HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/1980 - Regular Minutes - Zoning Board of Adjustments • Minutes City of College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular P1eeti ng January 15, 1980 Members Present: Chairman Harper, Upham, Mathewson, Bailey, Burke, Council Laison Boughton Staff Members Present: Zoning Official Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley Agenda Item No. 1 - Consideration of a request for the expansion of a non-conforming use in the name of Acme Glass, 116 Walton Dr.: Mr. Roger Richards presented his request to expand the existing structure at 116 Walton, utilizing the existing slab at the rear of the building, and explained the previous approval of and expriation of a variance for such expansion. • Upham asked if consideration had been given to the location of a dumpster after completion of the expansion. Richards replied that the dumpster would be relocated to a lot across the alley owned by Acme Glass. Harper about clearance from the proposed expansion to the existing utilities. Callaway pointed out that such problem would be investigated as part of review of the building permit application. Harper moved to grant the variance for the proposed expansion, as such action was not contrary to the public interest, with the condition that a suitable location fora dumpster and parking of service trucks be approved by the appropriate City Staff. The motion was seconded by Upham and passes unanimously. Upham moved that the Board pass a resolution deploring the conditions and the general nuisance of ranges, hot water heaters, rotted crates, weeds and general atmosphere at Wilson Plumbing and that such conditions be reffereed to the appropriate staff. The motion was seconded by Bailey and passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2 - Consideration of a request to the Parking requirement for an Arcade, 405 University Drveain the name of John Paul Jones: Fred Shelton addressed the Board, explaining the parking requirements for an arcade established by the Planning and Zoning Commission, his proposal • for an arcade at 405 University Drive, and the lack of space for parking at that location. Upham inquired as to any plans for film machines or pornographic materials within the arcade. Mr. Shelton replied that there would be no such machines • Minutes January 15, 1980 Page 2 or materials. Bailey asked for the name of the proposed arcade and the status of the alcoholic beverage permit for that location. Mr. Shelton replied that the arcade would be named the "Pinball Wizard" and that the beverage permit would be voluntarily suspended. T. J. Hurst spoke in opposition to the variance, stating that parking in the area was inadequate, and that high-density establishments should not be allowed to accumulate. Charles Pinnell, representing the A & M Methodist Church, stated that there was a serious parking problem at the Church, that the area was overloaded with cars and people, and that the granting of a variance would add to the problem. John P. Jones addressed the Board, explaining previous proposals and variance requests. The current request was explained as being an attraction to overflow from other establishments and walk in traffic, thus not impacting the parking problem. Upham pointed out that there were two parking spaces in front of the • proposed arcade, the arcade would require six spaces and the large number of potential "drive-in" costumers. Bailey asked if the City Planner's memo had been considered. Harper read aloud the Planners memo on parking in the Northgate area and requirements fora variance. Upham complemented J. P. Jones for his efforts. Mathewson stated that he felt there would be no overflow crowd from an arcade such as was being proposed. Harper stated that few persons would drive to Northgate to play pinball. Mathewson stated that the request fora variance for the arcade did not violate the intent of the Planning and Zoning Commission when the parking requirement was established. Bailey stated that he could not agree with Mathewson's interpretation of the Commissions intent. Mathewson moved that a variance be granted in the for an arcade at 405 University Drive, which will beverages and will not have an alcoholic beverage does not represent an action in conflict with the mor~1s of the citizens of College Station and it • the Tntent of the Planning and Zoning Commission. by Harper . name of John Paul Jones not serve alcoholic permit, in that this public welfare and is in compliance with The motion was seconded Charles Pinnell stated that granting a variance would not encourage ad- dressing the Northgate problem. • Minutes January 15, 1980 Page 3 Fred Shelton stated that he cannot justify an investment in the remolding at 405 University unless he can operate a profitable business. The variance request failed by the following vote: For: Harper, Burke, Mathewson Against: Bailey, Upham Agenda Item No. 3 --Consideration of a request fora variance in the name of E.S. Camp, 1809 Sabine Court. Bailey stated that he would abstain from voting on the request. E.S. Camp explained his request for a variance to the rear setback for the construction of a cabana for the existing swimming pool. Mr. Camp pointed out existing nonconformities on the site and the odd shape of his lot. Following a discussion of the proposal and its relationship to the neigh- borhood, and the unique shape of the lot, Harper moved to authorize the variance to the rear setback, to the extent of 4.5 feet, on the basis that it is not contrary to the public intrest and that there are unique • and special conditions on the land. The motion was seconded by Upham and passed unanimously with Bailey ab- staining. The Board then discussed selection of a Chairman at meetings when the ap- pointed Chariman was not in attendance, with the Board determining to select a Vice-Chairman from the members in attendance at any meeting from which the Chairman is absent. The Board also discussed establishing a policy regarding the issuance of building permits for single family structures where on-site non-conform- ities did not involve the main structure. It was determined that this item should be placed on a future agenda. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. •