HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1991 - Regular Minutes - Zoning Board of AdjustmentsMINUTES • Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 19, 1991 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Henry, Vice Chairperson Baker and Members Lane, Yarbrough and Sawtelle. MEMBERS ABSENT: Alternate Members DeOtte, Phinney and Kennady. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Kuenzel, Assistant City Attorney Coates and Planning Technician Thomas. (Councilman Gardner was in the audience.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order -Explanation and Functions of the Board. Chairman Henry called the meeting to order and explained the functions and limitations of the Board. AGENDA ITEM N0.2: Approval of Minutes - Meeting of November 5,1991. Mr. Sawtelle moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 5, 1991 as written. Ms. Baker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). • AGENDA ITEM N0.3: Consideration of a sign variance request to allow for the use of an existing high rise sign and fuel price sign located at 425 South Texas, at the northeast corner of the intersection of Texas and University. Applicant is Brenco Marketing Corporation. Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report requesting a variance to the sign area of a fuel price sign and the sign height and area of a freestanding sign. The applicant believes that this lot is at a disadvantage in comparison to the two other gas stations in the vicinity. He believes that there is less traffic that is hindered by the medians for the Chevron and the Diamond Shamrock. The applicant believes that alternative forms of signage would decrease the number of customers to this site. The existing freestanding sign was erected before the sign regulations were in place. Because of its nonconforming status, the sign face could simply be replaced with the new logo without coming before the Board. The following is being requested: PYLON SIGN: Allowable Height 14 ft Current Height 42 ft Height Proposed 44 ft Allowable Area 75 sq ft Current Area 216 sq ft Proposed Area 210 sq ft FUEL PRICE SIGN: Allowable Height 14 ft Current Height 22 ft • Height Proposed 22 ft Allowable Area 16 sq ft Current Area 67 sq ft Proposed Area 48 sq ft In 1986, a similar request that would have increased the height and area of the existing high rise sign • was denied due to lack of special conditions of the property. Eleven property owners within 200' of the subject property were notified with four inquiries. President of Brenco Marketing, Don Broach, approached the Board and was sworn in by Chairman Henry. He submitted an outline of his presentation and traffic count information to the Board. The objectives of Brenco Marketing are to introduce a new petroleum supplied to the College Station Retail Market, introduce automated fueling to the motoring public and to modernize the image of this key location in the community. This intersection has the highest traffic count in Braves County. Brenco Marketing wants to keep the business open and productive through modernization. Mr. Broach proposed image enhancements of the existing high rise sign to replace the 32' Shell sign with a 28' Conoco illuminated capsule. Brenco Marketing will have a maintenance contract with Conoco on the proposed capsule. Mr. Broach proposed image enhancements of the corner fuel price sign consisting of replacing the 36 square foot Shell pectan with an 18 square foot Conoco capsule, replacing the 2' x 8' self serve and 5' x 3' price sign with 30 square foot Conoco self service four panel price sign, and replacing the existing Shell two column sign pole with a 20' Conoco single column sign pole. Mr. Broach stated that the hardships in this case were visibility, access, restrictions by the property owner and the overall image of the station. Visibility and access are problems for traffic north bound on Texas Avenue, west bound on University Drive, and east bound on University Drive. The property owner has stipulated through a marketing agreement that the occupant may not decrease the height on either of the two existing non-conforming signs. Mr. Broach concluded that Conoco has specific image requirements that all of its facilities must meet in order to carry the brand recognition and the variances requested are critical to the existence of the business. Councilman Gardner stated that he worked on the sign regulations section of the zoning ordinance with the intent to prevent the proliferation of signs that create clutter and make it difficult for travelers to locate goods and services. The intersection of University and Texas is an already cluttered and busy • intersection that should not be added to and increase the confusion. Mr. Sawtelle agreed with Councilman Gardner and suggested that the Board take this opportunity to make a change that would improve the overall effect of the intersection. There are other alternatives and compromises that could be made to accomplish a long term goal of reducing clutter at this intersection. Kelly Broach approached the Board and was sworn in by Chairman Henry. He stated that Brenco Marketing has improved its other businesses all over College Station by installing landscaping and vapor recovery systems voluntarily. The corporation is a locally owned and operated organization that needs to be able to compete with other businesses at this intersection. The proposed Conoco capsule to be placed on the existing high rise sign is much more attractive than the existing Shell sign. Mr. Sawtelle stated that a compromise should be reached to have the proposed sign be more comparable to the signs of the adjacent service stations. The traffic count information presented will probably increase due to the recent development along University Drive. He moved to table the variance request to allow the applicant time to develop a compromise that would be comparable to the dimensions of the signs at that intersection and improve the overall aesthetics of the corners. The motion died due to the lack of a second. Mr. Lane stated that he is concerned with the variance running with the property and not the tenant. The Board must consider the intent of the Ordinance and the Streetscape plan in this area. The sign may eventually come closer into compliance if a variance is not granted. Ms. Yarbrough stated that the two signs are existing and the applicant wilt be allowed the use of both signs with their current dimensions; however she is having a hard time determining the special • conditions of the property that do not exist at other properties of the same use. If the variance is denied, the applicant may have a less attractive sign. ZBA Minutes November 19, 1991 Page 2 Chairman Henry stated that variance would be an improvement to the existing conditions. The number • and dimensions of the signs will remain with the use of the property. Special conditions that exist at this location are accessibility and visibility. The lowering of the high rise sign may create more clutter and accomplish the opposite of what the ordinance intended. He suggested that the applicant lower the existing high rise sign by 2' and place the Conoco capsule on top as not to raise the height of the sign. Ms. Baker moved to authorize a variance to Section 12, Ordinance number 1638, sign regulations pertaining to the freestanding pylon sign, from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest, due to the following unique special conditions not generally found within the City and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the Ordinance would result in substantial hardship to this applicant being: accessibility and visibility and such that the spirit and intent of this ordinance shall be preserved and the general interests of the public and the applicant served, subject to the following limitations: that the sign may not exceed the current height of the existing sign. Ms. Yarbrough seconded the motion which failed (3 - 2). Ms. Baker moved to authorize a variance to Section 12, Ordinance 1638, sign regulations from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest due to the following unique special conditions not generally found within the City, that the total square footage will be less than the current square footage; and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would result in substantial hardship to the applicant being, accessibility and visibility; and such that the spirit and intent of this ordinance shall be preserved and the general interests of the public and applicant served. Mr. Lane seconded the original motion. Ms. Yarbrough moved to amend the original motion to include that this request is different from the AAA Defensive Driving request due to the improvement of the property, the two signs are existing and no additional signage is proposed. Mr. Sawtelle seconded the amendment which passed unopposed (5 - 0). Chairman Henry called the question of the original amended motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). • AGENDA ITEM N0.4: Reconsideration of a previously denied sign variance request to allow a second freestanding sign to be located at 1401 F M 2818, Doux Chene Apartments. Applicant is AI Roberts. Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the case history of the previously denied request to allow a second freestanding sign. The property fronts on three streets and has a public street running through the site. The complex has no identification from Valley View. The proposed sign does not meet low profile height requirements, however, it does meet low profile square footage requirements. At the last public hearing, two property owners spoke in opposition to the sign variance due to poor visibility. Traffic Superintendent Jim Irving inspected the site and decided that sight distance would not be a problem. Chairman Henry swore in applicant Al Roberts and asked him if the sign could be re-configured to meet low profile height requirements. Mr. Roberts agreed and stated that the sign would be more attractive if it were reduced in height. Mr. Lane moved to authorize a variance to the sign regulations from Section 12, Ordinance Number 1638 as it will not be contrary to the public interest due to the following unique special conditions not generally found within the City: the presence of the public street, Valley View, creates a thru-traffic condition that is not typically present in other local apartment complexes in College Station, and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would result in substantial hardship to this applicant being: that the applicant must deal with the public's confusion due to the identity of the unidentified complex from this public thoroughfare and such that the spirit and intent of this ordinance shall be preserved and the general interests of the public and applicant served, subject to the following limitations: that the sign complies with low-profile regulations. Ms. Baker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). ZBA Minutes November 19, 1991 Page 3 { AGENDA ITEM NO. S: Consideration to reconsider a previously denied sign variance request to • allow a second freestanding sign to be located at 411 Texas Avenue, AAA Defensive Driving School. Applicant is Patricia Crawford. Staff Planner Kuenzel summarized the past history of the proposed sign variance. She stated that she left a message for the applicant informing her of the time and date of the meeting; however, she is not positive that the applicant received that message. Ms. Yarbrough stated that she would prefer that the applicant be present to inform the Board of the reasons why the sign variance should be reconsidered. Ms. Baker moved to table the consideration to reconsider a previously denied sign variance request to allow a second freestanding sign to be located at 411 Texas Avenue, AAA Defensive Driving School. Ms. Yarbrough seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). AGENDA ITEM N0.6: Other business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM N0.7: Adjourn. Ms. Yarbrough moved to adjourn the meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Ms. Baker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 0). APPROVED: ~~~ Chairman, Brett Hen ATTEST: ~ ~,. Planning Technician, Natalie Thomas ZBA Minutes November 19, 1991 Page 4 ZONII~iG BOARD OF ADjUSTMEN'P • FORMAT FOR POSITIVE MOTION Variance to Sign Regulations: From Section 12, Ordinance Number 1638. ~`ti~r- ~ - I move to authorize a variance to the sign regulations from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest due to the following unique special conditions not generally found within the City: and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would result in substantial hardship to this applicant being: • w ' _ w _ . .I •w • and such that the spirit and intent of this ordinance shall be preserved and the general intere~ts of the public and applicant served, subject to the following limitations: A ~ V Motion made by Motion Seconded by Voting Chair Date • SRP1638.DOC ZONII~iG BOARD OF AD]USTMEN'P • FORMAT FOR POSITIVE MOTION .. • Variance to Sign Regulations: From Section 12, Ordinance Number 1638. I move to authorize a variance to the sign regulations from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest due to the following unique special conditions not generally found within the City: and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would result in substantial hardship to this applicant being: . • and such that the spirit and intent of this ordinance shall be preserved and the general interests of the public and applicant served, subject to the following limitations: Motion made by Motion Seconded by Voting Chair Date • sr~issB.DOc ~I ~ L~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT l FORMAT FOR POSITIVE MOTION /, Variance to Sign Regulations: From Section 12, Ordinance Number 1638. I move to authorize a variance to the sign regulations from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest due to the following unique special conditipns not generally found within the City: ~ ~ j ~~ . 1 i ~ .~ ~ ;,v i ,i ~ Y ~''G'~~--- --. - L~~, t..../4..,. _.... VI" W'2 5... ~ i' ~ 6"'.'Y+ /*I ~~` L. lL ~..,II~ Q.^~.~~~ ('"~'LJ9" ~ V Y and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance wrn rl rP~~','~t+Ca C' substantial hardship to this applicant being: ~~}G ~( , ~ ~- ; i ~ ~, . • and ;,,+o, J j ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~. that the spirit and intent of this ordinance shall b ~ preserved and the g neral c~'~~1~~-y of the public and applicant served, subject to the following limitatio : '~~'oti,-~. t ~~, ~ s ~`~+ ~r{ i Motion made by Motion Seconded by Voting Results Chair Signature Date ~ ? 1 ~ ~ ~ ' .. ~ ..~ ,~''~ • s~isss.DOc ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT GUEST REGIST • DATE /~ NAME ADDRESS 1. ~~ ~- 1~a ~ ~N`fs rya l ~/yl ~8 l 8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. • 23. 24. 25. ,,~~''~