HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-1099 - Ordinance - 01/26/1978ORDINANCE NO. 1099 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDERING THE SUBMISSION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CHARTER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AT AN ELECTION APRIL 1, 1978; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF THE ELECTION, POLLING PLACES, AND JUDGES AND PRESCRIBING FORM OF BALLOT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECTION 1 That an amendment to the existing charter of the City of College Station, Texas, be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas, at a general municipal election April 1, 1978, to amend the city charter of said city as follows: Section 18-a of Article III shall be amended to read: The Mayor and other members of the City Council shall be elected from the City at large by place. Section 18 of Article III shall be amended to read: (e) No person shall be deemed elected to an office unless that person receives thirty-four percent of the votes cast for all the candidates for such office. In the event that no candidate receives thirty-four percent of all votes cast for all of the candidates for such office, the City Council shall, on the first day following the completion of official count of the ballots cast at the first election, issue a call for a second election to be held within thirty days following the issue of such call, at which election the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for any office in the first election in which no one was elected by receiving thirty-four percent of all votes cast for all candidates for such office shall again be voted for. Section 6 of Article II shall be amended to read: Whenever a majority of the qualified voters who are citizens of the State of Texas and inhabitants of any territory adjoining the City of College Station, as such territory may be designated by the City Council; or in case there are no qualified voters in such territory, then when persons owning a majority of the land in area of said territory desire the annexation of such territory to the City of College Station, they may present a written petition to that effect to the City Council and shall attach to said petition the affidavit of one or more of their number to the effect that such petition is signed by a majority of such qualified voters; or in case there are no qualified voters said affidavit shall be to the effect that there are no qualified voters in said territorynand that the persons signing the petition own a majority of the land in the area of such territory; and thereupon the City Council may annex such territory in accordance with the provisions of the "Municipal Annexation Act" Article 970a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Statutes as it presently is written or may hereafter be amended. Section 7 of Article II shall be amended to read: The City Council shall have power by ordinance to fix the boundary limits of the City of College Station; and to provide for the extension of such boundary limits and the annexation of additional territory lying adjacent to said City, with or without the consent of the territory and inhabitants annexed. The City shall follow the procedures set forth in the "Municipal Annexation Act" Article 970a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Statutes as it presently is written or may hereafter be amended. 939342 ORDINANCE NO. 1099 page 2 Section 45 of Article V shall be amended to read; The fiscal year of the City of College Station shall be determined by ordinance of the Council.41 Such fiscal year shall also constitute the budget and accounting year. Section 77 of Article VII shall be amended to read: All checks, vouchers or warrants for the withdrawal of money from the city depository shall be signed by the director of finance, or his deputy, and counter- signed by the city manager or his designee. Section 3 of Article I shall be amended to read: The bounds and limits of the City of College Station are hereby established and described as shown by the articles of incorporation, the several annexation ordinances and the official zoning map of said city. Section 4 of Article I shall be amended to read: The City Council shall divide the City of College Station into precincts for voting purposes only, and when practicable they shall conform to the county voting precincts. SECTION 2 That the aforesaid amendments shall be submitted to the qualified voters within the City of CollegeStation, Texas, for acceptance or rejection at an election called for April 1, 1978, following the adoption of this ordinance. SECTION 3 The election will be held under the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing general elections, and only duly qualified voters who are residents of the City of College Station shall be allowed to vote. The polls shall be opened promptly at 7:00 a.m. and shall be closed promptly at 7:00 p.m. The Office of the City Secretary shall perform all duties normally performed by the County Clerk in general elections with respect to absentee voting, giving notice of the election, and preparing the official ballots. The election will be held at the following places and the election officials shall be, for the purpose of this election as follows: Council District 1 Polling Place, at College Hills Elementary School, in said city, with Mrs. Jay Zal as Presiding Judge, and Mrs. Sally Forehand as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 8 clerks to assist her. Council District 2 Polling Place, at A&M Consolidated Special Services Building at 1330 Jersey, Room 13, in said city with Mr. Fred Gardner as Presiding Judge, and Mrs. Peggy Owens as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 8 clerks to assist him. Council District 3 Polling Place, at Lincoln Center, in said city, with Mrs. Helen Hawkins as Presiding Judge, and Mr. G. W. Litton as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 8 clerks to assist ORDINANCE NO. 1099 Page 3 Council District 4 Polling Place, at South Knoll Elementary School, in said city with Mrs. Fumi Sugihara as Presiding Judge, and Mrs. Doris Watson as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 8 clerks to assist her. Council District 5 Polling Place, at Bee Creek Municipal Swimming Pool, in said city with Mrs. Leatrice Bouse as Presiding Judge, and Mrs. Sharon Claassen as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 8 clerks to assist her. Council District 6 Polling Place, at College Station Fire Station, in said city with Mrs. G. H. Draper as Presiding Judge and Mrs. Nina Quitta as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 8 clerks to assist her. Absentee voting shall be conducted by the Office of the City Secretary at her office in the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue, in said city. Punch card voting machines shall be used for voting at the foregoing election precincts and electronic counting devices and equipment shall be used for counting the ballots at said election. The Council Room of the College Station City Hall is hereby established as the Central Counting Station to receive ballots for said election, the ballots to be transported to Texas Data Center, Inc., located at 1705 E. 29th Street, Bryan, Texas, to be tabulated and returned to the Central Counting Station. The following persons are hereby authorized and approved as persons employed and designated to handle the ballots, operate the tabulating equipment, and count the ballots: a. Presiding Judge: 0. M. Holt b. Clerks: to be named by Presiding Judge The following state officials and other designated persons are hereby authorized to be present at the Central Counting Station to observe the election counting process: a. The Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of College Station b. The County Judge and members of the Commissioners Court of Brazos County c. The Attorney General of the State of Texas or his authorized representative d. Frank Boriskie, County Clerk of Brazos County e. City Secretary f. Candidates for the office of Mayor and City Councilman A committee is hereby established of the following persons to hold the Computer Accuracy Test prior to the start and subsequent to the count of the voted ballots to ascertain that the computer will accurately count the votes cast for the proposition to be voted upon in said election: a. Mayor Lorence Bravenec b. City Manager North Bardell c. City Secretary Florence Neelley d. Presiding Judge 0. M. Holt SECTION 4 The proposed charter amendments shall appear on the ballot substantial) as follows: le - ORDINANCE NO. 1099 Page 4 Section 18-a of Article III presently states that the Mayor is elected at large and the six City Councilmen are elected from six Council Districts (Wards). Do you favor an amendment that would change this provision and provide for the Mayor and six City Councilmen to be elected at large? YES NO Do you favor an amendment to Section 18 of Article III to provide that no person shall be elected to an office unless that person receives 34% of the votes cast for such office and providing for a runoff in the event no candidate receives 34% of the votes? YES NO The present charter in Section 45 of Article V designates the fiscal year of the city begins on the first day of July and ends on the last day of June. Do you favor an amendment allowing the City Council to determine the city's fiscal year by ordinance? YES NO Do you favor an amendment to Section 6 of Article II to provide that the City Council shall annex upon petition in accordance with the "Municipal Annexation Act", Article 970a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Statutes? YES NO Do you favor an amendment to Section 7 of Article II to provide that the City Council shall annex territory on its own initiative in accordance with the "Municipal Annexation Act", Article 970a, Vernon Annotated Texas Statutes? YES NO The present city charter in Section 3 of Article I contains a metes and bounds description of the territory within the city. Do you favor an amendment designating the boundaries of the city by reference to the articles of incorpora- tion, the annexation ordinances and the official zoning map of the city? YES NO SECTION 5 The City Secretary is hereby ordered and directed to mail a copy of the proposed amendment to each qualified voter of the City of College Station as such list appears on the tax rolls of the said City of College Station for the year ending December 31, preceding said election, which notice shall be mailed not less than thirty days prior to said election as provided in Article 1167 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. SECTION 6 A copy of this ordinance signed by the Mayor of the City of College Station, Texas, and attested by the City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, under seal of said city, shall serve notice of such election. The Mayor is ORDINANCE NO. 1099 Page 5 hereby ordered and directed to cause a notice of said election to be published in said City of College Station in some newspaper of general circulation in said city, which notice shall be published on the same day for one day each week for two successive weeks prior to said election, the first of said notices to appear not less than 14 days prior to the date of such election. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 26th day of January, 1978. ;AAP�kOVEID cx Mayor ATTEST City Secretar y