HomeMy WebLinkAboutVance, ElaineElaine Vance is one of the Prenatal Clinic's longest-serving and most dedicated volunteers, having been with the Clinic almost since its inception. After graduating from high school in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Elaine headed to Columbia Hospital where she earned her RN degree in 1945. A term as a Cadet Nurse at an Army hospital in California followed, during which Elaine met and married her husband, James E. "Monk" Vance. The Vances had two children and Elaine has four grandchildren. Although she's lived in Bryan for more than 30 years, Elaine and Monk lived in many other Texas cities over the years-Marshall, Paris, Beau- mont as they were raising their family. After Monk's death 20 years ago, Elaine started volunteering at the Prenatal Clinic and later served as a board member. Her commitment to good prenatal care for all women is legend- ary, and her experience and skill have helped many young mothers have healthy babies. But the Clinic hasn't been the only beneficiary of Elaine's impressive talents and willingness to serve. Over the past 30 years, Elaine has provided invaluable assistance to the Friends of the Library, and is a lifetime member of that organization. She's served as president, vice president and treasurer at various times, and chaired the Friends of the Library book sale for more than 10 years as well as being a member of the Bryan Library Board of Directors. In chairing the Carnegie Library Restoration Committee, Elaine helped bring this important historic building back to life, energizing the revitalization of downtown Bryan. For many years, Elaine was a volunteer at Red Cross blood drives, bring- ing her valuable nursing skills to her volunteer work once again. Elaine cur- rently volunteers and is a board member of the Brazos Church Pantry, and a member of the Woman's Club and the TAMU Women's Club. She's an elder of the First Presbyterian Church in Bryan, and when she's not volunteering, she keeps busy with reading, bridge, Mah Jongg, and needlework. "My goal in life is to be a good and useful person, and volunteering helps me to reach this goal." Elaine Vance