HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewspaper Article 071703d...at via - Albite eith Age Carshy place - I A A 4 .5 / '1 f g tubstded rids' flood intted legreta 14. ilngliah WM: ir oung bear, 4i.. :sista sles • rhreadlike ---::wi -.-- )ne invoked • .ith fee iimpie Nutted by ....v. got t Indi n Burst to au oasis/ fro 4/4 4 ii i' 101 =Isms 11211,///.; II air MI ,ii MAI Malatlwe ' /Mita jimik awn MOM - , i } {��' !?: ::,,i 1p ri II . - 11111•01 iil - IIIVAilIIIIIFA' f r sai ,040111 AF ■ VAIN ii7100111111Mar smamwstswwws■,,w.s. iialligimoss 11111111111111111■11111110 37 -ix ow. r•-• man MOM MO a iL'ii mem ;;Igg it4f). :', A min . - ki mill iii` A • PHI MI . t m al_ =II M 1111111111 sons no fine_ MI ilia ling 4",:e. _insil awn 07.14 A.-, ;7';' "iii•il. r DOWN - . . . . cercs 1• jam - issais 7//4 %5 ,_1 11 KIbMI, t3A1 I IwKI2 /UR PACKAGE OFF 1E SE AT. SO I AN ST DOWN • l. L. {aid .4 re.r.evol ▪ Instructors . ',hanged; Order !I From War Dept. l.'.-h. /--. ty orders anbounced • this past k have refiners( two of the stn. instructors in the military de• • Anent, promoted one from first, tenant to captain anti saw an- • . ...:. .... beL.regolar-rarrr warzhaaal"...Aatrief . E. . 3. A.. has been...relieved of ' ihr lir isiana for active duty. • I. r St.v..n env,. Aria" ht,t1 it h half here - -reeaded-t\o'nt •itent ••yt- 'to become • lempr in- , .4essur A.-•:-& 3L and bred. at ilkl tituxgar. L • entrain Tail • E. Sory T. A F... effective Feb. 1, and First .tenant Tom B. Struther, an appoint- iolar arniy. Both THE BR EAGLE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1942. . 11 SALLY'S SALLIES (- AND itOa IS ( YOUR. TikrIart.? sli's Hof 0 !fiat VEILYAULL I- 3.1 AteK dr_ I kt= 1.04.016, • HE OLD HOME TOWN 5 Vass. On.o By STANLEY As LON* AS VOL/ 5p4' , mos-r YOUR --rus4m • '/. Carl Anderson #6 f.8 30 • THEY Here 34. MAKE and 35 37 N-EWS - 43. Miss Mary - Darden, with the Palm Security Administration. 46: spent the week-end in East Tex- with het - 47. 48. =:,•■■ • - 414 "4 ”•se ••■••see • a 24. ay i ... s• wielt, Conn., who has Iseult speud• " h ' 7 4-1441641 r 4 r 4a frett l2 4" -- rEinu -P-Aster • is. a former: . n -- ay•wt v. •2 - 111C - S111111511 - r.511..er.. is now stationed at Camp Bullis. Mrs. Sion P. Kennedy und daugh- ter (7amille are spending the week in Pasadena in the home of Mr. ml Mi.. R. L. Worthington. DAILY fROSSWORD ALMOSS 6. Chinese 25.13mxillan . 1. Vase • nicety I rani 4.1Lisard ' 7. Vebklo 37- PAPAS* 7. Light boat • & Babylonian 29. Decode 9. Watered god 33. Demands silk 10. Border Payment 12. Bandits_ . IL Onntaaa 39. Exist 13. Seat of con point (abbr.) 36. One wno sciousness 15. Offers falls to oda 14. European 17. Samarium 39. Befors coal district' (gym.) (mut.) 15. To be suit- 18. Forward 40. Padding able to 19. White oak for balr 41. Female sheep 42. Woven strip 16. Court • 21. Doleful session 22. Concur 18. Noah. ship 23. Plural of 20. Cutting tool this 21. Coln of Seignior. Ammar' 44. Palomar make 40. Soak flax 47. Meadow 4 " ........;..: M .. ...... i. 1 11111KFTytitiwim--nt r cretweraser issinwwww . fur a visit to rs..Johason's..sis- C T o lire, 7. flierif6ii - W 11 ea/1E it : 7 li IV- --11 R. itrilliera KZ --,-- - . • fiTirlliiii inorayek----- fi- z Be ' -- --'-- at A. & -M. College and mho makes' tzattsdas Crrpterotet ir=ND ' WILL NOT . --w iL II LON/14111.4 • • ' . ' ' heffie - WM - M rlh H. -W. Plumb, SUNW 1..10‘ vr 'MS z spent the Week-end 111 San An- l . STONE - Limit/ _With_ het parents... ... i vistributedlir ItMe„.reatures . - -, Zr• • iradieste. ENC. . • - ilr....T. -..7.4 -- -V- :`1/ •,i I.ieut. and Mrs. W. W. Harris United States' interests are rep- Siltation at the Naval A n the ' ,K ,tin Buoy and Lieutenant succeed Major AtIsbnii as senior ally nstrucioc. I.ieutenant Utter- of San Antonio spent Sunday with resented by the Gureinment of any's intercollegiate ; b•x g Mrs. Harris parents. 5Ir. and Mrs.. Switzerland in all enemy coun-anatehea must nttend 411:lealt. tiler are . graduates of Texas ; instructor of the ...Engineers unit Lark is a former rmr basketball player R. W. Howell. Until recentlY ;tries. IROthis.• - it M. R. • -and Lt. A. P. litterbaek. s ue- at Texas A. & M. and graduated Lieut. Harris has been stationed . t: C. A. Williams. C. N.. will reed Major Stevens, as sent ii eav-.siill the class of 1939, - at Camp Ilea at. Br ownwood. He 1DR.S. C. RICHARDSON-DR. Wait. R Assawass Mumma if Wks. EHLINGER-GRANT CUNIC BUILDING NEW Wes1 1k. S. A.. has been—relieved uf 'Lai = 'ti'1!MC IIiS/ - i1. ,�i aTRaitmaalz�a the eniiel[e'= p kit4 -.Sw_ uisiana tor active •duty. T 11 erir pon f a , . e .smra.r.! a .I. • emestt • to become • senior in- y.T.C. i - Texas A.•'-& M :; and • t --ores at Era- , 01WITV-f6rr - t .1 two ,`Mtl M. f apialo i'aI t r:. Sory. r . ,T t, effective. Feb. 1, and First •utenant Tom B. Strother, A. C., was given an appoint. n is the regular army. Both ETTA KETT 1 -3d P „ g3 c WRENC1Z ST1 t_ SON - THAT HANDY MAN WITH TOOL THE OLD HOME TOWN amtived U i .«■„ 1 Ws* As LONG AS YOU SPEND � Crt- 7 , ? MOST YOUR TNIE IN .k / 1 lOGMarUSM - YrMO / , 1 D MAKE IT MORE COMFY FOR YOU MISTER i�1 MEEKER!! NPYRICMT. 110 I:IT.: rCATt•RC, SY7CI At, In. • plain Su.y and Lieutenant succeed Major Addock as senior.uhy instructor. Lieutenant Utter - :other- are •1R•adi ates of Texas', instructor of the. Engineers unit back is a former basketball player k M. and Lt. A. P. Utterhack, will suc- at Texas A. & M. and graduated WC. A. Williams, C. E., will reed Major Stevens, as senior cav- , with the class of 1930. By STANLEY M(ul.n R:p,RI RESERVED 1 -24 ,.u+Say 44..05 .,eN +vttl► tA.. inr... . ryau- -wt Huntley • with Mrs. Lee Sin -1 fir r is .a former s • t a - 3l�Yf - Satltflta us........wa. ...fo -Li... ... 1u1.... r a t i r l i i l N U t l a L'—% GSwVate. '••• U v f ter ur a 1{r vi s, - sit _. to t Ator1rs.' _ anhnson's � -Mr -- six- yv & i(Z S •. 8 v . C :: T_Z .. G Z B L - V U Z Q f W P P 1.. _ .: , ,. Isizeilvvvvetetrnett tirtheir honiE. W Q ell RR Z X . B R.. -RR M. P a Q O f R 11C=12 •. szeQ�stazsc ".._.._. : . fire Theii Widde17; emliloped L —'' at A. A M College and irho makes __. Ratudla _rIlL _ s4 E� • Wfil NOT •her• hu111p'Wli lire, H. W. Plumb, wito.ru JiP, or - TM sayssru ■s slant the week-end in San A.. - :7: WE . tulliu..ICiLh het. p;11 eats _ _ _. utstrlbsi* 4b Y�f sslurea it kale. tae. . —V.— Lieut. and Mrs, W. W. Harris I United States' interests are rep- Specatoss at the Naval of San Antonio spent Sunday with resented by the Government ofemy's intercollegiate ' box I ttfl Mrs. Harris parents, Mr. and Mrs. iSwitzerland in all enemy coon- Im must attend ja forint R. W. Howell. Until recently ;tries. • Lieut. Harris has been stationed at ('amp Bowie. Brownwood. He is now stationed at Camp Bullis. _ Mrs. Sam P. Kennedy and dough- • ter Camille are spending the week in Pasadena in the home of Mr. ani Mrs. R. L. Worthington. I/ Mr. and Mrs. Frank VitoP p it are in San Antonio, visiting for a day or two with their son, Frank. Jr., • I who is in the Air Corps and who- ' had a day or two from duty but could not leave the " poet: - - - "' -- — .___.v-- - .- -- ... - - -Mrs. Jessie Griffin her sore -to South Texas for a two week's visit to her sisters in Corpus Christi and Beeville. —V— Mrs. S.• H. Burrows of Waco is here today for a visit to Mr. and, i Mrs. Jye[ Howell and family. Mrs Burrows is the mother of Mrs. Howel!. - 1 CU S w��1�� I to pal tivilrr[ RTYLa + . Good News For Colon Sufferers The McCleary clinic, H. E. 716 Elms Blvd., Excelsior Springs, Mo., - 1 I22.pagis potting out an up- to- the.minute' e; book on Colon Disbrders,- Piles and Constipation and corn- 1 monly associated chronic ailments. i The Look is illustrated with charts, , diagrams and X -ray pictures of these ailments. Write today -a. postcard will do—to the above ad- ( dress and this large book will be sent you FREE and postpaid. • (adv.) UUNA ItVpftYta' 11 _!1.11.1 en! 11 - 1 1 _11.11 -11 -11 -11.11 .11.11- li.lt.11.tt.tl -,. I • P. . ea. I AFTER WERE MARRIED (LL BO I jl Anl0 HE'S GETTING / WELL, AT LEFtBr HES L I I I 140f2E POANE12 70 HIM ! 115 l l , ( ( A n e' wlr ll/,•,rr f - Y.-•s r-� I e•, .re• ••■ C•■■■ M•• ••■•• •■•• DR. S. C. RICHARDSON —DR. W. R ROSS NEW LOCATION EHLINGER -GRANT CLINIC BUILDING West � ",,, • LI. DR. RICHARDSON Officio . . 2-7424 Real/ea 2 -1320 Aaammee Removal of Office. Phones c*21.0 DR. Ross OFFICE .. 2 Resiee.es a Dr. T. T. Walton Dr. L,O: Office Hours:. Office Hours: C:30 .to 9 a. m. . 1 to 2 p. to 7:30 to 9 p. in. (Except (Except Tharday Wednesday) • -