HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 FAA Grant Easterwood awarded 1. "on fed 4 grant By MICHELLE CASADY ramp that Happ says needs replacing. michelle.casady@theeagle.com "It was built in 1940, and it's start- ing to deteriorate," Happ said. Improvements will be coming to The money also will be used to Easterwood Airport thanks to a fed- complete construction of the east eral grant worth nearly $1.4 million. side apron and to build an under- "Every time we get a grant, I let ground drainage system, which will out a sigh of relief," said John Happ, increase storm water drainage the Texas A&M-owned airport's capacity and eliminate a wildlife director of aviation. "You just never attractant. know. That's federal grant money, "In addition, quality transporta- and with the way the economy is, tion services are important for anyone applying for a grant holds boosting local economic growth," their breath until they know they U.S. Sen. John Cornyn said in a have that money in hand." news release announcing the fund- The funding comes through the ing. "I commend the area leaders Federal Aviation Administration who worked to secure this funding." within the U.S. Department of Happ said airport officials also Transportation. were trying to secure more funding Happ said the money would be put from the federal government to help to good use and would keep the facil- with renovations. He said they ity on track to accomplish goals out- requested a little more than $4 mil- lined in a master plan. lion but wouldn't know whether Some of the money will be used to they're getting the money until the rehabilitate the 2erneral aviation end of the month.