HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAnnexationC ity OKs smaller annexation CS leaves out most of Wellborn communi B APRIL College Station Mayor Ben White listens to area residents speak against annexation of land near the city's limits. Eagle photo Stuart Villanueva Annex From Al 18 months," Hattaway said. "We can't find out how much we'll owe for our trash pickup. How much will our waste- water fees be? How will septic repairs be handled? "We've tried to find out some of these answers but simply haven't had enough time," she said. "If council members can't give us these answers, they have no busi- ness putting us under these regulations and fees." The area approved for annexation on Thursday includes: ■ About 102 acres near the intersection of Raymond Stotzer Parkway and Turkey Creek Road. ■ About 209 acres on the north side of Rock Prairie Road at its intersection with Harris Drive and Bradley Road, consisting largely of the Carter Lake subdivision. -V AVISON Eagle Staff Writer Following an emotional three -hour discussion Thursday, the College Sta- tion City Council voted to remove most of the Well- born community and the Texas World Speedway from the city's annexation plan. The panel voted just before 10 p.m. to annex more than 1,183 acres into the city, significantly less than the 2,800 acres originally pro- posed. Mayor Pro Tem Ron Gay cast the only vote against the measure. More than 150 residents packed the council cham- bers to show a unified stance against annexation. Some wore "Save Wellborn" T- shirts. A van in the park- ing lot was shoe - polished with the words "Say no to annexation." Even former City Council- man Fred Brown, now a state representative, attend- ed the meeting and asked the council to consider remov- ing the Wellborn community from the annexation plan. Council members, howev- er, said it was important to proceed with annexation as a growth management meas- ure. "Growth is, in all of its trappings, the No. 1 issue that we are facing," said Councilman James Massey. "To fail to attempt to manage that growth is to fail our future. This is really the true focus of annexation. It's about protecting our com- munity. We didn't get up this morning thinking about how we could mess people around." ■ About 817 acres at the intersection of Rock Prairie Road West and Jones - Butler Road. A manufactured -home park originally included in this area was carved out by the council at its last meeting. ■ The Creek Meadows and Wellborn Oaks subdivisions. ■ About 55 acres on the west side of Wellborn ;Road at the intersection of Capstone Drive. City officials have said that the annexed area would bring in about $1 million per year — but those revenues were pro- jected for the area surround- ing the Texas World Speed- way, which was removed in Thursday's vote. The vote wasn't about money, council members said. Annexation is a means for managing growth in an area where the city wouldn't other- wise be able to conduct build- ing inspections or enforce zon- ing. The annexation will become effective in 30 days, said Assistant Planning Director Lance Simms. "We didn't get up this morning thinking about how we could mess people around." JAMES MASSEY CS councilman Although the issue wasn't posted for a public hearing, Mayor Ben White allowed residents to spend almost two hours airing concerns. The concerns were differ- ent — but all who spoke were opposed to the plan. "I was told that our stan- dard won't change," said Jerome Becker, who lives on Post Oak Road. "[But] no longer will I be able to go into the backyard and have a campfire. I won't be able to shoot fireworks. I can live without the fireworks. The campfire's the reason I'm in the country." Linda Hale asked the council to withdraw the annexation plan. "Just because you have the ability to do this does not mean it is a mandate to do it," she said. "We do not want to be taken in. We are managing very well, thank you. Please just leave us alone." The crowd cheered for Gwen Hattaway after she told the council that Well- born residents wanted more time to investigate whether they could incorporate into a city. "We've been told that our lives won't change, that we won't have to pay taxes for See ANNEX, Page A7 City officials have said Col- lege Station will provide police and fire protection, trash pickup and road main- tenance to newly annexed residents. The city has 2% years to provide utility con- nections, and some rural water suppliers retain the right to serve some of the annexed areas. Councilwoman Lynn Mcn- haney said Thursday her deci- sion was an attempt to find balance and do the right thing for the community in the long run. "If development occurs before the city gets out there, you don't have an efficient way to put in water lines and sewer lines," she said. "So much of what we do is to make decisions for 10 years. from now or 15 years from now. I hope what we're all working toward is to main- tain and improve the quality of life for the entire commu- nity." ■ April Avison's e-mail address is april.avison @theeagle.com. Eagle photo /Stuart Villanueva Jeff Hughes of Wellborn reacts to a "no" vote by Mayor Pro Tem Ron Gay regarding the annexation of land In the Wellborn community.