HomeMy WebLinkAbout070611 outside minutes OUTSIDE AGENCY FUNDING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2007 7:00 P.M. COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER, ROOM 127 1300 GEORGE BUSH DRIVE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1. Call to order. Sheryl Welford called the meeting for order at 7:11 p.m. Committee members present included: Sheryl Welford, Chad Jones, Charles Taylor, Donald Braune, Don Lewis, and Gregg Baird. Stephen Sweet was absent. Staff Present included Susan Manna, Budget Analyst; Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer; and Terry Childers, Deputy City Manager. 2. Presentation, possible action and discussion on the approval of minutes for the Outside Agency Funding Review Committee meeting on June 1, 2007. Sheryl Welford asked the committee to take a few minutes to look over the minutes. Gregg Baird made a motion to approve the minutes with no changes Donald Braune seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing, possible action and discussion on the FY08 Outside Agency Funding applications and requests. Sheryl Welford opened the public hearing by calling the first applicant to the podium. Staci Cross with The Children's Museum of the Brazos Valley gave an overview of the program that they are requesting funding for. The program is proposed to create a Cultural Diversity Learning Center. Sheryl Welford asked how much of the $30,000 is going to the building and how much is going to the program. Staci Cross stated that the entire requested amount is going to be used to purchase project materials and for the fabrication design. Sheryl Welford then asked if The Children's Museum is planning on advertising through the schools. Staci Cross then answered that they are going to advertise through the schools and to make sure that they target all diversity of children. Sheryl Welford then asked for the next applicant, the Dispute Resolution Center. Howard Bleekman, Executive Director; Naomi Fackler, President of the Board; and Sue Geller, Board Member were present. Howard Bleekman gave a presentation on the mediation services that the Dispute _ Resolution Center provides. The Dispute Resolution has only on primary program and that is to provide mediation services for court mandated civil and family law matters. Next Jessica Guidry with the Northgate District Association gave a presentation on the Northgate Music Festival. Gregg Baird asked how many out of town visitors come to the Festival. Jessica Guidry stated that last year there were 14,000 attendees and 2590 were from out of town. Kristen Schultz with the RSVP- BVCOG gave a presentation on the Senior Program. Leslie Schueckler and Zandy Pustay were present from the BCS-Sister Cities and gave a presentation on the program. The BCS-Sister Cities is an exchange program that targets children in the 9`h, 10`h, and 11th grade. Don Wilkerson with the TAMU horticultural Gardens gave a presentation on the program. 4. Presentation, possible action and discussion of the Fiscal Year 2008 application review process for Outside Agency funding. No action was taken on this item. 5. Adjourn. Sheryl Welford called for a motion to adjourn. Don Lewis made the motion to adjourn and Gregg Baird seconded which carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this �s day ofQ O'Y(�-�, 2007. V APP OVED: Chairperson D Sheryl Welford ATTEST: c--17(t/41A- Susan Manna Budget and Management Analyst