HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 BCHC Minutes_03_17_08 1 MINUTES BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Bryan Public Library 201 East 28th Street March 17, 2008 7:00PM 1. Call to order by the Chair Associate Chair, Henry Mayo, called the meeting to order at 7:03PM. Members present: Barbara Althaus, John Blair, Shawn Carlson, Ray George, Regina Opersteny, Julie Schultz, Nancy Schwart and Nancy Tiner. 2. Introduction of guests There were no guests present. 3. Approval of minutes of the February 11, 2008 meeting Minutes of the February 11th meeting were approved as printed. 4. Unfinished business A. Providence Missionary Baptist Church memorial park ceremony The dedication has been confirmed for April 21st at 1 PM. Henry Mayo showed a draft program that he has designed for the ceremony and discussed some final details. Several members offered to bring folding chairs to the ceremony. B. Historical marker for Isom Palmer (1811-1874) in Bryan City Cemetery Nancy Tiner reported that she had talked to Bob Holmes and confirmed May 3rd at 11AM for the dedication ceremony. The cemetery will provide chairs and a podium for the ceremony. C. BCHC information on Brazos County WEB site Colleen Batchelor was not present but sent a suggestion that the Commission have a bookmark professionally designed--with the website address on it--that can be distributed to the public. Julie Schultz offered to have a design created at no cost and will bring samples to the next meeting. D. Old Bethel Cemetery Marker Everything has been completed for this marker according to THC correspondence received by Henry Mayo. E. Reliance Cemetery Marker Everything has been completed for this marker according to THC correspondence received by Henry Mayo. F. Steep Hollow Cemetery Historical Cemetery designation Preparation of the Steep Hollow cemetery marker is still in progress. G. Old Business Henry Mayo reported that Rock Prairie Baptist Church is being moved by Lynn Kunz to his property south of Millican on Flat Switch Road where he will restore the church. Henry said that suggestions have been made to leave the THC marker at the original site and have a private marker made for the new location of the church. Julie Schultz noted that the original location will be a parking lot and may not be satisfactory. Henry said that Bob Brinkman at THC will send him a form to sign off on the location. 2 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee report Tom Lynch was not present to report on this committee. B. Education Committee report Julie Schultz had nothing to report for this committee. C. Historical Markers and Research Committee report Bill Page was not present to report on this committee. D. Correspondence of the Chair Henry Mayo reported that a letter had been received from THC requesting donations for the Archaeology Awareness calendar. E. Other New Business Henry May entertained a motion to have Charles Schultz, Barbara Althaus, and himself represent BCHC at the upcoming Texas Historic Preservation Conference at the Omni Hotel in Corpus Christi on May 1-3. He noted that there is $1000 in the budget for the conference and that anyone going should keep receipts and record their mileage. John Blair moved to approve the three members attending and Julie Schultz seconded; the motion was approved. Barbara Althaus discussed the importance of heritage tourism in Texas and volunteered to talk with downtown Bryan merchants about needs that BCHC could help them with. Barbara also mentioned the deteriorating condition of old records at the county courthouse and asked if there was anything that BCHC could do to help. Shawn Carlson recommended waiting until Charles Schultz returned to get his input. 6. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM. Shawn B. Carlson Secretary