HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewspaper Article 071703adRYAN- AGES BRYAN, TEXAS, THUIItSDAY, . MAY 22, -041. AILY' ($i Associated pnaa) ITR hrzzling of Dogs Running at Large Is Still Required 0 Tail Section of Hess Plane fuattya Yt:rial iniadera_haxr _ _ t near the spot in Scotland where Rudolf He.., once No. 3 Neal • bullel•riddled tail section of his plane Viand nailed it above •the Paramount New•). .ttt,tion of isWd owners was ed ayfhiu Thursday by . City me Der W. W. Scott that the rcg- 11. -)1 n•quirin[ all dog, iuuniog aigo la. muzzled still„ hold -. ail B .14 ;,/ . 4 • VICiIY WARNED AGAINST NAZI C 0 OPERATION • BRITISH WILL STRIKE ANY PLACE FOUND, EDEN STATES EVELLAN FOOTHOLD ON CRETE the Isle of Crete, the British Mid- dle East headquarters ackuowl= edged t&tar - -'- Nazi ": ky trogps" gained a foot- hold in the Ma(emi sector, I,�t»iles south of Cauca, the Crete capital, where King George 11 re- [slab -I fished the Greek government. T -he British communique said the British fleet brake up a Ger- man attempt to land troops on Crete from the sea. • German convoys were "dispersed or Sunk , •• headquarters said, stat- iog hisses among Nazi airborne- troops were "even. heavier than before." "By nightfall the 'situation Was satisfactory in every area except Maleini;' the c•uuununique said. In that,sectur operations to deal with the Germans "are .now in prog- ress. GAINED GAINED BY CHUTISTS Hold Area At - Malemi, -- - 15 Miles From Capital Of King George REPULSE SEA LANDING retapdarary . Success ]s Gained At Cost, - --- - Churehill -Says D B Rut Lochinvar Has His Books 4 BILL OFFERED rrn D A D Dnn7C • • Juba West, Stanford University Crekilsn Glove* hosing eham- pion, arrived in Kansas City May 20 and then Mary Helen Linger (shown above with West) d tkeir plea. to Ise married. The' •1500 -mile romantic•jaunt by Earl Lee Archer, University of Arhen- • sas sophomore, from 16. Kentucky Derby to Kaa.a. City ---a jaunt inspired by Miss Liagsr's blonde attractiveae.. —w4 a closed, if not forgotten, incident. the engage ti coup agreed. d. ESCAPE( MADE FEW w MINUT Open akes - Employe Op Safe, Locks fen In Vault ALL ROADS WATCHED PriiiiterTIOIng : At xd 15 early this morning by s lone two- n bdodic wbu T a[ ocitod ten Dat . e forcing an employs to open tba, afe jr large s. VIM* minutes later the- bandit escaped. Peace officers throughout tbis entire South Plains seetio* of Two. as and Eastern New Henke were : establishing a cordon on principal highways. The employes were releaaed.15 minutes atter being *tad int* the RAF UNLOOSES MA FFO T REFUSE ADVERTISING FOR RE + ' 1• RALLY FOR LINDBERGH IN i 'IBY PHILADELPHIA. May 22. —(IP1 IN i t ii i P ono •.t had "embarked (he hold ailpoit there. o I t1 h i t mart 'flee German: seer using large J teiritollie o f France num4els p at the disposal" of of arachutists and these — - - -- - _ l ane in•ing increased daily, he' said, "although the situation is in build, _ — the Germans have gained sonlef, cal successes at. heavy c'ust.'r -'Today, he said, the Germans made "very much larger attempts" at a naval landing. By Associated Press The desperate and fat ^ful strug- gle for Crete moved on Wednesday• slight toward a decision that will affect the whole course of the war and there wee' indications that the British Mediterranean fleet had en- tered the great battle. British sources stated without giving details that a German at- tempt to land troops by sprl•dboats to support sonic 4500 a erially transit NIA soldier.: had been .1e•- .light Signs fio ited On Streets Enforce 30 -wile Rule .n Limits of 'City Of the numerals "30" street intersections, to •n to the fact that this will be enforced within .1 Bryan, was started Stre •t department. rats v. ill be painted at • of vat i..us blocks, and reauontly enough to nonlotive vehicle driv- 1 '1'1•' III. .11■1:•■ .AW RKNl'ESE:CN'.t1" flay' - (,P1.--(,P1.--The h-The Ie.,day adopted a rest)- •ing completion of the --St. Lawrence seaway treaty as a "menace to couuur ecc and freight ' Are Needed, Col. John, S. Air Corps Ernest John, U. S. 1n- harge of recruiting for n district, inspected the ce at the courthouse and found it in • good s emphasized the need .y for pilots and'appli i be taken at the Bryan utg Cadets receive $7h while taking a 7 1 -2 sr and after graduation .mnlission as 2tid Lieu• the U S. Army Air tor' compleline , thrce ervice a cash bonus of 1. Applicants'ntuirt have of college training or . mechanics, also.. are there are many v'acau- arl E. Janney, in charge -.Ilk'. ee l- A.' oung men who desire t ate as-an Alr-roerps lie-• 1 also all interested in 1 Cadet Corps. featud• -toy strong British naval ac- ii;ht le• an right arm, have been dis1. Ile. , it is said. Franks WAS injured in a collision with an auto driven by Abner Mou- 11 claiming direct bomb hits on to on College Road Wednesday seven British warships, iorludioR a� lo.n'uu.g. (Continued on Page- b) IIt'tS TEXAS MATTRESSES 11o11, :t was hapless. A measure of support was given to this by the Germans themselves Allen Speaker . P R E s. E. M. WAITS - T. C. U. Dr. E. M. W•it., president of Texan Ckristinn University at Fort Worth for many years, will stot4,,, ilia-- acmaaaaca.-.ne. rods_ dram at the graduation •aer- -. cMea of Altera Academe lki. ava_, wing It a- o'clock at tki'Firat Baptist Church. . asked the legislature to bar intoxi- cating beverag'ia for ten mites about such areas. "The hill was submitted along vtttb a special message that would 'ban the sate, barter and transport or tutoxtcatmg' beverages - pro i hibited areas; ender penalty of tiro i to five years penitentiary intpri- soo FRANKS' CONDITION SAID .45 GOOD AS EXPECTED Reports from W ilkeraon murial Clinic and from bra ciao Thursday morning' were to effect that R. L. Franks, city mo- trcycle policeman seriously in- jured Wednesday morning, was nesting as well as could -be expect- ed. Fear that; Franks might have 1 suffered serious head injuries, in addition to bad 'fractures of the WASHINGTON. May 22.— (TPI -- Th • Navy has announced award of a $51e3 contract for cottpn mat. tresses, N. Marsico, Denison Mat - trtss factory, Denison, Texas. !Medical Center To Be Built At College Hills Purchase of a plot of ground 150 by 275 feet in the business section of College Hills Estates, located on Highway 6, for the erection of the College Medical ('enter, was announced. today. Dr. T. O. Walton, Jr., who is cy his inferneshlp at Char- ity lltcpilal, Shreveport, La.. will strive at College Station lo) begin his practice July 1. and his broth - er. Ur. T. T. Walton, and Dr. L. 0. N1•ilkerron will cooperate with him, though still maintaining their oltaccs in Bryan Fa ccti.•n of the building will begin as soon 55 passable. 't win be 60 by t15 feet, of brick con - struction and built along the ; ti c a: of _the Me dical Cen- ter in Bryan, equipped with ev- eryttljtig.. modem feet - ate medical riuic. There will be no hospital attached to Lit, however. 1 Wednesday that the United Jtatea Conference of Mayors, headed by Mayor F. If. La Guardia.' might send a delegation to London soon to • study the home - defense- 'system there. Marine Corps Now Seeks Volunteers; Close Here Friday During this time of national emergency, the United State. Ma- rine Corps intends to more than double its enlisted personnel, with this expansion to he done on a strictly voluntary basis. There are two types of enlist- ment. Men 'between the ages of 17 and 29 may enlist in the regulars filar r •,.r, The same age limits apply to men who join the Volunteer Marine Corps Reserve. The reserve marines serve only so long as the national - gency exists, whereupon they will be discharged and returned to their homes. The marine corps strongly urges parents and guardians of eligible young mien to take advantage of this opportunity to give their sons this military and educational train- ing. which it declares is the,fineat and most thorough :o be had in any branch a the tors Ice. Bryan already has given several of its sons to this branch pf the service. Men physically- fit, unmarried, without any dependents, who have grade, high school or higher educa- tions, will be interviewed at the postoffice by Sgt. T. W. Fels. Men whose' applications are accepted will be.given their preliminary ex- amination here, taken to Dallas for final. physical examination, and then on to San Diego, Calif., to begin seven weeks of recruit training. The-recruiting office closes-Fri- day afternoon, so Sgt. Fels urges those interested to act qutkly. He points out, however, that men in- terested ui joining the Marine Corps may contact the postmaster at any time and receive full in- formation. THE WEATHER East Texas = Clo y 10 ig1i and Fri�a�i. —. - •solo • 'West 'texas — Cloudy and thunt deeahowea tonight and Friday. • • stroyed and an ammunition dump and a gasoline dump exploded. British bombers showered lair riles day and night and it A P fighter plinei itltiniinSd diettad t• and deaart1raiiasandini tiv'oaauAs �' of incendiary bullets into Axis vehicles. tf CURTISS- WRIGHT EMPLOYES WILL FOREGO VACATIONS. BUFFALO, N. Y., May 22. -4 ) All employes of Curpas- Wrigbit' corporation, airplan division. now engaged in pr • dudnppl, fighter plane: for Lk* United States and, Great Britain, will Tornio thaeir usual vacations this year. - Instead, Personnel Direstor Chas. S. Mattoon said Wednesday, the rec workers will eive cash in lists of vacation periods. Many Newcomers • Noted In Month - Ending May 20th Newcomers in Bryan for the pe- riod from Apru 20 to May 20 are reported by the Bryan and Bras- - os County Chamber of Comerce as follows: 3. C. James, 2109 Ech- ols; A. A. Gallia, 700 East 27th; Maier P. Joseph, 700 East 27th; D. E. King, 202 South Parker; E. L. Watson. 2102 Cavitt. E. R. Rice. Jr., )edge Apt. No. 22: A. M. LaGrone. 1005 South Wash- ington; R. J. Shouce, 609 East 28th; R. W. Marshall, 603 East 27th; Margaret J. Whitley, 402A Hill; B. B. Cheatham, 1815 Col - lee Road (Trement Apt.); C. L. Atmar, Meadowbrook; Wilburn McDonald, 200E Echols. f 41 Call Eleven Men To Army Training; . . - . ReportJune 11,19 4 The Brazos County Draft boerd ' has received Calls Nos. 16 and 17 for Selective Service registrants, " for induction into the United States Army for one year of training. The total is for 11 men. Call No. 16 is for two men, Ne- groes, to report at Fort Sam How- i fon.Sateter lTe ehtht the 'No. 17, is for nine men, White, report for induction at ,FOr64 4art - - Iloystoa June 19. col a