HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoans Chapel Baptist Calendar r ... I I I f l ~._'" I l Ct-t U R Ct-t C;\lEt'I f);\R . . OF '\- .---- I . I I llOANS CHAPEL MISSIONARY , BAPTIST CHU,RCH ~" t f [ . .t.>--, . t~1m ~. r., , i .. ! r, r ROUTE 3 BRYAN, TEXAS ......... ...L'- t i I l I I I I I , ~ I _I I I l <J ---'-- ~ ~-- 2" 9 :30' A. M. 10:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. . 12:00 P. M. 12:30 P. M. 12:45 P. M. 6:00 P. M. 7:30 P. M. . 7:45 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 8:2q P. M. CHURCH CALENDAR . . ~ 'lr . E'unday School Period. Supt. K. Ford in charge. .... Class March, Teachers Prayer ~ Study Period Class March Reports Review by Pastor or Superintendent , Worship Hour. Officers in charge. Choir in charge. Entrance March Prayer by Pastor Song by the Choir Penny Offering. Ushers in charge. Prayer of Thanks by the Pastor or Appointee Announcemen ts Song by the Choir Devotional, Scripture, Song and, Prayer Song by the Choir Pa~tor in Charge Officers in Charge Adjournment B; Y. P. U. Period. President, Mrs. Mc<;;ruder, in charge. Evening Worship Hour. Officers in charge. Choir in Charge Pastor in Charge Officers in Charge Reports, Announcements and Adjournment AUXILIARIES' QUOTAS' . ..:'~' Sunday School- Monthly, $40.00; Quarterly, $120.00; Yearly, $480.00. Senior Mission - Monthly, $20.00; Quarterly, $60.00; Yearly, $240.00. Junior Mission - Monthly, $5.00; Quarterly, $15.00; Yearly, $60.00. B. Y. P. U.- Monthly, $20.00; Quarterly".$60.00; Yearly, $240.00. . Usher Board-Monthly, $7.00; Quarterly, $21.00; Yearly, $84.00. ~ .~. . . Junior Usher Board ~ Monthly, $3.00; Quarterly, $9.00; Yearly, $36.00. Senior Choir - Monthly, $8.00; Quarterly, $24.00; Yeariy, $96.00. Junior Choir - Monthly, $3.00; Quarterly, $9.00; Yearly, $36.00. S. B. League - Mont~I~,,$2:.00; Quarterly, $6.00; Yearly, $24.00. S. L; Band - Monthly, $2.00; Quarterly, $6.00; Yearly, $24.00. ~ ~ ~ " "- e~~~ -' \ .... . I ... ~ 11 ) .....~ .' ti "\ \ , J · l I ..../ ~ ., , '\ .ROANS CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH 3 :." S~~ONI? SUNDAYS - Seniors in charge. t... , FOURTH SUNDAYS-Juniors in charge. Bro. W.:P. Smith and Sister : Ada Hines, Directors. . . The Church Covenant will be read and The ~ord's Supper given on the Fourth Sundays. DISTRICT, STATE AND NATIONAL REPRESENTATION FEES Association, $35.00; Association's Boards, $10.00. Sunday School and B. Y. P. U. Distr:ict Congress, $20.00; Congress Boards, $10.00. District- Institute, $15.00 t I State Meetings l I , State Convention, $35.00. Convention Boards, $10.00. State Congress~ $25.00; combined with B. Y. P. U. and Sunday School Boards, $10.00. National Congress, $25.00. N~tional Boards. National Convention, $25.00. Nationalc Boards. SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE MONTHS March - Special Drive. April- Easter. Resurrection Play and Special Gift month May - Mother's Day. Memorial Day and Anniversary month June - Father's Day July - Harvest Drive. August - Revival and Homecoming month " September - Special Winter Financial Drive. October - Mock Association or -State Convention' Play. November _ Thanksgiving Drive between men and women throughout the month December - Christ's Birth. Gift month. TIME OF VARIOUS MEETINGS .1 I 1 i' First Executive Board - February. Second. Executive Board - March. Third Executive Board -May~ District Institute - April. District Congress -June. State Congress - August. General Baptist Convention ~ October. . National B3:ptist Convention - September. 'N ational Sunday School Congr'ess - June. t I : \ I \. I f ~ I l >,( r '- , .~ r- ~..- "," 4 CHURCH CALENDAR OFFICERS Bro. Kermit Ford ~ Br'o. Wade Overstreet ~ro. Gorge Ford Bro. Cliff Greer . Bro. W.. P. Smith Bro.', James Johnson Bro. Lee Hollanqs Rev. R. J~ Lewis, Pastor . ~~, DEACON BO~RD AND PASTOR. I. ., Bros. H. Rodgers, W. Overstreet, c. 'IE. Greer, A. A. Peter~on, w. P. Smith, G. Ford, Kermit Ford, Lee Hollands, and Johnson. 'Rev. R.' J. Lewis,- Pastor, seated center. , ~'-r-- -..... ~. "\ . \\ . " '\. -" \- ........ OJ J II ,.l <1 J nD ~ ,jj I I ~ .. , PASTOR; AND MEMBERS OF THE E ~SI'CHAPEL BAPTIST CIIURCH l ,.l / .- - ..... _:.! - - -,.. ""'. .~-- -....... -~........_..-.....-"" -------- ------.._---- --, ~ \ ). ... \ , ,,~~~.!.: ~--2.._ \ 'I t,. , ~ -'"-' ...... -..; THE JUNIOR DEACON BOARD AND SUPERVISOR Bro. W. P. Smith, Supervisor; Bro. Travis Ford, Bro. Lewis' Hines, Bro. Morris Ra,y Cal'dwell, Bro. Lewis .Harris, Bro. Howard Hines,-,and Bro. McGruder. ' OFFICERS OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY Left to right: Sister A. B. Hines, Treasurer; Sister C. W. Ford, President; Sister A. A. Peterson, Secretary. . '8 ~ J- ~ J, I - 1 , , ~ ~ ~ -A ,...' ~.... r t J \ t ~ -1 y.~'" "s>"'. 'i"<'",,",o_, ~,,. ,.. - - -r-lI', t of"'....'" ~ ....--- I j f \.. ...,., r KeH "' r, 'i~' . ': .............:: 2.~ -~ - ~__==- _~ "'.",:, .......-L~_.,,-=:. -- r fT I'{ r , .... '.. r 8 CHU~CH ,CALENDAR , i,." .~ J I -i I I ~ ~ "1 ~ PRESIDENT, SECRETARY AND GROUP CAPTAINS Left to right, standing: W. P. Smith, W. ~'!. Ford, J. Johnson, E. Harris, A. A. Peterson. Sitting, left to rig-ht: A. B. Hines, B. McGruder and C. Ross. \., ~ '" 't '- ~ 1 " . ~ I I 1 j I t