HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsolidated School District Consolidation with BryanCollege Stetion, Texas, February 23, 1939 To the Citizens of tYie Consolid~tcd Sci~ool District: I c~pent most of the aft~;rnoon today in Bry<^xn making en indepen- dent investi.gati~r.. ad?.th the officials of the schools ar~d the city, expecting to find that the best ^olution is to consolidate crith Bryan. You have a right to know the truth as I found it. ~.fter making the investigations I am completely s~..tisfied th~.:t v?e should vote the bonds because of the following f~_.cts: 1. It will cost urn more to conso].id~.te ti°rith Bryan, about X1.50 per hundr_,d dollars on ~. 50 o valuation. 2. Should vre consol.ids.te thero i s the uncertainty about the success of thy. bond issue: that th.e combs°~ed districts would have to vote to build, equip ~.nd in^.intain our school. Not that there is any likelihood of the officials breo.ki?~;• f.~:ith, but the people may not aliprove the bonds. 3. By consolidatinG vJe vaould hive a better building but wre •NOUld not Gave control over the policies of the school or the selection of the teac:~ers. This is i.mport~:nt for thQ contentmon.t and s~.tisfactior~ of the people of this district. ~i~e c~.n forgive our ovm mistakes more re<,dily tiian those of otriers. 4. The pcrcentF.ge incre~:~e in our tax~.ble values duo to the steady grodj~th of the community vrill be more rapid than in Bryan. Hence vre would pa?T incr•_~FSingly more than our share of the school expense. Besides ti+ia would soon have to help build a now needed new elemante.ry school in Bryan. 5. T?~e school officials I talked to offered no bright picture of the o_dvs.ntage;s of consolid~.ting. Thc;;T offer~;d no special inducement for us to come in, contr^ry to th:; roport that they are ^rilling to Give us something for nothing to ~;et us in. o it is my considorr;d opinion that more happiness, contentment and good feeling rriong ourselves <<^.nd to,~a~:rd Bryan wrill result if vre remain sepr.rate from Br;,Tr..n s.nd vote the bonds. ~l ~ ? , ~-~• )i i•~ ~ t~:~ ~~ J. H. Binney Mayor Fle ct