HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWII News Headings >>> "Jane Horn" <jhorn730@cox.net> 06/29/05 1:13 PM >>> Bill, not sure if these are for the WWII project or for the the Brazos Genealogist, but I went to the library yesterday and have extracted all these from microfilm and am typing them now. Jane ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Page" <BPAGE@lib-gw.tamu.edu> To: <jhorn730@cox.net> Cc: <Kelrod@cstx.gov>; "Charles Schultz" <CSCHULTZ@lib-gw.tamu.edu>; <althaus@txcyber.com> Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:09 AM Subject: More WWII citations After I sent the first message, I realized I had another file to check. These citations include folks of various ethnic backgrounds, including Czech, Polish, etc., plus some articles that mention various local civic leaders. *** "Monday is `Greek Day'; Start Greek Relief Drive Here," Bryan Daily Eagle, 25 Apr. 1942, p.1, col.2 "Bittle Turns in First Pair of Binoculars," Bryan Daily Eagle, 6 Nov. 1942, p.1, col.5 "Bryan Men Learn Kinsman Killed in Plane Crash," Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 June 1943, p.1, col.2. Nephew of Ran BOSWELL died "Disintegration of Copper, Zinc Cents is Worrying Banker," Bryan Daily Eagle, 16 Aug. 1943, p.1, col.3. Travis Bryan. "Bryan Airman is Killed in Crash Flying to Base," Bryan Daily Eagle, 17 Apr. 1945, p.1, col.4. Henry J. CANAVESPE "Wives of Employees of First National Called to Armed Forces Offered Places for Duration," Bryan Daily Eagle, 4 Apr. 1944, p.1 "Soldier of Bryan Kills 86 Japs in Action on Luzon," Bryan Daily Eagle, 8 Aug. 1945, p.3, col.6. Edwin F. KRC "Capt. W.H. Krenek Serves 14 Months in Solomons Area," Bryan Daily Eagle, 19 Feb. 1944, p.6, col.6 "Pfc. Lero Freed Was Captured in Sicily Invasion," Bryan Daily Eagle, 4 May 1945, p.1, col.8. Emory LERO "Brazos Soldier Suffers Wounds on French Beach," Bryan Daily Eagle, 21 June 1944, p.1, col.2. Charles J. LUZA "Memorial Service For Pvt. Luza On Monday Morning," Bryan Daily Eagle, 9 Nov. 1944, p.1, col.3. Johnnie LUZA "Sgt. Charles Luza Hit By Shrapnel; Now Recovering," Bryan Daily Eagle, 18 Nov. 1944, p.1, col.3 "Former Bryanite Played Part in Atomic Bomb Job," Bryan Daily Eagle, 15 Aug. 1945, p.1, col.5. Joseph, son of J.T. MALONEY "Soldier of Bryan, Victor J. Nemec, Suffers Wounds," Bryan Daily Eagle, 12 Apr. 1945, p.1, col.2 "Pfc. Frank Nemec Wounded in Italy for Second Time," Bryan Daily Eagle, 15 May 1945, p.1, col.6 "Milton Palasota Is Jap Prisoner Parents Advised," Bryan Daily Eagle, 23 Feb. 1943, p.1, col.8 "Soldier of Bryan Prisoner of Japs, Parents Advised," Bryan Daily Eagle, 9 Apr. 1943, p.1, col.2 "Sam Palasota Is Japanese Prisoner, Writes Parents," Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 Aug. 1944, p.1, col.4 "Kinfolk Believe Sam Palasota Is Freed At Manila," Bryan Daily Eagle, 10 Feb. 1945, p.1, col.7 "Pfc. Sam Palasota Among Prisoners Freed At Manila," Bryan Daily Eagle, 16 Feb. 1945, p.1, col.3 "Palasota Writes Other Bryanites Held in Japan," Bryan Daily Eagle, 2 Mar. 1945, p.1, col.7 "Words Can't Tell Horrors Suffered By Jap Prisoners," Bryan Daily Eagle, 5 Apr. 1945, p.1, col.3 "Memorial Service for Sgt. Parsons Sunday Afternoon," Bryan Daily Eagle, 12 Jan. 1946, p.1, col.2. William Horace PARSONS, son of James PARSONS "Sgt. Patranella Suffers Wounds In Bulge Battle," Bryan Daily Eagle, 25 Jan. 1945, p.1, col.3. Ben PATRANELLA "Kurten Soldier Gets Silver Star; Fought in Italy," Bryan Daily Eagle, 12 June 1945, p.1, col.2 "Names of Heroes are Being Placed on Palace Seats," Bryan Daily Eagle, 4 Feb. 1944, p.1, col.8. At Schulman theater. "Many Seats at Palace to Bear Names of Service Men...," Bryan Daily Eagle, 7 Feb. 1944, p.1, cols.5 6; p.3, col.8 "Many Residents are Naming Seats at Palace for Service Men and Women...," Bryan Daily Eagle, 29 June 1944, p.1, cols.6 7; p.8, col.2 "Smoking Tobacco Given Marines by Mrs. M. Schulman," Bryan Daily Eagle, 29 July 1944, p.1, col.1 "Flight Officer Teddy M. Sousares...," Bryan Daily Eagle, 25 Apr. 1945, p.4, col.3 "Brazos County Men on the Firing Line," Bryan Daily Eagle, 18 July 1942, p.6, col.1. Albert I. TUREK "Brazos County Men on the Firing Line," Bryan Daily Eagle, 11 Aug. 1942, p.6, col.2. Robert E. TUREK "Capt. Roy Vick, Jr. Lost When Prison Ship Sunk by Sub," Bryan Daily Eagle, 21 June 1945, p.1, col.1 "Gets Wings Today," Bryan Daily Eagle, 9 Oct. 1942, p.6, col.2. Frank VITOPIL "Bronze Star is Given Sgt. Zubik; Was in Germany," Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 July 1945, p.1, col.1. Jerome ZUBIK Hispanics: "Pvt. Esteban Amaya, son of Mrs. Mary Amaya, West 24th Street, Bryan, has begun training as an Aviation Engineer of the Army Air Forces at Geiger Field, Spokane, Washington, according to word received today from Colonel Eric Dougan, Commanding Officer." Bryan Daily Eagle, 14 November 1945, p.6 Texas A&M - especially women "To Teach Women to Drive, Repair Autos and Trucks," Bryan Daily Eagle, 19 January 1942, p.3. By A&M Dept. of Industrial Education "Hedges Begins Safety Courses to Train Women," Battalion, 31 January 1942, p.1, col.4. Dr. C.C. Hedges, faculty member & chairman of the College Defense Council, taught on "safe driving" and "trouble shooting"; classes lasted about 3 weeks. "Course in Radio for Employed is Plan at College," Bryan Daily Eagle, 3 February 1942, p.1. Open to men and women. "43 Women Start Drive Training in Class at A-M," Bryan Daily Eagle, 3 February 1942, p.6. Including two from Navasota. "Morale Work is Function of New Defense Committee," Battalion, 26 February 1942, p.1, col.3. About "Women's Police and Air Raid Warden Auxiliary" "Food for Victory Course Plan of CDC at College," Bryan Daily Eagle, 5 March 1942, p.2. Civilian Defense Council course open to men and women. "Plan Engineering Drawing Defense Course at A.& M.," Bryan Daily Eagle, 7 March 1942, p.1. "There also will be a course in industrial drafting, which is primarily for girls ..." "Everyone Invited to 'Gardens for Victory' School," Bryan Daily Eagle, 9 March 1942, p.1. "Industrial Drafting Classes are Planned; Are Primarily for Women; Will Start Friday," Bryan Daily Eagle, 10 March 1942, p.5. 16-week course from A&M engineering drawing department. "Two Engineer Defense Courses for Women Begun" Battalion, 10 March 1942, p.1, col.7. On advanced engineering and drafting. "Trouble Shooting Course at A-M is Hit With Women," Bryan Daily Eagle, 12 March 1942, p.1. About 40 women have enrolled. "Repair of Motors Not Now Mystery to These Women," Bryan Daily Eagle, 19 March 1942, p.8. Lists names of women who completed course. "Brazos, Grimes County Women Learn About Automobiles in Driving Course," Battalion, 24 March 1942, p.4, col.5 "Will Offer Night Radio Course at AM This Evening," Bryan Daily Eagle, 8 June 1942, p.1. Open to men and women. "College Station Woman Volunteers for WAAC," Bryan Daily Eagle, 25 September 1942, p.1, col.6. Mrs. A.A. Jakkula, wife of a Civil Engineering professor, is the first Brazos Co. woman to enlist as a member of the WAAC. "A & M Dames Club Entertains Sailors," Battalion, 17 October 1942, p.4. Held dance for sailors and marines at Sbisa. "Plane Drafting Course Offered at A-M College," Bryan Daily Eagle, 19 May 1943, p.1. Open to both men & women. "College Station WAAC to Recruit in Bryan," Bryan Daily Eagle, 14 June 1943, p.1. Myrta D. Jakkula, whose husband taught at A&M. "Ann Manley Beeson ... is in North Africa as an American Red Cross secretary ... graduate of Stephen F. Austin took summer work at Texas A. & M. College ...," [includes photo], Bryan Daily Eagle, 26 August 1943, p.6. "First Two WAVES Report for Duty," Battalion, 4 November 1943, p.1. Vera Mae Curtis and Margie Howell at the Naval Training School in College Station. "WAVE at College Tells Experience in Navy Service," Bryan Daily Eagle, 27 July 1944, p.8. About Francois Carr, who is stationed at the Naval Training School on campus; she was secretary to the captain and the executive officer; this and the following articles indicate that at least three WAVE's were stationed on campus in 1944. "WAVE at College Takes Pride in Her Navy Job," Bryan Daily Eagle, 28 July 1944, p.4. Ava Branch stationed at Naval Training School. "Life of WAVE is Worth While, Says Vera Mae Curtis," Bryan Daily Eagle, 29 July 1944, p.4. At Naval Training School. "Lillian Ferguson Smooths Rough Spots With Homey Letters for Overseas Aggies," Battalion, 5 January 1945, p.1. Includes photo; writes 146 former students; she has worked with Dairy Husbandry Dept. since 1922. "Navy to Train Radiomen at A.& M. College," Dallas Morning News, March 17, 1942, sect.1, p.8 "Sailors Invade Aggieland for First Time," Dallas Morning News, Apr.1, 1942, sect.1, p.2. Photo with caption. "Rifle and Pistol Champ is in A&M Navy Contingent," Bryan Daily Eagle, 8 April 1942, p.1, col.2. A "Chinese boy" Frank Robert Chow is at the radio school at A&M. "Man Trained Here Had Part in First Atomic Bomb Raid," Bryan Daily Eagle, 9 August 1945, p.1. Sgt. Joe A. Stiborik of the Enola Gay crew attended A&M summer short courses in 1933 and 1934, and attended glider pilot training at Allen Academy in Bryan in 1942. African Americans "Negro Patriotic Rally Held; Also Discuss Housing," Bryan Daily Eagle, 15 January 1942, p.3, col.5 "Negro Boy Scouts Will Collect Iron Wednesday," Bryan Daily Eagle, 30 January 1942, p.8, col.4 "Meat for Victory Show to be Given by Negro Groups," Bryan Daily Eagle, 25 March 1942, p.2, col.4 "Consolidated Negro Boys Work on Food for Freedom," Bryan Daily Eagle, 2 April 1942, p.7, col.6 "Bryan Negro in Both Coral, Midway Fights," Bryan Daily Eagle, 23 July 1942, p.8, col.4 "Bryan Negro on Cruiser That Went to Martinique," Bryan Daily Eagle, 30 July 1942, p.6, col.4 "Brazos County Negro in Naval Training," Bryan Daily Eagle, 17 August 1942, p.3, col.1. Woodrow Wilson Smith. "Bryan Soldier in England," Bryan Daily Eagle, 2 February 1943, p.3, col.2. Pfc. Rayfield Lee Whitman "Two Bryan Negresses to Report to WAACS," Bryan Daily Eagle, 25 March 1943, p.6. Jessie M. Newsome and Joeanna Hightower. "Victory Meat Show Staged by Negroes," Bryan Daily Eagle, 26 March 1943, p.6, col.5 "Negro Soldiers Guests of Lee Chapel Group," Bryan Daily Eagle, 17 April 1943, p.4, col.7. From Bryan Field. "Bryan Negro Soldier is Now in Hospital," Bryan Daily Eagle, 28 April 1943, p.4, col.3. Pfc. Andrew Griffin. "Former Bryan Negress Now is USO Director," Bryan Daily Eagle, 8 May 1943, p.6, col.8. Vivian M. Thomas, daughter of the late E.W. Thomas, is serving at Alexandria, Louisiana. "78th Anniversary of Emancipation to be Celebrated," Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 May 1943, p.3, col.2. "Negro soldiers of Bryan field will take part in the parade ...." "Bryan Field Sends Detachment for Juneteenth," Bryan Daily Eagle, 19 June 1943, p.4, col.2 "Consider Building for Negro U.S.O., Consultant Here," Bryan Daily Eagle, 26 June 1943, p.1, col.2 "Negro All Stars of Bryan Field Win Sunday Game," Bryan Daily Eagle, 20 July 1943, p.3, col.2. Baseball "Start Remodeling of Negro U.S.O. Building," Bryan Daily Eagle, 9 August 1943, p.1, col.1 Private Anna Elmore, daughter of Marshall Elmore, 408 West 21st Street, has arrived at Fort Riley as a "charter member" of Post Headquarters WAC Detachment No.2, the first organization of Negro women soldiers to be activated at this historic cavalry post. Private Elmore came here from Fort Des Moines, Iowa, where she received basic training to fit her for service in the Women's Army Corps. She entered the Corps at Houston on March 29. Bryan Daily Eagle, 6 September 1943, p.4, col.2 "Negroes Announce Committee in War Chest Campaign," Bryan Daily Eagle, 13 November 1943, p.6, col.1 "Negro Sailors Visit Here Over Holidays," Bryan Daily Eagle, 2 January 1944, p.6, col.6. "Negro Bond Rally On Sunday At New Chapel Baptist," Bryan Daily Eagle, 24 November 1944, p.3, col.7 "Guadalcanal Veteran Gets Furlough Home," Bryan Daily Eagle, 4 January 1945, p.1, col.7. Sgt. Herman Williams. "Bryan Negro Sailor is Given Promotion," Bryan Daily Eagle, 7 March 1945, p.6, col.8. Isaac Buchanan. "News of Death of Son Tempered by Brother's Leave," Bryan Daily Eagle, 15 March 1945, p.3, col.6. George Lewis. "Purple Heart Awarded Bryan Negro Soldier," Bryan Daily Eagle, 31 March 1945, p.4, col.5. Pfc. Sanford Nutall "Bryan Negro Sailor Thirty Months Overseas," Bryan Daily Eagle, 13 April 1945, p.3, col.4. Frank E. Ellis "War Bonds Sold at Negro Meet Total $11,850," Bryan Daily Eagle, 14 May 1945, p.1, col.1 "Negro Sailor at Sea 3 Years to Graduate at Kemp," Bryan Daily Eagle, 18 May 1945, p.5, col.4. L.C. Smith "Negro Back Home," Bryan Daily Eagle, 21 September 1945, p.4, col.6. Pfc. Elijah Adams.