HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Allocation Plan 1959
Appendix 1
(Annex 15 -Communications)
Frequency Allocation Plan for the
Radio Amateur Civil
i ~ Emergency Service (RACES)
National Plan Appendix Series
Executive Office of the President
for star
tions it
Information in this appendix was previously issued in Tech- fence c
nical Bulletin 4-2, "Radio Frequency Allocation Plan for Disaster natural
Communications Service and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency by civil
Service," dated October 1953, which is hereby rescinded. RACE;
(For FCC rules for RACES and an FCC OCDM checklist amateu
of RACES plan requirements, see Advisory Bulletin No. 122, The
"Federal Communications Commission Rules for Amateur Civil RACE,
Emergency Services (RACES)," revised Oct. 1, 1959.) of the .
action c
Information concerning organization and operation of a Dis- 14, and
aster Communications Service is to be issued separately. Civil allocati<
defense units may continue to operate on frequencies under the band.
applicable Federal Communications Commission Rules, Part 20. spectrur
that fre
local R2
and to !
on both
will be
this appe
the State
involved :
trol cente
on occasic
MAY 1961 bands. U
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cations by
Frequency Allocation Plan for the
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)
INTRODUCTION 220 me bands, without encountering long-range inter-
This appendix outlines a frequency allocation plan ference inherent in 3.5 and 7.0 me band operation.
for stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Continuous wave (CW) frequencies in the 3.5
Service (RACES). The plan is designed to: (1) and 7.0 me ranges are assigned to States to effect
Make efficient use of the skilled radio amateurs a clear channel for each State on both bands. In
throughout the Nation; (2) minimize communica- addition to these specific assignments, other channels
tions interference; and (3) provide maximum use of may be assigned by OCDM on a geographical mini-
those amateur frequencies earmarked for civil de- mum-interference basis, upon application, and a
fense communications (RACES) during an alert, showing of need.
natural disaster, or national emergency, as directed
by civil defense authority. In peacetime, stations in Certain radiotelegraph channels have been re-
RACES share these frequencies with the regular served for State-to-OCDM regional headquarters
amateur service. emergency operation. All States in each OCDM
Region have been assigned a frequency for interstate-
The radiq frequency allocation plan includes those intraregional liaison.
RACES frequencies added July 1, 1959, as a result
of the Federal Communications Commission's final
action on Docket 12719. Radio channels in the 7, MODIFICATION REQUIREMENTS
14, and 21 me amateur bands are in addition to the Presently approved RACES plans are valid until
A allocation expansion in the 3.5-4.0 me amateur
band. For efficient use of the allocated frequency Jan. 1, 1963. Operations may continue on assigned
spectrum during a national emergency, it is essential frequencies until that date unless a plan is modified.
that frequency coordination be achieved by each If a plan is modified, it must conform to the par-
local RACES group. titulars set forth in this appendix. RACES plans
that do not conform with this appendix must be
Many existing State and area RACES plans will modified by Jan. 1, 1963, or they will be cancelled.
require revision to comply with this allocation plan Double sideband amplitude modulation operation in
and to gain clear-channel operation for each State the frequency segment 3990-4000 kc will be per-
on both the 3.5 and 7.0 me bands. Conversion costs mitted until, Jan. 1, 1963.
will be eligible for Federal Contributions funds if
applicants comply with recommendations outlined in Upon issuance of this appendix, all RACES appli-
this appendix and have on file an approved OCDM- cations received by OCDM for new or modified
FCC RACES plan. plans, using radiotelephone and radiotelegraph fre-
quencies made available in FCC Docket No. 12719,
GENERAL PRINCIPLES must comply with this appendix.
Longer range frequencies have been allocated to Additional frequencies were allocated for RACES
the States for civil defense operations. Distances
involved in statewide networks which tie State con-
trol centers to remote area control centers require July 1, 1959. They are:
frequencies in both the 3.5 and 7.0 me bands, and Frequency (kc)
on occasion may require the use of the 14 or 21 me 3510-3516 7245- 7255
1 bands. Local communities, metropolitan areas, and 3516-3550 14047-14053
079--7103 7103 14220-14230
counties or parishes can achieve efficient communi- 7
7079 21047-21053
cations by using frequencies in the 28, 50, 144, and o
Frequencies for use by RACES stations outside the priority of the LORAN system. However, in
continental United States will be assigned in accord- coordination with adjacent areas, selection of specific
ante with sections 12.111 and 12.231 of the FCC frequencies should be based on table 1.
rules and regulations.
l.-Channelization for 1800-2000 kc Fre-
To implement the frequency channelization de- Table
scribed in this appendix, transmitters are required to Frequency (kc) quenci
maintain a frequency tolerance that will not deviate Telephone (6A3) Telegraph (O.IAI, LIFI)
more than 25 percent of the separation between 1805.5 1801.0 3501.3
assigned channels. Crystal-controlled operation is 1812.5 1802.0
1819.5 1823.0
recommended insofar as possible. 1824.0 3505.5
1980,5 1977.0
1987.5 1998.0 3502.0
Authorized emissions and their definitions follow: 3503.4
3500-3550 kc
O.IAI-Continuous-wave telegraphy. 3504.8
I.1F1-Frequency-shift telegraphy. Assignments shown in table 2 provide each State
6A2-Telegraphy amplitude modulated at audio frequency. with a primary frequency in this band for radio- 3500.7
6F2-Telegraphy frequency modulated at audio frequency. telegraph use. Secondary frequencies are assignable
6A3-Commercial-quality, amplitude-modulated telephony. where need is shown.
6173-N~Yow-band frequency or phase-modulated 3502.7
4OF3-Wide-band frequency or phase-modulated telephony. Table 2.-Channelization for radiotelegraph 3504.1
6A4-Amplitude-modulated facsimile. (3500-3550 kc) l
3A3a-Single sideband reduced carrier telephony.
(Emission-O.IAI, I.1F1) 3984400(
Where wide-band frequency or phase-modulated Fre- Fre- This b.
telephony (40173) is authorized, narrow-band fre- uecn)cy State q(kn)y State radioteleF
quency or phase-modulated telephony (6173) also 3506.5 Alaska, 3528.5 Michigan sions alsc
may be employed. Similarly, where commercial- Rhode Island 3529.5 Louisiana, Nevada Many Still
quality amplitude-modulated telephony (6A3) is 3507.5 Hawaii, Iowa 3530.5 Maine AM tele
3508.5 Mississippi 3531.5 Missouri p
authorized, single- or double-sideband amplitude 3509.5 North Carolina, 3532.5 south Carolina active nets
telephony (3A3a), with or without carrier or with Washington 3533.5 Montana operation.
reduced carrier, also may be employed. 3510.5 New York 3534.5 New Jersey
3511.5 North Dakota 3535.5 Arkansas All systt
3512.5 Illinois 3536.5 Georgia tion must
State radio officers and RACES personnel are 3513.5 Arizona, Virginia 3537.5 Wyoming
jointly responsible for the efficacy of this frequency 3514.5 New Hampshire 3538.5 Pennsylvania in table 4.
3515.5 South Dakota 3539.5 Oklahoma
plan to effect maximum capability during a national 3516.5 Tennessee 3540.5 Alabama
emergency. 3517.5 Idaho 3541.5 Colorado Table 4
3518.5 Vermont 3542.5 Delaware,
3519.5 Minnesota District of Columbia
3520.5 Ohio 3543.5 Texas (Er
FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS 3521.5 Oregon 3544.5 Indiana
3522.5 Massachusetts 3545.5 California
3523.5 Nebraska 3546.5 Maryland
1800-2000 ke 3524.5 Kentucky 3547.5 Wisconsin
3525.5 Utah 3548.5 Florida
Frequencies in this band are subject to the LORAN 3526.5 Connecticut 3549.5 New Mexico,
system of radio-navigation priority and to the geo- 3527.5 Kansas West Virginia
frequency, emission, and power limitations 'Frequencies in the 3516-3550 kc band are limited to the first 30
graphical, days of an actual civil defense emergency, unless otherwise ordered 7101-7125 kc
contained in Section 12.111 of the FCC rules gov- by the FCC.
erning amateur radio service. Cancellation of Frequency
RACES authorizations for any or all frequencies in RACES frequencies for State-to-OCDM regional with a radiot,
this band may be necessary or desirable owing to communications are shown in table 3. of the band.
2 p
' Table 3.-Channelization for radiotelegraph Table 5.-Channelization for radiotelegraph
State-to-OCDM Region (7101-7125 kc) l
(3500-3550 kc) (Emission-O.IA1, LIF1)
(Emission-O.IAI, LIF1) Fre- Fre-
quency State quency State
Fre- (kc) (kc)
quency OCDM States 7101.0 Iowa, Rhode Island 7113.0 Missouri
(kc) Region 7101.5 Mississippi 7113.5 South Carolina
' 3501.3 1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, 7102.0 Washington 7114.0 Montana
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, 7102.5 New York 7114.5 New Jersey
Rhode Island, Vermont 7103.0 North Dakota 7115.0 Arkansas
7103.5 West Virginia 7115.5 Georgia
3505.5 2 Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, 7104.0 Arizona 7116.0 Wyoming
Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, 7104.5 New Hampshire 7116.5 Pennsylvania
District of Columbia 7105.0 South Dakota 7117.0 Oklahoma
3502.0 3 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Miss- 7105.5 Tennessee 7117.5 Alabama
issippi, North Carolina, South 7106.0 Idaho 7118.0 Colorado
Carolina, Tennessee 7106.5 Vermont 7118.5 Delaware
3503.4 4 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, 7107.0 Minnesota 7119.0 Texas
Wisconsin 7107.5 Ohio 7119.5 Indiana
3504.8 5 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, 7108.0 Oregon 7120.0 California
Oklahoma, Texas 7108.5 Massachusetts 7120.5 Maryland
7109.0 Nebraska 7121.0 Wisconsin
3500.7 6 Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, 7109.5 Kentucky 7121.5 Florida
{ Nebraska, North Dakota, South 7110.0 Utah 7122.0 New Mexico
Dakota, Wyoming 7110.5 Connecticut 7122.5 Virginia
3502.7 7 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, 7111.0 Kansas 7123.0 Louisiana
Utah 7111.5 Michigan 7123.5 Illinois
3504.1 8 1V Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, 7112.0 Nevada 27124.0 State-to-State Hq.
Washington 7112.5 Maine 7124.5 North Carolina
' Frequencies in the 7103-7125 kc band are limited to the first 30
days of an actual civil defense emergency, unless otherwise ordered
by the FCC.
3984-4000 ke
=7124.0 .0 k c is assigned as a State-to-State headquarters calling fre-
quency for contact on assigned radiotelegraph channels.
This band is normally used for both AM and SSB
radiotelephone operation, although authorized emis- 7097.5-7100.5 kc
sions, also include 0.lA1, 1.1171, 6A3, and 6F3.
Many State RACES networks now use conventional Table 6 provides RACES radiotelegraph frequen-
cies for State-to-OCDM regional communication,
AM telephone equipment which may continue in intraregion, and interstate communications for mu-
active network operation pending conversion to SSB
tual aid and mobile support in the 7.0 me portion
operation. of the band.
All systems or networks converted to SSB opera-
tion must operate on one of the frequencies shown
in table 4. Table 6.-Channelization for radiotelegraph
(7097.5-7100.5 kc)
Table 4.-Channelization for radiotelephone (Emission-O.lA1, 1.1171)
(3984-4000 kc) Fre-
umbia quency OCDM States
(Emission-(3A3a) SSB (lower sidebandl (kc) Region
O.IAI, LIF1) 7097.5 1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
Frequency (kc) New Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, Rhode Island, Vermont
3987.5 3996.5 7100.5 2 Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio,
3990.5 3999.5
3993.5 Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
7098.0 3 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mis-
first 30 sissippi, North Carolina, South Carolina,
ordered 7101-7125 kc Tennessee
7099.0 4 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota,
Frequency allocation table 5 provides each State Wisconsin
egional with a radiotelegraph channel in the 7.0 me portion 7100.0 5 OArkansas, klahoma, Texas Louisiana, New Mexico,
^of the band.
Table 6.-Channelization for radiotelegraph 14220-14230 kc
(7097.5-7100.5 kc)-Continued
(Emission~.lAl, I.1F1)-Continued Channels in this band (table 9) are intended for
Fre- State assignments only. As this band provides only
quency OCDM States three SSB voice channels, prior frequency allocation
(kc) Region to individual States has not been made. Each appli-
7098.5 6 Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, cation for a specific channel assignment must be sub-
Nebraska, North Dakota, South mitted by the State, through OCDM regional offices,
Dakota, Wyoming
7099.5 7 Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah accompanied by a detailed justification. OCDM will
7097.5 8 Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington then coordinate and determine channel assignments
to minimize mutual interference.
7245-7255 kc
Channels in this band (table 7) are intended for Table 9.-Channelization for radiotelephone
statewide operation only. Due to increased activity
(14220-14230 kc)1
and interference, nighttime use will be limited. Since
this bane' ,vill provide only three SSB voice channels, (Emission-(3A3a) (upper sideband) O.IAI, 1.1171)
prior frequency allocation to States has not been Frequency (kc)
made. Each application for a specific channel 14220.5
assignment must be accompanied by a detailed justi- 14223.5
fication. OCDM will then coordinate and determine 14226.5 14220-14222 -14230
channel assignments to minimize mutual interference. ited t to o the iea Ti firs[ in 30 the days ys o of actual and 1 civil ldefe defensse e kc bands are llm-
the emergency, unless
otherwise ordered by the FCC.
Table 7.-Channelization for radiotelephone
(7245-7255 kc)1
(Emission-(3A3a) SSB (lower sideband) O.IAI, 1.1F1) 21047-21053 kc
Frequency (kc) Channels in this.band (table 10) are intended for
7248.5 State assignments only. As this band provides a
7254.5 small number of channels, allocation to individual
Frequencies in the 7245-7247 and 7253-7255 kc bands are limited States has not been made. Each application for a
to the first 30 days of an actual civil defense emergency, unless other-
wise ordered by the FCC. SpeC1fiC channel must be submitted by the State
through OCDM regional offices, accompanied by a
14047-14053 kc detailed justification. OCDM then will coordinate
Channels in this band (table 8) are intended pn- and determine channel assignments to minimize mu-
marily for State-to-OCDM Region use. A few of tual interference.
the larger States may require channels for State-to-
area or State-to-State use. Each application for a
specific channel assignment must be submitted by Table 10.-Channelization for radiotelegraph
the State, through OCDM regional offices, accom- (21047-21053 kc)
panied by a detailed justification. OCDM then will (Emission-O.IAI, 1.1171)
coordinate and determine channel assignments to Frequency (kc)
minimize mutual interference. 21047.5 121050.0
21048.0 21050.5
Table 8.-Channelization for radiotelegraph 21048.5 21051.0
(14047-14053 kc) 21049.0 21051.5
(Emission-O.lAl, 1.1171) 21049.5 21052.0
Frequency (kc)
21050.0 kc is intended for use only as a State headquarters-[o-
14047.5 14050.5 State headquarters calling frequency to arrange for contact on other
14048.0 14051.0 assigned radiotelegraph State channels.
14048.5 14051.5
14049.0 14052.0
14049.5 14052.5 VHF bands
14050.0 is available only as a state-to-state headquarters radio- VHF bands are defined in this appendix as the
telegraph calling frequency to arrange for contact on other assigned
State channels. 10-> 6-> 2-> and 11/a -meter bands. The FCC has
designated only a few channels for civil defense All the channels in each band are then inserted in
operations in the RACES segments of the amateur clockwise rotation into these quadrants, starting with
bands. Therefore, it is essential that the States have quadrant A. (See tables 12, 13, 14, and 15.) No
a plan to achieve internal coordination of these break should occur in rotation of these assignments.
allotted frequencies and assign them according to When the low-band channels are exhausted, the rota-
need. The bands have been divided into channels tion continues immediately with the high-band group
with the frequency separations shown in table 11. rather than restarting in quadrant A.
The channels for basic statewide use are then
Table 1 L-Channelization for VHF bands crossed off the quadrant together with any other
channels that would -because of their assignment
Band (meters) Frequency (mc) Channel
separation (kc) for State use in adjacent States - cause an inter-
10 28 10 ference problem near adjacent State borders. The
6 50 20 remaining channels in each quadrant may be
2 144 30 reassigned.
11/4 220 40
Recording of Channel Assignments
Local frequency assignments are the responsibility
THE QUADRANT SYSTEM of each State. However, the State also is responsible
The quadrant system is used in making local fre- for maintaining a complete record of all VHF assign-
quency assignments. If this plan is applied with good ments to avoid interference.
judgment, a minimum of adjacent-area interference States requiring 10-, 6-, 2-, and 11/4-meter channels
problems will result. Careful consideration must be are responsible for advising local communities which
given to the receiving characteristics of the particular channels they may use and which VHF channels are
equipment used. reserved for State operations.
Principles of the Quadrant System OPERATION OF THE
Each State is divided into quadrants of approxi- QUADRANT SYSTEM
mately equal size. The division lines can follow Chart 1 shows the method of operation of the
political boundaries - or in some cases, natural quadrant system. For example, Indiana is divided
boundaries. Where necessary, and if the State areas into approximately equal quadrants: The northwest-
are of sufficient size, these large quadrants may be ern section of the State is designated as quadrant A;
subdivided into smaller quadrant systems. This sub-, northeastern section as quadrant B; southeastern sec-
division may take place several times, until the dis- tion as quadrant C; and the southwestern section as
tance across any quadrant shall not be less than the quadrant D. Quadrant subdivisions, in general, incor-
normal ground wave distance of the frequency con- porating political entities, should be selected to meet
sidered. To determine quadrant sizes, the following individual State and local needs.
ground wave distances are recommended: CHANNELIZATION
10 meters - each quadrant system 60 miles, 10-Meter-Band Frequencies
each quadrant 30 miles. (28.55-28.75 and 29.45-29.65 mc)
6 meters - each quadrant system 30 miles, Frequencies available for assignment in quadrants
each quadrant 30 miles. A, B, C, and D are selected from table 12.
2 meters - each quadrant system 30 miles, Quadrant A. - 10-meter-band frequencies assign-
each quadrant 15 miles. able are any of the 10 frequencies from 28.56 me
11/4 meters - each quadrant system 30 miles, to 29.63 mc.
each quadrant 15 miles. Quadrant B. - 10-meter-band frequencies assign-
able are any of the 10 frequencies from 28.57 me
Each quadrant system shall be designated as fol- to 29.64 mc.
lows (operates in clockwise direction): Quadrant C.-IO-meter-band frequencies assign-
A-Northwest B-Northeast able are any of the 9 frequencies from 28.58 me
D-Southwest C-Southeast to 29.61 me.
D v n
~p > -
z ~ O
O 1 D
- ~ oo n o0
G) o n
m (A v
(n to '
v c v n pD
4V# 41
m two
O ,•~v z0 _ D o
n W r to m
D v > 00 > z m c
-1 m~~o C
v - >~_-n co Z ~D° < cc;
v p (1)
C- r N
Z ~o~z
O ~'z-°
z D 0 . r-
o -<r z
0 0 0
z * >
r D
D z
r- n
M i
Quadrant D. - 10-meter-band frequencies assign- subdivide any of these quadrants into additional
able are any of the 8 frequencies from 28.59 me quadrants, as shown in chart 1; for example, in the
to 29.62 mc. southeastern section of Iowa. The B quadrant of the
subdivided C quadrant may be again subdivided into
6-Meter-Band Frequencies (50.35-53.75 me) quadrants. For example, if this subdivision is em-
Assignments in the 6-meter-band frequencies are ployed in all the 16 secondary quadrants in Iowa,
made in the same manner as in the 10-meter band, all the frequencies in the A quadrants shown in tables
but the 6-meter-band frequencies are selected from 12, 13, 14, and 15 are assignable in 64 individual
table 13, which shows the assignments for the respec- areas of the State. Also, the frequencies assignable
tive quadrants. in the B, C, and D quadrants can be reassigned in
64 locations.
2-Meter-Band Frequencies (145.17-147.33 mc)
Assignments in this band are made in the same States having a low population density will require
manner as in the 10-meter band, but the 2-meter- relatively few frequencies and therefore may not
band frequencies are selected from table 14, which require subdivision into smaller E
shows the 2-meter-band assignments for the respec-
tive quadrants. Quadrant subdivisions may bL
11/4-Meter-Band Frequencies (220-225 mc) times as practicable, based upon the recommended
groundwave distances outlined in "Principles of the
Assignments in this band are made in the same Quadrant System," on page 5. The State radio officer
manner as in the 10-meter band, but the 11/4-meter must use good judgment when assigning frequencies
bane frequencies are selected from table 15, which in any particular quadrant subdivision to prevent
shows the 11/4-meter band assignments for the re- communication interference with adjacent States.
~ spective quadrants.
f~ SUBDIVISION OF THE Table 12. Allocation of 10-meter frequencies'
QUADRANT SYSTEM RACES channels for use by States, counties,
and local governments
A State requiring additional communications (Emissions: 28.55-28.75 mc-O.IAI, 3A3a, 6A3, 6F3, 6A4
channels may subdivide each of the quadrants into 29.45-29.65 mc--0.1A1, 1.IF1, 3A3a, 6A3, 6A4,
additional quadrants as shown in chart 1 in the exam- 40F3)
ple for Illinois. By this subdivision, the original Quadrant A Quadrant B
quadrant A, located in the northwestern section of Channel Frequency in Channel Frequency in
the State, is subdivided into quadrants, and the fre- designation megacycles designation megacycles
1 28.56 1 28.57
quencies shown in tables 12, 13, 14, and 15 can be 2 28.60 2 28.61
reassigned in three additional areas of the State. 3 28.64 3 28.65
4 28.68 4 28.69
Therefore, quadrant A frequencies in the 10-, 6-, 5 28.72 5 28.73
2-, and 11/4-meter bands may be used in four sep- 6 29.47 6 29.48
arate areas of the State. This subdivision also per- 7 29.51 7 29.52
8 29.55 8 29.56
mits using frequencies, available for assignment, in 9 29.59 9 29.60
quadrants B, C, and D in three additional areas of 10 29.63 10 29.64
the State. OCDM recommends that. quadrants be Quadrant D Quadrant C
spaced a minimum of 30 miles for satisfactory oper- 1 28.59 1 28.58
ation in the 10-meter band. Therefore, the subdi- 2 28.63 2 28.62
vision shown for Illinois should be well within the 3 28.67 3 28.66
4 28.71 4 28.70
groundwave limitations of the 10-, 6-, 2-, and 11/4- 5 29.50 5 28.74
meter bands. (See "Principles of the Quadrant Sys- 6 29.54 6 29.49
7 29.58 7 29.53
tem," p. 5.) 8 29.62 8 29.57
9 29.61
A densely populated State or area requiring addi-
tional frequencies for communications may again Operation of the quadrant system is in clockwise direction. (See
Chart 1.)
Table 13.-Allocation of 6-meter frequencies' Table 14.-Allocation of 2-meter frequencies' i )
RACES channels for use by States, counties, RACES channels for use by States, counties,
and local governments and local governments
(Emissions: 50.35 me-50.75 me-O.IAI, 6A2, 6F2, 6F3, 6A4 (Emissions: 145.17-145.71 mc-O.IAI, 1.1F1, 6A2, 6F2,
50.35 me-53.75 mc-O.IAI, 1.1F1, 6A2, 6F2, 6A3, 6A4, 40F3
6A3, 6A4, 40F3 146.79-147.33 mc--0.lAl, 1.1F1, 6A2, 6F2,
53.30 mc-40F3)' 6A3, 6A4, 40F3
Quadrant A Quadrant B
Channel Frequency in Channel Frequency in Quadrant A Quadrant B
designation megacycles designation megacycles Channel Frequency in Channel Frequency in
1 50.36 1 50.38 designation megacycles designation megacycles
2 50.44 2 50.46 1 145.20 1 145.23
3 50.52 3 50.54 2 145.32 2 145.35
4 50.60 4 50.62 3 145.44 3 145.47
5 50.68 5 50.70 4 145.56 4 145.59
6 53.36 6 53.38 5 145.68 5 146.82
7 53.44 7 53.46 6 145.91 6 146.94
8 53.52 8 53.54 7 147.03 7 147.06
9 53.60 9 53.62 8 147.15 8 147.18
10 53.68 10 53.70 9 147.27 9 147.30
Quadrant D Quadrant C Quadrant D Quadrant C
1 50.42 1 50.40 1 145.29 1 145.26
2 50.50 2 50.48 2 145.41 2 145.38
3 50.58 3 50.56 3 145.53 3 145.50
4 50.66 4 50.64 4 145.65 4 145.62
5 50.74 5 50.72 5 146.88 5 146.85
6 53.42 6 53.40 6 147.00 6 146.97
7 53.50 7 53.48 7 147.12 7 147.09
8 53.58 8 .53.56 8 147.24 8 147.21
9 53.66 9 53.64 ' Operation of the quadrant system is in clockwise direction. (See
10 53.74 10 53.72 Chart 1.)
'Operation of the quadrant system is in clockwise direction. (See
Chart 1.)
2The 53.30 me frequency is available in emergency areas for initial
contact with military units and for communication with military
Table 15. -Allocation of 1'/4-meter frequencies
RACES channels for use by States, counties, and local governments
(Emissions: 220.00 mc-225.00 mc-O.lAl, I.1F1, 6A2, 6F2, 6A3, 6A4, 40173) Quadrant D
Quadrant B Quadrant C -
Quadrant A
Channel Frequency in Channel Frequency in Channel Frequency in Channel Frequency in
designation megacycles designation megacycles designation m22a0ci s designl tion megacycles
20 140 1 220.020 1 220.060 2 220.260 2 220.300
2 220.180 2 220.220
3 220.340 220.420 3 220.460
4 3 220.380 3 4 220.620
220.500 4 220.540 4 220 .580 5 220.660 5 220.700 5 220.740 5 220 .780
220.900 6 220.940
6 220.820 6 220.860 7 221.060 7 221.100
7 220.980 7 221.020
g 221.140 221.220 8 221.260
g 221.180 8 9 221.420
9 221.300 9 221 340 9 221.380
10 221.460 10 10 221.540 10 221.580
11 221.620 11 221.500 221.740
12 221.660 11 221 .700 11 221.900
221.780 12 221.820 12 221 .860 12
221.940 13 221.980 13 222.020 13 14 222 222.220
14 13 222. 14 222.140 14 222.180 222.380
15 222. 2 .060
26060 15 222.340
15 222.300 16 222.540
16 222.420 16 222.460 16 222.500
17 222 580 17 222.620 17 222.660 17 222.700
222.740 18 222.780 18 222.820 18 19 223.020
19 18 222 .900 19 222.940 19 222.980 223.180
20 223.060 20 223.100 20 223.140 223.300 220 1 223.340
~ 223.220 21 223.260 21 22 223.500
X221 1 223.420 22 223.460 223.660
24 22 223 .380 22 223.580 23 223.620 23 223.820
23 223.540 23
223.700 24 223.740 24 223.780 24
25 223.860 25 223.900 25 223224.940 .100 25 26 223.980
26 224.020 26 224.060 26 27 224.260 27 224.300
27 224.220 28 224.460
~ 27 224224.080 .340 28 224.380 28 224224.420 .580 29 224.620
28 224.540 29 224.780
29 224.500 29
3 224.660 30 224224.700 30 224.740 30 .860 31 224.900 31 224.940
g1 224.820 31
32 224.980
GPO 609670