HomeMy WebLinkAboutBengal Belle Constitution ,~~ ~R ~ ( ~. _'~ti tea,.-e ~. r;T ~~.. F~n ail :L~~~~.~;~tT_Jriff. 1_ a.) t1~~i~ i V~~JA ~~~~: ~. -~G (~t ~!.lv "~~..i4"~l~ UT ~~, ~~ YI.~(.f3y};;i~ /. ~~GJ V~ t~ ~~~ ~d~ rr. - i" i 1 ~l l.+ P• ).. ~k ~.l ?~~. ¢+~J ~ l:.a.'t~i~.b Uri ~d. +L.~ jJ ... -. _ .. .JV _ _.. y _.. ... :,Y ~ ,.. ..t _ r. ., .. ... .. l~Y-ics Ilc3.`~~:-. C_. ~"'F: Ca'.t."~.~ 1 i~:??fi ;3.iL~.s,ai LF `."e~3.C' .iit?~1,~.~~,~. ~`~E-; ._7..c'`i ..~. -, ~>~ai)E.~~F7 M" {~ aJ_. ~~~'~.. 2'.. ~':?2 i:1 ~'. ~~ ri`t ~.L ~c~l.ir%: C'C?iE~~`)~i.. E-t' ~'a c'?~2. `r f,~j 4~C~1`,- i~1~ .iut.:. `/ ~% ~~ ~i i> i:..x. ~~, 17v^~ ~ -t 'Y'"~ y[1 t_] Y) 1 f . ''yy'~gg ~~ :.. y ~(.9 x.1.1 -~ ~ ~~: ~i1 45.."•.j :.3 f.:."L +`J ~u L.L .:~. '.~~ L~:.3' e_" 4~.:.~':1 t~i '3 1_'ti °~1 i. _. h`3.~It: CCs"'~7~,.E' ~PC~. "~;'sC) L"nd1:,.:C:+.i~'LYE' _!~'Crs ~.^, `n c "'t~-~~ F . 'it'i; ' ~ ' ~h ~ C}10 n 1 y. @ t7 x' C~'.,'.~.~ '"~1 .L u't ! Y !''_' 1. ~:':? :1 ~'c: C G l'"`1 ?". '3 G ~:) Y? r s~°~~Tl^':'~3' 3tuC~l~.i~E~ :a.~'~;p~= ^C)s'"?~_~'tl.~":~. } ~J'{~`-',T° '!..~x ~;E'7" ~C)~`",2'it~~° :11~+1 ciC"4.t7~7~.. ~1?~Ci^Cl..ll.:?,Ct . 3i:~.1.!. C:C:)'^-„t? s~ ~E, t.c^~° ~C CdI7.:~ C02y1SCf;U'~~."`•7B ~iE:~~.l' '3.1; ~11C ~.t:'-~!r?-~'°'.'~ 1'?~i SC1«l~.Cx-~ 1 ~~d. ~E'.IL~~(?~~ rl~ }} ~ 7lf, "; ~ '~ wi ~.. a`i,rN: ;~~1_n c-~'i'"l !> ..ig~~ ~~.L ~.;: ~, ~.v2~. .Li.. cell. ~~~-~..:~'~_~~- ~~._. ..y 4._ ~z~'{;I'r?Lz•-~rF? Cj_L y~.s~,i ~ts17_~S: I.lC3 ,~c:;I~f~L~C_' ,~!'~3.C~`:' i ~'.tic',r 'i;~'t)n2'; '~~' ~~ :4~.1 ~2e?~~~K~~.~ ~;h~,ll. ~E ;e~I_~~;-i;eci ~>n t~1e '~~_.~?~>ct~ ~CXlC~. ~~:': t"?1.iC3., e~.1_tI.'~Crl»`_,`~1?.~?.. ItiE"?t~ET`:`i~ ~_'}^y ~C:_-~Jt;~E~t'c' ~'~''° t']E)~.`"-, ,.. ~C.h!?~ :E;~nO:t1*'..~Z~iVg ;}~.~Yt Y~C±Y^F~:i. C'.;1'.Ze:t.;:~iir'~" `-'tY1.Gf ~~- itr~.L I)7'~`~fisLl"rtr'~r'. tni."rl3iJ~7`~' ej1'1"~,~~. f1`l.~Vf~ "yr?_~~e~~Ti Y:: ,,~t.)y,t...._ //E?~~T1'~.~pp$~~Z.yCV~~1T`i~ ~x+T'~'A~~t'y~1~~ t~ E1I P.1 'JG ~y ~^!9~l~yicl.ytl~ j 3 j)yOypY?1.x-"iD ~.`' `~ ?:1C~ C:L~'~> CE3:C'~ J , tJ t~•'~ x7.5 ~w 1~i.}~S~. tJ ~1.11'Ll iYP~: r% i~~Jt~~.L .LL~a.4~U'Er YLP. +.~6J ~. ~.,: t•/ ZS2 ~J~!~A 'T' .L ~~' ~ trjt.~:.C~121.~ `'t.L'C~,3Y'r.~ ].~l~ -GC}'x`'c?C+E.'':1~. ;j~'<3.;-if:,S v'~ 7`v ." W i? ! ; 1. +of? ~, i1 ~'Tl~ l'~OUt~ ~~ 'C l~ be he`d f'~3~_~ ~ '~~' i" a ~~ c~,~f_ i cexs 2.. ~.n a.;~pli~ Mien c~ in-~en~~ mint ~:~~ ~il~:•~ ;~:=~~?~ t~~~ ~~:~a~~~r ~a~'~.or -~o ~n~~ ciF~a~ line i~.~ed in ~~h~ ~p_r ~rr«.c~ 4 i ~ ~e set e~u~~ ~~~7.. ,:,ride.: ,~ .. _1 ~C-~ r~.1 a7'-v'~Cl?."F? T)~'r/w~(°.~°~~.VC :R2E'T'i~J:?Z^~ ~'k7'C? 8.1--1.7'~'V~~ `tiC? ~r`jr 1,.11 pTt~~~vc°t_ve :2~er!'~er.:> ~h~~ a2 ~~e reC~wi:~'~~:~ ~~~3 ~=~: - ~~'%,'iCn 2"i?L? ~",~_t~.e `~.21C~ t'3{:~Ctl-'~r~ IP%3.''~'~'? i.:Clr 7~•`'~,?1''~~ b~P-:r'c ~,., iz%C)>s"_?8 t";iYl!? '!c~ZrC? S°~°Z''2~ C2~. ~,1~.~ ;~1:"1~ ~_ ~~~a? fi.~,f~ .- t% ;'11Ey3,:, ~ ~''`; ',t27"C'_l~?'i"! ?"Cr;'li~i.2' C7'1.'3;'>Xl!?i ~ ~C'='~~-~t' `~77>~j-'tcr Lfr~.r;r .A~emt~er` ~.~ this ~x°~~.r~:.i~%:=U±~_~n :~~u~.~:. :Eb~,:~E: 7~. Ct?:1.:.U~_~v't3~;1liY! 'iilt~ r ;~' ~c3.4?; .~. 4'r1_)~' '.: 7. ~. ~ ~'.`~.~"G 7.!"; C'r ~~ r .jam l~ ~^ -a- elm A~.y m.er~bex~ who fa~.3.,c bs~locv ti~.e atand~:~~~ds wh~.c:~~. we~4e t~~e basis fcr .her e~.ecta.Cx~ sha~.l b e p~.ao~rc;t on ?.robat~.vn ~a~.~~a~. the Uff~.C~~~~ cpL'.I't ~i~,`k.3 'a.~`p~J'~'iT'~d ~3.c?r 3:'E'j.7.'I~3'~r~~?.~FCtt?~:'~i.~, B~ ~obation, due to sc~.~~-~.~.stic requ~.r~~~e:c.ts, starts .~ ~~ec~. followixi.g the iss~.in~; of ~:°eps~~t cards ~, C, xf a,t the er$d of the s:~.:~ wee~~:~; period she ~:~.;~ nat tnet tk~e ~res~u~.reme:~ts f o~° c].ear~:~~ schola;~ti+c proba.~t~.ox~., she s~?.aa_~. be dis~n~r~ssd fram ~.th€ ~~~°~an~.~~,ti~~:~.~ for ~~~.e currea.~ ~e~zr ar~d may app~.y fc~:c a.d~r~~.i;tance th~you~~~ re~~la:~ c`a~e?s dur~..~a~, tha sprfn~ tryouts the newt yf~ar~ ~® any ~ir~. acc,~u~.r~.r_,~ a s~°c~rn~. probatic~:~r;~ period ~3,ur.'ax~; ~" yeax shah. be dism~,sse~ ~aerma°:.ae~.t:~y from the o~°~ax~:~~atid~.::. Eq to ~~ae~enei€~~.~ .Aft~;r ~e:tn~ s~s+ay~se~ad~l.a a mambc~r wig.'? x~o't perform for a period. e~~` °~~ao wt~el~s or apps i~,~ he~° tza~ifcr~a £sr ~r Ct~17..2~.~c''~e~. ~."3. ~3.ny '~u.,T '~.L`~.41 '~~ .i3t~~d~a1. ~3~~~.1e$., ,After she two ~ree~: p~;r~.o€3, •~the ~~~Fi2~: fitb.er be e~pell.e~. or :~^ea~.m~.ttedo 2<, Z'rc~batiox3- ti~k~il+, on probati~~rs a m=.~.r~ber tiFa x.11 ;a,~;tena~ pa~actiees, a~.c~ ~.e w:i.l~ ~r~;a~° la.er ,:u~~.fox~~a. ~.°o r~~c~azi~ed ~ame~s, but ~b.e Evils. na~:9 be a~.3.owe~i ~a form the ~3.cuor~r l~.e beforyef~ tale ~;amE: a~. the ~~? dory c:f.~~c~.e a,~; ~;,e ersd of the ~,aiu{"i e Fo zf a ~.rl fails tG ma.ir~-~ax.r~ the standard of Lo~c'.uv-t requi~°cc~ of the ~aembers of the ~.ril'1 iceam, sh.e shal~.,be is°'~ed by the officer's cou~°t (which is me.de up of thc~ cr.pta.l.n, ~.ieutar~xit~ sp4x~.sor, and pri.uc~pa.~.,, and 3f she ~.s found gu~.lty she stall be dismissed fr~an the or~ai~~.~a.tiQno G0 loo me~be~~ sha.l.z m~_ss a per~'o~san.c:e u~iless ~~.e i~~ se:~°iouely ill; th~~•e i.s ~ death -~~. vrae faxn ~ ly ~ or an. ~a~ust.al cs.se arises (c°.eeic~ed by the officer's cotr.f~t) m .~ffi~n~~ydmeA~yt~ and Addita.vt~s tc~ the ~r~nsti~~~xtf.~ry '3_'rylt~ a.`~;~~.L2.~r~ 1;~ t3x~+~`~' L~ ~r~1~.Y+s.E' ~.'N.~ ~'s~e?"~~7..l1C1 t~: ~"~~ a~.stlr:g°uf.sh the ~aptai.ng ;~~~ unE~'~r:r, m,3y ~:~ ~Yyanged ~~.h~r ttlac~ that d~scri~~rl i°-~ Art~ic~.~ ~~.~ A with. t~y~ ryya~~rit~r ~a~te ~~ the L~r. fTI Tea}r~ and t"ryi~ ap~ra~~aT af~ the spE:~ris~i 'This _A*r~rnendmert i~ r~ad~ to Art,f~::.c~ ~.~.~ ~e~~Li~n ~~, A :~<. ~'x°~spect~Lce rr»r~l;ers sha~.7~ have . r~~~+p~.~t~e3 t~.-cr ~~n,~ecU~ive v~ars iry the '~°~v~r~ett.~~ pip Squa~3 yr nigh S~~yocs:~. ~3an~~ pre~fio~:a~. tv i~ri1.~. T~a~! t~°~~sy.z~~ A t;raryCf'ey, st~ader~~ ~~a:~l. have :~r~~a~~t:~~, "~ta~ ~on$e~~ti~~e dears in a px°~~hi~u~ x~ig~¢ Se;ty~;~1. p~~ ~q~ai wi~.~: ~~rf.t~:~n yr~~~~~°,rn~r:d~ti.~ns~ °~:~~i ~ a~a+~itir,ry is :yad~ t~ Art:i~l~ 1~~g -:~~~.-,tf un T1:T ~ ~ ~'h~ Teityte!~ar^~ts wf.1. tre r•e:~p~~si_L~= f"~r p~.atyr•6f.ng map•u:,::'~ir~~ r~y~atine~ E'~.r p~r~'-~rma~~:~s ~`h~.5 a.d:.3f.t;ivn is made t~ Arti~:le ~I ~'a f ~.ure to wear pray ~i~~ ~I.a ur€~g at ~3 pra ~t.ic~ m Tn~;Tud frig svr~ ~~er ~ra~tt.~:;~s )G: a~~'t+~" stye war ~f.ryg is ,k~x!r~. ~~~meritso °~y1.s ac3.~itityry s ~-ia~l ~e !Tyad~~ tr A~`tf.~~i.e Tilg Se?~tx~n D !~~ pax°t uf'' t~ye ~r~ ~.~. ~'~air.~ u~yi~~~^•n wan be ~v~.d af"veer° two years af' w~ax° ~°aitry the ;~x~:e~at~~r~ ref ~~i~:s~ _ i'Yys arzcllt~.~°r~ sha~.T be made ¢~, Ax°tic~T~ T?~ Sa~:~~.,ti~sn ~ ~, An~,r se~:aryd .~°ear m~:~bex° w1~.1 ~~ ex~~sed f'r~m ~uaymex° pra~tb~,~e ~'t~r Brie p~rp~sA ~f ~iz°~mer ~Sa~at~i3n an:f ~;am~ tyn~y ~etwr~~ri Jane 1 thr~izg:~ ~~zg~ys~~ b_L,T ~r t:h~~ f'~.rsi r E~, ~?~.~. r~~mtr~rs ~3t~.s~?~tG7' t;e~~x°~ S~~t; ~~ i ~~ :~ ryes t °+ e a~~e mete, ~ii11 he req~zix~~d t~ r~~x9f'~rr~ a~.1 x°uutf.rie~ ~~.;~ a~~ ~cacAged ~y t;he ~~~i~;~-rs arzd sps~nsc~r t, 1.~ Ands m~rn~er °anahle to p~x°f~x°r rfluntin~s ;~err~itt~c~ ~.~ p~x°f'~r~r~i ~eriti°~. t~~?e a~v~r~ r~~~~_r~~n~r~t °i1 ~rg~mt~rs ax°e r•e~~~x`±rEd t~ a u'~eryd summer prac°~f.c~ ~;,~ru~t ~Ur ~,hr~se r°eati,~yn~ ex~~9.~sed as staved t.ry tn~ T~.~fr O~Z~C4~"3 J:~ ~hE' .[30.:2~_3~. hC the c~.pt~~:s.n, ~~`~ :, ~ lcax~~e. ~1 ~' ~..~.E' .1.1Z'~. ~..:. '.L'P~ .~1 ~~'I3~. ~.: ~.°'o~."r.c,~r~~~~; the re :,~rxx. ~;~~ ~raex~h~rs :~~°Or~ ~Jr~.I Tea:!, Sc~loa2 tho~~; •,<<r_i~h_n~ to .ho~~.~. Zn. a,~`f;i as c~.pt~,;Z;~ or `~.,~~.~4erm~xr~t.~ x~~~t a!eec~. the ~'o:s.Ic~tixazz~t; regta:i.rt~exzts ::l ~ ~h o:~e o~r~.p~! a ~otzt i,Y~e ~'~ pertorx~ :k~ ~,.r frost o.~ '~~.e :ar:~.f:i 4;eam ~.z2~3 ~ p!.,~,~ cjz• ~. ~aYtie chG.:~ g~> o i a ~3£ tt~.xa{; i.:rz ;a.h iCh ~ ~~ c.~r?,ma~.d~ ~~r:e~t~c3. ~~ Thn~e see~ir~~7 are c~~'f'~.:e ~hal~. h.a~,-,o r~u ~o'a~°e thaw ~e~~-ex~. (~ } de~~er ~_ ~,~ Ay-~ the past ~•ear ©x: eeve~ (';') a~etrerat~ ~~~~Gei~ed ~~~:~ir~b• ~~he ~~.x~t~e~° ~ ~ Two ~aY~ f c~lov~~.za~ ~Y,~.e x°etxa.r;_r~. f r~ti'a 1:,r "1_`I_ .a.°~II ~c?~:Oel t, tie e,i~;r ~. ;.+~~ {~~..~ 1 ~~e~;xn,P D~ after ~~. ~.~a.ll~ng the ra~~a?rer-.er~'rs ~ptica.~:'e a.~ t.~~.e wee ~,.i_on. Z~~ A. , ~eati~~a ~~i~.1 ~e h¢~~ ~~r sec~°~~'r, a.=a:i ~ot~ E4.ch rr~vxr~i~~:-r ~Yza~y. ~r1te f c~° c,rxe ~^rop-~a~.~ r~ric~ '~~tro f ~ ~ l~eu'ienax~t~ ~e~~ t~o~ ~:T.~ .ihz.~~.o~ . ~ .~r~Su~~.o~ a~` th ~ Capta:~~L i<~ the sr~~.~.1 p?~e~ic~.e over ~ee~:~.i~,:~;, ~~. ~h~~Epp~~yyYZ~,I~. .bee ~.~ ca~..y~i'7at}}yy~qq ~yy~yy. yy}j~{ .~A].:LL f.7 ~~ G.~i.7 0.J L!.~.~ u~ t~i is .L...~a~Y., ~%e.LA J.ti Uk-] A ~:, .Y~.e vr~i~ ~:a7.~. p`~act:ices ~-.~ ~~~'Ya.e vri l? ~;~.~c, ;~~~?C~~t~ aa.~ x~e ~°~? t~ i:n a~.~_ x~exn~hex°~ of ~~~e ~~~il~ T~:~,xa ~z~ th the apx~~°~:~v:~.1 0~ 't~l~ ~ronso~:, ~; ~h~:~ ~s~y 1~! :~ tho car€~o~;rapher a~` 'che ~':~:~.:i1 Te~.~. , ~:: ~~~.x ~;~,, ~.~x" 'she ~,be~tena~~.t~ s f.~ she ~h~~ 1 a~~~i~t tY~e a~.l±~a~.x~i ~.z2 :~~ '~.~ ~~~e.~.'~ prei.~.e it ~?e apta:~,lR.~ ~Y~~enoe , ~.;. he ~haL 1 ~et~p the x°v~uir°~ recur<a.~ ~'or h.e;~ ccx~.xa~:~~~r ~ ab~e~~tc~,~s~ ~.,~a.~'c~ze~ ` I'a jies of i:he Sgcnetary~2r-E~~~,~t~~e ~. f,. t, 1 y, r~ r F Shb ~itZ~~JL U@ J ~] L'h~'~~T (; ~l `mac m~ nines a t ~c;ae meatin~;~ '~. Shs shall b~ ~n ~hsr~'e ~~ rr ~ponsar~, ~s 1~i..~.L'9 Cal" t;Yd$'' ~~?A~~,~.C'..? '~~'.~.~~.+~-i;?',~°~~ ;$ c R~~°3C: ~~fa~..f. '`J~ ~.CI ~~'1 ?"~~~ i94' ~'l.E ~~13E3'yy,,~jl.~~t~.2~.,C+..'ff~~u 15 ~~ l~~t ~J~~:%~+'`le ~.". ~~t 1 .. ,~(.~a'fi Y ~,~Ei;_7 ~.e it t'-' '~~~tj''F'-:. f~.~G~. 7°~, ;'ri ..Bv ~i~J'e3e:~6~ S:'"'.a+'i F::~'iI'u'€l,i"i?.' w~'F~` i1 .a~^a,~ 3~~t',}: ~~ ,,•:?t.~e ~a=.:1~, rs~ ~' ~'or ~-:ar~ or~c! u?;'~.t'~~~•~~~ C7 F~.l"ii Cam. ri ~!'~ +~'~ i.. ~`.. i a..' iv ~ o~ }.1~k ~~jL ~.~ °~."~ii~~! 4 ~ ~ ~ a d:~ a.+;:h ~~~+?rr~i~ ~::~•~ sf~{~>v.~.ci. ~;o~f°i~',~ X3.3. ~r.~~n~~€~~~~i ; t3 ~? 0i~' .~`'',.•~ ~ .. C :~'' '~.p.~ '.~'f'.I~C4? ~Ylc. b:F~~~~ !"i~t7+'~tiF''"' e¢ {~ ~ yp ~i .l.w ~, i.eV .L~~'f3 u +~ id 1.All `J ~A 4.. e3 tr.i ~i li A]9J.1. n ,G 1. ~. L ~~.4~` ~1~~'~~~Wa~~4~~:v .f ~. ~ViQ C~~~A- i:'`:',t. C~e c..ti~~°~. E•^!R''- -'. i '~~"'~"~~L's,isi~': ~ c;5)r.2~;> 'E)~'~:la~, •.~:~±; ~t~ ;t'~4~ hn. ~.z:o;i lid ~4,WW++;;~7z;?Y~°ic~f;•:S~ `.r y~'di$.yyF~~..S.L ilC'f,. }¢~iC j)f//?`? aaYL~U '[/k+:'7 ;~.y%°~'''{J~.~.,. i yV, ~~Lyry1~yyb~V .'~'firyl~~A '1l~4A tiea~j ~j~8¢~~ 4f ~lV Ory al ~~.~9.° Lit K=°//~[A 6~1. ~[. L~i 4a i._.. .. i"J~a... V~"~~.~{1~'~'rk .J ,,JA .A.7 ~gl~ ~~~M ~~.f~~,j Cr.w.~ytg ~~~fv ~ 1~~..a: 4~: 1~ d> ~. ~ ~ t ~.f;' ~ F.'f. ~u ~ "-9 ~ a. C ~; Q .r'"ta d, ti ~~i.d~ $"~ r.~• .i. ~r ~.% f' ~a ;:~ 4 i. i~ {~ T34? t'~~ Vii,, f; . ~%r. i'.~~ Ei fit":'GYi:1.;? ~' ~, ". ~ f°I;a F;CY 1.. ~;G~1 ~ C;~° •+.h" ~C v~ c1.9. -"9w ~"'~ t~ ~.4.:~"~~ ^ ~~,~' ~J`.3 f)':'c'3 i**'. ,z~~'~'- S,j 'f_i ~i7 3'~ ~ ~i'l.c; ~r%< f l.t .. ,...i ~~^Jt ppCl!t,~.s 11~:ti~ ~~r ~~jj yy~yy»:; ~}, fr'T~'; {ice, it;w":~ ~Y2. ~^~J .$.: :y~s~Cw~u1 T~~`, ~(.~+'iI~' is t' ~",s t y.:. ~d M.+L~ ° s.4<il eyt .L.~i .t ig 11 ,.~J ~.+. IIYfi W ~. 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PJ~~ {~)~~~_'~Ci t: }~~'J 3r~ .ice i'TizS. ~j` t1_C ~J JC ~d'~''r ~`'(t '.r (~) ~,r 1~;Z~X.4~.~`C. f'~., tl ~'+ta~. :I; ?. ~: :sr c5 i.'IC.~.? ~{v q' v7 ,~) 2 ~i~ 1'~~ I~ 1Vpi~,~.'iI~`JI~i ~~.~o t i o~..A, : The regular u~.if o:~m of the Bexr~;~.l ~3e ~.le s s?~s,11 b e short tt~aror. circu:~.ar ra~ror. ~abf~~~d~.~.e sl~~.~°ts trued w~.t~i three rotes cf ?~ t~thit~ ~.e~ather fr=!nge: ~rs.rocn tights of the same: ~°a~ron gs,~~arr~in~: r~a•i;er~.a,;T~ d~od r~.r. oaYx una~ergarme~~ts ~ slee•~olo~~s ~res~i~; ~t~a,•~h col~.ar; ~aesl~.it tr-lmmed zvi~;rA les.ther .fr-,gea t~~lite ~;a~a~•clets tri~saed with Leather fringe ~ whk.-~e r ~.ovc=~; ~~h~etE; co~•ra~o~ hats tis~ith •~ies ~ ~~hite ~~R.;o is witch to€~sel~s m ~~n~ ot~a.er un~.forut ~aa~°ra must t;e approv~:~ 'off spc~~t~o~°~, ~ect;ion B: K11 uniforms shah'. be n.ea,.t, c~~~.aa. and ar,~:e~~t~.b:.e to t:~e cap~~ain4 quid the r=:ieuter.~,nvsa '~°:k~e~=e s~.all be ~~.~.forra ~ns~section. at. eve~~ public e.pp~a~r°s,~.ce a Seot~.on C: ~o member shall .end a.n.~r ps,~^t of her 'a~.ifox~~~ gar be allt~wed to tear s,.~.~~ part of tlh.e ~.~~.fox~; (e~cep'~ g~,-~;s~ ~.n ptabliG® +r111.T .i.C.LJLi V°L+JT~1::~ ll ~' d~.I,I: ls'iL'd'Pi~~L.~A~T section A: she Bextgal Belies sha~.l support ~~hp t;~ama-~ ~ I t ~ :~tes . . during ggmess rep x°allies,, a:ad ~."~ school„ S~G'~7l.421 ~: T~tB Be.ngSl Bel~i~s shall ta~f:8 ~~"s 131 Lhe ~+ ,y9 `; game ce~°ers~oy~,Y ~,~r f oz~xin g letts:;rs a or both. sides ~ ~rhan r qu~ red i t& t .. ® ~ .p he T~.geretteys, ~ -"he Byen~~•al Belles sh~:ll { 8.1s~ 1 o~m a ~S~ator~ ~~n~ at file ~~~.lf E~~.f+~`S~. a 3 (~ 6~ ~ ~h ` ~ ~ ~ . . ¢ 3 ,. dsnoe it' eligible during hs.I.f t arse „ creation C: .~•t all vi,etariesq all members wt~o do no's haue d:~tes ~o walk a pla~ier off the field r~i1:L for~¢z a vie ~or~r +dircle Seation ~: T~s :3engal Belles, along with tie. ``'~.~e:~~~ets 9 €~~ _~.~ ~ ~7i,1 ~ , _ ., . ., ~ mothers to Gha.rero~e bus 'trips ~ ~~ ARTICLE VI L~ETIP~uS section la.; ~ett~?ngs shall be held whenever riegzxirec~ by the capta.~.r:~ or' sponsor All me~zaberss are rac~uired to attend all meetings ARTICLE V:~:I~-~PCTTSOR Seot_ir~n A: lh~; sponsor shall be s~.y female hirr-h school te~.Gher to be appointed tsy the pr2ncapalo ~RTTCI,E VIII--QUORII~1 :section A: A quorum shall cons~.st of 2/3 oi° the Bengal Belles, ~'lo matters of any eoaasequence shall be voted upon ~rithout the p~..>~ BQnce oi' the spon.;soro Amendments '~~ art+cle IEI, Section IT A shall b® amended to read--~- The ca pta fn gnus t boos been a me~aber of the Benga 1 Selles one year precious to her election, and must attend dr'a 11 team school the summer of her electiono The captain and lieuten- ants must meet the following require~+ents: to choreograph a .routine 2 ~ perf'or-+~ it in front of the drill team and sponsor 3 ~ take charge of a ^~eeting in ~ ich steps of a new routine will be taught and co+nmands ex®catedQ 2~ Article IIIy Section TI C shall be amended to read--- The captain will be elected no later than two weeks be~'c-*~e drift team schoolo The lieutenants will be elected following drill team schools 3 a This addition will be made to Art~.cle XIV ~ Section I C The number of perforvers on stage shall not exceed ten, and shall be chosen accardtng to their abilitya 4~o This addition will be made to Article III Section I Bs The new !nembers will be selected b.y a panel made up of a representati,ne frore the Tigerette Pep Squad, a senior drill team member, the drill team sponsor, and 2 women ~jf high standing in the com~nunitp to be selected by the principals 4 a.::'4 d..L i1 !:: ~.. f: C JL ~_iE l.t Q) Ci fi (.~ ~°. E!1 U `~°h~.,~~ ~°~ar~ ~~~: ~~; ~Ea ~~~t;~ar~ ~r E)t~~cE?r Yn;t~~t~ ;nrx; ~ ~'.~ ark ~~~_ ~~{$r"~$~.~": A L'E11`1 ~~iF~ ;+~::4.T'l~'`3.~~E3.1~~ ~..°1!'~~'i~4;rr ~~1~!~2~''3 k?:'X'Y('i~'.~,~'~.fs? ~' ,!.< } ~€"i;t.;.l : d ~: ~~ 1', ~':.` ~. °t'' i 1 ~.: fi '~i A'lC' .' fi ~' i.'~! e"r 0: x' !~ p" ~a 4? ?'~ !.'. ? I' C:1~ t' ~:? t? ~"' €~ ?"i'. ;, ~~.~..~. P~;~~t~~~?~,x~~z ~~x~ ~.~. r}3f~~; ~:~~ ru~.~` ~:f' t°ES~;:u ; ;:~r•t~d;'l~.r,:~ ~ ,~ ~' LaaTl~";'I'~ ~ ~'~.G4 ~ ~. ~: ?l~X ~"ICJ~:~~~ ' C'i~" ~i+9'Y':7ElI':t<t:~, ~.. 4'3 '~~'d~' .'s OOt;~J:~ i~ ~~~ iatire a`r?r~l:~. ~.~~ ,tip r;ac„xt~~~ le~v'n~ th,~ ~~€~~,~~ 1:irt~~~~ `. 3A~. y •,. ~'~~~~~~~. ~~ ~.._r~ ~xRe€d ~:~'cc~~~ ~d~drdx~cd~~ of =3_ci ~~~rar~~?~~~ ~,•, ~`vCi~t'i ~.~ ihTt:~.~ +",~a€„~ ,:_': t:~? aT°~??Id»~C`7' ~:ngi~.~ ~F #3. .,'.'.~3P'1~E~'l~.~fi ~:'li)~rh~Y I"df?';`d~aC ~' :Y'€'!~it £~1(.~L;ti l~R'47TF4 ~~:E,'. r~'2"l~R,i~). 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