HomeMy WebLinkAboutMontessori Notebook 19921"I M M .Mo ~' ~~!~ f'- M M M M 1~, M M M A M ~M,. ~, r M~ b, ~M: M M ~M~ M~ - ~ ~~,. ~ r ..x M M~ M M M aA~. M gM~ M M M M M d ~~ b~ M, ~M9 M M hM. M~ ~, ~~ ~, . M M M M M M M M,' M M M ~'! M M~ V~ M. M M ~'/ M. M~ Fi M M M 1'I N M~ ,. M M ~'- M M M M M~ M M M ~M M M~ !, M ~- M eM~ M My 4M 1'I M M M M M Veronihcc``a~~ Y~/ofehaifis ~~ieet~roe ~ v/arch v~ fee Ouh ~ a~e~~ori chooC ir..s Sao. r2s4 --77 o et~e _~rnlion,_lesaJ 7iR:{p 7l3-346-3264 Ja~[ ~a~s ~rom oCiff[e .~tcorn~ row - Gvereff r ,~ .~ _~'~~. . • i,. ,~, ., /~~~~~~~ a/ ~-r.ri~/r~r/. l~ ~ . r ~ ~ k{~,, V ~ ' ~ ~_ N { r' t I' f Y. ~..\~~~ `~' /;~ ~.~,-, ~-- ~-- i-- - - - ~ - -- ~ - ~ ~~ , - - ----j ,~, ~. - ~ ';.,~~ '~ s ~ ~ ~" ~`' ~ _ a` \~\\ - , ~j~ j,~ Vii' „ ~~,/ .: :.. ;~ `~ ~~ ~~ SIC -_~ ~ _"_..'~' ~.,~ ~ a ~t ~ ,.~ ~~ r~~.. . ~.._. ~~,~ ,~ '~i't ..' ~ ~''v' ~ f .~ `~ ~~s~~~ 1 ~. /,~ ,/ ~~~ ~~' ~ ~. ~~ r ~. ~~ `!~ i ~~~ 1` ~ ~ rte. ~ ~~ ~I .~~~ ~~~~~ "~'~ •;~ `` ~ ~` ~ ~ ~ ~` ~.+ is ,~ . ~ ~ :~ :~ ~~. ~' ~~~~~ c r /d ~;, - ---~ I ~r~a~kw~i'o-, (7a~ S~e~~ Hello, ~ name is Joan Etter. I'N going to speak to you today about Forgiveness. Can you say "Forgiveness"? When I speak about Forgiveness, I also need to speak about God, Love, and the people he created, all the different people he creatod,(those we know and those we don't know, those who are near us and those who are far away). We know about God's work of creating his world we live in. We know that when he had finished with his creation, he looked at everything he had made and saw that it all was very good._ He was well-pleased with everything he had made. He looked at all the different people he had created, each one, and was well- , leased. He was very happy. God created us to Love. He wants us to Love him. When we Love God, we will also love ourselves, and love each other, and all of the other things God created-and made. Each one of us is most valuable and important to him. And therefore, each one of us must be most valuable and important to ourselves and to each other. Because God created us to Love, we know we are able to do this. Loving as God '~ Loves is something we must decide we want to do. It wont just happen magically. If we want to do this, we can ask God every day to help us learn to do this and he will teach us. But learning to Love as God Loves can be most difficult to do..Sometimes it seems almost impossible to love ourselves after~we have had an angry or hurtful thought or word about ourselves or have done something hurtful to ourselves. Sometimes it seems almost impossible to love someone else after he or she has made us angry or has hurt us. But then we can remember that God created us to Love: ourselves and each other and that e Bch one of us is most valuable and important to him and therefore we must be most v~l.uable and important to ourselves and to each other. God wants us to let go of the anger and the hurt and to give it to him, so we can once again Love as he Loves. If we can tell him we are sorry for our wrong thoughts, words, or deeds toward ourselves or someone else and we tell him we donut want to do it again, and we are telling him the Truth, then God will no longer be disappointed with our not Loving as he Loves. He even Forgets that we didn't Love as he Loves. This is his Forgiveness to us. He is waiting to Forgive us. Giving Forgiveness is part of our work of learning to Love as God Loves. Being able to forgive ourselves or someono else can be most difficult to do. Some- times it seems almost impossible to do. But we can do it, if we want to do it, by asking God to help us. And he will help lzs 7_earn little by little. Each and every time we do Forgive ourselves or someone else, we have Loved as God Loves a little bit more. The more we Love as God Loves, the more his Love will glow on our f aces......and the happier we will be.~ C~//~~~f/r,i.~,J'>'~yd'~~,d'~,~~/.i'~,%ri~.i v.f./_~~~.i"y~'s ;./~>..~.~'~~J.''~%.f'>~ri~l"~i.//'/,f~;f,r~i~ Michael Pabst, Levi Kerr, Elina Alterman, Kimberly Gaas, Darren Yezal~ Patrick Ford, Sarah Yezal~ Hannah Kanevsky, April Craven, Michael Narcowich Dwayne Macil~ Katie Nation, Rachel Craven, Isaac Harder, William Craven, Mrs. Motekaitis, Ella Brunner Kelly McLean 'a Mary of the Oaks '~ Montessori Care College Station TX 1991-1992 \~ , ~ alt `~ ~`. `~ ~\~~\~.i\ ` ,,~ a~ , `. ~.\ ~ ~~L ~~ .\~ ~n l- ,/ ,.jis~~..-r ',~ :: ^ _' F ~-•,- - `•'t,`avi~' s .•~ '~~ ~ '_ ~~~r.. # N~\/ _, 1, -.r ~~~ i~ ~~~_,~ -; .~,,~ .~ ~f ,_ f' r ~'....' kr ~ 1~ - ~~ - aa ~~ Y , tr" L/ ~ ./~~ ~ ~`!~ ~y°• ww .* ,~. ~ - .'~ ~ J,,.. v ~ ~., ,y~,A »4 ~ .~~ t ..~'~-, ~, p e' ' ~A.. - .._- /. ~yiff %,~,~/ ,.''fi ,sue ~~~r /Jy ~J .J' ~~~.ly// y .'f ~"5(/ a~~ / s~.s~ / ~/ 9 .~~~ .% .l >' ~ / / .~ ~ ~/'~J . ~~~,/ ~ . t\ • \ d ~~~ _ /J K ~~IVI~ ~~C iC C~ ~ /l..t(~n ~Yt -e.~ ,~ ._ ~~ ~~ i~ ~~ . ~, ~9r3 .G~ ~Q/L /.l .CCt,~''C /~~ ~,~o-r,~~e~ ~~.~~~ ~ay z8, 1943 S 1~R`( G r ~e_ \'~er~_ l~5 a. W~av~ W~e~ 1n0.c~ a dlrear-, . t'~2 ~ouv~e~ ~,~.5~`~ \~ a \ ar g~ '~'ghSl'o~ be i,nc ~e~l \n~o o. ~oat~q ue~ ~,a`~ W~2re rye ho"}~ w Y~ A~M0.Z~r,g o~`(ra\l of c~~or5~ 5 tnet 1S ~ Ur,d c~p1~.c.~c~S ~aok~r,q ~oo~ s . ~eG\tz~h9 ~~e wogs very ~~h 5r~ ~ ~e- s0.t aow~n ot- c~nc.~ and ;vs-~ 0,5 ~,~e was ire Parin ~ ~o ~a~ ~~~crecu~~ cn~me_ v~ ~e~'\rd ~~~rn ahd S~raQ~ed a„ ~arc~ °n~o eQC~ o-~ ~is arm So -~,~~- ~c,e_ couldn`t' ~~en~ ~em ~ k~e ~ovr\d ~\-F~ vaas impcsstb~e ~o z~- ~ ~c~od '~'o h t s ~ cv~, , ~e_ \De ~AY~ ~-a `ook a Yov ~ ~ '~'o Sew ~a~ [ V~'~- o~r.er5 we~ce.. c~oing area ~no~tc~e.r~ ~na~ eve~.~o~c,.-Q..~nad ~ornrd5 s~C~rv,p~ed~ ~~, ~~nz\v- arms o,v~d w~a~~~ ~o~,.s w~re_.. ~1noaYl~,n9 0~ cv\~~r9 . ~e \~no~q~~' '4o C~1~mse}F-. \~ ~n~s m~s-~ be., ~} 4,11 ,s 1'~I~-e ° ~e go-~c ~ p ana w~ r-~ -~-o Uc, Q o~ ~ s~~rdS ahd said ~, 1 1 t~ 1 St~oW C~l~e ~ne0.l~v\ ~ ,~ '}~ _ s-~~eA~o,Y'p ~oU~2p QY~ 'Mo~tMnes~ ~oJ ~nlYVl Co ~c~\,oW ~.e~~ ~e ~~' ~ 1oa~no~vPk rocw~ ~ ~`cbve~~c~l o~~cV~g o.. co~rr ~c~er qnc~ eo,Nne~ ln~o Q`ac~eY ~ `, r baNOiu~e~- rcovn- (~o~a\n~ C~2 rno.~n t,.,as 5-~vv~~ ~~~ ~ ~peaU~\l o~ ~2 ~c3o~ ahd, ~ ~A~lc~`\Z\Y~Q Sm~~ls. A9a~n ~~C,e Sad- (~aw'~ ~,,l~n ~ ~~ Mc~,[~n wc~r~n~ re0.~' ~i eh~c~ ~ ~~e°es-~. ~u~ j~S~- ~~nce Y12_ ccJ,d ~a~,~ ~ls ~irS-~ ~jl~-Q~hPl,.~c-S ~ ~Qrcra.c~n ec~l ~ (' o M ~e1n ~r d 0.h ~~ ~ooaEr~S U.~~~fe~ S''t`ca ~ o ^ ~Ct~ec~ Q~ ac ~n~s ar~r,S . Oisa~ And euzz `ed 1~2 \ook ec~ v~rou~na ~ne rcc~cn and h~i ce~ ~a~' ~, 2 0 ~}ners lti,e rem \0.ug~n~r,~ qv~C~, c`~0.~\~`c1~ q'~d See~(vlec~, ~o o~ W \~ , r f ~~ ha~e~ ~e 5 S • 1~~~ ~1~ Y~n~ bOQrd S s~`a~~ JCo ~e\r p~~~--,5 - Qna ~~ WPre. ~~2~~r ea~'~n ~n~Y'... g ~l~,e s~ar~ ~ls a -~av or ~~-~ o~ w, ~n~. be.co.~r7e. ~\{' re w~~~nc~5 tY,2_ `lna~ l~' ~5 n o-~- W~ak- \no,~~e n5 ov~Sld er o-~ us ~a~ de~-er' rn iv~e~ ova rea\~~~ ~u~- h ovJ l--~e- ~e~c cetv~e. 1-E-- o,v.d ~c,ow we_. a~~~ oGC\n ti-- ~ a`So `ceVhlnaS `m~ o-~ ~nin9 S ~ S2-e a~- mar GF ~ ('}~~S ~o,r' 2`~AWL\~e) l,.~l(1eY~ SeVY~e~Y12~ CcW,es ~'o Tac~,e.Y ~rlno.~~~) ~- 1nur±~} ~-eac\r~K a~~-,~ay5 o~c~l,~v~1e~o~e5 ~,e~r ~~re~e~h~ ~rea~,i~~~ J o,v~~ ~nevt s~ goes a s~~ -~vr~X : ~~ Uvlno,~ are. ycv g~~n9 -~-o do o.~0~~-1- i~ ~ ~, g~Ulrg \~ne~ ~. re.S~~hSlbl~~Tt, ~r ~h~1C' Cea~l~y Qv~a i~ ~n-e~~ cllah~ have, ~~ ~'~~S A` rea¢~ t\ ~ S~e vr~~ g Y\}' {"e`l ~n~v~n ~-`na~ ~ne~~ CqY~ C~ G .. , 1p~"t' i"~ Is S~~ ~ I ai\So Sew ~~o~ c~ „~eec~~hA `1 pccu~C't~Y~q Cg~ ~a~', o~ ~ ~A~ , ~ of ; USA ~ rcYv, ~~ac~,e r ~~ ~,3, e ~n~s ~ b \s-`- a~t~no~ng s ~ud~Q 1/\'4'S . ~~e c~c.~e~ ~Q S Said ~e~re_ a~ she se,~s Sc~nco~ aS cx -~ow~~\L) ere o\d~r cv~~\d'~en CqY~ ~2o~ch o,v, c~ .nv ~ ~v~Q. ~ ~~ ovv,g-ev' c ~~ , ^~~^ - a ~Y1¢y~ ~ t,.~RS ~tY\k1r~~ Qb~U'~' Vuhq~ S~Y~1 ~o ~ 1' ~o~0.v \NaSb`"~' SvrQ \~ ~ ~rQ- ~ ~4~~ Wa5 ac~va1~~ ~~c vt9t~~ oYI~J. ~Y~QV~ ScYhQ~tV~v, ~llo,Qp.~NP~ °~~ Our( ~laL~ ~~" C011tUtY1CQt7l m~~ ~`1q ahc~ ~. Nave_ c~ eve`o~~ o~ Se.Ytes off' Yt~o,15 GY`c~ ~n~Ot~S ~~' 'f~E?` ~ uS a~.e-~ c~v~ titn2 ~IOcr °y~ ~~,e. Ill \v~e Yv~orintr~ UV~~YI 1t~1-~ `QRUQ. ~. a~wa~j5 c~n ~_ cc~~- oltoor -cct~ ~,?`C c~r~ ~~11 e~ filer- 1vtnc~ ~c~ o`tl ~. F`o~r \ n FCo~I~ o~ het' , ~o I a q `~" ScY~ Y'el~c-,Sevr o r ~iS ~ 4l ~\CV\A~ ~ 'CYllY1 J ~ ~ ~~(QVtI Y1QY~ 1 VYZCYI 1~~~ Ill lF~ C1 t1 ~ Uv ~ qb off, Ac ~ ea-~ q~(1 C~ ~ j2\\ n `3 ~ 1't-, w`neYr \ve 0.rr~~~ q~ Sc)voc, ~ a~2~~d ~ d~~ ~~ t~Qr QY~ We b~ \co`~ec1l aoU.,Yt qt c~-~ u ~e~c- ~ nla l ~n~~ b ~c . ~~ ~o~ e r ~ \`~`~ CqY" ~a-~ . ~. satd ~ '~ ~,~r ~c~a~~L Ind ~~ re,-~ ie~e~ ~~ ~~C~,ry1 ~ ~~k cU~ , X ~v~ ne.~ v~ - yov t(l,aoU~d ~nav~e.. ~-e,eYl very Y~uvtcj'(9 -~,~1Q~1. ~~ cJ,r,ebiM~v,edta~~e No L \tiou`drt~ . ~ woad ~ke 0.J a c .J ~ j resQ~~,ded `~ W ov ~a r Pl t h atmJ, g~ a ~ ov vlc~ -~ ,ea c~, can t1 ~ Ql(1S~ ~~n r a~ ~t ~ ~" ~~ °r-e ~1~ c~ ~r~ ~. ~ne t r I ~hcl~ a na l~ wa.id n, -~- 5 y al ~ ~~ ne~vJ ~e.Yl ~a~ ~-~~ s-~- o~ all , ~-e S-~~,,,, t,-~s ~ rtg h-~ o ~e_ -~ ~-Q~1 - qvl ~ t ,rl ~,e \ Yr (~r~ann~~ ~,~ ~~~ ~s 1 i~ in ~ ~ ~c 1 nc t~ \d~- ~ ~~~r~! S~ wq 5 r'e S p~~ Wlc~ G~CeSa~1vQ~~t ~s ~1 te~l~\~ ~ Gina `~~-F v v~,.QK~a'J~. ~_ ~ SS.QJVKo.s2,_ \o ~ ~ ~-~czJ c4 , • O ~ J~ ~1RQ 1 Yl Q S S 1 lra~ 1(y~ ~' S W~ 2r W 2 ~ ~ \ Q 1~~k Q~~ ~ qrs.-~-~r~s-~ P c~ iv~ e ~~r of a 'M o-~ney~ p 0. 0~ N S y ~ ~ra9 raver ohcsL.~~,~ Me o r~ar~ pareMts 5-~ar-~ So~vtvi9 '~erc~ Char-e~ ~~ ~ `aS-~ ~~~( `-`Q ar5 ° ~ ~ ~r ~~n,\d' S edv cr~-`c~rnn ~v~.e v, ~ ~' s ~ 1,s-,- -~„0~.1~ ~2v;r S ~,-~- ~vrt . Gnu-~. o. c1,~'~Ld o~cood ~ouvtd~,-~~vl c~ul~ csrd ~~ wt~1 ~11,ce \ ~ \t~e_ ~ e-l~,e r .~„ t ~ i \t~a~s w~n,~ L~ r~ g~ a~ '~lah~ ~ ~.~k5 i s ~~e a SY.d, w~~ ~~C1lC \~0.~~ne~ is Suc.~ o~, s P ~ ~ `~ p-ex s~ G~1 e CC -e.._ L~.1~a gt~Y\n~rs (incrw~ _~= IN CHINA ^ The First National Bank 2007 junior Baard of Directors ..Back Raw , Ashlyn Webb- A&M Consolidated, Charles Henuiann- Bryan High, Randi Pitcock- A&M Consolidated, Grace. Gage- 'Bryan High, Ronan Shetty- A&M Consolidated, Anne Richmond- A&M Consolidated, Stephanie Gadena- Bryan High, Tun Light- Bryan High ~A~dc!le kow -Kevin Day- A&M Consolidated, Kalli Allen- Bryan High, Kathleen. Halash- Bryan High, Brady Atkins- Bryan High F~oiat Row -Kathleen Riley- Allen Academy, Sara Deatherage- St. Joseph's; Shireen Jahedkar- St. ~1lichael's ~,~~ n:_~...:.a. ~_.._ ~......,... u...,...,,. tee..-,.~:..., T.,a..,.:. c„ti.w: eQ,~~ r,..,r,.a;a~+„a rt,,,, u,.,,,_ eu~~A r,,,,~..ua~to,t The Secret of Childhood Mary of the Oaks Montessori School River Rd. in Oak Hill Addition Bryan, Texas 713-846-8264 Through scientific observation of children Dr. Maria Montessori" developed an educational philosophy by which trained adults help the self education of the child, so that he will not be the victim of events, but will rise above them to direct and shape the future of human society. "Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) Medical Doctor, Scientist, leader of the Women's Rights Movement, developer of the Montessori Method for the education of children, educator of special and normal children, parents and teachers, author. Books by Maria Montessori: The Formation of Man The Montessori Method The Discovery of the Child The Pedagogical Anthropology The Advanced Montessori Method The Child in the Church Peace and Education The Secret of Childhood Erdkinder and the Function of the University Education for a New World To Educate the Human Potentiaal What You Should Know About Your Child The Absorbent Mind The Child in the Family The child of 2'/x-6 has such tremendous inner motivation to understand and control his environment, his senses, and the means by which mankind com- municates (language, writing, reading, math, the arts and love) that an average home environment cannot possibly fulfill this need. The family love a child feels seems only to nourish a greater desire for knowledge. The prepared environment of Mary of the Oaks, in- cluding the teachers, is such that helps clarify in the child's mind through the use of his large and small muscles, and all his senses as much as the child wishes and is capable of learning. Mary of the Oaks is a free but well-planned "childrens' house". Well-planned in that it contains the interest of the group. Free in that the child may move about following his inner motivation as long as safety and the respect for the rights of all are present. He must be free so that he may learn by himself, by trial and error. Yet, as the furnishings are scaled in size to fit the child, so also are his jobs scaled; so that, in the process of building himself there would be no need for despair. The children come to Mary of the Oaks School to grow in mind, body and soul. The Montessori Method relies heavily on the parents' understanding, encouragement, and cooperation. The parent helps the child grow: 1. by ordering the home environment so as to help the child learn the basics of human communication. 2. by reading and discussing with the parents and the child's teachers the fundamental .Montessori philosophy, 3. by joining into the planned family activities at Mary of the Oaks. Mary of the Oaks is just a 5 minute drive, west from the Texas A&M University campus in the Oak Hill Ad- dition off River Road. We are affiliated with: Nat'l. Assoc. for the Education of Young Children Texas Assoc. for the Education of Young Children Assoc. Montessori International- U . S . A. St. Nicholas Montessori Centre, England For more information call:Veronika Motekaitis 713- 846-8264 Permission granted to reprint in part or whole with credits to: Yeronika Motekaitis, Rt. 5 Boz 1134, Bryan, Texas 77801