HomeMy WebLinkAboutChurch 50th Anniversaryr'
ectal Events to Mark
Church's First SO Years
By PHYILLS DOZIER pastor, will present a history of
Eagle Family Editor the church and another guest
speaker will be the Rev. Ciro PASTORS,
Sunday will be a memorable Garcia of Austin, son of the
da , for members of the First second pastor of the church. FRST MEXICAN BAPTIST CHURCH
Mexican Baptist Church in Music presentations will in- The First Fifty Years
Bryan. Activities planned for the elude the Ibarra Family, group
dal will commemorate the 50th singers.
anr,iversary of the church's Gwermo Ibarra 1922-1929
f-imdmg• Ibarra is a familiar name Ja Garcia 1931.1933
1.)rmer pastors, children of through the development of the Vhor Gonzales 1935.1946
iur,ier pastors and friends in the church, Guillermo Ibarra was Palo Flores 1950.1956
k 0-cAh Brazos Association as the founder of the church and Reggio Garcia 1956-1956
well as members of the first pastor from 1922 until his Golfo Rojas 19581962
conregation will attend. death in 1929. Frhk Alonzo 1962-1966
A special speaker is scheduled Mauel Jimenez 1966.1968
at the regular worship at 1 a.m. The first congregation was an Dr
J P. Thompson 1969- i
The Rev. Joshua Ibarra of outgrowth of the Sunday School
Wichita Falls, son of the chur- class which, as part of the First
ch's first pastor will be guest Batpist Church, Bryan, had been
ffi`mter. meeting since 1914. Ibarra at-
At 2 p.m. special activities, tended the class and as a result UNDER IBAI~A's)rleadership have aided students in financial
speakers and services are of the inspiration he felt under the First Mx4 u1r Baptist need.
schedued including the note- the guidance the Rev. J.A. Held, Church was r i' . with
b ' .1g for the present church pastor, of First Baptist, Ibarra as hst600-1- tD the SERVICES AT THE church
and ground breaking redidicated his own life and was congregation awell serving as have always been held in
ceremony for a new education ordained a minister in 1922. a missionary i areas around Spanish.
and fellowship building. In the same year T.R. Batte Bryan, Hearn( atrif'Navasota Until 1960 Sunday School and
gave Email building at 707. North and Brazos botwUa Training Union w also given
MRS. AURORA IBARRA Zarco Parker to the Mexican Baptists In 1933 the r building'.,,,*r+panish. Since at date the
of Houston, daughter of the'`first as their first house of worship, became the p -end a-tVio„have been in English.
new building ajoir„i old PFesently the regular Sunday
one was erecte morning and also evening
r' ' k ' According th •esearch efforts worship services are in Spanish
;ka of church rember Molly with services frequently held in
" kit~,v Herrera in comiling the church English so that young people less
history, specal help was fluent in Spanish may better
F received from sveral sources in understand;
iAr kr completing theecond building. Dr. J.P. Thompson is
Included on th list of those presently pastor of the flock.
4 qtr li s t : aiding the boildr
x g efforts were Deacons currently serving in
'ref Z i ~s;
Howell Lumtr Co., T.H. guiding the congregation are
r" Haltom, AuguslAnderson, J.H. Manuel Herrera Sr., Guadalupe
x s, Nash, and mmbers of the Lopez, Sr., Alfredo Caballero,
congregation. Toney to com- Macario Garcia, Diego Bosques
plete the buildit was given by Jr., Refugio Escobar and
the Women's lisionary Union Manuel Herrera Jr.
of the first BaPtq Church at the
request of Mrs.T.A. Sweeney.
The congrega0n met in the
a w building until the present r' building at Sim and West 16th w r
Streets was ereted. Dedicated
on July 25, 1954 re building was
BUILDING, RIGHT, HOUSED CHURCH IN 1914 built by R.B Butler Con-
struction Co. wi4 William Nash,;'-';' w,
Became Parsonage when Building; Left, was Added in 1933 as architect. FUNDS FOR PHE present
building includq contributions
from many ctirches in the
reath-Braa3s Baptist
Since its founthg the church
s encouraged fie education of
is young peopl. Many mem-
rs of the conreeation have
r=-'iaatc~f n: 1LI
awr, rA0WarUpay,l ' CX^a
I and Sam Housurn state
niversities. Seblarships from
he Texas Bapst Convention
equently have )een awarded.
lthough a selolarship fund
om the church itself is not as
et available, thre have many
y iRm m where
s from the congregation I