HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewspaper Article 071703c. f• Walton Hon 0444 By Easktexa* Ma i-of-the.Mout f Credited; ithhilithyaitableNizr,kkTexa Dr. theist/4/ CliWalton. president I covers the entire state, they .1 of Texas A & M College, is host— include the Agricultural Expel ored as tilt: 110p of the Meath" .meat Station, Engineering Expet In the caul l4 De of East 'Maas, mint $Iation, Texas Forest Ser magazine of t s at Tess Chain- ice and the two juniog college her of Commtt,p E ,- Te in the work of John Tirleton at Stephenville ar which Dr. Waltab and other leaders North Texas Agricultural, Arlin, _ in. tbe CoU.ge been in portant ton — in addition to the Prai, factors. East 'tjxsa say!: • View State Normal and Industri 'To an born, reared School for Negroes. •we -a 1R - area, "East -word ae to Ki N�Yr-ft em a , with a sin.•. •. t felt to -sur e of his vas ly access lr to Young poop rmekre'i their p*ibteins: seeking his *deli*. Many a lad h He is Ur. Otte Walton been guided.lowa the highway who in 1 -b sna.,ttie thirteenth successful cthaenship by this ou president of 'Niels A, & 1!. College. s tanding educator. . Upder his direction. executive V -- heads of co IW 1 lleg!'depatYment - f the E have A • • ag- ricu is proxam o a.. t • am or the tors were ur a al- • -=- erie i -a- �ftimentars guru k- — __V..... . ServI far ce: an honor ' ich until hat time had an o Ie National Defense CLn iu ax are r a ultk``T tionai executive!. - n n t ay all d a tt k. Eon's stewardsbl • the coliege_ha _ arm di 16 411 E....cil ... . ... .. ......0 ................. - 1 I.` ... 4'110! • bg.:. end ,`Arius., r .r.... e•t.at .„ . baarvart are selecte*rfor eac - t • or-operated Sn Tartuu7alipjt - the i 4 Committee e. a ember of the.- 'ocated in rural areas, the'Natio _ a.rnr. a . .,,netf',;e ?to m es..« •F , . ,iy r al Defelitte_S'•onlmittig fttt Ttiaa.. • ___ : 410 Yp, k Pellow in the Texas I some months ago, - asked the Co- - Academy tepee and a membertentastoners court of eacn county -' of the 'Americas Academy of Sri.; o organize a county aircraft warn - ence ing service council of which th• • '. - - Dr. W ;i waj born in 1Nbt3 on � ounty judge and commissioners, .4...rat- JasLt-.la Madja tensity. lie 're. •ns wile....y.• sbeindltesEed -. ,____ ' mitred •his'early education in pub and civilian:representatives of vet- lie schools of.E,ast Texas and later rrana' organizations, 'civic clubs, •• attended S4pa Houston Normal, 'tc., would be members. The coun- , WIS. Shp Hpeito4 State Teachers' ;41 selects observation post organ - 1ts ,, •an.1 - 1kl, 41 . ..- - bra who ara raapensible fur .Pear, arNorpt nalNorth Texas State ing the sera9noel for each post '- Teachers College, Denton. He also I As soon as these. volunteers 'are BIG SISTER Qt1,OH! HE'S BEEN DOI4 Flt UP TO. NOW BUT ►+ES P0 UP ONS OF OUR VER`/ 8e ST CUSTOMERS. I CAN'T 1- 4A�1'v DAT . I ETTA KETI • .LOOK AT 'HAT MOON GOr'c3 TO tvASfE' ANC HE2E WERE STUCIG.DE L IVE2IN� WINCH 1&CA RDS-" I i P ; r � x ' -,,ham y .p 'An , , ..,g-171": ls? THE BRYAN EAGLE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1941. • i ? 1 Nta U • r.... dL7 -- • t 14 E y!Hay aome.i.! WAIT V SPECK! 8Y T..t% GREAT . A M INUT h f.v"tAtT.VOU'RE m FRG1TTtsb MR.S BL)QL A COME! Vat OW MY 1..A' 1 QqT WON'T DO! • LEGS! EXNAU&TEO.'.'- SP KI T! )- NI PEPPE2'' MAMAS STAGIN.I A FASHION SF40Ntt^Tiv4'P - I PUJ4. ONE OF 1He ROSTERS IN r •;OUi2 WINDOW ? . s.....UI *Awn Olio .'.y.' 1 M 11..,... I ,, • . 1- �.•.. • •,. . 1 1 1/ WTI t'.:TN'S7.Tr1Sf!S S! .. •aLt' !tie •� ION �e ►_ a Tiil►Sii „6 MEAN WIM c -' ies�satet -.w 411ERINk" — Al. T . is R' „ •t 6 1 _ i,`i : --- /-- 1 ♦ t t1CJt `� I— � P` t '� t • t b c!1 tt� I:� rr� � Y�t�s L .r�E . i `I +t_ • S3"'v _ .'''+ �:t�l711i * \'ii Si Yf* r t Ma fWAT /T ..� � .. - \Iii s MACaC -11 - - _ . 4 : ~ .. i iii„ HOPE N i• T to Our peops. Pecs of IS • s • laterearlf" their 'problem t: He is Dr. 'Marais Otto Walton _who in 1424 laszametht_thirteenth president of Texas A. & 1.1. College. U nder his direction, executive heads of college 'departments have . co-operated US inimulating ag- riculturel progiara of the East In January, 1930, the regional spocemso YlnilatinEgIONS16 ill : wit iarrosay-etslier 51115 Ss.IWL a eas y accessai ir young poop seeking his adviee. Many a lad Is been guided down the highway successful ciliisenship by this ou ;landing sLthicator. • Aircraft arning Raid Warning, Ar( • isoard of insvctors Were 1,1% VI as- -- rithirgweb.th 11x use -7 a 0 • , Mowing le bwanFaa session and separa aertncet taffy -lamb- • • oun, mate 01 a sr -.or, Auo, ufT9_An ehaie• o t e_ &Moat Defense Cm - ii limo" r Which Out t lime had ":-." tional execut i ve . ' 4144644n - 7- tot P tia;tl a Zd u alL2 h s. ton's stewardeship the cullege.....has:_. 711 / as tildVI a a • . ..“ •11. . • • .• ..... .‘ • •••• • weltraitoa-nt thp I p t d he • a • •-is.a.0.. • 1:444‘44/ assVaiiia chief obsess, - • 14 .'"isl h • o „,1 rieULar, . hserveris are selected for eac .„, )mice moat yfl mese posts are' Committee and' a member of the 4-'0cated in rural areas, the•Nation —...atare1 Wendt Cemraittes for Tema.. bevy ;We* Fellow in the Texas some months sgo,-asked the Corn-. Academy It Science and a mela muisioners sours each county of the 'Americas Academy of Set. o organize a county aircraft warn- ' ence. ing service council of which thr Dr. Walton equi born in W83 on ounty judge and commissioners, •-•-' • Wm ]iti k&i1Ss county. ta re. asta v411.0 . 110 0 4 ;••,/,•;,•,.; • A • ceived • his 'early education in pub- and civiliamrepresentatives of vet- lac schools of East Texas and later !rens' organizations, civic clubs, attended Sant Houston Normal, would be members. The coun- _now Sam Houston State Teachers' ('ii- selects observation post organ- „ 31n5-IFOle-les.es, whn, are ri.xpanailile Go- .000r, as Normal, noW North Texas_State Teachers']Cage, Denton. He also As soon as these. volunteers are . Cilg the personnel for each lle specialised at Texas A. ig• M. He iprolled, they are certified to the _teok.upleaching in 1902 and.taught army, the observers go under army i•vst--TeMlf•-ardloole --ttatil-1900 Auden, and. the aircraft wariting - when Vivito* clalatoanito be - genico . council goes out of exist-, tlitriettilitsal agent for- Polk ence. ..‘ 1 -a--police - .A.-&-.11.--Eaten.- —the -air- raid•.worning system—is .that created for the pattinym service. He • held: that position un-lof transmitting_to the civilian pop- and orders is- dent'of the leg.. Racogniabig bis!Iiied by the army. The air raid outstandingvioili,fer'Texis educa. werning'systent in Texas is being ,dori, Baylor tidveHlity conferred organised through the sheriff I Nr "" • • ' tbs. degree of Doctor of Laws upon and chiefs of police, under the di- President iValtuil . reeuon or, use county judges and br. _Waltorq activities at A. & the mayors, who serve as count'. • M.. are onlir. i], pert of his duties, and municipal defense .coordina- ] 21-0' addition' Us: directing the work tors. The Texas department of toi`the Estiesision Service wbich public safety provides the techni- ] 111141,1111L.„ • L I ••• • ••'s / ! i 7 II ETTA KET1 -LOOK ,AT THAT MOON 64Dp4J TO. WASTE Ate Her2e WE'RE STUCK,DELNE2IN5 _ WINDolgC.ACIDS." • PEPPE12.. MAMA'S STAZIN.31 A FASHION 504..s4 MY - L PUrx _ ,.DNE r.Dr THE RIVERS IN (-7-•-•01:- ‘.0u1Z DIN ? . V.• • F . *---- ; _._._. ____-,...._....._..__ - - .1.,......' --- • _ A r' sco Nalia ....51.4a , • '5-. APP-7 NAJA -"4 I REMAQIG, 1 FiAF3EX: " g IC?* ri4 1411- CO ( 0 7: 4:; ] 'IQ .] * • . 1 * 1 0 '• ... -1 —. --., r i — 'I 0 \ (. S Ur • ' 7 r 1 4 Vt'll:' , , . • ; 1 1 •/ ,,1 - '''' V ) ) j . e ,-, . 1 ,,,0 . ,- .1 o.i,i 7 7 - • - 4 . if • 1 - t - lt 1 -- 1 t 1 i ••■• 114.-■•••15•1211. • - - ...•1=art-rt, . i 1S1371nIVIT.1 ] tb.. (NC I .1 MA( si-a IT I leadership in the esta pwture,(pecialiA of the A. & M. •I 1.....: -:. ...W. .,..„ 4. . ,,.,t,.... . . .`:,!Ino- iixt I.. _v • ___„.. -f• __ _441:4L...••• 0 . - .. VUILle.s.-111//4--Ilay-S410--esi' 44 - \ _ 1 •Iaall Well 'elig ia Wa as onset any ...eave-Goo Trees . .1 • :timber' valu pm:aster cautions . • Ilea straight-trunkeil trees, -eight In Pasture right fet.t. :mil lives which will inches in cliainetim al it height of 3 grow to gnat size should not he de- Says AM Expert. stri"1. While making these reserva- I — Innis, he ailds, any patches COLLEGE STATION, Dec. 19.-- of stook:, vines and briars grow. lestruction 'of trees iiii.1 shrubs in ing along stream banks and in ntii- , stures is justified only wilere'rer` places whirl, cannot be unit song bent, advises Robert R. Lancaster, biiils anti as wineans of pre•seiving' (zcac<amcd4Wak<<<aatt((e ' autraaatr-t-sausess. A.s14 nght r,..erw..1 . 44 S) 1,11:.11C, Pow. OS. 7E7 =HT _. • • - landscape beauty. .. • • sprout:14g old -tamps ea.n i•l• jkliSall• . Nuterrtgr ' f ,I.„..:.„1., .; :- .......,.,1 —oil. triott- out- a twits .4 --Orr-uli- ki Dios -.4.00-]-14-tire•-arc.uiel-The •-lit.of reor.- tinder twity.et---thl.-Npurricits-5iii---1Sen-e--i0 tit puitueiw substation. sodium :K vast vi thii 1 al.' Itt4 l4( senile seems to have been the most than one cent iii • . ef f ectiv e and veal) ..... kill, Lamas- j . __V__ _ ter says. It may be applied in va- !PRELIMINARY - 1942 COTTON riuus ways. for total killing oft • ACREAGE ANNOUNCED routs, trunks. limbs. sprouting ---,...•---. --• . stumps, and preventing regrowth of WASIIINGTOS:;'1),„11r 1 .4... _ trres and shrubs of any size, stand- The Agrieultwe I lepartmeur -en- ing or felled. and shrubs nounced Tuesday preliminary state _can be cut 'off at the ground or cotton acreage allocuivii for undergrmind and .sprouting pre-. 1912 totaling 26,:o.iti.iiiiii aisles. vented ,- by ' poisoning fresh . eat • The' allotment in • tall wa- stiiiittat. Single trunked 'trees and uon.4100 arrrs, but only 23,250.- <<<< 4<a‹<<