HomeMy WebLinkAboutProgram Cover sig September 3, 2005 We gather today, the day after the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, not to celebrate war, but to commemorate the accomplishments and sacrifices of an entire generation. This generation of war veterans and home front supporters united to carry the United States of America and countries around the world to liberty and freedom from oppressive forces. The Texas in WWII Planning Team has labored throughout the summer with the generous support of our community’s institutions, organizations, and businesses to prepare an event that gives us pause to reflect on the experiences of World War II. Throughout the day you will hear stories of the victory and sorrow of battle, of the trials and triumphs of women in the military, of the determination and disappointment of the African American soldiers as they fought for “Double Victory,” and of the sacrifice and resourcefulness of adults and youth on the home front. Even as our armed forces trained and fought for victory on the battle front, communities on the home front rallied to victory by participating in defense work, rationing, victory gardens, canning, paper drives, collecting scrap metal, knitting sweaters, rolling bandages, saving bacon grease, and limiting travel. In this keepsake program is a sample of our community’s World War II stories. I challenge you in the year ahead to document the WWII stories of your family and community members. Warmest Regards, Katie Elrod Event Coordinator Texas in WWII