HomeMy WebLinkAboutCollege Station Facts 1969 Things You May Wish to Know About BXSCHAMBER OF COMMERCE Post Office Box 726 401 South Washington AC 713 822-3721 Bryan, Texas 77801 General Bryan-College Station is located in Brazos County in East-Central Texas, 140 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico. Mileage and directions from B-CS to major cities are: Dallas (north), 165 miles; Houston (south), 90 miles; Waco (northwest), 94 miles; Austin (west), 104 miles. Annual rainfall averages 38.75 inches; average temperature: winter, 50°; spring, 69°; summer, 82°; fall, 71°. Population (estimate) January 1, 1969: Bryan 34,141; College Station 19,500; Brazos County 59,731. History The area which is now Brazos County was part of the territory granted to Stephen F. Austin by the Spanish Govern- ment. Robert Millican is said to be the first Anglo-American settler (1821) and the first settlement was named for him. In 1841 the present limits of the county were established by the Congress of the Republic of Texas. The county was officially named Brazos County in 1842 and organized in 1843. Boonville, three miles east of Bryan, was established as .the county seat in that year; but in 1866, the county seat was moved to Bryan, its present site. In 1871 the citizens of Brazos County donated 2,000 acres of land and $50,000 to obtain the Texas A&M University which was established as a land grant college and formally opened at College Station on October 4, 1876. Housing Tree-shaded streets and comfortable homes grace the residential areas. Old, stately structures blend with the new modern ones and for a progressive and growing community, there are new and growing subdivisions. In recent years, a number of the finest in modern apartment homes have been built, offering luxury living in the Bryan- College Station area. Employment For employment information, please write the Texas Employment Commission, 409 North Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77801, telephone 713/822-0136, and Personnel Office, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, telephone 713/846-3721. These are free services. Entertainment B-CS's entertainment facilities include nine major parks with playground equipment, four swimming pools, two public golf courses, three tennis courts, three indoor theatres, two outdoor theatres, two lakes, bowling alleys, youth centers, hunting, fishing and organized summer baseball programs. A&M University, a member of the Southwest Conference, offers university athletics at its best. The County Library contains over 50,000 volumes. With two civic auditoriums, annual musicals, popular entertainers, operatic, symphonic and other entertainment is presented. The leading civic and cultural organizations are available, in addition to a country club and privately-owned entertainment facilities. There are active art clubs in the area and many exhibits are displayed during the year at the Memorial Student Cen- ter on the Texas A&M University campus and at various other places. StageCenter, Inc., and the Aggie Players offer fine entertainment with such plays as "The Reluctant Debutante," "The Night of January Sixteenth," and "Which Death to Die," and welcome all with thespian talents or ambitions to their ranks. Education Bryan-College Station has two excellent school systems. Many new schools have been constructed and will continue to be built to meet the educational requirements of a progressive city. For school and teaching information write to the Bryan Public School System, P. 0. Box 3948, Bryan, Texas 77801, and A&M Consolidated School System, Jersey and Timber Streets College Station Texas g 77840,. In addition to our public schools, B-CS has one parochial school, one business college, one military school with grades 7 through junior college, and one university. Living Bryan-College Station offers living at its best. The genial, hospitable people, the variety of activities to please every taste, the wealth of opportunity, all make B-CS a very special place—a perfect place in which to live. i Tourist and Transient Accommodations Sixteen motels, all air-conditioned, have a total of 739 rooms. Eleven motels have swimming pools. Two hotels in B-CS contain approximately 80 rooms. The Memorial Student Center, a student union type facility on the campus of Texas A&M University, contains 66 guest rooms. Also located in the B•CS area are modern mobile home and trailer parks,