HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-2012 BVVM Strategic PlanMEMORIAL FOR ALL VETERANS OF THE BRAZOS VALLEY, INC. 2008 - 2012 STRATEGIC PLAN Approved November 5, 2008 PURPOSE: The MEMORIAL FOR All VETERANS OF THE BRAZOS VALLEY. INC., was chartered as anon-profit corporation by the State of Texas on July 17, 2000. The organization has no stockholders or equity owners and is governed by a Board of Directors made of community volunteers. Membership is based on contributions and is open to the public. The Brazos Valley region refers to the seven counties located in proximity to the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Area. They include Brazos, Grimes, Madison, Robertson, Leon, Burleson and Washington Counties. The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to guide the organization in a long-term process to support the mission and goals adopted by the Board of Directors. The strategic plan is established as a five year planning document. It should be reviewed and updated on annual basis to reflect current needs, opportunities and concerns as appropriate. MISSION: "The mission of the Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc., is to take a proactive role in honoring veterans who have served in the uniformed services of the United States" (December 31, 2007 Financial Statement). The organization shall endeavor to recognize and honor the service and sacrifices of all American veterans past, present and future. PRIORITIES: The following priorities have been identified by the 2008 Board of Directors: • Design and construction of the Lynn Stuart Pathway • Increase membership in the organization • Develop a comprehensive community awareness program • Develop an effective fund raising program • Solicit additional veterans' names for the memorial • Conduct an annual Veterans Day ceremony ANNUAL STRATEGIES: These strategies reflect the method to address the key priorities of the organization over a long term basis. They are intended to serve as brief points of action and do not provide detailed analysis of how they are to be accomplished. That level of detail is provided through the development of annual goals with specific action items to be implemented. 2008 1. Complete the design for the Lynn Stuart Pathway project (APPENDIx1:LYNN STUART PA THWA Y MASTER PLAN) 2. Solicit competitive bids for the Lynn Stuart Pathway project and initiate construction 3. Increase overall individual membership in the organization 4. Develop a "LIFE MEMBER "category and recruit 30 people for this level. 5. Develop a "CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP" category and recruit 10 organizations or businesses for this level. 6. Update the organization Web site with current information. 7. Develop a speakers bureau and make presentations to a minimum of 12 groups 8. Publish a book with the stories of local WWII veterans 2009 1. Complete the construction of the Lynn Stuart Pathway project 2. Develop a proposed timeline for development of individual war memorials in accordance with the approved master plan (APPENDIX 1) 3. Develop a proposal for the development of one additional war memorial to be located along the Lynn Stuart Pathway 4. Develop an interpretive program for the Lynn Stuart Pathway to illustrate the background regarding the major wars that have been fought by American veterans starting with the revolutionary war and continuing to the present (APPENDIX 2) 5. Conduct an appropriate dedication ceremony for the completed Lynn Stuart Pathway project 6. Develop an effective and comprehensive communications plan 7. Initiate fundraising for the new war memorial 8. Increase life membership to a minimum of 50 individuals 9. Increase corporate membership to a minimum of 20 organizations or businesses 2010 I. Complete fund raising for the new war memorial 2. Complete the design, construction and dedication of the initial war memorial 3. Publish a second volume of stories from local WWII veterans 4. Begin interviews with local Korean War veterans 5. Increase life membership to a minimum of 60 individuals 3 6. Increase corporate membership to a minimum of 30 organizations or businesses 7. Conduct the annual Veterans Day ceremony 2011 1. Develop a proposal for the next war memorial to be located on the pathway 2. Initiate fund raising for the next war memorial Increase 3. life membership to a minimum of 75 individuals 4. Increase corporate membership to a minimum of 40 organizations or businesses 5. Conduct the annual Veterans Day ceremony 2012 1. Publish the first book of Korean War Veterans stories 2. Increase life membership to a minimum of 100 individuals 3. Increase corporate membership to a minimum of 50 organizations or businesses 4. Complete the design, construction and dedication of the initial war memorial 5. Conduct the annual Veterans Day ceremony IMPLEMENTATION: This plan, to succeed, must be developed with the full input and acceptance of the Board of Directors. In addition, the Board must use this plan as a guide to develop annual goals for the organization to move forward in an orderly manner to accomplish the underlying purpose for its existence, to honor our veterans. An effective strategic plan is of no value without a commitment to continually review, update and implement the strategies that have been identified and adopted. 4 New Boards will bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the organization. Their input and commitment will be essential for the organization to succeed in the future. Finally, to be meaningful, the strategic plan must be one that relates to the local community, to our governmental partners and, most important, to all of the veterans and their families in the Brazos Valley. APPENDIX 2: America's Wars: U.S. Casualties & Veterans .American Revolution (1775- 1783) Total service members 217,000 'Battle deaths 4,435 Non-mortal wounded 6,188 War of 1812 (1812-1815) (Total service members ` 286,730 E Battle deaths 2,260 l _. 'Non-mortal wounded 4,505 ..Indian Wars (approx. 1817- 1898) Total service members .106,000 Battle deaths 1,000' ..Mexican War (1846-1848) { Total service members _( 78,718 Battle deaths ' 1,733 Other deaths in service (non-theater) 11,550 Non-mortal wounded 4,152 i I __ . , 3 3 Civil War (1861-1865) .,Total service members (Union) .2,213,363'... Battle deaths (Union) 140,414 .Other deaths in service (non-theater) '..(Union) ' 224,097 Non-mortal wounded (Union) 281,881 ' Total service members (Conf.) 1,050,000 . , ,, _._ Battle deaths (Conf.) 74,524 Other deaths in service (non-theater) (Conf.) 59,297 World War I (1917-1918)3 7 ..... `Total service members 4,734,991 Battle deaths 53,402 .:Other deaths in service (non- i "+''??theater) 63,114 i Non-mortal wounded 204,002 __i fewer than Living veterans 25~' World War II (1940-1945) 3 :Total service members .._.~ 16,112,566. E 'Battle deaths 291,557 Other deaths in service (non- .. theater) 113,842 ..Non-mortal wounded 671,846 _. . Living veterans 3,242,000 :Korean War (1950-1953) Total service members ' 5,720,000 ;' Serving in-theater 1,789,000 Battle deaths 33,741 Other deaths in service (theater) 2,833 Other deaths in service (non- theater) ', 17,672 'Non-mortal wounded 103,284 Living veterans 3,086,400 Vietnam War (1964-1975) Non-mortal wounded 153,303 Living veterans 7,286,500 Gulf War (1990-1991) Total service members 2,225,000 Serving in-theater 665,476 __ _ _ , , Battle deaths 147 I ............ Other deaths in service (theater) 382 Other deaths in service (non- theater) 1,565 i .. _l Non-mortal wounded 467 i _ _.__ Living veterans 1,852,000 ... America's Wars Total Military service during war 43,185,893 ~ W 8 r..~.. .. , ,..,., Battle deaths 653,708 Other deaths in service (theater) 14,560 .Other deaths in service (non- `theater) 525,930 Non-mortal wounded 1,447,281 Living war veterans 17,835,000`' Living veterans 23,976,000 Global War on Terror (as of Sept. 30, 2006)5 1,384,968 '. !':.Total Service members 1. Veterans Administration estimate as of Sept. 30, 2006 (Worldwide) _.... Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan 165,000 1 .m._s Battle Deaths 2,333 __., Other Deaths (In Theater) 707 Non-mortal Wounded 21,649 ~ i i _. ':..Living Veterans 588,9236 2. Estimated figure. Does not include 26,000-31,000 who died in Union prisons. 3. Years of U.S. involvement in war. 4. Approximately 1,065,000 veterans had service in multiple conflicts. They are counted under each conflict, but only once in the total. 5. For the most current GWOT statistics, visit: http://wwwl.va.gov/opa/fact/amwars.asp 6. VA estimate does not include those still on active duty and may include veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Source: Department of Defense and Veterans Administration. 9