HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-1984 Chamber of Commerce BookletCHAMBER OF COMMERCE BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION, TX Sunday, March 4, 1984 The Challenge Of Growth 1984 Program of Work 1983 in Review 1984 Banquet The Challenge of Growth The 1984 Chamber of Commerce Banquet will be held on Monday, March 5, 1984, at the Brazos Center. The theme, "The Challenge of Growth," reflects the Chamber's goals of helping Bryan - College Station become a recognized business community. Lewis Timberlake will be the Banquet speaker. Mr. Timberlake travels 200,000 miles a year appearing as a guest speaker and management consultant. He is a former state president and national vice president of the Jaycees and has served as state campaign manager for two Texas governors. He is billed as a Specialist in Suc- cess and as America's Apostle of Optimism. Marvin Tate, a member of the Chamber Board of Directors and a Bryan city councilman, will be Master of Ceremonies. Cheryl Dean is chairman of the Banquet Committee, which is handling arrangements. Committee members include Lisa Aldrich, Harold Dean, Faye McDonald, Arla Gammon, Muggs Gardener, Ed Latta, Terry Poindexter, Pat Siegert, Lucy Wendt and Peggy Calliham. The Banquet will be catered by Fish Richard's. Marvin Tate Master of Ceremonies Cheryl Dean Banquet Chairman This page sponsored by BrazosBanc Savings Association of Texas Main Office: 2800 Texas Ave. / Bryan, TX 77802 / (409) 779 -2800 Page 2 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 The year 1984 wil good one for the College Station Chan Commerce. Never history of these munities have so man so involved in our cha The office relc issue which could become a disaster c� should become a ch, to be constructive — more could we Nobody says that I going to be an eas} but we have never c into a program of with a more knowledge of the f and interests of membership than w today. What we desp need right now is a p attitude in all endeavors. 302 W. 28 Qt i The year 1984 will be a good one for the Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce. Never in the history of these com- munities have so many been so involved in our chamber. The office relocation issue which could have become a disaster can and should become a challenge to be constructive — what more could we ask? Nobody says that 1984 is going to be an easy year, but we have never entered into a program of work with a more certain knowledge of the feelings and interests of our membership than we have today. What we desperately need right now is a positive attitude in all our endeavors. 1984: The Year Ahead Letter from the 1984 Chamber President Louis Newman To that end, our hope is to dramatically expand and intensify our tourist and convention efforts through our College Station bran- This page sponsored by • ch...and through a newly formed task force, just an- nounced, to make signifi- cant progress toward im- proving and restoring the downtown Bryan business district. All of this is in addition to the excellent program of work contained herein. This program can and will be ac- complished thanks to the inspired effort of your fine board of directors, ex- ecutive committee, commit- tee members and staff — to all of whom I owe my ut- most gratitude. I am indeed honored to have the opportunity to serve as your Chamber president. Louis M. Newman III 1984 Chamber President Newman Printing Company, Inc. 302 W. 28th 779 -7700 uality - Continuous Printing Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 3 R. J. "Rip" Adams Agriculture Division CARPETS and VINYL FLOOR COVERING John Williams Convention & Visitors Bureau CRRPARR'S £110T Comm C mf Our Customers Come First" 1700 Villa Maria Bryan, Texas 713 - 823 -8191 1984 Vice Presidents ...C, Nancy Crouch Commercial Division This page sponsored by WALL COVERING P age 4 Bryan- College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Ben ardema Community Affairs Division John Hughey Education Division offered by brazosland realty services, inc. 846.5735 William Muse Industrial Division Emil Tran 3313 TEX/ Open 9am -9pi William Muse Industrial Division Emil Ogden Transportation Division WAL- MART 1984 Vice Presidents Lee Cargill Organization Division This page sponsored by Reba Ragsdale Treasurer Ken Martin Public Relations Division GAL'ERY DATSUN 3313 TEXAS AVE Open 9am -9pm Mon -Sat I 1214 Texas Avenue775 -1500 Objectives of the Agriculture Division are: to increase the awareness of the role agriculture plays in the community; to help activate Chamber participation among the members of the agriculture community; and to support and en- courage youth agriculture activities in Brazos County. The division will consist of three committees. i Agriculture Advisory Committee, Jimmy Brown chairman •Provide assistance to the other agriculture committees, act as a liaison to the agriculture extension office, and pro- vide seminars for the agriculture commit- tee for their benefit and betterment. *Assist A &M with its Field Day. •Look into the possible need for an Agriculture Outlook Conference. •Explore possibilities of developing a Brazos County Fair in conjunction with the Youth Livestock Show and /or Brazos de Dios Rodeo. •Assist the County Extension Service Bryan Production Credit 50 yrs of Assoc. Dependable Credit For Agricultural Box 271 822 -2016 1984 Program of Work Agriculture Division This page sponsored by I with advertising, promotion and spon- sorship of Brazos County Hay Show. Livestock Show Committee, Milton Lightsey chairman *Provide support from the business community in the ongoing enhancement of the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. •Assist the Extension Service and FFA in advertising and promoting the Youth Livestock Show. Agriculture Recognition Committee, Vince Patranella chairman •Plan and sponsor a recognition ban- quet for outstanding community members in the area of agriculture. •Review and /or revise rules for selec- tion process. *Provide for promotion and publicity of the recognition banquet. R.J. "Rip" Adams Vice President Babcock & Wilcox Tubular Products Group 1700 Independence Ave Bryan, Texas 77801 Objectives of the are to provide an inf members of the busi serve as a liaison to plan and sponsor till Conference. The di committees. Small Business Co chairman *To develop and an educational natur business in Bryan -Co *To develop a sf Public Library that formation of use to s *To establish a Bryan- College Statio outstanding business and /or state recognit Community Alliam Brown chairman *Provide input to of Directors concern terests of minority p community. HOME CARE SERVICES CLEANS MY HOUSE Qualit work by Profsoolonalo CALL 846. Objectives of the Commercial Division are to provide an informational service to members of the business community and serve as a liaison to the Chamber, and to plan and sponsor the Economic Outlook Conference. The division includes four committees. Small Business Council, Al Scazzaro chairman •To develop and sponsor seminars of an educational nature for persons in small business in Bryan - College Station. "To develop a section of the Bryan Public Library that would contain in- formation of use to small businesses. •To establish a program whereby Bryan- College Station would nominate an outstanding business person for national and /or state recognition. Community Affiance Committee, Bill Brown chairman *Provide input to the Chamber Board of Directors concerning the needs and in- terests of minority people in the business community. SEBVICIES CLEANS MY CALL NOW. HOUSE 846 -7759 Quality Work by Professionals 1984 Program of Work I have time to relax... Commercial Division This page sponsored by "To so involve the minority community in the Chamber that the committee will no longer need to serve as a liaison. Petroleum & Energy Committee, John Bethancourt chairman * Legislative subcommittee. •Information subcommittee. ' Technical subcommittee. •Act as a representative of the Chamber to the oil industry. Business Forum Committee, Nancy Bar- ron and Cindy Miller co- chairmen 'Develop a business network whereby members of the business community can discuss items of mutual concern and share ideas unique to their company. Downtown Bryan Revitalization Task Force, Travis Bryan Jr. chairman *Work with the Downtown Business Association and the Bryan Development Foundation toward the improvement of the downtown Bryan area. Nancy Crouch Vice President Arbth • College Station Illiimii) Southwest Parkway (next to Pelican's Wharf) /f xe to 74463.:i.. Foa &toot. TWO Locations: 0 Bryan E. 29th St. (Across tram Bryan High) The object of this division will be to provide those services and programs designed to maintain and enhance the quality of life in our community by en- couraging and promoting better law en- forcement, better health services and ade- quate leadership training. The division consists of four committees. Health Services Committee, Don Sweeny chairman *Assist local health care facilities in developing a comprehensive health ser- vices networking system to identify available services. *To make available to the public a brochure describing all the local health care facilities. •Actively involve physicians and other professional persons in the program of the Chamber of Commerce. *Provide input to state and national agencies requesting certificates of need for expanding hospital facilities for the e Manufacturer and supplier of quality recognition awards and industrial castings. BEN HARDEMAN, PRESIDENT J roan- College Station Eagle Sunda 1984 Program of Work Community Affairs This page sponsored by March 4, 1984 Bryan - College Station area. Civic Recognition Committee, Jim Wright chairman *Develop a systematic program whereby individuals and business are recognized for their accomplishments and contributions to improve the communities of Bryan and College Station. hcibl�,b�J Bryan, Tx 846 -7788 Brazos, H. Ray Smith Leadership chairman *Direct the continued improvement of the established Leadership Brdazos Pro- gram by developing curriculum, evalua- tions and other needs as they arise. Leadership Brazos Advisory Committee, Judy Rychlik chairman *Act as an advisory council for the Leadership Brazos Program in helping with special situations and problems as they arise. Ben Hardeman Vice President Object of this c courage tourism and in Bryan - College Sta eludes three committ Convention Commit *Hire a person tc the Bryan - College c ventions and meeting *Establish a dire( visitation prograr, organizations will b( district conferences Bryan - College Static *Continue to Hotel /Motel Associ College Station are convention /visitor ai "Bec Object of this committee is to en- courage tourism and convention activities in Bryan - College Station. The division in- cludes three committees. Convention Committee *Hire a person to travel and promote the Bryan - College Station area for con- ventions and meetings. *Establish a direct mail and personal visitation program whereby local organizations will be invited to host their district conferences and conventions in Bryan- College Station area. *Continue to work with the Hotel /Motel Association in the Bryan - College Station area to further enhance convention /visitor activities for the area. 1984 Program of Work Convention & Visitors Bureau This page sponsored by "Because You Need To Know" Br an- College Station rg 1 e Visitor Information Committee *Maintain and expand current services available to the traveling public in the area of information. *Continue to expand the Mini Tours to interesting places in the Brazos Valley. *Endeavor to publish and maintain new material that will be of assistance to both visitors and local people. Motion Picture & Television Committee, Glynn Williams Jr. chairman *Attract motion pictures and original television production to Bryan - College Station, and assist the Texas Film Com- mission in any area necessary. John Williams Vice President Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 9 The objective of the Education Division is to recognize the impact of public educa- tion on the business community and develop a working relationship with public and private schools. The division consists of three committees. Secondary Education *Provide information to local schools in the form of classroom lectures and tours of industry, both as business people and members of the Chamber. Post - Secondary Education *Work together with the post- O.I. Corp. P.O. Box 2980 Bryan 693 -1711 1984 Program of Work Education Division This page sponsored by Page 10 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 secondary institutions in the community and provide mutual support and informa- tion and share common resources. Education as an Industry •Recognize the economic impact educa- tion has on the community, and develop viable ways to acknowledge and work with this part of the community. *Sponsor the Welcome Back Aggies Luncheon and the Vocational Student Luncheon in appreciation of the school system. Burger Boy 300 N. Texas Bryan 822 -7496 John Hughey Vice President Object of the Inc develop programs firms interested in County. In doing with Industrial Fc organizations and an interest in attra area. The Industrial C tee wll be compos Object of the Industrial Division is to develop programs to assist industrial firms interested in locating in Brazos • County. In doing so, it will cooperate with Industrial Foundations or other organizations and individuals who have an interest in attracting industry to this area. The Industrial Development Commit- tee wll be composed of representatives 1984 Program of Work Industrial Division This page sponsored by from the Brazos County Industrial Foun- dation, the College Statidn Industrial Development Foundation, the Bryan Development Foundation, and the Texas A &M Research Park. The committee has developed procedures for industrial recruitment that is coordinated by the In- dustrial Division. Bill Muse Vice President TOWNSHIRE CENTER 1905 TEXAS AVE. BRYAN 822 -7581 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 ' Page 11 Page 12 Object is to assist the Chamber staff in providing guidelines and methods to pro- duce a more efficient organization. The division will consist of four committees. Blazers, Steve Aldrich president *Plan and direct a spring and fall (if needed) membership drive to generate a minimum of $24,000 in new membership dues for the year. Membership Meetings Committee, Peggy Calliham chairman *Plan meetings in various divisions for the entire Chamber membership to in- form them of current activities. •Plan and conduct the 1985 Annual Chamber Banquet. 1984 Program of Work Organization Division This page sponsored by RepublicBank TOGETHER WE MAKE IT HAPPEN 1 l 1 University Drive East P.O. Box 2860 College Station, Texas 77841 409/846 -5721 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Staff Evaluation Committee, Louis Newman chairman *Continue the evaluation of the Chamber of Commerce staff on a regular, systematic basis. Operations and Procedures Evaluation Committee, H. Ray Smith chairman *Develop comprehensive job descrip- tions for Chamber employees. •Implement a total computer system for the Chamber Office, including membership information, billing, and ac- counting procedures, to ensure a profes- sional, adequate and correct information system. Lee Cargill Vice President Member FDIC Object of the Publ is to present and corn ple of Bryan - Colley ship role the Chambt and maintaining a social climate in the c sion includes five con Holiday Parade Lewis chairman *Plan and produ( Parade. Community & Area *Convey to the B community a posi Chamber of Comme Speakers Bureau •Continue the pi Representative to s 5 R 29th & E Br 779- 7 Object of the Public Relations Division is to present and communicate to the peo- ple of Bryan - College Station the leader- ship role the Chamber plays in developing and maintaining a good business and social climate in the community. The divi- sion includes five committees. Holiday Parade Committee, Rodger Lewis chairman *Plan and produce the 1984 Holiday Parade. Community & Area Image Committee •Convey to the Bryan - College Station community a positive image of the Chamber of Commerce. Speakers Bureau *Continue the program of Chamber Representative to speak at meetings of STAR FURNITURE 29th & Briarcrest Bryan 779 -9581 This page sponsored by 1984 Program of Work Public Relations Division clubs and organizations in the communi- ty. Governmental Affairs Committee, Phil Adams chairman *Plan and produce legislative breakfasts. Community Information Committee *Produce a professional newsletter on a quarterly basis to inform the community of the Chamber's activities. *Provide a liaison to Texas A &M to utilize its information system, both educa- tional and cultural. •In conjunction with the Community & Area Image Committee, further develop an audio- visual tape to promote a good image and inform the community of Chamber activities. Ken Martin Vice President ANYTHING TO BUILD Parker Lumber Co. EVERYTHING Quality Building (1, , TRIAL , RESIDENli% M1 t11 AND COMMERCIA Products - i 419 N. Main Bryan • NEW ROMS 822 -5641 or 822 -5042 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 fr • WILDING MATERIALS ■ Page 13 7 The object of the Transportation Divi- sion is to help ensure the Bryan - College Station area is provided with the transpor- tation methods necessary to stimulate growth. The division consists of two com- mittees. Air Transportation Committee •Provide an active liaison to the Federal Aviation Administration. *Place surveys concerning the airport and its services in places of business to solicit public response. •Help establish a fixed base operator at the airport, a radar, an avionics base, and check the possibility of lowering fares. Road Committee *Develop viable evacuation routes out of the cities. *Continue to work for improvements on the East and West Bypass and other Chaparral Minerals P.O. Box 10134 College Station Page 14 Bryan - College Station Eagle 1984 Program of Work Transportation Division This page sponsored by major arteries into and out of the cities. *Continue to encourage membership by local citizens and business in the Texas Good Roads — Transportation Associa- tion to further ensure that the transporta- tion concerns of Bryan - College Station are emphasized in Austin. *Continue liaison meetings with local state legislators, and the Department of Highways and Public Transportation. *Continue to be involved in the Metropolitan Planning Organization. The Transportation Division also will: • Invite bullet train representatives back to let them know of our continued interest in train service through Bryan - College Station. * Work with travel agencies and motels to encourage use of local air service. Emil Ogden Vice President NDY ERRERA REALTY "We put our heart into finding you a home." ■ 2714 Finfeather Bryan 7754980 Sunday, March 4, 1984 i I Object is to oversee tion of the Chambet maintan all books at of the Chamber. Dues Evaluation Com This is a standing c treasurer chairs. Its p the dues status in the l Main Lobby Hours: Monday- Thursday 9: Friday 9: Motor Bank Hours: Monday- Friday 7: Saturday 9:01 1 Object is to oversee the financial condi- tion of the Chamber of Commerce and maintan all books and financial records of the Chamber. Dues Evaluation Committee This is a standing committee which the treasurer chairs. Its purpose is to evaluate the dues status in the Chamber. Main Monday- Thursday Friday Lobby Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Motor Bank Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 1984 Program of Work Treasurer This page sponsored by TEXANANATIONALBANK OF COLLEGE STATION MEMBER FDIC Budget Committee This is also a standing committee, con- sisting of the Executive Committee. It is the treasurer's responsibility to accept budget requests, review them, and present them to the Executive Committee in the form of an annual budget. Reba Ragsdale Treasurer Location: 701 Harvey Road College Station Mailing Address: Post Office Box 10130 College Station, Texas 77840 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 15 Rip Adams Bryan Production Credit Peggy Calliham College Station Community Center smolt � 1984 Board of Directors Alton Bowen Citizens Bank Lee Cargill Republic Bank A &M This page sponsored by CASA OLE' FINE MEXICAN FOOD POST OAK MALL C/S 764 -0933 Page 16 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 J. Russell Bradley D.D.S. Nancy Crouch Home Care Services Dean Dyer First City National Bai Joh A 1502 S. T Dean Dyer first City National Bank Ramiro Galindo RAG, Inc. John Hughey 0.i. Corporation 1984 Board of Directors This page sponsored by Pat Humphries Petal Patch Aggieland Hotel Ben Hardeman OMC Industries 502 S. Texas Ave. College Station 693 -9891 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 17 Rich Hurisicker Westinghouse Ken Martin M &W Restaurants Westinghouse Electric Corp. Westinghouse...a powerful part of your life. 7807 East Bypass - College Station, TX 1984 Board of Directors Larry Linder Don Martell Western National Bank Metro Properties 71 ud ididiwli iN itVil i�IWiull ili W6 uIII ll li iii it onililii�u WVhYtIiWYV)�WIi i�YtlYLiLW.�JI This page sponsored by Dr. William Muse Texas A &M University Page 18 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 INC. BRAZOS VALLEY CONCRETE 696-1719 BRAZOS VALLEY LUMBER 693 -2111 BRAZOS BRICK & TILE 693-2111 Louis Newman Newman Printing Janic Mani 1 OOMPLE7pN Louis Newman Newman Printing Janice Ray Manpower, Inc. ODAIPLE7ION .it i .) kielS 1984 Board of Directors Emil Ogden Chaparral Minerals This page sponsored by Reba Ragsdale Automated Clerical Services Rusty Rush R. Rush & Company Manufacturer of downhole OIL TOOLS 1800 Shiloh Ave, P.O. Box 4827 Bryan, TEXAS 77805 -4827 Tel. (713) 775 -9413 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 19 1 Pat Siegert Jim Scamardo University National Bank Unitedbank College Station Marvin Tate Courtney & Tate N ;' : I OFFICE SUPPLY Now in the Townshire Shopping Center. 2015 Texas Avenue Bryan 775-0911 Page 20 Bryan - College Station Eagle 1984 Board of Directors This page sponsored by H. Ray Smith Texas A &M University John Williams Bryan- College Station Eagle 775 -3000 REALTY WORLD Sunbelt Realty 1128 Villa Maria "We Found It Just For You" Sunday, March 4, 1984 The Blazers have et as Goodwill Ambas munity for the Cham Led by President President Annette c Debbie Cooper, the goal of $24,000 in n year. President Aldricl organization's goals strengthen ties and it munication between tors and the Blaze] . Steve Aldrich Blazers President A.G. Edwards A.G.Edv Inv 1119 Villa N The Blazers have entered their 13th year as Goodwill Ambassadors to the com- munity for the Chamber of Commerce. Led by President Steve Aldrich, Vice President Annette Schilt, and Secretary Debbie Cooper, the Blazers have set a goal of $24,000 in new memberships this year. President Aldrich said one of the organization's goals for the year is to strengthen ties and increase effective com- munication between the Board of Direc- tors and the Blazers. He also said the Steve Aldrich Blazers President A.G. Edwards 1984 Blazers Blazers would like to better inform pro- spective Chamber members of the ad- vantages and benefits of Chamber membership. Aldrich said the Blazers will also seek to inform people of the individual member- ships available. "Every person who does business in the Brazos Valley should be a member of the Chamber of Commerce," Aldrich said. Anyone is eligible to join as an in- dividual, in addition to the traditional business membership. Annette Schilt Blazers Vice President KTAM -KORA Radio This page sponsored by A.G.IEdwards & Sons, Inc. Investments Since 1887 , 1119 Villa Maria / Bryan, Texas 77801 (713) 846 -7703 Debbie Cooper Blazers Secretary KTAM -KORA Radio a Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 21 Lisa Aldrich Comfort Zones Pat Collette NPC Realty 1984 Blazers Holiday Inn, South 1503 Texas C/S 693 -1736 This page sponsored by ,I Page 22 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Peggy Calliham Lee Cargill College Station Community Center Republic Bank A &M Cheryl Dean Dean's Temporary Services Dean's Temporary Services �; 3833 Texas DEANS Suite 416 • a i� 260 -91.94 Steve Dunlap Texas Copy canon 330/320E FA X John Kuss BrazosBank Savings Association 1984 Blazers Mary Mike Hatcher WTAW Radio • " 11J1 1 II Ytl i,aeu This page sponsored by Mary Newton PrioriTeas Bob Kee Newman Printing TEXAS COPY Canon 1603 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 (Culpepper Plaza) Sales /Service: (409) 693 -9986 NP Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 23 Sabrina Rhodes First City National Bank Marsha Sanford Brazosland Realty 1984 Blazers J.J. Ruffino J.J.'s Package Store Chris Schilt This page sponsored by Page 24 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Lucy Wendt Peggy Sampson The Bookery Bryan- College Station Ea le Business & Communication Services First City National Bank of Bryan e miRgraW. REACHING FURTHUR. DOING MORE. Al SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN, TEXAS 77105 • MEMBER FDIC • Leadership Brazos is seek out the finest yoi College Station and pi tions of public and pries The program is aimei of well - informed and w women qualified to ass'; leadership roles in Bra gram seeks to develop and leadership skills thi full -day sessions, one through May. Program citizen leaders and spec as well as academicians. lectures, dialogue amc visits, and audience inter Upon completion o ticipants are eligible fc Leadership Brazos Alun serves to continue the development and to give personal and profession, and to individuals fron ship Brazos classes. Leadership Brazos is a College Station Chamb Executive Committee di Board of Advisors of community leaders give matters as curriculum, and potential participant The Leadership Brazo Steven H. Aldrich, A. G. David 0. Branham, TMI Carl A. Biggs, Homestea Bill E. Brown, Texas Inst B01 Leadership Brazos is a program designed to seek out the finest young leaders in Bryan - College Station and prepare them for posi- tions of public and private decision making. The program is aimed at developing a pool of well - informed and well- motivated men and women qualified to assume present and future leadership roles in Brazos County. The pro- gram seeks to develop community knowledge and leadership skills through a series of eight full -day sessions, one each month October through May. Program resources come from citizen leaders and specialists in urban fields, as well as academicians. The sessions combine lectures, dialogue among speakers, on -site visits, and audience interaction. Upon completion of the program, par- ticipants are eligible for membership in the Leadership Brazos Alumni Association which serves to continue the process of leadership development and to give each of its members personal and professional access to each other and to individuals from subsequent Leader- ship Brazos classes. Leadership Brazos is a project of the Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce. An Executive Committee directs the program. A Board of Advisors of approximately fifty community leaders gives guidance on such matters as curriculum, programs, speakers, and potential participants. The Leadership Brazos Class of 1983 -84: Steven H. Aldrich, A. G. Edwards David O. Branham, TMPA Carl A. Biggs, Homestead Savings Association Bill E. Brown, Texas Instruments i Leadership Brazos Frederick H. Brown, Fred Brown Mazda - BMW Peggy L. Calliham, College Station Community Center Debbie Dale Cooper, KTAM /KORA Nancy L. Crouch, Home Care Services Cheryl L. Dean, Dean's Temporary Services Jan H. Dozier, First National Bank Bonnie C. Fails, Employee Assistance Center Renee Barsalou Frisbie, Stanford Associates, Inc. Ronald L. Gay, KTAM /KORA Guy Gorden, Bryan Independent School District Nicholas Hernandez Jr., Ken Martin Family Restaurants Robert Kee, Newman Printing Christopher J. Kling, Lawrence, Thornton, Payne, Watson & Kling Eugene D. Lyles Jr., Robinson & Lyles Davis G. Mayes, Bryan - College Station Eagle Jeffrey McDowell, Brazosland Realty William T. McFall, Serv Inc. Dennis W. McGill, Dillon & Giesenschlag G. Philip Morley, G. Philip Morley & Associates Robert L. Orozco, Attorney at Law Rick Pilger, Pilger Tire & Auto Center Reba C. Ragsdale, Automated Clerical Services Nikki Ann Ravey, Southwest Printing Sabrina K. Rhodes, First City National Bank Christian R. Schilt, Bryan - College Station Eagle Charles D. Shellenberger, Shellenberger's Valeen A. Silvy, Brazos Valley Museum Celia R. Stallings, University Title Company William S. Steele, Lawrence, Thornton, Payne, Watson & Kling Robert J. Stennis, First City National Bank Frank J..Varisco, Unitedbank College Station Troy P. Wakefield Jr., Wakefield Corp. & Dreamers Oil Inc. John D. Wallace, GTE Daniel John Weber, Lone Star Gas E. A. Wentrcek Jr., Brazos County Government Bonnie T. Yarbrough, Arts Council of Brazos Valley This page sponsored by g01GAS1A8d SaV10g8 ASSOp8110A Your Family Financial Center Bryan- College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 25 Thank you for the honor of serving as your 1983 Chamber President. A major effort was made to encourage positive in- put from the Chamber membership this year. Membership meetings were held throughout the year to keep the members current on a variety of subjects and pro- grams important to our com- munity and Chamber. A Hotel -Motel Association was established and encouraged to participate with the Chamber in the development of signifi- cant materials designed to help convention solicitation ef- forts. The Leadership Brazos Program was initiated to en- courage informed and positive participation in our communi- ty organizations and govern- ment. This program should continue to support quality living and communication in our community for many years to come. The Chamber Speakers Bureau was initiated so that community organiza- tions and clubs might have ac- cess to a chamber represen- tative who would speak at their meetings about our com- munity Chamber function and current programs. This activi- We Have MPEICT 24-Hour Teller Service Page 26 1983 in Review Jim Scamardo ty was very well received. The Community Alliance Commit- tee was developed to address the needs of local minorities. We also placed suggestion boxes in each Chamber of Commerce office in order to solicit membership input and participation. There was a significant membership participation from a balanced cross section of the community at the com- mittee level, board meetings and general membership in This page sponsored by We Make It Work (1, UNITED BANK College Station Culpepper Plaza at Texas Ave. 693 -1414 Member FDIC Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Letter from the 1983 Chamber President relation to the possible con- solidation and relocation of the Chamber offices. I would like to congratulate and thank Red Cashion, Sam Gillespie, John Williams, and Don Martell as well as the other committee members for volunteering their professional and personal participation in this program. We learned a lot about our community con- cerns and our Chamber organization itself. I see the process as an open exchange of opinions and as a growing experience for our total com- munity. I hope that, in the end, we have a stronger Chamber of Commerce because we understand one another better, and that we will respond to the feelings, concerns and goals for Bryan - College Station as a total economic community. I hope that eventually we can build an even stronger friendship through a 50/50 partnership between Bryan and College Station based on cooperation, respect, and trust. Membership participation in an excellent series of Small Business Council seminars during the year was high. The development of a professional Lobby Hours: Mon - Thurs 9-4 Friday 9-6 Drive In Hours: Mon - Friday 7 -7 Saturday 8 -5 Pat Siegert Agriculture Divisic 1983 Preside industrial rec brochure should proof a positive effect on o bined industrial deve efforts for years to co highly effective Inte mental Liaison Cc was established thro Transportation Divisii ed by John Hughey. and the Blazers are to gratulated for their St. Joseph Hi "Community Servi A Commitment Since 1935" 2801 Franciscan I • 779 -3777 Pat Siegert Agriculture Division 1983 President's Letter (continued) • industrial recruitment brochure should prove to have a positive effect on our com- bined industrial development efforts for years to come. The highly effective Intergovern- mental Liaison Committee was established through the Transportation Division head- ed by John Hughey. Bob Kee and the Blazers are to be con- gratulated for their positive ...C1 1983 Vice Presidents j) Ben Hardeman Commercial Division Chamber efforts during 1983 and for generating the largest amount of membership dues income in the history of the Chamber. Please join me in saying thank you to Ben Hardeman, Alton Bowen, Louis Newman, Bill Muse, Tony Jones, Celia Stallings, Ramiro Galindo, Pat Siegert, and Churchill Jones, John Hughey, Larry Alton Bowen Community Affairs Division Linder, and the Board of Directors for their efforts in 1983. By all personal and pro- fessional standards, Louis Newman is an exceptional in- dividual and we are fortunate to have him as our Chamber President in 1984. Now I ask that you please join me in giv- ing him our support. Jim Scamardo 1983 President St. Joseph Hospital "Community Service - A Commitment Since 1935" 2801 Franciscan Dr. Bryan 779 -3777 This page sponsored by i� Bryan - College Station Eagle Alenco A. Division of Redman Building Products. 615 Carson Bryan, Texas The "A" Team Designed for Beauty, Engineered for Excellence. Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 27 The Blazers have entered their 13th year as Goodwill Ambassadors to the com- munity for the Chamber of Commerce. Led by President Steve Aldrich, Vice President Annette Schilt, and Secretary Debbie Cooper, the Blazers have set a goal of $24,000 in new memberships this year. President Aldrich said one of the organization's goals for the year is to strengthen ties and increase effective com- munication between the Board of Direc- tors and the Blazers. He also said the Steve Aldrich Blazers President A.G. Edwards 1984 Blazers Annette Schilt Blazers Vice President KTAM -KORA Radio This page sponsored by A.G.IEdwards & Sons, Inc. Blazers would like to better inform pro- spective Chamber members of the ad- vantages and benefits of Chamber membership. Aldrich said the Blazers will also seek to inform people of the individual member- ships available. "Every person who does business in the Brazos Valley should be a member of the Chamber of Commerce," Aldrich said. Anyone is eligible to join as an in- dividual, in addition to the traditional business membership. Debbie Cooper Blazers Secretary KTAM -KORA Radio Investments Since 1887 1119 Villa Maria / Bryan, Texas 77801 (713) 846 -7703 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 21 Lisa Aldrich Comfort Zones Pat Collette NPC Realty Holiday Inn, South 1503 Texas �w^' C/S 693 -1736 1984 Blazers Peggy Calliham College Station Community Center This page sponsored by A Page 22 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Cheryl Dean Dean's Temporary Services Lee Cargill Republic Bank A &M Dean's Temporary Services 3833 Texas Suite 416 260 -91 Steve Dunlap Tex Copy John Kus BrazosBc T Steve Dunlap Texts Copy John Kuss BrazosBank Savings Association 1603 Texas Ave. (Culpepper Plaza) 1984 Blazers Mary Mike Hatcher WTAW Radio This page sponsored by Mary Newton PrioriTeas College Station, TX 77840 Sales /Service: (409) 693 -9986 10 II II Iii III I Bob Kee Newman Printing TEXAS COPY Canon NP PLAN PAPO4 =PERS Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 23 Sabrina Rhodes First City National Bank Marsha Sanford Brazosland Realty 1984 Blazers J.J. Ruffino J.J.'s Package Store This page sponsored by Page 24 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Peggy Sampson The Bookery Chris Schilt Lucy Wendt Bryan - College Station Eagle Business & Communication Services First City National Bank of Bryan IRsrCI1Y REACHING FURTHUR. DOING MORE. J01 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN, TEXAS 77106 • MEMBER FDIC Leadership Brazos is seek out the finest yol College Station and pi tions of public and priv; The program is aime of well - informed and w women qualified to asst leadership roles in Bra gram seeks to develop c and leadership skills thi full -day sessions, one through May. Program citizen leaders and spec as well as academicians. lectures, dialogue am( visits, and audience inte. Upon completion o ticipants are eligible fc Leadership Brazos Alur serves to continue the development and to giv personal and profession and to individuals fror ship Brazos classes. Leadership Brazos is College Station Chamb Executive Committee di Board of Advisors of community leaders give matters as curriculum, and potential participant The Leadership Brazo Steven H. Aldrich, A. G. David 0. Branham, TMI Carl A. Biggs, Homestea Bill E. Brown, Texas Inst 801 Leadership Brazos is a program designed to seek out the finest young leaders in Bryan - College Station and prepare them for posi- tions of public and private decision making. The program is aimed at developing a pool of well- informed and well- motivated men and women qualified to assume present and future leadership roles in Brazos County. The pro- gram seeks to develop community knowledge and leadership skills through a series of eight full -day sessions, one each month October through May. Program resources come from citizen leaders and specialists in urban fields, as well as academicians. The sessions combine lectures, dialogue among speakers, on -site visits, and audience interaction. Upon completion of the program, par- ticipants are eligible for membership in the Leadership Brazos Alumni Association which serves to continue the process of leadership development and to give each of its members personal and professional access to each other and to individuals from subsequent Leader- ship Brazos classes. Leadership Brazos is a project of the Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce. An Executive Committee directs the program. A Board of Advisors of approximately fifty community leaders gives guidance on such matters as curriculum, programs, speakers, and potential participants. The Leadership Brazos Class of 1983 -84: Steven H. Aldrich, A. G. Edwards David O. Branham, TMPA Carl A. Biggs, Homestead Savings Association Bill E. Brown, Texas Instruments Leadership Brazos Frederick H. Brown, Fred Brown Mazda - BMW Peggy L. Calliham, College Station Community Center Debbie Dale Cooper, KTAM /KORA Nancy L. Crouch, Home Care Services Cheryl L. Dean, Dean's Temporary Services Jan H. Dozier, First National Bank Bonnie C. Fails, Employee Assistance Center Renee Barsalou Frisbie, Stanford Associates, Inc. Ronald L. Gay, KTAM /KORA Guy Gorden, Bryan Independent School District Nicholas Hernandez Jr., Ken Martin Family Restaurants Robert Kee, Newman Printing Christopher J. Kling, Lawrence, Thornton, Payne, Watson & Kling Eugene D. Lyles Jr., Robinson & Lyles Davis G. Mayes, Bryan - College Station Eagle Jeffrey McDowell, Brazosland Realty William T. McFall, Serv Inc. Dennis W. McGill, Dillon & Giesenschlag G. Philip Morley, G. Philip Morley & Associates Robert L. Orozco, Attorney at Law Rick Pilger, Pilger Tire & Auto Center Reba C. Ragsdale, Automated Clerical Services Nikki Ann Ravey, Southwest Printing Sabrina K. Rhodes, First City National Bank Christian R. Schilt, Bryan - College Station Eagle Charles D. Shellenberger, Shellenberger's Valeen A. Silvy, Brazos Valley Museum Celia R. Stallings, University Title Company William S. Steele, Lawrence, Thornton, Payne, Watson & Kling Robert J. Stennis, First City National Bank Frank J..Varisco, Unitedbank College Station Troy P. Wakefield Jr., Wakefield Corp. & Dreamers Oil Inc. John D. Wallace, GTE Daniel John Weber, Lone Star Gas E. A. Wentrcek Jr., Brazos County Government Bonnie T. Yarbrough, Arts Council of Brazos Valley This page sponsored by !ornestsa Savings Ausciation Your Family Financial Center Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 25 Thank you for the honor of serving as your 1983 Chamber President. A major effort was made to encourage positive in- put from the Chamber membership this year. Membership meetings were held throughout the year to keep the members current on a variety of subjects and pro- grams important to our com- munity and Chamber. A Hotel -Motel Association was established and encouraged to participate with the Chamber in the development of signifi- cant materials designed to help convention solicitation ef- forts. The Leadership Brazos Program was initiated to en- courage informed and positive participation in our communi- ty organizations and govern- ment. This program should continue to support quality living and communication in our community for many years to come. The Chamber Speakers Bureau was initiated so that community organiza- tions and clubs might have ac- cess to a chamber represen- tative who would speak at their meetings about our com- munity Chamber function and current programs. This activi- We Have MPfCT 24 -Hour Teller Service 1983 in Review Letter from the 1983 Chamber President Jim Scamardo ty was very well received. The Community Alliance Commit- tee was developed to address the needs of local minorities. We also placed suggestion boxes in each Chamber of Commerce office in order to solicit membership input and participation. There was a significant membership participation from a balanced cross section of the community at the com- mittee level, board meetings and general membership in This page sponsored by We Make It Work ti UNITED BANK College Station Culpepper Plaza at Texas Ave. 693 -1414 Member FDIC Page 26 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 relation to the possible con- solidation and relocation of the Chamber offices. I would like to congratulate and thank Red Cashion, Sam Gillespie, John Williams, and Don Martell as well as the other committee members for volunteering their professional and personal participation in this program. We learned a lot about our community con- cerns and our Chamber organization itself. I see the process as an open exchange of opinions and as a growing experience for our total com- munity. I hope that, in the end, we have a stronger Chamber of Commerce because we understand one another better, and that we will respond to the feelings, concerns and goals for Bryan - College Station as a total economic community. I hope that eventually we can build an even stronger friendship through a 50/50 partnership between Bryan and College Station based on cooperation, respect, and trust. Membership participation in an excellent series of Small Business Council seminars during the year was high. The development of a professional Lobby Hours: Mon - Thurs 9-4 Friday 9-6 Drive In Hours: Mon - Friday 7 -7 Saturday 8-5 Pat Siegert Agriculture Divisio 1983 Preside industrial reci brochure should prove a positive effect on o bined industrial deve efforts for years to co . highly effective Intel mental Liaison Co was established throe Transportation Divisic ed by John Hughey. 1 and the Blazers are to gratulated for their St. Joseph HI "Community Servii A Commitment Since 1935" 2801 Franciscan [ 779-3777, Pat Siegert Agriculture Division 1983 President's Letter (continued) industrial recruitment brochure should prove to have a positive effect on our com- bined industrial development efforts for years to come. The highly effective Intergovern- mental Liaison Committee was established through the Transportation Division head- ed by John Hughey. Bob Kee and the Blazers are to be con- gratulated for their positive St. Joseph Hospital "Community Service - A Commitment Since 1935" 2801 Franciscan Dr. Bryan 779 -3777 1983 Vice Presidents Ben Hardeman Commercial Division Chamber efforts during 1983 and for generating the largest amount of membership dues income in the history of the Chamber. Please join me in saying thank you to Ben Hardeman, Alton Bowen, Louis Newman, Bill Muse, Tony Jones, Celia Stallings, Ramiro Galindo, Pat Siegert, and Churchill Jones, John Hughey, Larry This page sponsored by it Alton Bowen Community Affairs Division Linder, and the Board of Directors for their efforts in 1983. By all personal and pro- fessional standards, Louis Newman is an exceptional in- dividual and we are fortunate to have him as our Chamber President in 1984. Now I ask that you please join me in giv- ing him our support. Jim Scamardo 1983 President Alenco A. Division of Redman Building Products. 615 Carson Bryan, Texas The "A" Team Designed for Beauty, Engineered for Excellence. Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 27 Louis Newman Convention & Visitors Bureau A Ramiro Galindo Public Relations Division [•1 • ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY 1418 Texas Ave. S. Redmond Terrace Shopping Center College Station, 693 -9883 Page 28 Bryan- College Station Eagle 1983 Vice Presidents William Muse Industrial Division John Hughey Transportation Division This page sponsored by Sunday, March 4, 1984 Celia Stallings Organization Division Larry Linder Treasurer TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 3801 Harvey Rd. College Station, Tx 77840 696 -4589 The Agriculture goals of recognizit plays in the Bryan munity. Along these lino sored the Youth March. Outstand agrciulture commu; the Chamber's Bryan 711 Univers The Agriculture Division pursued its goals of recognizing the role agriculture plays in the Bryan - College Station Com- munity. Along these lines, the division spon- sored the Youth Livestock Show in March. Outstanding people in the agrciulture community were recognized at the Chamber's annual Agriculture 1983 in Review Agriculture Division 'his Page Sponsored By NATIONAL BANK Recognition Banquet on November 22, 1983. The committee continues to seek fur- ther ways to draw agriculture related per- sonnel into Chamber activities, and to en- courage Chamber interest in the agriculture community. Pat Siegert Vice President Bryan - College Station's "Good Business" Bank 711 University Drive, College Station, Tx. 77841 846 -8751 MEMBER FDIC Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 29 r The Commercial Division kept active this year with the Small Business Council providing various seminars throughout the year. January saw an Anti - Shoplifting Seminar; Financial Planning was held in February; March ushered in a Microcom- puter training and information session; Customer Relations was taught in April; in May, the Small Business Council spon- sored Personal Selling seminars and a Dialogue with the Eagle; A Telephone Seminar and Stress Management kept the committee busy in June; July brought two "hot" seminars, Cost Effective Advertis- ing, and How to Start Your Own Business (with part two being, "And Keep It Go- ing"); A Time Management Seminar was held in September; October was the spon- sor of another Anti - Shoplifting Seminar; A Dialogue with GTE and How to Apply 707 Shopping Village College Station 693 -7444 IAMANB ROAM When it has to be Special* 1983 in Review Commercial Division for a Business Loan were the topics of discussion in November; the year ended with a Hot Checks Seminar in December. A total of 1101 people attended our seminars. The SBC, chaired by Nancy Couch, was self- supporting. The Petroleum and Energy Committee, chaired by Emil Ogden, made a supreme effort to keep the community up -to -date and informed on the drilling progress of the Bryan Woodbine Field. They also sponsored a dinner with Secretary Ed- wards of the Department of Energy. In coordination with the Civil Defense, the Committee implemented a spill control program, and informed the foremen of techniques in combating a possible fire. The committee plans to keep working on general improvements of safety standards in this area. This page sponsored by 3731 E. 29th St. Bryan 846-4708 Page 30 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Ben Hardeman Vice President Il umana HOSPITAL. BRYAN- COLLEGE STATION 1305 Memorial Dr. Bryran 775 -4200 This division beg program this year — The first class of 40 kickoff reception on off the pioneer class tremendous, the pi superb, and this prof in popularity and future. The Health Service 1200 Briarcr This division began a very successful program this year — Leadership Brazos. The first class of 40 was chosen, and a kickoff reception on September 12 started off the pioneer class. Response has been tremendous, the programs have been superb, and this program is sure tQ grow in popularity and effectiveness in the future. The Health Services Committee held a 1200 Briarcrest Drive 1983 in Review Community Affairs Division This page sponsored by very successful Health Symposium on November 17. This brought members from all aspects of the health community together in an effort to form a health ser- vices network system to inform the entire community of local services available. A task force was formed for this purpose, and they are off to a positive start. Alton Bowen Vice President CITIZENS BANK 1 The Bank Where People Count! Bryan - College Station Eagle 779 -6666 Member FDIC Sunday, March 4, 1984 r Page 31 The Convention & Visitors Bureau has been working this year to promote Bryan - College Station as a convention site. Many new brochures have been published to facilitate convention solicitation. They include a Shopping Guide, Eating Guide, Lodging Guide, Historical Guide, Good Times (a guide to local entertainment), and an identity piece. A video presenta- tion for convention solicitation has also been developed, and has been presented to groups interested in Bryan - College Sta- tion as a possible convention site. The Convention & Visitors Bureau fields many requests for informational materials from persons interested in scheduling conferences, visiting, or relocating in the area. This service is often the first personal contact newcomers have with representatives of Bryan - College Sta- tion. The Texas Triathlon II, held in April, ECONOCLEAN 1983 in Review Convention & Visitors Bureau was a co- effort of the Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Bryan - College Station Athletic Federation. The race brought over 900 athletes and their families into our area for the weekend. Many top athletes in the field participated in this race, and it was praised as being well organized and professional. The Convention & Visitors Bureau also helped sponsor the Brazos de Dios Western Fiesta and Rodeo in April. This professional rodeo and arts and crafts show drew people from around the state to the area, as well as providing good entertainment for local citizens. The Hotel /Motel Association was established this year and has become a vital part in the effort to recruit conven- tions to our area. This page sponsored by P. 0. Box 4478 Bryan - 764 -8169 Ben C. Bailey 3601 Fast 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77801 846 -0070 Page 32 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Louis Newman Vice President Home: 693 -5591 1503 University Dr. College Station, Texas 77840 846 -1860 II The Industrial Di' major goal this year prehensive, yet brif regarding the four is community. "A Site came off the press many months of ph Janie Oft The Industrial Division accomplished a major goal this year in developing a com- prehensive, yet brief, information piece regarding the four industrial parks in our community. "A Site for Corporate Ayes" came off the press in November, after many months of planning and designing, 1983 in Review Industrial Division This page sponsored by and has been actively implemented in the industrial recruitment efforts. In addition, the Industrial Facts Books were updated and distributed to the four Industrial Parks. Janice Ray- Personal Consultant MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS OF BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION « .F, VV 693 -2200 693 -9946 707 Texas, Suite 106 College Station William Muse Vice President Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 33 The Blazers reached an all time high this year in sales, topping their goal of $22,000 with sales totaling approximately $33,500. There were several membershiP meetings this year. In January, Economic Outlook Conference was held at Texas A &M. "Water in the Brazos Valley" was the topic of the July member- ship meetings. In September, the Transportation Division co- sponsored a luncheon forum on transportation in our area. The Office Location Committee work- ed hard on the possible relocation and consolidation of the Chamber offices. 505 Church Ave ;409) 260 -9818 Company Post Office Drawer DT College Station, TX 77840 P age 34 Bryan - College Station Eagle 1983 in Review Organization Division The committee reviewed sites, and nar- rowed it down to two prime locations near the mid -point of the two communities. The choice was brought before the membership for a vote in October, and 92 percent of the members voting cast their ballots to move. The choice of site was chosen by a smaller margin, 316 -314 in favor of the Fed -mart site, over the Anco site. In another vote early in 1984, the move failed to receive a necessary two - thirds vote of the membership. Much credit is to be given to this committee for its outstanding efforts. This page sponsored by • • Title i�•�0ALINDO University Real Estate Development, Construction and Management Sunday, March 4, 1984 Celia Stallings Vice President 4103 South Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 77801 P.O. Box 3322 713/260 -9191 This year's Holiday success. The theme, was embodied in the F major attraction, NA Peterson. There was participation and supr The Speakers Burea popular program. Thi requests for speakers organizations in the cc Several breakfasts were sponsored this y mental Affairs coma Relations division. Th 1001 Villa Maria Rc Bryan, Texas 779 -1001 This year's Holiday Parade was a huge success. The theme, "Christmas 2000 ", was embodied in the Parade Marshall and major attraction, NASA astronaut Don Peterson. There was great community participation and support for this event. The Speakers Bureau has become a very popular program. There have been many requests for speakers to address various organizations in the community. Several breakfasts with public figures were sponsored this year by the Govern- mental Affairs committee of the Public Relations division. They include: 1983 in Review Public Relations Division This page sponsored by Bryan - College Station Eagle *Breakfast with Three Former World Leaders, April, Jerry Ford, Helmut Schmidt, Edward Heath. *Breakfast with Marvin Runyon, CEO of Nissan, U.S.A., April. *Breakfast with Senator Kent Caperton and Representative Bill Presnal, July. *Breakfast with Phil Gramm, August. This committee did an excellent job of organizing these programs. The breakfasts were well attended and very in- formative. Ramiro Galindo Vice President 1001 Vilia Maria Rd. W. PERSONAL Bryan, Texas IATEnzart D P ROFESSIONAL 779 - 1001 NATIONAL BANK BANKING SERVICE Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 35 The Transportation Division has taken giant strides in helping develop the transportation network of Bryan - College Station. This division was instrumental in obtaining the audience of the promoters of the bullet train. As a result, Bryan - College Station may become a planned stop on the route from Dallas to Houston. The liaison with Texas A &M University has been strengthened in the area of Air Transportation. The decision made by Texas A &M to retain Easterwood as the B -CS Airfield was made with Chamber participation in a newly organized inter- governmental council. Many ac- complishments making the community aware of our air service have occurred this year. A reception for Rio Airways in 1983 in Review This page sponsored by -it EASKIN-ROEDINS 1918 TEXAS AVENUE BOX 3929 Page 36 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Transportation Division April was a key factor in this growing awareness. The situation concerning our local highways has been given much attention. Plans for stop lights at the East Bypass have been put into action, Steps have been taken to improve the West Bypass. Meetings with the Department of Highways and Public Transportation have taken place. Community members have been encouraged to join the Texas Good Roads - Transportation Association. These steps will further ensure that the transportaion concerns of Bryan - College Station are emphasized in Austin. John Hughey Vice President ICE CREAM BRYAN, TX 779 -0091 Rivera Bror Bryan Office Stella Wright, office Jo Halsell, bookkeep Dalene Barnes, secre Terry Rivera, recepti A8 Uni cr 7Ak Sh Rivera Brown Wright Shelton Mann Brannen HalseU Barnes Bryan Office Stella Wright, office manager Jo Halsell, bookkeeper Dalene Barnes, secretary Terry Rivera, receptionist 7 A & M TRAVEL University Ave. Chimmey Hill Shopping CTR 846 -8881 Chamber Staff Pat N. Mann Executive Director This page sponsored by Bryan - College Station Eagle College Station Office Anne Bell, branch manager Mary Brannen, information coordinator Joy Shelton, asst. info. coordinator Alissa Brown, secretary ALLEN OLDS - CADILLAC INC. 2401 Texas 779 -3516 Sunday, March 4, 1984 Bell Page 37 Reference Materials GROWTH ARTICLES SCRAPBOOK: A newspaper clipping scrapbook on the growth of B -CS is maintained; information includes building permits, bank deposits, company an- nouncements, and other current growth ar- ticles. ECONOMIC FACTS BOOK: The Chamber of Commerce and the Local In- dustrial Foundations publish the Economic Fact Book and Community Information Folder. It contains current information of the economic growth of the Bryan - College Sta- tion SMSA. These books may be purchased by the public. CITY DIRECTORIES: Our library con- tains City Directories from many Texas cities. TELEPHONE BOOKS: These books are available from many Texas cities, including the Yellow Pages from our larger cities. y ALMANACS: The Chamber Library has • available copies of the Texas Almanac dating back for several years. HISTORICAL INFORMATION: Historical information is available in the Chamber Library about the B -CS area, along with other information. Prospective Newcomers LIST OF APARTMENTS:This listing in- cludes all apartment complexes in the B -CS area, listing each address and phone number. LIST OF HOTELS /MOTELS AND American Passenger Travel 693 -2689 1625 Texas Ave Culpepper Plaza Page 38 Bryan - College Station Eagle How the Chamber Serves the Community RESTAURANTS: List of Motels and Restaurants gives the name, address, telephone, number of rooms. LIST OF EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES: An up -to -date list of employment agencies and information concerning employment at Texas A &M as well as the Texas Employment Commission. LIST OF MANUFACTURERS: A com- prehensive list of firms. Company's name, ad- dress, telephone number, approximate number of employees and the product manufactured. LIST OF MOBILE PARKS: Gives the name, address, phone number of mobile home parks in the B -CS area. A general loca- tion map with mobile home parks designated on back. LIST OF REAL ESTATE AGENCIES: In- cludes agency name, address and phone number. Only members of the Chamber of Commerce are listed. Business Aids This page sponsored by EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS: The Small Business Council of your Chamber is actively involved in producing seminars of interest to small business. Shoplifting, Advertising, Recordkeeping and other related topics are covered in these programs. LEGISLATIVE BREAKFAST: Through the Public Relations Division the Chamber is involved in a legislative Breakfast Program whereby members are able to meet with our state and federal elected officials concerning Anco Insurance Co. Oldest Insurance In Bryan Sunday, March 4, 1984 P.O. Box 3889 693 -2689 items of interest in the SBA RESOURCE ( of Commerce has a r "Starting Your Own may be purchased by t OVERVIEW OF maintains an up -to -da the Bryan - College c minute presentation i Chamber office. (It i tion.) FORMAL OPENI provides a ribbon an formal opening cerf charge for Chamber m Chamber M; FREE NAME TAC the cities of Bryan an Chamber offers free group's meetings. (Qu MEMBERSHIP Chamber provides eac with gold membership VINYL BANNERS by 36" maroon banne of the "Fightin' Texas Community MAPS: The Chamb ty street maps of the area available. The fir ditional copies are 50 c PROSPECTIVE N H( 410 Across 6! items of interest in the B -CS area. SBA RESOURCE CENTER: The Chamber of Commerce has a publication available on "Starting Your Own Business." This book may be purchased by the public. OVERVIEW OF B - CS: Your Chamber maintains an up -to -date slide presentation on the Bryan - College Station area. This 12 minute presentation is available through the Chamber office. (It is available by reserva- tion.) FORMAL OPENINGS: Your Chamber provides a ribbon and related publicity for formal opening ceremonies. There is no charge for Chamber members. Chamber Materials FREE NAME TAGS: In conjunction with the cities of Bryan and College Station, your Chamber offers free name badges for your group's meetings. (Quantities may be limited.) MEMBERSHIP PLAQUES: Your Chamber provides each member with a black with gold membership plaque. VINYL BANNERS: These attractive 12" by 36" maroon banners proclaim B -CS home of the "Fightin' Texas Aggies." Community Information MAPS: The Chamber of Commerce has ci- ty street maps of the Bryan - College Station area available. The first one is given free; ad- ditional copies are 50 cents each. PROSPECTIVE NEW RESIDENTS: A RAMADA HOTEL How the Chamber Serves the Community This page sponsored by weekly list of prospective new residents con- sisting of inquiries by mail and phone that our staff has answered. This list is available each Wednesday at noon in the Chamber office. MEETING HALLS: A listing of meeting places for rent in the B -CS area. Includes meeting space for non - profit agencies as well as private parties. HORSE STALLS FOR RENT: We main- tain a list of horse stalls for persons desiring to house large animals. THIS WEEK AT A &M: The Chamber distributes This Week at A &M, published by the Office of Public Information at Texas A &M. This weekly publication provides in- formation as to what groups are meeting at Texas A &M and the approximate number of people involved. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: A membership directory is produced yearly listing all Chamber members by type of business, including the owner's name, address and phone number. CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Calendar listing events coming to Texas A &M Universi- ty and the community. CHAMBER NEWSLETTER: A monthly newsletter is produced by the Chamber staff which contains information about Chamber activities to keep the membership informed. FREE BROCHURES: Your Chamber publishes a number of informative brochures, including a Community Profile, Lodging Guide, Historical Guide, Shopping Guide, Restaurant Guide, Good Times, and an iden- tity piece on Bryan - College Station.(Copies may be limited.) 410 S. Texas Across From A &M 696 -4242 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 39 COUNT' LOVIN' 98.3 ®6 Broadcasting All Southwest Conferences Games & Dallas Cowboys Chamber Publications .4;0 This page sponsored by FM STEREO Page 40 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 ` ` Greenleaf Call 24 Hours a Day 405 W. 28th Bryan 822.7326 COMIC Savings anc P.O. Drawe (713) 846 -777 'Il V lil hip J i s at COMMUNITY Savings and Loan Association P.O. Drawer 2800, C.S. 77841 (713) 846-7774 Chamber Publications This page sponsored by Bryan - College Station Eagle HILLIER FUNERAL HOME SINCE 1920 MEMBER BY INVITATION NATIONAL SELECTED MORTICIANS "Our Service.. .A Sacred Trust SERVING BRYAN- COLLEGE STATION AREA 822 -1571 502 W. 26th Bryan • Sunday, March 4, 1984 - Page 41 This page sponsored by AM 115 College StationlBryan 846 -7788 Chamber Publications .411:10 1983 -1984 1983 -1984 MAP 50$ OF BRYAN, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AMA, BRAZOS COUNTY BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION. TX 401 S. Washington P.O. Box 726 Bryan, Texas 77806 (409) 779 -2278 Convention and Visitors Bureau 2615 Texas Avenue South College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 693 -6552 Albert's Hair Design 909 Harvey Rd CAS 693 -3003 A lflQA i Chamber Publications This page sponsored by v Commerce National Ba Me mber FDIC 2405 Texas Avenue South College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 693 -6930 Ina It .11 The Holiday Parade on Texas Avenue has become a popular annual community event Chamber Activities RUMINANT n 308 N. Main, Bryan This page sponsored by Fine Mexican Food Hwy 30 Harvery Rd. C/S 693 -5169 A parade winner Chamber Activities 11 I it llilml1111ohmd„ I.i,uuwemaneoi.im , ■,...■ uunw. Bryan - College Station Eagle t Parade watchers Fun at Brazos de Dios Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 45 Page 46 Chamber Activities Chamber of Commerce co- sponsors the Youth Livestock Show Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, March 4, 1984 Our Chamber of Cc organization of citize their time and mor development program improve the economic, being of the area. Any citizen who is i develop our area (whi — more business — m ing for everyone) is elij our Chamber of Corn ture is designed to pern or any professional per Our Chamber of Co Committee Workers, who serve without pa President (Manager) a their full time to our c are the only paid emplc What does it Our Chamber of Cc stitution and an actin vides a medium thro take effective action I community. It helps to create jot stimulation of indus growth, for established It seeks the impro facilities...streets, higl (409) 775 -757 Our Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens who are investing their time and money in a community development program — working together to improve the economic, civic and cultural well- being of the area. Any citizen who is interested in helping to develop our area (which means more money — more business — more jobs and better liv- ing for everyone) is eligible to be a member of our Chamber of Commerce. The dues struc- ture is designed to permit the smallest business or any professional person to be a member. Our Chamber of Commerce is composed of Committee Workers, Directors, and Officers who serve without pay. The Executive Vice President (Manager) and his staff who devote their full time to our Chamber of Commerce are the only paid employees. What does it do? Our Chamber of Commerce is a service in- stitution and an action organization. It pro- vides a medium through which people can take effective action for the progress of the community. It helps to create job opportunities through stimulation of industrial and commercial growth, for established and new firms. It seeks the improvement of community facilities...streets, highways, parks, schools, V"J (409) 775-7575 What is the Chamber? This page sponsored by and marketing facilities. It brings conventions, sales meetings, and other gatherings to our cities, thus bringing more money into the area. It works toward developing the agriculture and agricultural industry of the area. In all these functions, our Chamber of Commerce is serving as a branch — a partner — of every business and every professional person in our area. How does it work? Our Chamber of Commerce functions through working committees which are the backbone of the organization. Money, plann- ing, inspiration and guidance are useless unless the members work vigorously on the committee of their choice. Careful study is made of the community needs and an action blueprint, the program of work, is designed. The goal of the program is always to create more dollars for more people and to improve the economic welfare of all. Every member has a voice in determining the policies and projects and every member is needed to work on an active committee to get the job done. At present several committees are operating in the area of Agriculture, Industry, Civic Development, Commercial Development and Tourist Development. First Bank &Trust 101 North Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 77801 Bryan - College Station Eagle Member FDIC p Sunday, March 4, 1984 Page 47 This is your opportunity to make known your desire to serve on the committee of your choice. Please consider the areas listed below and rank in order the three commit- tees that you would prefer to serve on. Details on tasks and goals appear in the annual report in this section. If you are not yet a member of the Bryan - College Station Chamber, call 779 -2278 and learn how you can join this team. 0 Health Services ❑ Leadership Brazos Agriculture: ❑ Agriculture Recognition ❑ Livestock Show Commercial: ❑ Business Forum ❑ Community Alliance 0 Downtown Bryan Task Force ❑ Petroleum & Energy ❑Small Business Council Community Affairs: ❑ Civic Recognition Mail this page to: B-CS Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 726 Bryan, Texas 77806 Name of Member Street Address We Have MPfCT 24 -Hour Teller Service Page 48 Bryan - College Station Eagle How You Can Help Convention /Visitors Bureau: 0 Convention Activity ❑Motion Picture & Television 0 Visitor Information Education: ❑Education as an Industry ❑ Post - Secondary Education ❑ Secondary Education City State Date This page sponsored by We Make It Work (t) UNITED BANK College Station Culpepper Plaza at Texas Ave. 693 -1414 Member FDIC Sunday, March 4, 1984 Phone No. Organization: D Blazers 0 Membership Meetings Public Relations: ❑Community & Area Image ❑Community Information ❑ Governmental Affairs 0 Holiday Parade ❑ Speakers Bureau Transportation: ❑Air Transportation D Roads Zip Lobby Hours: Mon - Thurs 9-4 Friday 9 -6 Drive In Hours: Mon - Friday 7 -7 Saturday 8 -5 I r 14