HomeMy WebLinkAbout070504 Outside Minutes OUTSIDE AGENCY FUNDING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FRIDAY, MAY 4, 2007 12:00 P.M. COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL—2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1. Call to order. Chairman Sheryl Welford called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. Committee Members present included: Sheryl Welford, Gregg Baird, Donald Braune, and Charles Taylor. Committee Members absent included: Chad Jones, Don Lewis, and Stephen Sweet. Staff present included Susan Manna,Budget Analyst and Nikki Williams, Budget Assistant. 2. Presentation,possible action and discussion on the approval of minutes for the Outside Agency Funding Review Committee meeting on April 20, 2007. The minutes were approved unanimously with no changes. 3. Presentation,possible action and discussion of an update on the status of Open Meetings Act training. An update of the members that have completed training was given. Stephen Sweet and Charles Taylor have not completed the training. 4. Presentation,possible action and discussion of selecting a committee chair. Susan Manna went over discussion from the last meeting and that the committee had discussed keeping Sheryl Welford as the current chair. Gregg Baird nominated Sheryl Welford and Donald Braune seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 5. Presentation, possible action and discussion of the Fiscal Year 2008 application process for Outside Agency funding. Susan Manna gave an overview of the last meeting to the members who were not present. Susan Manna presented the committee with the proposed review criteria. The items on the review criteria are related directly to the policy that was adopted by Council. There were two items that the committee thought was not significant. The first item was "Application complete and submitted on time with all required material." The committee had some discussion to as if this item should be included. The final decision was to remove it because it would affect the total ranking points because the agency would have to submit an application complete and on time to even be considered for funding. The second item was "Agency representatives attended mandatory Unified Pre- Application workshop." The committee also discussed this as being another item that would affect the ranking points because the agency would have to attend the workshop to be considered for funding. Those were the only two changes that the committee asked on the review criteria be changed. Susan Manna made the changes and was going to e-mail out the revisions to the committee. Sheryl Welford asked if there was any criterion that lists out how agencies are selected to become a departmental budget agency. Susan Manna referred to the policy that detail out the process for the departmental budget agencies. Sheryl Welford requested staff to send out an email to the committee listing the tentative schedule and to have each committee member respond to Nikki Williams as to which dates they can attend and when they will be unavailable. 6. Adjourn. Sheryl Welford made a motion for adjourn Gregg Baird seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 1:06 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this b day of h 1 '� 'I , 2007. APPROVED: Cha erson Sheryl Welford ATTEST: ! ��a/e7/_ Susan Manna Budget and Management Analyst— Staff Liaison