HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 BCHC Minutes_09_08_08 1 DRAFT of MINUTES BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Bryan Public Library 201 East 28th Street September 8, 2008 7:00PM 1. Call to order by the Chair Chair, Charles Schultz, called the meeting to order at 7:35PM following a pre-meeting presentation by John Hendry of the Downtown Bryan Economic Development Association. Members present: Barbara Althaus, Colleen Batchelor, Shawn Carlson, Ray George, Susan Irza, Regina Opersteny, Bill Page, Charles R. Schultz, Nancy Schwart, Diane Smith and Nancy Tiner. 2. Introduction of guests Deborah Cowman, Director of the Brazos Valley Museum, was present to request a grant in support of their Boonville Days event. 3. Approval of minutes of the May 12, 2008 meeting Minutes of the May meeting had not been distributed so Henry Mayo read the minutes. Colleen Batchelor moved that the minutes be approved as read; Susan Irza seconded the motion. 4. Unfinished Business A. Historical marker for Isom Palmer (1811-1874) in Bryan City Cemetery. Henry Mayo noted that the ceremony for this marker was held in May and should be removed from future agendas. B. BCHC information on Brazos County WEB site. Batchelor reported that she has posted 49 narratives to the web site and has a few remaining pictures to post as well as the First National Bank narrative. Irza also noted that the first printing of the BCHC bookmarks had an error so the printer fixed the error and printed another 5000 at no cost. Most of those 10,000 markers have been distributed in the community already. C. Old Bethel Cemetery Marker. Mayo reported that the text has been approved by BCHC. D. Reliance Cemetery Marker. Mayo reported that this marker was approved last spring by BCHC. Charles Schultz has had communication from Lonnie Jones that the dedication date has been set for Sunday, October 19th at noon. The dedication follows the Reliance Baptist Church service and Charles said that he would attend the service. E. Steep Hollow Cemetery Historical Cemetery designation. Charles Schultz has received copies of the application and narrative but BCHC still needs to approve the narrative. Copies were handed out for members to read. Batchelor moved that, in light of limited time remaining for the meeting, members read the narratives at home and respond with comments by email within a week. Bill Page seconded the motion. Consensus with the idea was expressed, but there was no vote. 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee report Tom Lynch was not present to report. Ray George mentioned that the mammoth site in Waco will be opened to the public soon. Mayo stated that it will be added as a National Park Service site. B. Education Committee report Julie Schultz was not present to report for this committee. 2 C. Historical Markers and Research Committee report Bill Page alerted members to www.familysearch.org, noting that the website now has Texas death records—which were not kept in Texas until 1903. Batchelor reported that she had been contacted by someone about the deteriorating condition of the Kemp House on W. 17th. The house is on the National Register. Batchelor stated that there is an effort underway to ask the Bryan housing inspector to do an informal walk through of the house to determine its safety status. D. Correspondence of the Chair Batchelor reported that as a result of her website work, she had some correspondence with the Chair of the Burleson County Historical Commission, Tammy Kubecka, regarding the Mosely’s Ferry site, and whether a narrative exists for it. She also noted Kubecka’s displeasure with the new THC logo; members expressed similar concerns. Irza passed out flyers she received from the Millican Heritage Society for a tour of Terrell Farm on September 18th, 2008. F. Other New Business Henry Mayo reported that the Commission’s budget for 2008-2009 was being increased from $3600 to $5100 and would be approved by County Commissioners on Tuesday, September 9th. Deborah Cowman presented a grant request to BCHC for $1000 for continued support of Boonville Days to be held at the Brazos Valley Museum on October 4th. Colleen Batchelor presented a grant request on behalf of the Brazos Heritage Society for $1200 for continued support of “Heritage Highlights”. Barbara Althaus requested $250 for production of 80 “historias,” or historical snippets about Brazos County, that she wrote during the summer and would like to place in downtown Bryan store windows for “College Night” on Friday, September 12th. After some discussion, Page moved that the Commission fund $1000 to the Brazos Valley Museum for Boonville Days; Colleen seconded the motion. Page then moved that the Commission fund the Brazos Heritage Society Heritage Highlights with the balance of the Commission’s budget for 2007-08; Charles Schultz suggested that the motion be amended to state “up to $1500” rather than “the balance.” Page amended his motion to include that wording. Nancy Tiner seconded the motion. The motion passed, with Mayo and Batchelor abstaining. The Commission indicated it would reconsider the request for funding the “historias” in October when a new budget will be in place, and time permits members to review the content, given the fact that the proposal was to print them with the BCHC name at the bottom. At 8:50PM the Commission was asked by library staff to leave the building for closing. Barbara Althaus requested that at next month’s meeting the Commission discuss, (1) the need for volunteers, (2) a committee of greeters, and (3) a heritage museum. G. Adjournment The meeting was not formally adjourned. Shawn B. Carlson Secretary