasibil- financial records and condi- ity of computerizing the Chamber's membership, tion of the Chamber. accounting, payroll and other internal functions, computerizing records of non-members, establish- THE PROJECTS Review ment of a dues schedule, placement of all Chamber on a monthly basis the - , members dues on a calendar year and a recognition financial statements pre- ; program for members utilizing plaques. pared for each Board of ■ Develop and implement a monthly Chamber news- Directors meeting. letter to be sent to the entire membership to keep ■ In November each year, Nancy Crouch them informed of Chamber activities, meetings, develop the next year's oper- Home Care Services seminars, etc. ating budget, present to the Chamber's Budget Committee for approval, and then to the entire Board for approval at their December meeti ng. TRANSPORTATION STAFF THE GOAL To improve the movement of people or goods on streets, highways, rail and air so to ensure a ~Gail Dresner DIREC Anne ell climate favorable to strong '<<... DIRECTOR OF CONVENTION & MEMBERSHIP VISITORS BUREAU economic growth. THE PROJECTS Continue - the development of coopera- Beverly Barron tion and communication with I DIRECTOR OF Dalene Barnes VICE PRESIDENT COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATIVE the Federal Aviation Dean Dyer Adp AFFAIRS ASSISTANT First City National Bank Administration. of Bryan ■ Continue the monitoring of current radar facilities dmRp% and encourage maintaining and improvement of sys- tem serving this area. # Terry Rivera ■ Continue serving on A&M's I nterGovern mental RECEPTIONIST/ JoHalselt Liaison Committee to monitor and encourage con- SECRETARY ACCOUNTING ` tinuing improvement at Easterwood Airport. ■ Continue monitoring the now approved improve- ments to Highway 6 South and Highway 21 and explore other street and highway needs which may Mary Brannen' affect this area. CONVENTION R►yayea -i SERVICES SECRETARY ■ Explore the need and feasibility of a city transit system and report results to the appropriate govern- mental agencies. ,t r Joy Shelton Lee Schink INFORMATION INFORMATION SPECIALIST SPECIALIST j F.. t BOARD OF DIRECTORS Phil Adams Alton Bowen Fred Brown Cheryl Dean John Hughey Rick Hunsicker MASSACHUSETTS CITIZENS BANK FRED BROWN MAZDA-BMW DEAN & DEAN PERSONNEL O. I. CORPORATION WESTINGHOUSE MUTUAL LIFE 4. 4 t a r is r Don Martell Ken Martin Emil Ogden David Shellenberger Bill Vance John Williams THE STANFORD GROUP M & W RESTAURANTS CHAPARRAL MINERALS SHELLENBERGER S VANCE, BRUCHEZ & GOSS THE EAGLE i BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POST OFFICE BOX 726,401 SOUTH WASHINGTON, BRYAN, TEXAS 77806,(409)779-2278