HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Unity Funding RequestProject Unffili zzoo ~a Maria Road Bryan, Texas 77tt02 Telephone (409) 361-9693 ~~ FAX (409) 776-6057 Family Center LoQetbn: 1401 W. Martin Luther KMg Blind., Bryan, TX T7803 (409) B21-5104 Tho Hao~otabb Lynn ivscII.lutte~y ~ ~ 7 1101 Taxes Av. Sonde ~ ~ 1 Cdbgo Sta~ost, Tx. 77840 I~ Msyor McIIltmey, 8 is with gtnst pkastao that I am submitting a mquoat far ftmding fran the City of C,olkge Station to wq~and Projoa ~ pc~ograrutning to the I~ucola Ce~,oer. Aa you lmaw, At+gjoct Unity has becat~o a nadonai model for comrntmaty oollsboration, ovcxt ar~aut a full-tare dirocta. I am propaing that the City of Coile®e Stsdon Pr's P~~ fimdta~g far hu to become the full-tiiaao da+octoc of ~+ojoct Unity. M fuII-tuna Pcojoat Unsty Director, I wilt be abk to expand Projocx Unity se~cvicos m the I~nvoln Ceatet; afbvving Project Unity's Progism Mso~gor to work part-thne st ttie Family C,aat~er in Bryan and psct-time ~ the L~uooln Confer in CoIIoge Station. Turns ABM Uty's Center for Hotmng nail Urban T)evoloprtrdttt'• canUr~ution to Project Unity m to pravido tno wiffi adtmnistrative office apace, grant arrmng :avicos, and no adminiatrativie overhead for nay gram roodved on behalf of Projod Unity. My ot~oe at Tuna AdFM would be located in the Arrt~octure building. I would nine share office apsco at tba Fam~y Conte in Bryan and the Iincola Center in Coila®e Station, which wilt melee me am'ly~scxaable m the commnatity m weQ as oo~abotsthro pfrtnors. Cunmdy, Project Utthy rooeivos 5143,000 fi+om the Teaaa Depaitma~ot of I'rotectiw and Rag~tlatay Savi~cos. TDPRS roquirea a 2396 cash mstch. Aldwugft the original fiio~ng ~ fmm TDPRS ends in ~ year 1994, P:+gjod Unity has been informed tlyt TDPRS will roquat that Project Unity nail other Family Preaorvatiott gnmta in the stain of Tecraa be continued as a lino item in the federal budget under w~+e rafocae. BY B ~ P+~ for me to bocam+e the full-t,3m~e Dinectoc fa Piojoct iJ~tY, Coibge Station wed nine ba rocad~viog the beoa~its of TDPRS fvmding Wilt partial fimdiis~ from iha Ct~y of Co~a®e Station, Prq jest UaitY w81: Funded by the Texas Department of Prr~tecWe 6 Reflutatory Senrkaes ,~ of its ~ is Bry~m/CoQoge Stadart; aarpand affaats to deciras~ duplicatia~n sad'' of aesvica to nGigbborb'ood revitaliudon; focus Projoct Unitjr staff on psogxa~mmiQg sad sacvica iategc'stion ~ B~-aa/Gollo®e Station; acpnid Prnjoct Unity to the Iiscoh- Coster, o~po~wa famgiOS by impra~ving residcnt'a accaes to variety of oducation, hcat~, human saivico and Youth P~ ~~ profasiosal dev~elopmau setninazs asd cotusea for local program pctin+idors oa collaborration, team budding sad dociaian malci~ sad coffiauo to soak funding from wtaide aou~+cos to auataoin ProJ~ ~Y I haw bncloaed "the proposal wbmitted to ~BC~ is App. The amount tngnoetod to bring Projod Uirity into Co1lo®e 3tstioa and hire mess fu1!-tiaae ditoctor is SS2,461 Cea page S far diaui~od budgat). I am roquostiag S?,0,000 from tha City of College Staaast. If I can ansarer arxy quostions, pl~e fed free to call me st 821-5104. I am ]oolong forward to the SPY of with you sad tixi CoIIege Station co:nmushy. T'lumlc you for your cosaidaratioa is this aurtLcr. ...~ le ~' siacecrl~-, '~ ~~" G~ ~' Joaama M. H,oi~r - - - Diroctor, Projoct Unity t ~ PROJECT UNITY ~ JEANNIE HEELER DIRECTOR/FACILITATOR Program Reports/Documentatwn Program Evatudion/AssersmeN - Childrwr's Parinashi Board Coctiion Community Voices Coo~naM Adir~ies Adminstro~iire Duties Coordind~ Program •d5 Agsno~/100+ Members 31 Brood-8osed Enii~et 45 + Communiy Members SSt Members Community Leadership Program PROJECT UNITY FAMILY CENTERS PROGRAM MANAGER HONAE SCHOOL SPECJAIJST NTAi~ SPECL4U57 .Y Town Hastings ConwnuNty Plunge Happy-Healthy Kids Day Parenting Conference TAMU Summer Institute Family Center Advisory Council - Health - Education - Housing - Jobs • Parenting - Information d~ Referral - Outreach - TB Screening - AIDS Screening - Blood Pressure Cheda - Imhlurdsatlons - Diabetes Screenings - Developmental - Medical Eligibility - Quilting - Sah & Healthy Snacb • Consumer Buying - Wills 6 Estates - DARE Program - Health Screenings • lJbrary - Developmental Toys - First Aid Services BasketbaN Csama (Rrl Scouts - fiotlday Csrs - Scholl SuppNes - Open House - Durations - Kemp SeholarsNps ~../ budget Ex nditures C.C. CO HOPE III Home CO CDBG CO H~ tinl~ ~ 60 t 1104,773 1240,000 170,000 fi ., ORP 60 s 147,804 1105,000 Delivery ~ ~ j ~ ~ Q jmp 10 s0 120,000 Acquietltion ~ 10 1170,456 s0 1150,000 Intrrim Ask t 60 10 12,504 Homeowner 10 X8,000 168,486 101 Com. Rehab 10 10t 153.511 Eco Dw ~ 10= 10 s100,0Q~ Rental Rehab 10! 10 120,000= Afford Hone 1,3,50,000 10 Admin i 10~ 177,000 601 ~ ~ ~ I 142,839 Publk Facility € 10 ZD ~ 110,000 CHDO ~ s1M zsn t.~., Revenue: CDtt(i Carry Over 6673.854 HOME Carry Over 6513,836 C. Creek Carry Over ~0,00p HOPE 111 Allocation ~331,~ Income poans ~ Int) ~4,00p New CDt3Ci Alloutlon 61,215,000 New HOME Allocation y168,O00 General Fund Match y10,000 Total Revenue ,515,925 Over 6152,466 s5o,~ X3,511 6150,E 1100,000 1 ' 120,000 180; 1350,000 177,800 1'243, 142,836 1182, slo,oo0 124;1, 1100,350 1,x17,326 61,216, sea Bother lab ,618,804 660,000 640,000 sf~'10,456 17,504 xja2,486 120;1,511 1100,000 1100,000 1350,000 6107,800 ~,~ sz56,7so 2 ~n ~ F -~ ~