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buses added to
Bryan Transit fleet
New models are larger, more fuel-efficient
michelle.casady@theeagle.com "These buses use
Elected leaders like to boast of cut- ultra-low-sulfur diesel....
ting red tape, but it was a ceremonial And they're about twice as
green ribbon the scissors were slic- fuel-efficient as the older
ing Wednesday as U.S. Rep. Chet
Edwards and other dignitaries buses."
unveiled a fleet of 13 new buses at the
Brazos Transit Terminal. John McBeth
Edwards, D-Waco, said the new President and CEO of the
buses would be an asset to the com- Brazos Transit District
"This will mean businesses will
have workers who can dependably John McBeth, president and CEO
get to work on time," he said. "What of the Brazos Transit District, said
I see is families being able to get to the new buses could carry more peo-
work on time, go to the grocery store ple - 24 instead of 16 - and were
and then, at the end of the workday, more fuel- efficient than the older
get home, where moms and dads
should be."
BUSES: Could help
during hurricane season
Continued from A9 possible by $1.3 million
secured by Edwards. An addi-
models, exceeding the 2010 tional $5 million has been
emission standard. approved to complete the con-
"These buses use ultra-low- struction of the downtown
sulfur diesel," he said. "It's transit terminal and parking
the cleanest-burning fuel that facility, which will be next to
we could get for a bus, with the Brazos County Court-
the exception of hydrogen. house.
And they're about twice as Bryan and College Station
fuel-efficient as the older aren't the only towns benefit-
buses." ing from the new buses.
The new fleet will be McBeth said they were man-
equipped with a system to ufactured in Salina, Kan.,
announce the next stop for and the order for 13 new
those who are visually buses went a long way
impaired and with a scrolling toward keeping the business
ticker to do the same for those operational.
who are hearing-impaired. McBeth also said the addi-
"It's just going to give peo- tional passengers the fleet
ple a whole lot more informa- will accommodate could be
tion," McBeth said. critical heading into hurri-
The purchase was made cane season.