HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 BCHC Minutes 08.12.2007 DRAFT MINUTES BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Bryan Public Library 201 East 28th Street March 12, 2007 7:00pm 1. Call to order by the Chair Chairman, Charles Schultz, called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Members present: Charles R. Schultz, Anne Boykin, Barbara Althaus, Ray George, Julie Schultz, Regina Opersteny, Nancy Schwart, Bill Page, Henry Mayo. 2. Designate a Secretary for the March meeting Anne Boykin volunteered to be the designated secretary for the meeting. 3. Introduction of guests No guests were present. 4. Approval of minutes of the February 12, 2007, meeting A motion was made by Henry Mayo and seconded by Ray George to approve the minutes of Feb. 12, 2007, meeting. Motion carried. 5. Unfinished business A. TAMU Main Drill Field Marker Charles reported that the marker is in place and will be dedicated at a yet to be determined date. Barbara asked about notices for such dedications. Charles stated that he sends out emails to notify of such events. Notices are also placed in The Eagle. B. Memorial for Providence Missionary Baptist Church C. Historical marker for Isom Palmer (1811-1874) in Bryan Cemetery Henry Mayo reported that nothing had been done in a month. However, there is evidence of the ground preparations on FM 60 just past the entrance to the airport. D. Old Bethel Cemetery marker application No news was reported. E. BCHC information on Brazos County WEB site Henry Mayo reported that his son took photographs of the markers. They will be adding them to the website in the near future. His son did the work as part of a scouting community service project. Coverage in The Eagle will be in order. F. Rock Prairie Church and School Henry Mayo spoke with Edsel Jones about the current status. They are hoping to get a financial donation and/or some land. One idea that has been discussed is a median or island of land for a memorial marker. Julie Schultz will try to talk to some of the embers and see what the current status is. G. Marker for Reliance Cemetery According to Charles Schultz, the THC said that the marker application did not meet the six weeks time frame for application. Later, the THC reported that the application had been received and was being considered. 6. New Business A. Archaeology Committee report No report in view of the absence of Tom. B. Education Committee report Charles Schultz received a thank you note from Joshua Connelly, a $50 winner in the History Fair. We also received an acknowledgement note from Ann McGaugh noting the $250 donation by the BCHC. It was noted that the participation was mostly from home schools, private schools and schools outside B/CS area. Several suggestions were made to promote the event in B/CS schools. C. Historical Markers and Research Committee report The directional sign pointing to the High Prairie Place marker was removed during highway construction. Several attempts were made to find out who is ultimately responsible for replacing and/or upkeep on the sign. Both Mr. Ogden and Mr. Brown contacted TXDOT in in hopes of remedying the situation. Lloyd Wassermann asked for help via a letter to BCHC. Charles Schultz spoke to the TXDOT engineer and was told that it was not a state responsibility. Anne Boykin reported that TXDOT does have an historic preservationist who might be the one to contact. From the Research Committee-Bill Page brought up several topics under investigative research: North Main Street and the racially mixed businesses, A&M School District which began in 1909. D. Other New Business 1. Bill Page suggested a “Find Day” where members could look for CSISD school records in the bus barns and/or warehouses belonging to CSISD. Anne Boykin will contact Ann Ganter to see if they are agreeable to this. 2. There was discussion about putting many of Bill Page’s emails online on Project HOLD. Bill would like to write a preface to them first. 3. Anne Boykin reported that her nephew, Brandon Boykin, will be doing an Eagle Scout project at Minter Springs. The work might result in a marker application. 4. Julie Schultz noted that Richard Gunn has many old photographs of the area including aerials and the collections from one of the prominent photo studios that has closed. He is also very adept at photo restoration. 5. On the calendar, Henry Mayo reported: Open House at The Museum of the American GI by Brent Mullins, Saturday, March 17. 6. Henry Mayo presented a Power Point presentation on Boonville to Bryan City Council on March 8th. 7. Upcoming Events: April 27 – Arbor Day Celebration/American Mile Dedication at Veterans Park June 18-19 – Anniversary of Zebulon Pike camping out on the OSR. 8. Correspondence of the Chair 9. Adjournment – At 8:20 pm, a motion to adjourn was made by 8:20 pm by Julie Schultz, seconded by Bill Page. _______________________________________ Anne Boykin Secretary for the March 12, 2007 BCHC Meeting Approved: _______________________________________ Charles Schultz, Chairman Brazos County Historical Commission