HomeMy WebLinkAboutLincoln High School H. McGill• This is the ( third interviewee. This is Ms. Hattie McGill. Jasek: And huh, did you go to Lincoln school? McGiII - I went to Lincoln school. Jasek - And when did you graduate? McGill - Oh boy, I guess... It's been so long. It was further down in the forties. Jasek - OK. McGill - so many people graduated before me. One of the girls is back on there now. She's an Ottobee, she used to go to school at Lincoln, too. Jasek - OK, and where did you go to grade school? McGill - Let's see. 1 wa in the Elementary I believe it was. And then when I came to Elementary and the other school until time for me to go to high school. Four grades in high school. Jasek - And you went four grades in high school here? McGill - 4 of them. Jasek - OK and where did you go to elementary school, did you go here or did you go somewhere else McGill - I was in elementary, let me see, where else did I go? Jasek - Did you go to Washington Chapel Maybe? McGill - No, I never did go I wasn't over there. Jasek - OK. McGill - I wasn't in Washington Chapel. Let's see I was in Wellborn. Jasek - OK. McGill - Wellborn, Texas. Jasek - Did you go to Wellborn School? McGill - Wellborn, Tex: s. Jasek - OK, so... McGill - And I went to Wellborn. Jasek - you went with Ms. Lola Belle White Holleman. Because she went to Wellborn, too. McGill - Yes, she did , that's my cousin's cousin. I don't know whether I went before she did. I think she was under me. So many kids finish with some of those and some of them came in later. I am trying to figure it out. I had the stroke they took everything out of me. I'm trying to retrack back, I'm retracking and then now there's two girls I know they finished before me in Lincoln. There was Rosalie, child what `s her first name. I know she finished before me. and then ,somebody else before me, there was Earline Stewart and her brother, he is deceased now. They finished the same time before I graduated, because hadn't finished but I went on through. Eugene Gardner the preacher over at College Station, he and I... Elvis Turner is still living, we graduated the same time. After that, well let's see who else. My other classmates, Searcy Lee, believe is his first name, he and I graduated the same time. We were in the 40's. I used to keep up things with that. Everything past I remember but now... Jasek - You probably graduated 1945 -46 right after the war. McGill - I remember it w is in the 40's but now remembering the year, that's the hard part. I'm trying to get straightened out. It took a lot out of me when my husband died. Jasek - When you started school here, in high school ,was that the first year that this opened? McGill - No, Dan was the first one's, OB is deceased now, they were the first ones open, so he finished his last year here. The other grades he finished at Kemp High. Ms. Pillows' was the teacher. He finished most of his grades in Kemp. And then, after that, Dan finished his last year here. OB and all them finished up there. And then others, the others came later every time somebody else would graduate from here or there. I remember Earline and (in audible) they graduated. No Dan finished before they did. It was Idlebee, Rosalie, this other child, I'm trying to figure out their name now. But when you I use to put just like that. Now these children were babies, these young ones they come in afterwards. They weren't ever born. Jasek - And so you rode the bus then from Wellborn, into school here. McGill - Sure did. Some of the buses, no count, they would breakdown on us we'd get a ride to go finish up, or walk. Jasek - Was it a dirt road or what was it? McGill - It was just a gravel road. Rough road out there. Rain, the buses got down, and stopped on us. We'd get down the best we could walk to school. It was the hardest thing. My poor aunt raised all of us. Robbie and me, brother and Monroe, there was 5 of us. My sister she had already graduated the other school in Bryan. She was the oldest one. Robbie is the girl in our family. Mattie Malone, Robbie Malone and my 2 little brothers and then my other brother. We call him Buddy, that's what his name was. Buddy went to school overseas and then later. He didn't get to go to... I think in the Navy well then he went on there and then the rest of us vie graduated here, the youngest ones of us.. And now Mr. Cunningham he was. our teacher and Mr. Tarra he was the history teacher and after that and this teacher he taught , he would teach, he would play the piano with those big old fingers. Jasek - Were you in the chorus here, too? McGill - I was in that. Jasek - You were in the chorus? McGill - I sang, and I used to play when I was a Madison soprano. I can go to Ms. Philips, now. And then the others came on here they were babies and some weren't even born. There were so many and these other boys of Roberts' they were all finish here. AC is a little preacher, Robbie's son, he preaches over at Pleasant Grove. Jasek - Right, right. McGill - Well the other by preaches too, but I don't know which one. But I know AC plays he's the preacher now of Pleasant Grove. Things are coming back to me now, it's been a long time. I can't even write a letter. Can't do it. But I've got to try and I need glasses. A blur. I 'm trying to get my daughter to get me some glasses when she works take me to get me some glasses. Dr. Lindsay is my doctor and that's where I go to get me a checkup. Jasek - Were you in any sports in school? McGill - I tell you what I lid do come to think of it. I went to Madisonville played with the girls, we'd go in there and play basketball. That's what I was (in audible) I was in basketball. Jasek - This was one of the first girl's basketball teams in the area wasn't it? McGill - I believe so. Ore of these others might remember it. Maybe it's something I know. Jasek - This is an older picture here of Lincoln Panthers here. of the football squad. McGill - Mr. Dilly, he's here now. His wife Mrs. Dilly. she just got out of the hospital. He had to take her home last night so she could rest. Yeah, that's Mr. Dilly, and that was somebody else, the Tigers Mr. Neal. Jasek - Here's a picture of the baseball team here at Lincoln. Up here is the Panthers. Do you remernber much about the baseball? McGill - This is Lincoln, ball Lee Park. Jasek - And this is a picture of the girl's basketball team and the boy's track team. McGill - It sure is. Jasek - Do you remember the lady here? McGiII - What's her names? Jasek - It doesn't show what her name is. Do you recognize her by any chance? McGill - I'm trying to place her. I can't recognize her. She played basketball. Jasek - Um hum. McGill - Girl's basketball, I'm trying to think, there were so many. It's a blur. Jasek - Well it's a blurry picture. It sure is. McGill - I'm trying to remember who she was. Jasek - Do you remember who coached the girl's basketball team? McGill - I don't remember. Girls basketball. Jasek - So there was a G irl's basketball team and a girl's track team? McGill - There sure was, if I could remember who they are. That's the main thing. Jasek - No it starts into the churches here. This is just a picture of all the old churches. McGill - These churches, they look familiar. I had no idea there was one of these here. Jasek - what was your favorite class you used to take? McGill - I like English, no what else. No I didn't like English, but I took it, but I didn't like it. I wanted homemaking. I went to college one year. Jasek - Were did you go to college? In Austin, but I didn't get my ... My daddy was going to send me to college, he put my sister Mattie through school, but I had to pack my bags and come home. Go to college, take English. She sent me 2 things of peanut butter cookies, but she never did give me no money to finish up college, and then I hated everybody else was taking homemaking and I didn't get to go. Now I wish I had. I didn't know it was going to be like that, my daddy was just cold, cold, cold. He didn't have time for me. c • That's the funniest thing when I was going off to college, daddy married this woman, then stayed together for about 3 months. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE City of College Station, Texas 77840 ORAL HISTORY DATA SHEET I hereby give and grant to the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE, City of College Station, Texas, for whatever purposes may be determined, the tape recordings, transcriptions, and contents of this oral history interview. Also, permission is hereby given for any duplications of original photos, documents, maps, etc. useful to the history project to be returned unharmed. 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