HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 BCHC Minutes_05_12_08 1 MINUTES BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Bryan Public Library 201 East 28th Street May 12, 2008 7:00PM 1. Call to order by the Chair Vice-Chair, Henry Mayo, called the meeting to order at 7:06PM. Members present: Barbara Althaus, Colleen Batchelor, Anne Boykin, Shawn Carlson, Ray George, Susan Irza, Tom Lynch, Regina Opersteny, Bill Page, Charles R. Schultz, Nancy Schwart and Nancy Tiner. 2. Introduction of guests There were no guests present. 3. Approval of minutes of the April 14, 2008 meeting Colleen Batchelor moved that the minutes be approved as read; Tom Lynch seconded the motion. 4. Finished Business Reports A. Providence Church Historic Site dedication (April 21st) Henry reported that the dedication ceremony went smoothly and that one of the Wooten descendants at the ceremony had sent him a copy of the Jones and Wooten Abstract. He also stated that the Mary Esther Burton family of Houston has been keeping the Jones-Roberts cemetery cleared. Henry visited that cemetery and has a GPS reading, including one from an old tree with stones around it. He observed a tombstone marked 1842. Regina Opersteny said that the Jones family knows where Dr. Wooten is buried—and that it is not the Jones-Roberts cemetery. B. Dedication of Isom Palmer marker in Bryan Cemetery (May 3rd) Nancy Tiner reported that the dedication ceremony was well attended, with numerous historic organizations present. John Blair conducted the dedication and the descendants did the unveiling. Anne Boykin sent a press release for the event. C. THC Annual Historic Preservation Conference (May 1st-3rd) The THC conference was attended by Charles Schultz, Henry Mayo, Barbara Althaus and Anne Boykin. A full discussion of the conference activities was held at 6:30PM, prior to this evening’s meeting. Following the meeting, Henry showed a video that he acquired at the conference. 5. Unfinished business A. Reliance Cemetery Historical Marker Henry Mayo reported that no response had been received regarding BCHC’s suggested corrections to the marker narrative, so the marker application was sent on to THC. B. BCHC Website and Bookmark design Colleen reported that she has received no bookmark design from Julie and that at this late date it was too late to cut a check to pay for a design. She said that the new address is not working just yet and she asked that if anyone has links to add to the website or pictures, they should send them to her. Henry entertained a motion to authorize Colleen to proceed with getting the bookmark designed. Barbara Althaus made a motion to approve 2 up to $250 to have the design created and Susan Irza seconded it. This amount is in addition to the amount previously approved for printing. C. Rock Prairie Baptist Church—relocation of Historical Marker There was no new information about the relocation. 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee report Tom Lynch had no new information to report. B. Education Committee report Julie Schultz was not present to report for this committee. C. Historical Markers and Research Committee report Bill Page alerted members to a book entitled, “Lynching to Belong” by Cynthia Nevels about racial violence in the Brazos valley. D. Heritage Tourism liaison report Barbara Althaus had no new information to report. Anne Boykin mentioned Patty Sears at the CVB; she recruits conventions and meetings to Bryan/College Station and may be helpful to BCHC. E. Correspondence of the Chair Henry Mayo reported that he had received an email from Bill McWhorter concerning military history. He also received one from someone in Millican with with questions about a pre-Civil war house. F. Other New Business There was no other new business. G. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM. Shawn B. Carlson Secretary