HomeMy WebLinkAboutScrapbook of Villa Maria Academy Scrapbook of Villa Maria -Xff i i - pppppp 11 -- - . -- [y -` - IMPflOVEMENTS "` h -'>>l } EU-IUF Cn\'I'}; Itt,r I tI I ti e :I i, , - ~f ~wr, :,,.• „II, n . ,,. ~ t II .: I f AT VIILA MAflIA~ _ t fl l\ B}- lll l,F: [6F:I, t ;;;^ I 1; I r `I I ~[ t .. I ; t I I' t; I Contract A~xa rtletl Mr, C, E J ti ~*~^ I 1 1 11 t - o ~ I` 4L1' s( tI Cl rFf I t[a J 7 7 a~ t -~ f /ar Three ntory Brlck A <x r ~ ~~,L001, ~~ ~1 I ~ l I to M1tarn Bulltl ng r I - 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 ~: 1 I_ 1 1 ! c t SPptentber S, 1!1111 Trxt of t 1 rtP d h kA tl :t }2 E tr erI n~ t l e I I ~ 1 - a Co t et -i I t f D re- .t I tlo [ 11.-DL rltb i'L1 1 tl lib r r ...t ! el. li 1 7 F ~ L.r; 1 I t t t t.,l P. rl ID B 't llb - Id' •' 1 I `' "`t t - ~iffin, Oblate, Who i ~ I , - I uI I- I 1 ft' „ I 1 1 tt t tr J t n ` ' ~IIt0II10 Is Now On I1 L:1 I.:I r \( I ~. I I..J It v i i ,,rt lrnly e.-.~~r.. , ~ r ~[e ( 1 1 \\ ll ~ t' I; " Irish Nearest the Pole - 1 I rttl R II ,Il, '1 I J ]t i) lc. t ' 1 I~-t 111 1 (nrl ,: 1 I ~ I -t tl I I)' l ~ -\ J t » ~ er have ~.n. to he ape h ~. 1 tl .t 1 t f ( t:z ~ that far north h II I I . \t tl i I \t 1 23 I 1)C 1J: M, le A t - oCDerwrse th a BNI [ 1 ~ 1 t~ ~. _\~t - th. n )ouraey rrlll b m de D t. I I ~ t, d JIB l 1 # Al ,hr. s tl B I a. I t Its [ f ,F G K . I l ... ~ _ >,~ l J., rk \orth-Foie Parl h ~ { I I 17 r y - ( IP rk F the Tom's Dansh ftl D ttll~ i t I I I_ ' 1 1 H I{ I t -. 1 Ml ql C to the \orth P 1 i i t I 11 t[ 1 I 1 M W ~' I n k:sklmas wD DY tDl `Ir t 'I r t t) J I d, tH ( F t t o r0l n 5 shat I'adlan-g S I t~ l i UU h h ea - t ( ' t ~ 1 tl t(.I t\ \t I1 1 ~.\ 1 r t'~Th.. call It 1 ex I ftDill}. S t I- tl r 6 - I OlY __ iil{~. ~ ~-II t. I I L ~ 1 M1 IOU M o- (Coat) d ns PnB 5) IKt s - I 11 ii s tr 11 1U01gI Ir~ i >I k If -r nl .I, i.v I ~ , - (~ f I 1t 13 - t II1 e I ~ ) 1A ! I _ A{Kl to ~~ I I , t ~I ~+~ Q Return From the Central I I1 PI YI i II 1..,It }V~Ld U} ' I li J> t u I x Verein Meeting In Orege I I [ r tt t. h ... J ~ 1 -II t t I ! 1. I \ f -.I1 ~. " ~~~ S1r and a!rs. Felrx SteDlinB ~ 1 1 ~.~ n I I ,. I r.-t\ , t f I -~ ~- s-; Fredcrlr AsburB and tit anA air 1 1 1 f[ f I t h t ~_ f I I _. 11 -.. t; 13ea Schx.RBmann nt Sa `t ove I t~ l - c A Sunda, iron Id III. I i fI4 1 I. 1 1 kintr - - ~ i [ II d D [ the Yncifl,; (, [ 7I l I I' '[ f li "' M 1I J 1 O B n, they a[teoded then I' I 1 - t'.1 r Jr }l t I 1 .~ -~~~~ }~ itl 7 .entlon oI the ('a[hol ~- b r tt u# p 5 t I r t- tl - . C I t etn. t tl ~ Ilwt rf th. I t t It I 1 - ~~ ~I t N d Jf rs H Dlt[i B t t I IJ , \I I ttl 4 !n I\ Fl f~ I LL II 'IHarT 1 ~1 l ,,. I is d \I d 11 }tell t t'•. f I A' Bht •r of N 't xc th t j 5ret of P-.' C'-,U -f H o i 1, iI I .-. ._- ... ~ Id 'i i,tlors from C_ a a[ the r h , I t It 1 I' ' I / I~ ~~~ ~ ~ II - lertul trip n t I 1 f r 1 ~ t l~ tl-.I I 1 I - 1 t1-'1- J .I1 Kl its 1 1 I r I I . I a .r ~ Saint Dominic's Day To I 1 1 " ' ' - Be Celebrated at D Han ' I r Ir r I ~ .t ~ t ~ I t i I I' t. 1 1 1 / II J I:_ tl 1'1 I f I I lr I i r tl , .. r f- 1) I{auls. I h ' I In Dratto ! 1 '. 1:. 1 t L' i .... 7 ,f I): r - U' y ill [a4 I ~,. I.- I [.,rrr.. ... 1 ~ :.~ pl_ 'I U 5 t tiv [ i II ,_ I II ti ~ '..' I 11 I. I If ... 1 .I - Thr Varl;h } d e: ~~ t. ! It I S l: 1 I t e'ten;Ive Drt~paratlonv fore [h b I I 1 i I t Ytllf i I~ f '. I 1 .. ( b '. x'htcD x111 be held on th 1 11 $I F \[-.~ I K 11• 71 t-~dap Chicken d(nner wfll b vt Itl ti t ~I I t..l. I I I at noon. and attrartlve and us c ; 1 I( f 1 I. 1 I I.[ t I ei fn! artl,.ies ma3 be oDtainad at [I I I~ r r r I E3 - -~ ll U t[ t 1 1 1 s i ,... I arious Dooths ~I - ~. r -Inf-in tl I ~ la. li I rr .... 1 fir. ::I tlr. ., ,I .. ~ I.,n~r,r,d l#t.iun~,~ 1:,nl .l t.,rd~ ..... lu ~'i I -I 'I t -! 1 Irl 1 I I u l1 .-- I~ .. 1 I tl 1 tl J i tt'II I I li'~• I t f r h. II 1 ~r 1I -. li 1 ft 1~: I Y ~` ' ~~' t ~ J "' '' 'TONAL EDITION t r'. ,t1 I I 1 tl I [ 1 1. ~ l~ tl ~Ir1.ti .... 1 1 -. .I I tt t 1 r. \I il,. 11 .. I ~ r II rtl a 1 1 I r It gin. 1~ ,. rlh..r; t i , 1 I Sttd I1 li I ~' A ~ t ~ (II~ ^rn> ni t 1 1 tl I I I' li R I I t 1 °""' li 1 1 RN MESSENGER "'l'I, • I• II Iltr,: to b t„I In I f. 11: J~ 1 1 I rv olny ~ ~ ~ ~ a lit t. rII lil 1'. 1 .r~ t ~li'.v It ... .... 1 ~ " I f I lr. lI - 1 \ \ .. ' i~t~n .t 1 I [ ~r..n 1 1 ;~ Irll Sh:C'L"Clll'h~ll_A]-, 11 lI;II i h I t f I 1\ 1 I n .~~.. .~i 1 1 t l n ct 1 t. t .. ~ ~~ 1 -.tt.:It tl 1 ~t : t\ I _.. _.. `iTCT 4~It, 1 Nr eat Ktl ve Itt 1 ildi ),I I I.\t I ,,, I, tr ) ,I .. th title ,I 1,. t . IL tier. , :~.4"b. ~ ~o.///~ URSULINE ARCHIVES CENTRAL PROV;NCE USA I ~ - r ~ ~ ~~ , ,~~- ~. ~ ,~', ^~;-` ~- - a :~> ~,.; ~l~;~ r I ~ ~, I ~. nuo#p+; ~~ _'_ ~ _r. _ k 1 ~ G ~ .. o :~- - .._. ___ f ~ ~ v J~ c o- ~ w t -ice. c, ~ c--r -~. sr BFAUIIFUL 411LA M6AIA. The \e,a in.t,lnte of tl:¢ [ rxu- line \nrrx at tSrS'a :. Tr~aa. __._ .... ~. .~ utuF V ILL4 MAFIA OPEY En. .. ., ... -..e ~a'Crdnnt - .. - ... -pri every• Door: m ms:~mt~ca sw~na op<n coy .. _,- .. .re nnihe west tilted Eighth Annual Sesxivn. heid..~~,y`i".'1r;s ptt"r,]:M :,f abw' Th•~ \"illy viar:u t-rt~,lsat -t. nil~m'- dun: ha^ .la Early Y th0 nn.n.d cr. .loom ror ic, aicn;n a,. ual uddk, ~Dfar.h tr'•m the coa- A,inn :b:x mornin,. rn,• n, „-amen :: a+ L:e' hn•I atl the w,x nvae•r mox: naunhl. VI. ~ l l-. 2 JA Of me nro,reor. nn~ a , n, qh, .or .. ht o~ e 1 nd --__ ~ w. ~~ .„:Uex at leh[.a ua soon az endanre. a~ulr ror a .•ar ~[. fSOTHEH JOSE°H etra~~~:-'rrirs,~ ,. .. N.•a..aue :ond p vamp work. ~~ --- The ann Hai r. txat tur the etshc ,,: .., on-r m: .,u ~O~d Tn, :-: ..r. ~ -:,~.. ,: .,<r-,t: puyit~ ~-~1- Vada. t,rr;an [hiA 1 d t r to m~tr,. ' n. ~•.°~e 't nt y~ n - a bV he f -•'f n J, n ~ r I (J n nr Ihar Am .n~ she [tors ho Fad the .: t u and -„ ...., t edcimab p 1 c.- t m 1. nhor u„nt. ,t ~ :hly m~r~. rhr t,ra i~ anrrt log an xar:om,ntosx. ~rr!d,.n •. - :,u,4., nt ;as..:.,ear. titer >iEA~ce. inr he Th:~~ .. +. shout :nrlr \fOrri+ nd \\-n1d[•n, w'}r-~ ork nul.~riy- and :.a a aC lava v , rfulY retu road a [nett .aims mile „[ t+r: an. ~ Halos ~ ~9f°ter ~e liacen agat~n to her =w'eet uC thr m n[ nrautl(ul a- maln ::71 'f r- „rda of wifldom and e0unxel. a wax nnrcna=<d. :rna.~ .hr s .Roe without .<ay;n~ shat as nnnalns-:ho ., . , .:. r,nm.~-.aa.ra ' :na inat.lletinni and medifn[IQn3 der u n n 5 t..•I Ly' the lat..• ~ .[. Vii,-rr, by n.J te4uit. :he}'wer5 Gaol'aaaaJ[.nkinx~ snrlrllx x rtrfral thrv s}:[:u III a b[•en. one ana rra.~ciai pcolrortlonx :.... Thrs+ aupplamentcdhy-cor.- monumenr to nlx ;~vmx „ a nw+,.. fetta~.~.ea by onr of thr non+. Lis- nunaer. ]coin[; toter earnest, -out-inrpir- QoietU toss r ,t naua nax Imnur- ~nls onr c,uld nc--[ hasp moon- ed ., ins r Or::an. ,na In~ -iFru:c w-h~aher ^t. P:mi, ii he ork .~dur r. mn:[ eould~ h:ivr heard hrr, w~*ald not and Ir:•tinmenc the a . ~.lotin.G, ha~: hay"a maxlifird tti3 r tn!1 av tb Siven rhrir - Dui a r:,•twtatiar• th-n:.' +ilet OI wOmer.. 1 L'. rr •Chnt aA iC Lax u',.,aed :~ :. m:youa rh.e nr,rdor- nny l~'.he e;irre pro-htttd upon of Tevx, and » .- thr l>ul~ ;he vouch[ul listwnrra w'as yurta Ixnea danzh:rl:,O1ot Teanx :. -a.lva~ iule~. "CF.i. is funhor rridenec+3 tes Ir La7tx_ ~ ~ ~ th.~ f,.llow'ing ~. ords. quoted Tn•o ark here n, s breun m,d:>r thn~ ^['~:n >: e: [.CC widtten hoote by onr gen[]r nn : I iri. I 1 • ~ Lltr ~` 1 P. ~ - anintcd Iad i L, \la - J i n an•I ""TII~ t` "'~ ~ :r(t f.: Ili t- her .xl 1 h,: :vh.:. --- ----_ -- wOtd? :,f ~r_ ~[ t ,'i-k;•• n> anan-h. ronmlat. nos, .o - a, r: tt nl [r' tr:- or tat: :a ha, w,•a , rn r ! }r c ): d a 1 tl >'n_ [N In Ne I f d m ht n and :t is+ it 'f Th E31_ r ra ( -~ 1 Ire I [, Le hnp.x tha.. :t N:Ilnn Lu. a snot. I ~ n C '; patt nt4 h."c. ..Li. t., p.a .t •a k a if no 1 1 I t Th I ! t' Y tl t 1 -h x t J '.cn ent h' ~ ~ U3 Hint:, hi,u,i at lu lm.. fh., ~-r i p t' a { - lm t ark n(. rn1.InA and al r'_:, vlil f n \r.u' {t-ni14 X10 I -r-arn~ w In Irr S d t ( _ r p7 ~<, tr N ~ C atII ceaumr .. l; 1 1 u m F a r n.t the p h -} nd wort wtli L.: nln4.nru, hl:. I I~ N u ~ tt r T I p - t red, t n r ,,, ~o <nn . a I,nx .r r an {a, f c. =iml dat .h. on- Am~~K~'`n`; m^Ir,••.:- 1-enty .r„ o!~1-i:txhien['d 11t ns -'f~a:` <i;,° of u h nA the ~ultrrficinl, +iiyxilal s t ~ me ch[xls of thr. mal -. public ns .hn, t. nn ll them. e,:fli.h k:r~e~ TF.rc ~ -c t tr brl 7 tti> titnea '--- - ~ naiul10a n [ r , m We tc.te~ fr.n ii,mo [hot that vI t L w eh that m•»t Dluther ~Jf my Joseph, former'[ r r , j I, i r t v - valu,.F r t It mrf +h m.:ntA Lm many }•anrj xu' n[ th ' sod a h n 3 tl t. as e j, [he n tt -c h [ 'r L'reulmu Convent at G I xG~n I ,h p I t.. to and more recently Fro rJal of n .: rt ,t I a try t n 1 at n. a t. ! a .n t t} t t. n3 t. ~• tl rr provtnco of th ' , I .h u yt t L - , C' ni•. Ity [;n ud L-suhnoa I uuf F y. hnxbean app t.::. -. atnnt Iq t r tJ ~ - elv th tit -+ 13 n\ 1 the 1Jancral nP the [JrAU no to atimte d d r d~,.ra =a rr R , . xaa ral, cry ld t chinos 1 .euty of at 14 ~ .t \_3tnn[nna, Pwma ... -.~,-m gl n+ i t eon foP t hna a mutts- ~ 1}, fn - tin} .n the' Tl:,thec \f3 } J sop' .~ n Iad,; r lunte t'daa of fri.:nda in Trzaa and thougntCu, s u 4 K "' -a-ho ix deep,in the m}'sterier oY th^aughout the S•,uth who wiU '.ril; ,^,ometry or :rilculus. t'ae, r=.joins m bear of the dixtinp; •u lah• i our cem-rnta n•~ rdd inahionrd in ed honor that 6aa been con(errad ~ :I nn;,: thint+e~, and by th.• nlc•saing on hnr, whfla they wilt ragcu[ [hut I o} t3ai will xo sutinur. One of dte m•+st brnutiful sod t'ae dutiaa of hnr new mTira wilt imp,,,;,ive fanwrr- of convent k-ep hee sway (ro:r. T:.xae (or - li[.', (ond it is [hie. thin~• that nrek the naxt six yanro ut leant. imprrxse? un uuteidar), i~ rha _-__ strollq bond thnc unites :he nuee -- ._ to rhrir nupitr+. -`:v. ,'. vsden+tn ntmnrph,•n~r.. ~. love: n.me but c'•'- hears, um3 .joy :, r ........................ BEAUT7FUL VILLq•x•a~r : :.....,,,MARIE ACAllEMY •. ~ r, r .:,: r.int IIrY~r'„•, j,tyt fh.'rLerJ rrhn Pr., r .-, m,yne not ,n oxt nrgln b'.vtifnl V:IIa .lln rlntalnrl nr9au r xrbnnl fnr Rlrle Conducted by tl,r ['rvu. liva Hixtern. llnvnrrd traditions anti irlrnln hnn:h~rl Anwn 69 n acLn!d [hat lurx n Liatnrl, nuJ ' In xthnit of ftx u vnluohle far , edvretionwvf aechtlJ. Tbat Prrr::aa nvr brlr~n Ka by r ery :Rbttbix 4'liln 3lnrin, ono hnn nl1 la trod t ' ~lurnry ,.t ton I: rxulin.• order dnr Lily leave a[ CRlxtsmr an n trrerhin~ 4 Arrrr the bond of IIX111, n band of 1'rnnlln••x tame from Culrrvtm m Bryan, nn,l fnr l7 yevrv lhry hour Inhnred ,luirt- 11, but •niotr•19. to build uU v r.Jnc 1 lun.nl inettl ntivn of `he rrrr brut ~ n Vrr:ar uu:l W adorn he nlready in•au im- Prnt,ertq Prrx_un[vd to tLem b ~~"t "' of tLe tnwv 1 Ibr r- t rdanbr .Var~:h or y tnao ml,vr a',,,btn Prnnical. hours hvr Punila a m nlty ~Nahite vP order, Polite drnurt¢Urrn rd r, _ and ~rntls mannrry, akne with IntelleMUe1 tl[nra. Tbr dlnrintina of thn xrhrrol la mi41, Iynt fir ~, yivinR a nnhlr IelilnA., Lrcb Urlx t [e r1,ild bi x ':vnr r ¢~d Jutl u xuhmit , IhrrrrRVin` 'flnMl'll„r, a Tl a t~uLllnrR ainr r,'.r enrl Kxo,l end IiKhtrd by rlrM ri.iry; (Irr rlaxv r.,.tm1y rr well v ,tilnl eel un.111Rh tr.l, xrul fur- nlxh.,I win. rably ,. nrlyru^at a nude Vrilrln r'rr, Ibr .~Ir•i.Irni in' u,l a R'ra v'7'hrwluee rnnJ IvxrrrxL nit, hutl, n. en;. lif•• i r In,X~rv~rtnnt n.vnk^ur'1 r iy - ~hnlunu°~h.•rr r Llx i flu~nr,.t~Lr,nr"~I,1 nr,d tLe h.unn(ul x ter f•d; thl. r ,.Ilene. nrbn.,l. \.urr: unAiuR t and x xLnllnrvKr•,~•• ,•~ nLl anth,,rr'~Vt r~!vb.rrxf~knvxx~r.lra Y >I hr Ld.v¢rnlnr K,. ~rnnl+h tL.• IYr IJ~. ith n v~ly,l. l,Ir it n cud h In taxn,nkr tL. heals, rennrd rf th~~ xrLn"I a xr,l. r'1'hr mr:.x,i.,n of r'y r•-ntx who r.:, i,lr in rhtibrl~x t.llll,rl~ni Jr~:.j~"'r that n ,rh.n. R'••'r' i~nhir~itrar`, In "e,tllnnl ntt o[vhrunh to Vl~,tli R1l,r„1~ r, ,'or, rbr f.'oulrvnvrvv«n vrTht`v nn,lx`: i.. «a r~:r l In r':~ xy~x«'i ,'rot ir,,. rua.,.,:, w. r,nen n ' 1'r,rzurry drVnn,nrnt aa.l ~fiuixh.•y leeitntn r~ou .. „t a eoI- BASKET BALL ANp A BAZAAR Voune Ladies W Villa Mara and T. W. C. WIII PIaY 9aturdaY. 0ct t], 'rm. I:,m^s nr cnm Ilona nary Pian~ "rd a rury nai x emerlaivmcvt ror al: 'who w111 vi.vlr. thrtn n Haturlay. r)ctobrr li. 'f A« elslc, `xo wlli hs ac nlete.l bl thn !,tudrnly ¢ [be villa and T' N- r'.. wbn will U1.a5 natrR Ratne of Gasket b¢It n Illy rart,yua Har urdz the A haxanr Ix y afterp.p¢n date al''° ulannr.l fr,r tb;a and Ire erc' shnrtrat rnkn, rvaL rlx nml lane] ~aandlrn x111 he s, ••+ed m conneouRn won a mawaY or rnncY arnclrs. a rt nar,fle worn wh{eh ww ho orn.red ror ,ale ae re- noble ynrr.•x. .ran The haxaar ayd thv ball Kame n ' of a Ulnn IoVtr.l by the latllre or rtbe a mY [o old ~ far na yva- yrmo in u;ning a mnu wlcn wh:rn to UaY for the r `C:IVn of a aud~ itorlum badly vreded at thenychml. The Gaza,r apA hall game, will tarn lan m. r aalov ror the pro'vlr of Br~av to Ge Col m erlai asylytavice to a thv most vacful 1neUNtlons wl[Riln Der bovada, and at the sa r:r11Y K'et [he!r move)'s xvrtb, \illa ,Ratio Commencemem . I0:a7 a. -(:'lass Day F:xerv:i.ey, F:,.I :duair, Ivau Knratipnl ~ ILLA a of av Alumvae rlsxociatl~ly. ~ •Ir'. ' . MARI ,r.,, .st.. r:]p.a,oP~R.xFlr,l:.:. 1 ~ detew4 St XY; 13ryslt - :'1. <as ,,:, NJ a. m.--0rad cation Exercises wad coo net. r Gondaded by tYe Urtullne $itten Salutat r , >I isa Letitia H.I ' r. nrrnll. h Val J to \Ilesey I¢ H'd J d tt 1 5 Fi Fll rro,I. ! 'll I , ... e'. t .:: ,~. . . y ~~a I,.... :. Q/. fOR YOUNQ LAOIS 8 LIirLG y'IRLS 3 ` a' °''° "r'jer: n or ul,watt,a. ~ _ n U,-.,.,a .u III .-lcp. I 1 HI FIELD DAY AND BA7.AAR _ __- _ _ __ _ ____ AT VILLA hiAR1A, BRYAN., . Villa ~~ari« li,~si>z~ine academy '..tl , . utn e.., u..c e - ur. , ~rr.n. r,,,. 1,,. . , t h ~ I I ^ ~ CI I it I I I r III ql I t - I -. t r I t r J 1. f n L I I r h 1 I. h- ', I t I t L r ~t I r,m tl I' k 1 II w u a n ,. tun l,er 1 t It a xud t ,ata sv ~ t~= t I I _ `- l l' I- R'_I I I' _ f t ~- L rrrr ,ttt - n ~x I ~. r.~ w if t ill I, I'~ 1 _ ' 0Ap0 OF THANKS. 1••:pterta111iRC,l[ a: IICx B n r Y I K .' I II ~ - yin' 1 ~ 1'1 D I Y J [ I I \ I. I _ ' -" I 1 fl I I I I_\ 1 11.' C-` t 1 III A 1 I'-- I f \I to r II A 1 1 p n [R I I '. 1 k r . ~'~ r . l rl I I In t ~1 Nfavl I 11 ~b TI S It rn 1 r i d f I 1 in an Y -L t 1 1 es~ ~~ t \ 1 - I . ,: r., . t " 1 IY II I'~ I -'- 1 III, 1 I Ity l ~n.,l I,a .'ar yll tin Inv a-: n II i~ i..~ I xr ~ I I I I tl-atl ' In nt Sat Irila>'. ~ ~ r 1 1 .., . l.i In ~ te?-; h~ , ~. III I I yl tool ~ I I 1 I lp I 1 I k t xenu ul w~ 1 ~~ R ~ I it F«~ l I LiLL f'! 9 r 1 1 I t 1 \f t- , r 111 .'.. I - 1 ~9~ Y a . ~~i I n I lei} I ar'n.uriaamr i. ]oT u a'+t au• :. , C ' I I `> t . .~ : Y L Itl b- h (y 1 1 t f1pW rvnA I.I=I I 1 ,1 t 1 t .t M , PI ,~ f !t n lth. n a -' .:rll I I' I~ (.L ~ i . rr„ r lot r v~\Il ruul,l \l:ntd t1Ll 11:^I I I~la l• I-' F - fibs h 1 '. ~: mAl,~ )(1' ,I,r Y i ff13 [ \ II- 1('611 t. -- ~ .L hr)'u H ,, 1. I\ ,i tn.; a cow aorta . I i ~. x +wr t h:r ~ 'I toet rh fr a ng .clef I nnr.l ~a~uug _ ~ ,. 1, 1 ,r m r ,I Ixaliea , niLe x tth 01,. mr nt un641tt+ - - k ,. - ~~ bna` and h, t ~[ ' P nu \ n +t. I `reuly a full -a 1 al f "~k r,f ~e9v n open „-,r exrdh bel'-'u .., VILLA .MARIA UR$ULLYE ACADEMY. _ _ _--__ _ ___ i h ' _ w t their v«;nl quartetta, .-Wn nlE dEpoetmunt tied for hlghent ThirO Aaonal C I ANEW .NOTflER . CPEHIDR. ammeoee0ust Exercises Ali Rave a Verv Hatl Coid." avenge percentage, 5fi :s-9 par cent, ! Heid Last Yigbt (Naa In h Yl i l i 'Ih Rev Mother Nar Joe d $ - s er xprc a s lors c, urea of mue1E sad e vrrcxl Bunt, ~' Dri (t J[5, P ' ~t . . y . q I ucteede by reaeat. Bark; 6y Misaea Stevem-. ao,- ~ I ' :NO1her .Mary Evao6e[ st of DWas. F inthnuora for corractd eporem,mt Se. Unula'e hilt, the beautiful i Pickeu, xith Mica Uelaune I,a ac nl en, baaralag .en«,1, a ago 4g Rev. 4lnthe: J2at .f Jnsepit ar- 'eminence East of the city, crowned eompaniat, w » delightfully rcn u+'r cane, »d„er wrearn {thtrA yrari rJ»a sl ian.;rc yarn en.w, clan tiered. The young Iadiea eh..v Ea»[bam anti Iola Hrouaaard. with the ewtel 4'ill Jl ricer( Erom Gabs ;tan ycste:- day accompanied by J[o[her staq~ y a aria Cr»o• market ability and proficiency in Pink wreath r,econd ynary awara- l Ni Ti ' ' A - fivangelist of lYalla-q w9ro b comes s an :+h .vr: iu t an R onner~ cademy, wax the scene of ee music. Mention of the musical R'hite a u, Itlrvt )[other Superior of Villa >[aria' year timed brilliant commencement ezErciaes' matures would not he complete sl'"»"" Uoiu" sI. J. akb,, Pauuna I t'r,uline :1~dcmy of Y,pren. Thi last night. The grounds ware withoutxrnfnrence to J[ies Wake-u..ix.~+'», Hertha Lelauueand Ruby ~p,.,,ition }las lxen Baca. rat since the lighted up, the interior of the Ifiel[I, the graduate in music, who nocund honan-nadgea, aversg» vG 'a:.lvancement ni RecJ lioeher J(a.y ~' p r oeu[ aw sea Opuses Juanita handsome Anildio was 8 appropri- appeared several times on the pen- rick«ta ~iLbie ~'au Warmar (Jladv» J,reph to the [,rovine~al cHice, and . ately Jecoratesl, and n large and gram, and whose recita! Thur=tin • ]tc uoalald, Lou:,.,. Geannm. 5a1(le Y the Academy has li eon under the ' tboroaghly appreciative audienen laftenaoan auc6 a delight ui' Fist ~~ii`~er»Yd ~o [ i ~ du ~ a ILi. octimt oC [he Moth er :1.=sistant. • o n [t,a was present to xitar•sa the third n ,. Idsz I y ec n:,nl, alt preeentw t'a " P.'r a sod xg" '~ p ~ e t. r \[ t er 1[a y E a g, 1st ~ st I • ~ l't Hnttl~ annual cummenCamenl eierrlae» liuog[ol±?" a mngcific entl 1 anti ilbe [ [I ~ 5t[rCESY or [h bco ed . a r An uauaunl numt,er of visiwrs were given by Mina s4'aketisid easiated M 5 ti's an ' [ ' 4[ J ~ Ph, avd l.a., been ~' , 1 remiam» for success ,u the present Crom a dislnnce thin year,{ I by Mr.:aen William=, DElaune, 5!e. ~[en n<su, nelooa In Curiauau Uoo- ,-\.c .;~; ed u~iti: o[xn ar : s nd hurts) - a indicating the growing popularity I oa smi Pickett. [r'ue, a,varard ny Fws-„tug. Gagnon, h ' I , I'.. ...c ladies alai pct pils oC Villa l ~ l: aplnln ul 4 llla ]lacla n ,Visa Of lhla ezC¢IlenC EOLOOI. }tie DDIII M' ry' akln'tl a+a y Ch. I ,; ed 9i .-3 p eC t1 The program whu;h hxa bee I d D d ' ° ° n l0 1) ' t 6 r t f ' T 1 '~ ' I _t i ee F u t.; 14 E „ 1, is H i~ orde are h t~, 4[ h d z ! o a~ pcbhshed in tha E:a le, wa a gLeave.,' pre:.entad beaupCul7 Y I'S per tt t I w ~ u tc ti <. 1 Y t 1 happy blending of tableau: vivante and forcefully the truth thxe x g 1 t e otl- .loo) "1 -','~ tied mwlc, with essays and recita- (ample is Car more pn,verCul in t ~ a o R 1 e. t )I ti - I Ilona gating anti further varietc to mlluenee then mere precept. 1 T a ` xT t [ a I '~ I o the eieret_es. her valedictory Mlas tiara l1 t Y t d t 1 Lt t U lot U Sp s te[I Rn - . t u J The tableaux brought out the I Chew elaborated upon the class ~ c, . x:aa~ pnullaa vv )inane, uullia I+ant s - , PPrn rt_d peer a incidnnG+ in the life of ]far Stuart, ]t. J. +lkia, Juauitn plrkntt, liladya Y motto, "E.ire!a10r," pOinting t0 ]la D:m,rIJ. Herthn Il:-Inn E•.. [i title vi cial e .l.x'.lor hy. [hc J2otUc: e ~ n in close attention to the de- I to p'ard. Laura arn.~"u., xar P T g 6tgh ideals tied noble alma in 1 f ~ > ~ y nre .l:;d as it is :; •:u-ual fur the-i 3 G tails of stage settings and coatumee, the concluded with tender f:, xl U ~ i ~1 -~~ ~ ~ o t [ ~ cauusehor to ~ Sup r 3 while the prologua of each tableau wells. t \L - R b) D d [ [t I lh ppo t t tl - a ~ was g3vmt an intellig«nt reading ~I r. d. T. Buchanan, with HE~ t ,, t auuc<sa m [ ti t t }k'"I n to ~ ' by Slise 4-an lti'ormer Jlnr: Swart I marks appropriate to eha occaai < I JI rdrd In tha 1 CI t l I [ ~ a c t . r.t re-~ l R r[ha Delau u,•, ae a child waE charmlogly lmper nreeen[rd the graduates to the ibhie tan \4 urmcr nod Katm t . to c t. .. ti t SIa. '` `lta ~ 1 i } h! k d 'I I~- aanated Uy Mies Puby llavia, au hence and in turn aresented )- A4 'tt I l st y re t n< ~ while as the lZUeen the character them the diplomas received fn H f 1 ~ ~tr o IF ~ I ~ i ai 4 v- - I cc. [ I 1 d [ ~ .. x u,. Lu, twJa ,u, i s - was given srtistic portrayal by Mother Jlary Joseph, mother ' n ~ ~ -clsa l.d~ a a', ost ina.)ic ~ m story ante)-, cum Rmua. m :V~„ Jfiaa Fannie Fountain who da- superior. Graduates-Jfi:a ~sra E~ouutnm Clac+k:a»tl,nm tint Loma+: actor. 1i -i~ • . velnped fine emotional ability. f:holy, Jl P- uh e 44'illinms s I~ iter. l[oti,er s[a.~ I 1 J \sr u T d ThE eerrctnea opened with 1 , I t I t. 7 u a I Mies Doll >7 . .1kiu. Grn 1 ~ ]l R u t vA It b ~ I -' p g I r o tf - f 1 t, t lt'sk I 'I - 5 u 1 - t: - t41 brilh matrumenmL numher em- note in ^sa $?: Lanel! I ern. [ 1 ~ ( 1 to . t 1 t It i ploym6 al mstrumenta in con- I Held u - JI J }. w dl o^ ounty i r I t. > 1 t v 1 S .- r B L~ - w.ll enter cert, after hi•h camesalutatorp by Clost ! de by \I \a I. JI 4t tb J a,~ I \ t t \ u 4ntmno, the ";o{u t o d p e t F th auh ect Sl iss P aline Williams J 11 I 4 ' I [ l . I - u la t oecn choxn , , C t t b T• .lea 5I h u l U~ h•eato - " I H kk p 1 '•\3 ht 6riaga Oat the Stara tl [ Il )[ (~ - 3 . g and were full of sp¢ ton anti - I t R t ' il t I ~ ~ I t the { I - u. -+ [ ~ - -n :hies Vsllliams n t v eenny waa introduc- encouragement fur the Ltrauhn ~ ~ ' tors to the entnrtninment ioliow- iodise and their noble wrirk. \\ ray tear I. li, ~.: v.. G,bn , I r, [ ,+» - , m th\ uve,... r., find' ^'-.h F•,uuraiu. L,m rn ~;.e„. a, elan' ing, and blOngl)E On[ the le»aaas DIBTRieCTIP.~ nt' >[ n t, a I, ~. a.~nl ;:,rein, '1'ul<r 14ru na..ard, :tl b::[w t.i s4 k?ach of P 10 Lhe lift Of Lhe tin Cortonate Cat'r. i;.s. 'rae,~ act (;)tiro ha,tl,uni. 4IOw[ t.'1CUr[' whVll ,}oecn. Gold d I. was and daplaan I ll r 1 1 t,• g 1 t JIL` In case ny r[ viaq aucecnxrall l h 1 II t 1 1 •[ h [ ~ I The tahleaua, eight to numher, coin Iat J u .d uagnz curse -r ~ i u ~i f I' - I ar ded ]ti ~ w b St 1 rr t t g ~sttr [dem_ntss tn. en ar »n tiara etu y [he at ed t, x. „ lawiu.. \t iu,am , were Cauldessly presented anti would Gave alone ' Ch»w, Nry T s; Mlaa Yawl D III . 31 tk 5 1. Un lad3ea ' K11 u 6 - ' ~ npa cl ~ , Marti t . time. Darting IJ Y tn ll.k 1 ]f exico M' DolLr• ]tar J h t ~ \\ r Th I :I "' n u all[ s unep u ~ e It,.rC,n 1. 1 atl:b msrl0 a superb enteresm men t. .4klu, Red c- Texas I •, c. lily i M epOUanl I I 1 u.. aamu might he said of LhE musical d i t ld M d l d Di l ' ' ' a . rr; 1 L'.c l nd of ~ ~ , ) o ' a pp m awar rnne:,n F uuu- ard, ]la[) 1l atria. F which were complete ed Mi»al.uunlla Wake77elJ.J(idwnp,;~taln.t'Inra li,~vth.rm,.\I,.•.: F+.uutnu,. n~mbe~e •I'In :ulvn lc ~ T , Texas, t h ~ enmpleted w t I _. a ]troy It 1 k r hou tl~ - nD within themaelvee. e d hl J'1 ace anti prof) li Il \ \t II' 1 ~. i f ib d tt I , l 1f I V ry uc ^ m I I '.v beta ~ In\'tEt ' 6 uvc prescr t [t Tho can. A co eta reritatwn, T querednBannnr," b tha ±emars rue the A d ) a u rl a Y 91Iv.r watch donstnd by JIr I.. H. I f n aniun.rc ( r t lul'n ,1- i '° ' waa sees Hne; alto"Rumen of Elu- 'J(endula of Orynn. warded Mine rA to \ll"nos 1.. titeve nn, 1.. \Vak"- \' lY r r' (: h f dl ti i h d l fi d R \V l Fl , sun, nn n m.: .,w or a ngu a .. u . 8arx . r liei. . . rtttiual," a rncitaLln[l by Sl i~a Curti IDarlt. having atnluad Cho nigh na[ n„.t A. Y: n;o. I 44'18ner. T118 ~UalOra made a hit Averaga pu[caumgn e5~ par -eat 1'rewiu in» fur li uitar;n,J 1lnnAnlin Van h of the th rn.r earn nfyher nwxN rd 40 ]Ila..=a ~ a : d i ' y . ng e c .u: u - ur nttendauen lu the dexdomy. \4'urul~r, }3. fie )none. J. Ylck,:tt unJ - Yilvnr Wreath awarJad ](I»e i.ou- L'.. li~rntha m. - 1 ' ~ ails W k n Id f' p I t d ml 1 „IU - f: \ I ,nos c nanrJ - :~ llln,nn, ~ I, I,.w ' 1'f•:. ~ t. I 1 a 1 rli+: I \4 nrI 1 \I". L1. I. \\k. I 1l k II.11 G \Ir l,un,Jd I., t , i3 - b~IO,J 1 k 1,. 41 I 11 Yt : J 1'tckut[, 1 Itr,,,,nannl, ' '~ ¥~" f \'al, W H. I) b I I k l 1 1 \ V t II U ' 1 t 1 H I l 1 f I Y a 1 l I J \\ k - ~ ~ lI•l . I ` _ 1 wu I l I It 4 \V - II \II ~ . N I J I H 1 k [ b U 11 H L 1 t. - •~ ~ t f t II g a l li h \ I( • I Ire, ul, 1 J \Il I t\ k. H. 1 Il, 1 I. :t I l - ai.~l.l, l 1 - 1. 11 l IJ It 1 T F ,[nu , F I Y \V \' ~ ` I , I nr au , C-. 1. tl 1 1 u, it li 1 It - - I\nu W I 1 R C. K .~r f.. Hrire H A. VV I 1'n 1 t f„ Jirvw. k 1 I \. 1'rlr., gg ~ ' ,o ~~ ~~ tine„ /~`J~" ~uwnnl•J Nlr„+» 1., \\ak. 11"IJ, U Yn,mmuln cur nr[ utl 1' - 11cllunulJ, 13- lil ha„u, tl. Yrlrn aaJ wt t.•r culuro, nnJ 1')'rugruphy awnn[- " u LrJleld, It. U..lunu, .\. YrlEe• eJ ]l i.e I.. 4Y ` ' ' ' „ = urwor, J. l IVk„[t, 11 llb- au \4 1'n;alluwa fur iuJuntry e.udduwnn~ 5. \ . oi,. .rdell spa,«. D.:.w, F. F.n,,,tal,l x„d c r:na[lor,,,. ,u ec i ~l mr~ G. McDunnld. L. - .a k'u . lirau+i u, tint I.. Itrieu. ~. Succeeded by of Deltas. Joseph ar- son ycster- [o[her pIar}' ho bernmcs Ci1Ia . [aria n•an. Thts ' t +mce the oth r \[ary ' 1 othc and Im I'r the ' 45 (stunt. >t is a most ' h b lm'ed [ }xcu 1n i l 1rI f ~ Ila. o Ir t - SS Y I :i Z m tr u,ulcl hoot ~ha~ i. iI t te• Ld iz~ d I ome. >i out uro x \[ titer ual o t :c Sun - io ., . s[z cc Is f rr to and re I' ae 1I r' cared ..nd i . mu~icion I st lo•: a:rich tseph an<i i ~cnngclist Gah'~shm will rutcr :lntnnio, :n chosen Set Gen- ine houses . •- • irh VILIp MRHI MMDCA ENCEMENT.!Dwatha'-Th<A:rox-\rak<.. Ham<. ~-~_ .~ _ W,x~ins. t ¢ellp, HIghIY Interesling Etereises Witnessed b 144arra.an"° G - piano =c• -+ Y F'iauaa_tl~., "[•. A Ruben.lein ~ li„<, D.,aa, ea:ker ara tare ca.F,<r <„ ar,e C„ ,;Qi}"~'<aa<. sr,.<, I o a ton 9 Audiences. • Rlawatha Present- viona-ln:, Fal<, c,r,nn. [ is o °[r. ~Sl iaaea ;c'xrA, F'r etl fast 41gh1. , r , r enmr, lee and - < a= the tV<dAi i' I1'ioltn -1[rx. F:obi CRAUUAtINC E1ERC13E5 iOUAY. "'"' rr"' honorFHiana:haom roll• ~aaxraea. aaOO' ''ti"<' ca'_ .r, h d E Ih F. A S C7 -a, 1 ..V Sf U ft repntati. n that hay keen '* tl~ - - - - es[ar ti,hed h- IF r. JJ wan - rh rn xr, r ms: COfa r!'' by [lre n •N \( rah a Ntc/Ur9 11'aa<. „r,r:h I stu SenC tf ~ 11 lZarw t Lireli •o\I 4 I Uu¢q Flarrrs, Jaohat, F•eacrca, f ecelleac(` If Lh Ir T h [ D. l4 t ll'am Js¢d~ eIl Et tarn I R I tl' C H mcnty and ,alAul lrlS tl-e • I x ' uy ICI a. area Ce,. Jaa Hai>,. cruses tncl let t tO turn mene t " D u S: D [. rr an \/ Che ell<n R 1'emark4 Ye:y IDen t. hll._~d [Ite ones hOUSI_ laat ~ Idd «, rya Father Haar.. Datra.: n adr by h~.l. Ha ...; I- night with a cultured and ,I 'land uv<r e:< _ yc O[ Dr.b,o-, PPre- p l1 F I J yh .. 1{L and 1 att. (ileisnet' annoanC'ed G13t a U.1 en-.Y C ItReSS Y11N1 C It nl D Pres-'.nta ton I P k ~F.- dC I c pate nna d: finedals ar.d tomxs~ ~ES at atha a t f \1 ,\tt F I a fol is beautiful d as a at an cd t m l ~ n c R .,~ r (I l 'Itha ~ q v I t t• l I F .. fadl 6 ll .-~, lnn-i1 1 m I rAy\IF \C': 1[t,\T [I,\l'. I n d a3adl the niguam. sc ^ IS d+ntctmK. 'fp f the 1 I r In 1 me.i the rc-'t !ud t elm as m I a a. c n1°encr~ment day ~ ! : •• t 7 F -I 1 D a od, PrO[ rand he Ope. a hou,e wa b' C 1 L'. I f tn'a o the i.d 1~ ' E the I tell n tilled to tkn.:'1g ~, ith the I Sr J, e [ r ~, c,.,, r .' tt earns:, n'er1 u d and added Breath tOl ron~ Ind 4n°nd of the in t to l .-~ the t ality and beauty oC th. _. - 5 unaa, I ' ion. wh nshed t> see tic J : 1- ti at t v D J vhetl dram ~ ~croarm r•.e I The program na, earicd nIIh. 6 ~i h. ]n'c tf G r_ ,In :re lia-• I they. ta~iad a+s vh pace str[ en!.' t ~ - cea n~ I g m~I meot-ilbselerl tueai and m tru sri hall Ind larthfuty fn [hc "' 1 I - crJnn that It ; ~a o ~- c e• en I d al tt l h ', s a •. i ~, !~orel to the echo. 'fh tlo fh t cc cl - rlai tt _, l 1 .; 1. JUre,~ blen 7 d i It a most let: i t I e de au. to wete; l ;ai yl I t P (, l[„ cap ueuttfn~ the cl! prct, am Ir Iik., all the el t~-r (col rr x> nl, an l O to ~ F r.. 6,i eon t et j rain Went ea by the \ ilia n u,u{,l: ntF rim a au:he ~, one ~ G I' d [ I coated Marta udent~, rettected the~yO, , etS member of tha I ' u r F p- vmo¢s, sarefvl t. a.n.ng tecen'ed at the,tm~ Rradal ~.a,.ard.„[, ,, L71 eFaethan. f, ecass. In tlJe renter of the ~ Jemel<d I;osar}~ for c;hristiun Dx- hands Of teachers, and the coax-'.arch hoot; a green ~ trine uone[ra t; P.e,~. J. D, Gleissuup. Plete and thnroug PenanF wit h wm'k done at the s ded anss te:e team of Ina this splendid instinttion. object of the SoynR lady's ~ crua~lale class. seni:,r c° uias At the conclusrln of the pro- essay Outlined upon it in pint: anon pila¢d. F'irat Communion class. rase:;. and beneath these nrettc ~ xiss F:dith Hia. ;;ram. F.:nc. Jac.as Limes+.i n:,[ 't)0Ter9 5uL'ae Jwee4 girt grm4 G"LJ meant !nr »rniiraJ ,- q,m.•ea las,delicered an add resa that was - In~ l'. [:!;c. stolner >t. .ro.e[r6. ctoael.• remarkable for its timeliness, antes. FOr pf ins Caspecren who' untested by ti cases :\da 5iagleto¢, its grwd sense and clear, logical t,raduah:d iu music, the arch~~alhe r•rice, anaa 1'oai:,, :vin, Da' above held a b e a u t i f is l l \Cah, d,nelia tool t, Li.rio Lto;prim. reasoning. He spoke on "Ii,eli~ Gold medal for 11asm: senior ~-tans silver harp with string s gion as a necessity to cum pieta of gold. The front of }fuses F:ubv conouy anA al ury I:oss education, and the reason for the stage was banked kith palms F^urker. [ntermediate alasa. ltlases U6ristian Schools." Dildo Coneir. nod acne, price. 'fhe com plc to program of the and Potted ferns, malting a pret- L'o 1~13!ednls and Diplanas: Jlisaes evening was as follows: ty framing, (Or the picture OP r'::rn:l:, rl ,:rri ~. r'ieid, I,,rno. Japhet, - - - youth, beauty' and intelligence. °~'~ (;hrne Slmr n, the C,renr~pinr ~... tSPi;:r"l by the class of 'Ui ofl, ~-~..... .i.l,l ;~... .-+'r. 'Che Prapher. .... ~ ~ ~ ~\(ivs Elixanerh Ris ~ Iha pia Cia. cniea-.ubs<., tavn<r, Riex, prix<. c' There were seven members of Sineler~~n, H, 5ing(rrun, .-\. price. Canir~, Fuchs, Ralo, Hill. [:,xv noel the grarluatinR class: plisses Marr,kl' L. Carroll, f[elrr Carroll, S^sia H ia.varha, n'.e n .~ i(„ R ~ v Dunn Ila c fla rris, ILild,t .l,lp- Ft ..~atn -.. ada F w 6 [, .\ la 1'leld, and CIh !Sard. \I '!reY th< lVe: ~I +adSlxry Darrl,lbachy-ung lady acquitted hr. 'I'1.<Arro~-flak<r, ram<rmui„a<- (sett with honor, and they Ro ' pal tl IliiJa Jays Chihiat - .•:•~ ti -- tn•th U tI rt- rcnpc tt e phtces _~l,U lid ~~~~",eO~l'I~. ~~1~,J~-~~ n rl;a •it .JHj[.I.iul,~<..` Wain -a:i~ Ilnv t,:,.talul .irrul~l41 :' !a*) :r~ ~1n1.~.1 now i ni~w r ,J .r~airad r.,ni i, ~i aa., -WIN laull' t . dl{[, uo!{u+a.a ano.f ao} slyt uo aanYlH I~ Y Gold nedu! duo aLed by .1. .l Slepers, u umed b Suss Carroll. Gold medal don a[ed by Sl ra. !!. D. :1.ati o, an~ardeA SIIas F;Iiznnelh [;its. GoIJ mcaal ul arvlcd 1Jise :Innir CanlrLr.c [ Pl pia; xith auca,as, Tnr Dutch C.rudul Cu. ~+e of ll ue, . 2xr `l/L t[i •.tn V , 71: fl of tl:url na ni_,;1 ' i, t, >pn.rlls la,l as:o.d,:tc ~••tv}L ifrsvlinr '~ikrrarn Lrlub ~t ~iulnr 3)ulir Eifth, ninrtern Iruntlrril nnil six srbrn to niirr {i. m. 4:oat~ilimrnfa ra ko ovr D¢nr Rio2hrc ~ssista nt {n utrmnen at n.nw,na. The fecal;; and aeudent bo,ty - {'iua xaria A„ademr w re e,mtea to nst enjoyable affair .on Thursday, Stay fifth, at the beautiful tonntrp home of 3[r. and Sin. I.. Si. ievinaoni Dellx'oal Park. The participants boarded n special ^a at Yaur o'c'inek and upon their a vat w at the lonz dria-r'aay by 1(rv~Le.Prwnn and her harming little d:.::ghtrrx, Louise and .slice, xho seemed to rnn~ sate thr icy' and xnnan;ne teat one naturally imbicea from such beauti- fu; bonze sumundinga. 'Lhe afternoon l joyed dtn l!helfulica :nt w~~ en. ~throu;{t; t woods, m~tinq the zna~ f rm dal ~~ orchard~anrl gaMens i tnv:n Fxuteme.^.t ran high when the b!ackbem' garden wa8 reached, mul on red ; n the other ;a ;•athrrie3 [he most ,; Iss,.wus ~ ' Keturninu tn~: eyhocv'e, granpa ling- ered rona'ntedly on the L :cn in rock- :o5then e':,ia loo with a oe-e garden g tr.a hx rof I)orw.hy k'crkins on the ngh[ tmd tail oak-. n the baa~k : nd they pre enu•d a picture ; ..,old ha':e deiigh0.^d tho bm stn ist: (n this beauti-j ting,rrlelici~ix yunrh and cake t a'td, aml ^f:«r a mus? delight-; iul, rh ur spent i musty and s lhappy heart.a hale a rr!a~,: cant go•xl~ ly to SIr. and Slrs, Lec9nso^ .rho hate I he1P^•.1 ro make nhi. one of the -m t•nju}'al le days in =ch!wl y_ar of 1`.r_I~' n•. cV ENING WITH SEEHOV EN.` Stuck nts of Vilta Maria Observe St,~ -c•Iia's Day. rrnn .. ~: ~~~ .. ,ay rtrRm .,tc ~.+ditar~la Ila=~ut~roc- eC n ong. xHencz to-:em ~. oral ~` n~, ~niu' celrt,ra se, ecru ~. ~~ ,n , nt cial t:~:n,`,. The v g I:ulies and ehil,.lr•:n ~a~odri poelug tnunmastc class a• vuh+ ]lar}a; Obsen'cd thr~ir heavrnl.' putrunexa'r feast \ erday b. a 'Dhe music n e deeornntrdr Hrl:h the pmtures oe xpwomim•m a nxlolunn and pose citi:':'atmcup39ng u nia~e m+~i~,.', r n,aav,~~u ne,ean' window's. Reuu:itnl hnncl palnte~l nrtr derUrated with Beet hp a'eo'n Victnm, w • ,tin r;nnted 1 the +isl t-. e, fUr it a bo a the untxlAe stated, "An Fai~ping \Vlth fir"•thoa'rn" The following progrsm nas rrn Acted. aiograpnr Aending ............. lllsa Au by Cuunr U>' H.•mn to tlt. ~'et'illa... ... ....Chorus Detlioveo's \lunn:•r oC Life... Fien Aing. ...... \I ins I.illi+• Are,l ao ura Yarhetblm--Rec~No\en n Adeinld-Heuchng...... yllxx H:nwa} AdrlulUtiVU+'al s .yllss t ilul, TRe VxlUe of 7lnnlshl px-Hea~i--, fog ...................}II>x \{'UII Narewi~lt to the Ylnno-Yfnooa.. \ilnses F'ttehx, IlnnwaY and \:+II UriKln of yluunllRht ~ -Itr•ad- Unu[:i (ng .. 1I Isx f:unprin~ Adaglrr-F'lano un,I alUlln .... ............ ... yl iasrw 1'~deu \alnre'x 1"mphnn>--Head lnr:_. .................... ll lss ,lu rllu 8Y[IlDhlnl~ \U. 1--Ylanun xnd a nn \Ilsxen t Pri.'e, k;vvts, Itee,l. ' amp, yl rz+. Unneb~ un.l .llasta~rs tiuY and \uuh UunsbY. BeethUa'en \\'i;.hUUt n Fier-ft.•ud~ Ing......... \I lxsex Fllen ;'rv•u:oi Aonudutes by the pimila. If Is used lv.=.x n 'that ;nr aielt~ enJOYe,I chi: r ~nlug wlln He!hn~ } a Aftrr ehr muslcnl eho:~Uluta• nn:l t. cake wa;, een ed. A Just beyond the ci[p limits, on a I ri;.ing e!evut.iun stands beautiful \'illn Dfaria, mt academy for girls, conduet- rd by the L"rstilino Sisters, tt~ho, his- lury atiest, are pionoera in the field o[ education. 'Phis institution eu'ives to cou:Linc u polite education \vith mte twat is eminently practical, hence her plgrils • m'e fm'med to habit-. of order, polite dcfmrunent and gentle rramx•rs Gong with gentle culture. 1Sndovted with sU-iking as1v"anlages in ruspcrL t,. as- a:i:0.ions and sun'onnrlings, a yntpil of \'iila \laria nwst be bcncfittrd and ~~ can hardly fail to scquirc tlLOSe \ir- rues and accompli-h utr•nt_a that render a vcom:m a blessing to the i'amil}• and i ' un orn;uncnt to soci~~q'. 'P'he discipline of the school is mild, but fine, giving a reasonable lutiiudo \chiclt impels the child by a sense i Lmlor and duty to submit to the irgu- lutions n4CC-dart' to aecurc ord,:r and' regul:u~il'y, withnuL o'hicL nothing can be accmnplishcd. "1'hc Luil?iing is slum L1~uled and ~~ Lighted Lt' aluctrieit.y; the cluss counts are \col] lightest, cenuilntod and Lu~- . niched with : uilaLlc equipnnrnt and reieraan'e IiLrarir.;, the sleeping apart- ment and pricato rnwns on the third ilom~ ure ideal in artangruvnrt mi;hi req:vd Lo fresh ~ ir, Laths, ate., \rLilo the spacious auditorium which soat~ about four hundred is modern in :dl respocts, :md prunounccd by em iucnt authorities to Le ideal in arrangenu•ut and acoustics. '1-h<r system of in>tractimt cmtr nxnccs in the primary depm~tnuaa voitil the ruriSmrnta, and finishca in - the academic e'ith Lranchen of a cul- IcgiaLc cow~sc. '17w primary enLLruces alt furmo of elrnnuari;ay, the "Rational Method" of reading is used. Villa 1liariu 1laulemy. The Grammar Fehool cuurso udutits to the High tichoul and includes innlructiun in Cate rhism :md ]Vible. hi tort' 1'm• the Cltholic stud,~nts, spelling, rcading, gtrogrnpLy, l]lited States and '1'rsas hisitn~ica, arithnu•tic, gr:ununl r, phpsiulogy, lYLlnu•r L'rsulinu nun'cnumt in prnnLansh i}I and druwing. The High ScLnol extends near four yews, soul embraces a prnctieul knomlodge of clus<ic~, nmd,~rns, mathematics, 1•:nglish and Seience. Lathy PrencL, Gcrnr.w soul Fpa ish sues auq~Lt LJ' competent CcneLors, vcilhout addi- tional expense. 'P9u` modern l:mguug~cs arc tougLt Lt' those. 1•ur whmn each iv a nuriLer tongue. Another course is thaC of music, in- ~t1'llltl(`ilt:tl, \'ol'al :md tlIC01'et lC.t t. 1\lll- sIC all \':1n Cf'~ x111011 ~" Cdncaf1071a1 1tIttL1- ences us the old idea of making every ehild play the piano passes away. '17ro ~ intolleehtal a sprol of music is being i emplmsired in teaching and siih this avrnkening the vrLuk: effect oP music in cducitinrt is indcfinituly tvtised. Thu ~, pupil fires ]earn; the story of the '~, piece and undar its infitn`neq sLc \corks ouC her esprrssion. 'Phis meth- od ul intcrprrlalion :uul e~pression is '. bogus as swat as posiLlc and c:vricd -llvough Lll tLr geodes. !n the lchoule of Arb, B.spri•>sinn :md I'h}'sisal Culhn'r tits` most ad- ,wu•d met buds :u~c used. 'I'Lr course of Donx•stic Art and Fri,~nre is open to u!1. 1Zspericuce hrurs iLe oven tostimm~y to an oduc•u- tiun \:•hich i; not in touch \rilh the I, nlutra~i:d requirements oC lifi'. '!'hoso onuses, [hcrci'ore, include: meudin.e'. I~luin st~\'in~. the u.,• of patterns, cur- Lin}~ and fillin.4"~ lhC elenlelLt~ Of Inil- ' lim•ry, lho Pluming, preparation ;md 1 sing u( nu•:Ils, '1'Lo toes of nest uro avvakmeJ early III tlfc I.Y a glt'ttt t`sl:lfe \t'Ith \\'hlt'll to .~ndo\c a child and nowhere elm this cooly be Lct[cr nmde ihau amid tLp D,•:ud ii nl surroundings of Villa 1Lu'ia, u stew of its l1 acres su rrmuLd ins wilt slmw. A gru\~r uY old :md shUaiy oats. nlukes an ideal place for tLn out dour t`.>'nmasium :uLCI Physic:ll cu1t111x. e„,rla.~.r., 11 ;II'Ly are ale na>krt ban ` ntll'(~ In .t I:II'g',' and ~]II;- Illll tenltlN t 'Intl.~ t':IIIIPII~, Lea Utit 111 \\'If}l :111'lib~ and i lo\ecrs. '1'ho school poor oponn on September ninth, and kdu>ca about the first of 'iuu•. 9'hc _cholustic year is divid~•d into hro (onus. Prr.<uns dl'niring infonnution vv ill ploasc \critc to M1luther Superior. y S~ ~ ~e. Bryn~~:, Texas, T~T''ed~resdny, Jafly 10, 1918. v' ~ ~v .; ~ ~ ~ ~ ' _ ___ _ _ . _ CHR ~,a °-1 E E" >ay, , n ......_ .-- ( ISTMAS RECITAL Alice-TranscreD=ion .taeber' Plano-llles E. Dr`.:+t l.• ~~ Pfaao a-~Nlss E. Jones. Violin-17!ss .t. Prl.c AT VILLA MARIA tloann H-Hiss 11. Ri.;tere - , T ~ - 1=oater tt'. FF Kenn-.' Neaan :.: VILLA MARIA ACADEMY Large Crowd of Patrons antl Friends Campbell and A. Sch:imahlre. ' Dalightfully Entertained This Papa s Let[cr. ..... 11Is K. 1lcQuec:; '~ Afternoon Flarbor Ot Uceams... .........('ovrr.. ~ '~ U:; tn« ~. i. .« one?la a ~ . i"oca15010-1I (:s D..\bere:ombl.:. ~beauti'ui s the red tleart,l • n ~ - Ace.-Nlss N. Davis. a glft Irom [he Chitdren of lorry, w aa - ~ ~ L"~- Th il ' I7 Trneotnrc ....................Darr '.blessed and Plated on a mount at the.' ;~ e Ptty s Of Viifa liana L rsuliar: Plano :\-)tics tt'. Gases. ; Group o[ Lourdes. ARrr the L!esa-. ~ ' ~ tr d gat I Ch Is li P P 3l.sa FI Holick ~~ Img, !te'. John 5 >turynY' R 1 h dem [ : I c ' t [ ~ (, d P a d•' Concert D I [ iy en[ ezhortati0n un dr`.bt t th ~ j( Lilo all h m P~ p'. o I~1[iss LY, Ltatl ~ `; tred Fleart There uer ( t' 7 the k. 1 gl ven oY thu scltoOl it uasl Selec'C~nn'-1f1.~ D. Del4'alt. :[Sls deeo[lonal It[tie c n ~~ 1 oP the r_rr highest order n( racellence Christmas 9oni Hy the Llttle Tots. i~ ' \'lliu'a chz,fain. (tee' J. 13 (:lrissvvre and was greatir eniored h3' erer)'noe ' .\cc.-lf!.sa I.. 1[ik?. I . ' (ter. .lobo S. JlnrPh>'. Kez'- :1. Ue- _ _ yQ ~ DresenL I Thin'a of Thee .. ........... Doppler' ' of monca, the Sisters, avd th0 pnpila'• The us(n deVartment u' t'illa e t Piano.\-Hiss '.t". 3I, Carson. ~I of the acad?mv. ~ I ]IaHa Is n[ surPUSSed by ¢v s^hool ` Piano B-Nlss G RceniS. ' In the state, and the tho:eueh ivstntc- Plano C-Nlss G. Ft:tak!iv. On Ovtober .1. the i'aullnea cele-i ~ - 1 t10¢ and careful train inn :a retit'c-ed ' Tears oP ('brie[ ..... ........ .4'annah ~ b ated the feast o .belt yatrov?as.' r t I In the pnDlic pertorm:tnces a en by lv Vocnl Solo-1f!ss R', Davls. L ~ L'reala. Hi:h m at 9 ~ s + ' its Pupils, Vlo;1a ODI!3ato-lt:-ss :1. I'rlee. i ' uclock, the telebrnn A be ag Re ~ I - The p m of thts a([er¢Uen w. ara n~ .\cc.-Hiss E. Eris[ley. ^ Ge: ve .\ppc4 wFO also p cached a r 's [ollorva ' T L'[ t ;" 11. Spell I 1 [ d rrmoa. [te+ .I I (1 - - , + n F - _ 3lr3ott Ru hens[Pin t 1 CI 1 C~dard d and Ite. ,\. U ~ - _ , n ~, PYn 0 A i T S art. P' \ tI _] ar t d ' I Ptano H I s \, Eranch and ' P H 4I G K g ( mDer O[ fritvd d y L t4 . llcQu n Holl' ~~4ht t i L- [ t'- da) a: the ar. d J y 13nbnl:u,c ... tt llson F -t tt- F E I th t t i I I t L y t'o.~al Solo lli» T. Eailhs. S d 1' - lt', U C t t - (1 d d l _ f I Acc. li:s+ I:. Er~stleY. .I 3I - L 6 ~1 t h I t't t f ~ I m Pas des .\m phoren.... Chammadc \ 3I s } 7 s ) nail rt¢d ~ ' 1 d sh 1 P ~ 1 .,~ Pl ,\ t[ H 4be cromb~e. F 11. d 1 Rhi Y + t . ~ _ , - - 11 H V- T J' P' ti E H'stl 1 t \ I d III D [h Vic. ..~ II rn I ~ I' .C,o 1~; I I t Ch - ~ D odor T II t tt d llttl If' 4 olio tlis. .t P.1-?, . - lliSS R y I. C.trson fit: as re a ,e t d b tt Id P 1II { 1 O( Pil ~ _- 7 s ~ Nast,.. Bona 3 -? di G 1 I~ . yW,nl`'' V~~'~ ~ ^ ' I I[i.r program h 11 d iG 0 ~B i~ w~ t' Sr L'i sofa OC tl f~ v r get ~e 1!y® ~II ~~4i3,11 'L ~ t -~plens:an[tn to i oP 1111 Ja :a ~ ~, I I _ r I k a~ ~e ~ y'~'' I 1 c O t ., a t a o OctoD- 1 [h -1 s[ndea:5 n ~ Y7' i - /:~ ~~ ~~~ A rl ~d [ .ud aJl 'fh. 0 1 7 y ~ n ~~~'~S B^ th I s e>a deed In b k I 1 h Jpnlora in Scoe p TI 1 - t~ ~ JL ' J v oih ti tssts ac lu.t:c3 ~ Moth ~~ S~a i B T tl , n t dt 1 I t F I I 1 ' por or run ex '. 1 Rh t l 1 L f -dl t , , l- P t rr foot on th 7 d ~ - _ -_ _. td T! is IV tuber" .4f[ 1 Y ,~ d , f ": H l t th? mnnthly t rc VILLA MARIA f tELD y ,Y \ - I t f - d Ryv. T. II. Gli 'p t ' ftw s(ded and In well c0 w da -~ssrd bra dcllght at th ccess p ~ [ DAY A SUCCESS ~ ~ t t. s 1 hn ~P o~ ~ ,~ D,.,11=. as manlf?nt d y iht'Ir ~q f~ - -- r r J ~ t., .nmg lot)' n l t ttu?nt D?rt?nmge. ~cC 'h r ' ~ ~ I a ~ r ta o . '1 r h n u h r.. Tn? last Dnt not tun t?oat e.ent nr ,, , T C [ H V 1 1 I ~ ~ I i - I I t' HI a iD e the month ass a "r, ooh frol m' winch ~ 4 6uctee3 .ro Ii' \ .:.:-;[ [ 6 nQa.r .tli a1. O .nK to a was decidedly [he most I:tu zhable af- d 4i:l i f 3L F 1 '+G eal.zed :.nm + Ir of role and?rst:tnl btxeen t:e tme !ih-sSn .at a r ever a (a ha. - ~ - ' t- f : stk. and r f(' a F D tfu: S ~ s allow rd [o r' v a SDOOk hall w'as decorated wlfV nearl+ I ' Inl n-n ds that ate- d 1 +e t I' sod s .. ~sult botn e. tea claim rhr virtOr}- 1t to end oC tb? all the emb:ems of Hnlloxe rn; !ack ld h b `. f~J rt3' welc0 c, _7+': .. fro t. a Pro;; ram x:. ~. : .ral n . . ~ci ded li: tern .netts '.' R«ds o : o~ian ~-rns and bloc,: cats were relief. The syooke'~dance, thr. vo)'aSe J .. ~: V to t vl L II I l l dt I f i le- th 6 11 d --[ h and the n I 11' til i [ - 1 t b ( k P I7 I I I tee . ~ II I [ t C -[ :uuo¢g [he 1 I t l \ I d[ l ~ t ItI •. o I n r ( 1 t pa~am? Maul 1 ;,,. ...... : to n: I g leas Est s~, I nt , r. In th.. s ~ tl-'S. 1('a-.-s f t... ~ nia Slf+.u dis~t a sl ttl:d mentl0n -• - for the trivke she plnyrd on :. ach o of the auslo¢a ~. owd who xalt«.d a ` ~. nrrmr.e to hot dark domain. Roan J - - - 11 ,. :.rushter gr:~cled .. n,h vlsltant o ,. _ ti _ ~ _ _ _ , _ ~ ~.i n. ur r [rung "SPOOkdom:' Th? ~ . ;I et ~u 1 i t n v qq I nt t x or 1 // ~ • Y ' ~ ~ ~ rrront and to Dl 'ft+ LlY 1 ` . L -L. ' J~~/C.L _ ~ ` ~. _.: - ~rnted, Lt[ to -f el OOes fare to . ~ ...,~ y occaalonalp s I I u a t- no 1 , j ~L C ~ - t L g iff . to b d th.nt to h I ~ -. r ~ ,: -C. ~. ~ u1 ~allou'e en a l r d e tills llnrle. w Seventh Annual C^m `/ILEA MARIA URBU LINE I: h .mencemeat Ea. "1$'9 Mere He10 at the O e• R tfni rnmotlY sketen rvntithvl "O[~ ACADEMY. flc,• Il " Pera NOUSe Last Night-8upvrb -- PUra. Max Halatna,{, who Program. Seventn Annual Commenceme eteh, later t E --~1 -1 art s TLC s° mtul m ~p; n rises Were Held I ~ •.tl ll ¢ un h°r with m er at the O 'm`nt': ~ ~':ispx (rit• 4'ii P it ..IrK abrli[y. House Last Night-Superb ~ 11 l la a.la trvnMnel 'ACxdentT w e hell a } er . K.I - the IN'o f R F 8 ' l is _ 5 b h Th .,. h V°ra •. , t f th Rh I i e l r f Nis; 1 m.nc t'I 91, r 1 b i 1 al -' i V ~ . t T. s. eaerc'1 t II \'^ 11 I7 11 f ' ` nt {III' r b 1 ti 1'. e, atM fr - r, t . i ri wh° Aradc+ r w. c h h r '+ Gi I . V R H-n 1 pta- t , . a ° I rt the V-, l-fY av a tlnhnlvt and ai h nsl~. t..n i,yAll=1:W .ml o o nX•~r anJ r trlnnted xnln nnm bars nu>° last nigh( fn thr Vresrvnre or ¢rp,I+i a er hl; hiy rrv~,lit ~bi . , a larg,: anJ aVPreclatlva a n.l T rh, Vrngram Ina[ night, wit6'11 rs. I K 1 r . I the at on and o the un u is kip :. '+n ulat,n r - I I. Mss Rra hi h h 1 ( ! 5 \ k! }' I I 1 U vt: 'i 1 1 .tau>I} b.. r 61. b.l 1 itl_ 4: I A t 1 I nuvh r h [! W- '.r 1 t hei ' in ;t m h _ghI th Th y: Ilt 61. t I .f 1 t I i {, 1 h rn i I 1 t f hii, i h a 1 1 d ' a *ttitutl t LL, I p 1 ( h R- t [h ID e' ,1 I li ( Nte l C '~ na Wd 1 B 4 f I i U II t 1 rte- kln,K t t R ti I i oot- I b bo I 1 eedtJ v u d t d I 1 [! 4111 tf 1 I . 1 [I i lan a.r ~~ 1 b l V . d [ ( th h _ 1 ~ t h '. I i I I-c c Igh[ d thu Th \ifi \la a °oterainmenta t 'r b , n orb of thn school CI ., doP Ihrh at f,l g l ' h gb i,laa Ic poprt:l / " l R ~_ er r and ht[r i.: all dri•.trlment , stoo - 1. A I R 4 ( ~ ar fu ,o wrth Na i'POPIe ut RrYaa. '- ~ . oot The i I 1 1 h aVPro ht [ 1 l 1 k , 1 1 }I I her diatine[ au .i. _. : I. tc V 1 k R F ~ Hecl. he bat 7 I 1- t S u ~ of T PI ' Oth f Iting The l II Th- Dr pe I wµh a br 1. ~t I N ,A.rtu t I i- t P ~ R R'hl i I 1 11~ e I f t h a I ° ['.II hRh I 1 I I PI li. I P FPIR - (I n ' -hih ( I f Il . . la ,h t 1 ft [h h. 4 II.. f R i. i f[h b t 1 T 4 1 S P b~ ~r i n! [I 7r ti t Th \ d ) h b d 1 1 1 : I s[ni w hl . Ith I 1 - i FI .i 11i I'. ~ m Ch' 1 1 'th b I l~d h'. t i I~ rthu t .d J'• 6 t lif Do ~ 1_ t m R-. Ih h [ f l 'ea [1 :In:r r b 1I I t I Irali t rll I I h/ ur Vl:tnnt I - II 1- Th' II - t I th,• '1 1 F- I I n se 1. thr aR t 6 p b d t h e b :1. t - The I[ h 4 T - 1 mart( imdnctlu 56Sk P 1 rh I h b.. 7 I I 1 t e [n g l di ~s f I r 11 1 a G ~ [:.I t r I 1 I'1 . f [n F.r an tnnn any hr II white [rte imea I 1 h. 1 .f \ti O i i h h iw most grab (}rnq L - -eli - Th -. were aMmt ~' 11Lt I 13I r b t rc 1 II mrrnitt [b ha [h cant - . ' [im I.r,:rtin,L e\prrsslon ,_L :- Thi:. s uaUOn of the schnoi rs ideal (kr herb 111' t mu>.cal fearun`s m. 't 1 \ I'. 1 TP _ [ 1 h-_ I is such ae [o be ~ 1- ~~•~I h r K •;nd varitrty ( -n t m: C th _ 6 1 i tt h Ith nn.I ur nROri We n n h- 1 real n o' de a r. .! I. a bnillant s~ uhL•. (he ,1.. I cat P- - f a[u I5 Th° r ' 7 6ht( ri •d} a '•trt ° :led ' Ot. ~ ca n II Si Th t, r ab I t 1 vhon> :t nnrnbcr o[ ~ I fl.- Hoar ii c Hal vtea 1. who I ~tt cl a',e r; nth. .,,v[. ' b..au[rfrrl .1c us of the buil:llhgx and r L ^,.,1 th1- skvr:h I.tte~ ap t Oril,•r br(Iliat=r mns(rnt featun,s in-. gronnrls, the n[[rve[iveness nt u'hlch Peamd In a r•~;:,ling nnrn h,:r w r i h moat v t. ra reraid tnN ~ 1 - pn+granr. and a i' l aryl relletl :t u'Jtere-I:rl'- t Id•~asing ahilil.~. II rrh VI ,r~_r _ t inrr'.•. .,. nn uFl 11 j'.:l;;lG . v he Peo- I.• of Fir. i h. lirr." (Nlxv lsma Sr o! i.ihenl. Tt~vaa, ror ,.. ~naua ,r ca.a Nana. wn~ n _ ha ra abili [~.• nv "• ,lallnlst anJ _ laloser a <. rn tribuu.i volo umrhere, ( I h ~ I t I r t i l l t L ~ t h- i o i~ h I I I (; I h p 1 1 S I 1 'i i II t 1 l I O C/A L~ T. h 1 ~ 1 1 II-- t l g , i r II I I 1 fl I II 1 kart) C # S 11 b 4 'i l I Th: n(I t ~h Vn ? ' n L o I ,na. g « I .a _ n and Club Slntters I r ' tn R , 1 i , tlr~'r uq L.t - r l w _. _ - 7 [ t ~ t ' - 1 tb Ii.al 1 I I -~ h. pr „rt 't 1 ! 1. i p f \111 1. il. ~ t ti q l tl t I 1 i. 1 \' II \1 i tL r - 1 -. Igh I h' tl L /. 't 16 II 1 . 1 I r b, f I tl ~ k i th. ~ I 1 I, .l I i f c tl (' J 1 1 I I J -; (tl r uru ~ a I 1 (. ri` _ .p- tlu nPrl L.y uir,ht,n rl Jr,nl tu[,tar-r. ,,fU rA.~L ` Tn, .- nl>es ,. >,.d -'th ~~ Ir 1'. 1 - l I! l 'i t j k - 1 r k R- k \ H 6 ~I _ II J \ NI : --. i 111 ~ I K J __ t '! II Frb -!m<, . s .1 tll K1I ~I k{, 't . Il ~vl P:t R' n't~ { o„I rI bu 1 >.. a.r ~n. r t,.r. ENTERTRINMENT 1„rrrror (~~r tlrr nri i..t rr~l x, ;tuJ I•~rl ' kl utersvl 1, nJ R,.r P(IRn . nl N.ar II n, Guth lormerll~ of rhla r 1 c , I ( i r.n. 'rl, ' i th AcnJem ha+ nad -evsfnl ll t 1 1 i 1. h,e`r nr a., , h I- 1 ll-I r I I ~ T VILER MAflIA F ~~,. Ih I nl i~ w . , LI I - I r ll It I kl A 1 1 ~it 7 1 tth li I - - - . I r t li I N ~ ~ Th Iln t ' II tto \\ I H 1 \1 1 -III ~ Th t i { I i. n- D- -1 Th' I l ! 5 1 Ii ~II. llu' J III A Id II t ' 1'y h 1 h t I rK I H fH IS \I 1st .f 41t b J I:.k tl 'f. ' t I Inl 11't H h , II I t,l \I I \I \Itl .TI 'd 3 D let' I d II hn 1 I hl 't ~. n r Rrntlfying It I I1 1 M e 1 \I- `2• Y naJ frl•.nd> PP tht. ,advrt' , Ilre I r. rl n. nt nl l,'. ~~ r Natt J n•• rl II i It' 1 t 1 I I \I Tl t f 6 '.hoot i. IJee1 ,ri I P7tY I !' III[ II t Rl- 'tl .Ills \Vvt `~`- I Ii Ith. I .•6 a+ta be' l `I - t I t 111 i' \I 'In ta ff 1 I I !i' h 1 n i ro eRur,l the \I J~ 1 1l \\. II II ! II '- I I61' I p.i t f I J l ~ h, t II ( ly Thc,nC i 1) \I I. \l 1 tl l 1 4[ t r I I l Ily ~1 \I I' r 11 re 1 I 'n- I 1- 1 1 h 't nrrmben of v nd ldlP h 1I It hl MI O r 11 v. 1 tl I [ 1 _ lllL rdr tcrl. I1 f I ' g tr h trot ( b h It II >s of nhlch n :+-+ H I l- t II -'Ilntion \o adru -----~~+--- l ( R i I7 I if 6 II twr ur. nsw.lli ._.. r .•, .,r ~.. ~. .' I ' ,..,.. .h~r...n°.° 1 th,~ 1 i vahA MnPta uesvuNE '~~~LLA MARIA ACADEMY, - ACADEMY. ~ i BRYAN, TEXAS. seveneh Anneal Commen<eme~t E:. i An Peening with William a were Mara ae me oxra !Callan Bryan[, in x rosebud erHOase Lace Nlsnt-sue<rb garden rat girls." It is trod the vrosram. ' ^ardnn hnd four brick walla, and : the gnrdenara u•Pro the black- The .«vr•n:n anmral cmncnenrem:•nt ~, cabal Efietora nC Vifia Marix, but « crcfa«a or u„• vain 11.,rbt t'ranun« (surely the spirit D( this nature-~ Academy w,.l ~~ held at ate. „1,,.,.,; ~loviug pxt navar wandered' nnese Ina[ night Irz eh.' ureaenm: ,a among fairer dowc rs than the human buds so carefully tondad a far%r• aml anpr«Clntly« an~ll«nro. am in this CGn Vent ('atilt n. ~nr did on ';labors to nrogram. wnlrn hnd Pr?~~ Itho wild wand beauties, morel vtrm-ly ncetr Pnnhsl«•'t w~, re¢,hs•.d, i by the spring-limo zephyr. ever (n a v,nnnei ht%nly rn•,l:urnb' to rho- bed a more gracious greeting to (I u i sou t I g 1 II ~ their poet friend and locos than I tnkl 1 t. t - ,1 rrzd n , ~ Urn[ accorded him by the budding) 6eauWee of this nrdon on the 1. -i .ne r r tht' b I.~i g hau ,. ren,a drool:iug a¢nost '. everin,; of \ov. 19ih. the tlunr. whtlr srnuehtl ren tmd w'I:io- ` Thu literature class of l'illa ~ fexroona u, :; IoopeJ ulouR rho ruor, }facia having completed the study IlRnr bonrd•raad .:steeled npwnr.l :,, of Bryant, [his evening of poetry. am3 ecn case scree •e3 as n ro- lthe patron;::,, ~ner~+ g 6 The viii-t earls core t '.sums of clan ork primaniy, 6uc• tong held a nigh War. l 1 %ml seconla ly [- give pleasure Inc raver with th,• VeoVle nr Ary:ur. to tea gueaLa head good iartunc anal In this un. anoth«r distinct a:n it Veda fU enjoy' [h~> gracious a, aeninv«a. hospitality eC Lho sisters [or a saw iew :lays anl'uv permilied to re- 'rne nrnRmn oneocd w:m a Hal na'v their yeuttt by basking in It~nc relac[Jnn [tom Heathneen in the warm sunshine of youth. a'hlch tour Pianos :md s«vn vinlio' Although, in a sense, almost im- ~ ... yell, too ettert h,ans snnerp I A ~dramaUC pmdveC.Un -snak,apea r.'-~ Promptu, a•eska of rehearsal, I, enritro to sae, would scarcely; Froae~r tlaldx" was .~labar¢r«Ic .; ',~•- ~. haee brought forth a more iiniah-' ed and.: me Jlreullon o[ vtias Dm:nz i od or enjoyable program, thus ' Hmxt:eaa of Dnuas, who nax bean n. shoeing [i:xt the diligent, con• .P tune Jlre~'tfng e-<Prossino rl:,.,.. scicnious teorkar ala'ay9 hsa his 1, elects Aeademr. the singe s«(tiu::;: ; sheaf ready when the harvest anal , vyt+:m~• n, n.. „nR I:t.i«•~' COmea. -~ h Tho titer number was a chorus ~ (..I ~ T nine,- in which the closing strains were L(v c,,. + < ren ra , v[ 1, I `--linseed. ' ac once the Acct's Omer hruunnt n :ral~ reauues i - I I tribute to American sk;es leaped tecsperaed rn« Prog*sm. nml c : en ~ inro the mind. 'Phis wad fohuw- aa Riven by tea Introduction ern fit«-~ el by a well prepared and intaw I:RhNul com<-0 k_[S .11:1 or ea[In~ afisny On 'Bryant, Lha ec• Mora a-. it r L \ature Loser," by SIi<s ]xphat. seas,-( :him n sk;trn, lot-r n.l Tho ezpression class followed in n.m«d Ina «ndln;aumm~er cairn ¢.n. "The Death of the Flowers," a plenyln% anilhr- ', concert racitalion wilt nppro- \luet. PI«asur« woe siv«n m« tn~o- j preps gestures, anenmp¢niml by " No or erymt nr ,.he Lremenre of Nina sad music. Invnlurtarily, the Lnnru sro+.ne of r-m«rro'. Tc::as, a~ malaneholy fides dams racer the) Inrnn'r grnd,,:u•: or 4o<tr Ufa tin, cam ,senaas with their attendant train , htw r., epos ws a e~lori.^.Ia n»d ioP' wailing winds, raked winla,i su_tb r rwd oonuimued solo r, mrber, 'and maxdows hrowu and sere. _ the r,rn [n her essa • "l;teanin from Our Rru I gl Y t tt 5 g ' T K I. - w, n~s, daily of To a W rtcu l' ° `i r 1 w n~t I ~I:, ., ,;~ ALlss 1Vard F- - I horvtl[ n Piexaure nY decade violin v,toe. ~ 6leuner that hue _ Irnerrnl wall; The c,r «nl training „- ~n ,¢rh I the poet's grains t~of thought. tn: I I I`,I¢I. rrom me y, ingest [o m« mod, "Song n: the Stara," a muaicntl rerita[inn b • \Iiaa IS:trl , folhrw- «a. lu inn .. c,•n,•nt mualew a«- 7 ~ Y n e c of cukr av and. w,a «anlen,..; ed. "The morning stars sing tu• <dtin tn.• n ~rclsea lua, nl%hc.:, nd t,:- I Bath cr" took on s fuller mexninC ,: be said of th•~ a~„a or eha ,riua.l as words xnd music mingled, and ~nrnu :bTCi rim+-nr.v- [Ira soft light of Iha avinkling'~ The rxrrrle«a ,: i, aed wPh ,Pprr: ~ dials eltone from Ihfa marry'i + priuu• remarks rmm a«., a A. tterk. maid's bright ryas. Miss r'mn- ' or •r«mPl«. nrh«r +~t Iqn_ ' : Y n presenting her easny. "13rynnt FL,wore," showed har- nriaxa nr«m:nc w«r. ter.. wttnehr+ w yelf n inns[ diacriminnGng 1lcria[, 1'l,rnonrx.inn ;tad rzoY. PYntn,~r rat afar na thu bouquet of pestle Ilnwers hn. rnnn rormorl. or ran r' cans c.Pmson nmi nrrnnped with Tn,~ Academy non rind :r .t„anyn,l nsmllaD[ taste. Ntnzt Slias Piold .- .dub a RnoA nrtenaam~e. Im r,•cifeJ "Gn:,l'a 6'h•a[ 'Pewplus,,, I«ed. nrtenunnr« cans Inrger atrh.:~ ¢n.l the "stilly- twitiSht u(thalsa[ Her R ur the ytmr thou rat :mr line vm•ad aisles" nrapt near the prevuma, The nnrollm«nt in un art aoneae and rc+ated like a i,«nadic- dalHIrtm«nts has been ylxe}'. The I [inn nn [ha Itnurt. Afitla SfeyanB der sr~nonl has Wynn n a mrRaU~ ~ oloead the pru~ram with t violin mh•d p, noPns rrom t+ry:m rnnn am sofa. :111 the heart strings the[ I'r«rlna Yeur, whirr, Ix m at Kra lfYinR Iha pout Ilml Inilac) [„ Lr, nc~li, tills , cn me rrywim• ,~, unu.~. little Iady awoke ko fits and phty- •rne altnannn nrnt h, arhom is lJeal e,,l upon with her violin how, and and m« cvvimmnema Horn u» h, n- win u a accord the whtda hoar[ ,ndnrnve to haalBr and r arc„rn me crWd, play on! play : i«nt uVtx,rtuul t,Y tar _rlml}'o The (',nY"fHlnl"'f(,n. ¢lok nn in.+t issued, ahnwa a numb~rot Bryan, 'faxes, Nov.! IflUi. : paantirul vlexa of the buildings anJ graundn, tan a«raellv«n~~xa Uf which ,:. Hard p' exerJleJ nnvwhrre. ~ -Tbs kuglt, Pt,Gllanex ~lyrwhnrr the I' v DEMy, This Bcautful Suburban &hoel M r ~ I id Been Placed in Moat E,<.cellent aha0e for the Neat Term i II w v th« pleasure of en F:a t t ntntb'o to visit Vlifa Alarla Ara.} ~ em,^ }'eaterday, amt bo shown rnrov%s ~ the Mr110ivR by Mother 3nperbr 8t. ~(iRa i'ra:na, r cenu, of ralv«arton, add !lo[htr Fatrlck. Tbo Gandxnmo alter. ~ ' lure. ;rlwaya clcao, cool and Invltia%, ^aa been RonP over In detail zlnec [he ~ tiny. nr th> Ixat teNn xnd la apoleaa from mnemPnt h, tn. o-nrtn xtorr. NIN Tne wawa her,--: Haan o-eanlY ^ntea m alanustlue. Tho Rrcmnda a ,• In per. (r~ t oMer, with a card lth A Rowers I u d collage- nn I the orc'har I.a and (car Sixt Jeua eats hneu lru,tful, white a Rood CU 'rnU hoe assn Rroa'n in the aelJ. 4l'Itn better crop PrUal,eete the la- I files arU antlciVanng an Inrreasea aP i ten~lance this yr~'r, unA s yen~IloR I U[ h d t« t l Rt . ± a th.r al t.l g n,xt Th 3 «8 _ful . f th 1 -ol to <f FSrYnn r.r thr xnpWrt 1 an,l Patronage they have rvcCi v(M nd of t Invite it. continuaner' call The ladies of Wo C pity a rn Peclall}' {vlerested in thc movement rd (or the pnidin% of a Iargc Her hall tort lo nn me east yPle or me beadles wmm~ ~..t^ n< two mtnrinx mRh and vrocWea with music r: g«II a w'flh a n a I;1n suitapln std%e ror givlog an[ertaln~ Ic:. , cots- They a ralslnR [undo [or , nma Ptupn<•~ rat nreaent. «.11 Another matter in which they a ; 7.It Interea[ed Ix the adleetlUn Ur curios n I tl¢ce will b« Vrortdei ror their g'x 't Ther will be I7«a+etl to Ixa - i[ any[hln% In thre IInU which a"cl rrlenJS may reganl „itanle far a n l ~[he collect too. One ot the attractfonn of 9t. Lrsula's [1171 or which vieltora ~.,t , tak« «vp«(ml t I ne neannmt ' - o fv the h f the c.r+t a[ [he n 1 .n ilding, which I t uctn t almost bu ' exclusively a(Petritled wnnrl. .~~~ The ladles of the coin unity have 'n _., pi nd city au~ taken nV w'Itn the c uuty r l of xe acing so thoritics the matte < alon% t'reu~ klod or a [ootPnth or walk Ilne avenue rrom :ne city to the .4c¢,4 my 6efara thU pea term nr school open.. ram, a e nnm.rnl toy ¢ this I A 1 I~ non ror mmrt Pn Pily who t i - c tn. ad rr nn nom«. ~1 M Yfp10 ~,~ ~~ u` tti flearepx are :^.~;:::.,; icrcuuoc, B_ .,.,ev ~ ~ f PIanG-\;iax Ila i rr t ~ :\.:e. ; }'iNins llixae:s \Ilacd. t:sa+ C 0 M ~yi E ~i C E M c N 1 ___o-___ , ' vam. F+rire, Nrv. Hobivaox. ,: . t..l °: l tC a let;.a'IH f)t' )/O1Ht:l: 1.14:1:1;1 .~ eher Hernert _ - ~ xea F field avd Harrtx. fiRAU(iATI,\G I ° "B -}f ~. ,e; Japnet ECERkI5F 5 tt d a llother aC. Pf.rr, of ; net ::,. . - com ' . an l;oe~ ERE IfELU nell5~. in _ uv,tr of } i~la :.tarfa, Rr+¢¢,': v AT OPERA UOL'SE S'ESTERIIAy P:aro °C'"--Slis D Teaaa' Bled o Tnnradar mornlnz l n ses uno, Parker and C artroll . • Jap. i. Her lllpnaz Aad beev Irv J' o E t '' '• R T and I,aivful--her Uatle ~ ~ av D Sf ixiei :}'nrv1: {+rlcp apa nre epJ [esig. ~ nation i c ' ~, L•opua n x x nolr Fm +aa o he: ~ t ,t;x,e„ g ; `°''°a- \Ira. Ii~nina~n NINE Ga~DDAiES IN iNE CIB act d~n~ bream. m~t ~dif„¢o. aht.~ - .~ . ar- ,u SS , cnxaraep, sham. s~n~Io~ v Ix r.e the uamrnl ytbn~e t ter. 1c ~ l t:nxtnam,Price. r r neu satmr. sotniog +.~ mo ,',:\'IS:HnI\':: r.t' n UI~ idil8rul[ for p..r s~hlrh Dore thv ctnn:,. ~ - Sixth Succesciul Year . K"ork Brvuyhil f cr t- -v of ubedienrc. + lt h CI C 1 d to 5 }I to a Llose-Award vI Ulplnma. t rolls ot cr a! Ple[rt~s and Ti g I f n ' p vn tta I t ph t, F Id avd and Nedels ; tt or or pnpila and frk uux w'In 1 S'+I ract to l rd P R m - v;, t - lie J H I : m De re evtborei R I. r. I. t ~' I t lie f.t0 IIlp, 1'e0aft~S }elf , _ - The (nliow7n12 1' k_ f I : t t,~ T c. H tye' of Da ia -t- E s F I+ of J ' I The nl f3t . I. . t Father Gle. n nn.u ced } d. v 1 b ~ I kt n ta } .., of t Ill }f :. rayd f t -da~ a d honors ® y . t th PI - - -1 h b f 1 t ~ y a C _I 1 -~ a ~ Inu el _ ' ---C xt .f h Cnlnnn3t 11 it ° f h. l t l ' \- ie y J?ttatt.t;; a IIt.~11 r ~ \ lll .Inrla .lrndn s, fnun,a. ,1 erci~e~ hetd a[ cite open I -t.- c.' \\ ~ It r-- E F. ~ t etternoun R.n \ t t tercla}' t t t u ui - the 9t I b d Po t q ~ tv rnpm~ x t•hur ',. t h~ - r ton 0 1 e ! t t d - p ° L=e aoleem R t }i I¢n N -[ ~ OI Hoi1 5l j4eri r I a b 1 t }l Li I:e Ea3thnm, } H 1 d l R,.r. 4. \.°t oC }I It ! !1 1 L ' ~n apnrtuau ~ c and ena affi d P I i I r l - ~ 1 r- c r t .. }~ , c ' earl znu L-. [I L R t t t 11 1 h 1 - tJ 1 uas cut p;, -e~a:rl r ? }i ' 1 C II S D :i U 1 -1 6 d C J II ~, bra in„ the heat f t' fire tun>[ e:c } ar+ Hat \ua Ftb:v H(Ida Janhet ~ - t . le ~nlyt ~ T'r t I ne L crllent c tc'r 0I ill nri ran - d Elllc t ' ~ d -J -: r>' t' 15 the Lrr,,.> r . l~ . There n- i - n- tb : 1 the C_I I ~ . h t t - etn ~ , aradnat: 11 ~ - n 1 a t n I 1 t t }I '1 I At [I -1 . ~ [ h \f R [..7 Y -~~-+~ ~ . ix [l l Fl' it - d 11. ~ 1 - I ('1 7' 'vf I f rnl n r ~ , ~ aiclt - c t I felt } } f` t 1 G ,. n[e.I ak [ h [i -1 f E. 1 I I I O[153C t'1 jX[ylt n1 t . I\I ,lt ~( L.1..J n-t 1 1 Lr~ u t Cut iJ t'Cr' 'r 1 v L 11 t 1 ct k,+\ ~ a-~~ I- t I. 11 I LI'..:1 Tne i 4lfro if tll t Cr ~ l Ill t t' I '- Ilee,.v ducnnd ~ ,I i.ev,e sp k t - 'd h u _ po~ei I< ll' Re "L_P dC~ .. ( B vt,l' I I { I '• a th - t fl- ftt her Yi;r ` . fro .t the t p o tl e , ~t,, at 1 l d L L 1 h tt I t t tut . r. n t r ~ . . ., J- led t n '~ t' D I saline nun. :\ l n:IV~Ion h.~I -- '+ J n- 7 r. J R l a ~~ aak i t are 1 t, torn nl- I _ u ;; 4uie tar,. ui utel m d >; tnem or u,r xord, t hot: .., tans clnea. Senwr ,•Ia,,. »ixxl ~ ~~ wern: "It 1. a hots :°nd n xnoh.•xnn,<' - - a~ilaod. F'rn: C'ommuvior. i:, ¢.v..l thou5ht tD prn.' Inr Ih.: dead that . - - - tt H- ~ it ~5 n lu 1 P h 1 I I/~/ ~~ ~ th 1 1 Ih -:I ' 1 " tl'I DI f h I 1, li I t p "111 1 tt ~ II 1 f 1- I me, I \I IO 1 '. 1, f ruI I t. t ,.~1 ' Fiuh ' II - v I 1 1 - h1 1111 }Itrta 1 uVl l=. [h.. l 1°n^ ~ 1 tl V 1 n 1 1 ~ 1 nY of \f 1[hor ~ r/ 1 Cnn• d, I - I ~ " P f d I In xlr to the , p 1,,, 7 Sled ~ , , [' l h I lxts vnd ':- t 'M S~Je~S a/L'S ... H r.x. Fie. d. D n. JnPhet. ne I.I. f i...:narr •n1I1 1 orV-- s lr.•Int lnxerM °yt O1~ ;~a.fJO~ale 6a9S, >T~JE~ ~~e7 'l$ Ol X05 LI'~b'd SA08 1$ Ol 05'1$ .Ndd S.N34ti ,~ Ol 05'1$ ~~ns s,~oa I.u~t,rr., i ., .. °°t.. .!IrrNt: ~'r. ~ Into the gre. i•. J(nny h,:¢n tlful la~d~ Guhl v... duna..•d by J. .t. - 'f ,. nrtering.; of symDnthizln!; ~' Slev nnled !. :.(;. n (rbmds, ..red the :..wlv t Id +'I Id [.I b- tt: ). H. f'- -nm 1 dcr xhl ~b tf,o her PI x~.~' .\.tiv. a, tr I v it-. - I:li+ I. tl f iea. 'ibud -'t till th.t Anxu of th FI r-~ :nn~. I, a~lpus recur oeH¢n morn. ~ ~ t„Id Rcdal nwardc•J Sl ivv Anvlc~ ` --~~n--- c~reneo o-ir.•om ettnK.una¢o~,roa, ~ : me Bnpa, craa<d ~I'„pru, ,:t awxi.:. VILLA MARIA URSULINE ACADEMY - - t. Lrsula v dill gRYAV,TE\AS ,I' 1.. .nl I ~ 1 ,. '.. 1 f~ h. h t I' e I ~ I H r y I rx,;l H-II' ° h I'y i.. I r h..h .z n°' i °e1h 111 I lev II j1 II In. eie e I r 1 h l J f uzl,lr. j P 4 r J ~ DI G> '.,ml 1. 1 ' t'-r ail ('la,-.r I„n~ Izr., JJ but alx+>'. m aJ, a... v. f.:,- can..•F°;e and In«her BRYAN. TEYAS. MOTHER SUPERIOR, ~--- VILLA MARIA URSU LINE t'iNa Maria VOtte. VIS,T Tr) 'lrLLA MARIA A~ADEMY- ___ ACADEMY. '1'hnr••Ja,. \larrir f!•, 1•K [: Min. Thin BeautrlYl Suburban School Haa -- ,. , r•r th•~ la•Inq Yt ' ~ Bern Placed in Moet E:ulienl •rf l'i ll:r if nri a. en;l r .t„nr Seventh Annual Commcncen•ent Ea~ tYm rrrrn. Bpa Fe for ehe Nest Tnrm. er <i ~ ++em a . Dae.a tiro m:•a of our Md:,nd v,ntn.r xarp W ` It mw yiwanrw nr rn t'aglr r r ` Havu Su crb J,:.r.l dr, w r n „:rla Jn. rn ~ . I"r-u a Laat N:pnt V ~ r, !,~ r f rra. ativ .1»It 4'ilta .tlarlu A<~al~ Prot' I.i . !1111. g y t. I I h hewn thm•t b a ~ TI h z+ I rt wm•n t4 •.rln•.+Jev w'. ~nkn~ t 1.1. I- of '; (fi. D it ll D :1 th r Sv t<rtnr Nt { ~ gxn I [ Ir• lil l rla Ur 11 R t I I 1 nia re• I f rnl•r„+ov. nnl - I I I y nod of a; v t Anad. arr•: h.11 rhr ~ \f D. Fat I k Tp Inndsnme ern:n I - t I ltov I [ i;h[ In rt:.• ,r..xea f I d 1 I - ! - 1 n . I amt Inrign¢. ~ 1 r R 1 r;til elnce lpr :lrt 11 ,• ool~ Jraxhma th Y InrK I r t r•+'.1 t ileu< „r , rlm nt t).r t woo a I I Wtlrae en 1 D aq ~ Ir.D to I I: t I _ .vu rM• ah rr , from t f I f Dare th.• f t>th yry. 9uvr1: h.., V+DII.'I 1 •nl I xhrrr• •r w [la . I. r Tn wally h -, Y.. whir [)med In ~la n nano r h';;h IY ..rw ht b D• t h - 1 it t. 1 I t:l V ( e ~- I.t 1 fl vnd i V:•r- lhntltutinn :vnd t 1 . ~ 1 II 1 , 1 i t.. 4. n nith of Iuwer» .laklve tort- I•• If 1 1 ~ U tl I r -'il r d t It q 1 t char le avd Oar . a,lnno~rl fhw front o! rhr. » h. rtul•,r G:. n tit t.\)nr,a rll try uD~e I 1 v I:u 'r D n Ir ritfni, xhl!n ,r kowl ~ bav.lw r f.-rna ~.rtuVhra nin:nxt :t•I,1 a..:n _ t li u;l. m:J Ihn, h:•v. a- rot. bah W:ra q n In tb,r flotd.' the fl I' iir ;r - I ! I I f - ti I :; ! aioly_ it•'~'. o,l 41rh De - ~ .I,rwtn thn la foot. ~ luu V•-d alouD thw f, r ir.l , it-- !• ', if n!InK an Inrreaer.l at ~ '""-`l naht hnam and r...nn..n nnw:r:,: ' nn,r Inab~1r~r In,. v. I. r.. +/nt r enJaarn tmr •. aml a ._ 9...munR the b:tlrovf • m t r r y R f Rand.nm•~ rataloRUr J ,iher-, ~~ TI VIII ?la I : ' 1 I' f I k' 1 I i J' ti-luq matter. Thr tef+ll _~ hav. t rGl n biRV Irlacr In I V+t wl.l rot ( rl :. ool n n .r Y 1 t W V'=oVir of f:n-nn fo h- V[:'nrt . :,Ji lac fuv x'Ith tow topic df tirr:[.n. ;ha! tltr.u. w il! ., ... dn, I r tul Va n the, near recetvr•I and v~ - ';.(,. ml In ih:n nve a rtnrr disYlnn[ .. tlrwVe .w,..t ihorrghtlrtlnr,<, Cron err yr n • vvl[e lfs ~ ntinuanee. .v ac~hirvr,r a !rower I"nnli. H71V Inbr a ,[i ilahlr 4e Thn ladiwr o! the community are ea-:~ The r al+enrrl w:lh vri!- of EJ,~n- n Iv'riv11Y Interneted i rhr m llum u,•Irm [loo lrom IJ.itnr.v.•n in \ nuailron+., „f the ~Y unJ t !nr rhr D,tl l•IInS of a Iar3r~ n-w pall anir;h four manna nnrJ r rioilnr oIJ man Lw 1111 nu x nrtore-r fht' Vary u 'v tRr rant rl~le of the Dv11r11vR, which - ,. uaeJ, thy: eTrrt bwin;; ruVwrrr for •vall. eift rrt our rotrrin i.in~ an•I wfii ne two rtnri?» hIKR ar.:l f'rnvlrleJ Adm. atir Umdvc[lun :akwr Vea:~'~ .lrrrrvine ) vt. n+e o, S1r. 'ruler wltp n wells i!h a u ~n _ Flvx• \I atria:' .•ta Fwrrao:l~: ,_ 1(0- r.l 1, ~•~ snitabi. fur !nq wntertalm etl r rl.lrr the dir~ ctlno of \I laa I>+n•~.: "I'ur. l•,vwiJ' Ivnk r~ -i!h en ~„un; 'uts. 'fh~v a mininF luvda for Ila:a I (611 ~I h b l-: I I.r. 1 f -1. ( hi luryn 1 1 11 [ i i ~ ! ~ y I h n \ h. -1 h h. ot rl t I Th 1 I I 1 t'7I 4I d I -.. '.J h II ~.tl 1 I I Hal [ p ~ R i t h I f 1 f l trJ 1 fi Ill t. I nv(d if htr mai irlii hi- t t -.tit t 1 I J '.VI fn Ili G fl- "1 n ' ! +-•~ii Kor•n. TRerr. • •. nbnnt ,boon .hwn l r t rr rwVt anvthlvK lv Ihla Ilse whleb , - I „r" r tpirt rim » la the rral ~ frievd_r aril ui[:•Gir roc i r n n to nJ rhr Ober briilinv n euI tea s }m 'T ~ r 111 •~ [It ihn rvllrct yn. Ove o[ rpe v rtfova tm ~ 1 rr 1J a'r l.i:rrarv t'1:: b.. tern VOnwd the DrnKram. and arlety o.b', or ' n( St. t'rsvla Hill [ whla:h irltn , ut tnrl:ar.iv,~, . Kla,tn pv [Itr In ralortian o[ ~D- ho' for feu• mkt ea Vwelnl r, me hravritul Itgirtlul a nrd>' skotch ~n[Ir D'rl "O(. ''r+•h r:: w:c wr uill r. -r r•r an!;I an o fa tht Rrn ~. to rhr r~a of [h.: t d flee ltunn'" Mac ii:tisteurl, tvhn h rtium. t't bvllJinq, whlwh la mn twi almost st tn ,rlu. 1 + , to aJ[i, let araRr:.l r , -. ~krtr:D. lao~r uy. ' r •srlos vole n( Vrr rl llw~l w rofl. ~ 1~ Vear:•.l In a a•IfnV uun:b•~r wirh most r.f Hn n ak ~ c ' Thr Isr!I•~c of rhr rnlty Haan ~no.. u91; lonn ,J ,• • PleuatriK vb111tY. , ( [akw.n ,wirh tM~ , , nil cltr r o i , \i urlr Vlraanre aax Klr.v rhr. ; J•+ w. w + Mrll.l:rµ rhorltir s rhr . ot s ,rinds r ~I Ulr oft ,r G•' r t rwrnrw of 1..-- h - f Ica a kin I of a tnn'I a•h u v Jk 1 r, I 1.1 bwn}', T~~s:•s. ing it ,urlr„ e•' Uto R•md t.xnra titr.`rv:, at Iinr nawnvc from the clry ro rhr Arad loan F I l 4111 f I' k Ir p I u alil ma. pwrr~ 1 f 1 I Haa i I I II i" I ..t (I. _ I _d , n' ~ nf+^nv, yr 1 I I r nia atnR.r :: I r. u• r• 1 ol+ r u w, nrola ~ ...,mml:nhn roc r. n. rraJla aeo ^, ni, 1 'r I :J , I -lit m tr Ii- n «Im !i _ ~- T. IL i., xr • P 1st. \Ily Vhh~s h, 1*. , 1~'v' 1 n: taro 4 rAr YYeit crud Ouin f A I 1~ n 44 I 1 1 I tl ~. 1 plrraa G I I 11 1 1 1. I I I I- ll I 1 li I' \ I Th t I 1 t D 1 DI Ih - I JI \(' :t -~t 1 ril ! 1- K 1 - L ii: t t-~. f I i i !- , . d Ir, rnr n usiwal I . Y wo ~_ :ta r, I I)ra t ID. ~ l~lar uil:wJ oY lac ieht llariu,w •. •~blevc 'TI:,~ purr of V:Ila r ~ •, •.~d l,u,k o[ ilo r,to Yd tv th': retaea l:tar nlXly :rot D: :nil '. 1. •-r ' y ~h4 f ~"~ - . ' of the work nr rhr=drool • nt I <e.-~r t :a ! I - at It:r t e bw sul : i ~ ~ lu ell drl.u•r rnw~re :, In=tic I ~`...,. ,I Ilox'In,; : .' I ll ~y_ ' Thr r rrlr In»••rl xi n w 1:r.1'~:• !'t I e^t: \I 1:, 4 - Vrt:i[e r. arNn from fl.•v. [`..\, flrrk. :•: `.1.,. Y:~.r, t`: wo:l, '..,'..I:rr•itl. m r I_.rl oma>r ,lawns u ' ,. n; I t 1 c r Vrir s y xr•r Il .. lt lihr.lm of Plvn 'lll ,,n.l R FfIRn:~r nt \Inr - f ~r I - :+ 7 1 i ~ t n +. ' ` . Ilv. h h t. wrlr-:.f hl. :.Iry'_ 1 I-,• a I t ln~r . , TM~ Aredr•n::: h:t:~. ha,l v _r rrnn(nl i I• I r Ptrar "rn a K rni :.r. Im . li ~ ' 1i ~ ' ~, II deM. tow attrn.lan. I' n t the . ~ : I ,.. n,l rt .1, a heglorJnK of th.• >'ror tF.au u w time -. _~ t:l•., , r I ! Vrevlour Ti,: .•:~ II t I all rhr 1 _ 11':,; 1 t_ •1 dgVartn rare hat t slatf. Toe JnY r„oval bur Dwon n e IarKatY a _'al•nti. 11 .~ fr,,:rtn 11 + ,' _ nn.l Is armor o-n . ur.:,n roar : ... .., Areal wpiwh I rn rarlrytnti _ Tn R ~ ' ... -... r.. 1 I '... 1 I "~I'rt j -_ . i` o Ih I Ilnr rr Ir. . l I n ~" " Ivf dea Tire al[unrlnn o[ row arbrml Is w a'n +•'~ 'Ch I~ru vA rhr. rn ri rvnmr, rrch an o G.: na ,r.ure t. n.•aun acrd m arcnrl tnr• - I I . :,f r r - o-. ,h -1 -u i v.h. r 1 A m Lw:. .. h a •r1• boat oVl:nrtnully fur atrolY. Tbc•wa~. 11, e cor t t ~. UU• ~~ x111 'a trod .i elogu I a. n. 1 nrt I ai I': t 1 I .' brwu If I d. f h b II11 a and r 'e ,;n t I I~ syd aria. mw n ,.Ilc r .,r wnh~n , ,root; r r. n:,. -, .,r q.,, ~~. Ip hur:lly o reltvl un)'wbrrw- I,~I:: is aril++' a:,l t •'~ " a^+ ' Thr knRlw Vvniluhee riaawhen+ the I,loy nr t, O.e. 4ti+~ I1u!I. IIYL at uuar:la nt hunure. ',I \(nr'.l xllm-''i„ :'VILLA M 11 „F rl Ro.prym (.. ARIA CLOSED d l „;,A prta,., arre .::It,t ;'I+„ ;' ,:hrr t:inlgner, aeo ma- Ij P R O f l TA B , I talk {at I n a aeon aaa p d• f 1. f xlr. d ~~`~ LE SESSION Tn `R w g lam~ea Haze d ertfar-atra It ILrk A r e R. wen, i . . F.mma \!xr.K:lm.,zradra ]and I - .a xmrm. Kraar I: onto Reeq '. dR R1 t'.d 1. 1- Id m J l r n r: r,r I -braes 1 r t Rose Rr~ital C~,i~~~n Last N rht. With Final eFl1;'"'°' Il'KJ ~i \ ~1, If I k artd ` EXer~ISrS and R pr r itn::,.k :m the win. ecital In the New Irrmlumj';;"'ntam, ap;, as rrtRna.: Auditorium This Nlornin Fn: ann•.n°aa and lnanatr;, N as xate -- ~' nrrvr: mr a,KVRra and m:,a~~ >flsx 1 R n I,Im d I.n it - ant m t ~ 1 ~ rc i n! IIrc ermmngx r - :. dy .- Her. Innn •ral ~n I ~ ,r and greatly ento*ra m fm R{ i F r ~ rrtn~ -i. XXte:F 1 n k w. I t m d 1 f g I b h dl - k 4 PI. y fR h l l 4 e tl 1 F me r d Ith of \Ill i 1 Ilnr 11 vdr } d 1 N F N k V'' i g i I \ n d I1 pi I4prosc- bi:h 6. R- 1 t fight .Ind w d 1.- { d d Nlss 1 1 I I I Tlirt wr~kmof n K i~ bll h k n Otnrrn d II •d +n r ni1 In the Roe art a. o, tl.~ ,vchuol In In InK I '\ Irl trin r eral .rnurocemeat Parrx o! thr huid Ines, v x-ril the fi.-c; Kmedlatn ,I.rurment us Ihrir cork in the : n Pellenl ~ Tnr final :. ncludrd xnaa vr~xrntrdnror)liaa Rosa Todaro. th nne wtorda .n nrchoku mo a clot lendla 'his mnrl Rl Rnx !v'vtrin dwern_raonl, roll} rnn\ yr ~rnlhor ralde lemevtarr w`OrNbe orl ru5' the a - IKht'e.~nr!nz e ~ Ann v AmatnK Iwork [he x. mx,l ix dolvg. xrnt~tl~ As mr xflvrr vo!.'~es n rr T^+ was eon tll d I i I J 1 I} t It I grr f t m+lxlr Ilontri h ~ y .h ~ A ~ Wn~ r S 4 I h'Il 1 Ix .rn 1 vi. bnlidin< hrc ~ h i R h f ., 1.'ilie Y.orhmeavd t;l Jre : ix 1 f hr e , n doe-n r Inr• th.• snn Kv , h. morelnc- Ha rhor. N ss I.axirr a lucky L ~t -. to I I I 1 I h 1 fI' r h. I I i ~ I I fl I \ d 3 onA '+r'nt I.~ d4. Ref. P'icr for _n, d of II 11 [h 1 d 16 1 '1 y 1 :1 1 - 1 1 s Pl ~ 'I. mi.h A i{ IIf k Hat, ~xrlomulR \AVnle d l" s l l -!1. 1 1 Ith t JI g h I s A C file Sml'h and Sall Sell. tbi it h 1 P r h. TI n t x11 d R 1 p I __ 1, n tf K to I l i_ R R.. I h h f y 1 11 it 1 \ o f \ IS P k+ i f t I .I H A d II R hi Y N i. R- i O tti U11. i (r Ii I t 1 h. n I5 I7 l h i d t l Ia !f f n^ 1 t ~ Tn I g f h 1 1 I \I A A ( kk I I _d i s h i l l I a h' 111-i R b R h i [t'. R Prir I d I hi TI i }I I f{ I F N- \[ rh f 1~ I T , :r India. rrrd I~ofu rrl 1 1 1 t, 1' I d Roan Tad I~lnr ds u d - h' 1 r t'sbov[.; +: \O.~I. snlov n. Mla..• Kv[.: :}viI 1 1 ~.+ r, f:l s, 1 Go 1 t t, itnsl+^me we: r• xl ) 1 1f. rr•il F ~~. ~. I t ! 1 ~.( d d knhl i d R t. . y. ri i tl x' t t R1 y Ifo R rl he n O [ nr.rn[i tul or Amr.l<an ti0 itn. dart tr NI Ttn!5' nl ii Iloi rk. -- -~ho r Thn Sol'ox'Inz 5'OUn, Ivd!es ren:l•~n•d _ Ie1~Tte I'ial[uro were shnwv to rough the sr.cr l+ona r.n tllr P:nno: li ias~s I~:. --- VILLA MARIA URSU LINE ACADEMY. ~_ VILLA MARIA URSULINE ~ - r' ACADEMY, ' ~`sx. ~~~- - -~ S0. Untila i Hilt, Rryao, T<gaa. - s' d CJI t4T ! II I gn r ar er. a ~, al I I + u.,r r:,rl. :n~1 ..~~ ea ~ u.G. r Mrw •aa.r., war,.. 61M6er Superior, Bryaa, Tetu. iST. CECELIAS [tAV' 1T VILLA .MARIA of Ih.~ .a o1 et.+~ ,a:a.~t hr(Itriavlyt: oelebru;vdnv'sl`:ilaraV arfa~ Tne bout: til ~hap~n'.u, thn lat. ulty vnd Pvnfls vh mb1eA :.v the atnrlnus a~.idl- ro ' c)oe a uvir;d treat. vnduln.tE Uti:e nditlon a! the v~arlovs~ r :::,mhr>., dalna' reo-rxnment. werel aeTeeconro,Cenm aax arrangrd wnnl mat r ~ ]ndgment w-nhrn known I w ' nDeral m a alrerxin' ne to ithou[ a ~e aevlvtlnK from high 4 smndurds O[ mualrul asrollenrv. Aarh Ilttla nliex and vounK Iedy nwelsed ~ u well merited uypluusr. ()rte or Rte 1. nt lntrrextir.K icaturr~ n[ Ihr after-~ mn Ivhlrh l+ro,'ed~ Illµnly a g, Dut tat Ihr . Ilme~ l'h•, I~rize x e n3'^i!se`Fl Olli~~~.P:n mnte~Fiel¢o ~, 'haeintt nn Previcanvo: ~•vafov3 n..an fhb' xlnner, ~hva mrritrd the tlGr, 'o ann~tuwlll" ur The: xeirrtinnx wan. va (Ollowa: )f;,rr)t .. .... ... afnrriwvl t ?Il-.rs fI. lrm+Ivl+. Ilulli Guwler ~ G - 1! 1 1 _I '1- I I 1 A t03 I 1 [t~.l I _ i. I.gI 1, I ll I1 II f II + r,l F a hurl I i Kielel \u a nlnl llnly \F,m n f 1 rl . F \ . i n,let \Ilse I 1 :I tl II k \alen Fl In lln tt1 tl q I r : na _.~_ '1'hr ureompunying col. rhwva outdoor n .. .~uts upjosrJ 6y rtha pupil. nr \'illu Muria. '1'h.~ Ixrg,~ nod ~purinus: groundx Iced I lhcuuch r_+ to th,~.,o ld.atumr.. '1'lu~ra :u'.~ court. rm~ Lask,i Lull and Lcnni::, playgruuml ul'rl'::rnlus of tu- nv[u land-: and plr~a~:[nl uulk.~ thr,adinl; through tlu~ ,•, nrpu and it., adjoin ing oak grn~.~, raft ur wl~icL luvcirle hcullhfid rand i tigol ulinK outdoor rs.nrnc. A plry., ical ~uhurc rla" i, u ~[ the doily fratun,~ of the pupils' :rhuol Ii L~, and raft, hrah J:q- I,u pile and Luur,l,r,. urr „•,plin ,l I„ u-:.i::l srLnal e:ll r,.geu o sclncrnh:•r 9. I:u:u,l, wit i:,u :nut huuulq radn,rl r„I' da> I,rrl,d, ; LGn w . rh, .cat, nr nr hr,tl„ru.... r„n,rt.- a-d Ly the ,uJ,~i ~ d,".itim: a 1„• yructivul :o: well a:. th.nuugi: :Ir n,l :rt llte n ,~ tinr.~ tln~ . tu,l~•nt;: lowi•d tt h:~ lutiw,l,~ IL:rt will r ud~'r Ilu~ir ,n.ironrm~nt: I,ouu•Idcr~iu. [- ylicity un,l irvvdru~r, nml ubovr irdl relining in g•'nrrd influence, Garioun inyn~oromants hncu Lren made tluroughoul ilu academy, Ih,~ library' r~nlurKrrl and a uny rcfvr ce Look., uddoJ, llcrr the hr;,t. in ,•nt nrngnzines unrl pupet'; a,~ ' u[tih.~. di,po-u1 of the etudenf;. The prohlen[e of Irroent day. ~hnueckJ,ying and rot e,~rrnl ion of food-; e a[udr.d and pmctlcally nppli:-4 iu Um home k:amunnics llq- ^+ ~~ Villa ~1ariu Acutlcnry. 13f.van, Tvxas,114onduy, r1 ~tr~;e~st 26, 1915. ,\ ,Tunior IG~d l; rues as>,~ociution L,nh uL lho Aradomy and lhr naro- r~l,iul ,.rLnol will Lou 1'entur,• of Lhc ,oming yvv[r'., work, and npproyri- :dc prises t~Nl ndd zc.t d, Inny IIItK fing.:1'n. Alonlhly rocituls, which s. t'c u., .I dit,~r.i,.n iraln Ihc. rrgulur ra - tin,~ „f .choral work, uro gi.~en 1 ~~ lh,~ pul,il:: it Ihr• drlutrlmrn[.a of ,•~I:n~=.~ir,n and Ir ~. 'I'Lr•+,~ :•Yinru- lat.~ [oinpr•tilion `wive ptu,:,~ unrl pnlre G, Ilo~ pa~rfm'mer and Lving rant u,:od,~r~i ul n.,ulta in tr:clurique. \,dce, piano anti riulin an taught u u: rating m Lhr nwst approved n,~~ILud.. I)u ciao' th,~ c~u r.r ut lh,• Ilm rn, rdt> Lrhru.; to [he , fief, mLu>,• pnygrAms holy lu edu ,ulr w . ,,, rrl :rpp,,,nni::n ,.r urf i its difL~rnn plur". ul r.. pr, :..ion. A limilyd nu mLrr or popila n r cr~i.vd into 1h;~ .\cudclny, nml ibis R:.-v,: the rl ud,~uly thr udvunlugv. ur yri son:rl in.lruction and a[ton- tion. :11~plirulion Irus been nmd.~ for ul'IiLu[imr ul(h Ilrv tiI:IG• li nirerri- lp uud :-y,~o i:d utl.~nliun is g[ren to ork in I:uKli::l:, ALrthenrutirs, Hil- lary and la.nynngns. 'I7m lisp-rs conduct n 1':u~ochiul pnq,a rotors school in town, uenr .,<l. do.oyhs C.hurcL. Itrrr great :dlention i, paid to tho prinwry d,•. p:n4 nu~ut, lha I:dest methods of in- :lrurlian brine cnnduy od. 1. ' ~1 AN EVENING A ALLIT V MARIA.I~ ~ATNOLIC tTEM3 FROM 88YAN. fr i-. ;.,r •, 4imr since unp n<•tiaa ` A •7oyeaa .4nnin eraary' CelvbraF~ ,.'nm eJryar,. t,s .=rr,.-area in y:,ur ~JCi Ct~ 1~'9EYltS. tl eV at the Urn!tllne Acnde ntY .~::lual,le to 13resn. paper. al6hvagh rasa asp Could ona hxz•c S '-»'!-';tirring evtlt Ey Ravv r, -- p?vpaQ int!~i eho R .,l rr!„1. yr arcuar er Vaasa n:rn.• 'I-_ partars f d Il . ?:f a d s n Thum - _ 1 ' day er- h- t ould have. L-ehel l ~ e)ur k r re,l and ~ -ver•.•nl. ~ t g,ir. t IFa ~ there a t a xd of [ t hna~sa, e t A Path 1t;-! n t tr s Ata,r h N `~ xar et f 1 eubjecC Cor the 6rua1J vi [he hd t : t het C L1 / Ir..Mm, snd,ntr _ 1 J t > T 1 arts+t. ~pE r..a nt I t'r C t' th I.t I I n:.h UU Yl., A 1 Id r•' Lint in nnuwp h tv in all I Et I't r Fa: r ,. u s: eta ~ ~ t t. i tl:am in;rcmenG un t v tsar r ,,. = t ~t~ Y° K {, dalho, d \ ~ .~ - d ~ t t -t .:< t i [Fu y;ung ladies lad mt urn ~' nlnlm .t J. 1 t. I te.. m - sponae ru an to ¢. u- n fr, m ~ \• t r 1 I J 1 u f:•a[s1 ~ t• } ~ ~ I tied I lftss 8t~ t :elct r tv bar fif r - tt to u h dl. C ],e: bra = to : t v H • ,, t x tc cnth hu h iav. 1h yrdf' I [ ~ ~ .nc.e~a in - `rc. 1. a- j ~ t - q 5uurday wure.9nq a ..q ' } un ^ h;.[ .. ens as .rstcd n re r t f r C [-r. rt . p,~. ua u I ~ r } ro u.k by \C syicurtau ab adr sn:~ 3fe hterw "3`t 1. J 1. am F 1 n1 G vaE the e~ .. 'I n. rr t td ,: for t the a eaf~ tt tl yr" fi+ r~.:nH Iadlt.a tnq th • f ";n ^ the ad -rent n ehs `,- F oc, h.,u r th r:_ prks:e u. a (.,c• h- s,~. as if h, flu mannr horv nut.! Th ir: ewa v: a4 truly - t. else u s: •~ !. s••we \C.try ,lnaepiuna r bas s- n. a r 3r el a r ~ ~ wr h ani one ~ [ t t u:at t4*; mtr;ht turn tr!r,i Ir my t tl - tot ut nt< p y,>rtrd 1 ~ ay \I r. x ~• 1 ret•e:strou."! h d r-onsets wurw t.~!ef LarF a 'stir at h~r ratan e a t bean 11 = wa. r lrflr e~ w note to-..r 1 _r • i std, u-n n nt one st.„gcsted u. I 1 i CI-ru re ;t M' h pas-Gar mv1 1 p I q.i ~~ to play ue2tr:+st. t.nt thv calla of tl I ~+~'Id r r: nut c~nud, at tha 5 :.1 1 n,•_.tuu nr Ircc•purn'roo[u wer,yl enS prints t I•r- 1 }It'. n Sundayr a I - -1 r: sash >ho,rrd of the Hotel men and wv;tten >+ ~ rril t? lard tysnd of tt+n- hat ease youn^ ... n:, ands x>re .ed,na /:', do ani t - ier l: } h' ar ¢ to . n t tt nn,a. d th ttar to ~ c 5 v 1 tract Im14 tr%; cur melon VuP a. F~'t t th_ ~.-a ru v t!'~Ir _I utdt.d t R ! 'MOC- whr ,.• was arn~ 5 ed, ar.+l at r '^r rr ntel L:.rt 6n~: a' d;a n - - . na ~. n. ah noyx. once emch ani all tti utt to war I AAkm t the "u a 4a] 7sbared tine u tl n ~-t pi a rtnt Lt.a[ ( - ze I u IF t. tlJ rn th it \t t' h tl, I /d dhc r#!h ur a ;f tf e at n ash n' rase pr -un. r rt. !,u tn,r it. lrs •od- H_. t .: a ~ I .nee U2 >ur tot rl \7 Cher and a n v k .11t r t.n o 1 ~.$ I t( t~ t h nt n tar ! [e,a••ha h- n n I f \Pts ch . 3enr ei V tr n tu;=~e •n• , # L \ 1 h. oh Fl- i t 1 unQ cad me r the grin ~ r Ilel :n ctw snapusr of ;`1C. ~ t- t. rz } t- , t t..:.c utth a» much zea. as tLd th ~ ~ rn L t.. r .r• un,u andlr Vn L t t r Su 1 m>rnire it '. hr,=. ~ 1•, 7 .. 11 t SI t h¢PRS L1",ilo [h ar s n~Nre b.,iry, t ~~ trir -tt~g~ - ttr':aa sane f c kl Isu6:d v or, bases !•rvam and rah : ,t ii pt 1 J: [ V tll t(an.d L!m' p anon r.. h t •..,aa1 ,,. a .,- ma.cva3 . wore senrod. (1no cf the Sia-' , ,~ vast recedve (1_,:it urdt Iaolp C`;m' .+ar b:• lnxiwcd. La.;lp r,ut bu ~t-ra pr~t nb t s!trcenaful tom a .nun -n R •<:ull a tts*rain T -.t t - -~ ~ .. -, l -+iinr toss pr .rented }y \1^e t 7 ar -c,tr _, ru + tht sv~a ur.1 1 . i i" 1 hr_h d 1 i - 1: aliins n n a Ten ttel! ehua n r ~te 1 ^ rot rr n - s an pee as t II li~ I , ct.: .. wan w:dr*is tt tth a bee o[ b*sutiful -. .h y u (, fu as I ed•1+ .. :1 7 1 res s e nlionervss a trophy f her vd - :, zd t to e 1 ,_si;n ui her f ~ ! - ~ t t r}. .\ smnll Ism[ cho boot ~ ~1 f Yd: Irst mme, I{aPPY ~ ,,, oy t L '+ -t,r I r:r.>, u c is r- Suss f ta„ and it v ~'! ,ht!dr n to be unit r G$a m- !v - mi t.. I w. a 6a,ppy l ttla nyme of her o m m ~ Iluee t f n Llv v,~nden ttho rc.:a _ un tS- the : y ru net su ctatl!1 tt e ssev thy- ~ ( t ~ :u:npuadtwn lfisa Freld presents] P y t ~Y 1. - ~. t~ Tt r oa it. •.,- rt ihn L true Spouse _ F' . , I t } [ U ..:. A tall hearinL a bea lii Ail ~ p f 6 u1 - t I I I- r bite h net ~,.h t art ~.l .akv e. In tl . vt rtapr C tpnl 11 St. t . 1 t _ , r t 5. aurrounl ,] ht pfif[ee^S_ n it a h Lreu P111 a- n ~ryr~l urth - ,.1 .. It - tr u7. ~~n' i I I r irn ~ t x.[nv s tna gams of ,..ar u!., n u.,. z ~ Vey` d w ata hro..y Rt m, anl"wl ~ tease t I ~I an*doum~ed thsst tha t.r. u m meet I •+ket bull 1 er c.n th - young A u . } 1 a d- I t ..ic LI -1. S \C C Il •ra nn3 t y 1 ~ W bud arras d m n hi t a: h t a t 3' d~,•ideh tint- Eartd_ s •on r iul r V 1 Mart .. Tho ,tl r l - ro L tamad ¢ dr,,, n 1 ,n - nmi u - I n 1 1 lu corors rf th- f rmar _, t I t e needla. \tarnntent rut I t h: the 1 ~] the nu.ta ant bL the xt ,:-~. t t t7. n rot h net •ta -c n t t irn! s t I ¢cr uddrl .~ eh i ttu qua. d t~ t y i- a rs,~ t~l~,-i r,~ult yr tn_- A to b~ an t I y of t:de o!tar n enne on I i- ~ I t of t t du,. ~t-~,. 1 e ehv p ,f tY r t ~•, Dl s< mpu It m 1 of nn I tw. r : , t v n dia W'c,d , E th ntne, anal >L-s Cat a.~. d I >::.tt.n nnl r res[ing y tl... ~. I t r.ll F VJB. roll of tt no des. ame d h- Mart d t ~,m '>t~113 t Py t ,, t 1 - r? i» ` Birch I- u t licitstt n3 Prom yr ld ~ ~ > tl Ct .r whie•t the con aa~nas r u u t u ~ r ,and Chlr fn nd n treat d to runK li kr were r.-,&~!, sad pr -c.., . a p t. u I r m. y t • t,r am and c B i>ro t 1. a,ru ~eniad a -. t n rs ut th t I eit i.l art o for 6ande they ~ t t r. 1 t II V rud* m GI bluhutu t ny Ln iv `_en un-n nee t Chet aiv hall -:; t > inC n.r wl I ell bu ie bar t,~ 11 t.^ n im to\I ar t,lx~}t nit; itt wttn eapre~ r ueh ( P Itu,. t.rpd Vrelltaety and ..uh;~}+-. ~ this: "[sure, tltu W n nE ~. ua ~ i - 11 ht sty n} y I 71 ~t -mg I dy I,.ut. ,~_ r t. un : rl tY ~r t ah dc+l. red I I[nrio,;t-[ nePer h -I a lest- t h. y t Q I cell t u ro a ,1 mat ~ _- - ` Ume." ~PL.rtr~8 I n :c they era tenlered d 'h a. $'ryan, Tex., Oot J, 1.iGl I rr m ptt,n. - .__ ... _..__- tyn 3fu;; Ill tk,n pupol:d ,:f ~ ills _ ".I .t ris r•njnyrd, fact baynnd thou „t aan~sino .:•!:eptafions, the cast 1 east pt. c, Thump• -~. ~•- 1 t aan's r k vats .h sun tar the .. da}' a fr I and moro itlwl apnt .•+!uLl cut Rnra been sedr~~tid. - 1 und,~rt,t~+tni 4hv pui~ils nra _ .new 1 rvl t w. rh pr nri n;:,~ for _ _ t _. - - ._ thuit v nl 1 t ~ u 'r lr uv ldelr. - Ttdc r.,:mm:;nc mv.n txerciaaa _ ' -- wfll tul:e pla,:e ou Juar 17th. ~- ~-- '` - Tlw U aline Lsh ar,,i th.,ir k,rnu« u - ill i th Ir insltar *- „-, ~, Itiuna LtrJ Clmllly>5S k 1utu~. itn-:tet. 1az., May 43, 2'Jtil. -- . , . `_~- nt:.aTFt oF' ~IOTneE elF:rtr,F: ; OCTOBER YOTE$ FROM sr. ceo~na nrt,[~a7 cir,b :\T 1 I 1 \\ TF.C \S al¢iner s7 werr,. t [h- t I ViLLA MARIA, BRYAN, TEX. ~ (' rl ~ ~OeO' = Isar, st (¢e . ¢ommunlt• nC \'ilia VI E Y I ~ VL (,Ion i,eld It I Texas. died o Thursday ly ce+.tln~ Villa '•.u.la sl `=t.rd to tAt rr,ll ,call • J v. 1 filar tiiness had bH±nr 1 1 1~ le 'b w'vv'x'r and nalv[uI her pn[Ievice ani [ R i „tl t ts:.. h. 1LJ tl 1 MI5 -: P from bor•I~ t nation to Cnd's boll' will was [n n 7 ( IS G t d 1 1 ti, _ 1 t ~ u tt akin„ an io ~ +, 1= \L, r+ no - P rkrr o[ i,nan. t. .tlR„ x sty of [hv 11(e~o( 4hal last dyng bt eath. m t 1 fJ!np Sh I rJn h 1 vt t t~ m : t _ o w +=r [he Ya,thf I I e[ h. ~t [ 1 11 s i 1 t 'nt m h ,,died. Th¢~ Crur :fled ~ \ ti' .e L Ityte t Ou I d ( th f at [' [i. ad dxyi,r .ed dl7flcult Cor Fterrwhlch bore the stamp I lime .r. noil ('ommunloon. 1 ee f, r the seitr^ir.n of a , - u ~.ave ui c TLe u Ited Prayer. f [hove who. vlub¢ b+: followme; ', oC onr'die c. •+'f[nestied her r Nation oS thi..\ugu3, h ;:u[!lu1 ~ [hoiht from f.eo~7alio~x: \iv[her nrSt Pl =rr:>'t uvdvint I - h t 11 P.ht tint I t Ian;; ,aga .POK: b h•. for her pnptl'= and frten+~s wdl al - 'P i t II eu[ her \ ,,. t'.. t.. Ma. uuauuro ...y tulop; 1.7c's work eur tall.. /~ l remembare•.t. R. [. P. p: y o'r lork~ririend. :rod Iwi!x a ,`-t:te, club. i 'ted at ~o!elan H Gh t ¢ \It. I 1 app - the ; The foliuwtnfi r+ taken from Ih¢ ' Lrt P. Lt[wanx - t 1 % ~R Met v 1 Y._+ 4 Eu noon[ toad a ,It \•>s I[ l xay En an EaG72 ¢f Jan. I I ul tt. [ ~ tnnehi - P• C Vi - l 2 .~[ i !, t 5 (look trl '[tort di 7 b Ret' P \ '.1 t , u I C C !'il .r \iothcn tie.P LT' (1 \'- \I 1 t [t , Y(: re h n h d 1 h Pd t t'g 1 ( 1 d i. J i 1 f I `~ a[ ebL th 1 th..h:. 1 ti i d i[It 1 h h dby 1 [ f nth i \tlla )1+., ..e lar'3 n vc Tnu t" '( t 'k d -li _I .u t - r,.atnl >,ot,td t..a~ [n~ Win ~- ,.t_tpa.e z;,d mr ly r.i". afternuon.a itet. .. Ui 131ru nL ~L [he Fir,iy 1n.ela hnA been en o¢f dill- ur I,xtrr.ne-n -54. ,\II t '<ntitony'.s t-butt-F:+'.+ .-. th¢orceicbr;n,r. , ~ stud: or. the ParC pI [n< nupil~. +-r.1'iy :utrt'ryted in otoi~sa and a , oL the "I .n Rel -- H Sh \I I U ot~ k - 1 n•era Ses wetr l -t tho - t' u!h rn u l2¢t G -\l -1 oY \I I' t 1 a- l Th . t - q N,llo'.er en the r i +- 1- d • 3 ncs. d, •.'7 . [nd [:. t. ? F' f I .. - \ 1 of the ft -'no n t P t . 1 / VI h. nlalU. 1"d ~ II i 'u[tona inr 'a '.[ t kd VI \ I ~ d nd a eiolin' . ('s+rs \I -I tnl GN,tr avd G.ra. 1 V(I ( nt aft~l nlghtlail F .t. 7 [ ,i ,, ..1 ~ r .+v.cl' +e 6.rd the c ual begs t [ [n ,.laa r et. h s let ur -1 t Th +rn[ i '~ i h i b - (.tl:v turned f - } 1 - f - [i : I f Ii- h. .1 pixy ndrr -Il. t I)' [h (. I. a rd f (h. - T 1 ( \I' \ 1 1 V'1' I 1 1 [h' '.u ch t'(. [ es 11, dt t d- p' [ th I Th t 1 llt qh 't. !1 d ' 1 d e [h I :lt ti ! fh VI -" Ret S f I t[ CI L d t L) L h h _ ~(:let_nnr.r d .I. n.1 tl t n ral -h .[ ~PI * f ud h 1 - trnu 11 [ of [h¢ s rmr ¢ III d [ . of to oo kl t L ) I I L1ken tn>m [ha Rook ofeEv+'I 'd'-n I "hard nuts" t 'k' ''1 t 'i d 1. d I s`'..^.Inkin;. Th tt f d th ' +tl\, E I 'ed h3 God a¢d n.. 1 t [ _i' G. t 'd blue I. 'lh h-. t d _f , h _Ili blessing[ T to b th er o f h t D . 1~ .ittle V16: U..nl I ::dei the' 'I urtzn ~e [h ~ „:u w'vll I I pal. I~ [.d t o tha al 1 on= i 1 \ t t, h t+- t r. to[Vln[ie P it \ t_ I I[ hd d ! [1 h I[t dl. tad d l . .eau[i[ul us i to a n [r 1•_n h. l IP LF ,tth t. ,. st V'i a \,at la xa. k di 1-. [ t ~It nl' gtn o[ti 1. th f F i Ii L ,I 1 a +hoi hough[ to Pray f. 1 - d 'd [h t~ ~~` tl I I Ctl ,.A t I- t t_ i rJ I LheS max b¢ laos'd C ttn _..vl, ..,. ^u Ir w ~ nl cn, I r . `Ir an e ., Re[nre the ~ O C/A L ~ ~ I I - t. i i . t h ~ - le mute rnaPelrn t, i - --- - - 11'~ t ~ I _ I ' it lends took la [ a,l - _- #.1 ,.1 [ 11 1 II ; {" '^ C a,dd,[ au [Want [ rw: i ill and Club ~Naffcrs I r I Igt.. r ~ r ~ 'ti r 1 d t [ I L L Vliserl re' and 1' .. o r ll t + I u 1 v th- P I I n, C it I I 1 1+ \ II• \I I Y\ Ill N i tPtls, he L I I .10 ut fl 1 1 t l I lt. [1 tr 1 1~ I vd man of Vi t 1 Ih~ [ t - L f i t- [ Lhu n I 1 Y' Y Ntr '4 I 1 1 [ (. Ili «hlr , [It \..tJ.~ny. t Plet tea f[ ..nS+, n. v.d slowl [ ~„p.. .1„u a FrIJ _h .. 1) ' ron+- [.3 Ih, I iet I..- o. 1 - F _ II I _-~__ 1. [ I I 1 ' I 1 .1 I V~ Vi t 1 n ~~ I • I- J 1 1 F \TIi 114 1 \L \ ~ ~( r whil. [I Use u s being l 1,.( 1 y 1 [i I 1... i ) P k n [ „ \I s. 1 V _ Into [he yrs v,,. Vltnv beau[t7ui fl:,. I . rf [I ! u , of Lr n-~-~ , pier LLif¢r o[ sYmpatniziag l" v t 'r'I.[1rr rod ,I'b ~' n whet oP [h.. ,o,amunt,) ` •e~ _ t t l ( 1 [ V II . \I 1. nt n3 rKUn .II 4 I I I I fr [rleodx, ,~ +ered, the newly muc - r N I~. 1 1 "--1 t C - '1 ° ' mo 1 1 wlruh )[Mher I1. r I li D' i 11 it. H \f h I I (1 [I t it 1 !, t ll the A.twn of h. [<I U•~ I IIICI VI. h body .t H \I - t r tl VI ~ I '. K foua resurrection m¢rn. }„ t 1 Fl t I I ! I iP If I! [ `r ~r-~ I.:. FI k M t ; I 1.. t[ I I In tl I t[ 1 R ' hot ( tV 1 H 1 VV J V11' .I 1 I > I _1 I d I - ~ ~ Ru t \I~ t .I [ VI v I toI o ( 1 I.~ [I F2 1 l,l s" \I I VI V!"II. [I I IiEI d v \ ~ IHuI 1 1i a i . VI- lt. r} I [ .- V 1 P ~ d ~~' ~ _ t. L '/ ~ 'll l I 1 -t t VI t J 1; II 1 -. _I 1 b t^.'~~7 ~. /:~ u.l I I 1. VI 1. 1't I. I'I1 s. ~phlno li b~n rd I.n III VV tYv, I,,. 1 1 n.l t ,r[ +I~ i si gone tl,.us ~,,. 'flr.•rtd a-l,~i nr,s +v-•rr: home ttta dwR•:I I'urtt nr with ::wl, it. ' s )1 rte. \V. ti. tl,rwell, VI ICI. J Ii. '. i)~.rl-, li i.s,.a VVnrd, Fl:r rri+. Jal~h.t, ..l 1. I,, .___ - + ~F'n•IJ l'•n: u..llY nlr..l AI.I i~; ~ioliue, __.-o- - - _ \IrN.lt~,blu(.+n•,11'.••~Il.+. {,•ar~'vrL,a, ~ 'Hinl'nn, r _ _ .rut r. )Ire. ~'1'rK L:.wr,.uc«:'mHln~~,: ~. -, %l~ll~:. VI..=d..u,-s I.:rwn~n,"'' to win' nA Da 'I'nr n ctrl Pr tend ' ¢It 1 1 I 'r C 1 11 1 _ t vu[ nn I t L . [ I 1[ [I t lu..l.l nrn Y y~~ I! _./ ~ FRLM VILLA MARIA Thereattunotihee f . ven ngbe- gas when the curtain was rung up on th RDDTE Of INTERURBAN 8ncoeseful F.n[ertninmeut B th a minstrel pert of the r y Yuy[l.v efth0 L'rvnlin0 AcaU- entertainment. Th0 s0rni-cirnle may at Bryan. was made up of a fine looking lot , of black f EXTENSION SETTLED The ~lrnml Opera Ilous0 wn.~ - ucetl comedians, un,,{! i tho vrcheatra was made up in packed last night tv the lovrx b• Ceg'llar minstrel form in rho rear ~ ~'^ was unanlm . v listen to one o[ the greatest CeR- of the circlo. J. Alle e Myers ae o~a n apor or ~o- =''~+ung e,. on East s;ea or x ovals of mueio anrt mirth [hat g Booker T. R'uehin ton, inter- loc t , a 7. c. panroad track. • a or, and Lid. Saunders as fiae boon hoard in Bryan in f:phraim Dark, and 3tilze Uerlon of t'~~^ to ,::o.d m. > -.~~ r . years. Thepubliahedannounce- as 3fr. .Iohnson, bones, were ~ . ,.. - mt,tu,e-. or ;hc w,a~B;, meat o[ fho r-ntcrtainmant and easily recvgniac~.l, but rho yotmg ' ' . ,+~r<a m a mass n , that it was to he under th Indlea in their grotesque make- ~ - ~~~- ~ ,eele nau e'rdav morn- 9 sus- piece of the L nulino laademt ups want through without bcin ; identified The fi _ - -'~ to B'dw: k. 'rne :n R or , fillail every lover , f muair, tt L1. ~ . rst part con eisted of songs, comic and senU ro a . u t . I , d - t u t - i ( b - anticipations of the keenest pleas-~ m,:m tnl and et.l )-,phtting jukes r r,r ~ - [. r ar+ 1 ~..t n u•B ore, and they were not disap- th0 best of Ftrh wer0 foes] hlts ;. 1 I t.. t I t „ pointed, It was gran(l, baauGfttl ~ Tho minstrel second part consJSt- .. •,. t,.-e,; porwnt ,. ~ -. ~ t ~ and svuL inspiring. '1'1t0 rendi-'~ ed of an olio of sp0cialties which ~' I n urea in t:,e viq~ a~a, ayatr.nlrm tiun was perfect, from the me[•r}' ~ brought forth rounds oC applause,' ~~ . r~.,c m•~aat zv rases i.. Winer a: ~. jingle of the tittla coon sung ir, concluding with the iamoue 'Lobo ' , : - deto.-t. by- Rre„ca.~Bl ut-tent+. nr • the mighty symphonies o[ the band of thirty-five piec0a=. This ' . .~ ,, +-ial clnn, alto atnrea the masters. was a cl0ter illusion. The sarer._ ~ ~ ond r reudea aur;n> t'te ,r.. The program was repeatad at n teen °braas" inairumenta were ...., . maHnea this afternoon ut?~~'<aock made of tinsel and [he toung ~ -~~vp,~nu m :m invitmmn tl r. n. and was greeted by another large ladies sara through thaw, their .. ,_ inn tr~rerl) =tat.,i ,a~n pngo=t. ~~I~ and appreciu tics uud ince. The )"Dices, howeter, being mut~n _ rlcn, to r-,cF•~ra tlw unr hom I Indies of Gila ]Inriu ara G> bey more beautiful than the real in- . ,en[ armm~,x .,., s,nn, t;rt;rm' ~ eongrutuluted upon the aplen lid struments, which mingted W;th rc ,--..•s;„arn nn nr,aecu,n .,: reel a.' r. eucreaa u[ their entertuittment, the pianos, vio!ine, munlolins ' the eJ;c of ~.he sou..aon ,c 'tr.ae I'.a,-, also the: liberal patronsee. The and crl±an made mush.. tt;at would '~ I; aI Nxht~ni.~..~a~: ;nrn<~„ also-; :ne one object was n worthy one and the hate charm€d Yan himsc.li. They '. an (t,c H.eh:oc>,:o nna 2BCent Piles is rejoiced that the citizens rBnderrd a medley rf old-tuna ' ,~r.t m catdweu atrer-r. :nru,~e on respvntted =o hbaral!}. Southern melod.e I3d ng le .~. a -. [ ¢ c!. The pruaram ua t long t i au iinnc3 roc 1-nt~ht ntth the It - : t t I c be raeiewed number by number t-nde to a tut; n>t cP ••Ii n 1 I , I , but there are just a fart wa can CW get fl_ma"-L, -,: 1 r, ,~- ~- t In tl t - ~ , nut refrain frvm mentioning es- ~ ~ , - .~ „aJ n •~•~- ~ per,:ially. - Te=.B r'on,ral [rneM ~ tlavston & Tlta GU Cta1R TUaa on BUl9ldlen'a °C'aiiph of Bagdad:" seta*: tio- 3 hn two p In ~s and tl r¢ t, ~"~~'~} I ~ ~~~ / ~ .~.~ t~, _~~„ - c.. : - t nnrtit o _~~ -1re.a aodsstol~ a. a r-rno!Rn, at t h ^' I - lent \IlyeeR Oh aul t the tl.Im Thsgrat+d I - L, ~ - _. ~ S ... I tl I t I t F slt. n Isar full ~ ~ and C/ub Matte>rs I -' alld 1Rtiplral )n, s em ~ I t l Lt GJ: I~Y,~~ ao on ih: ^ustn .utd t ~u r t O. e i ti aupFrb manner iti uhttn 1[ t- \[ l 1 61,.11 [e St [ ~ '.d I 1 a rendarel \S Utlld Il xVe J . , n t Prl at t t 1 t 11 tr f S h .~ I- f tl ~ Jt crelic in any 'Pampl !- aenwea In u,e t sc dto. - ° 1' n w h,.u ta. I n.. Ja and beforo uny Amer. r:.u .,.. The first few info utos, I, ~,wever, _ .~ ac , , .I reel nI th's ,Un,~. 'I" to m I dlanea. S r I i. l~ i ' Wire de vuC,~J to H,e ru,; afar onl f ' t n n -. d i i h,k "' nge Thu - . • - Basta 1 tl •1 t ' t I i tt b7 '[ - t d . - '~ . ~ot,al s~i111 v 1I I •tur t - ,. e lob b r tl . \ :111. d -. 1 t be an I I II way' a pa 1 iln t.em t"I t- Nrank La-I [ G t t tf i R tl 1 [ r Ft i 7lalln Obll C b} }lla`i UCL e I cti W rB 1 d b) \I a e I i t t-Ik piano a , - n u Went b} )t,.Y 1 beautiful ~ Ft rcl \t noJ,l,orss R d S t^ • F- c(temen[ t - I y ' a I e tl t 1 c - - n' . K. Uatt f t t Cet'elle ! , + " .~ + t • . tl nntB fo[thn lnLL - I - C.+t B II h F 1 \. 1 rn ~ f h r r~ t ... { o d \ t Xl. o B ^ t 17 h' o, say ~ an _ dl t 1 [ r t Ile 1([- tl ' tf - t- F ,n 1 t aufG n5 ' I I - ~ . y tl . IG ' a f u d tl n[ N ri a ill P~• d k b ll t. r t ,;,n I I ~ 1O is - spa o 6 ? ~R t. r a4 -- H r WeM GI - act eeuf ul omlret l[Br J [h b nxn [be ' t tl f , n i ~ i I b prv n 'beinE Jn0 Cht 1 !. - I , p tl-.d t dr t 1 K n 6. t (ul bit of atAtuory r F ~,I; t I I , t 7 I t[ ~ ~~~`'e'n her sin tit '~ g 1 [. 'd with eyutbala. v a utiit [hr lucr and s n ) I I .tJ, ,nl 1 I ul'~'~n'. a `~ Gt r, ;utUr0 in the 1 . c ~ wen Pacl I 1 u 3' I [Itluk, a I 1 r t,lenaure, i I II ^ . ~ - ' - ~ ~, ~ ` - ~ Dust Tun ~ b) c6 tl , t ht 1 faltU t t. I t k 1 t ~ tl _ ~ I I I ~ ~ f1 ~inuWbnlL I -.:1[ tF ~ ~ 1 n I t - 1 1 i T ~r t : i I I t I d4 ; l tt l 1 ^ ~ II u IJ- t JI l d t d p . 't t ,4 I I u repts+sented t} too 11 I -1 W df H ! ~ t.l b1 11 . II f t II i I [. created a ClBC )E 1•xll e CORIpI-L it ~':iy I little [nonk I i I k ~.d Ill I-1- Y I '7 v t t 1 1 :I f tl - 1 all t y au flan[ b}'theft tunm v t ltl kk t ~~ ll.- tdl it I. f ' ,II I) a e n at t yt r 1 c u i J lt ` ,,, I I t tt tt„I+ t and grar,e[ut snot s. r ry l l l d t"" k p- p, n _ :111 the tnunbars nn the pro- a x d t di r tier to n hi e .. , ..t urr:m ,rr ~ i gram w+tfo eltnpt}' lied and warU r nn [~..ael+ r rnbnr lefl Iltc et JI and ° 11e +, ~ " ,;,LI. nn~l n ,nl) ~•~~ I' t~ ~ . r9nlated 1:1 (tn Blepunb matlnar. i l 'uu ntauunce will, ,. gIB.l Herne. 8•m'y. Otar o,n Inn, _,~.~•1 nt '..i 1. _ e 1 Il ~. Th0 Bolin playing of hies ' y tuarry hBUr[. _._ y-~-___ IN FAVOR. pp liLLlttattin W'aa Slaadltlg fa:l• ~" -~ pp AG GR(tW LNG p. Ap a of Che onhtrtainmapt, and Gha : .f i&)[ fae7s that it wse justified in 9 atate111E•nt mach n EJW tlaye go to the eifert thnt them was, of s lady vivliniat in 'Poxae pupariur h, 11iaa Ott. The pie[no 7wcompunimanta of 3[rs. .Inn. K. °~lavia are alw Worthy +C special entiun. :.iha is n ~~raduata in uaie of Fit. ~Inry'+, :\ustin, and FUR CONVENTION OF ! '/ILLq MARIA URgU LINE A~AC CATHOLIC ALUMNAE _ ri EMY. :\'nl~r rherr :. n i:.^. ,4 r: m d::. tI r" an: Vlea ur Horare xann.:ne ;great aP[•,. Fifty Religious end Lay Women ,~rle or <nednwt}mt in roe nrxc hui[ „f of Texas Hear Address by -- --------- - -..--_-_t [nr m'n, reotury. nm, r .rre alav m.nr Bishop G E. Byrne. I n•r.i•:,~r. =:.rr.:.n. T, .:. •.: }l.+a H:r+i wnp }rerora LRa[ dnr}nX we ~D. I(Irr. L'rr:~'::11nu A~::•Irn.Y, Yeriad of Eleceten o[ o[ncera xnd arl••r_ ! fortin, Texas; a n }IU.Y i=onrey ~,},;~~I Yottth and maldt•nlt 1, aF.rn the crow Itrn u[ h v 1 I Y 111 Y "( [h ~ t H t t . vtl are rn p a of davelUVroeel bu rtael d t [ 1 -: f T le 1' t kha f G of 'frxn Gh p - I I - 1 F 3 ~ 1 d 1 91 ~ t laa T f ~ end thn Jva¢ t vd A:II ppwef ar< r n,lh. \I - [.v n t. t h m c r:.), di \ a.' snnrelrmlr a. elopad to reasralr ° ppenod : uexd:,Y for n tav ~InY s,~:w l„n I.\~'adhn,5'. D~n1-,,.:. T'<.ae. }far k4~, n b .i' \ I ~.~ Thu Int•:~ )[ O f- [ti ik C i 1. h'ry a i ., C 1- r„rntl+n will II E \ ] J 1. re apme lair t-r tin (ar.Pnw, nr „rt UoI dl. c fa) tr-f k.. tl - _ry 'llr t ema he,[ra i>H [ t I L t [, i !• 1 I h 11 h r rM t-r: v :,c<vlun. f d Y ! }C I It a ., rd by aopa:.rat+nX th• }I 1 tfI rcl-FI 1 1 I[\ t F I T FS tI. .. :d. xl „uryo.,.w. TM 1 t h tC 1 - nt Y 1 - t tL drHrrev:r-a Re• No wae.<are Intel w hU. +~~In Tt'2 , a In k rl:a, Trx;_ [ell:[ l.a i,r. ,M1 }:e. 1 ~ h 't c _ V [ t : arr•S }I••art, \\ i'.: rrrl and sPirnual as wall w hsnkal Ir: i.i V n.y ~O Sul .vun, G d }3-_'r{<r a-p [ ,t "~ 1 ~ _ r h 1 A: d 3f i 1 Y i j Ih~u+e~ thr texnine and traininC tha LI Tt 5 t. rs or - . }(a,5n .lua cr, tnf \: -l a.. f'1`.'rYn~Lz.ull::c A[ad tr ~. v. II dc, ring runat eRC;:tually tna are *. n: :c.l In thvau ,. ooln: }l:'s. L^1wac1 Strt~. A.:.~•::; nrThf° •~ ( ~ ~ I .t C'u:n•':: nU o[ sl ;. f 1 1 I a eleroenla pf rharac[ei it wl:h N^ - I t [ 1 I I 1 KY~: Cathtri~ r C : ~ ti t x.~ [re hrrXplS utlauitM [o tRr ! •••~,,arv n.~.:mnau ~= i-.AF \c:t te•t',Y. Ifn: 1 -I [her. }R ar. E F\ bl hl (O C LI[ 11 L u X { ,[.. 1 L h V~ l 1 t..-,t 'vDa['. }[TA 6 L t II 1 1 I A:AdemY :s u[ a t G_ h l S A-" \[ t '.t L I I Iy The matter: 'drr. S I 1 l 1 1 1 \Hlan:• B) p d h, k 1 I L - L _ \ d 5 - It h 1 lag tn<R SUav of t•aa.chml _ 9 :I - Ifh l - 1 1~ n P I\ }T. r -_ \T L • i !( an! dea:Xnnd d d In t h i U U t[ \ t t'. d l l the oblert of 1 I Prac I1. 1 I` , 1; h - 1 4 .v T[ t.u I ~. I n int .rix 1: l..x .,1 a I:Jl.aa U ) D-: r(..r.': al . L r. _enltal ,-i;mants of nntl p an b II' i d r i. I T'z ,I F ' O h 11 .,rrv vl Xlrl 'rh •x~rl~ ~ al. •' t ~ \ }I. T Sr r t r. - 'a~Ie f Genf his v(nd [ d tYr U i 1. D' l .. T> 1- L 4 IwiARm o["t. II O i t\ - J s C 1f t' T 4 1 1 1 !'.{Ins +Yaciouv Iti.•au u[ D t .at 1 fi' U. 1 t xi=. It C' h ~ -' 1' It r Ra>n,~: r: tDcll ::t [.al+c .o Ou, L,d/ v[ \.~[ur; P•.., with •ta rlr5ant bWldlnk .. u L: }l Llp:,'r ir41-Sit t;[ Yaper and le,i t xu A a .IL.rI :, P ]I:: ': I - a. -c+ rl: btttuliful d:'.i.. dt' ••t;c10.1' F•^,rAl H ~ V. L ) Ill r) Y r Its .hnthb r aml o amc I lan•x , l 4i' In :.rR ~ t T' L h , ~ - - 1 f [lpn he[w «.~,~tl Fi \:- f \l T \t J{aut*. ~s 3hen t - h[ h. vi<d. ~, I 3 1: d ',')•a~nr.[.nno T... a -t } 1 _.Iw:;npn, Herr; I s:-~ d ,'.;n Ins are I Ip grra~ 1 -n \ `.. ,. T ,L~ )rpr r..n, :n.c) tnat. r ._ ,Y c D a' t' U 6 t L a s '9' n -n_ b ', f k h-- I' t ( - ~ LI if 'w'here. In the interrOr of [6 Y,rftl'. p .. T I D m }, n.,,, .\ 1: S l i f `'Ibuld n: n~hlth nr { \ .. u' •1 r J d :. t R 5 }[ t 't >. D ~ e. s.ha,i , ti-v. J J t(. L: }I ~ - •' - a il. mr h. -\It.itr testa and ah.. H.. C 4 l - d 11 h h \\ t C- 11 1 ]i O H II ' }} tl h. 11 O I t- f m.anh a M1re 1 1 d 11 - d h t 1 ) i I i T t 1 r l Ll O L I [J) h pP t ``p^ ~tY 91 al th I S h r!n. R F is nr Th F 1 1 d 1 p t f I - Iaxnq +~[ r, Drl.?dHl '31 `t I - ,, a,. p nse to an n} Jc: ,[ ii nl.;hta or cnlumi r. ,. _ anu •~~r'r •::\i.:: ruae l~.dl at ]: u[ C ,e ...,.trd r,utt Inat tu.io9 i, ,U halls a ht I 1 Ifr,iuu+ F'n ..•inn w[ the 1'r.na r 1 h bL t t I:nr t'nnvrn[ atvY li nc 1. [ht Btaa fr 1 i d n ... rh 'f i Y -r a.. 1 tlh , I tl -P I 3 )1 - n r... [ h I I ~ 1 1 3.~ : k'If t Y d I pl I i I pel f^ 1. 1 l a 'ill 1 L tl) _I h tr I h[ h t I .d d ted d r t r 1 h C -1 7 9i I) 1 h 1 VI - d k i 1 tR [ P 6 tl r~ I'rt n ;Hunt 1.. , ,+nt aara ai r C t tst,v +,- to hand UI•dr r ,•, lh. fun,-UUn wa. }r. ~ ~ . 6 1 i d h' Ll tl I d 1 b} If 1 ct t f h i k 1 dh V~ V .( h i T k- 1 dt to LY h- I. .p f h d l: t t) l h 1 rl I - n nt Ihr. fans d I;nnh-der-I d. 1 7 'p tc tb o s 1 1 l uL.nnu.[ .r h•.laaa om>. the I ,., Ind ..v r ~ [ : - 4dm al. nt a I: ntum.., , J 1 F L t. Sl t L H h .l -' Th rr t In<f [ kl met+h` .,na » [ t d d tb5 conl, J ~. pl CI I I J i ri.: - 3t 1 [i b']~pu nl }Ir t t•:s Ji,.ac at 111}h }lun the _i L bu rrrr l,rw:[oric. fur [nr...tudevla Gv S.nn+•11. r. ;nR r[t,•.'. FtnYmund t,~rnrmunL f Ft!lo - th ha my t tR 11 I. In I,erfr<t order. L+n w. :d l h t C}entUn. Texa'.. In tn• annan'r ut Ht I c t fi 1d R Hlahnlr [tunny, t, ) 1 - .1. F.{ \ Ih VC i Yrur+ old. and n aria I }t ! b [ I 1 L r I ,-h'1. :tn dr I f - [ Rua not bprn taus' raa:i U, r rt LYr h, t'Irar I)rn.•ral u[ } 11 era •VCa C' - I (Il d nt lhr rvv rVL [ it I Sr'ar' m w4 ala c'1 A I 11 Haoth tin. U.v 1 r5 n,: and alga deliver+l av .lo taco[ md~ , m tR, cuvHdcn auJ >;«.1 l4 ur[hl }Sl V o it I '. \~` I 1 l II ~ I I.oVlr of ftr,an Hc19R now I]It`, t I u; ik LI k cc'I ~\ 1 TI Uv done LY tar chulrl ,1 7. O 1- 1 IY .I -.1-l. l stt Arran 1 11 >,',tca attar 3luX 11 ( - d. t RI d, n J, tl- 1 ~'. 4v 1 c~ 1 t 11 I 1 lacuu b. H'. [ t 11 f K th. J-. _,1 [ .. I 1•I<.r D i I- 1 f '\I All \I I f llf III. I I I t n},. , f i - Cu I d, ckar, I 1 1 C I' t T.xan; L h \ th 1 I h k 4 lr \n 11 S L) d d I. Itmva 1 1 f. t E 'C tl L4 t U 11 1 i kl K R 1 h hla }tyre, A F[ [4 T i - va Sla[ r tluvira \ 1 xl YI r :r, ]lair a 1 Ii II 1 i 'll b' ' L uiy f h~] ~^'. a1 ! y Ilh'rr H le nt H > T ra to n•. ktlunu r..flnlue and ' s d Il:(n. n 3 i n> Si. t•:r :1 „ I \II.,..`.1 I1 of ' t li.n •rtbni a. x,...' '.: , ~, .\ vi .r ~. I. ,i \'.!a 111rt.t Ii' I ~ ., r. \ 1 .~, F.~ \ ... SL J~. [Ma 1 I :.I • Ant•~nl T... .~, ~. , ~ nis•.V. Of f icers Named For the Alumnae Of Villa lYdaria Former pupils of Villa Maria met at the Academy March 19, for a social afternoon and for the pur- pose of reorganizing the Alumnae at which time the following offi- cers `vere elected. Mrs. Hudson, president; Miss Mary Wolf, Bry- an, first vice president; Mrs. Law- rence Parker, Bryan, second vice president; Miss Allie Conway, Bry- an, treasurer; Sister Mary Angela, secretary; Mrs. Richard Reese Lutrick of Dallas and Sister Mary Angela, delegates to the annual state meeting of the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae Association, to be '_zeld in Dallas ' cn April 12 and 13; with Mrs. Hud- son and 1VTiss Wolf as alternates. ,, This meeting marks the opening of the jubilee year of Villa Maria which will be more solemnly cele- brated in October. VILLA MARIA CELEBRATES ITS TWENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY 4 k -~,^ tiIagdalene. They were more for- iVlary De Sales whose death oc- tunate than the first band, for curred on January the twer.ty- they were able to have sleeping third, nineteen hundred and four. accommodations in the attic of the Scarcely a month had passed when uew building on their arrival. the Angel of Death claimed Sister Then ensued the hustle and bus- Magdalene. tle of getting a half finished house Since it is part of this story to in readiness for the opening of 1 chronicle the deaths or the depar- sehool which was ro small tinder- t tures of the founders of Villa taking. The uncertainty of prog- itlaria, I shall begin the sad list ress in the art of house cleaning ~ by saying, P,everend Mother Mary was enhanced by the untidy work- ,t~ Joseph died in Rome, Italy, lloth- men who added more litter with ers 3lary Patrick and Teresa in each stroke of hammer and the Galveston, Mother Saint Pierre saw. Howe~:•er, in spite of the and Sister Mary tlnthony at Villa numerous obstacles, the house was Maria and are buried in our cem- ready to receive pupils on 5eptem_ etery. ber the fifteenth, much to the sat- Vou hill find lIothers i4lary isfaction ar.d delight of our Rev- :'~txnislaus, Berchnans, Barthol- crend and her co-laborers. rr.ew at the mother house in Gal- T'r,e school opened with a fair ~:estor., Mother bIary Charles in number of girls who have been and \ew Orleans at the Ursuline Con- are still called "Our Pioneer Girls". vent. ~,lother Mary Clair and Sis- The novelty of living in a new ter Monica are as active and as en- ?'lace, and being our first pupils ergetic as in the early days, while gave them a prestige that has nee- Mother iVIary John, the youngest er been surpassed. of the band is the present Rever- L:Ice all beginnings Villa liaria •~ end .Mother of Villa hTaria. has had sunshine and sorrow, but An Alumnae Association was formed in nineteen hundred and the former has been the major ~ seven under i4iother lIary Evan- part a promise. to "those who r nelist, then Superior of Villa ?~Taria leave all for iVIy ;`lame Sake". now Vicar General of the Ursuline The first of the noble women Order, and residing at Rome, who who manned this foundation to succeeded Mother bIary Joseph the renclcr an account to the Plaster foundress of Villa Maria. 14Irs. P1. ~` Sims, a former class mate of a wc11-spent life was Mother of hers at Saint Ursula's, Galves- ~ ~ ~ ti ..~ !~K y• ~yy SY+~ ~~ ~unror P i a n ~- fx ~ ~ - ~:, ~t~, ~ t~ ~~w Recital ~ r ~ ~ .: ~ °~~ + .~7} ~~. Gr ven f y r ~~~ ~~ F , ~ Y ~,~. ~', t ''vsY~~, i. ~ / d ~ t ~."-" ] 9 d. § ~k a !rte( ~ , , ~~ ~4~ Sunda Evenrn '~ ' ~ - _- - -- ~~ ~~ a ~_ ~ ~4 ., - --- ~~LZ T _ _ -- - -.----- Y --_~ The Progressive Series Junior ,V ` ~~~~~,~~~ ~~ ~~,.~ ~.~m Piano Recital was given in the au- ditorium of Villa Maria Academy on Sunday evening blay 24 For the Closing of School Exercises, at The program consisted of inter- The Villa Nlaria Academy esting piano solos, duets, musical ' readings, and a Colonial dance giv- ight. 'I'h~~rtid~~y, I~Iay 2 ; . S :00 )t, m., C;la~~ ~, en by little Misses Lillie and Rosa Fd'ida.y, Nlay 28, 7:n0 j). rn.. Graduating Lxercises. Kaplan, accompanied by Frances Ti7C add2'C!SS t0 t.hC ~;Y'adU2.it0S will be made iiy Rec. Chance. M. J. I_,eahy, of St. l~'Iary's Seminary, of La The numbers were well render- Texas. Pot'te ed and showed ability, and much , effort on the part of even th+~~ -; _ smallest performer. :. _ _ ~ ~.;..--,~;_.. _ _ - ~ ~~ _ The music price, a silver pencil `? ~ - H was awarded to Rosa Kaplan ~ ~ .,.. ~,~ ~` ~ = ~ ~ ~` ~_ , . student of eight months. Her rep f ` ~ ord showed 223 hours of practtc.+~ ~- '."' :~y y, w` "• cP` 1 -W k ..,~ ~ lr"yy~}X'I?X["`YT° ,. " `_'~°"~~'~ - = ~ ~ ~~ Burin the ear and 39 6 Y perfect 1c ~ . ~ x~ ~-w;; "" - ~~ -~ ' ~ .~, . ;t, ~'~~~ ' sons. , , ,, ~ ~ - /9 ~ ~ _ ~~x~ ~~~ ~ ~ ?a~~~:~~a~ ~~21'3~f l1i]FY{i.'~ v~II21I]LS]ki131 ~~iz~ ~`k~zs'~~t.~~4rs A~aatezxau4in~za~ `?'s~rrutanii cf ~b3~sT'~~~5 ~~1S~4RS~u~ 9~a~ :Ehr a~5~te:s:th ntt`v $iisfreslkh ~1 i1]r:` .•a; imnilscL ¢nt4 ta]nlfr•k4sre , ~Q~~f ,~m:r>n ~cnlrn:v 3'isEns a£ fF~r ~n!]+ Q:snaa ..'1»atzr., 4~sxaa r ~~,~- 4'SHF f „~ ~~ ~ '' ti9~~ ~r~~.4 ~. i; ~ ' !) N ~ ~~~ x ~~r Tt- '%~ T' '~jli- ~.E~ . ---- E ~~ L - E -- T ._ E TEXAS CHAPTER I.E'.C.A- Mav 15-16- 23 AUSTIN - TEXAS Knights of Columbus Twentieth Annual Meeting TEXAS STATE COUNCIL ~. _ ,~__. '' ~~ BANQUET Driskill Hotel, Tuesday, May 15. 1923 Austin, Texes _____ j last cver.ing a grou_ of friierds and patr.^,na of tY;a ':ilia ~•i :uric Acadc,y, slso fiat parents o: t:.a ~e:hila, ~ati:;;red bit. fro_.: : k tae vicinity and fre_ :Dints of ~;reaicr .,- „- tize talents erd nro~,ress of ti:cir cizil~,_,;_.. 7i11a .:aria ncada no is traduc~_=.- =-- ..L ._ _c_ _ --..., , neither do ~:e teachers of giaro, mac;,:; ,.~ W.,;: uro ~_ -„ _ reaidcnts. icy floral cecoratic'ra acre aup%~rb, as ti_e al.,K, o crc, ~ I Ii an:: Liza ata~e Yseld three pianos. given in itryir_, •ai.ere ciucic is s r studied art, a:.ere ~..r~/ of our form ~;irla iavo :rover. tneir ehee~tion,:1 ta'_cr:t i^ tiic res:pact. it is unusual to zird cix_ + ~;, ~_r_, rendarir,~ rzalod~• at the .~z ,e time, ~.. 1:: P.ro'<en Pev::is", by BoY_n, ibis „_.. ona of last ri~:_:t'c nur~bars, a nu~:bar r~hich a;;o:;ad ti.e prece::ioz: ~-, percwerarce o: tine teecn~rs, __ :~aii as tine dillbance of file 3tnc4:--.~, iI Oti,ar ruz:berc :.~r._ __:...;:red, -aiti, tro, t:.ree, foc;r ; _ _ ., . :~ ~__rl:, at t::a k:raa irntzl:_:u::~::, :_ilct sole norir t,~s rot ovcrl^e:;_°. Ir. the latt;:r .rL _~.. ..,:c____ o":.,.._:c ..,.. . di etinGtiisz;ad ::arcalf. , and ^Tarantclla" by Cr: - lips Jo C-•- _....._:. _ _ .:. ...._ c: _..-'..:. i?urin~ izer stsy in Bryar., she naa s:.oti;r. her::el to ba s co-c_ ._ : tiv_ little citi::cr.. Eer rn:cical t~.lara ne:.dc no ;rite-u_z, .-.:: on ti:ic ocaaslon, size added a "iceadinE;" ;.o :iar s;-~:rc oi' tLe nroir~.:o. _lss lenice :aa Joi~r:son, rao ..ill resently laa-rc u:,, 'r tii: bain~ i.~r Eliiar year, cbl;~ acco.° - -,_ -._ _ ... ._._ letzc;thy delivery of ":hc soul of the '' -. - ou~:bcrs, fron Hoffb:an, :rlth Dace and ~_ ,.. 3evcral nusbcra v:ara l;iv_-. ._., ., ... _ .. .. GORNER STONE IBYING..lt-,1,.,~:-°= -- rn~, auy,a~lm,. „rra~.;,,nc "Lnra,t - ~tt.,v.l'.I,a+. X.,li,,, I~a.t,.r.,t:ic Jug, - INPREiS1YE °vh'. ch w..h. r. ryas. '1'exn.~. CERE:Np51ES 6Y ST. tt?`~- Tl..ma; trenue,w,,. ~ LRSULAS HILL .{:"~ 'n Chu Vaator ofl f 4 I II [ ,1 I 14• J. 1 BISHOP GA«BCNER iNE ~ "'' f J ft wl ,..J It YI tt Yf 1.- ott CElEBR9Hi. ~ t 1 r II1 IIY P . r... I f 1,,. L V ~ Ao Impaung Sp.i'ract• N'ilveaaed by a7 ~ , Flo l: .r .Afary J„neph. Lora11'riur- Immense lia lnherioY-COII[CYL {Y'illinm J[vK ~ 1 of Cur °r $lun Itli^ t'nirnd dcateynlrv Yrejiduat afi J~~:.lil, Lr..an... (%'•vernor of the I Th ~-,t.,r, r'r , r. %• people of Rn-sn fiillyuppre- {[ V J - YL,or ~. {I:.r t elate Ehe impnrtsucr u(tne lr -~ [Ina C n - r.,i Rr. of :he Lrsuline Acsdemy in thin ~nrhN r ~. ~- J. K'.I CO t _: JuJU+ qh 1 t [h - I t f th \7 A:• 1 (. H.:. - J L fh.l. It I-s ~ .n t[ enrdl I J Hu.l uan I)r. {P. SI \[ Ihll-Ar ianll. t pp. [ II of 1 `I L J L. r'o sw I . ~ 1 [I h y-st 1 lrb t ~ t dr t ~ ~: t 1 upo tl 1 Y it r, ItL Y II YI j. I_ of tt 1 II {I ~ 1 I t t l wnh th } ,~f r. I I t r 1 C nlty of Gnty tol and t u ,1 ~ ~ I tr t :toJdar'L r,.n [ fdtu oft t t [ n I \I I (. 7. rl r6 .t W V n\ J ll yu.n• \ t - 1. t n ,f th 6 i 7 I) a l I {I , (:. S. ()tr Rulpt t eh (,or-~ i moat p_ t i t nsL , J I 1-p I. I If6 g~l ~' 1 {Y'. Jenl f It \ I wua p, t I ret.. r t f. th f U. • leb t o t} g i h e t I_ f V U r bls a 1:. a I tl t. ~ I tol el 1 ~~ n busy u7 tf 1-t 1. tt tt I t ~h d Calf 6c'\. ti 1 f l I U D ~ h •nn ld[ h b Plcte. roll f t !. it t ._'Ct IS t st n altel 1 flla 11 It r e[er t t le Lrsul Immft try IF ., e• ,d he nl. L. I,. F•!st_•'r was a s r'n'I rt nce a:+ an I oon board II•,iur•N ~ I ~ ('Itiznne in ('arrlagea The procession wan {rerbaps the Iongeat el'ar neon in Rryun and exten.lw.l from [lie eit~: to thn arch ~on the c nut grounds. Fioro ~~ ttl" orgaoizationa on iu,t fnf,ned iu et i 6e p ~ -.I ,h gh it' 1 t ,wit tt ~ , witt J! f t o I P t d Iru~xr I y the Ibi} I Isldt},c<orn.r-tone,mm~~- sire piece of 1'rnn.sser marble h~^.rniiuiF ±culpWred and appro-~ pre~ely iu-erihrd, ., ~- ~ (. ,.c. I ru e~u 1. It,~i~~~ tiu ft l'.nl t 1~. d t I , P ... 1-r 7 '. ,I,r ~ c y, t: 1 - ,. G.m. t t 11 IS \( i4 1.. 1 gI~ ItI' 71 If~ ~ I rl,. so,t ter„~ {I'--. ,,:rtamu,rnrnelrsndat- il I \,. I :\ 1 t t ~ [ r -I C. mmunity, ul 1 41 t f tl - f'untntrutora to the Ru I 1 fy- F 1 -\I [ I 1 fI( F - " u f 1 erI tt ti f f 11"(.. .t . A n f n .I {[d land cull - t itel a`A 2ele altllr.,nt . lot; fhr Lol-. ~ Y ntf R, -. I 1 t 71 _. I.,. t, t f h~ 1 1 t v I r- 1 u l.. r. . I: t ~.:\. \ u h .: r. ,,. r... NERAL OF A NUN ~-itb d L I gr b J nJ I I~ h c ~~ h t~ , I 1 L All hn 1 etatl t 1 I >! 1 to i I tl ~ 1 5 .l R',ea er m t ~ ., u t f d- mw i t t C t. I^ A~ 1 1 t p i l l l , . r a m r:,,; v a. uie. r th r r l~ l I t i a er 13 r r r The h snop An • I st thl. hume~ n,, Icd tt,etr urL ust 11 n ' 1 ti rsa~~ ~ ~ of o ' )lr. sod 1Ir+. Jahn Daly, .vvE ~ h.;.r l'r The +penkrr alro e. . sr trmada of u.: t,~;.,..d - I u t th E t I p th ~ 1 t aet~ J m .1 ., ~,le , .nce At me l 1 p " ia: m .rt ~t. J _phsuchurch. ~tl 1 g.l th t" th lual ' f ^ -+ tl r s I r .m- Ik +hn:ent_ hmld rbc upplemen- °1 oudm laa>r lanhuv a r ,. ~ nt•,1rma .rated lln ~ The eanoua or'•anirationa w t. I u I b.. t p~ -t tl t d f h J e u. ~ r' p t •rly f i by th I t I o f J ~r t I t -J- > - ,bl a undeJ t 0 I F-11: SJ I D- l ae n r ~ I 'n and i6 .. cJ t 1 Tt f(t Elt n - a , Te I I m~ h f ~t. 1'rs I t 11 'u.+t of the city I t ~f tt 1 y delnea 1 sn able n I „ :, _ ,t , L,t.,> „r n thu f 11 t ), nler: nJ I;y - t 1.1 r.+s too 4;Ing the tna >m r taada ^a a«,B,N. I,1:I)t. [tl,t 1'lltll t:.»[Il\. Ptri ,~a 1 k undertahen.here TI,. o m . ~a ., t:»...rt \I uu G~d by [he ['nulive ~ictere. '(itl. cloyed v v a .., aav.v ee a 1 ' . „ 1'n' :~1 .~ af~~+PI:IR the eTarr, l ea vt thr gran nda. ~ t a•:1 t,a aC nnllne nun> deu h te raae,va trvm I werla u. ~. raa oaa ., . u 3lurhnl nuJ Btnl[ :{ '<:eptinn teuJcul to I e s e ,,, ,,, vm IWrulam...,,d t {. ud H t- II , ki I B 1 p 1 IL gh . hy the ladies of sham 1 uwrQ x aa.m„tt fur ua ww .rar t I.~r \ I {[. II ~~.~~ l tl pnri-! [ tl paro.hisl re ,stn sae ~ -a>,u• Thu ns- t I.. t .\II a -\eaJ my Jeuce nt 1, p. fn, v...a at ^,e ahul>at n t f rnli:.n .~.,~•i,~ty ° Sou L 1i R ti i 'l'h,: a=ic supplied by the :\..C arvveawr Na a,uaa I,nrt IlehtN carwte .,ty ~ ;o ..+ . oe I. I!.-12 't. I a 1 t ty ~ N, 'fhvi -g ent 1 /.hn:,I bs 1 m . t hint C. t e of „e .a rmwam>- me ar.w mr w-L,t a,W .I:.b„ ., ,arrlN rn , ad. , It 1-I I. ! I I'. I , tl Plrhr tl~rn. , uw ,, va w.l a ti I ~ F. I'. L ~ arras u vr. t t o j, Ht C„+ I I Vin,. n-ty ma n.e a r.,a nuu ru tr<N r,> p I Thi J 1',- ,t It:m'I - ` v o[wrn> ,r. ... .. el>m r>eaa.aat ?7a, ml /tire I':hlr F~il ss tM reau nc a th., nv. a u, , ,. ,a r a ofre r , 'Cn . 1'nbli,: ~: h.,.,l" e,. .eroa~ v rasa ate we. Thr F':Irnir.~ot:Yll.,u .{r~ad.: n,y a.l.l A. ~ .uh ,a.. ~ aw cuvl a.r.. mul AI. l':•Ih;;a - , aar.>N ,,.w-~lw, a a.-f. mm -' l'irl<: u+' Rnild ins Cnlnmin"'' ¢ pr.>u,[.d a uwar Imrvwrva ..~=v,,. r'h,^_r -- ~ I l1 ~ ~• J '~ ! \. 1. : _ _ _ _ _ VILCA 51AR1.1 ACADEMY, ` c1stT p,\rneq glgwlw. BRYAN, TEXA ` ' r i __ I I~Gab gecepttoa at vula Made eneemy~ Clasmg Exercises of the Thirteenth- •~ " - ' , .u..,a.::,. :: -E¢Ierla7tuacnl Latl Yldht. Annual $eJ3ino. j ~~ x^LI n ~rtwi..•~~ Rnn~ ant. aon¢twf •n~ From 1V n m to 13 o'clcek }en ~ !'ia n ~.r 1 ~ sl I .~. -il terdny [hn parlors and th, recaption j, t ,r ..t-~ ~ wol J 6 r.,al++ d t: [ 1[ ra•mP u( Yilla JSur dewy '. 1 >r x r I I Were the nC•ne o(a boll t .Cap- ~: Y [ 1~. 1 I f 1 -. ' Il d 1 . h I •1 I In uor. by [ha Greulma ladles to thPl k 1 nc, tr, 1 .,, n, k r a `. r rker ~ n b>'r~ ,.I+ CIUb ladi.x of Rr5'¢n, who w [ I I I' 1 h '1 y( ( t 1 n I .1 4 v trd to set the brilhnnt ayoung[ t I - I I ~-~~n..~ I r ~r; t n. itn ~ r at~i lr'I i n ,rta,r est, R-v. Father nn. M.I n _ ` f I I ', 1 t 1 'v ' ' pm J I r,- F:ir n nd he normal ad-i I I I tJ I n ~ r - t dr• PI(ro h[m [ "W„ ten nd ~ ~ 1~ - 1 1 I 1~ ~ 1 11.1 f _. ~fl kr' •e m C l n n r _ eats wee Mrly tii M ~ I I1 -t) r , ', " ~ny» number o(uladtes arlJr pupi6l 1 .na mhte n.l n+ In_!rp -- ~^- _ --{,t,,,. t 6 ni y 1 IY I t~ I i 1 _I ~F h. A the p h I! I <) }[ d 5 eniag 3t. 7:reula3 ' 1 1 1 ( h. n- t .. Th p r. - I I -t. 5 (, b at w h N[aa .\la'e. I d H 1. \I S ~p 1 t}wan a• vaen tte praeld t r II d th ! b to ordar. Sf, t d [ L b t JI - W 1 1 M l t o 1 1 . d d approved, attar wbl h L k \\ II 1 ', l,t 1'I t t h n k f fl It all red wlen ~. 11 1 I'.k t \ \\ l-t tti,l l 1 pG'IT I I tlvus lrom JO:loe Ca~var. The d W 6 b Il t l t - I 1 I Ittaa o, plus reporv~d aamvp~ea II g t - I d 1 t lhce•rs and I~- 1 tF 1. .d d tiered. The c 1 11 it[ tl .lab ,na[t, was »Ilnw 1 II th I cal c-obs, un 7 1 1 3 1 I r w f h I d !I k. .{C the call for the r ss a Iwa,atcfully drao ' ~tn~~,. ,r!d ., '~~ - ~nen naslncya a ,ad« td n[hew,»nuuy club pilur± It 1_ d -I t 1 I t pand ~'16 ndorvs wam darkaned and _ 1 I' ` 1 ~I I:ahu t `I t Huv of., ~~~ Might 'uppl ed tr••m ortlll •n[ch. n- r. nlx a t, _ aud.,reh ~:, o:,.~.up,-a cocr t. m. dn[,a an « cellant mnaicnl pot all-n~ e ,.,-. Pr.-.;.:nt ~n ? Pap.,ra t [rv-;; h ort: I10 ceote 1[ w I I.alrlad [I'»tl' c g n. [ ul,g lad rs ,. [ n I tt t A ~ ( q ha de } f Il 1 Sy F e T m I t ~ rb . 1 ` '° ' ,[.~. 'F' KlrwlnP dl-. 11 th bginr l,. '~ t4111' 1 I F ;!~ I f1 t i,f J 1' C 1 JI .y t Iuing "( ht, rvmnrk. h n„ I I[I IF u t ''la` pneat gnotad from Emao-nn, who I ~hu F r 1 p rc iu t ` I~1 ti r Iina~ declare•I progress to ha ma 'a diP b[I TI . -I; i, r r T v IincF ve part in the grund Hach. m ~ },_ 11 t ¢ ~l,l -,~ L t 1 1 1 1 k c r:~ irad t ~ [ u r t _ ..P nre.,t on He .md he w loomed ~•. I 1 S, d p l t_ 1 J I I I 1. i In that tt tha in[ ovntno o sue: tei by th. I ` I I t. t r„- '~ Ptudeot women afr the ctotstar anti - I r. n~ t ,= '. t. a;, q r t I, bt 1 m r _II~ _I ~: chin 'n r. u'~I [hP Stu tent woman nt' tha clulx la [r. t [n suss •et f I (;arr an yl• ndav , - F I - 77°~^~ming into nm..h wt[h each other [ .A.. l Ad F Id Y•:c'p. 'in each n nappy man oar u,. the n ned ,e 1[.. r - . mninu' i teren[e:i. He p k i ~ u F >, n r praj.c• of the club mot' m t nd 1 1 It k w [t I - 1 pty [ p'Iry rec„un[ed m.,ay gm d th g t! nl '~ t J 1 r aril 1 ~ L ~I II ( l I 1 1 ~ `. c 'it hm d•n a and is dou•g. He dr 31 t an. ,.• I .(. 1 4 e .d of r I u L,t \I •t,. Ielnred thus tha slabs should decor, ~ ~\ I n I,_~ :c t 1 l 1 t ~-:h a ithemaelveP to the masters of litern ~k 11~ I Y''I•_ t> r ' rn:,~~t~l. i tore, a+ ake. e !11!wn a I.. r. ~ n 1 I ntw : i s ' p ur , u ~•1 1 I G~ tl th'a un I [I 1 I Dane tlif they would .utam th' a lu ~ c L:- ^I I [ (ur- 'I t I~ •, m•:et bent ficial and enJu[tng rc I. - -arrea ell. 'e ill -.- -I 1 ~ i.'. 1 :[ I ,- : ~d~ '~ 11 I,i , , f cL,. all torts-that lighter nurka pleat ~.,~ ~. ~ ~ g' L. rh•~ ni[.n;~~.,., n o-c. poi ~.~ u I; hi ul ren n( Jlnr .r held ~~i r.d the bat fur a mnmem end when the 1 at. ~u., mu. r. nr [n.. na. .:a. ~paaa through the eruci ale we fit, \: h I. r. [I 1 :[ a IIF. t I rr 1 i~ita i tham hn4 dross. In urt oleo h I t '~ I.n 1[I+. II 11! I., I ~AI}~ 1 ;r F luv aald the m:u•teru Dory des B[ve nu : ~, I.. K. Ilr~~rn[n.r Jtii, pn~~ 1.11ib t a t Il } ~ wv 11 ~rl 1 [I try homage-those who can meplre th I1 r - r , ,I II „^ ~i,~ thrill ofa which Guethe da ~ ' '' I - ' Glared [ha onl thin ~' .~t k '` F '` ~ W J ~ [ ~~~ '. y g worth hvinl l 1 - I n. G,r. I"ar this rrmon hn ur vd th., :er,lu[ ~ ,[ n~. tsar :..,1~. _ I g n rn: r 1,. ImK or a ., tan u,au r u,w- av»n [he [•alendarn in our home -1'- t+~~ 6 \. r »d wl bn w•r 11 .1 u,=ysl should btl ea lrOm tha master ~ t \I, R. I.,'- Alln. ft„l cis n J l: - F nnkllnl~ '"fu r.ltn. I. Uunl,q, I ni having nppli.d r, r nd nlaalm d., instead o[ menninglesn scenes tYS : ttu, t'lan. w aann,usly v cad I neitharu lilt or ins tre thou htn c -r. ,"r h _ fl-tl u' : a - b ~- ~ Lup^r p p B t. TU•I I-,no a:.l 1, ,tlL rr mt Slus IF..anti was tll great truths t)r achievements HI r.. '.l:,n ` hV \tl fiuhv I,Lnaa, attar whlul, uddreaa w elate wah iumdent '~•. a J.n. ~r_: .. n,.,.'/ su I 'saga I n„1•r d n OP [ravai andp anecdottle, sad h nalale~ ll. ILaIIIRartlat tln[~. L L mnni••.nl aaleutl.,n. head is K+ by \I isxea Hazal \Yao•I nu~l :\h,.., Nniln- held [he undn•ided attnmioo of tk `eniu wcra tn,•n p,lven, nltan,ating polka. Inir., .\tt~~ldr' I%~I~.~ I[h .iolln untl Piano olra ny Imiien wh~rounJlyopplauded [t ~ ~Ilouh~k. J. nnn!np. e. ll:,n-. euanesttuhy[n,vla:,ndstunxarrls. aprasae P e- k o a r ,, aeptitnenta ha na d. I ,rminK F 11. Sr, •I' I 1 ltnr tl I I ten •,r tha Cream Caka nd punch wa 1f1. F.. U• 1. R. T.,.I: I. "-:" ti pn,y I gnn, url_ ! I Y I E L A M~ R 19 ~ The Heaeena areYelRoa (Creatlonl I(j, (f~t7yy f17Il''!?~' FG ~ Htsnt I T r '~1 OI1~~II lf1 ~L `I( pl `II 1111 tt` :. 1 J F 1 t' t' . : 1 [ h 1 I - 1~t' MENi' I ., t tt H be E I t t IY tl , k m re~ - -- '~ {I Fi 1 1 HA I j Cc t ail- - (iRADU,1Tl.'ili E.CF.RCISE:S HERE tIELD ~ ~ F }I.asew Japhet and'-C r t I alJr nt th t autt (u; h I- { ticb ' AT DPEH.I BDUSE YESTERDAY, ails. I lar~,=sow tit. Crsvla's Ifill ea, I'I:um °l"'- }I laaea Duna, Parker t .tot the yr Cumuli and t city. It is the dcni rr of the ladies I'laou "D" }Haves '.yard, I'ri..¢ anJ tl~.~( the comtnttnity to t•rect a com_ L It I I * ex hall in th t' (pr NINE CNRDUIfiES IN iNE CLASS ` " ' ' {I L ` th , tau ,t,tt a >N EI nd ~. I. Ca ~ Ia d S rl I ( d a nos hetog ra F Eh E se i to that - ' ~ - to - r w 1 - I P rW: 1'ht. rRort o th ' Part ~ Sixth Successful Ycar, Work BrvuBht -T ' I hith should et 1': t the an / to a Close-Award ui Di lomas' Chaiv { led.etory Asti le.evn iCarroll, f ~ ~ [at.te of the people of Bryan i (/, Y Duvu. Harris, .7nph.•[. k'ield aad t r'err "a`' iwssii;:r. 'the gen,~ral and .5ledais .n ursniee n'nrd. - - I intere+t felt in thi. >chroi is abnnd_ Program. Clostn¢ Gemari:a ['s -, Jas gases ~I m[1t attested b the fact that 't ' Th•' closing rnmarka were t tsi«,rs , 1 for the cour_ / n'. d hY E Ft gt. >€ p has otr t ,w from central, G' 19te eth - ~ and Path 61e1.~n<. n n ;ed t tmutt I t Te<a~ ... .; - t ~ the t ra l vC modals and honors of l~illa \he ..x f nu ..a lcademy ~ a. follov. a: I r to I vyt, culminated in the graduating ex-j iL„Ite~:eil n'.{mou~ Fusrnosua eveu.c ;r.. ".. _.- erci~ hc]d a: the opcr hou.Y ve ~ rehire Wr,;aths: Fur Pulit.: aaJ nIe J.p t o[ acJ {I. ~ sy6 Irrday mnrtung ;radar [Itl•JIrC'CLIO ~ on,er,'3ott rl -.\' t \I kt; ( tl e r l 4 - of the :\ ademy ~ R' I of ~lothcr Super Iv i t \'' Cll E tt \ { r rx I H I d 1 { F .1 f -~ par- t t t d~e e E t r II t ~ 1 C. ~ D• {I ! Co IIy ~_ tired L Il L I{ toes 'It I s {t f h t` br iug tl I nt is tlc o f t I{~- t C II, S D o (, troll i asth •R t E'' :J. II(1 la Jaghet Gre ttn_ f7• p. r~l cell rt 1 ~ tt, of tt I ro„rn 17 ( rr C d ~ v ~ I, as ~,1her arc nma members in that tJO'J mb1'd"iu the re I - ' r tt eerier L'n. .\,1~omnauiat ]Ii» F'te1J. Ir ~Ilah r s v. JovateJ Gy~ }fra:i arvev S }lis I.. CarrulLf L gra<iuatine claws, anti as man} }inure taoJr E;loedvor: Senio-clu.w, la "tarot} hrautiful tioru! sort ~ ! -{Ju:u ;Fl'om >(ounh;; ht So. 'e 6 - \I , \ 1: f u1 ,en or cluss, t~' Rr n arches V ett u i s Yt '1 cl \I t r he d [vtermed hoe ~ t: t g a d _ on the ,t 'hl t pet pla L 11 \I ._{1 Ct ~{ I k u.- F _ 71 '. cot lio:cer: td tong tI I -• 'rte i.p v_w { ,p tU. T I . t,.• ~ Iron[avl tlt'r t '[tf If' nt r Id el f 1 tdl lT. `' to^tl' J h }'r r I1C`SCd I C~" I e rte I I I - IL I I S 1T lk J. L [. ~F th R t'~ ({ 1 T.' f ~. t' t L l'C- from Cltc L [ o tl w r ] e` an 1 .Ie.ce4J f ~ f i t;h -[ ac Dt;•w-t t- 11 { 4 h- [l c -mm 1 he ,E th tla,w o t J na J n I P (I 1 { ,[ t t I 6 r ~ t Ict pied ch : I -ath, nhtlr othr. l.d t1 I: t 1 r t' - x' II 1 h S ~nr' ~ I{p P1: ur tl tiCh -I orated at et IC ~ to ,. S, y F I ;7 I ~~ / Ft'Ctt{e u the rear. \ \da F irwt lt.m to tlavs.l t "\" \I. Caaperaen grri p to 11 - f J .e H.I I. 'R ~-- \( J h-.t r " -~ ttm;ntticent um 4 P 6m I- I i Ja. fur : '-V F u '~ ' tt as t'tu four pteu~.- aP',. ~ t .r.au~d, D"-}[ias EIarriv n ' G P.t n I a nttm . 1. he.'. }Sather }I. ,f uve Ph. .~I.,vel'r. bet of c:ulin< }+enlg <. pl t with tc.- eJ ] - {d SI t. fine ton.trt etiect. Tf +n\~it IS II tilt 1 ut { D eluded the>alutatorp by 3[tss S v ah. vme .a N U,I. i . e Lo. p,'.tn. j ~ Carruli and th., chain valc•r:Iictorc Cold meJxl for }I,ret:r: a- eels+, ' ~.L }ti,ar-a [tuh; 4'ovolll nnJ :.I ary f{vss ~ by {I .>e' t_ If Dt IIt E k- late I t I {r. i JPt t. I 'lt 1 t{ i. uw .,t 1 { I I ~ ,~~.~ rht ;,radn.ttt, a. . ; t„nr,•.t>. ! ~IJ v<da;, any u H,~ }r,a.. .~i:1rIC'rn is Course - )[is5ts F.Ilen t~arrnl:, Elvrrte. F'ia:J. Duvv- Juphet, i Con. ant C)rrrary C'1ub { Cvroil Su' I1umt l l [ eIt a rr_ i St 1 - I [' 1 \(art flat I II 11't J p -t I I - - - t ~. I r [ {'II {f - \I yl tl f•~rl. L IL' rv lII ' - _I b I \. ~~ ; ~ 41. I tl '1 [. \I y .. I I 11 L 11 t It to I -'h 111 ~t" I. It'. l 'II 1;1-' I. tli If J Id u- .'\I ~ 1 H.. th (11 It' 3I Ll (": Rir-. Fist I )fu, t., rorlc+- Agyis { tia, y.utt J ll i.w, I.n< IN th Itier. I 1 wile,.[ tl-s, l1 arJ, (estdent: 71 s It. t tl f 1 l 1 t'eJ 1 1 {I - { ~ 1L ~I V t t.. l pl t" , I I I'. ~t II 1 In It 'I :~v fn Ith '. I 11 I I I I -t I tl f Y. ' I Iltic.t .tl ~ t nLZr.. t nt I } h. RaM:h (r JeJ t. attest f }t wt.,. ~ n v. (t }I..s I , e ri, 1 t> r [ I h ,tl I -gr- I I}v. \t tl rl- -~- ! t {I'. \ k tI. tllet '~ clu,wu •tf t0 Lugra n: f . liayce _ / _ C ,- L ,%~ ,I Hit ,~t r'urn>It ^~ :.I t torn nt P Ilan, let r I t I p -ut ~'` uouo alit ti nrl} Ile l~r to inu- l_- 1I Lt. I Ih t! I,b IL upallr to tl' oung ladt - nt thi n. 'rl JJ i kl ~~.Kraduatiuy Iaam. r 1 lam. L ~~(. Z~ / I J.J t. anJ atwtw tat. - _~ ~-. to rl'I - I. vl I I n ri '.t t.~L ~ t 1. .?; L L ~n .,r t u it nd ~ Iw tWnh\I'. uJ-, e Jnyll ~° ~ t tDt L {. F 17 S Cold modal for cxce;lenso. BRYAN, TEYAS. - donntad by Rav. Wm. Lee cf _ H~nu wont, awarded Suss Lillir A largo audience was rttracted .I latereatiag and Beautifol Com-1y F:untham. ` to the open house last right by the Jawai 1 Rnwary [cr Christian, I Groulina benefit enter4intmert. ' • mencemen[ and Gradaahng ~ IJnetrino, donated by Rev. J. H. ~ Che exercises opened with abeau- I !; leiarner, award e,l to Sf iaeea Ufull rendered concert ro Exarcius. i gllia R'ard and ;Vona Niland. y p Bram y The first in the eertea of Cllia ~~ r~t,hi medal [or I h n luf vial and i¢atrumental s~~e~- ~Sfarie'a closing esarcisea this! ~ donated by Math«r Provin Dial,l ltiore, with piano, violins and / year cook place on Stnnday'., .contested by Slias«a Vidn Single- I mandolins. The ladies taking i morning, Juno 10. The apacicua • - ton, Sallie Yriue, Annie Fucha,'• music room of the acndam}• was''' ,Mine Ua Walt, Luuieo Nelson, I I Pert were 53 re. T. K. hawrence, lavishly decorated with palms .Vlnaha Wolff, Lixzie Roaprim. I Mien Porter, S1ian Fiettie Smith, and Lorna in honer of tho oreu- ~, C,tld medal for Ins[rumentaE~ 1 S1ias Leila Ott, }ire- John K. Ua- eion. Gills Slnriu is proud of', ,Music, In[arrnodinte U«pertmunt,i~via, Sf iaa 1t'aketield, Siisa Wil• ,~ nine gradua[ea this year, fz ini nwnrd.:d c; .,lira Ruty Connally„!flame, Slisaes 8tevene, Luek, Vao Che full lieerary course: 3.lasea ; Misa lfary Roas Ysr4ar. ', Eleanor War9 D[ I3allirger; Susio i;old medal to Ins!rumental i \Yarmer nod Pickett. Ll Dunn, Yea Arthur; Ado H. ~~' _ •,{unto, In;ermediata Uapar[ment, i f Following the mueicnl numbers, Feld, Cntver[; Hllda J. Jnphet, I. :.floras Hulda Coni[z and Agnes the orator of the evening, Father Houston; Slsry F. Harris, E3ry• ;~: Price. ~an, and tales H. Carroll, House, ~ I Kirwia, was intrtxlucod ty Sir, •[,•' l;old modals, first honors in re- ~Tea.; two in the commercial ap«c Live English claesee,-aanior ' J. Buchaonn and delivered hie; . ooursa: Siissaa La!itia Carroll, - ,.; =a, donated by Slra. :,. F'. ~ to=terry lecture, ''Glimpaee Hera Cnrpua Christi, and Elisnbe!it 1(nore; second senior class, by ;and There in Surope." $e lately -: Rios, Lyons, T. x.; and one in }[ra. A. i331ndsoa; e'nb-aeninr returned from a trip abroad wi,h 2~ Houi tatlliaa Annie Casper=_un of ~ loss; awarded respaetivaty U giahop Gallagher, and hie knowl• S[:aacs An^a Niland, SIn: y i{on- Tha e9aa}-9 of the graduaeea, nedy, and if any Wolff. 'awe of the sooject is based on, ,= intersparaed wish vocal end in- ~[ [ha conc!uaiun of the pro-''obaarvation as well as hiatoricul and atrumental mush., made xn inter- genet Hev, Jamaa SI. Hayes of 'titanry research. His strong die-I eating nmi de!lghtful program. ~ 6uilaa delivered an eloquent and j criptive power and a lendid elo-' The aeriuua rharactat nt .base Timely address. p ea«sya and Lhe thnughttut man•_ Thee cloeed the sixth annuali yuem:«did ample juatica W the in.l net of [heir da!Ivery, indicated cammancement of `."ilia Sluria, ~ '=Firing th,;me. Ithnt whatever record theca young. guch a liltlo [ima have [he i:c-~ _ I ladies make in tho baffle of fife, aulinea been in our midst and 'they enter it with robla aims, I; ;chat wonders have been eccom• ~ ~ v r ~ -` shielded and safeguarded in ~ • pliahed! 3t. Creole's Hill, lately! l ~ --n-- every pnesi6la way by wiaa and ~. ,;asked alone with notice oaks, is;.~ OCTOBER NOTES FROM ' loving eo~nsaL ' Drowned with [he stately- convent, Un Tha evening of the same which is draped end garlanded ~., VILLA MARIA, BRYAN, TER. `day, in [ha Hrynn nporn house, with citmbara of all surds, rasa t r f I,ihe pupils of [F' a sdam\ ga a n y;veet C , n cope jaasaminaa ' 1 ` ~preeen L.t~ n of Eila C n'. ( are ramt'trto - ywhara. To the I h, ^~11 1 tl,l'. drama adapt 1 P L' n¢f- I s loft, a h Bred yards or so from I t ,, y poem ray bf' a brnn~.¢ E q a. the eon ant, ender the abode off \ ~ t P' k z ~ ~ t The 6urata ut applause, whuh t- ins old oaks, i9 s Grn[CO of udl..+Jne rr rnsnr s! a ~ "' I;tasted ov r\ cane ~ Cn d ( u des, ao '{unindv picturesque U n t_' (that the a•Itart omen[ ¢ u - 'h t ~ ;qht hnvo bean daper[aa I v r [. 7 t h- ^ -t t Des . 9om s w-r t rh--~ f m[ Franca'a moat Geautiful TI i~tu ti I rr l r .v w6 I' - lab », sour p U [ ,alt were uni- n .rolls to rho ^orth stretch e u.n m thl :\uau .I` ,,quo and pictur~~,que. r.haria end kitchen gardana I 'a ht tinal~L Tuasdec, tuna 1Lth, was ecm• th t would do credit to protaa ~ t I t rl, IDencaman 1 y prof. [f in nls. .r t ~, the drama f [he n qhc h t re, - p.rhaps the feature of eueceea~ I f r r 1 is .Y the sweet Z rt graduataa were h h „ s mca.[hieasure to tha~ t~t 1 ll i t It R_v hl ~` missed, 6e rag marq d nto In- r- ,t~ ~qh ~' her' ti ttr. \ I 9t t' L tdlac chief, and murder.+, that- FI~..J UA7 AND BAZAAR .\ n ~t sou. r, rn; ..-r.~`-:G were r.Dw in ample evidence- AT VILLA 61ARIA. BRYAN. aellvare~i~ ray' arr. r..\. Nma rnae •rov«red arches (armed v <:t Tnn,plt. a semi-cicala oz tra stnqu; un- ~ \ ~ t I ron• w'ere,t der each sn[ a smiling girl, wntc. ~ I on r a d: t ?-' ..31A and ~r ! Eng CO rc t a with th OVetad _ I 11 ik li l ( tl 'hi h, l I ~ dtplDmn, h pu+ip. rC IO the i', ':I n+ n +r,n. f rn i I K+n I Ir i t 1 t u. [h i Darns and 1. ardans cf 1 C Tha e r \I. „I I _..I. + ~ 1. r d r .u+ I I easnvs, hn 1 -, k:~an r_.i Dn T .~ r -1.. I 'll •1 r'_ t t - r rl t~'J otass duy to a email n i uppro. I -x ~- = rnl n eraK '. 4. [ la oiativo an lance of fnends and t tr t -I I I ' u k Ch 1 K 1{ 1 [~ I ~- ! rrlahv~s, thar3 nom n.l my c1 1 _ i v 'w 1 n I. r r el p r,. the ealutncuy 6y St1 L~ ~tia •I s c r i. t I.1 I I ~ p 1 a III _c + t. ~r, I u~v r i ~r-n~sr . - Cartnll, ann [its chum v lal . b;ry t+nr.+. het , .ors: I r n. [l:e a. I ,,a F,,,, to h ,rat the Ia sh¢h~ V by the a;a furl roe tae qra luutau. . u i I l I Arc - 61 ' 11 'd f to a:A The h curl n and yr o f it a n I I I t t;t r n r I:. [ dloh ^ w th n~ h th ~ youn;{ [ i r t t 111 I I t 1 i. t t e 'L I1Bdta9 tlngUlf t...E th ma' I - b. I ~ II \ i 1 HI' I III t r I,h t' II t ll l apk th« n I{ i el ). rat[ n _ n IE 1„ i i I,.a Mar I I I 1 all t 1'I' I I tl _. nn • 0.1"y inn[rr .t:: ct •vh ~h t icy .:r t I. tl 1 4 x I Th h ~ 1! t 1 r' :1- t I I 1: t I.r I t' kl t t I Ir~'bEx'.ul. I t - I h 1 1 l II I I h i : t[a, A Splendid muete 7 pr lgrnm I II 11 T I 1. II I ~. t h ki TI - wae given. Tha mss-. at d n- I I 'n r r l ! I o- I l l l t \r ([ 1 1 7 1 take r,f Vtlla Si.trt er well -, h I ~tn n t c ri;` , known. and still a ono attar nn• ~ ~,r .:•n r ~ l to It.orl , l ~ uu \r u nhr i;~ .r+ir Irvl m.'. Otllar 6iagniit rat aburat of mel- I I k~ r tt \_ I y 1 f 11' ~i J de•I odv per[ x m [ima, rythm undl I I I. I t -, I [ t tl~.l r a h k n i t h ah ts, ph 'u,;, 6 it+'1 :,u[ anat. t[ ~~ trtt ill i \ l1 ti I I r I 'i 'xl '! h.'t It 'I' oU qra Karl W be lava w w•acel lI -•II- ..1 tot t:: .I 1 1, \111'hn\I 1 t 'h x ,h n;cg t~ a orowd oP aacitool T'... L:, .. a rat; I 1, ~. ~., +e ~ u.•.' u:d ;e .+s u,l t t [.1. u nan~: I I. Iglria, and nor cu an m'ohaatra otj~ rll, _~_\\vtT~es,. mature and nxpcriennad meal- i 71 I. ti: I 1 - n a, e 1 , .: irlann. ! _ r 1 ar I 11i I~1! H•+side rho ulna graduu[aa al- Is i i. s t I = 4 -r I ^ ,' ('End}' mantl::ttad who wary r \ 11 \I k:el'1 4 I t ;1,+1 +nr'arilod gold madnls an•1 dtplo I [ I Ir. I1- , [pea [he following honure were ~ nr~we r. l':In,unm+, ,.r rl,.• ~, ~,.~, I.~wr,lwd- +:~n~li keens al, rttxt of a natinu'+..il a-'~ -- -'- VILLA [Nr N'f:l-.h {I {11.1.1 NLRI \. VILLA MARIA COMMENCEMENT. MARIA URSU LINE ~i'ha_, I,::,: ....-. ~~-_-~ -- ACADEMY ` ^ f.ir ., Craduat'na Eacr s s, Awartling D-. S<ventn Annua Canm<nc<m.nt E F ,~ plomaa, '.tetlals, and Honors En~ arses Were 1 1 b n I t~ . a He a at she OPe ra t 'ke`' F r } rprrw Er. r tld Program Today. efNOUee Laat Night-Superb 'oq ladle u( !u n;v~rar <:vb. 'I'hr• " --_ Program. 1reutioo hall had t..•n rarte.fullY /'~ Ih vraal ua[:nKex ~1, ~I Th n ,1 rumnu.nrrm t I t/ lu} 1 Ali (.' soli ne 4cavem h It t ih e_ ! 1 6111a Maria Lraalin d P \{ ,1 9 ~ KI :rn {. -, 1 ur U! o'clock th- , '' -. w re nand a, v v 1 t u ,.d t l t to r p n -V I f 1~ [ the per -t 1 h I M ti r d th. `6, pa[n,ra n+ f --n -. or the Khool 1 re 1 ~ t. 1 II • 1 r I p a ,f' Brvdn and tram och t' . r Texas nO elan ar , r.,RrAr, nl 1 Has t _ 11 4d d rt -. alou»I. nr-..a ~rrrbliwhl r dl I I IMn- It has been a o- t b ; sr, ~ -ode i n :hat in u ;muse ht nl »• hr o as th I :al, washer hu5 us( Clu3ed.ar tplendi.:e etesa in T R } rr!.firaLle to rn>" wornao, uncle thi, wta mars lr:lla' as apro atl[vdou and to the a nR ladies shak{nK tLe. hand of+t i,. Good old ap- ' has been :nave be a!I ;he students, mkink nnrt, .. nand rdnnranona pl,: a.oman wn,,,e head •, , p: om, ..[ and the three vwnK lade Kraduates slarn~+1 Ih= o-o !the st~Re. m•. ny a .:d h:u . r .{R<r a pleasant who into Ihr wo 'o rake •h - I t _ - x' I Ima~t an • r r , r,. mds 1 1 11. ~ [ 1 ,.1 1 wbf f I (t y Janeu_ wH, D' e n p h -•n d f. o» - 1 4 d 1' R the tno T' •by wa of di:rn:AU and C lireo m he y; tens n the ~rclea ; h^ hr huurl and exte9ded reward b inAa!,vt:,:d ap:cat. eoch gcrxt ' ~hich h more. R H tine h c calran, ,. Her. n (- F avian - 7 The {'III.^. .. a m x, ,. FI t f. trm . h ~h f 'y h 'I. rln l t l '` L \t res bee .. a. 1'li Mar„ th 1 InnR nUl a mRn Irate m not ,f _,:,,I i. c{aon.pa ~ aa:a.y ~' ~__ sillrhe 61e~_. _s m al! shout them a tarot wim the vrovle or nr9an. mlre.hnr, ;» ;,, +:rr as 73eae d m n at horo u t rom xF a Thee dlarlnct a It-.1 0[ r de hats [h ... n 7 h 1 I I d ~S ~ _ ~. Er~d~ate,1. i The [ a~ram npenrn w¢n r r. e u a hell al'^'ed th .al .nnre At the cunclusian the prugrx. ' liant selecD+m trots rcethoren In ~ ^then, ~ .!, ,. appear- Rec. Father i ~. \L~rphp C~a!eem- icn [our vlanna and » a-loon:: ' ~..>. ,yiv' rdttee~ mar. .. .inK •rmark h sate t root t I :r t ate ton. ma 'clo. V ara ~n° - i, I b : + \ 1 tr pru,rnn[lon tih p w d f' 1 [, c wcre:m t- d II f eem t Ft Hanle. a . t. t t .aR 1- ! th - a k. a and Insp rd - rn , , he ~uua[es d . d 1 6 -^rtlon f tf' Cbn \ ''rs ,l 1 t lI r to the •t u.:enr (hod Y~ He .umpli FI 1, teu•i D 11 uhu 6a; In:en ti f I I ty Du - .a, i,'. -,t s I.ss .:e.l for ~~ n reed ;Foss uhe ~ t n the so r'" 'me dtrretlnR e y 1 rla t 1 h,t 1 atY ~" [ Ih 4 ml Th t - t - { I. ~IL:~L~x K d a: n p 'd . r Ett ~- l st h y R 1 II I 1 t, I a II K CI~ u of h ~n[ I-. t 11- 1 7_ I'. {11 esr h'd a ril Th n I 'I [ ~ ,, ! tt h ` -~' h.d [ne p r -r d-. K H h IY rh h -.l I Sal \~I e Closed F~s remarks ,5i b y ,,, u t I () h- r III' i P. i y 1 S .' !) 1°K .1~---.-~ [...-f - ned h [ro,.tnrm. an•I a tr y - I_h~ ! 1 r the d ac rt. t h g ..nd Ri ,• n t d [ d \i ( I [.. n t: h .r h r~ : e h~ I Rh t 1 ly k h l l f Ot Il I t I 7 . [ d~ [ 1 m ~ t it al n. F1 VI EI I- n - f 7 { 1 t U 1 + I 1 I•-Ief (( ~~`s n :e lof l_ de ..nd .o I t L rti h b 1 t' [ t r t I h[ 1 EL L~ f-~ • sU [ I- p [ rs rr and I. d in I' b-. (.h ~ ~ I 1 n Ilt . I r d s h l ;ea h ne: I t t w. 1 Ihr PoP ~ err :e 2s fol [I tlfl 'L t~-FI_ th. Pe Ii lil h h 1 lv l ~ -1 if 1 t'.th 11 1 _/// -~ L 9 1 it t T Iff ~ ~- / P gra ! \ II tl~ 1 R ti ~ /(/ .a11c0 t{ 'I. b ti P. ' { 1f" I - b-1- II I' 1 + - \I. Fi B \ ]I d { }f i h[ I Ph I s ~ l 1 Dr rt I[ 1 t I ti d .a ,1 -I Iwut ' 1 Plu [f V'.. ) P .. r. F f. ti 1 _ ! ,• ~/ , ~/ 7' n 1 I R P In (~1 4 1 1 i, ru .r ;{l,pr, . t nna I. aeny- Th. Lrd r~ \[ 1,:. :;11 DI n~ •: h- npm .r ,roles solos. n 1,,;:1 ho . P- Ph f 1 t KF - 1 ... -r: e P Ilnwno-DOnI[eati nc[ Uur 1 I ( h t th 4f ['ar II 'h h. f 1 t br•I \I ir. ea F: .[noes and SI U'nIP. Aar a. ael. the e.,.(I, t r a-,I :,_ urth her m t , ufh rtltteen[h and to • Fur h~ I llll I - I I. , I hl [hd } } { the 1 -I I. l' es -{'o<:tl eel. I I ~ 1 1 t IRh I 71 . ! 1 - ..' ted - tl:. { Furh!. s. rr La. sal.l o[ [6e aurh f h..,:hn, i -- ivr 1 \I'.w~. 1 {t \{ ~ J, P u; L i FI~ f lava 11~ I F It ~ d F L t- [ T r.. ll~ O Ftr 1. Pia [t i II -ih .spirt S41n d L / I- -th. / { A iV" S. I tie, F: and \ i Hate ., .hr. f.nm ..~:, t. -{. (leak ~ ly` I 1 I f I t 1 k ~ , Fnnhe. P!:mo [I {fiv [ a ur/1 rt. n N n7: i'Ir. DUr -1 Itlnt: + r f ''7 .. .. I ~.. 1 I {t " p \ I1 ,. {f C hv, r r -e R. a tl lin,.lrn of 1 t I. it 't ~ ` {{-v :{P4I if a.r Ca r+h1 rt rl :, srtrynalll_ iR -, YtiRm~r of {lar ly)th,,.tw:l 1 tar I i.:i ne[n-,111 II. {\ It I [ 1 x, Iln. both f 1 f hl 'r I 1 !'sass P -\II R Y t. Y Tlr,a Ae, t h- 1 d f,i 1I. t tl {I II' r,J DI»tn hntlon nP Vrizrs ,tad r+rt lh wits .a I,no,l nlanr_e. In. + nu r. '.d to I.r 1. iv J- shut •h+ rn - I ~.I h I. I 1 h, world r[ak tl rh t' 'F 'a 11 1 t. I (1 r h -., f h t t 1 0. t i ''1 1_•~ ' y} 1 I ttl..ll 11 J- 11' 1 1 A. I,u-t- {1 '.n tllmAR iri, '1 Tt II •nt In all th, - . P--rno--\I R. fnnneil- da VUnnh ara hen bc,n +Ixty Thr k utf 1lµ) r tat I. '' 1 I _ Pres<ntat f Gratlu i s Tarr r ~ I th,u 1 I t -_ _ _ 1> 1 ,1 t 1 ,• LUgely u I llt ''I t.d I 1 ' (ri [111. 1 f 1 I.I t' [ 111 f Ifrvan than un~: r K H n LI 1- I f IIJ It J t~ ' 1 1 Al .h (- K I fY F If Ith t \f I h' I I I _ r 1 ti III-. f Y' V h t th t~ it Y .E , ( I- 1.' LLu T ass. Th f 1 f h h I I. I I 1 7~ tl _ ~ ll lae Rag t at', 0 vn Tr.ru-s r t of the i t .h !e I ,,f 1 I. I [ t' c - 6'YIYAIC4PrY Yon \uhis bolum" bond ua tl.< ro b.. alth ani lu saner! rln 71 i.• ~ullia l r . 1., i,o T _ _ y bee opporrurrl:Y for ».u~lY. 'phe Ir~ wni~h n odl.,udri od Iu - _ ~? ~ ahrRn•• lea ued, shows n ember of wlilt, a::d blur rlhb, o,, w the enJs _ - - - - ' ` .. nanurlfal I. t th. brflI1,11nRa end I I ( I.I [ d ' i - - u P Sruunds, [h t . I of whlelr I er t I -tl tt . I' 1 V le 6ard19 xxcelied anywhere. tb. I I [h I t <'~ 11Kht un tlu sunlevt. 1Wfrosh nests ~ Y -+ YILLA AiAOA C7iSILtiE ACADEMY. ..~ nrd by the art departmrnt.l This Sckool 7t~ k.tln is the beet and most ez- I Some Obwmtioas Cpea eusive n.ade. for thin purpose. R bith Bryfle people :May do N'e0 'hey are non able to 5re chits fee ~ y¢ p~R- he nuteide public upon liberal erID e sins no lithe of her credo, Th academy is having pot i n Brmeao part of her repata[inn ry, tdr Stevenson, a larger engice'~ abroad and a great help in instal and boIler, W replace the smaller tone, from the aziatence pare oC her oe now in use iur lifting Waler to thine boarding schools. Dose ,be upper storiee ut the building. Bryan do for these schools her fm! yawing wood, etc. They are wid- da:y in return for the benente they nc continually to :he area in cup be:ww? .ivs[ion upon the form, and maki-g Thi u!•at:on '- saggrsted by in- n 4 mprovemente in all directions, tarma[ion gleaned by this water hue keeping the i-e[itation up lo. oa a visit to ~-ilia Jinrin Academy to high state of r3riency. ' far yonng girls. I Thia iaeti[ution Tnn Eagle reporter was greatly oClearrtingis nnsurp Ord inegaip- retested in astroll our [he Bar- men[ d In all advantages o(3en and farm of this ecsutution.; healthful, bean[iful surrounding=they are Working wonders in gar- and +u:ceaeo:iea ov any school indecing and inrming. They pro- the south, Thi: is a string =_tate~3oce about alt the vegetable.+, corn mwt, bat it is made de]iberntelS~stc., that they use. T'neir crop, sad is mean[, every word o? it. yt corn last year, was shout #00 Se[ the e o°! doe, no[ enjoy so>aehe]s. They have alfalfa grout- large attendnn- it ., peel: nerd -g, also Winter Data for grazing, to scc¢mmadate n The c_+nrya+~z ins young orchard and vineyerdff -Che gout fine blackitern t - Cor this fie that it s located at aepbrrriee, ce y d, Bryn°- o e f her things •tot c mmo m Tble =_tntemtln[ ma -eema little hm ..ection. They ha\s ¢oad startling, yet t[ to absolutely true. A broad over the State, amone p m ~, grounds Co: these pu: pone=, and plc who pare children to educate, re continually enrichieg it by ed- uofortunately the impreesio- pre- ~ diu3 barn - d manure, which they file that Bryan ~= down in the I ease fnm\thr pretni=e-, and some Baazos bottom. right on the beaks , of W.^.ich tbey but in town. ofrths Brazos river, some imagi¢e, Of these mterrating farm opera- aad [hey natursl!y ca-clude that '~ [ions, the Engle mac ha^.e more to th=, town may mt be s healthful , say io another i=sue. location. lloubt upon this score is fatal to any impnL=e persons nt - n diets ce m y have to patronize our schools. a YuW the good sisters uF the Cr- =uhne community ha~~e made a heavy Investment here, fur a large part of which they era o dept. The impression that the situa[ioa is en ^nheeita fnl o is a great mistake ne is eviden[:ed by [he fact lhnt re pupil has spent a second d¢y i the infirmary since [be opeui-g of [he academy September 1~Ju1, yet never[~rleee the school suffers from the idea. Is it not i the duty ni our people eo the ai~ters end [0 oar OW- inteleaLa 8a W ll, to do something m conn[eract thin seen-eousimpreeeicn? R'e he!ievn n te, and Wr believe that nor pr-n- ple should tender their std to the educational ms[ttnuone here, m t only villa $ana, bat the two other bo¢rdi-g schools, w do come r@'a~t- ive Worn in ¢drer[iaing the hcal[h -,- - rtt: iY. Ittq Lninp t!w a.,•r,od e ~ a ~ .r an• ! inn r tl,.• aurora a a,( Yll:s ]lalyiu end i tM~ fe-a.,t .:rt ,~,tr ye.]nr..l ) ;t~,lr .k la c ttil.6a ~ ~ ~ thx-~.lrNU:m r^~,minR tie i,spi;a nt i.r°.WVitvt .L,ieryrlW~ prr~Rrnv, u, h,~,vm or tin. .• v yin . WS. Aid the•.- lin4~ tv.. a,„ l rr>o~ ~ Iwliw do their teutn•rn nn~i tt.:.mt~r. "rrdSL 7hc only anwYrr-i ,t,~ . ' .. rrom ~ c w: e.ml' bur m'yugaa ihr livdterl spae¢ n( -' [he mn~h: }:utl, w .o i^ribd. [~'« a=t :has rwt m ran Will rlam. r ik2urz~ L'il:n 1{.arms rill M able to add u.:onzrrt ha:L. and th.t. have the pl.^u+uro oP entera:nlnR its drimads uch <n~casiUn.. Darns lw, nr th,~ u. I. c Hmt om a n•aat orter;ne ; + the W avn: Uf ail kind. `sal 'tis the rar¢eut a,iah of a:ery Inmate Uf thl+ ncdwo: '- [hat these luien will one deg a ll tnr;r .rytanoa,•nuua: ~,un:rrts~ o hula's Hi:i into reritai+ir now- t Nile ^ r .a had p f [h line d : fP~ old ma !f_ lrll d '.>` Be f fine wul 6 o r terp ug and de+en +ag c unK ytN.2rn. Ur. Trier Ha-.well. 7^WU ]Duel r' book eaH~a rich rh•ganf houk~ m all [hem, from '. riecds far and near w::m ul ai pmsemtrd r n thin ' day. in rm^. t-ilia Marko and "b noble [.and or [rm,hrr.. r>t] indeed'. yra,..f._t for the iv .rn[ and kmdveaal nhUaz arm br so a ea lKMtre of rnwd acd hallo alit r. ST. JOSEPH STREET. (FIELD DA V. 9AZAAR I AtiD TROLLEY P.IJE. The .,... :. - -. t _„11 .:~ I..l+.n „- \ill \I~ mill rkanK[vn t_ map oI~ t i old t " F9cld Uag e pretty paints and w;aaAa ana and lenity ear, ant m. n nropla a replacivK tie bn~'xd~u'tre °f L'r:an to coin ov[ a+ud spend the pasiuc+.•s. rrEaneciall Y' La this true in three liours b them. ;the nei KhhorhU°d o erbcwis. This date a'll: mx:k the rompletion t1 ork[nen a. opentnn np a beau o the e~tenslUn Uf the iro4ey I(ne to -rat ariry.W,y $aae norm or t'wa star::, tea a final and the noon lathes oe cola \^adem~ rv~hich will be kno»n as S[. >larlu jcslly r,.el ptuud o. n c J+.aep'+ a ana wtR separnm the push ear, whit. orb I °.:hxi-,, roper[y and K outlet t the unltT. If -yLhe 6w abet to he any Ints ,i~ h n a neln~ places VrettS mnchla data [he car service will 'nry iGo. market and soitlrln the addition to shall)' established and e['ecyove da I dj A o th d t i- )- h I K t a 11 ba•.-c i[d hi - 1 P hI I d I, 11 d li d lrh _ p I ht s K _4 - f b d D-' tl t d n 4 ... ±r,eniv~ bya~[..ul t 1 3 1L, n.+ ,+_ .A.,t in cox, a. t Ella VI. r (ul situation of Bryan. Thia is n LARD OF THANKS. anggea:inn. If thought well of, the Ire a:eh t It:rov the cm- ` t+ dntaila may be Worked out u[ con• °t rho Earar p.. rep and • Yen le^Ce. oe[ tees[ tbnv ka ; ullfrieoda for The :1. and 5I. College hoe ' mrtr a+al.mnce acd leaner e°uehude e-6 eted Cmm :hi+ eum9 9upeH[i. aurlva the loon Illvra? avd at the time linos notion [hai beCaL'x. l[ is in al the death of n r belayed Mother Brazos County, IL is in the Bre2na SL Pierre. lSe a~lnh +o eapeclxllS hOL[om. 7•hey have met th0 silo- :hank Drs. 3londrlck and AaTeUr far scion by preparing data and tom- profrstannnl aervl.~ea. wee early pill-g 6[aLL[1Ce which pr tl nn- v nape that heeren'a choieeat bl°ssinge donbtndly the error or auch idem, and Ixnedbllnm ma- r uc~on caoh r s These wn could draw upo- and nee ~ and every one. 61ao. W-e could shout [het inalend ^ LA DIRS [)F VILLA \tARfA Cti;l~ of tieing in the Bmzna ~ttom, . Nl~Strr. Bryan +e Lev miles away Crom the fiver, and ou n high ridge, free from miasma. The Eugie reporter, upon u visit to ~-ilia Jtaia this »rek, found soma uoderl'ul progress being - -- mode by the -inters. 'I'hev n conticualiy adding to their -mngr uifice-t ~qu[pme^t. One of the ' Isted addttiom is a eery flue china DEATH AT VILLA MARIA Slate: ]l:trr Aeainn, known La [be a-orld us ]ties Theresa t'eaeaka, dlrJ at 1'lllu ]Inrlx L'taultne Cocrent on Sunday, }lurch =, 111.'.. Tr+ia morvlvS. after hlnp mane sad u sermon eulnet2-. ing the beautiful avd sell-naentlcin5 I eta of the deoensed by the chaplain., Rev. Father Glelasner. [ha 'aelored uad lame¢[ed slater w a laid ro teat w'i[h [he a vul reltgloue ce onleu to [tie;' enc c orS. A lute an pore n¢a'i brnanrm na mr a or neaten, and, ua teener uud gentleaua al lrtle chtid'e, ~ ana eases, ana tee amnt released ' ~D'am ua tr ,. eat tit tiny, has none home Co daelinforevcr aim God. LTCiI:LL\E fC aDEM7 CUR}IE\CEME\T. A Nell Plea;cd tuJien,e Li+cened to the ~ Cto,inq Etercises at lilia Nana. TI",e t.:u r[it arnnal otm mence~ [rent of Cilla Maria i; rsuline ,lcademy has Passed into his- a ~ torv-, Lute ,inch of its preclece5- 3 errs, it teas a gerr. „' pe rFect art, ~ I nni~hed, rnm ~' pieta. IL was 3 tit- ~ [ingelima~t„the yea is l',rnBin- '~ ble and sureessfu: pork n-hich '~Iha~-j tcl scd 2nt t-one more 'd m liaLUhFble e'Ide¢ce of the' ea. ef,.l tra.mng and thorough in-' ~I 5Crne[I,)n Ile l.arLed RC l~!la \Iar1 to the pupils •aho enter its pur- tais. Y The mdemcnt eoen:r.g kopt g at mans away vrho ^ere n >, ieus b att 1. yet tl a.td.t i~ m -' a c' f rank ¢Iied ' t'h ~. pet -n: 1Rd°r nl -f Lhn sbtub' ^ and the eat Lerce ,f ~ I the prog!~am made it an nvecirg ~ of real a' u t. 3 l tti ~ f t ge lied en p Pa d a l- ett'c d d c I a anon.., ncre beaut,i u'.. F:ag>pre. i ~ dnm.nated a 3 tl t n I every n't -r [ T e L pt \el j Bya hap152h.u hta}art I : S IS- Plei g c. nu n1 c w a i l ~ ranged In tl ce¢rer and to th ~ f rear ut .c aa;e here "l).d G!orp," the Lme Stat3 and the __ 3 Stars and Barn that cherished ~ es iea of the suuth, x?regroup cd u.r~'t6 r The m -grim wa happily a - ~ ranfi^el by a 1 r i n ~ - al au .ant ~. [h a and t um ` } Ot. U~. 1 r Ct all Jn: d a{ 6 ~C I.g1 C C3Ct t- \I ^. IC rffft ~ Pr'dom,n..tr,i and I in ohns i % and cornet were th aa.-ru.n^_nt3 3 used. Miss Face TC!'a}' lCard n~as~ the Salutatorian and eho5r. fora I her subject [he felL>n-ing: "'To{ ~ day is the Time to Gird l',:o t~ ~ Arn:oc on; Tnmurrr,tcs Sever? I % Come, 1 a 6n- and t n_ For e e2 att. the le t--t daS3 o[i fe 3 R a, c . aY, e read} I. } \Lsses llh C~ and Hud1 ~ ,IaPhet 1,a 8 t-.,.t, aete:i Jtiss Gtnwnc-"Gentle in \fan~ i ne r; F.esotcte vn Deed:" >lias Japhet-Our Deods Still Tracol n-ith Cs fn,m .1 far: ;md ll"hut . lS'e Elace Bean \ia:cs ~Cs lCha[ B R'e .l re." i '"I'he FagWs Rncit" n.L:gantlc ~ record by Sfiss Bessie Gibs~ut. wa, hif,I ly 1~preclat 1 th audience Thy cast tt, 'ntr. [acing range rsrtnrs Dv 51„s Colum~ impe rbnnuted n u,t grure lly by Miss F'an^ie F~.,ur.[ain ..~ gor{•enusiy bex^ti(ul anJ ,,uKht out many interesting rma[ions and tableaus. 'fhe ung ladies representing rieiP s fr,m £o reign part,, wcra 3tu:ned alter the countries ¢re5eated and carried the Sa~ The 1f usician's TesE, in which the "Professor" xns represent- e!1 by >I iss Cnra tSSner, was re rs entertai Ding, She and her little musicians furnished agreat deal of fan and receired the ta~arty applause of the audience. The first n mbar oP the prn- gram, "Chpnce ca!op" be ?fah nottc, xns a masce rpiece and its rendition na Lour pianos xiEh tier young lacl,ies at each piano, and the enrtre l'il!a ?faria or~ cheats, ;va. grand beyond de- script-on, the mIGLE1' melody [fiat s:cept irvrm the earious in~ strumerts vans sou! icspir*.ng, and trans}carted the audience ~ prom the to is of the earth mw i the rani f higher thought. The ~ ocr p an. ere ptesided o by th h. n ~ yrinng ladle . \ 1L 5-. lSard a^d H tJa7hct B ~ V s,ea F.u'is Con ce,ly at.d .lLce Founztn. C.- \i'~e. F r ces Chan e and \fa V Fo Par}. ~ D AI - yes \7. rI -: and S - P Tre o'n to \ N- , Lama ~tetena was acother Msaifu- p ce a t S ha d a -a ~ d [ -~ ut e c. wh t tl' t[ a t R -ly c d ed th ~ \I-ss ate e ;a a xo . dw:ul mus uan km her age and is destine? to ta'se a pl¢cc in the' u c v. ~ -t Lth T a tip ~ P u1 ~l 1 d 1 t ct that 4 r bca - t :I de' - d h 11 -r h r n the r\I1 t .: \ L u d node tLe a - Lc "3 h.. tier oca~.ifa? Crem 5 Id, uP +hat cnarm that c 1 ,ontbts :md uls pirea. '1'!sr cw~rcises c!nsed with a Cev: p:trt:ug wards :' n Pa!her (tleiSner, Pasn,r oP St11 7oseph's Ca[hoiic church. which wore felt of tender su!iuitcde and Lrthnrly -,in.. ct he a y.I 7 I a• gc n}, a at t tl e r 6 the a and ; t t n 3 -\ tal. and p e t uL ~ - I tr .•at t, pu P:Ia. in c.u-~: r: a 1 FIt:;T fri)~,'t1:5-.1 \'F.I:.t,:l: ''-~G ' vr:r ces'f-Fof O,dite and :unis- hl.idep•n~unent and ubsercarca of regulations of the ac;ulen~F: R"reach aa~nrded w Miss Fllie R'a rd. t t tt r Uuige a s led u t1 sc ~ PI P ire hubs Dn nd \fa 5 l1 If. FtxSr I[ ~otc: ntr .ti:truv~L :\cen.\ne !i. rF:¢ rrsr - >Iiss:S ,lihorta C. nee, .-Mine Rohde and Bessie Snl!. t'O.\I VF:rl11~V aI F.P.~4'-Gold medal b:r C'h ristiiln doctrine, do- nated bS IIcV. Ang. Gagnon, chnplnin. Paemiuu Fic}d. .t u n~n r C i r c t e-Crernium r~sa rded L, It:a-s Sf3ry :S:,il f. G,~Lt, ,tl k.i,.\I. Fr)ft )!,1T:i':.'. ns-Sob Sr-ni,i.- Circle--:1 :-.: ed \Sisa Robs Davis. Iov:rmediat_ Circle-deard ed Suss [s,uise \eisr,n. li~~Ll, Ott:t,.\L Ft1L .•~It ..t~--Dr, ~~ rated 'op .\I rs. T. R'. L,rett. away .ed >tis3 [,aura Svrvens. Gott \1 ' .\L A tl,F:l, F'r:H' Vff1 I'( f:I.TIxF .lwerded ~ \fis A:ine F:nhde. lfedais-first honors axard~ , ed the must sucness[oi in Elie re- st„tt c F g(i al cla e~ ' San rC~ --\I-. Fliie lPard. c ' ~ ~ C;i a \Les Sallie : ~ Pace P~enaratory Cia,.e \t~s \la~ 1'•- lS olf. S ••~r >fedas, lfith R"reaths In t.~da -Donated by \Ira :1n. - - l i 1 \7 3f3 Rn'l5' L'. n ac i a ,Chance and \fa s ; P,.: Fvn..~. _ .7 urine Cirr!e-Silver Lledal- Aura 1 1 AI. - F u ~ , G. d E g f t 1_er I.Im~ - per n nt l.ca dad \I s5 F"- -ItieR 1 \ 1. G 11I vat t r 1,-,cal \i u~c~: ~ and Sr.;d:es-d:carded Vl iss .-1I-i ~ .., (. ~n:caS. ~ ~ :fedal fm• Jtuac .... - - 1 aide 1 \f -v. CI, t!v ~ _ ~ n t r Hortc .. ^ l by r l~f, r '~ - Pr mum \.r _ 3 If :a ~ l 3 r rn i ," 1 P em u m 1 -. :d is . Is: .r- A ~ n, A~ ,.- i t~ tiI Franhie Daily. I'u rttmr premiums for thoc distinguished in departrnencs ,_~ [warded to ACisscs fiatie ll-tay,lSarcl.:l!lie C:,n•n'ay, [Iil~ da .IaPhec, C•'annie Poun lain, .\1 b rtt( 1 Nii l\ d i3 sa, ( bs n fil H t t 11 Laura Stev n ld f-'I3 \I r> Letd. oy f la : Inn e IS.P'Chly, fiu • Ugric, I:ay C'nnxay, Cora \l~iscer, Mary Dfcy(illan, Cruise ~~, Selsnn. Agnes L'rice. :liinn Rhode, \lars {6ailf, Bessie Soli, Settic CInY, Leona Seiso¢, l'or~ inc 1'raniain. Ciett:e. l6adf, \lu ry .Luephine Robinson. '~. TI',c• fulluwi"g Pupils xhn did ¢.tent Ill 1c d mt [ F• G, c. mF to trl -u u race tod~ I narab- in \f ..cs Sul ,te Uuuu,B r[I n.frlTtts. \:II1•~ nud Frankin Uai!c, Paul!n:• .md i Prvldio HollunJ.~__ 5a. -non'[ torc.a moo e' :.~Iilnt; Itx an,am frcexre + littler:es3 j men o ue alga. Fn:it v ~bulternet, u ar-ti a . ~ ~ ~ f ////// 9 --- do $IStrr ,\o)c+lur of Vlllu nlella ~ 1 :ttud~ms, htu guns [n gf~•mphle,) i _ 'Cennen. t.~ uliuru ~ht wi t ntu,!y m . 1 nie dJrinn t' vmmer muuth,. bt • s ~ .eu rPnnlad hY bliax dua~~uhin w i-J ~ . I a Ghrute o~un ..f l;uL: coteu, uhu go.= ~ to tu6v n +i,ecinl ;ouno in I.iD~ gatl. ' '.~, -"'--- VILLA MARIA ACADE6IY t'^~R•a1r* 1. Lubiln, Texas, , . r,:,.: icaaz, r BRYAN TEXAS "rii'~ t Villa 'Kuria Ursuli , . :. L:11:R. 11. :ii:k, ii. i°..`I --- ~°r.a'.I.r. c. Lnltb. FI. Ila:.laP, a. " ., t. ne Arademy Closing Ezertises of the Thirteenth ~r:i,~~ t;,~,.. :.no Ltrr , '' ' ' o nm Hyo-., ,L Annual SesaluR. 111 _. F,_ : U <;ant,.: ~ , A „t,,,l r _,,: „. rn,~;.a" ttrla, p - 'i ilitia . . 1 n.. 1 ~ k t; Klee. li T t .., . ,. , Tnxn. "' ". ^.'f w:tL !,II.-k. F. - I I' i _ ,,. r I rtC .ilY Ifu.. r[. WWII. ' 1 ill I i- y 1 :. ~ 1 II !1 Ii k -~-~~~ r} : . .. [ a- I t i 1 1. I:i hlig F I. rm. R. I -1 ~I C h - . ~ :: f h-. ha i of tl ' Hril i. k. t I',,I. F la;. 1.. Dn-,- ork 1 : vn:;. I„ ti:r earner' a ,.( tln.l t 1-." I tl _ It t e II -n~ tl eartin R tI finllh k: ~ ~ I ' f . . tF Inv: t. I ° n u[ ti _ - 'f"` Ft. Tn lar.,: tlun.r and .t.tll~.~, ~ 'I ~ ` I n t hi or. [ I I '. F 41 (h. ' I. I I[ 1-,I. I,IFt ~+L ne . n I/a:. - t l t I l D,r~ is . i I \I r II .Yr emy . l rt t I 1 th It I I l. r D i ,.:i. t.. Ls ~nirt- r B . aha 171 h t In~lrl ra tin :til. \u ' 3. I rle. ryan, Texa [[ ! th I F' k I ~ ~ [ I1 t r Eoa:ding S¢hool f ~ l 1+ it r 1 1 1 F }t Rth I 1. I n F 1- m ~ :1 - la ,. young a and httic 1 I t -~ 1 t I f thl I It 1 rr t i yt g the 1 1 TI It .il F I F2 T $ reene3 d nt i t s ti f l I. 1 1 I II :~ h I h F h 1 es, ¢at vla~ rOU d I e t. t I 7_H u.t. + I \I 1 I n I~ L R t II kl f h. 1 r h +f3 IP. L 1 0 n s, OCd- t: idea Affii:ated with t }l - It 1: [ -- t it 1 t 1 k. rt fJ nivers:ty. Term SG 'n ~ iln«.II tI TI I tl. -I 1- E'.n I:t F:. i t•. , 'stns J'¢p; II. ,.n¢ {Or 11 ' r f t It h 1 I - i ~. \I ~ ~, I ¢ R. [ t Ca[a:ogue '. d [r •hr+ I 1 h...,ir nIl 't ° kn.ia „( 1 'k, H. L . I.I., i. 11a 1 f . ...Iit::. ~i [I '~ 1 I 1 d 1 l I CII: 1` t~ C ~ 1 ~ ' t n- rr t i Tn 1 I I ~ Motner S i nll I I f ~ dll ,a nNt+aha n\e.unia uper or. I tndenr- ,nd.r a ., nal.. ~.ta.- Id. ~- d h n f . 1 t t ]t \I h h i)~ 1 __ ... -. I t Inl Iht t 1 I r- R_ N\ hl-~ t tl' .t h 1- 1 i Id I TI ~':< I III - i tr r¢:i n -rrl r.,r - ~ ~ I' :1~ meet T h. yl d Noti.er >Iazp Jr.hn of 4tlla 1lnria ' the aradrm.. In ..ta...i.t~ :tre . Tlton Cl n..e,ly. ~ r Wed home en Fnday from ltiaah~ 1 s 1 1 - ~ iii l ~ r tl n nr on. D C ,where she has been [ur . nl 1 _ ,. , it h { I R I i h p t t y tt d g the I 1 ~ t r 1l I I n F3 t t t C h 7 L 't V h 9ary I tl 1 t 11 3 1 t h l n Th 1 tn R 1 f, J hn t e I., i. 1 1 t 1 1 1 [.• d[ I 1I 1' t ~ s hiRhl r. 1-: _', d rte .. .d a,l I, rertn,l 1 In tt_, _t Ii ~ ' t_..r 'I f.,, r II _d ~.I~ L_ ' I~ 1 r ~ ' r r '.r is l: a n.l Ri!:ir, m-::. n."•i:,l v ntlrr::.l titre«th•, {;anl e ~1 +::^ti. ~: o n ` h tt .1 ~a i~-. Tha. h t r e, t: . ei ~ n~lr, ~.. ~ , " ::tl nl~ C. rld.•ut I - rfnz retlr t-.1 '.': t 11 nl n} n - ` II :: t,11 1 1 1 t 1- t 1 t_ ;~~Llcn . nc~_ r.art r l 1 f h. r Lt .r. I: m: ..I t..r .. ba.l u:e' - ajl'roud dtu =tt,:, r.r 1,=Inc rne. 1, t 1 1 1 ~P. -- r t 1 to i 1 ~- ted ::.... ~ Alin ma t-, .u rl:e mxti-:• ''i[nlfon. B. Ff. 9. V5. VIL!A MARIA. Rev'. 1'. :\. H::~~kmnn ni 'Ce:n r:lr• ~ - Ire•,. J :1 ~~ P I: -i Tlie shall. R f ;he B; Yap FI14h '. It 1 k I I 1 I. 1r I I I tl ~.booL ba»F- h II t.am [n 4'illa Maria r it .. tlwr ,: Ir b-. D[.d. and the ;; ~,I. i 1:1:, t 1 r I°r t 1.. y'. Ian n~! a, 'r:.h f - .fn, i II : .d All f rl. t`~~~h 'PT :+ it [_t Lh.• h...: "r ..~.. gr;od fort one In r, .: _ .. _____ wlt l,tn Ir+ - rrerl ~a':11 '~ ~ ~ ____.. - Thr fall I~r.r,:+:m ,:: __ ti asa_ .:il":~. -~ ~~ m Marta saval aunln cwt, °r ' ° ,. tl i ~ nr. pe5 1 ~. [YV l m ° Ph y'A 1 ? 1.9 .19 r ! V7 t R t 7 d0 th : I ~ k n d t h t t l i I ®L - I ~ IdY d o a plctire sho 9 I. ' • t ~ P . . t 9ira U ~ .~ d^ tl 41 yy a- -t ~. ~ I ~a n d d <oId nleu V N I I ~m 1ro're~ 7 ~ ~ ° h lr _ _ . n 1 N It + l19 t Imi ~' i v m d g ~ at In :he c0 t diver m t ~ r tre the, la Pleat .rt to ll pa a 'rt _- _ ~ ahlch wi o n Il ladles of tha c - /.~,- '!.\1~ I~III ICI\'~ I\!\'I\i..1 ~. ~~ . ~'~FY' I iil"1'!it.i~i: jai.. F..\E:~T~ IOCAiION A,VD PORPOSE. This institution, founded in 1901 by the lirsulines of Galveston. one of the first educational bodies in Texas, is bea utiIUlly situated on St L'rsu]a's Hill, a beautiful and charming plateau about a mile distant from the steadily growi!tg city of L'rvan. with x~hich it is connected by an electric car line. The grounds, consisting of ;lit}' acres, include a spacious campus shaded here and there by s~ately oak,, Ample space is given for out-door exercise; tennis, basketball courts, and an out-door gymnasium are provided for the students' amusement. The new annex is well ventilated and especially de- signed for the comfort and convenience of the studen*_s. It is furnished with all modern improvements, being heat- ed by steam and lighted by electricity, and complies witL the underwriters' fire regulations. A large airy dormi- tory is on the third door, and connected with this are ;; few private rooms. The orchard, garden, dairy and poultry department; are under special supervision, and suPp1S abundant and wholesome products for the table. The location hus proved to be one of the most heath- ful in 1'e.r-as, for during the sixteen years of its existence, Villa 1laria has been entirely free from climatic diseases. But this ideal Academy claims other advantages than those of health and sanitation, desirable as these may be; Paerntaand guardians ~eho pxtrcnize this institution are not slow to realize that it is of no small moment to have their children and wards sheltered from the distractions and disturbing influence of city life, fo.* daily experience cnm'incinglY Proves that quiet and seclusio^ are the bmeatest aids to study and reflection. The well-established reputation of the Ursuline nuns, whom history recognizr.; as the pioneer educators of female South, prompp' parents u-ho da; irC Cor their daughters a school of exce Ptional adcan Cage-s to honor this institution with their confidence and puu~onaee. i~ 4 DIST[R60I3RED WOMAR. Mother General of Ehe IIendine Order Visited 6atvatox. Oa L)'t:NTO~VwTwrn? ~ .Yeµ.T!i.r '.Y).-Th4 ntt.rr.~un -::k + . lanl•r . • BL 1 aesoctat:n:, t atkr)1 ,t1;e:l tlt. ,'.u.lm ~ t ~ ,wy--' l'rnuttn-; n n~fh!:.~~~'r•,Igy-; Rrvm ttu )Ien:F~n vof ~ r~.~~ r reap!iv of t;.nu(: .1_c n' Ye+e ' Y ft„-. Dt, ;n..r~'>farl+. s,~ at 1u11eq lj Yin:. .,ra `arttw..: ;.^`-a.wa akr u>+,oae Rhe x r b:n Frxrrr. !n Ivr t w i m ~ 1 N h - ~r~ IeY ~t ~~ m iir`rn.r ,. "..a..... o m ~ e. ie`..i,.. ~.,.e . -' ~ ~. D, I [!v _ _ F On \Vndnenduy n(tnruoun between) nn \VeJneedny nf[arnnou hetwaeRl the huu re nt tour-[Itirt J xl> )1 ra. 1 the bourn of [nee-th irt5' anJ sia )Ire. .V an ' J. li. Unc'ie extend rJ th•• h~~pitnlity ~;J. }i. Unvie eateuJ edit he honpunlity ~, ~,.[ il,-r honl+ w the atuJ ru to ..7 VIIIe I of her houl,. W tltn atutleu to .,f Vllla'~ ' glntin for n beuutitul t~cel,tiuR ~d rfn (o a Lea n[ul r cel,tion 'bleb They ,~•ave In h•.¢or of ells 4t1-I whloll LbeJ' X e IR lunui,r o(etbe tll- I rtl G:a V luq urnWr, H., v. J. ~f. IiIF e cell y~uRti• arnWr, tie v. J. \I. Kie- ~ wlu ,ifotl:a(ventnu. 'lhu I•,.rr wren Wln .,I ('I too. 'lhe J.or n InneneJ b it-_nes [i t} Dnvf.a and open e.l by Sllanea Ruby Uavlo alai I:\,;;.ea k 1 i!. t .}G w 4 tln,_a Pr'. 1' [; 6 t r '~ .c tl I I 1 \I ~ Ii~ n~ [n. tl F I' b )1't, H. I ~1~ I, \I W .~ 11 .II \I e. h- ,, )1 rs. \\. H,w<II. ]Ire L+Ib~nn 1 t 1 r ) ~.: nt (31U tt 1[M-7t. Iiib-v yi F 1 tI I lb. ]I ' I~ k t l H l b. .iJ 1' I I I H 4b ~I kill 1 n 11 tt \\ 1[ 7t I l t R y K i f ~ tl l i - I 11 I' 1- [haJluul., , waeul ,%hly p•. tier ,d tnhle laid w ¢h Lu In ,u,t In rawu eJ Wble laid wi[h Inuuimnue ucxwu'.. .;rk m:d adv~a ,~a ud.~lubrn Loll my k at J 1- l I l i' 111 II III I I I. 't I I Itnh (e dlen [I( II 1 I till 1 ,ti cl I-i.. 1( r t rhr rr It l-tll t' t l .t r. tl .r`-j~ f I. 1 ved ~_ tl- ~r-I 'f I t •e1 t ~I, { I F lllrae h C 1 ,i I t I- L P~ 'I I \I' - \II h tre- y 1~;1 1l \II k I if I H I \I }lar- t f in I ti I. L H f•Ini N.U I1 H~I l JI, ri lilnJr I.U ll H 1 1: II \..,Ie It 1 ll fill ( e.l A , ek..il 'I a lilli..l awry. I; 3h[( f I+. a Iur,i:I,:JJtr- 1 tl 1 t I I J j tit ti 11 1 1 . I b5 1 th ii i pi [II 11 11 t Ii. t t \ t 7. ,{ l 1~ - l 11 I I I I t i~ f l 1 1 ~1 I ul [ I i I I R LI 1 t 11[ t Inl,ulu, I I t -1 I ~ I r I t t t •. ti td .d -sir I tl q a` I'. I 1 1, t t IM1e I ,.t 1 11 1 1~ t 1 t' 1.r II I ~ I t i tl It. I tII ~'I I4 U t 1j. [tlll - 11 II II I ~ I'I' JI - ` 11 Il tl Ith 1 II. Inl I I f ; ~ry` I I I t d..: 1 I - t 1, 1 - I t ll ifr r ;--- ~`y tl l I r tl~ \f I f,,,l 1 I I I, th.• n 1 h.,r ,r tw , , 1 e t.~, i tln[tlnh tb a rb I'1 til,•If t, +[ rd Lin. Bata rhi,l tb;~Ir 1 ~, Irby" I in• 11;.,..; of nn oY t I ra uttnlt Ibn:: of a ,. ul b u IeJ I,lanaur+~ r I unJ:,,l pirwaur,: a _, i4rr -r,f ^rnY r f:,v-o~r ne,he~~ arl , Iln~ It!- ,en h.r inl~lU M6r j[!~r t Sin nel'il ate- 'It:r~. m~ ~la °voe x. U.,:t~n .+~ln. .^.•~1.1..+~.n w nmC~ninA nt I•~R;..ee inn ]trrenTnrr~ee 3:. ] L er t1~9: rluc'i•L- 1'... ttL~ o_Il.e nn,i Rrrnn. FC~ERlL nF H ft wT. iC,YE~. 1'h+ r r t 1' A 1 ~ u t ..a+ a a rn. c x a .,fin Irene n r l n- t I i n ly 1 J f tr t A i h L R x .a x~..r l+~•~atEYJr.cxrl~all or th+!~'. 11Y '- t i l 1.1 I '-t Ith 11 ' h 1' t' .I 1 tl I '- ~ - - tl Iry , ,'. nt V dt. t II n u to l I I C \ III 11 W- . fl w I I I t l I t I ce- 1 I I 1 t I I ;µt 1 I II 11 wan sill' ttn tln.aarhna o-~~ .-Itia k,•rt„~ r,. '1'lin truirbl:. Iletween ~ 1 J II 1~ I t r ![ f 1 ! ll - k 1 . 1 tn t 6 1 1 ~ fl rr`rb V, f tl i~! ... \ r loin 1 f tl k:l k. ti J 1 t' d `. I t. II ll ,' nQ - 1 \I li d t ut on l , A It t f II !I t 11 I t 't t(I"H dF b. f t L t 1 1[ 1 by 1 1 1 ~ 1 ~ l ~ . 1 I[ r [h. r X• u [! [ t if tt' t Yn ' ~ - r d:n~ 7 1 wo tt r wi ~ _ r II I I l I I Ir 7 t 11 ~ l t - ll 7 trJ - ll 14 ~ t 1 I t~ 1\f 1 I IP ~A} 11 r..l a It I 1 1 I of ; 'I'.rt I '1'I l I tl Jj• 1 1 t t wH6 iitnn Uhow . u yr n I t} ew.o t brwul alt I.luut Sft-' ~; elf la lalll 11.11 y VILLA MARIA ACADEMY, "'~~ os[~ bedsl tar azosltenoe, MQTHER ST1 JULIEN -' 1Traaumona,ya~ °:dadW; a X11 a BRYAN, TEXAS. Eae[ham. - 1.i n Iatereatiag and Beautiful Com- i°. Jeweled Rosary (or Christian e. ' Irnctrine' doawa J b ' mencemeot and Graduafia Gleixs^o R9°• ~' H. rxe r:.r~ eno r xonr . ,.:r' - g ,• nledy w Ylrasea o Ezercisea. Ellin Ward and .\nna n~'ilxnd. ~• ~ The hcat in the ee.riea nI Villa ,a donated byJnlR,thnr pr rvincial, // 1' Naria's cloning exeeoiaan this cents fed by \fiasaa t'ida Single- fy year took pinta n }L~nday ~ ton, Sallie prico, Annie F'ucha, " 1 A RECEP110N iNIS AFiERN00N ~ morning, Juno LQ Thaepnciwuas „.dine D. Walt, Louisa ~B~°On a music room of eha acedamy a Y ,\malie Wolff, Lizzia Ron tre, , ^ .r I ~. I-avishly decri rated with pnlma y Goid medal far Instrumental and (erns in honor ^( the occn- D[usic, Intcrmadiata Dopartment, a n nn graduxtneathis tyear,a e: on ~ warded [n }Iiss ituby ConoellY, // ~l ^~ ""^^•"^• o''ha full I(Wrary ~ Slisseal d'SS as 1fury Ltovs F'a'ker. or T,.^ v. n I Eleanor It"aM of Y,allingar; Susie 1. _, )1 aic~ [ntermlediate Datrumental e~Du n F rt Arthur; AJ y( .'t1~ partment, !I F Id C- 1 ar[; Hilda J. J phat ~ p s fiulda Com[z and Agnaa ' t a n Hou [ nary F. Horn P n and Ell n H. ~'arroll F{ } ^- hold medals ( h-nova .n r [ " e T z t ~ peative F nglwh 1~ es,-senior I ssTn h s- s ! coo tf ^n t L.titrnmC III es ~ \[uaa, done[ d by Strs. C. 9 / ~,nu" c C.rpu rn t oce; a ronl s n -r c.aes, b /Y i n I ,~ `'~~iteae, Lyo Tznx EI bath .''Sire' A'wa d,ejeoe; auo-aenlorl nd on m ` ' olaxa; eapacnvalY to ] ~~^ - a w, Sfiaa aAnnie Caape on !i [,tl,:,fiseaa a~n~ \rland, 3( s' Hous[on. ary Kan- 'r" r r,. ^edy, and ]I Wolft. o ary no a t - Tt a ea aye of the g sdu to , E, ' 1t t nnclusion of the pro• nP r- ^ r. t I let tampntnl mu [ h lelav n Ir t a U Il d vored an elaluant and ti `~" ~ le 'n nd d 'g tful n 1 T^ ; g a pr g am. hmcl address. I l oTh n h of [heaal Tnua closed the eizth n ati } d eh the ghoul n• ilcommencement of Vrlln t ~n i Iner of to r l y mJ a[ed'- s~8uch a hti.e ume havo [ha f.r-i~ ~~ tn6a.rw.rhna.~.cer ecord chase y. ng aulines bean m o mtdat and F v.. [ ' 1 di a aka in twha battle (1 (, }ic^ I thoy enters [[ uh n. bla a J what wonder h n e . m- F t Ishreldad nd safe card d ~ s Plrshel' St. l: I H~II 1 [ iy t ~~? R n ~~, decked ninon th n t s every possible way by area nd a h ~ to m~ noaaah 1'~ o ~ d w f eh t ~} co t I Or [h v nmg rot the e m wh hl a p.(J I k de nded, c IwJ ds II he u [h IIryan pare h u sal l net pea s^P e¢wa Jessnmmca w.'a i r.. P P - of the ncadamy _ ~ e i w e e °titawath~ a( t o-e rampart a ary hare. To the ~ e ~pr t'`i'n d I t n hue Jred }arils nr f om ,.i I ' ~ drama adaptrd irom Longtall 9 the CO t, undee the sh de 1 ~ poem by hLss Fftrnnce is n Gr tt e The bura[s of pplnuao, hl h ~'n L aril e, eo r~ualntly pmt r u ~ greeted every ne, ta- t h d ~ I. 'hat rt fight navy been depor[ed n rot tea entart t:nmart wen a ~uc- J ~ teen Irma scenes wire I u h I I _ y Iran Franco'a most ben dt I I 8 glen; ~~hile to the north tr teh a ahI a path^uo, alt wore u I t ornhnela and kitchen g lone - lu. 3 picturesm[o• i thnt would du credit to profas-i r I Tu ed y, Juna 11th, wan c - he~aionnla i mer.comant day pro(or. I[ in j he perhaps the (nature of success _ the drama of the ht be I [or n'6 nt which v •- ~-°, the aweot e, qi as moat plesau ra to the r I (, mie a gel 6r'gieuatea warn +•s. none fie the remarkable hanlthl s J o n mar d into I^• I idian ch (a and mntdena, they _ r _ 1 e ° ^ in ample ev.rlenca. - --- ( ^ Vin r oovered arches termed I en}eyed by n i nt fills 3lnnn. r ~ i h a ' le on the atngo n I Whathur it b t. moral der ~h.n[aemrlmg grrl, [ water, or [n [! -1 the ~.`:~i ~, inq t rve, with the coY td" ~ fact remnin^ th m nknees I 'd ptoma, her passport to th ~~ its elm ryt unknaxn her«. Lnet .h I o rra and burdens o! life. Th 1 iYaar them was not one vier[ :rom ~~- ~~ nyx, havmq bean deli.errd r. a fly n, and m the Ian[ i c'ans day tr, a amnll and n - [hr r medical ¢ttenhon ;~+~'~~• 1'o atrva audienea of frrnnda nn:l has b.,}n r?:tuiml only twico. tri i. let tt r m and I Thia, in conneeewn arch the (not ~ " ~ - [he I t t rva6y Ni let ti I I chef them hots Gaon xevernl r ~,~ rn. ors" - • ~ Cnrcoll, nn 1 thr .hem va(edin to t epidert a in }Tryon xn%1 the o[her bq the a,z luli c.,u rse grndun[re. ~ ° ! xe'm,ola,r mnkea the inmates of - ;Tha therm ing rasa and groan of SIxrY'a Villa belisva that shay ''diction, with which the y,;,rng~~ ern und:•r the spacinl pn,;eetien A °'Indie.a wnluiaed mameelvea, ba-'~. of her (or wimm [hair homy Is ' ~ - ''I ap::ka the hieh-gmda el%.cu!ion-' named. A E'[tre~u, ~ i ary ine[ructr-.,n which umy. hod I t i sp f m[ I p ,z n: /' t ~ i [ha - I d n- - Gt~C J I~ ~. - ~ - - I t q ~ ^( t 11 tt rl r wau o n d t'I s'n f[ ~s.~ ~`y~ -~qL I11 ~) / / Ywacar (,( g ,tnl }thm anL I i _ - {. - J lV i ~ t a h¢rd t, b, i wore ~ -i ,I,1' lixtanina• w a nail o[ axchool ,,1 girls, and not tot n orehea~rn o! 1- mxturx nrd ezpenauoad usi- Y Iciana. -. t-1 Hasida the nine grnd antes nl-~~ r i f..„ ............:.. -...- NOTES FROM BRYA4 - - - - . Yewa from [Llr 1 - - - --. e°`nt '~ ' °~ atvre of a ~~ ~~~ _ __ FINAL YOWS W'FRE ' nrprlw ,. t "~"`n"„ n( < , ~ Br'aa, w moat e:knnw'sdRa. a< ,z TAKEN Y FSTFRUA rir.nt . l [n I<'.t1na ".Le world Y ', CT013 hear from :hrm m nnu•-e to m.~r< rhta w< re.a t,: h"° p„r~l`",n t _ _._ -_ 'Ceremony at Cr,ullne Conv t Y F;R 1., 101;. „¢onn.„aa m ln,t mt-we H en . ou i nq - I TOn newa t ope t"`gOIOiJy ~'°d oat u ~ Women Becoming tinn$. __ _ MOTHER ST AGNES w l na merr+aung to .u ~•tnol~tx °• 91 K x,1a I° , ~ ' T4 t k r 1 ° I e to m 1 7 t t v ~ . , x -- a Iv mf d tb °r C P 1 1p Ily M f R h pr<y t< 1 th .C. It e or I I ' Y ]' ( l . . y „9^ R t<Opxpap [o Chr .1 [c db tb R . KTA (11 _ l= fl I I d ].1vI b v ~ tn/ BrYS POpI glad bl R G t / ~ i:- L J h I R fkv M1 ~-.1 d Iva i Jzell in to I d.t d b t f - d! A i M At i' f JO 13 - 1 r 1 '~ . a mile end 6+l( war of th i ne - (A 1 . S I ]( t t h+^tn 1 q.J 4 a,-a,~t ~ ty +tlr¢q iv a be n.i(el Rtov ( Tt. }l U -k. 1. . to .La ,J ~a I lil W h t.v~ w a ldRh t Ov[ cvmmandicR m( v . [. :c Y [ Y In !i ~ ~tne w t kern n= 1 i pet .. H ) J I A lizry n, G I ¢ d X111 !1-ria 6 1 y t f n fi J h l C<r- ~ I S 4er B- f 1 [ I Efr1vR 1 d l f I h t r tru I i n L 1( th hlgn 1 nd I I 11 j - i( n y d - ~ I,r d n O( ° °d I . d L F- R. F. htt i F ^ J t 3: am h t ~ Tn. 10 1 f t61x a:ad<my Ix aO R : f F'a r 1. A A F5 x¢r:„°xn h: 1 h'.. p. .tn .1 t 1'.zv +-n ~ L o¢e Rom a it poi ~ °( view the 4uod FL[het Is'vu~ - and I..r p L[ 9h ` hpaSetlc as wall ea 1 1' \. A p 1 ( r r 1- G C ~ ".] I Tn/ 'J h! h l I d y n v 1 BtaxJe COavC1 Ora rJ n d d r. n n 1. ~ t to xey, rnafa th kt h II t 1 x: LI x . ~ ,,, L, °. M e h ael cted a n¢Lter ~GOL t t 7 f L ( T 4 ` • 1.. E .k :n f 3 eJ .:. c~lu' I i lh -I academy. Eap (IIF 1 '.3 [ e l l! t ax el ,K I a -- h f ( ^ hygienic at. dP 1 t t' a .own (r i. A k- d ~ w,pa r I _ n ~ , pcc[aat to b- can9 3 l 1 f ho ` ~' .- It il [ k t 'a ft oe a bo„ta ing h 1 sn a . 4 ° ~' Y ~ . I ( ~ m nd vg ;n<-9a ay be cap 1 1 - t Y G : 1 hire aeiL 1 4 h _c _ ( ' ' a Pt g h¢ t y.h1 ; I [ It kt y N n L d t 1- d va B y- la h h '.thy 5a Lr p f mG -. '. LI 1 1 y ..t 1 g l 1!- 1 0 r h 1 L k{ w na 1u(' 1 r I~ t n y c dl Lh .r ; - ~ a• 4 5. n ce I - txbll meet -vlt n 3 n ~ 'X • • ni.d. whF. » L. Is :n.. ~e 1 r a r, t.a- ~. Dr Pa°1 !t P.sye.,. ent pnyxL. - - - ~ ' toes 4n•1 ,~et..J [mm ;n., ..radr~mY i^d ~ clan, and Horn cav teretiey to cOtn!ng krnt ._ era: r^[ o:mmunl.s•'nn w:rh ' ~ mot serlona than » cold or a held„che. 6at at ( ' tM1e.. a i t '.ndJ h. 1 ~ 5 h 1. ~ [ t ¢nr t ti. '~ ' ° 3n vch; b ..I - h t'as l.Wa __ fl ~ tM J f rx [h„[ tnl acy h 6y cO f b ~J t7 - ( n n -.y o'7 ,c/pt In[ wladx $v t '->s. b LI 5 z •;ad v t b¢E rca atf„ t+eoa _t, ) n is w-11 k 4r:z~ rcn i w w ~er[7a nzf+nt r W bC u.h x-rte ~~~1 ' :atn~t .n. ors, wh.v"wnl •.m urn r ~ j tray In regan! to [he hrsl ~h n. "Villa . m[ae Mar - c;im; In M1:;:!nR F::LL.b -: , r ~ TaeadeF Ifl, bei¢R rr:+nl: ~mui 3I..:h r S[. .\ . p a feaa[ ihr R~Od 9'.ate:a Jld x11 tney - ark. -,!e a aN a [ onld bt dt is s day n( tnj +Y went J -terLLa>~m .IV n -aid :. r a avd hspptvexx for each ..v1 t. :tbr C u tLe `t. _ " - b i Eve peptic tre [t< psrcehlal e t n! t h.1.` t ,. ~ d u col [wh1, h. by in way ,. c,phl by . ~ pa[. <d a th.m '.. :rk h •t ~ ~ foe a:+. b.ra a¢3 i ti ]nrlehinK an„ •a m t,r „ o l 1~~ t 1 c ]ndltlon. w e Ice J<d W xp< d tha _-.o rl~- .a .. d 4.•i o t^ . day n[ VII(s Staria. ThanKn [nit r l ~ .: I 1.. t Ilea k :t a mll/ nvl „ 6a1t, h 1 J CI [blaR ] .d. br3Rh[ acd r»cly. xb. 1 m tk• J> ra m n ~ ! t le t [ d II ynt lln (Heir „[.f"^r ' . i}ICw .. .- id r ~ t r ~ n[ i ~ 1 avc Gam .[ of ..rrl.LVx kfnJ. w-rr e 'qln r a, rva LN e4 t t '. ~ suYl u ~ ~ ~ , I¢delgea In bf !Ito na„tdlna a¢l day + ' [ a, a.:n .. rh,~tr a ° mm ~ . , ~ r pa;,!'x ICv 1::ke w <In .vldevt alao e I h^J [ Ii.. ~.Bral. pr•.-<n:ly. a4.•n ail °, i.y.. f.:r w.h :IRhm e» th-_ "U m' L:,:L /aWv, -.:d nan.ea LI¢. y r by [w0 II': -ly, etty R111, ¢n ii -~ h: m 'iL -~ a t'1 a.. n.i r. III.R the R..I~ .--:rl.d a Y elr:rni h. r .] wu nA b<»rivg thn .IKV "Tor / s kivd." (r~ . ~ r.w - ['~ ,~ e ro MO RwJ ro bx 1~-r Prev nt+, ` r st w [Ake nn,vm t 1'1ro ~ nvdP, c'+ke, acd nh...t9 [hln;r KOO •, B - ..m [.~ a.ma°r.[ cWpzt »: _ / e pa±eed In nhnndav.r 1¢ tb- aReT~ "~ _,__ _ I v, to 0 nnA alt „I Yc, avd !v yOv .. hove cent bren n x~ha:d toe : achcol girl, F':n can sPPr<c6[< jva: h°w mocb ,~ ~ ,.U ~ , - all [hla meant tv tbeee I.n r_ant p;.vvg - henrta. The day clued with Bav<dln~ ' ~.~ = tlr~¢ evd „lav.!y talk [n tta .~hlLlreo (row t<.-v. J. i3 eslel•e Her of Henrve. ~ wn° with Rnv. F„that ]flll[<II° were '. ~ J '. Y t wn.t w•L»vw gnea!e o[ VIII..)latla and ~' Ire r~n:'h L;vni avd devn[.:1 cnxplaly, ^- ~ ~ Rev l;. !1. 'phl~v Ttle nLaenca ¢(:be t - r tmlo v<d !lo[ber ll„ry Jcaeph wba woe I t wf!h hat c611dren In Gslv~a;nn, w the av1Y nrawba'k to the P:eaev[e a _ __ ' ~ ' the day. Thvrxdsp. ho waver. brought ! R<v. yncher n; el¢ t¢ her tlrpnv eon - .. - ..Y - C- .. •. C. ~ y nlfi`.+5"'lk^..IYR'Sa aVi 10 amfl igl 1V , .. . ,.u 111 ,aigitJ a91 ." ,w4 ix¢L -apga , .. , ~ .. o mala6 4t 1 .. - px.e.]d I -. , ..~-~~ `,~i f II~AL ,~ SOWS WERE ~Af(E(~ Y'ESZERBA~ ~~ Geremony~ at Ursuline convent, Young ! Women becoming Nuns. j Three no~-ices took final v~s, and six ,y-oung ladies took the whtte veil, t entering ul?on their novitiate prepara- tory to takin5 the final vo«•s as nuns, at the ~?rs~~iine convent }•estFrday. }} The follozi•ing assumed the Zrhite veil, signifying the beginning of the proba- tionary period: 3iiss Agnes Dorez, ~Siss Jane Dorez, and Hiss Annie Gar- rigan of G~=veston, Aiiss Alice 3icZt.er- ney of ,~lton, Ill.; Hiss Nary Harris of ' Bryan and Diiss Dena Belken of Den- ton. They adopted the names respect- ~ ively, of b2ary Dolores, 141ary of the i Sa_crecl Hey rt, :Madeline, Aurelia, ASaty 1 Angeia and Aches. Sisters ~tiiechtild, St. John and L;er- 1 trude .Wade their- fir:al ti~o;~~s. The ceremony mar impressive, and 1 was presided o:-er by Fer_v Rev. Father P.Tartiniere, Father Joseph P. Lynch, Father J. A. Allard, Father 3lurtaugh and Father Blurry. A procesr:ion of fifty black robed nuns, preceding the six novitiates. The former carried lighted tapers and the young lactir.= there dres~~cl ir, n•hite n>,.1-~ carried ora:~g2 blossoms, signif~'ing that ! ~ t they were prides of Christ. The three novices ihho were to take their per- j petual vows followed. After the ask- , ing and ans~verittg of certain questions ~ in a satisfactory mi~nt:er by those n•ho were to take their first grows, they retired, brit reappeared shortly Navin; donned the black Habit and white Neil. Carrying ,?ut the fc~rrrtula, prescribed b~~ the order, the ti~ree sisters th,:n took their perpet;ial vows. yti'hile prostrate i ~ on the floor. a .black hall Ras throe;n ~ , ovcr theiYi, : i~uify:ng to"it• d~_«tlt to f "~ the tai~t•ld, the ''De Frotandis•' na+fin,- i ~: Nile beino- olemnly ch.:tnted. i -~---- ---~---"'--•;harming Peaturu to the scene. Celebrate Centennial of the Drder Preoiaelr t l0 50, the summons same"Th F noes)" Fo~low• la Rome Private Audience Itng the pr to Chamberlain Wdh the Pope. t6roagh m ny f the mugm5cant sa~tor e~; ~,_~ :.• apar[mnnta of the F'apal Ya,ace, Tho moat important work n! -sash one of which wauid re- the Gener¢I Chapter of the •'Ca• wire a specie) description-the nonically L'oited Ursulines" procession same at lent to the having been accompliahad in the ~~ Throne hall, whets [ho good ra-eleotinn of the Sloet Bev. ~ mothors wets s=ked to wait,while )fother General, S[nrie do 6[. i yev. Sfother Uenaral and tier - Julien, and the election of hors r,~uneil ware ushered into the I ' General Council, the easombtedl Hrily Fxthar'a privets oifice.t Ureuiinea looked forwar3 to the Hera the benign f'ontift recaivod eelebrutinn ui tho approaching sham most paternally and ez-t Centonnial-so glariaua to Cheirproesed, in accents oP heart[eltl bolt' Instiaua, with Leelinge of grmtitude, hie plaaaure in accept- 1 intense devotion and longing..ing the beau[i(ut ciferings Chnt~t Y: Nor were @toy disnppoirted. ~ lay before him. 9f[er invoking t The twenn•daarth of ]fay, ulna- I upon all the donors and thair~ teen hundred and seven, will Communities the richest bless-ll ever'ue one of the most blessed {ngs of God, Hie 1[olinass thrilled I memories in the history of the the hearts of hie hearara by na•' 1 ' Order. curing them that ha had-then t At the suggestion of Rev. and )hare formed the intention 1 Blocher St. Aurelio, former Prlo- ; o! giving his belovod Daughters I recta of rho Urs~alinea in Rome,'oE the Canonical C: else a 'Sfe•~1 the Provincials and De!agntes memo" in hie d¢ily Stass. from various parts of the world) The kind Pcntiii seemed to ball brocgnt from each o[ the eight especin!ly please) and gnztiiiad '; Ureuiir.a Yrovir.ces a compta[e ~i on receivingthe "Peter's Yence,"~[ outfit c[ rho Holy Sacrifi~:a of ~~ amounting to over ten thousand the 3[ase, to he presented to the ~ franca, contributed by the Chii• c Holy Father tar the Slisaione~dran in our Crsulina 9chuols. e ~dapandent upon his paternal Finally, alter according eoma~t charity. On the eve of the Pans[, apt.cial Indulgoneea, so;lciad by j i I chose oiieringe, by Che ncurtaay Siothar Gar.erul and her eeuncil• I e ;af 3Iegr. Biale[ci, wets alfawedlora, His Holinssa proceeded to l 'to ba placed ir. the 6ocaraign: [ho "Throne Hall,"where ha made I [ PontifF'a private reception room, the rounds o[ the kneeling Crau• ~' where Hia Holiness himsetfliaes-like a Pnthcr nmcng hie ~'~, deigned to oxamino minutely the j children. Each one wan gi+on j r ~Ureulines goo emus supply ot,a precious souvenir medal andii vestments, chalices, cboriums,. pyrmittad M sleep bis hard and I t lcruxifixes, ami os[anac riuma, Co• i kiss his ring. Then, ataading in Ia go[her with eaquisitely hand- ~, [he midst oP the group the var.er- hC embn>idored a-ibs and sI[ar I able Pontiff spoke most feelingly i v _ ~ linens of every description. Our ~, oI our holy Foundress, exhorting a w' Holy F'athar w¢s deep);- touched ua Co the faithful observance of I [ by- Chia mark of devotedness-,, our holy Pula and ro the imita- ~ i, I and gays free ezpreasion to hie ii lion of rho virtues o[ cur Slcther, 6 ~• eentimnnta of appreci¢[ion, dur- yt. Artgela and of our Patrnnass, t cling [he aver memorable private. SC. Ur=_u:a, especially mutt. std audience, greeted the members ~.i chariry and daveted zeal in the '. ~; of the Chuptar, at lO:aU a, m., I propsgatio^ of the wsrk of [ire ~' t; 11fa•: ^':h- ',Spo=.tole:e con fiQe•' to our in-' - At asr!y hour of t?iia thrlue' suture. In Door-luelon, the solo[- , bteeaad centennial annit•erasry,. ;y Pont: (f Diessed and induL 11 wan file ono movement at the, genced ell the nrtiolos of davc beau:dul and apaciaus L-rsuhne tine presented, uccordins to aa. Convent, ?i o. 14, S-in -V'omer.•on _.'a doyires and intention tuna, in preparation (or the Ho1S I bidding ua assure our respective ' Sfeas, which was to be celebrated Communities, Iami:ins, frienJ at the High Altar of St. Yatar'x;pupils and benefactors, in ,~~ Basilica, at 8 o'clock. Ahout I parts n[ the world, that ha bloc; • 8:9U, twelve car, iages draw up in I, od them with xn eapeeial blei line at the ertrnnee n! the beau- As F{ia llolineas delnr ~ , fife! "Yina (}rove," on fits Con. ~ mg. vunt n tow momenta In concerea[ ~: grounds, Alter a delight- I with those near tits door u( ~ fu! dove through tho Cxmous'privnte room, a movement wt t '•Sliln Borghoxe" nnl over [ha, made towards him, noting whic~. Bridge ot3nn Angela, file cottage ii ha turned and smiling moat ~ i reached 6t. Peter's-cha crown ~ benignly, waved hi; hand, eny- t at Roma and n( the whole Cathr,• ~ (ng:-'•Oh, no; I moat leave cu ~ tin world. kf sly Mxse wan begun I now,"-and disnppe¢red. y 'slmas[ immediuWly offer the) By the ccur0.•ay of ono of than ' I Urauhnea' arrival, beneath ti:a n[ncars of [he Pnpnl hnuaelmld, ' 'Igreut dome o(9t. Peter's Choir, the now supremely happy to r.~ n upha!d by the four pr[n ipnl ~ suhnes were allowed, b f da- DUO[ur9 of the l'hwah Wha[I parting, to enter and br the r` • oma, m titer duvmt umbly ut fervent prayer m d Hol ' 6[. ,ingaln'a Daughter. as not) P¢Char'a small but may nificac ' Lhnlled by the sacred m mori.~s priv¢[e ohnpul. at the day and rho pl¢oa(-In-~ Returning to our oarringos deed, the "heart thoughts" o! the Court u[ 6[. Dumnsus, wa s rho American roprasuntntlvaa, Tout for hems-to finish in feria spanning the mighty Ocean [hat'change n! happy thoughts, [U asparatos sham from their benuti-(great Cen[unnial Celebrati~l ful C'onvant Homes in lhoir stye ~ which God hod been pleased t loved country, and raoalling enoh~ blase so aignaliy, in the pare a near and dear to them, hseame as ~ of Hia augua[ S'inaq our belov 7 i[ ware n tie between Lheae slier- and eanerntad ('ups Piua X, F. iahed Homes and the ancient xnd S;oma, Slay P:;, IOU7, p veneran?d Choir o[ Putar. How _____ each one taL' horo the deep aiq- '•-~~ - -- ~Nficanee c: the "6'cer yunm Ln• a the ( at of the great Altar att. oma momenta o[ anal t l i th r g inq, our honara J. ~;~ Si. tear t n ral, surrcurded t y'' h r daugh[era, knelt before th ~ statue of our Hnly E'oundresa, 9t. Angela Merici, which oc. copies ono c! the most pmmioant'- ninhoa in the great Basilica, and ~impinred her bleeaing ¢nd pro- , tectlon on the new work- of the I Cnifieation organized eia years! ago. All nazt prooeeded y their great tomb of 9t. Peter, cmwnad with its halo o[ ninety three'. ~. lights, arM kneeling xrounl this'.' hallowed spot, they n~cited aloud; t the C1redo for them=elves and I t ~, those they reprnaented, [ Breakfast was next nn the e '. program. it wan carved at the s :' fL,spioa Santo Marta"-(n the I is Dining Hull of rho Pilgrims-and; e ~~ eupecintended by the dear white. cxpped Daughters ct St. S'inoant a ~'~, de Yaul. Ever. [his event shalt e never ba Corgo!tan, and it will S form one n( rho beautiful views ~ A in the kaleidoscope of mamor}•. ' is Finally rho priv¢[a audio..^.ce!!st The noble ecaircase is ascended, L f and v. are asked V, wait a iaa' Ir minutes in the beautiful '•6ala!S Clementino," whore the noble~F 6 swiss Guards, the stately Ston- c sigm>ri, a few humble friars and l r athore, awaiting an eu3ienoe,,; DEATH Ot MOTHER ST. CI.AUDE Sab•Priaress of Yilla Maria Acad- emy, Bryan, Texas. 'I Though d~~atlr irei vn~l [ela-~ g r:+ms have a ~ad ;he death o[I the d,wr : wlna efts,) `•Inthur 3t. ~ . ctanda, son-vrio~'a of l'wa aerie :)cadent ~'. It rY;tu, '1'exaa. ~~ t ' rh^ ya,l cld inrK~' tin rthe Doges •uL+[he ae~ceng,.:. i¢K cal ontain tvr heir a Dray~•r [alt Vr - brance front Prleuda and L,rmee Pu-~ pile who bare na yet not heard oti .her de~u,-ax,•. at ~ u'~Inck nn ~ n,Iuy i arni [71e .\ng^.i o[ ln•ni ht a5 0 Uivin+• flu+ter "like u ihiF[ i tn'~ nlKncarn and v' nod' 11etarnal ~ oul of [histttaith-~, luirsp~uae of l;hris[ to the D ta. Darr,[ mr net by uhn tot x~eo~~~~ see hod fort rtrcr,lly •+ ' F.er uug Iita. --flirt'-toot `Yea r•r ago. ~. Lit ra C uv [.y' r= .tr13' I d l all t' I l in hal ~7 ' ltuxter'a vlneyunl. and fn tee VOnaa . 41 ltia lnrftatien rant to Amnrlca, vhure slit rr rid the ~t'r=ullvx Cuo-~ ,J rent in cah'es'tun, 'r.cas. ato,r mo c:aroaton smrm ~tl. [1100, when t'llla ~lurla r' s Couudc,l, alit c act ire rla-~ bur ~ ork~ Iherc aduring her rc- inK > - stw naa a •e,l ns ~ du0ar, I d i ~ , mm~e rl 'h t '1 -~ .d[ n. 1tl- Un S ,1 i Ir { th ; r natal orvl, ~~+ ~oi ttutt. tl h- h" ChaVlulu, )ter. .I. fl. t;Ir•ivatn. r, a=- siatotl by Fut he rs I.itw urn and Ilruvl, were held. Tha Ilt~, fu,[ c•luse,t w n true un,t'~ It as bcanli(ui. It true tree ba.• andN:~ a ~,.rt ,ta,~u who tna~ tLlnzs , f Ih,~~ her+a [te r; hrcnu ratici--J Ira unto'' with rind It wan ar ar patine f th.~ ^fo la c , IL •- luamicw m ntat a r.-n,1+D~~nt is Ic cy ins lint! and In Drruituting Ilia honor) -land Klury. ti. 1. P. - ', ! MOTHER-GENE ~ RAL OF Tba souvenir programs aer ',dainty Tozas Stare b THE UNITED UR$ULINE , anging in the contra of eanh an en i S. r !R grav ng; of Cha oonvent and acadam , d h y a ase phons to Rev. A7olher de $t n eld toga!her with blua ° ,1 •xhit . Julien ~ G - e ribbon, while tho nddr¢ss - alvestoh. As the Southern p' was areal work of arc, being th C r a 9 nsific train pulled into the tlapcc at Galv ! an , raulio ~•onvemt eaoh r in p¢int h l es- ton at 9:r, p, m•, S(onda te l w i e in the centre glowed , mber 17th, n deingxti~: n of Nt Gc ' he Sa- ~~. ored Hearto h o . sula s aumnre and the senior bnanLng pupils of S C ' w enra insued Iinka binding together the tGve t. reole s Academy in uniform advanced to welcom Crsulina FLmeea oI our L:,no ;Star guts c G l • s to nor Island Ci[}• the F2ov. >[rn.her•G , a a ¢aton, Snn „Antonio, Dallas, Bryan sod Ln- ennrni c! thr• canon e Iiy un [ d L; rsuli redo. The bank was ornamemed nes h was sc n [ an `. i by Hov. Slather rth sc,n s t om ra e 'm. In ' ald~h Star 1 ~ r vmeml Yrio as and }ll n to ^ se [ t : suvon- a, [he P P 1' r -a u d h-r to rho \( t ~~ erase, Secretary P a pogo- a~; mo c .~ r r desk The drattn msherrnl g d , h[oh ~ m ~,ly gene their hon- h u g esm were conducted t:~ the elegant weltin ored quas much p;eaaure. at rho co l i g room, wham n most cordial wel- nc us on o[ rho pmgpam, the chitdc came wee tendered by [he presi- d t en ss wet( ns [he Large and appreciative audience we en of St. Creole's alumnoc, who was folln:ved b the th re ~~ pre;antsd [c [he eatimablo ' \( h y ree graduates of 1:N/7. Tho latter o[ or, who gree[c-9 each with a Lsa t I presented nn exqui=ire bant- , p san word and smile. ehaped iioral em6lam, b¢aringl Reception By St. Ursula's Alumnae. the inscriptimt m whits satin in I blu ' Thursdnv, September ~), was " ~ e nd gold:-"R e!como to ~ ' aiumnx Day,' and never did a '. St. Craala'd. GnL estop"- he ' more ociturcd aud:arne a=so bh whole aurmour.[od by a erlke in env drn•••ir.g rooms[ than 'm n [lag oP Tezaa. The amta6le i ' the handsomely decorntad raorp- :.llrither in a few well cho?an floe rooms [~ wclrome St. Cr-' words expressed bar Jaiight and - ~ euls'a di=tinguiairerl guests. Thar gratsiuf appreciation of iha chin- I cy oi(ering, assuring the young; I main p riot vas the arena ct this ii .ns~w:(e of Lrsuiina Ialiee cle.r- Indies that their Lagrant oifarinq; , gyman, fbrmcr pupils and friends., would ~ sea oar F;lae;ed Lady's: The Alumca> colors, bold ands altar nn the morrow-while thnl j nrtiauc r bbm and flab o~;.l be ~~ -hie au p ni. i n ao pre=eno] mcm„ he a uramrs I ! to b s t r h b py 'ash r a r t e m d.'1¢ d s q rote - en a k to The par[v rear cd dear old oom m sach a m near tt ~ "S[. L reuln'e" nL { I olrek ntr b x ,ne z x arts f ' and were grex,n! } th ~ [era .x S[ f a;i -r L}1 hnir9 i n a h ch th 6 t honor 't¢ •xaihng wrt!a nlI th t r~ ne' d ra s. t d SI t rxoeiully cor [sLty first e cm d.,nty aan a ,a me; m the lcetc n w a tl:¢ ' true Suudiern wa~comee. i i uo:honne of our Hnfy Pa[hor~ Reception By The Pupils. ua ~-, Hie Eminrnca Cardinal '~ It ens the hnppp prre;!=qe ofl aoI Pr raptor r1 the Csn an-~ I L l Li I the pupils c[ the ncariamy to . v a Winn; and of +ur Fight 1 ev. Bishe \ ,1 C.al• P claim the ut[entt rn cf wr honor- I . . lagher. I ad guests and our aa~n L:•loved ' I The cemaiadar of [ho room was S(othar 1'mrinrixl nt ~( p. m. sn~ Tuesday. Tha pupite' ro:eptioa !gtvan an ef(ectiea netting with 'potteri lanU d if l room aa•aa beutnituay testnoned! p an ca in+ facns. Ito [ha lorety alcoco th ua6for m d m blue n d lira-our lmmno e l .ware .e t.d fiery F- U. \lur- ^Int¢ \[ LI r olors-the solute ~ phy, S 1 a r O !' - II ghee ~ hen:- Net uma to our lov 1 " , S, J P' L. V [' -.y 5. J. ! Slothar ( n r l, in golden let ban tars rscatull :nterl¢c 1 , I (acv. J 0 }fu pha :afar of B[ ' , !, 4 y Vatrw'. a Lhurah, Rac. J. Sl. with the fea[onns, while dainty ~ Kirwin, recur of 5[. Stury'a Perna and pot plants draped in Cathedral, Rac. G. R';Aah, P.;,v. rho same euggeetiva colors a•era Sfother•Ganarul, her aecrctary effaehvely dispns+=d around Lhe , Stoth Tt d I lf~.rthar slagunt apnr[manf. TP.a pupda, 51ary 1>a.phP avm. dl treas. arrayed m spotless whLLa dresaea Thera wuro n6c aa., r.d Siatara a d blu- rlbt n oacoro•d their hum Gt \t y s Innrmary and steams; !,u [ from cha chapel the O ph n in auandance. d nor to [I ^[rnr,e of the ree¢p- Tha .11umr yra ell arrayed in [ran ro m 1 e the following. a-hits d aeon and gold budges seiner prugra to was rendered in thus mawrially anhanoing the i uphnwannar sawaiici[warmaet beauty of the scene. Tha fnl- enoumiuma from Slo[har Slaria lowing exquiaito program ~licit~ I .Julien. ell rounds n[ a-eil-muritod fp• Program. please from all in u[tendunce~ .,r t•,,.. .. ar,~n.r-.u.w ,,~~ .I ._u Program. aiv t' es u ....warm a. .. ...,. 4 i Ii ... x--=.rr a~~. iii : .,, ° a-.,rono .,=.a s uu -, .+s, ya, :., r ,: ~ T : i i .vo:r sirirK ^r. '. ~ , a.r.rr ~G.yrw LUn eri w...u ou u+a a.n.,r.. fiw vv.nn - - ~e .war„w_' ~ :uG:r v.rri ,. nip .......I'~no• film foi,u,arra, 4YaW .roru••:.u Yur apt..: r. ....Ii+al:naon Previous to this elegant ]Boat- sale, smee g whose par+Snipan'.s' rr _~ our lµA urn ruadara,Parroulnr• fl([ IY. iL' noto with apardonaboie. pride seen (tabs v ry beat our [hand Ci!y provarh:ni tai. ant, li[!le Sfiee F'xyettn (AiMugh praaanted nrograma u[ the oc- oaeico. Thorn xara a ~tvnoir! .arch, harvlarnely rotten up,' the cuter e;.varinq being a lac- simile of the ,llumn:n Pin and ~' b acing their inspiring ma;tto:- ••F'aa: rr•„n,r Vi-Jere' and the greeting, ^LVafcame,''-xIi dnint- ily held together w th white and I [yellow satin ribbon. 'Phe spoors! oiien¢gs to the FCa+. SSo that we:a a hand ems' album f sea-wall and gral ng lecenee and n gane.-~uus 3cn floe Iin gold, nymbolto t the loyal. ~doraedoesa of St. Crsula'a ' I Alumnae ac thei r grand o!d ,1l,•.u ~, }fah-r and ail near and dear to' her. Tha dieUnguiehed recipient jwas daaply touched, ami m tcelinq!y titankad [ha :Llumnx, in the parson of thai; dsrsed president, aRer the coating of bar address, for the loyal dam-. I r' onatration in bar honor. I Our v'a'n bei ,vad Stother Pro- vinmal [hen tot doted each cne preaan!, a¢d alt •re charmed with the `,1-th r 6_neral'e cob dial greetings. Shs seamed partieu;arly planned w meet re- Ipresantatices from three ganera- I [:one of soma (xmi!ies-all cclua;- ly proud ct their title of '•St. ~Lrsula'a pupils. •' In fact, every privileged participant in Thura- d y t t- es a u^ ~ oua m Ipron n to r apt n an [deal 0 1 ml ^ II t t treat. ' At th concl - ¢ ens p - see[ [ o f [~ a 1lummo d rho r ion d y [ rapaaed to th+ ' south I wham debt oa. ~ ~ iru t pun- 5 s carved by the yonn._[ ma mbera O( .ha fl9=_a Cla• ~' lion and lira pcpila of rho ac~d- I em A dless a Id the the nc n th [ m cart oam II to ;' [ H a ~ ~yal band of Lraulina pu(~a ls. (fur I[ight Rev. F3ishop was the'. very Grst di:;aitary w ~elenme the Rev. -Mother-ioneral to his disease, calling tae this purpose on 1Leadny ¢tornin~, !ha day error hoc ern. ui. Very Ha J S. Weimar, F. 1; .. ac_am pa i 6y ]inv. F'n'her \{-ilhntm, ¢ II 1 to pay his respects on P t7 y aI[erm~nn. -. at d::5u p. m., Friday, a dale- . . gaticu c.P pupils Prong St. Pat• tick's panwhial school waited up- on the Pace. S[otitar and pre~ent~ od her m the n f - pnnione a.t6 a eery daintily `r- - ranged nlhum of postal cords- '+ - prinmpally vu•w. t -m our dear Ialand iSt} L t ,: b t ~~ o! the dalagatu e..~ ed a I ttl I~:In• ~uranir?tom [ho great-hanrtad. ¢npy 1 ' Sloths:- and departed red Lnnt with ~I Our delight m import to their tom- numpa panionn the joyous intollig¢nee our u that dray era w bo Pnvcr¢d with Frocii a visit alt to thama¢Ivaa nn Slon• [oniu I day a(trrnn m, for \[o[her-unn- the a_ oral mxkea 1[ a ` t tl 1 (~Iu ~ retie ula annnlly ,+nch os oa.y.t der the jurisdiotiuu of hoc Urau- I MOT}IER-GENERAL Or" ~'~+ee..r4.,.r.....,•°,,,•~,,,;,,[,;,, w'.°"TMDfl>'O°•~°'•°n su,,..•r, +°•n vn-; I Mud THE UNITED URSULINES ~ , c, aupplementzd a", " • w,mar,..,a;; vsr,.,,°::~°: ~ the p'remh c by e,udy in `r°" ~m'; . , apital. r°::,> .,i..,,a°: m o°. ".•° •ce°° a°x°;,"~, Misa 73eatnca Rattan' Brilliant Reception to Rev. Ylolher s ~;n es;ection w ter'"°"'°" ho de $t. JuGea is Dallas. as en• t aiastica °o..oam,ve i nw .r.nn~, us .°a s,°n, ~ Y roceived. rr.°rv.c.+yr ,~,i. .. 'fhn e: i O l I :, ",. .,r„r ;,=u.i r.,~ ne ng nuai6ar was [ramad ! In the fallo i r~ G° n t ra morning e( Friday, , , w +°ec*a .~,~amr x.u~ar m~a,nr, ng beautiful lines „°,~- ' Lrom the facil Be 2. 7th, there arrived in DaI- e pen of \fre• Geo, '~ I:ke ep;rit was infused into,!Potter, tats gilled Ian f:e Mother Mario v o [ poetess nt ehel nM the d r d n I l ~a Julien, 3fothar-General t e ' th e i[rena otI lF4m( p,r ¢nd 4urm er pupils. Dailaa wei~ L-ailed Crsu;inea, secomp¢nie,i ~i ud o1 its guest. proud indeed wctrnatc w ' by her eerretary, J[other Therese,' a re the L rsuiinea of the mom-., +„ s, .,e xam,...!,e, a,;r.,;a,,,, 6ora of their devoted Alum r together with the Rov. Provincial, te. nnc ~ nor °°r e,..r;, aas°„ a,,,,ya and Old Pupifa' Association, who ~'~ Mother J[. Jusoph of Galvaaton, same from vnrinus parts of rho ;,. ^'~°+n xa+w..°, oe s>r~ and her C'nunseloq Rzv. Slother ~, , ciiy and State to ho..^.nr the _ -e°0- '°x••^•armw a Nl. h:vnngeiist of Dallas, whr. Sfothar U'enaral of the ti raulinre. .+_~ e~.en~ „ m. r had goes W meet their distin•! :,a„nc, m°:, .,ant.^, For thr, ocesaion, rho aonvcntll °+av. guished visitor threo weska pre- and ¢cademy had donned their'. e.-,.-e.°are,: ,r er„ viouefy st 'Springfield, LII. r„ tastiva array. Tha r_olors o[ tk,m 'air. ~ m, 6J°'0° r'O"~ The ~•icar-General, 1-cry P.ec. I Alumnae hung in graceful folds I TOUS :u• "'°4+ rt.aa, .ea s ..mu- ~i ~„ J. Lriaftiniere, mat the purn•at the' from pillars and arches. Iiuge~,a„e . n`' depot and conducted than to the i ra v .orc:;°°.,°, r;,;,;,;,,a „a p¢Ims and potted ferns gate nr! _..,,,,,,ar rn.+r,.°<," is: o ~° IIrsufino Convent in East Dallas. °r, , m; x air oP treahreas [, the beautifully' v„~,,,.-•°xw a ,. m ~' tiotwi[ha[auding the earl}- hour . o r .•+r x„<, o::e,n.. a.°,,. decorate3 stags and audi[ririum, u-rra~:n-run ' the houso was astir, and thv ,s.m r:.ac.; .-here the ladies were to rer--Dive ' "N° ~ ~ brilliantly lighted parlors and theirAlma J[ater's distir,guishad ~O=•~ sa n•.wnn .o°~. . ; / ° auditorium gave indications, as guest. Tha :rembers n( the rroa am noa:a,,oes,o,w o. e.: unaru ~ the party drove up to cha an- trance, that the rcrdia! gre tin; I~ Alumna: were preaanted to the` "'~°~~ Dlother Cenera!, and the Prori^-!~ +o . ~ ~` 9 of "WoLtome," which amiiad up• ~ . r. n \ aial at the parlors, end [hence' ;;, o.a, w°""° '° ` ^w"' ! ~ on them in letterod ,islets from r filed into the Commeaoeman[ ~ a ~~:-;.;.an or ma o.,.°,mw .+"P. °r u° I ~ the arohea n[ 66a veatibula and H¢II, whilst tSe melody a[ ant[ r:°°~" I the wells of [ha auditorium, bat music ass heard Lrom the stress- nsr a+,r aia„a,.°rn°rr,asa wr °°.ro,...,. I feebly ozpresaed the warm,gerinl ed etsgo beyond. [°s.•. ~°x ra~~.r"o:, w~, r<,u:.; a,y; greetings ci the happy ir.matea'~ ~-I The opening number of the w•' " °+- ~.,•."° m, manse,: , ° of the c:outer. program was a brilliant arrange- - ma"„ r~nss :~a o„ rn r i ° At a wnventent hour oL the', ,, , ,;, r meet of Guillau ma Tell nn two, ;. - morning, the bight ftev. Edward pianos, by \fiyses Schmidt am;' Every detail 01 t ` a nitarnoan i J. Dunne, Bishop aP Ua11ae, who . . Pn[tar, two bright [alenter3 young recco~ion wss partact. :1 quiet,', r d - hnd kindly postponed his trip nu! " a ios, a ho aro de-tined to da dignified a:eganca ul msnr.er and tau- 01 the State, cailad a[ St. L n groat honor [o [hair Asocia- +~•a^ rlunlined thoroughness of - Is's to welcome the 3(othzr lion. talent and culture gave a loan of Oeraral to his die--ease. ifs os• 'wire. Katie Cabell Currie, file diatinotion which was Lolly ap preaead hie delight on renewing ' Pmsid ant n[ the Alumna., then proeaated by the corset audience the noquaintancz made during stopped fmw•ard and it, hero n present. his last visit to Roma and in his oweat, grn,;ious manner delivered Attar espresaing her grntifiea- - usual genial manner discussed an addr.~ss of we;c~.,m , in which lion a[ the eases=_a.u: work afiaet• vnrinus espies of interest and i aha diln[er3 on rho origin nd ad in the peat-mani(a[[ad by N espnoielly her present important w.>rk of the .lasoriatinn aro1 the living es~pononta of rhea insti•. mission in Amurica. showed tits Rev. ~Gniter how [utlun, the diatinquiehad ladies of ! It is evident that Mother ,Marie closely the daughters of 9t. 1 "r• ;Ile Alummr,-rho guests were'' da 3t. .Tution deairaa to extsnd earn era affiliated with their Alma preaanted to the Roe. Mather the scope of usaLulnosa oL the Mater. G'onoral. • grand re}igious seder over Tha U:ird number oP thr. pro- llain!y rePreahmonte vase [ban whiui[ Pmvidanco ilea p!scc•d pram was the vocal aelecticn of sewed in lha library by eha her, nn order whinh was !ha lire! rho vica•prr sident, ?~[ies Gnnnnn, yv~ungar mamhere of the .-leso• nn~ote3 in the Church for the ~ whose cu;tu: nd tones g:ava ee - "oiation to ¢Il [he invited guests. education of [em¢le }-oath, three danoo of rho perfect tr¢irin~ All were c mod by dta intc•1• nrd u halt centuries ago. fleet- ~ which her voice had receivrd e' ligen[ vivacity o[ spirit nt [hc ' ing ae sho dose the bleasin;Z of rho Neu u ng(nnd L'onsnrvawry'of cenernble `do[her da 5[. Julien. , the Holy Father to his children Although n I'nrisian, she, apesha of predlieotion, the Ureuiines. English fluently with an inter' who t+ave not waited for a com• Dating a ant, nml her manner otj ~ mend, bat who hnvo respected .- ~ ~ viewing iha e. ial and matorial his heart's deaira for their r requirements u( our modern, noniral union, sho e - whore + times i aocardanoo with! wzicome. finds an openhasrted '- Am?tic:m idaae. And is sho nn[ the messenger of For thr next eight or tan days npenial ridings? Paps Le.o'a leaf ~ 'the Rev. 1k,ther General wc1l testament of love, Pope Pius' ~ gica h.,r ezelu.+iva lima and at- I ofl t ~ first bonedtotion strongly en-~ e nt lint?cas ~, ,,-~ -- to n[ tl t. read by hte immortal Vo/n~ _ `~ th c uf[y tits achaofe, ~ .,ri~•? [ -r 1 :h h ~ t de W •ieit Antonia b ~ it is in the spiel of Faith [hat , an `; ~,L.LE _ t I ton, I } n, u the L'rau!ines oL Dutlas base L 1. redo, Cub¢, Puro, P.,co nn T\'E i3 At6' lnan~~,! fM1..fr M"w^•~ e-•J n.• he vanornhia Mothor~ t J . . I iMeslOa, . / ~ : o t henna from Y.nme, as ti.ay welcomed r ~ , ~ ` ~ ! I.ev. Joseph Molitor, a pioneer her to St. Ursula a on the morn- (3~,bemi¢n priest of r'hiougo, end - ~ - leg of Sept. 7th, and gave ez• i L - (or soma years n number of the ~ , daxd of i il ' ' ng ~ prensicn thereto in the tullnw s _ , s counc Arvnhhiahop ii -araau written i,y a young Urau• v (,,. ~_`. ~ ~._ apap(azy. Fntbar J[c ns the lice: ~ p [c of 9t lt- :a L'hi• •o, ..mac.. [v°°n°,,...+. [[. it t Efahemip lu h n ed eight-. 4 +c- ear w,.•°•+-r°au=•: n:_ g., and I urban z GZ aw.•arc a..a=+•+*.a,u -a ._. .. ° ~ _ other ahurohas. ' •s s.a+. s°v u, ervxnmr xp,uo° m°,n ~~ •. ear o-~A.,.n a.ra ar~ .~wr-r nr,. L ... - :~.~.~.tPs. an p o>.. ~lilla~ .;!~s~ra~ ~ldrs~i[inr ~rzs~emg ]';u n'Cr.u6:K. PHli ~; k A~1 . l'tizricati ... . [nsrftunaait;tl .. , hclibes-:~[ulkcr ('i:anu, A, Lfi~st~~'['. [ir~~u~s~aard, ['~. l-hattce anal :Lf. l2, Parker. lhrattn, H. b[i!~ae!n l~. Canuu~lly, 4. Price Dual [~. ~la:Counell. ['i.~ius,, fC. M.is~, :L. E+uu~tta~titl, R. U;ati•i~; end L. LL'i~stter. O~r~an ~[i~s (lurly~ ~'Icllr~uttlal. L'illa ;~[urt.3 (.>rchc,Cr,t--L'inkitrs, ti[at~alnlirts znal i.uitar. ~alut;ttnry...... ~'[ian ['ateline L~illiuurri, Gla~s'o; i, `[~tt~ C`.~iniluercai lisuuier ... C:un¢c rt [iea:itxtit~u . 't lte Seruiars r ~.ui~nlrlktnetitarv to the f,ualic~~; of the Cuufr~lrrftcy. I't,iiiu:+. 4li~ser; l'. (tiu,thru~i anal k. l'iu LL'uriurr. , ' 1 _ VILLA 1~AG1A FIELD aICALE AS GIYEIr _ ~ DAY pROGRAIR AT =~ S i UDEIrTS OF VILLA' ,PIANO RECITAL GIYEh ^r ~ CADEi~Y SATURDAY . ~ARfE PLEASED MANY ~ ~ TONIGHT VILLA MARiE ` ------ ~ BY SCHOOL'S "~ ,, : ~ i%rp-~ i , Un b'rida~ night, a PUPItS' L:=curd- aft ~c,, r,•:,;;: ' ,Troup of LL3 ernr,on the pupils of ~ ~ fr"sends and uat'rortb i tk,~ Villa ~rit;ria a.-ademy celebrated! of the Villa Tn" U/ii''~~- ;;{ ~.., . •• ~: ~•ir ~Sa ~faris Academy, also the °'t~ give a •.. ..: `i;:.-;:~ ~ Y program with great en- ~.,. ~ 3r:o recital *.on;Kht at parents g o'clock at the scborl, to whici; the;. Fhtusi.aem. Av in all Held day ~>nrk ~ ! '^ thQ pupils. gz*b~~l both from tthletic an~i fCYmnastie ~ [rte sictnity rind from Public is cordially .nvited. prowenene~ points of Program is of classical music and - ~rere ter to the front, after which "' _ ;,•teatxr :.,nta::ce, to hear anti a those who ~:ante- dlrces which =hou•ed the re- l elate the ta'eat9 and Pere aPPrec:ate the brtter, ' `ult r;f trainintt of muscle. rodut t'E ! Proglres; of musical numbet~ and their interpre-' of vrnmanl . p t e ~ their children. ~'ilta lfaria needs ration are naa•ured of a treat in to_ T grace. F'rnro 5 u clock . no introduction ni ht'3 i to 5, there wa.s nr7L one idle moment in musical lines, gam fo:`low&ttainment. The prU. nn the part of the chitdren, and not ~ ~e'ther do the teachers of ':.:uw:s as the•• Pian~~, 1. (a) Down in the DeU. one hitch is the program, coast- ;dents. are to all Bryan res- H• Smart [t, ~helley_ ~e'nior ~ ~}uently the uttdience were rot dull. i ;7t:.erb. ~ hi5~ualaayaoare oaad the ' (b) Dream n Frain solo e~hetie dan; es the Pro- ~ Deal Class. -.::,e herd three ~'aise. ~l'ach.. - - ~iargtterac• ,ram ranged from smr31! groups of , Ptaaas. Eren in Dr-lhomme. danerr4 and player,, until it culmin- . •: 3n• a~hKre music i3 a studied ^ ~+here many of sitar tocrn ty ". 3felody in F. P,ubenetein-C eted in the technique class. number-~ !1::.c ;.rv•:er. cbeir ezceptiunal u~~; C'ooke. E. .Tohn~on and ~I. Cuy- 1•ns. 3? Pupils. Tae ynnrt,~ ladies in I :n this re ton. 'he number "Greek :)fairiens Plrt^in =peer, it is anttsaal t0 find t ;, "1'he R'uodcho Rall" •serp .zp ~ ~ ' g ; :: • t~iri+ rertderir>g a melody at th~• .. PPer and the _ c Er•iall • attrat:,,rye. r n,e. in "Erokea P.eve!s," b } Linnet. Cudnrd: tb) F:arehet- Folk Games and Dances y ta• ti°t' n--Etr.i•y .Iohnson. I . -'~~:3:,n. il'iiti t+a8 one of last ni ht's ~ ,. ` The si,Ioists were Jl.iu. 8 •'••r,bc• g' a. B.oken 1{e~-e1~> Host: Piano yes ~Iar stet' '• rs, A number which showed Guyton, Gertrude Cook, Donnie Loe! 'hr- Precision and perseverance o3 I '~---Gu~ir Schultz; Piano B- Gilmore and iitttc Baby June dwens, i `ne .cachet., as ~reil Ds the dill- 11. Guyton and K. Garda;-r; p;a. t the ec;nrent b::b,, ;oho bids fair to' `'~ C-h. Hib'i~°, ~'. i;opeek}• and ~ence of the students. F. Fliggs. ! maL•ing an inlant prodigy, if hurl Indisidnat Number t• teacher'3 capinion ie srot.h t:n,•thing. .7- oret:i Secret C. Bohm-t '~ ~ i V:i~•_r r: l.tnllBiR SYere rendered, ' Folk games hs:e their 1?lace is ~ '•`'~n t«•v, Lhrcr, four and five liarguerite Dethontme. L. Froe- I , gir°s at the three instrursents, Lich. L. Johrsnn, I.. Delhorr,nte. "spar'-'s" and during the past year, (al 3larch Gr,,te~quc~. Sind ng; 4. the physical director at the a••ademyl ~shi3at "'1•? pork,vssa not ~verlnoko•1• (b) P.unning.- Godard--Jo.~r. has put particular emphasis on the; !r+ the latter perhaps DiiQs Lucille ~: ~;rk, so far as the little children ~ Url-homn.~ nsost di:tirguished her_ ~ Phine C hri.;tensen. =elf. Shr de'iv?red "The Butter- 9' ~Pring from }fintrr•t in l:. were concerned. The>se games have ~ Beethoven; '•Tn-ilight Time." 'a salu>:, quite ankttv;vn to thr casual I fly. by l-svelte, and "'t'xrnntelle" ~ i,~vine-Group Song. ~+hson-er. Systematized thouKht„ - f:rei~;. 1ii~ Ju C1:risteasFr. 10. (a) "T}ie 1Butteril;•," I~rellc• 'concert*_ration of brain and muscle at "' _=' r~'> irttmuuctiun ts~ the public. (b) Tarar•:tella, E. t,reig--i_u- tlte ~amr time, ~ometime3 pltty u :olk i `'•'" ;ng her tt.s;• in Bryan. she hats citle Delhomme. t=ong, ha':e tin eclu~atiuns3l =slue,' `. •.':: hrr~e'f to be a co-operativF 11. The Sou'. of the Violin, Ft`-•ad- '.t~ie ci*ixen. Her musical talent wbich must :tot Iightiy be estimated. ~ tag-Josephine f'hri:tensc•n. -. ''File refire=hment commit*_t;~ sere-ed, -''``JS °4 ~'rtta-up, and on this oc- t lo_ «Bercueie" from .Jocelyn. B. --~~ xce e:uld 1,•mon3dc and sandw:cl:e:3' ''••"ioa t:hc aided a Reading t,~ Godard-I.enire ~lae Johnson. ~artd from the carne nrcBta:d the mud. ~ '` r ''hart. ,7f tha; program. }figs 1 g, Belasario, Duo. Donezett .-- ., {° !.trice Vitae Johr:;on, ~~•ho :rill prr~+- tti.ses .I. r'hrivrPr.-Pn and 1_ t~ set Sum ui $~U. 'I"ris is the bein- , . ,;;~ ,+s, thin bein her spntor 3sing of a fu. d fpr the purpose of ~ ~~ g Delhontme. .•. :, r. a1;iS ;ta~campanie:i ~Ii_9o Chri- .c uyinK a moving picture maehirte. . •,,~ ,« ;n 1•.er lea, ~ fret - of ,~ , - ~ - I -- • gthy ~I_1' S !tif>r~. Sparkman Congratulstcd , - }';~, ,Soul of the ti'iolin" and adder3 ~ UATION ' :~ maypole dance, irttrirtte and(. =, i ,awn two numi;er, froth xoff_ .. ~~~'GRAD PROGRAM idicuit, teas the Iast number on the ~ ~ ~,•:tn. with ease arc! titrace. Setters! ~~_ :. ; AT VILLA MARIA WILL - ,pr.;gram, and it has done, just tts+ -:~.arbttrs Kerr -S.•:an by the =valor ' .the ~hacles of erc~nir.>;• u•~re falling, :~,ral c ate. ~REPOR'fED) .I BE THURSDAY soft and er;~t(. for IitLle feat to trip ~ i ~ NIGtIT , trrc:rrily and j~~yuusly, at the elcae ~ , r ~ r ~ 'Tire s;r:ldu:,ti„n rxerri<<•. »1' another mile-,Lone mark in their, G TE~.0.N IS lAL1..1.CT0..I:1't far happy young li.e~', another ~iay .fay. ~ % 3T C91HOL?C ~"':I~'EF ~ITF. ~ ills 11aria ('oavent w!ll be held It is with gr~~xt Sdtl.'rfal'LIOn Chrlt Jirs.. ~ / sin Thursday night, May :li, at the '~ Laa.emary (:. Sparkman present~>d ,., t_; .,...-, ~~x, ~ com•ent auditorium at 5:1~ u'e:ock n. r I,ul7i1~ thcslr• She .e=els that her i .~'.~SFCIKc:'rU':. .t • ; -_ P ~!`` ~ +' ~ -• ~ f =ae ublic is cordially im'ited to at_ ~ ,:.•t•3: ha_: been useful [hits pear. and 1_tat:rla ~~itttasn e_u:r,:r.a . of Pxn tend these o7rercises and the peo• .he close of the entertaiantent,! !~nt~.ni.> n.-,.tom th:• vate,itce~e-? •~- ~ Ple are atvured of being enter- ~ ' -~i tsinrJ in the usual splcntlidd man- .:.:; herirttly cort~~ratulated by the r ?dr.•sa pC the cori:tr>~riC~nf~nt e2rr- ,~:~._rior nY tl:e cnncent, and the ' ~ t=est zt tn~~ ~:sth~•1ic >r r.iterntty- here net that the students and faculty of .,[her si,stc>rq, besldca the numerous ~ ~ '•'~•~•daes4~y an•3 waf ats~ aa~irdrt ~ ~~illrt Stavin know so weU how to do ~~;e~t:iturn ::°rnn: Ery3n and Vicinity. ;'!: ei^~r~e ~•i hach~tar et .:rts in ~ full pragntm of the exercises ai:! - -;' - ' ~ - erhnr,l ,>f lr'ttet+. b6 araitable for publication In tit'ed -' ~~ t ' ~~>r he tlrst time to the ht~storY i(~ •'-'ja ~•'~ Eagle. -%~~ Y ''' v ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~l a` •U Gi t'rat~(t?r' LtIC ~r:tri L'.7t~!II nt the Cathntt~ ztintetr' t;vtte~;e r«- _ -~---- - .•elved thrit 4iyturuns s• ith the `'- • Kradu:ctra .,f the un:ccryit ~~ ~ beta R•~r,• K.rt~r l:. t:3r:old vt For[ ' S4..rth of the ~Svt.>t'~1 u! '•t. 9fnry, i/ _ ' / •l~•Rra~ of rinchrlc,r u[ arts; P(ster •[„~•Qz~ ~~,~' Z' l.-/ ~~ _= ~ tf. T"hn of Iir3'an. Tozna. of the r ~~~Z' ~.tlbtrrs of rt, L"r::uln, drgsera •-! ~r "" 'raiasttrr r:f arcK and qC baa•h~Snc ~•! • y L ~ srt»: ~iDter St. Uw [.ette ~:! ~,,n .~ • ~ ~-x. (~.y~~ .~ .cam `- , ,' :'~-' ; t,,atn, of the :?latch sit r: h.cclty ~/,, / the IrrntnntP Word, ~tatrr 1l.ery ~~' ` ~ • the Prceentntfon •Tt man A::;,.ntn .•f • ~ . ~ -' ~` 2~ 1` } 7 -r/. •tl ~' .,i9(°. rH hf C7tY1T:C I~T4Cl.1QI1 M: ` ~-" `r ~ t`, ,.~ l - ~-~~ ~ i l L ~/ 1'' (~;;~- ~~ C,~ ~u:rr ata~ialrt of lrur• ~.~'„~ th ~f L"~ :hP a~?uterta of Yt. ytar; •ctl -, , ~.,t /: s ,~ .le~•te nt master.s:.sr:= ~ / ~'~ ~ :%ti~~~L/ f ~ ~• `'_: R t ~ ~c~~~..;~~: 2~; ~ y ~r 7 ,J //, ~; < L r -.~J 1-vr~ .~cL.k,L~N~2 ,(L~ f~~F .-~ z? J~~-~il~lt~idsc~ ,}f~Lt=1~x~ . ~ ; 7/ i / j / ~ ~ //° / ~/ ,t`(,~- 5.~~- ' ct tfi~''r . 1-t:.i /~~f~ x~ 4,;1 '.t- f~ -tom ~<_N,~t., L ~l2.Lf,'ti~° f(, f-; r ~,1~2c~/~L-w~ /t ~ z. Talc-tam ~~rt- izf x r C'-~,/.. sc%~C~ -7~- !~ Gc.-G-:." i_.-._y~ ~:~<< -. t ft-R~ !.. ~i.C.. (-C.(~~` f-/.C-~>,t~i -~R~t~C. .. lcfLa[-'.1--l~.t~ a. x. r~ . ~l~ -f. c~ z~~-.t ~~E~, _ f~ .~ex- ~~~ rtA-,z , . f-~t~ t`~~~ -z~( ~,• ~~„r,L ~, ~r.~ f ~-s2e-rr~~ ~u.~ ~c ,~_ f- 1'~c_t~ _ t,~-i ~~y~r o-~ f~r~r ~ ~ / / ~ r /',(. /ZZ~-(.,-~,4A-tom, ~2~~~-~'~C.l~/-~~ . ~ 1 ~~~'-1.r L,-- _ ;~f +..~4._ ~~ ^/.,~-GL//~~.t<.CF//~ ~-0 -u2t ~~/ldtt.~x~, ~~ 2s~L/irl~f, ,-c yL~ yC.~R-i:%LIA~f~6-irJ, ./,C~'GLQi. // ..%1'LR,-N~%r~-c~ _..L'/.fi-~. -L2ci CLI~c-e_.a~cG''-e,~ ~ Jam-,-c_i //y1,/.h '~. l1E4.~J 1~r lti YILLA MARIA FIELD ~~SICALE AS GIYEN ~ -----~ ~ DAY PROGRA?~ AT yi ~' S a UDENTS OF YILLA PIANO RECITdL GIYEN ACADEMY SATURDAY •:~7RIE PLEASED MANY ' TONIGHT VILLA MARIE ~ BY SCH ' I .:.. I u h S da f n th p , I - ~ I'r f~ night p ~ d y OOL S PUPILS' f tF Vlla of end y ai t. t I . : n patrons rf th. V11 _ ' l ' i~ ~ r May program wtth gr t ~ q ad mY, aleu thr p nt g -_ I h +s n I I - thu_rvum. As ell field day work tha papds, Kathered both (corn k t tp h I nn 1 n hc' puM f i thletl nd ttynn n~4c prow c v;cinrty and [rum ( points oY c rd lly vim r1 ProKram a o . uo f 1 ` w .war. of to tlYt font, after hch ~ L t e .. h amt uPPre 1 s a tai d,, [hove vho [[ c - t h an c Innces hlch :+huwed the re th t. is an i ro P gYese of . t b muslcal numbs a a d th t I r' alt -f traininK of mantle, du, tt Pr'> f ' I~- I- , nldrea. t lle 1lnriu needy [ ri e I tntmn un• n.,u ' ~ d f "- r m co- n xomanly grace. F rnm r o'clock Ifn ri there wa t idl introduction m musical lines I n'ght's entertnmmen!. 1'he pro r f , s no one e moment a th , [either du the teachers of ~ la° am K oriows: n e part of tha children, and not P °• :sown as [hey ore to ll B 1. fa) Down in the Deb, H. Smart one hitch in the Program, comae- e ryon ras- dents. I'he flora; de i fb) Drram nK• Shelley---Senior quantly the audience were not duH. cors[ nns were rlpcrL. a:, [t:ey alw ~ocnl Class. From solo esthetic dances the Dr ays arc, and the . ag h Id t roe ra ~ F !. False, 55"achs __ y[a rguec:•c , - [ ~.IP*am ranged Pram s nli >,r p j p no . .ven in Y r ~h n u pelhomme. dan etw and players, t 1 t ulm n aw ri n studied f t ~~ h 1(elody in F, P•ubenaein-G ~ +a[ed m the [echmqua. 1 bar I I o our town girls h r c h i fboke. F. .inhnsan and Sf Gu> nR 3? puplh. Tho a nK Indta~ m ~ elr except onal tefent .n ct i ton. Ilthc nur,:ber "Greek Slaidens Pla in ~ : s raapec[, it is unusual to find i i l 1. •'Thc ttbadchu I 'Pper m,d the y g l Rail ,vcr-. 1 ally uttrtctroe I : x g r s rendering a melody n! th,• ° _ Cud 1 (h) 1 [het- F ,na t:nu. m Ef k H vee" 65 13 t tan\ea n Fm y I hn n lk G and Dance. Th 1 n. Thi3 wxs [ 1 t mghYs . i. Eruken 16 el. Hi_t i r :0 I 0 t er hi: ses Margar t ~ m>er,, u number whwh showed ,l-Cussie S h It Pia E -l - Guyto C rt i. Cool.. Bonnie Loe I preeisron and perseverance of h 11. Cuy4m: a 1 h Ca ~dnel, P!a- : more and ivtlc Bab: June Owens,) ~ ~ .. uc ec. a= well us me dilo- ~ o C-L Hi I °' gg~, V. Kopeeky and i the conr~nt bob ~, who bide fair to y ~ ~•~° uE the studants. ' - ' F. Higgs I Waking un in Cant prodigy, ii her ' ~ Individual Numhen ; Forest Scene= C. Enhm- ( tc-.char s opinion i worth anything. ~ I e Uther nc,vbmrx ,vere rendered. ' , Marguerite Delhammc. L. Fro r Fulk games Gav thrir plane in l '~.5~h txu. three, four and fire itch. L. .Johnson C.. Delhomma "sports" and during the past year,' . Ir.s at tnv three instruments, ' , µ, Ia) March (iratesryue. Sind~ng: the physical director at the academy ~ -'ha,a ,.,,1~:, u,~~k v:a not orerlunke•L (b) P.unning.. Godard--Jns~- has put particular e phasic n^ the ) n the lott~•r gerhaos Miss Lneillu Phine Chrittenscu. '.York, so far ns the little children ')ebimmn:c must distinguished her- ~ tl, ••Spring" from Minm~t in G. weee concerned. Thee K ames have ,'I f. She de'~.ivered "The Butter- " Eee[hnven; '•T•.ei light Time." a value, rluite unknu.vn Co the cacal' 'Ip Ly hnvelle, and •"Carssatella" i Levine-Group Song. ~ - oh arcer. Systematized thought,', .H ss Ju Christensrn; `"g' Iq (a) "The IB utterCly," Luvella• concentration of brain and muscle at '~ •o introduction to Ehe pn6lic. (b) Tarantella, F. Creiq--T.u- the scree time, sometimes plus a folk ~ ~ ! ` „' her stay in Bryon. she ens ~! title Delhomme. i song, have un educational value, ~ hrrse f to be a co-operative _ ) 1. The Sml~, of the Violin, R. ~rd- t ht h mutt not Lgh Cly be c~timat d t z Har muslcal Lale t un, Toveph,n f n [.tens ~~I'ln refreshment commata~ sure d~ is c up and on th r 12. "Berm)ese" t Jncdy L. I ~_ e c Id L. ntanadc a d and tch s~ t,n t o 11 1 R a i ug t C d d I me 1h Toh n. nd f the samv nr ht ~ 1 the m d ~. r sh F th t K tt ~~= f ~mcc Na Joh h ~ ll pr ,- 13. Bel ~n Du,. Don zr¢. . i Ch ~I d L -~ I- t urn of $2U. ThI- - th begin . :tly I th. I Iar scenic - _ e aonsen an . i p I income mng ut a funs for the Purpme f Sirs, (,hris- car. ably aecompamed . buying a mo~~ing Picture m: chine. ~ tons•~n ;n lu~r lengthy dt•licery of ~, - ~ ~~ ,' Mra. Sparkman Congratalaed A maypole dance Into ate nd -I'h.. Seal of the ~'i~Iin" and added i from Rnff nw t nbers ~~~ .GRADUATION PRO~aRA M , ~ I ff lt, xas the last nun bar nth , •. th nd grace. Setenl - ~ AT VILLA M 1 'Kram, and It was d- - ,sat ~:,,.n by the sanior h,• _ vl ARIA WILL ~thn shades nF e•.ttunq nua faille[,,, ,,,: ,.I .. ~ iItEPOBTED) BE THURSDAY MIG ,ft and cool, Yur little feet to trip'.' ~i v ~- HT Iy ul 1 1 y usl ~, at the close 'Chc g i t ~t nnuth 1 a mark m th Ir ~r F!Y - nt, I other Stnv d y s TEX:iN L9 VALEDICTORId5 ~G AT CATHOLIC b~IVERSITY. for Villa Slarl - t Il h•ld I I IC 1 w t! t. at . [ s[n,aion [hat M n Thursd gh tl y it t tho ~ Z : n ry t . y,_arkman pl e,ent d t ;urhtonunt xt e.1I o clock I ut d- th I I Sh.. CneL [hut her) a u~ r - J tn . I~ P bl c i. cordlnliy invlWd to nt. k h.- Len u..ful this year, : d an ., s t u- 1 [ ~ - tc i th-se a rclses and the peo~ d PI a a' °ss ~ th d '[ [6e entertainment I ~ rh 1. Il.t n_ ad- r~ nre of bemK enter- " +"ad i I the usual ~ t• l h artdy con runlated by [b - I I ,f the coin ant and th ~ t th. -n ...•srr- .r t u c to a I. I q here ` vp enrhdd men- n r that the ,tudentII and faculty of ' th r I [et s, besides th,• punter us -:d s.t. v I I t•t dla Mar n ~~orv so well how to d Q 5 : I ` e..tntnrs from Bryan and •In L3 r I~ d w - 't [ h 1 t ' In o A full Prug f the exercises w 1 b • l L( P ' 1 , h I t 1 tt ' ` a al e u r yuhllcntton Ir `h ,, d. _ r'ed ' E 1111 1 fl I [h: It[ rI ,I~ I . n V e ,-(~ at,l . ~ ~jr~, A ! 1 II I II - lf/ ~ ~'~ l~/l~R lu'1,L [ 11j .1 >, AtIG ~7 /~L~~~IiZ/( ,t"/C ~t-~~Z/~ ~'~ [h ' tl LS I 1 1 1 ' K~ L / ~/%~/ tl h -' f r f 11 ~ , ~~%L-~~~~ L t-I 1 .r t re > r. t;; f L-dl_l/ z- ~L t 1. I 7 q r [ A -a t r r ha-1 x' /l / Y V1/ ,51 y~ [ t ~Ixt C -1 ~t l ~ J V~~ ~ _ yy n f Ito al r I' I r n ~~ L ~- ~ L .~L j~~',t'n/`n' ~Y/f~j~V U~Irte t1 '1 1. '[ 1 t \5 ih f „ ~~t~/ 1 I„~ .,[ n gate _ - I/~L~~~ : ~ ~~~Y- ..'~ ~~~L 'VILLA hARfA ACADEMY" ~~" , serAN rExns. .. ~ 'ii9 G S P ' ' ~cr iii;r:~~ w . Id . . AflKEB DEAD , , , i I ' ' r '' a~a g ) n, _ '"~° "~ rn" d GLEANINGS fflDM 1 a t n. t I ~ ~ - G , ^ , l 1 Cllr 1 r h' , 1 / `(y~t~ i aya ca:.n. a caoa mm. „ ,~ ' ii p I " t M J t m nZ I h Fn M1 ki 1 f n Y V~EE~ MAflI~ ( 9c7 ~ vsbtnd and Fat'~e. ^ id t Wi IY Y Tev f l d 1 1 -I - w loth Ratb nternd •a Rett h MJ .1 d -_ ~ . I Y 1 r i..1,[ .n IF ~~ The ~ Ail r ,0 r , „ ac Q I.,{ . /~ IP h - 1 .1 11 t t 1( t. C :..t - m - - a d, In Whl 61.. 'r ~, - ¢ l 1 ,a.e .1 . u a i a ~, , - ` I't _ t-. d .i yl' Wv[ ank ~'t . 1 1- t It I I i t )1 tl.i d rliX tLe m th f U 0 ,may nA . "' Ir I'~,II f t 15 ~ C ' 1 - pr d by ' T ~ - aad ... .. . 1 I 1 Q led 't ,ed cF I I R J [S C 1 1 1 ~ bl i-' I ~ ' ~ A tpln fl mvta 'a. Pm 1 N tv. n hr h tl 1 . tl I ~ 1 I C t t 11 ' ' i I . .g i tnn has r dtct •- 1! I r I p I1. ,,, I L n p C O 1 ~ F ,I. ¢d r if O ~ ' aPark In tnc ilr.• )1 a L' 3 n . ~ ,r vcin latc 4 - I tokr v few ~t t h .. n 1 ) Th. P a l f r 1 ~ k erleva i o• ' r r o[ c 3 to br Odcnr I I t \fl I It S V i - ~'_A 6 1 m 1 del n .. [ prn[ cot¢m uv ian[ 1 L h I fA I2 T I 1 :~ i avJ lu~;ed o Pan- r e ema sia.-In I I. FI kh A ~ r t t moo, ,f p , tea _ I I I ' t I t I r F v Th vale rovderrd hY tp 5 m tR F k h , n ~'-' II I, 1 yD ~- ~ ' F GI al~ rI Sli - h l durlaX Ne rOremonr t dil 11 5 h 1 V L. If i D rt ertsat c0 r I ~ Q a at tb a comx.n fl ~ ad , 31 I I 1' rh l., F-~. e_' and an Inayl. utlu¢ [¢ tp it.. -' - '1 T a dau :.. v loca 4 Sal e ~ / fa rn rt r in n t I m tp ~ e attemwn the re.e c..n~, LI 1 r> i I "d6 ed th C ~ .:k,i. „ .- l1~ th .. e plldrev of I - 51 - cn1 tl I I h I. ~ _ :all!d u areml m'I A ~ .I ip -.pt f r. ,tp r 't [. ii 1r - I t. h. in- Lp. eadalitJ Ifen JI ~ n t o:n .. rt J 1 RL - D ~Izimd> ~ U'rYan 1 t r J n m' J s~ am••nt o-,I tl J ', 1 n r °D - o - r...y.~ nu hru I ° 1 r. tna ciularen ar )tarr a~ d .'L , I ~ ~ ' I ' ., a ;ha a ... - :h ~ -. h r mr tu• parno f - i rA n . - n r 1 1 d:. a ryl v 1 Il )i 1. F , 1 X Q- for tpe c¢ab(nX Y t _ ` ~ ItC ~ II J d 1 f. 1 h m caa aW b f Cb K.::. - 1 _ II .~:evt wa sb¢ FY C ~ 'II 1p- IAf- ~ lh Patblea uW htkn zMISB J ¢ X h hi< 1 ~ p tP d i d t III TL ;. h .i - 1 d \ ~ ' D-:1 -k t 10 D { -.. vrH[e.! . t ¢[ :ice V altl••n[, [I 1 R .I 1 [f 1 t V n.i v I hl , 1 F h i l.J d t- - tll T 1 t> li \ i• Prlm, [ e re[arJ, Uannie J Uc t4 x.[,j - fti )I t ft - I,.vrentt. )(i n _1 easur[rc / t A FF -' F ~ F s m .. _ t . f it S X I tn t 't 1 1 I l\ Ica b •ore Our actual J p t ,,.a zr .m an .h ht ~ ,rvr-0 ,. [: P'i! ha !n ~~ r ~ I.II 1 f 11 I' h f vt evt Como we d . 1 1 I ile f F t i' bJ. hi _t h h ... d ~ 1 -r p ) - ( 1 . gh thn Cprlntmae pl ~ d~ 1 I f{ I mm~nt.' n . h ` t I C t P,. 'R I d P k tp ' d ' I ' ` ~ R - d wlt5 thr veper ,n h Q p 'A' I k T r an f ..a . f 1. I b .A N.ad \ ^ J I ' k pe 6ohday entactalnment o[ Y'!~C •nf ) I nJ ,li, 11 ' . . eared In [h bllY (re ;,rd P ~ i:ri. I Ha¢ it I 1 1 . r•r0ra Gle ovr e i i tl t t kl F i~ - tternc0¢, Dec. b r ,~- . . .,. •. i A I M1. bl:1. r h < ~ r\ h 11 C 11- d i ~ ' ~' ]., i n F.crv ,nJ Vu;,ila hl d 11 ~ 11 I Aed v h cA P ,I i - t ) t i 1 r ,,: ~:t 1 tr.'- y Ivtla ¢ew mdl[ori v '\ \ k d QII it ial treat The i ~. - 1 R p A 1 ~I r t .ht.• nJ +aohp ed FROM FORT WORTH. Wr 1. 1 hu t mn n, 1d r k _ ___ p•-~:lal ticv. Th . 2-' - .. k f a I ,L _ n'l l 1 r 1.. ( ..hire i ~l -d r¢ b I C n R th `Y 1~ r J ; I R - n I X I 1 n l/ ~ VVV ~ f~y7 // Th ~ 1 n / t h b I ~ I 1 1 ' hip P T 1 h d 'L ~~ - i ocd-bYta a¢d av e o,. _ ~ t r 'L /'• /,/1/~'Qr ./~-.m IDIS. a i 11, I n n i n I e m.. , u nrr a a ' Th h vI h h b 6 :' 1 [ I f h / IW r , ir . I I I - )1 Rn F 1 f ) sh tl ' - ~ L._` ~ L. I t I / l~ the derv[l i ~ U. I I. b_I .1 I erw 1 11 n r ~ rn v an t r ,v lea er mid I pt ~- Tho r Rape; x ( ~ ~ C «Iit arr v In Imn r tpe Vrlor t J 1 Lr held l ~ _ Y .C, t ~7']"1~C ~~ 1 d In CLrfe[maa g d rah u„e [u r f i~ l I h N h (_ f b m nw - f II(. the ai[[ O( a d d l r' A I ti ~ ~ G t I A. 1 I I d II i' /• ~ h~4/i, ~ ~ t - ~ L / ~ /) l ~' l fI DI ea at thr t'ulnt.de w e 1[ e F l i II I ho 1 k d In t0.- T I I h b r ` / ~ / ~ J - aup ntrd pY .lalta fmm et teral ul c ~ ,C 1 /~ _ -~~' -l'V IA 1 1 t l _ \ /~ 1 _ h_ of I i Ilil - ~( , y a - ,C III -r 'I I t J Fr fa i h. 'hl e~ -Vii ~l<t hva u. e i J C,, e.l., i 1 t I r- ~ - - ~ 1. d I t '~ [ _ . . ... ~. f I 1 -. I u.Onr PaYi . Ip tl~ I re15 ~£ ~ ~~' ~* tr' / \'~ II- h t l u l L- L/t~ ` t i,.v ctr el:Y a,v>cl CJ vll n 1'-l L _ ; 1 d t t ho ~ ` ~' ~~ r 1 o- . ~` A P Vil. b t. i ¢t n i -' I l 1 q . f fi r~ r ~GL ~ ', ~.~..L l.u.l L 41X... U~~J j ~ l t t` -.i.- II .1- 1 I PI- ~' Y, U k M t n h ~ _Iy7 \ v l,It~~ ~ ~~~~ , `1 ~ - ~ ' a .t 1.1 P`FIJ d11 Ilh if hl ~a. -~ . . ~ . 1~ :. ~ L ~t l, . C l I i ( 1 l[ ~f L.~ ~ ` }i l L~ L ~ r~ I ~~.1. "` r' - k~ ~ 1 e II r II ~ Ir _ i I IL i hn I ml 1 IJ d I 1 fi '1 ~ ~ 1 k ~ h ~ ~ r 11 r II I ~ I AI 1,~~ \ s n I I I h ~ ~i/t."t/~/l~' .. (/ V'~z~ ~ '• ~ pi I ~ nI1X Y .. ~. n ^ rhzlY of rilirunehln d nl± I I - -- Father Kirwin F~aur~~ T~Pr~~ END CONIES T GENERAL OF RESTING FOR 10 VICAR l~ec-th or :~~~ . Kiruin, Priest, Sto-•m DIOCESE it's-•v, ,5r~tdier and Educato-•, Is r5h1 SERVICE Daily Masses at Cathedral ~~ill Be Held Pendin; Funeral Thtcrsdati; Had Seraed Here 30 Years U th ra rlv Iact nl i t 1 ~ i ~ f 1 t n9 6.3 I d flti he N - r` ;~ 'x" ~ Y R 9 w n novl~°. i - H h 1 1 ( h.~ ' W ( 6nlt oo f f t I ~ - t ? ~ ~ r . . . try d I p vidrnt \f _' J l Itd l I I t Pa't of t:l~ I l tt ~ of tl itY. l I .I d h- b d a. thr recto n , F Ithor Kra (n s dt,tth z I l i Imp card - n t. tlnuv a h 3 On'u lltf Hlv bod' . nnv (nand nbol.t 5' 1) t 7 -.k I t ut~ht In~ R -. L J Reicher, t: hn h: J ;;ono Into the room to oa ~~ Fa:u.~r Kira h tl} n!t - t F t h h d I yh d hc f .. R f G .e b h p [ l I t I [I t ,1 t I y t - tr .t. fl P I t al d 1- G I 1 R[ h h t Dr t t h-1i~ i~ 1. } y ~a {, ~~~ ~ 6 ( I •) R F ath R chr;' t t thi~ t~, "'~ r , ~ ~ nd f ,e d h d f .-~ - A k d P - ~ f e s rayer for t , ,~ ,. Repose of Fnend , ` °" f hl 1 { 1 ~ T I J 1{ i~ U d 1 tl 11 - A td 1. - .. 13 ~ j t f 1 fr 1 1' tJ 5 Rj .W Ptrt Jt prl _nt ~ i_-I r• I d i ~ - rf I I 11 ~e1 J L ~ I ~ lb1 II k OI Y 1 (Shl j i 1 F..J ht if Tt - ! 1 G 1 ai '1-- J [ ~ t L e n l <L aer+i e +.h tl' ~ h I F J to yealerdYY m rnluz I k o[ thn last a of th~• I mr o I _ 1" - Pa Fnr I+i I.m. I 1 rr ...,,. ., . xh leex th ':t' i 1 nl(. +tn le.in titl.- [I,~l+r tl h. r. ar erlnC n.l n It f, tt{. \.1~.\nn Jlttl.+ n. KII[N I\. +. ... n .t I Yr J hln uld Darl h 1 1 .t _ i i b ~ t. . i-- r - -- -- ,/ ~// ` i 1 k , f{ G / ,L,y ' ~~ / i / ~ f ~ M ~, /`v R ., ce .i i /i . .n 1 G ~~ ~Vl~t nr p l 1 Il l l nl n `~" ""V~ ~..~ P M T ~ I 1 1 i I r t A I 1 ` !~ L L l~~i _ i h hb' I 1 \~ I -. ~ 1 1 r/ I : f (f 1 I// / I 1 :'~ 5<. f^ ~ A ~ ~ ~ / h 1 t Y ~~ F~; .~, ~y{• / 1. ~ is n ^ 1 v n I t .,I t d~ I ~ Ce q. It 1 I I I ~' ~Q a , 1 ~ .. J 1 G ,.,I . tt , J r r,l ' 1 I~ n h n~,aen'i I i h i J h ~ ~ Tae b 1 1 ~- - ~ L ,I fal I r 1 RhfTm{ .\n'n FacvLTles J v~Z ~ 7 C ~~ ~ or _ i ek R, L l~;lln - v% 1 I .I h. 1 - N,n n 1 - I t 111 ila in ~LvU~ S 1 ~ ~C tle C~.\"f l!oLIC C~\I\'iik>1Tl" Ot~ :C VF:RIC.a 1 I ~r - SA. ll Tno redn>. /~ nt n i, -JI D i. 1I% i ,. ~ i .. .rl \\'~nt_\'CE THE *~ ti-r, r- -A~~ „~,. Tw: ~'.\T aOLI[ C~icr~:u.crv or Auearc:~ :\sxov~ce Tae ('u ei uuscexe~7 Excuctties Rrse 970 l3 1??3 :, /. ' iI 'v ' -,_~_ 1 ----_ __-___ -t _- --_ -: --- ,, ~h - „ -~~ ~,~ ~Irz...r... ,~ .'i. .. ,. ,.. /~ ~ ~A ~ ( . •. Jt/ a . cN i, { • • J r ~lCe t' ,~ . ~.~ , ~., , rf~_~i-~.,_.. 1, .. -.~.4~ ,.... s-,-~ . ,r` - ~ ,t, 1„ I ~ • fZ j ~~ ~~i. a +i ~ ~ P~ r.ff,.-_ J J.4 c.r . . J ~ '~i . ~ ,~~ . _ ~. ~ ~ ~ , q ~ ~ :/ Yt .r...v / n fr/ ^. - n ~Ml z.f~•L ~/C~rJ~. ~ ~ I!~ i 1 Yif ~'1-.~-".`-_ rte' ~o`.+_ ('. ~ /, IBC ~i+Z:L~-2-' ~.. .~,r~~L ~ I. ~ II ~- I ,~ i ~ + ,7 ~, r .. T :r 8 ~ ~ , -~ ~- - _ ~ ,/. o~ .C:~~u .%f%l~z..w~ /~~tr~ ' J~- ~' y /y ' ~' ~<~vf-'`-- ...-ram- ~ ~~" ~ ~ ^ i~ ~ r -«t r. ._, __. a .fie->_ J, ~~ _ ~• =' ,. ~ / ~:~r :_ . __,F.~ . ~~~, r. ~/ ,. /'ifs _ 91/_.,.. ~ c.%~.c / ,~ > /~, / ! '" `'- ° /t<-.. fit.,-r~!tc..~. s6 '', ~; ISa s d f ~C1 .~ ... e ` / / ff -~ a .. "f/ n ,~ ~ . i'iu..,.rlt~L~. y~Gi ~ ' Pt V . N f1 _„ 7t ~46 i y~ Iy4 /rM < /V) /JZ .' /9i X09 .. ~' e. 7~+- loG .'. - . - _. ( 1i) ~ -~ l: /Y i ~ . ~//. ,y ,,, i/G r' . ` . ',. - i t ,~~ ,.. . ,P~: ~' .: .. 3 ;x c u Y //Y .. /?o ~~ ~;~ _ . z-. IL2 ~ /'; ~ r ~ .2 ~~ _ / l74 - ~ ~'/4 ... Z ~ ~~. . _ . ~7 t' ~ ' ^~ J3i ,_. ,_.~ I _ 'J/.> .. to f ~ J f ~ _ '~ _ i ~ i , . ~ // /s, ~ Yr .4..~,.:,tgC / t.1 of - ~ ~, ,.:.1 'ua, c ..~,1. /S/~> /~<i~l (-.tee % /i.i .L ~ ~.. ~;,,; 4 ~ "' fj' /, i.. ,~ _ `(,,~ a, ~ '~ :yti ~~ ., -C, yL • c~ - ~LL~ ~ ~ ~ e y~, ~ I 4 { . _ ~._ L _ -L, ~ . _ti, .{ i % 1 ~h . v C7 . -L t C.l . tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . / ~ °.~. G Yh 2~ LL e { i ti- .~-.. y _ .. ~l -. l-'.4yQ ~-'.~1 /() _ _ ~ ~ fit.. - is F `. _ 1 r `' ~ 't }`-~ '1 - _ ~- r ,; vL~/ ~ i/ / ~~ _ , t,.., ~ L. 1 i - j // -r-. _t__ ~ /~G2J / /~ ~ g J •- _. ~i._ ~ ~j / .APL ~~ ~..., . _ /++~I , ~~ ,~~ ~~_ .. ;~ -- i L .t ~l t_w i~s.,~.-...-u~. ~~ ., a1 L~, . ~ .. : ` 1 f , ~. . ~. .~ ~ rz .~ ~J. ., f~ - -~ ~ ~-za . J~.a, ~~~~~1 I as ~ :1 L - ~ /~ d4 +~Z _ _ .. ~ ~~m~~ . ,~~F--.-,-1 ~I OS_ t ~. ... ~ ' ~~ ~ F• ~ eG '~Lt~;.~,. ;~' ~ e} ~~ ~e cf /d ~ ~. ,~ ~~ 1`' ~ri'i ~el'~e. .ly<.....~.~,...~~/ ter. ~ _. ~ ? %~ ~ ~.~ i rT {.~ ~.ttn~. ~ ~ .. .a, _F. ~- ~y ~ / ~_ ~ ~• // ~ ~ PS c,G°~n_ d. i n` tL ., r n~^ Yy,~t r '' ~ ~ ' t, . ,.-~',~ 14 ~• _ l .vtlL,t~.w~ ~„M,~~ .~ ' J~ ,, ~ . . ~,, _.~ ;, a i-