HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of AppreciationCert' 'ate of lip reciation presented to Anne Boykin and the Cit Colle e Station, TX Present ~apprtion of your steadfast suppo for the Scouts of HHC 3 attalion, 50 Infantry (Airborne) during Ope ion Iraqi Freedom. Your care packages greatly improved deployed Sol rs' quality of life nder difficult conditions. More importantly, your thoug Hess and effort stained Soldiers' motivation and morale th hout an ofte ing time. r extraordinary genero ~t , ~~~and effo ave contribute g atly to the a ~ successful m~ion accomplishment and are recogrnz and ly appreciated by the Geronimo Scouts. ronimo! -All The Way!" ,~/,~J,~, L. Drew E. Pumarejo ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~'' ` ' ,; ~ ~ Vale~y C. eaveny Jr. CSM, USA ~ ~ ~ ~ LTC, IN Command Sergeant Major , _ ,.,,_ ~ \~_~,t_,=j7 nding