HomeMy WebLinkAboutRuss Harvell '65Am sending a couple of phatos..(if I had it to do again, I would take many, many mare, but I was actually superstitious about taking pics in serious situations. (weird, I guess)...anyway...l was just an Army 'Grunt' from '66-'68. Gan fill-in -the -blanks on this stuff later, but basically.... ~ 1966- Ft. Polk to Ft. Carson, GO for Basic thru AIT Training at Carson included Long Range Recon Patrol (LRRP). Volunteered to go to Viet Nam 1967 Arrvd Long Bein-Jan 1968 (just in time for TET) Assigned to America) Div, 11th BRD , (Duc Pho) ~' /,' i~ Area of Operation; Gtuang Nai Province (I Gorp) ,,,R„ MOS- 11 B (Infantry Rifleman) ,~(~ •~ ~ ~,:: ~ ANYWAY; the attachmts are pics of my LRRP squad (7 man) I'm 4th from left standing; pic of a VC we captured after we recd sniper fire from a village & moved in to TCB (& did ); & a pic I had made in Ghu Lai just 2 days before I was leaving country in 1968; I grew the mustache while in 3 different hospitals for my last 3 months in country. hope this all gets to you OK...