HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 Annual Survey_Brazos Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] Close Home Emails Surveys Contacts Images My Settings My Surveys/Polls Create Survey Create Poll Export History My Account | Pricing | Get Help Welcome, Judy | Logout From emails to web content in minutes! Add Email Archive to your account today. Surveys : Individual Results 2008 CHC Annual Survey Survey Details | Overall Results | Individual Results | Invitation Results < Return to Respondent List | Response for: hpmayo1@verizon.net Respondent Details Completed: 1/27/2009 -1:30 AM EST 1 County: Brazos 2 CHC Chair Name: Henry P Mayo 3 How many years has this person been CHC Chair? 0 Text Block : ORGANIZATION: 4 Does your CHC have committees? Answer Yes No Results View: Completed 109 Response(s) Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] 5 Which of the following committees does your CHC have? (check all that apply) Answer Endangered Properties Committee Executive Committee History Appreciation Committee Research and Markers Committee Finance and Budget Committee Publicity /Promotion /Marketing Committee Cemetery Archeology Fundraising Other: Education Comment: We are currently reorganizing our committees to be more inline with THC recommended structure 6 Which of the following disciplines do your committee members have professional experience in? (check all that apply) Answer Archeology Architecture History Preservation Tourism Fundraising Marketing /Public Relations Teaching Writing Other: Land Surveying 7 Do you have bylaws? Answer Yes No Unsure 8 When were your bylaws last updated? 1985 9 Does your CHC actively communicate with with your county officials? Answer Yes No Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] 10 How do you actively communicate with your county officials? (check all that apply) Answer Attend county court Submit CHC bylaws Submit CHC meeting minutes Submit a CHC budget Give a CHC treasury report Informal meetings with the County Judge Informal meetings with County Commissioners Provide suggested appointments Other: Submit CHC meeting Notices and Agendas 11 Explain why you don't actively communicate with your local county officials. (10 lines or less) Text Block : Definition: Partnerships: To develop networks, build alliances, engage in cross-functional activities, collaborate across boundaries and find common ground with a widening range of stakeholders, use contacts to build and strengthen internal support bases. 12 After reading the above definition, which of the following "potential" partner organizations do you have in your county? (check all that apply) Answer City officials County officials Nonprofit organizations (heritage group, visitor bureau, etc.) Educational institutions (school districts, community colleges, universities) Landmark commissions Museum boards Cemetery associations Local historic design/review boards Main Street managers and/or board members Tourism organizations Other: Land Developers 13 Which of these "potential" partner organizations do you partner with? (check all that apply) Answer City officials County officials Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] Nonprofit organizations (heritage group, visitor bureau, etc.) Educational institutions (school districts, community colleges, universities) Landmark commissions Museum boards Cemetery associations Local historic design/review boards Main Street managers and/or board members Tourism organizations We don't partner with any organizations Other 14 If you partner, please give brief examples: (10 lines or less) Our CHC membership consists of many people who are members of other 'partner' organizations. We also have a very active Heritage Tourism liasion who stays in contact with many of our local government and chamber of commerce staff. 15 Do you have incoming revenue or free services provided to your CHC? Answer Yes No 16 How much money and/or what type of services does your county provide? (10 lines lines or less) 17 Other than your county, what other sources do you have and what do they provide? (10 lines or less) 18 How does your CHC manage its money? (check all that apply) Answer County treasury Private bank account Nonprofit partner Other 19 Does your CHC set goals? Answer Yes No Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] 20 Does your CHC prioritize goals? Answer Yes No 21 Do you have a work plan? Answer Yes No 22 How often is the work plan updated? Text Block : MEMBERSHIP: 23 How many appointed members does your CHC have? 20 24 How many are male? 8 25 How many are female? 12 26 Please mark all of the ethnicities that are reflected by your CHC's appointed members. Answer Anglo African-American Hispanic Asian-Pacific Islander Native American Mixed ethnicity Other 27 Please mark all of the age ranges that are reflected by your CHC's appointed members. Answer 18-29 30-39 40-49 Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ 28 Please mark all the county precincts represented by your CHC's appointed members. Answer Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 29 How many non-appointed participants does your CHC have? 2 30 Are these non-appointed participants allowed to vote? Answer Yes No 31 How many times a year does your CHC meet? 10 32 Do you have regularly scheduled CHC meetings? Answer Yes No Sometimes 33 When are your regularly scheduled meetings? (10 lines or less) 2nd Mondays at 7pm, except in July and August 34 Do you post meeting notices? Answer Yes No Sometimes 35 How do you post meeting notices? Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] (check all that apply) Answer At the courthouse In the newspaper Email participants Other 36 How far in advance do you post meeting notices? Answer 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks Other 37 How do your CHC bylaws define a quorum? (10 lines or less) majority of members (11 of 20) 38 Do non-appointed participants count towards your quorum? Answer Yes No Unsure 39 Does your CHC have an attendance policy? Answer Yes No Unsure 40 Is the policy in your bylaws? Answer Yes No Unsure 41 Is the attendance policy adhered to? Answer Yes No Sometimes Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] 42 Do you gather information regarding the skills, expertise and interests of your appointees and participants? Answer Yes No 43 How do you use the information you gather on the skills, expertise and interests of your appointees and participants? (10 lines or less) 44 Do you have any county officials that participate in CHC activities? Answer Yes No 45 In what ways do these county officials participate? (check all that apply) Answer Attend CHC meetings Attend CHC events Advocate for preservation Appointed member Ex-officio member Other 46 How many volunteer hours did your CHC log in 2008? (Be sure to include time spent at meetings, events and travel to and from meetings and events) 400 47 Do you report your volunteer hours? Answer Yes No 48 To whom do you report your volunteer hours? (10 lines or less) 49 Do you delegate tasks among participants? Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] Answer Yes No 50 How do you delegate? (check all that apply) Answer Share duties during meetings Engage participants by using skillsets Assign tasks and deadlines Other: committee charges 51 Do you personally invite non-appointees to CHC meetings and/or functions? Answer Yes No 52 When you invite non-appointees to CHC meetings and/or functions do they come? Answer Yes No Sometimes 53 Do you recruit new appointees for the CHC? Answer Yes No 54 Explain how you recruit new appointees: (10 lines or less) Text Block : TRAINING: 55 Do you have a CHC handbook? Answer Yes No Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] 56 Do you share CHC handbook information with CHC participants? Answer Yes No 57 Do you use the CHC handbook as a teaching tool for CHC participants? Answer Yes No 58 Do you use the CHC handbook as a teaching tool for local officials? Answer Yes No 59 Do you use the THC web site? Answer Yes No 60 Which parts of the THC web site do you use? (check all that apply) Answer Awards Calendar Federal/state rules and regulations General preservation information Grant information Heritage tourism Historical marker application /information Historic sites atlas Information requests Information on THC programs Preservation news Publication requests Tax credit information Other: conference info /registration 61 Do you attend THCs annual conference? Answer Yes No Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] 62 How many from your CHC usually attend? 3 63 Who pays the travel and registration costs? (10 lines or less) We budget for reimbursement of member travel and lodging expenses (up to $2000 total). 64 What other THC training opportunities has your CHC taken advantage of? (check all that apply) Answer Archeology steward workshop Cemetery workshop Grant writing workshop Oral history workshop Preserve America museum workshop Texas Main Street training Visionaries in Preservation /Certified Local Government Symposium Other 65 Please list any non-THC trainings attended in the last year? i.e., National Trust, Preservation Texas, etc. (10 lines or less) 66 Did any of these provide hands-on training for preservation projects? Answer Yes No 67 Please list any training sessions or preservation speakers you hosted at your 2008 meetings. (10 lines or less) our Downtown Business Assoc. Director, our CHC website manager. 68 Do you communicate with other CHCs to discuss issues and projects? Answer Yes No 69 Do you provide mentoring to other CHCs? Answer Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] Yes No 70 Please list brief examples where your CHC has mentored another CHC. (10 lines or less) 71 Do experienced CHC appointees train new appointees? Answer Yes No 72 Do you have a formal CHC mentoring process for new appointees? Answer Yes No Text Block : CORE PRESERVATION: 73 Are there professional cultural and historic resource surveys of your county? Answer Yes No Unsure 74 What percentage of your county has been professionally surveyed? Answer 1-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% 75 When were these surveys last updated? Answer Within the last year 2-5 years ago 6-10 years ago 11-20 years ago 20+ years ago Unsure Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] 76 Do you have inventory lists of any of the following? (check all that apply) Answer Subject markers Museums Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks State Archeological Landmarks National Register designations Historic trails Covenants No, we don't have any inventory lists 77 If you have inventories, do they list the existing physical conditions? Answer Yes No 78 How often do you monitor /update these inventories? 2+ years 79 Please mark all parties that are provided a copy of your inventories: Answer CHC appointees County Commissioners County Judge Texas Historical Commission Other 80 Please mark all of the following items you keep track of in your county: Answer Under-represented resources Under-served subjects Endangered properties Anticipated /ongoing archeological investigations None of the above 81 Do you provide this information to the THC? Answer Yes No 82 Do you use this information to prioritize CHC work? Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] Answer Yes No 83 Are these priorities incorporated into your annual work plan? Answer Yes No 84 Does your county provide ordinances and/or incentives regarding historic resources? Answer Yes No 85 Is the CHC involved in administering or commenting on these ordinances and/or incentives? Answer Yes No 86 Briefly explain the CHC's role in your county's ordinances and/or incentives regarding historic resources: (10 lines or less) 87 Do you understand the difference between the following markers and designations? Designations: -National Register of Historic Places -Recorded Texas Historic Landmark -State Archeological Landmark -Historic Texas Cemetery Markers: -Subject marker -Recorded Texas Historic Landmark marker -Historic Texas Cemetery Marker Answer Yes No Some 88 Do you understand the various levels of protection that come with the following markers and designations? Designations: -National Register of Historic Places -Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] -State Archeological Landmark -Historic Texas Cemetery Markers: -Subject marker -Recorded Texas Historic Landmark marker -Historic Texas Cemetery Marker Answer Yes No Some 89 When deciding which marker or designation to pursue, rank the following items in order of importance. Ranking(1 =Most Important) 1 Appropriateness of interpretation 2 Level of protection 3 Familiar with the process 4 Length of time to complete the process 5 The effect the designation will have on future preservation options 6 Cost 7 It's what the CHC has done in the past 90 Does your CHC manage, fund or help operate a museum? Answer Yes No 91 What percent of CHC volunteer hours are spent on the museum? Answer 1-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100% 92 What percent of CHC funds are spent on the museum? Answer 1-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-61-80% 81-100% 93 Do you use any professional standards of care for your historic resources? Answer Yes Constant Contact : Surveys : Individual Results http://ui.constantcontact.com/...hotrwq/report/response/response?pageAfter=1102360071322_46&size=1&responseStatusFilter=1&submit=submit&x=6&y=7[2/25/20 09 5:06:36 PM] No 94 Please list the standards you use. i.e., Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Preservation, American Association of Museums Standards and Best Practices (10 lines or less) 95 When looking at the annual work generated by your CHC, rank the following items in order of importance. Ranking(1 =Most Important) 1 Subject markers 2 Cemetery preservation 3 Protection of historic resources 4 Heritage tourism 5 Balanced interpretation of all historic county resources 6 Museum | < Return to Respondent List Copyright © 1999-2009 Constant Contact, Inc. All Rights Reserved Refer a Friend | Customer Support