HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarter League Abstract of TitleNote K6GO(ded /- i s d ~---~r~dentiai Loan No.----•4--069 064 ]'li O~ ~,~.. ~ ~ ^~ ., ....---...-•-•--•-- F., V 1 ~ ~„j A~-O'clock..~.N1 ,. TEXAS RELEASE 1Uf~ 1? y981 FrcnN~4 6~kisKlE !!^~y erk, ~ razes ^' niy, Ciryan, Tex- STATE OF CALIFORNIA , Z ~a:.;,> Smw Ail Men b7 These Presents: _ COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES That in rnnsideration of the payment of a note for.. S I XTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND NO/ 100 __._.._.-__._.._._._.._.__._._.-_....._..__~----....._._____._..Dollars,. described is a Deed of Trust e>:ecuted by CHARLEY V. WOOTAN and wife, DOXIE C. WOOTAN EMMET McGAULY Trustee, for the benefit of THE PRLTDENTIaL INSURA.~TCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, recorded in Vol. 65 Brazos .._ ................. Page...__ 253 .._.._~ of Deed of Trust Records ot._.__...._ .~_County, Tezas, reference to which is here mach for a full description of "the Iand therein conveyed and the said note, THE PRLTDENTI.~I. INSIIRA,~; CE COMPANY OF AMERICA. owner and holder thereof. daa hereby rdeaae said Deed of Trust and all other lien sscu:ing said note, including but not limited to aqy vendor's lien that may have been re°ewed or reserved in a Deed or Deed of Trust. IN WiTNE99 WHEREOF, THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, aforesaid. has hereunto csased its name to be signed and its rnrporste seal at$zed this 19th ........_..day of ----_. May ...-----------• 19.81 ,o rn y, avaores THE PRUDENTIAL IN9IIRANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, ~° ~ ~ r EDWIN C. FUCriS vim. P,.tt~. ATTEST: ~ ~,,y ,, ~ ~ ~ C ri .~_^. ~1..5.~~`. ~1__ ROBERT q. KELLER ~~ 9 STATE OF CAL1F0lNIA ts.: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES BEroetE12a, the onto, s Notaey Pub6e, in and for the State of Califonua, oa this day PsrsOnally aPP~°r~'d-_...°un~l-....._~.....{tn..F~Sr.Ci~.... .. Vice President of THE PRUDENTIAL NSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. Imown to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the torogoiaq i°strument, and ac4aowledged to me that the same was the act o[ The Prudential Insura°ce Com- pany of America aforesaid, a rnrporatioa, and that he esecuted.the same as the act of said corporatioa,:for the Purposes and Lronaideration therein ezprnsed and in the capacity therein stated. GrvEx IJ3DEH KY HAND. AND SEAL Of OrnCEa thLL....-.19th, ___ __day ot...__.. 1~a~_. _-..._ t.D.. 18..... ~..._.. . ~~, ~ Hwary Prb/ir iw mtd r L A^~elex.GowtY. CdiJornia - ~#~ _. C'FF~'IClA'L SEAL ,~ ~,1 Erb-~I'V ~/i. YLAGA N L~ ~ \ 1 Yy,~ IVVYriR/ PJ6LIC- CALL JRiaA V~L /I-1 ~ ~~y,, ,,~,7 ,,. ~ 'FRIP:C, FAL OFFICE IP.1 ' ~ L ~ ~ . . ~`.,,~'Y C°r'`~~ , >si._n E.~pires ibl rch l Ilg 6. 84 h t8b STATE OF Tsrus COmvTr OF 1 Hs~xzvar CasTnrr that the foregoing instrument of writing, with iL oertiSeste of anthmtication, was filed for record in my office oa the ._~~_dsy of ~ D., 19.._.._, at ..__._ ...o clock..__. M. and was duly recorded by me on the .._._day of ....._ ~. D. 19_r_, in Vol. ~~ _,,,, is the B,etrords of __ of said County. Wrrrmas Mr Hsxn and the Seal of the County Court of said County, at my office i*+ _. the day and year last, above written. CwntM CLri Ceretp. T~ w~ Bv--•--•. .._.. --------~ STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF BRA20S I I, Frank Boriskie, Clcrk ~~f the County Court m and for Brazos County, Texas, do hen;by certify that this instru nt was FILED on the date and at the time stamps a and RECORDED in the volume and hags of the ~~ ~~ Records of said County on the date stamped here n FRANK BORISKIE, COUNTY CLERK Brazos Coymty,ffTexa j,~ BY: ,f~ c L!E/~ Deputy ~ U C U w m k7 z W C , ~ S ~ o ~ tJ~ ~C ~ ~" ~ ~ U E..y U W ~+ \.~ `~ c~ ~. ,~ ~ N ~ N ~v i V ~ .~ u~ .,. ~~~,: