HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 21, 2001Management Team Minutes Council Chambers February 21, 2001 8:15 a.m. AGENDA ITEMS New Items: 1. Status Report on E -Government (Linda) 2. Volunteerism Program (Peggy C.) 3. Fleet Policy (Mark) 4. Management Academy (Julie) 5. Citywide Pager List (Linda) 6. MHMR Tours of City Facilities (Julie) 7. Agenda Planning Calendar/Strategic Calendar Update (Tom) 8. Other 1. Status Report on E -Govt.: Linda Piwonka, OTIS Director, introduced Alec from GKG consulting to report his findings regarding updating the City's E -Govt. project. Alec highlighted the major recommendations in his written report which included: ➢ Phases of implementation of the plan ➢ Cost -benefit analysis ➢ Proposed budget - Cost of the plan was listed at $597,850, currently $160,000 of this is budgeted for FY01. This cost does not include the software needed for the implementation of Parks online/telephone registration. The consultant suggested that the City undergo a complete redesign of the current website by a professional web designer secured by bid. The new design would make the site service oriented instead of department oriented. He also recommended that the City add three staff positions to be responsible for coordination and operation of the site. The first new employee would be an E - Govt. Coordinator and should be hired immediately upon the inception of the E -Govt. plan with the remaining two hired 4 to 6 moths later. The reasoning behind the addition of the three positions is to free up current City employees to do their job instead of spending so much time working on the website. If the City cannot fund the three positions then the consultant recommends postponing implementation of the E -Govt. plan because the new plan would require service 24 hours per day. The Mgt. Team discussed the budget implications of the proposed E - Govt., plan and were concerned that the plan contained costs that are not included in the $597,850 price quote. The costs in question are software needed by the PARD and possible the ongoing cost associated with the addition of three full-time employees. Steve Beachy voiced three concerns that he has about the plan: 1) Plan doesn't address adequate staff support needed from Departments to do everything it wants; 2) Plan places additional requirements on the departments; 3) Software costs are not included in cost estimate. The Mgt. Team discussed the plan and if it should be changed prior to presentation to Council to assure that all of the required resources are identified. CONSENSUS: Hold a special Mgt. Team meeting to discuss staffing and budget implications of the proposed plan and to prioritize the items in the plan. 2. Volunteerism Program: Peggy Caliham and Mike Mullen of community programs reported the status of the Municipal Volunteer Program. The program continues to grow and Mike informed directors that if they need volunteers for anything they should contact him. Glenn Brown challenged the Team to "think outside the box" to identify ways that their departments can use volunteers. 3. Fleet Policy: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works, distributed the Fleet Policy and a list of underutilized vehicles that the City is paying replacement and maintenance costs on (vehicles that does not come up for an oil change more than once per year is considered underutilized). Mark proposed doing away with these vehicles to save the money used for replacement. To accomplish this he proposed selling some of the vehicles and transferring the remaining vehicles to departments that put in SLA's for new vehicles in FY02. Mark was not looking for a consensus, he simply wanted to make thew Mgt. Team aware of the savings that could result from doing away with underutilized vehicles. 4. Management Academy: Julie O'Connell, HR Director, distributed an outline detailing ideas for the implementation of the Management Academy. HR plans to conduct the academy once per year. The academy is designed for employees at mid-level management and those that have completed the Supervisory Academy. Class size will be limited to approximately 25 students that are nominated by their supervisors. The Mgt. Team discussed the options of conducting the class for five consecutive days or having it one day per week for five weeks. CONSENSUS: To conduct the entire training during a consecutive five day period. The team discussed how the training will be paid for and Julie stated that she would review this, but the cost would most likely be charged to the departments training budget. 5. Citywide Pager List: Linda Piwonka, OTIS Director, reported that she has received the list of people who have pagers and stated that it is better for City employees to be on the City paging network instead of the statewide network because of the delay in receiving statewide pages. The city network does not have the range of the state network, but pages can be tracked and verified. This is especially important in emergency situations. Linda stated that she will conduct annual pager list reminders. 6. MHMR Tours of City Facilities: Kelley Cole, Public Communications and Marketing Director, informed the Team that MHMR wants to schedule tours of City facilities for their clients. The facilities they will be contacting include: Police, Fire, Water/Wastewater. Contact Kelley for further information. 7. Council Planning Calendar: Email Brooke Brandenburg with any requested changes. 8. Other: Negotiations Training: Julie O. informed the Team that negotiations training will be held March 28th from 8-12 at the Conference Center. Linda Swindling will be the consultant. She may be calling directors with questions about the training.