HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTERS TO WILLIE LETTERS TO WILLIE Thanks so much for the info - very sad. Linda Williams Harley ?66 I am sorry to hear about Willie, my prayers go out to his dad an Michelle. I recently saw Willie at the CHS class reunion where he reminded me of our seventh grade school trip to the San Jacinto Monument. I enjoyed seeing Willie and catching up on old and new times. Ardis Kemler ?66 God Bless him. Too young to be gone. Kay Kincannon Spenser?67 th I played all sports at Consolidated with Willie from 5 grade on. I had the opportunity to visit with Willie at our 20th reunion ?. not sure how his life progressed but my guess is it was not easy. Howard Nelson ?66 Thank you Anne, he was always happy when we were together in Jr Hi and High School. We spent quite a lot of time together back in those days. I know his Dad very well, I spent so much time at their house. Mike Cooper ?66 Life is interesting, to say the least! It was really a blessing for all of us to see Willie and get to visit with him. I'm just sorry I didn't give him a big hug, but he looked so frail. The blessing is that we all got to visit with him and share our best memories before his passing rather than only attend a funeral. Alice Berry Hemphill ?66 That is sad, I can remember him too around out neighborhood. Evalyn Worley Garza ?67 ...I'm sad.... Debbie Cooper Andrick ?66 To express our deep sympathy to you in your loss. We thank you William for serving our country during the Vietnam War. Thank you for also being a member of The American Legion. Because of you and other young men and women we have our freedom in this great country. May God's Speed Be With You. The American Legion Earl Graham Post 159 Commander David P. Marion Dear Willie, I remember your clear blue eyes, your impish dimples, your love of baseball, and your flair for mischief. I am so glad that you had the opportunity to see some of your friends from A&M Consolidated High School during your Class of '66 reunion recently. We will miss you. I send my deepest sympathy to your family, especially to your dad and your sister, Michelle. To live in hearts we leave behind, is not to die. Anne Boykin '67 We had such a wonderful visit with Willie at our high school reunion party. It was good to be with him. We talked about where he lived and growing tomatoes! He wanted to know about us too. So many good memories. Farewell, Willie. You, your dad and Michelle are in our prayers. Karen (Boykin ?66) & David Peterson Such a nice tribute to Willie and you captured many of the things I remember, too! Sallye Henderson Please accept my deepest sympathy to Willie's family, especially Michele. Although I didn't know Willie very well, I know he will be missed and will be remembered by many people. Too young to leave us, and we thank you for your service in helping keep our country free. God give you the peace you so much deserve. Most sincerely, Locke (Wade) Pachall '68 Jimmy,Michele and family, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your family will be in my prayers. Casie Scarmardo Willie Edmonds, with his sparkly blue eyes full of mischief and that smile that could be so very sweet ... or so very impish. I haven't seen him for over 20 years, but it's sad knowing that he's gone. Until we meet again, Willie, in a better place and time. ~el Class of '66 Dear Willie, We did a lot together old pal. My first memory of you was going over to your place by campus in about the 4th grade. The house was green, my favorite color, and it is a restaurant now and every time I eat there I remind myself that I'm sitting in your bedroom where we made our first daring plans for this world. Then I see us as ball boys at the Rice-A&M football game and a fight breaks out and the stands flood the field and we hide behind some players. Fast forward to little league and you picking me off third base and smiling as I walk back to the bench. We were children of A&M. The campus was our backyard. We knew every nook and cranny from the steam tunnels to the top of the dome on the Academic Building. Me, you, and Fred, hellions on the two blue scooters in the moonlight, up and down the sidewalks, tossing water balloons, running stop signs while the KKs sat silent and depressed watching us. We knew them and they knew us. We did other stuff later on--football, basketball, college, Austin and Dallas... the old days when we were young men. But, my first memories are the strongest, when we were kids ranging all over College Station...when parking lots were fields and buildings were big trees and you and I could run our dogs together for miles without seeing anybody. You take it easy Willie and I'll meet you later, some where down the line. Duke Miller My thoughts and prayers are with you all. So sorry to hear of Willie's passing .I considered him a good friend in school and he was a hell of a left handed pitcher back in the day. Take care ...Jimmy in Crockett ,Texas Will was my boss in Dallas. And what an exceptional manager he was! You could take him a problem and he would analyze it, ask lots of questions and get lots of advice and make it all fun. Somehow his actions gave his employees a sense of ownership in the company. The loyalty he earned from his employees continues today, years later. I respected, admired and liked him. I will miss him. My deepest condolences go to Michele, Will?s dad and their entire family. Pam Braak