HomeMy WebLinkAboutRock Prairie Baptist Photos IntroductiOn . . Wel come .................... Honoring Adam Royder .......... Map ................... Li st ................... INDEX . 2 3-5 6 7 Rules of Decorum .............. 8-9 Special Events .................. 10.18 . 19- 20 Letters ................... Lor s Supper Bread Recipe . 21 Ill Recent Years ......... 22 Historical Marker Dedication and Photos .... Rock Prairie Baptist Church Ministries .... Poem ..................... 39 Sources of Information ........... 40 I n de x ................. 41 IOOTH CELEBRATION 2000 dif COl" be llene Sloan 000 thing, of , The Rock Prai It these years Christ, the Son of God. We the building Much of the building convenience changes and rep what abundantly those who attend and around the world. came in to lng the same The and worship and special events. inal, except for lng. bY in the blessing us -- spiritually, with sending the go REJOICE WITH US. ~ONORIN~ ~MEMORY 0~ ADAM R O YD E R 4 and ~ Adam and who Millican and Wellborn, Dm Weliborn this Wellborn. Dm name well and distinguished themselves 1 & 2 the the Rook 11 at Robertsc~n County, Washington County, Brazos - no date PASTORS ROCK PRAIRIE BAPTIST CHURCH July 7, 1900 September 14. 1901 904 der G. A. Foster der J. M. Bullock 909 Apri 10 18 Missing Information May 7v 1927 October 13, 1929 April 20, October 5, 1947 September 13, 1950 January 13, 1952 April 12, 1953 July 11, 1954 September 30, i956 July 9, 1957 June 26, 1960 July 2, 196I (Interim) October 15, i961 June 17, 1962 July 26, 1964 October 2, 1965 May 14, 1967 12, i972 (Ass't Pastor) 980 2, 1982 Mi Elder R. B. Waite Br Rev. Sam Thomas Bro. Allen Hadock Fort B B Bro F r Rev. Gordon Benni in 2nd 7 t/~ iO l/~ o~ 0 ~1~ lt, l ~.rll ~ e. lt .~ o l'l un.~eaa cgt~cttm~tance~ ma~e ~e ~o LnvLte tAe a ma~orLty en L~ wLll ~a~e a caaea o~ a tlc, 6ut no~ ~0 Ln deba~e £n de6aie ~F an~ /~Lnd o~ ~o,~m hLa t~epo~t~ ~all be 7~e ~nd commune 3 10 ROCK PRA OF June 10, 1900 The church was organized with the following members: wife wife July 7, 1900 Si Si Si called. 3 October, 1900 September 14, 1901 May, 1902 December 11, 1904 December 30, January 20, 1907 1909 Sa as their to col benche The s Bullo Bro. S. lde de Br in s called. Broo J.M. fill of ca s services r. s and o pay Maggie as and and inted ation. unanimously to organize a 11 April 23, 1910 June 26, 1910 Elder R. A Nash was called as pastor. August 25, 1910 December 16, 1910 November 26, 1911 September, 1917 March 3, 1918 Bro. Bro. Atha cb $2.35 was called as pastor. unanimously chosen as pastor. ordained as a deacon. September 30, 1918 February 8, 1920 October 8, 1911 September 9, 1923 May 7, 1927 October 13, 1929 April 20, 1930 April, 1936 July, 1926 12 Brother Sam Thomas was called as pastor. $6.00 was sent to Buckner's $19.00 to the Associational Missions. ch elected another deacon, Bro. Bob Lucille Todd was elected treasurer. rs anteeM'.Atkin Bro. Byron became pastor. Bro. R. C. Davis was called as pastor. Rev. Sam s was the pastor. Bro. Claude Richards joined. 4th re Todd, He h_~Cooner, September 13, 1 October 5, 1947 October 12, January 4, 1948 Mr. Mrs, ie Pearl : and John Todd were was donated to build Sunday January 11, I948 June 6, 1948 Piani Mrs. Crens J. W. (Buddy) July, 1948 1 Report (was 13 August, 1948 year November 1 February 1] Th~ the ~n * of May 23, 1949 was held ie Baptist 15 p.m. was e November 13, 1949 December, 1949 September 13, 1950 January 14, 1951 April 8, 1951 The as The to t iven to the church. $87.40 for Lottie g. ted to call Joe M. Ellison I8-29th. ~rk. se Bro. Norman Arthur October 14, 1951 January made on the 14 March 17, 1953 e April 12, 1953 June 28, 1953 tor. July 11, 1954 November, 1954 March 13, 1955 June, 1955 August 10, 1955 November 9, 1955 June 6, 1956 Re Y The ned as a deacon. with Arthur Olden song leader and September 30, 1956 Rev. July 9, 1957 July 14, 1957 June 8, 1958 Bill dock was call was called as pastor. for 15 December 7, 1958 Had Dedicaton Service for new Sunday School Building. January 1I, 1959 t $4,671.75 August 30, 1959 June 26, 1960 June I1, 1961 JulY 2, 1961 October 15, 1961 June 17, 1962 February, 19 June 30, 1963 July 26, 1964 September 13, 1 October 2, 1965 November The church ord Arthur is was called as Sunday nt 66. The McMa taff was new pas % uss the ceiling g t the church. Mike Muth and.~Glen June 26, 1966 May 14, 1967 was ca led as our February 2, 1969 November 12, 1972 February 11, 1973 May 13, 1973 Ouly 8, 1973 Calle Bro Bro The Th was new 1 as pastor. tot. leader. September 9, 1973 December 15, 1974 January 19, I975 Willis RitCbey~and-'CharIes !Tadd be new R.A. Leaders° acreE hase 16 January 26, 1975 Trus Will December 14, 1975 rles Todd, March, 1976 August 14, 1977 April 9, 1978 8S tO Jack October 29, 1978 Tommy May 6, 1979 The June 10, 1979 and Don Sullins were ordained thus far is $2, 581.00. ople. deacon. new pastor. Ascol. of Broadman Bible December 16, 1979 February 10, 1980 We sponsored a B.S.U. student to Mexico. to plan the 80th April 13, 1980 November 2, 1 March 8, 1981 April 5, 1981 We be A Steeple September 13, 1981 An or h as our 80th Anniversary. for $4,525.00 to our church. Ron Weatherford were to the church. 17 October 2, 1982 December 12, 1982 July, 1983 January 29, I984 March 25, 1984 May, 1984 June 3, 1984 July, 1984 August, 1984 Gordon Knight was called as pastor. Ch sday night se The fo commit Willis Dolly A building .rts, as the g. proceed Miss give is e wish to r that she the church. on the grounds July 9th. June 28, 1984. 4th and week. to do so. t. We voted September, 1984 October, 1984 Hook rch ion. A gift pai We A pu 00. the alta,r furniture. from the Mary Hill Davis tion gave us and used to November 4, 1984 February 20, 1985 August 24, 1985 DEDICATION CEREMONIES for New Building. the 18 May 21, 1986 June 4, 1987 Spring, 1988 May 15, 1988 May 15, 1988 December 29, 1988 January 29, 1989 July 9, 1989 March 18, 1990 April 18, 1990 May 6, 1990 September 30 January 6, 1991 June 9, 1991 t goals. Vot unt Note R.Ao Meet Johnny S1 Jo 91ST ed damage from on to gifts. ;200.00 w~s-paid off eremony for short-term loan. as interim pastor. ck r for Preservation bi-vocational pastor. . Attendance of 96 pastor. NORTH T BAPTIST VEN 19 J~mly 1, 1980 College Dear Friends: Because . to be · had the In in Rock Pr 77840 much Prairie, went had Lned for ten gave to I ears has been life- of service Encl. Post Card June 4, 1991 to a to THE LORD ~S ur in bowl - add about 5 tablespoons of water much flour D e as paper. Cut knife. Do done it will must not let it brown. 1 well~ Be sure not to add too ad nearly with it deeply Y less dry it out. Flame closely and do but not brown. 3 23 "Will it be a church at age 1007" Ou and world. The the BLESSINGS 1990 - PRESENT 24 The Lord has blessed us abundantl have been able worthwhile change g is a partial order they happened. n g, but l~ot n il y i n The remaining balanc with vi 91th An donor. rat i o n a nd lding was paid off made during our y an anonymous textured the ori g aisle; the founda the found at was repaired the wall s were nted, as well as led down the center and painted; the and portions of s were removed, units. The 1 ocal Ma cal s i g that occasion an Historical to denote its was held for her pages). e Drainage aro by contourin§ cleaned and several new bull replaced brok this one to was donated purchased. School improved horough 1 y Some blinds and New tiles fountain and new was created; ge and new carpet om. New toys and videos were 25 e Cabinets and office to fac and an electroniC church and sunday A new Lanier Copie reproduci ng church and v various churc urchase als hool and t i n storage for school , the copying of w A new, lar lawil mower was donated. The nursery fan , a new ceiling were installed. ased, as well as new boUght time, light 10. A ce iling was donated. 11. Th way to the pa on the walkway, the building. the ll S we xtra lig lot, ed in front of were ~, first from choir 1 oft for the kitchen, a rcial coffee maker were reroofed idewalk all the was installed alld near 26 12. Through a n and Allene S1 13. The Fell owshi two newel to more s 14. A new TV/VC training returned t¢ 15. Pastor Johnn) numerous boo boo ks to be 16. CELEBRATING 100 YEARS AS s of ans installed, folding dOors w folding chairs for teaching later found ment~ a ~d and ary. and donated thers have given A CHURCH FAMILY. 8 27 · BY: Turne_~ $oR. No. 2~ and when continued to with Hi therefore 72nd on this Rock in 1919 and 28 29 IN 1891 MY GRANDFATHER, ADAM ROYDER, DEEDED THIS ACRE OF LAND TO BE THE SITE OF A SCHOOL. LUMBER FOR THE BUILDING WAS HAULED FROM WELLBORN BY MEANS OF WAGON AND MULES. WAS LIGHTING WAS KAROS WOOD STOVE AND WATER WAS AT THE NE CORNER OF THE GRANDFATHER ~ THE CHURCH WAS CONSISTED MOSTLY OF EARLY PASTORS WERE OFTEN CIRCUIT OTHER GOODS IN LIEU KAROSENE NOONS IN PREPARATION FOR THE THE CHURCH REPLACED BY MEMBERS OF TEXAS CARROLL's STORE THROUGH THE YEARS. MANY RENOVATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE TO GRANDFATHER WOULD BE PROUD OF I AC CHURCH AND IN MEMORY OF OCCASION POSSIBLE. OF THE SCHOOLHOUSE THE RE THAT ANY DENOMINATION. PRAIRIE BAPTIST THE EARLY CONGREGATION OTHER RELATIVES. AND REPLACED THE ON SATURDAY AFTER- EARLY 1920's DESIGNED AND CUT SHOP AND BROUGHT TO AND MANY IS LEGACY. ST WHO MADE THIS Royder coOPERATI PROGRAM Tots 33 ongo i Texas. On a quarterly to be used by familie are in charge of the m The ~ on death th es need only hope for peace. are taken Mrs. (Nelda Bob them i t lng Norris Many of He is their The Lad~es for the we have collect money for gifts. Duri to buy school clothing. offerings. Bro. & to the cause of someone to love them. generous support. we have homemade cookies the holidays fruit, and sent monies is su d by fre and Dan O'Q that e and ministry is unique and deserves The class has plans to begin a shut-in ministry some time within the year 2000. Once a month, fe of the church meet at a local This is a time to enjoy ideas and plans for ministry. 34 SHOE BOX MINISTRY Frank a flashligh box. Th churches been the most of People in a shoe a T-shirt, items inside the and the We urge collect be li ion center. One can and then about off point to FILL A BOX! 35 toys fo M*A*S*H TOYS FOH TOTS effort toys This in provide Chr To pleasing to g child at 1 their time . It also generously at t one gift. things we have with others, is us all things~ CAROLING FOR The at one of always a those who need to caroling This is of music with 36 HONE of - the Twin (Dina) Though we cannot ministry, Abuse survi revea or record the ings. time h results of that return to Him is is a place struggling to It anyone ere are you carrying out no longer find preach the Word ide in that t. Are 37 had mi of Pastor & Mrs. Juliaa I Rock Prairie BaptiSt Church has o be a part of an independent the direction educated in a ds of Indonesia. Through our gift spreading the Indonesia. supported and are in villages surrounding Bandung, There has been much unrest these churches have the police. God i and by 38 Pastor Brazos morning gather to worship. Ea at the Pastor an Several he residents have members ever s g these years The Pastor visi and other cente ~ur$ing Home on a regular basis, Ms as requested. MBrches On 39 To And carriage Sa Men~ Amd 4O o 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SOU oun~y H~ A by: Na The Bryan/COllege Station Church Records Letters - Sam For Clarice Royder - State Records Dedication Photos - Worded by Allen Poem - Allene Sloan Cover Photos - Mary Carl l ION Cult ough Eagle Newspaper 1980, 1991 d icat ion Speech ven to the Church