HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP TimetablePage YS SBJIOTSET R®UT~ TEXAS AND LOUISIANA LINES-LOCAL SERVICE AND CONNECTIONS ST. LOUIS, MO., DALLAS, SAN ANTONIO, BROWNSVILLE 312 (A) 1- HOUSTON, DALLAS, FORT WORTH, ~~~ I 315 I 314-2 ~ 6 30 Lu $t. Louis, Mo..........I'risco Ar~ 8.30 I • ~ • • ~ • COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER 10 05 Lv Dallas, 'I'ez ......4154.1{.&T. Ar 1240Lv1Varu Trx 4 d izs:::::: ~TREl~1MLINED , ............ r 3 25 Lv Austin Tex ............. " Ar 10 45 ..... - -17 5-13 3-15 (C) 18-2 ~ 16-4 114-6 , 5 Ar San Antonio, Tex......... " Lu 8 45 , 35 .. . Daily Daily Daily _ _ Mls. _ _ Daily Daily Daily Air-Conditioucd Service Between _ __ _ _ . . 10 30 Lv San Antonio Tex....... s.1. Ar 6 00 .. 7 30 6 Q 5 1 D C ) t g O U S T O N- D A L L A S 9 05 Ar BrnwnsvHlo " Lu, 7 00 ~ - 6 0 363 p ~ .._.. t 9 40 8 , i Ar g 4 n 5 a a .............. .... - FIOUSTON, SAN ANTONIO, Bf30WNSVILLE, - -• D,Lv Galve 17e~5 5 45~~1 4Di stno Tex. l 6 ~ ) 4 35 STRGA11iI,INF,R CORPUS CHRISTI 7 30 3 46',•7 40 _ 60'Ar hlouston; .. .. Lv 8 OU___ •_2 4B 10•i5 ' - '~*'~* -Trains ~ ~~ AM 303- 1312-314 11 30 ••• 4 45 8 00 6 0 1 Lv Houston,Tex.+.... Y.. Ar 11 " Fnirfrmika Lv 6 30 2 05 a 9 25 j 13 and '14 d/ •~ 01 313-315MIs.(I3) 04 302 ~ ~~~~ ............ ~ ntsunm ............. " 171, , y Y I ..... .... ..... 2fiu MILES-?65 MIATLiTF,S 7 20 '9 40' L Lv Houston, Tex.+.... Ar ~~ f7 53 d 2C '' l,t isso~tri Cii * " 6 55 e 4 20 f 3 40 .... • .. •.. ....- ?.5 " (75~pres5. ~............ " " " Y • ~ ... ..... A custom-built Streamliner with. chair .. y.... 03 h 26 "dn rear I:and (S. P.)." e 3 27 ..... ..... b 6 35 H_orhley ............. 4U " Sl slier " y a ..... cars, parlor' car and a dinar-observation Richum°d, • • • " • • • e 3 15 12£23 ... .., b ~ , ............... iew 44 Prmne " y f5 34 a ~' c ..... car. R1ilc a minute non-store schedule. " ' u 10 3$' 37 ]tosenber 8 231 < g"' -' .... 5 55 3 10 12 35 .. y 8 53 .......... 50 Hr m tstcad........... " n f 1 08 z ...•. ..... NO EX 1 RA FaRG. " < f8 34 d 45, Beasley............ B 42 d 51 "!(enrlletou ... 2 43 ..... f ~ ............. 64 `( C i} Y ..... o ..... A~~~~TL~~11 - Trains ......... d 7 "Hun crford........ g " 2 32 ..... 1 OS ..... ... J 9 17 a ot r ne 70 V s asnta............"- 504 ~ 1243 ••-• 15 and '16 63 lGh;vion.......... f9 20 1id23' 68 "~laclay ,~ 5 07 2 20 f2 D3 .. • .... • .... 75 Nc! eva.. •~~•~~""•` 9 Y = ~.... ..... STREAlvIL[NED EOUIPiViENT ......... 9 25 d 71,"Picn~.e ............." .- ..... 1 57 f f z 7 LUd Iican . , .......... 88 \V (horn " Y f f ~ ~ • • • This popular train carries de ]use stream- 9 391 11 46' 77i"lil Campo........." ~ " " 4 45 1 4d ..... 1 46' ..... 16 12 9 50 ~ ............ 94 " Clollege Station......." y 4 27 a 12 10 ..... 17 54 lined chair cars, and a diner-observation car-stops at intermediate stations Fast f9 451 d 821 IIiilje ............. 9 55 fil 69 87 "Louisr " ..... fl 37 1 30 200 10 00 ur ~ 99 "Bryan..............." " 4 15: .~ 11 56 ~ . , ewn'enient schedule. 1 , ............. • 10 05j 12 08 95i"~ Isrtndo.,.......-•, " " ' ~ •4 18: 1 78 2 30, ~ a f O 10 25 = 106 Lv 13rnchlcy............ 120 dr Hearno .............. Lv y ~ 3 40, - f a 0 11 30 ~ NO EYTRA FARE 10 23j 12 21 104, f~dna .............." 1Of32 d 108 "1;1'I'nro " 404; 1 03 '121.55 2 4p m 10 25 ~ !120~LvHearne..............Ar " 3 35 ~ I1 30 ~ SAN AN1'ON10, KENEDY, EAGLE LAKE, ~ ........... 0 ..... 2 55 Z 10 36 m 127 Calvert .............. Lv 3 21 m 11 16 z HOUSTON ..... 12 47 ..... ~ Ilammond ......... " E y 10£51 £ d 123 LuIoster Field " d r~ . f 3 38 3 30 ~ _ 11860 c . - ,< ynd U `i q 'c 11 00 G3 3 (D) x30 X1 11 00 ....... 12 55 129 ArV ctoria , ........ Lv ..*.. 3 30.12 26 f W z m 14~ enn .............:' y 10£42 f 1 O w 4 0 Mls. 0 * 1 Ar ~ ~ LJ m a I ~ ~ „ 60 'I f orntou ~ w 10f31 2 281 Z J 10 30 Lv San Antonio, Tex. (S. P. StaJ... Ar 6 00 " "" ,< 1 0 145 Tan r ........... f 3 00 . ¢ 12 ~ c z ii 30 _ i ............ T 68, ro , L eeck . 1 2 17 10 20 ~ 11 24 32 Floresville .................... Lv 4 50 " - 313- 1 31 154 (oLnd ... " 1 56 170 13crclair ... 2 48 = 2 21312- 4 32~ /4 42 ¢ w n: 11 50 ~ 11 59 q . ......... . 180 " Itf exia ............ " 187 1L ortham " ~~ , 1 571 -, 10 03 !1 38 ~ 9 52 w 11 45 46 Falls CitY .................... "1 4 25 12 04 57 Lv Iiarues Cit Y•-•••••••••-------- " 4 OS _316 2 20~ Y84 ArBeeville ... Lv 2 03 314 F- w ............ « 193 ` ~ 12 15 ~ A~ Kenedy....................... Lv 3 50 s 10' 30 0 Lv San AriloniofS P S[a.) Ar 6 DO 12f10 Y w y ~ Lv Kenedy ....................... Ar 11'25 " a 1Of61 ~ ~outhtnn Le 11 f5 25 :S.ZO ~ = (, An us ............... 1 ' ~ ~ 41 N 4 07 73 Run e........................ Lv g 11 05 1 " 11£00 17 `Llbnendorf......... 1 f5 14 .. • • • 209 " Cot sicana............ " ' l l 3 • - • 4 19 80 ' Nordhelm ..................... "~ 10 61 ~ 11 O6 -i 20 tias ,snit o.......... o ~ 1 f5 10 O ..... .. . 12£40 ~ . 22p °' Ri e ................. " y 3 f9 10 .. 4 35 88 Yorktown..................... " 10 35 11 24 , « 32 Ploresvdle......... " 4 50 ~ - .. 12£45 I 24 Lv Alma ... . .. . .. y i f9 06 . .. . .. 5 15 104 Cutro ....................... " 10 00 " 11 34 a 39 I oth .............. o 4 37 5 45 2 :::: .. : i 9 00 . . p f 5 27, 1131 ] d; ar... .................... f 9 33 11 45 O P uls City- 46 6 00 p w 1 Lr Ennis . A 12 20~, w 8 55 1 9 20 1 Y t m 11£51 Y g 49 Hohsou........... = f4 18 1 ~ fl '< ' 1 .. ............ 2 8 abner Lv . .~ f8 44 y 0~ 128 6 vect Ho e.................. " 8 56 " 12 04 12 40 ....... " z 57~," Karnes Cit Lu Koned 63 4 05 O ~ ... .. ~ n .............. . _ F-, ..... , f 134 D1nnt........................" f 6 32 " g Rllettsvtl.e 8 3S 12f51 ~ 1 `f 69 (irceu < ~ f3 15 ~ i i i - 253 L II ldei " 2 ................... ',< Su)~lir'ie ...................... << f 6 49 148 f $ 15 1 Od fl 19 r 79 etws............ m L 85~I N 3 Q? ~ . . 6 55 ... 9 10 t 31 1 60 I tt te..... -...... v 2 llnlon Sta ( h ..... II f8 26 8 10 i ... 6OD 15 Shcrt.an ...................... 8 Ol 6 i 7 201 163 1 k I l d " I v ormanna........ i 49 _ t6 051 - ~ O Lv Ennis > Ar A ~ <b `Lt0 ot s an ................... 7 49 11 i 7 44 170 " ;dr Boev lle........... Lv 2 35 f6 11 . Lu ......... 3i ` arrett . 11f55~ ~ t r ..... .................. f 7 36 Lv eeville........... dr i ~ 1 2 00 1 53 F6 19 0 • 8 Bo ce o ..... z £ ,,,_. 7 55 eLake . g " ~ 2 10 . 2 45 106 A _ _ _ ,.tdniore......... L¢ - 1 30 1 45 1 .. ... ... z .. y .......... ..... 1 ..... l cille ................... f 7 04 f s 3 05 3 05 lU6 La' - ~ re A 1 69 2 09 1 f6 54 .:... ... 26 " Mid!oltliane :" 11 33 11 121 ..... 195'< tia 8 2 ..................." 6 49 e f3 15 3 24 f 3 15 114 Tr•nan ......... ` 3 24 1201" ,\Iaflis f12 1 £ .12 12 50 50 i f7 06 ..... .. ..... ......... 33 Britton .............. " ..... 10 59' .... , 8 ~ 201 Stmont on ..................... e 6 36 1 206 " Pul l ttr ---~••-•••••••••••~~~ " 6 26 f3 34 ............ f 3 34 127 " Fandia............ " ' fl2 39,12f39 7 14 ... . ~ ... . 37 1lansfidd............ " 45 LvIieunelalN 10 52 ~ ..... f ..... f 8 46' 270 " F'letvellen ...................•. " f 6 18 " " f3 42 4 10 « f 3 42 13 Or nge Grove...... 4 10 149 9he.c f12 31'12f31 12 1012 10 28 00' -- " ..... ""' _ ..... ~ ~ t ... ~ort e 1 ) 5 ~ . ~ : ~ ~ , ~ : - . f S 53 213 (iastnn ....................... i f 9 04 " f 6 0 ....^ ......... `i Ir moot.........." 11 3111 31 __ 9 151 2 00 I Tex F 0 Lv Oal N&DC Ar ~ l0i 8 25 £ 1 2?4" Howellvdle ................... " f n 04 04 ' ~~ ri~ _ 18 0 6 35 ~ x 9 ArFo~~d 5 Aliet .........................<, 49 1'f 6 i 9 31 ~~ 6 00 .inri 232 1 . 6 00' ..:::::::" " 10 1510 16 -• 0 ~ 72 o Sp ngs......lu 8 5 1 ... 2 40 f « 2. 229 Jea nett.a ...................•• a s "];dinbnrg.......... " 0 x 9 40 9 40 • • • • • 10 00 8 15 802 dr Denver, Colo... C. & S. Lv 7 00 ..... 1 00 f 9 28 232 Lv Bellaire ....................... " i 6 38 6 42~ 6 4 2 258 ~ArRic:111rn........... Lv 9 25 9 25 •9 50 2421 Ar Houston, Tex. 1 ................ Lv• 6*15 _ 7 (H] 7 00~ 258j Lv\IcAben.......... Ar 9 10~ 9 10 All PM time in Dark faced flyures. f-h'lag stop to mttrain or detrain pay passengers. 7 16 7 16 267j "I?dinburg.......... " 9 00 9 QO 1 ' " *-Daily. •-Texas Bus Lines. between Houston ;-Bus to and from Waco counecte at Bremond with trams 15 and 16• f7 29 f 7 29 , 276 Ia Blanra......... " ' f $ 34 f$ 34 (C'.S.'1'.)-Central Standsrd 'Dime. and Gah•estou' 7 36 7 36~ 279r "h;lsa .............. " 8 301 $ 30 1-U'rand Crntral Station. t-b~fntnr tio.85. h-Stops on Httg to entrain pay passengers for points west of 7 4C 7 40! 280 "ldcouoh.....-..... "' 8 23, 8 23 ' " ! ~ f-Union Station. $-&tntor No. 86. Rosenberg. f7 44 f 7 44 . 283; La Villa........... " f $ ly'.f$ 19 ~ 4-Stops on Hag to rereive or discharge pay Passengers only to and ~-Stops nn flag to entrain pay passengers for Houston or detrain 7 54'. 7 54 290 "Santa R.asa........ " 8 10 8 1D " from Houston and llallas or beyond. No baggage handled on pay passengers from Navasota and west. 1 i8 Ol, i 8 Ol 295, Priment........ ... " f $ Ol f8 Ol this irai^ to or from this station. 8 18 8 18 299'x,"Harlingen........." 7 52' 7 62 4.4irmaildispatchfrom p-Fill ontrain or dei:rain pay passengers to or Irom linnis to Dallas, . f8 31 f 8 31 309' "Lozano............ " f7 Jl /7 31 ' ~btotor Car Service riaiiy between Kenedy and Houston Colle e Station, Houston or be ond. No ha g Y ggage will be checked 844', 844 319 LvLos Fresnos........ " 7 16 7 16 , a-Stops on Hag to detrain pay passengers [rotn stations west of to or from tennis (will be handled on other train); 9 051 9 05 330drBroWasrlle(SP.SLa.)4Lvl *7 00-~7 00 Hempstead, ~ x-Passengers may obtain brcalcftist (daily except Sunday) at Cafe -- -- 303 IMIs. ~ 304 b--Sto is un Ha t entrain revenue risen ers 1 g o P g to stations west of ~' inl near station, and lusve Ld >urg 7:16 a, m, for Brownsville and _ _ *3 15' 0 .. . Lu Skidmore ......... Arj12 50 ~ Hempstead that arc rcgulsr or Hag stops, int~ennediatc stations. .... f3 281, 7 f3 37 13 . .... " Papalote ............. "i12f37~..... " S Y l 2 " r-Stops on Hag to detrain pay passengers troro stations west of Hempstead; also entrain pay passengers for IIouston, y_ I g p g points on Ft. Worth eub- 9tots to dischar a risen ers from .... .... 3 47 l8 t. au 1 ............... f27 ..... 12 21 `;intent ........... "1 . d-Stops on slag to entrai^ pay passengers for points west of division. ..... 4 04 2.6 I . ... " Taft . 12 06 Victoria. Fre u~~nt q service betwccn Dallas, Denison and intermediate ..... 420 34 ..... ................ Lv (}regory " 11 51 e-.Stops on flag to detrain pay passengers from or beyond points points by Texas laectric Line, Dixie Motor Coach Corp. sod the ..... 5 00 45 .............. ...., dr Corpus Christi ...... Lv 11 30 ..... west of Rosenberg, Southwestern Greyhound Line.