HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Friendship StateEarly Spanish Explorers of the area we know today as TEXAS were greeted by Indians /Native Americans with a word later spelled TEJAS, an exchange that translated FRIEND. Today, following the 1930 adoption of FRIENDSHIP as the official MOTTO of TEXAS, Children, Daughters, and Sons of REPUBLIC of TEXAS, exchange a HIGH FIVE in SALADO, saying PASS IT ON! THE FRIENDSHIP STATE A NOTE TO VISITORS: Three hundred years ago — while there were still only 12 British colonies struggling on the East Coast —the Spanish had already named a vast wilderness empire Texas (or Tejas), their pronunciation of a Caddo Indian word meaning "friends_" The name stuck; so did the meaning behind it. In 1930, the Texas Legislature adopted "Friendship" as the state's official motto. It's appropriate, especially for a state that's among national leaders in hosting tourists and travelers_ Texans are well aware of this heritage, and are actually rather proud of it. As you travel Texas, keep an eye and ear tuned for "the Friendship State" in action. You'll see "Drive Friendly" reminders on our highways. Cruising long West Texas miles, don't be startled when an approach- ing driver lifts a hand as you swish past; he's just signalling "howdy." At cashier stands, accept the words "Y'all come back" at face value; they mean it So do we. Enjoy the Friendship State, and come back when you can_ Texans like company. 1 THE TRAVEL MAGAZINE of TEXAS 1-4 1 G H W A Y S FRIENDSHIP C E L E B R A T I N G 30 YEARS TEXAS Early Texas governments continuing through Republic of Texas years 1836- 1846 suffered from arguments and depressions often because they had no money to operate. When Texas was accepted as the 28 State of the USA, December 29, 1845 (becoming official February 19, 1846) a sale of lands to the US that trimmed the boundaries as they are today cancelled the burdening debts. Because of the decade as an independent Republic, Texas is the only State permitted to fly the State Flag at the same height as the Flag of the USA. MARCH 3, 1836 4E11RUARY.19,1846