HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 Cal Boykin Funeral Program i i i i i FUNERAL MASS for CALVIN CLAY BOYKIN, JR. March 1, 1924-October23, 2008 9fe went where others feared to go, and did what others failed to do. Yfe cried,pained and hoped-- but most of all he lived times-- never to be forgotten. Monday, October 27, 2008 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas-Aquinas Catholic Church College Station, 7e)gs t ORDER OF THE MASS t OFFICIANTS ftht 1ZeverendWichaeCO'Connor, 1Tresiding Deacon BillScott,Assisting INTRODUCTORY RITES Greeting e�Sprinkfing with 9foly Water The grace of our Lordlesus Christ and the Cove of God and the fellowship of the 9foly Spirit be with you all. V.Andalso with you. (Placing of the Paff PROCESSIONAL "Be Stifi[31y Soul, Catharina von SchfegeC 1752 OPENING PRAYER Almighty God and Father, it is our certain faith that yourSon, who died on the cross, was raisedfrom the dead, the first fruits of allwho have fallen asreep. Grant that through this mystery your servant CALVIN, who has gone to his rest in Christ, may share in the joy of his resurrection. We askthis through ourLordlesus Christ,yourSon, who lives and reigns with you and the 9foly Spirit, one God forever and ever. V. Amen. LITURGY OF THE WORD First 9?§ading-Corinthians 5:1, 6-10 We have an everlasting home in heaven. A reading from the second letter of Taul to the Corinthians. We know that if our earthly dwelling, a tent,should 6e destroyed, we have a 6uidding from God, a dwelling not made with hands, eternal in heaven. So we are always courageous, although we know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord,for we wark6y faith,not by sight. Yet we are courageous, and we would rather reave the body and go home to the Lord therefore, we aspire to prease him, whether we are at home or away. For we must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what he Burin the body, whethergood or evil the wordof the Lord. WssponsorialTsalm Psalm 23 V. 2Tie Gordis my shepherd;there is nothing I shad want. The Gordis my shepherd; there is nothing I shad want. Fresh andgreen are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restfiCwaters he Leads me, to revive my drooping spirit. V. The Lord is my shepherd;there is nothing I shall want. 9fe guides me along the right path; he is true to his name. If I shoufdwa(kin the valley of darkness no evifu idl fear. Tou are there with your crookandyourstaff; with these you give me comfort. V. The Gordis my shepherd;there is nothing I shall want. You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes. %y headyou have anointedwith oil; my cup is ove flowing. 1). The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shaft want. Surefy goodness and kindness shallfodow me aCfthe days of my fife. In the Lord's own house shall-[dwell for ever and ever. V. The Gordis my shepherd;there is nothing I shaffwant. Second;fading-Gospefof John 6:37-40. A reading from the holy gospefaccordng to John Allwho befeve in the Son willhave eternalffe andI wiffraise them to fife again on the last day.Jesus said to the crowd- "Everything that the Tathergives to me uAf come to me, and;will not reject anyone who comes to me, because I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the wiffof the one who sent me. And this is the will of the one who sent me, that I should not Pose anything of what he gave me, but that I should raise it on the last day. (For this is the wiffof my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes. HOMILY GENERAL INTERCESSIONS Brothers andsisters,Jesus Christ is risen from the deadandsits at the right hand of the(Father, where he intercedes for his church. Confident that God hears the voices of those who trust in the Lordyesus, we join our prayers to his.- In baptism CALYIN received the Light of Christ. Scatter the darkness now and read him over the waters of death. Lord in your mercy: V. 9fear .our prayer. Our brother CALVIN was nourished at the table of the Savior. 'Welcome him into the haars of the heavenly banquet. Lord in your mercy. V. .Ifear our .prayer. Many friends and members of our families have gone before us and await the kingdom. Grant them an everlasting home with yourSon. Lord in your mercy. V. fear our prayer. Many people die by violence, war, andsufferfamine each day. Show your mercy to those who suffer so unjustly these sins against your rove,and gather them to the eternal kingdom of peace. Lord in your mercy: V. Yfear .our prayer. Those who trusted in the Lord now sleep in the Lord. Give refreshment, rest, and peace to all whose faith is known to you alone.Lord in your mercy: �. Yfear .our prayer. The family andfriends of CALYIN seekcomfort and consolation. .Ifeal their pain and dispel the darkness and doubt that come from grief. Lord in your mercy: V. Yfear .our prayer. We are assem6led here in faith and confidence to pray for our brother CALYIN. Strengthen our hope so that we may rive in the expectation of yourSon's coming. Lord in your mercy. V. Yfear .our prayer. The priest concludes: Lord God,giver of peace and healer of souls, hear the prayers of the Wsdeemer,Jesus Christ, and the voices of your people, whose lives were purchased by the 6lood of the Lamb. (Forgive the sins of all who sleep in Christ andgrant them a place in the kingdom. We askthis through Christ our Lord. V. Amen LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST 1teparation of theACtar ttesentation of the Gilts-Lance cZ Daren Teterson Eucharistic tTrayer Communion Wite FINAL COMMENDATION Invitation to ttayer Before we go our separate ways, let us take leave of our brother. May our farewell express our affection for him;may it ease our sadness and strengthen our hope. One day we shall joyfully greet him again when the love of Christ, which conquers all things, destroys even death itself. ftayer of Commendation To you, O Lord, we commend the soul of CALVIN your servant;in the sight of this worldhe is now dead;in your sight may he live forever. 'Forgive whatever sins he committed through human weakness and in your goodness grant him everlasting peace. We askthis through Christ our Lord. V. Amen PROCESSION TO THE PLACE OF COMMITAL In peace let us take our brother to his place of rest. All who believe in the Son will have eternal ffe and l will raise them to life again on the last day. Way the Angles leadyou into paradise;may the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the holy city, the new and eternalyerusalem. EULOGY Tom Turbiville RECESSIONAL HYMN "A Mighty Fortress" Martin Luther, 1868 t PARTICIPANTS t OFFICIANTS ftht RsverendMichaeCO'Connor Deacon BillScott, tong time friend READER David GerCing,family friend BAGPIPER NickCtassen, (Pipe Major Capital City.highlanders(Pipe Band PALLBEARERS Grandchildren:Lance Arvid Peterson, lnaren W#y(Peterson, (Ryan Clay(Peterson, Tamara Anne Gunter, 'IhomasArthurGunter,Brandon 7feathBoykin HONORARY PALLBEARERS xensey Lee Boykin,granddaughter David Ray(Peterson, son-in-Caw IDonaCd'V DePasqual, son-in-Caw Victor De(PasquaC, nephew gosephA. 1DePasqual;cousin W?edACCen, nephew Yfugh McCorkCe, brother-in-Caw Dr.games(F Cooper, dearfriend fellow veteran, andfamiCy doctor Col games R. Woodall(WWst.), dearfiiend,fellow veteran,former Commandant, ,40N Corps of Cadets Louis Thompson, chiCdhoodfriend,fellowAggie classmate, andfellow veteran Marvin E. Moser,dear friend, 814th TO Battalion HONOR GUARDS Patriot GuardWid' ers Army 7fonor Guard, Tort Ifood, Te.Vs Te)QasAe,M Corps Center Guard Wearing vintage WH era cadet uniforms TejpsA(sr-MAggie BandBugCers Brent Mullins, President, Museum of the American G.I. Wearing 4M"WII era Army uniform with MBArmoredCar EULOGY Tom Tur6iviCCe, "Veterans of the Valley" t PARTICIPANTS t OFFICIANTS ftht q?,fverend9dichaef0'Connor (Deacon BillScott, tong time friend READER David Gerling,family friend BAGPIPER YlckCtassen,Pape Major CapitafCityYfighfanders Pipe Band PALLBEARERS Grandchildren:Lance Arvid Peterson,Laren 9?-oy Peterson, Wyan Clay Peterson, Tamara Anne Gunter,21iomasArthurGunter,Brandon.7feath Boykin HONORARY PALLBEARERS 7,ensey Gee Boykin,granddaughter David Ray Peterson,son-in-law Lonatd V LePasquaf, son-in-taw `llictorLePasquaf, nephew gosephA. LePasqug cousin W§edACten, nephew .7fugh McCorkte, brother-in-taw Dr.games E. Cooper, dear friend fellow veteran, antifamily doctor Cot games R. Woodall(1§t.), dear friend fellow veteran,former Commandant, ,Us M Corps of Cadets LouisTliompson, chifdhoodfriend fettowAggie classmate, andfelfowveteran Marvin E. Moser, dearfriend 814th TO Battalion HONOR GUARDS Patriot Guard Piders Army 9fonor Guard(Fort-Mood, Texas TexasActM Corps Center Guard Wearing vintage WWII era cadet uniforms TexasAetMAggie BandBuglers Brent Muffins,President,Museum of theAmerican G.I. Wearing`WWII era Army uniform with MBArmoredCar EULOGY Tom Tur6ivifte, "Veterans of the Vaffey" 1ti t CJ A PRAYER FOR THE ARMORED TROOPS O Lord,our God,we beseech your protection andcare of the soldiers of armor. Give them courage to accept their task and skilT and fortitude to carry out their mission. As they defend may you grant them the knowledge thatyou, O. God MostOfyh are their shield: Amen. C7fC1'rjosepk7 Kraintz,Jr., Ft.Xnox A PRAYER FOR VETERANS DAY Day is done,gone the sun, 'From the hills,from the lake,from the skies. Adis well;safely rest, God is nigh. Thanks and praise,for our days, `.91Neath the sun, `heath the stars, `neath the s(y, As we go, this we know, God is nigh.