HomeMy WebLinkAboutChampion Creek Two PPQIRF QCanc Man x E w c SS o PPL 3:� LP N wv RO BCT Raintree Section One Vol. 373, Pg. 461 \ \ 01 p m rn S G 0 o 0 m o n -r co C m p \\ \\ p N 0 W O O to W -� F Laurie Bisaillon Sorell I W : �' v p °� �' o -ACD / Lot 4, Block 1 W _ N n LO F -0 cc) U3 ' Vol. 12087, Pg. 205 o �� 0 , \\ O.R.B.C.T. \v o �� �N EXISTING 6" o m °� SEWER LINE 6 \\ \ Cal � \ N �5 \ m / \ \ \ SSMH#1064 \26 \\ // 4 \ t \ \ Rim=270.40 x 10' Utility Easement \ 6" PVC FL 264.27 Vol. 373, Pg. 461 \ \ \ 6" PVC FLOUT=264.17 \ \ L____________ ___ �.__ ___ __\ \\ \ \ NN \ _ L____ _�__-__ \ _______\ \ X \ �_ _______ ________ ___________ \ --------------------N_ nc M \ \ \ \ \ on TxDOT Coonument Bears _ \ IRF \ \ \\ \ \ S30°05'45"E \ e 372.64' Qev se4019'47°w 2.76' x _ \ E E E E E E E IRF E \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -R = S3000238"E 372.65' (Vol. 10299, Pg. 85) 15.30 \ _ — \ \ \ — _ _ Approximate Limits of Iron Rod Bears �i,�� \ Proposed Detention Pond S60059'42"W 0.20' X / Approximate Limits of \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ — — — — — — Proposed Detention Pond \ \ 00 x \ — — — — \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 50' Building Setback _ _ / 99.07' \ \\ \ \ / —� —\— — . — .— — — —266 �.\ . — — — — — — \ / 20' Public Utility Easement \ r I SS SS r: Notes: 1. Vol. 11610, Pg. 121 \\\. / \\ \\ \ \ \ _264 \ \ x ` \ — — — — — — — — — — \ �` Aso 6°\ \ \ \ I ° EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT — \ CC)CD a) I \ \ 191.89'V \ \\ Gibeon, LP \ \ \ Tv� 25.0T \ \ \ \ 1.883 Acres / \ \ \ Vol. 10299, Pg. 85 0.R.B.C.T. co \, \\\ \ \ ' 7A o 0 \� \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ /I,N� / It //N o j p0 0- \N \ \ \ \\ / / / I N Legend (Undeveloped Land) \ N Found Iron Rod N \` \ n Zoned Suburban Commercial SC Proposed 15' PUE ( ) \ \ \ / / i M Found Concrete Monument m \ � � \ J / / / � i o o 30.54' Wire Fence _ — \ — — — — 1 Chainlink Fence�� Wood Fence — Boundary \ Adjoining Boundary (Approximate) N Q 26a 1 ----- \ -------------------/��--r—--� \ �� Electric Line \ N \ O Water Line \ \ Gas Line Tk Sanitary Sewer Line Power Pole Light Pole °�' \ / S30007'08"E 234.10' -I-- \ Water Valve \ �cr \---------------- /1 — ------------------- � -----�---------ram _ I 1 Hydrant I \ \ \ / � � co \ G Proposed 25' Shared \ \ \ \ y ' I O �� U Sanitary Sewer Manhole \ o Access Easement Sign 26 21 Dedication Per this Plat \ \ \ 69 91 Official Records Brazos County TX x N \ / �� \ ,� \ I 1 N ^ O 8 x CURVE DATA CURVE # LENGTH RADIUS DELTA CHORD LENGTH BEARING C1 86.76' 53.41' 93'04'11" 77.53 S77' 35' 58.73"E C2 44.82' 28.41' 90'22'50" 40.31 S78' 56' 38.87"E C3 82.04' 50.00' 94'00'56" 73.14 S77' 07' 36.02"E C4 41.02' 25.00' 94'00'56" 36.57 S77' 07' 36.02"E 0 10 20 40 Scale: 1" = 20' D:\698\698110\GLS CAD Files\698110-Preliminary Plan.dwg \ -o x-cn-----�-------------- 030 07 OS E 226.24 -------------------------- 4------- ----------- — \ \-- \'co/ / I \ \ \ \ I Proposed 15' PNE 27.82' \ / N74005'29"W I \\ N \ \ 36.02 \ Propo ed 15' PUE �— — " S30 07 OS E 290.27 / \ — — — — — —� — — �-- \ , �— —— —-- � � / \ ROW Dedication N Per This Plat / / 5 Building etback \ a , EXISTING 24 RCP \\ 15.72' STORM SEWER x / (Basis of Bearings) \ 25.02' \ - }------�--- --- - --------- A _ — — — \I / R = N3000342"W 285.00' (Vol. 10299, Pg. 85) \ F / t--- --J\�-------- o--„— — E p E E E E E E E E F --------- -- ----------- N31 28 08 W 1153.76 TAFo A< N30°07'08"W \ \ ,285 00' /' �p4 EXISTING FIRE E 25' E / I E E E E / \ — HYDRANT °js 2 3 0 9 L Bearings are based on the NAD83, Texas State Plan Coordinate System (Central Zone) coordinates from the found iron rods in the Southwestern line of the 1.883 acre referenced tract and the Northeastern Right of Way margin of State Highway 6 from GPS observations. The combined scale factor is 1.00010501181437 (calculated using GEOID12B) and all distances shown are grid. According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48041 C031 OF, with a revised date of April 2, 2014, the 1.883 acre tract is located in an area outside of the 0.2% annual chance floodplain designated as Zone "X". The 1.883 acre tract located at 2201 Raintree Drive is zoned Suburban Commercial (SC) according to the Amending Ordinance No. 2018-3988. According to the City of College Station Unified Development Ordinance (version March 14, 2022), the minimum building setbacks for Suburban Commercial (SC) are: - 25' Front Setback - 7.5' Side Setback - 15' Street Setback - 15' Rear Setback All property corners are monumented with found 1/2" iron rods with cap (Surveyor specific) unless otherwise shown upon this plat. This survey plat was prepared to reflect the Examiners Report prepared by Aggieland Title Company, GF No. 22138224-AGLC, with an effective date of March 28, 2022. Items listed on Schedule B that are found to affect this tract are: a. An easement granted to the City of Bryan by C. Edgar Jones as set out in instrument dated February 18, 1950, recorded in Volume 141, Page 448, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, is a blanket easement that can not be placed on the ground as written. This easement may affect the property. b. An easement granted to the City of Bryan by Frank Stasney as set out in instrument dated May 6, 1937 and recorded in Volume 98, Page 218, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, is a blanket easement located in a 169 acre tract recorded in Volume 22, Page 207, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas that could not be placed on the ground as written and a 60 acre tract recorded in Volume 9, Page 201, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas that could not be placed on the ground as written. Both the said 169 acre tract and the 60 acre tract are in the Morgan Rector Survey, A-46. This easement may affect the property. c. No visible and apparent easement was located during the field survey of this undeveloped land. It does not affect the property. All other Schedule B exceptions discussed were not survey matters. City of College Station W W W / / W W " W W W W " W W " Control MonumentCS94-127 //------------—_---_ c c c N:10213187.1000 / — — — City of College Station E:3565890.1700 W / / — — — — —Control Monument CS94-127 / / / / / O EXISTING GAS LINE tie --_------272—--------- bearsN31°12'30"W 1438.73' — — — — — — — 274— — — — / 276--- ------ / -- — _---- --278— _ 2so— ,v — FOR CITY OF COLLEGE STATION USE ONLY w State Highway 6 Variable Width TxDOT Right of Way (Variable Width Pavement) (Vol. 267, Pg. 797 & Vol. 268, Pg. 185) W tie PRELIMINARY PLAN - NOT FOR RECORD