HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol.5 No.1MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION NAME ADDRESS PHONE SURNAMES: (Make as complete a list as you can. It's good free advertising!) . 1983 OFFICERS President . . . . . . . Stanley CLARK Vice President . . . . Don SIMONS Secretary . . . . . . . . . . Mary BELL Treasurer . o . . • . . L.A. MADDOX Librarian . . . . . . . . . Nan ROSS Editor . . . . . . . . . . Mary COOPER A 'Lfrazos Ceneawgica C�4dvertisey Volume V N ber 1 Bryan-College Station July - August 1983 Texas BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORY UP-DATE The Brazos County Heritage and History Council is working steadily gathering information and pictures, editing and getting the many facets of Brazos County Life into the best order possible with the help of many people in many different fields. As genealogists, our organization has a special interest in the Pioneer Families Committee. This section deserves our special interest and support in searching out the information and/or the individuals who have information to share. I have information about this pioneer family/these pioneer families, which I will share with the committee M •s . 5 for reasons of space and/or repetitions. Signed d 9 TO: Pioneer Families Committee 740 Garden Acres, Bryan Tx 77802 Contact the following people who are descendants of Brazos County Pioneer Families but have moved out of the County. (Or who live in the county and have not been con- tacted yet) 6 New Genealogical Books in the Bryan Public Library As of 21 July 1 9 8 3 The review is written by Nan ROSS, Reference Librarian. GNL Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1982 Supplement. 325 A continuing invalukb series. You must remember' though: it covers only published materials: If you know of any unpublished records, help get them pub- lished and accessible: GNL PassenFer Arrivals At the Port of Baltimore 1820-1834 325 Read the Preface, Introduction, and Notes: A page by page listing taken from the microfilm. Alphabetically arranged. GNL Philadelphia Naturalization Records; An Index to Records 3 _oTAI lens' _ Dec laratio , Ej -_ _6as o eg ance 1789 - 1-8-Vo. Intention _ a n d tK A Gives a current 16 guide for these records. Marvelous: GNL MARSHALL. Genealogist's Guide An index to family. 929.1 histories printe Eng and county histories, biographical studies, periodicals, society transactions, etc. Read the Preface first or you'll never understand the entries: GNL Handbook on Irish Geneal Includes records and 2 i� - 9 record deposit'ories, counties of Ireland, Passenger lis lists, Parish registers. Good introduction. GNL Irish Genealogy, Goes into people of Ireland, histori- 9 cal and administrative divisions, census, directories, newspapers, deeds, wills, gravestones recorded. Indexed. GNL JAMES. Scottish Roots. A marvelous guide! Starts with 929.1 what can be aone - Et — home, then how to deal with Scottish sources, doing it from a distance and, lastly, how to write it down. Unfortunately, not indexed. GNL 0 Irish Pedigrees. 2 vols. Read the 'Preface' 9 and for goodness sake PP 1 -32 (hilarious!). Family histories, no sources or verification given. Each volume separately indexed. GNL STEEL. Sources for Scottish Genealogy_and Family History. 941.1 Goes into Scottish names, — parish registers, and OTFe sources. Great: Indexed. GNL 1860 census of Matagorda county Texas. Transcribed 976.4 from -- the microfilm, it includes free and slave schedules. Gives names, age, sex, occupation and place yikg a I ie 4 GNL 1870 F ederal Census for Smit C ounty_ Te Map 976.4 showing county and the beats, explanations, abbrevia- tions and occupations. Page by page transcription. Indexed by last name only. GNL Cemetery Records of Smith County Texas. Volumes 1 & 2. 976 . 4 Includes, as well as cemetery listings, a map of each cemetery, a key to the maps, and a history of the cemetery. Indexed. GNL Comanche Count Gravestone Inscriptions, Volume 4. 976 . 4 Biographical orma on about Dr. Robert Thomas HILL precedes cemetery listing. Each cemetery has direc- tions and information on when the cemetery was inven- toried. Be sure and read 'some other things we would like you to know'. Indexed. GNL Erath County, Texas Cemetery Inscripti _Volume 2 976 . 4 For each cemetery g ves directions and who copse - ' d it as well as headstone information. Genealo ical notes pp 234-243• Addenda includes later dea stones. Indexed. GNL Erath County, Te xas, Marria Records 1 869 -1891, 976 .4 Volume . All marriage records prior to 1$79 were lost in a courthouse fire. Gives Book no., Date, Page, Name of Groom and Bride and Official. Indexed. GNL FLOYD. Cemeteries in R obertson County, Texas 976.4 A listing o��tttie county's cemeteries. We need to find the rest - -as early as that county was settled, there - are -bound to be more' GNL Guide to the Hist ory of Louisiana Historical Litera- 976 .4 ture,- archives and sources, chronology of history and organizations. Invaluable. Indexed. GNL Johnso County Te xas, Marriage Recor 1 854 -188 3, 976.4 Vo ume I . Conta booTss f= -Far each gives age no., ' Groom, Bride and Date. Indexed by last name and first. GNL Johnson Co unty, Texas, M arri a g e Records 18 1894 976 .4 Volume II . Contains books 6-S. For each gives: Page No., Groom, Bride and Date. Indexed by last name and first. GNL Leon County Hist orical Collec Volume 2 . A very 976.4 useeuf wlUe range off`- me£er on the county. The only criticism I have is that they did not tell us where the originals are housed: Indexed. r 8 WHAT'S NEW? Bryan Library GNL McLEAN. Pa ers Concern Robertso Colo in Te r_ 976.4 Volume Ix At last: Grantees are listed with muc i.n o�rmat1on and verification. GNL Mem and Genealogical Record of Texas (EAST) 976.4 Another 'mug b000Tt ° -- good i1_y`our ancestors are in it but verify all facts. Index in a pocket in the back. GNL Montgomery County, Texas Cemete Volume V. Gives 976 .4 who cataloged the cemetery and when. Locat n good for directions. Gives information from each headstone. Indexed by last and first name. GNL ROOSE. Records of Reconstruction Days in Collin Count 976 .4 Texas Inc udes registered voters -1 ?3, signa- tures from voters list, Tax rolls for 1866 and 1867. Indexed. SEPTEMBER WORKSHOPS Central Texas Genealogical Society, Inc. Saturday, September 10, 1983 9 :00 am - 4s pm McLennan Community College Health & Physical Ed Bldg. 1400; College Drive, Waco Lecture Room 101 $10.00 pre-registration (please pre- register, space limited) Lunch not included Eating places close to campus OR brown bag "Genealogical Research in the Carolinas" or "Where they were- -where they went--and why" Speaker: Mr. Lloyd D. Bockstruck, Head, Genealogy Section Dallas Public Library Pre - registration Fee must be received by September 6, 1983 Make check payable tot Central Texas Genealogical Society c /o Waco- McLennan County Library 1 717 Aust Avenue, Waco TX 76701 East Testae Genealogical Society Saturday, September 10, 1983 9:00 am - 4 :00 pm First Christian Church Fellowship Hall Loop 323 at Hwy 69 South, Tyler TX $ 7.50 be fore 29 August 1983 Lunch not in cluded $10.00 after 29 August 1983 Eating places close by or 'brown bag' A surname index will be printed; send in four surnames "Genealogical Research in Virginia and Alabama" Speaker: G. Eileen Buckway, A.G. Salt Lake City, Utah Make checks payable to'EAST.TEXAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Mail tot Mrs. Frances Brock, 8228 Columbia. Tyler TX 75703 E Welborn i s Coun - (Continued from Vol.IV,No.6,p. 142) McCULLOCH, John W. b 28 Mar 1892 d 6 June 1963 "Father" hus of Artie A. McCULLOCH NEUST, Carl E. McCULLOCH, John W. b 22 Apr 1915 d 8 Jan 1974 McCULLOCH, Morris b 20 Dec 1922 d 8 June 1944 TEX Cpl 2 Mar.Div. WWII - - -- wi of Carl E. NEUST McCULLOCH, Wingate b 13 Mar 1894 d 15 May 1976 McFERREN, Charley b 18 Aug 1890 d 12 June 1.951 McFERREN, Hattie Bell McCulloch NOLAN, C. W. b b 6 Jan 1894 12 d 2 July 1978 McMINN, R. P. b 15 May 1867 d 4 Nov 1913 ,, --his child, his wife Mar 1853 d 15 Nov 1925 hus of Sarah Jane NORWOOD MORGAN, Lillie Mae b 4 Aug 1919 d 17 Jan 1923 MOSS, Andrew A. b 28 Oct 1893 d 26 Jan 1969 hus of Bertha A. MOSS --- - - - - -- a wi of Joe NORWOOD MOSS, Bertha A. b 12 Feb 1894 d ---- - - - - -- wi of Andrew A. MOSS 1977 hus of Hilda B. NORWOOD NEELLEY, Eulalior 1899 - - - -- wi of Guy NEELLEY _ NEELLEY, Guy 1889 -- 1953 hus of Eulalior NEELLEY NEUST, Carl E. 1912 -- 1977 hus of Reba Mae NEUST NEUST, Reba Mae 1911 -- - - -- wi of Carl E. NEUST NOLAN, Bessie L. b 22 Mar 1904 d 9 Mar 1967 wi of C.W. NOLAN NOLAN, C. W. b 3 Dec 1901 d 12 Feb 1978 hus of Bessie L. NOLAN NORWOOD, G. W. C. b 21 Mar 1853 d 15 Nov 1925 hus of Sarah Jane NORWOOD NORWOOD, George W. W.O.W. b.21 Aug 1892 d 28 Oct 1912 NORWOOD, Hilda B. b 30 Sept 1907 d --- - - - - -- a wi of Joe NORWOOD NORWOOD, Joe b 17 Jan 1907 d 27 June 1977 hus of Hilda B. NORWOOD NORWOOD, Sarah Jane b 31 Dec 1868 d 14 Oct 1934 wi of G.W.C.NORWOOD NORWOOD, Winnie 1895 -- 1900 PARNELL, Eva A. b 29 Apr 1927 d 18 Sept 1928 Welborn Cemetery Brazos County TX PAR S J. H. ,v F th SONS, Anson Leroy b 3 May 1896 d 20 Feb 1947 PARSON " Father " er vv 186 -® 5 1930 hus of Mary E. PARSONS PARSONS, James G. b 28 Dec 1893 d 3 Mar 1965 hus of Lena V. PARSONS PARSONS, Lena V. b 8 July 1898 d 29 Jan 1954 wi of James G. PARSONS PARSONS, Mary E "Mother" 1874 -- 1945 wi of J.H. PARSONS PARSONS, Molly Ann b 16 Mar 1950 d 24 Dec 1951 POOLE, Wm. David 1 95 4 -- 1 973 PRICE, George W. Jr. b 4 Aug 1926 d --- - - - - -- Pvt 360 Inf.Div. PRICE, Lola Moreene b 27 Jan 1898 d 1 Dec 1 959 "Our Mother" PRICE, Waltis Marvin b 2 June 1919 d 27 June 1 973 " Baba „ REDMAN, Ernest J. Sr. b 1 Oct 1887 d 2 May 1954 hus of Eufala REDMAN REDMAN, Eufala b 11 June 1890 d 24 July 1968 wi of Ernest J. REDMAN Sr. REDMAN, Infant son of Shirley & J.C.REDMAN 5 Jan 1954 ROYDER, Adam "Father" b 15 Apr 1829 d 4 Mar 1894 ROYDER, Adam W. b 12 Jan 1862 d 27 Sep 1920 ROYDER, Addie T. 1887 ®® 1971 wi of Grover C. ROYDER ROYDER, Anna Eudora Causey b 30 Jan 1874 d 31 Mar 1956 ROYDER, Barbara Ellen b 19 Nov 1847 d 20 Feb 1913 wi of Adam ROYDER ROYDER, Charley S. b 14 Feb 1887 d 11 June 1958 TX Pfc QMC WWI ROYDER, Clarice R. 1917 -- - - -- ROYDER, Daisy 1882 -- 1944 wi of George ROYDER ROYDER, Douglas Edelle b 11 Sept 1897 d 19 Sept 1958 -son & brother" ROYDER, Edwin A. b 13 Dec 1902 d 2 Mar 1908 son of M. & J. P. ROYDER ROYDER, Ella A. age 21 yrs 8 mos 7 days d 6 Jan 1885 wi of J.M. ROYDER 11 Welborn Cemetery Brazos County TX ROYDER, Ernest Lee b 14 Sept 1909 d 2 June 1912 son of T.H. & Ida A. ROYDER ROYDER, Forrest A. 'Honey' b l Dec 1905 d 16 may 1973 hus of Gladys A. ROYDER ROYDER, George 1876 -- 1925 hus of Daisy ROYDER ROYDER, Gladys A. b 7 Jan 1905 d 17 Jan 1981 wi of Forrest A. 'Honey' ROYDER ROYDER, Grover C. 1888 -- 1960 hus of Addie T. ROYDER ROYDER, Harvey Earl b 23 Apr 1893 d 29 July 1894 son of T.H. & Ida A. ROYDER ROYDER, Ida A. b 29 Jan 1872 d 15 Oct 1952 "Mother" ROYDER, Ida Mabel b 6 June 1881 d 2 Aug 1892 dau of T.H. & Ida A. ROYDER ROYDER, J. M. W.Q.W. b 4 Mar 1857 d 25 Sept 1918 ROYDER, J. Milton b 12 Jan 1904 d 29 June 1904 son of W. & A.E. ROYDER ROYDER, Jeff P. 1866 -- 1923 hus of Mary A. ROYDER ROYDER, Jessie C. 1871 -- 1941 ROYDER, Joda (Mason) b 16 Feb 1902 d ---- - - - - -- hus of Lillian ROYDER ROYDER, John David (Mason) b 18 Apr 1905 d 16 Nov 1965 ROYDER, John H. 1854 -- 1927 ROYDER, Lillian + b 17 Sept 1909 d 28 Feb 1979 wi of Joda ROYDER ROYDER, Little Walter b 6 Aug 1892 d 29 May 1894 son of A.W. & A? ROYDER ROYDER, Nary A. 1876 -- 1944 wi of Jeff P. ROYDER ROYDER, Opal E. 1921 -- 1973 ROYDER, Opal E. 1944 -- 1947 ROYDER, Prue 1897 -- 1 97 4 ROYDER, Sadie A. 1882 -- 1959 ROYDER, Thomas Adam b 15 Aug 1895 d 14 Nov 1899 son of T.H. & Ida A.ROYDER ROYDER, Thomas H. W.O.W. b 2 May 1864 d 17 June 1919 12 Welborn Cemetery Brazos County TX SANDEL, Rachel b 6 Apr 1844 d 17 Feb 1886 j wi of F.E. SANDEL SHAW, Emma Royder Battle b 27 Apr 1881 d 28 May 1969 SIMMS, Addie E. b 2 Feb 1886 d 10 Dec 1977 wi of Wm. E. SIMMS SIMMS, Roy Lee (Mason) 1910 -- 1959 SIMMS, Wm. E. b 17 Sept 1880 d 11 Nov 1960 hus of Addie E. SIMMS SIMPSON, Delbirt M. b 15 Mar 1891 d 5 June 1944 TX Sgt 360 Inf. SIMPSON, Goree Allen b 24 Dec 1914 d 11 Mar 1975 " - -my brother" SIMPSON, Rachel I. b 28 Oct 1892 d 1 Aug 1954 SIMS, Mary E. "Mother" 1890 -- 1956 SKINNER, Lee Royder b 24 Jan 1886 -d 7 Mar 1961 "Mother" SLUDER, Garland M.'Father' b 2 Mar 1919 d 1 Nov 1972 hus of Louise SLUDER Pfc CoD 712 TnkBat WWII SLUDER, Louise b 6 June 1925 d - -- wi of Garland M. SLUDER SMITH, Alonzo Pierce No dates SMITH, Euna N. 1898 -® 1968 wi of Thomas J. SMITH SMITH, Shirley L. b 4 Oct 1932 d --- - - - - -- wi of Thomas J. SMITH Jr. SMITH, Thomas J. 1889 -- 1970 hus of Euna N. SMITH SMITH, Thomas J. Jr. b 31 Oct 1924 d 17 July 1968 hus of Shirley L. SMITH SMITH, William D. b 5 Sept 1959 d 13 Mar 1975 STEELE, Arthur C. b 6 Mar 1881 d 11 Sept 1962 hus of Martha E. STEELE 'Father' STEELE, Martha E. b 26 Jan 1900 d ---- - - - - -- wi of Arthur C. STEELE 'Mother' STRAUB, Mattie Eidson b 10 June 1872 d 9 Feb 1938 TAYLOR, Cora W. b 31 May 1922 d - -- - -- wi of Gurniey John TAYLOR TAYLOR, Gurniey John b 30 Jan 1908 d 26 July 1976 hus of Cora W. TAYLOR WW II r 13 Welborn Cemetery Brazos County TX I 1 THOMAS, Edna 'Mother' b 3 Mar 1921 d ---- - - - - -- wi of John A. THOMAS Sr. THOMAS, John A. Sr. b 19 July 1905 d 10 June 1969 hus of Edna THOMAS THOMPSON, Daniel R. 1910 -- 1912 UBERNOSKY, Catherine R. b 7 Dec 1911 d 17 Nov 1972 wi of Clyde N. UBERNOSKY UBERNOSKY, Clyde N. b 19 Mar 1904 d 13 May 1972 hus of Catherine R. UBERNOSKY UBERNOSKY, Jimmie 1938 VINCENT, Chris R. b 12 Apr 1911 d 4 May 1966 Pfc 1805 Serv. Unit 'WWII-PH VINCENT, Oleta b 29 Mar 1920 d -- - - - - -- VON ROEDER, Jill 1 956 -- 1975 WADE, Cora b 8 May 1851 d 2 Oct 1916 wi of T.E.WADE WADE, Edna D. b 22 July 1888 d 26 Aug 1978 wi of Jimmy WADE WADE, Gladys 'Mother' b 1 Sept 1912 d 14 Aug 1939 WADE, James C. b 23 June 1909 d 30 Dec 1981 WADE, Jesse H. b 2 Nov 1886 d 7 Oct 1 955 hus of Myrtle G. WADE WADE, Jimmy b 12 Jan 1879 d 25 Feb 1927 hus of Edna D. WADE WADE, Laura b 5 Mar 1882 d 2 Nov 1938 WADE, Louis F. b 2 Oct 1874 d 3 May 1954 WADE, Myrtle G. b 24 Feb 1903 d -- - - - - -- wi of Jesse H. WADE WADE, Percy E. b 13 Aug 1882 d 15 Mar 1 953 WADE, Randy C. b 21 Aug 1954 d 12 Oct 1972 WADE, Searcy b 14 Dec 1925 d 16 Mar 1935 WADE, T. E. b 12 Jan 1850 d 9 Mar 1925 hus of Cora WADE WADE, Thomas C. b 31 July 1876 d 3 Sept 1962 WADE, Wallace Grant 1938 -® 1941 "our Peewee by L.F.BLAIR Brazos County TX WARREN, Charlie H. b 1 3 Nov 1891 d 28 Jan 1967 hus of Vern K. WARREN WARREN, George W. b 15 July 1844 d 27 Jan 1924 WARREN, James T. b 24 June 1866 d 5 June 1 956 WARREN, Vern K. b 24 Mar 1896 d --- - - - - -- wi of Charlie H. WARREN WATSON, Mary Ann b 19 Feb 1868 d 6 Feb 1949 WATSON, 0. 0. b 23 July 1871 d 3 Oct 1999 WATSON, W. E. b 27 Apr 1877 d 15 Sept 1902 WHITTEMORE, Sandra Dianne b 4 Oct 1943 d 16 May 1 974 WILKERSON, Edmon . b 17 Oct 1902 d 5 Feb 1 973 hus of Florence K. WILKERSON WILKERSON, Evelyn b 25 Apr 1925 d 13 June 1926 WILKERSON, Florence K. b 13 Jan 1906 d -- _- - -___- wi of Edmon WILKERSON WILKERSON, George Mathew 'Dad' 1867 -- 1923 WILKERSON, Melba 5 Oct 1923 inf ch of E.W.WILKERSON WILKERSON, Minnie Watson 'Mother 1873 -- 1926 WILLIAMS, Ama D. b 1 May 1902 d 21 May 1 975 hus of Eloise E. WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Amalene b 25 Sept 1927 d 2 Oct 1927 WILLIAMS, Curtis H. b 17 Sept 1913 d 16 June 1 972 WILLIAMS, Curtis Harold Jr. 25 Dec 1 930 d 20 Feb 1974 WILLIAMS, Curtis Harold --------- WILLIAMS, Edna 'Mother' 1888 -- 1978 WILLIAMS, Eloise E. b 29 Oct 1904 d 19 Nov 1 979 WILLIAMS, James D. 1889 1 958 hus of Minniel WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Lon 1881 1 950 hus of Mae WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Mae 1882 1969 wi of Lon WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Minniel 1 897 1980 wi of James D. WILLIAMS WILSON, Chester C. b 2 June 1911 d 28 Sept 1965 Miss Tc 5 BRY A 356 Cst ARTY WW II YAGER, B. Thomas 18 93 1944 YAGER, Mary F. 1898 1981 IF 15 Robertson County TX Census 1860 — 1 -T-V No Y-146) Page 29 Precinct #5 Post ice Eutaw Printed A184 �� ,' 25 Jul.-- 1860 �4 0 Ed —4 P CH 4--' 0 W C�� o Cd + r-4 Cd Pq W Z �4 4) 0 (V P4 4 0 Ei Cd �-4 0 P 4 Cd a) C.) Cd (D Cd 0) P .,1 0 44 ¢ U) 0 > % > 44p, as U) John L. JAY 7 M Ark George W. 1 M La 205 205 James L. JAY 27 Y, Farm Laborer 100 Ga Elizabeth 26 F Cook Ala William R. 1 M Ark 206 206 Albert CARGILL 3 M Farmer Tenant 1 5 0 Ga Sarah S. 28 F Seamstress It William 11 M La Ann E. 9 F 19 Minerva 7 F of Elizabeth 5 F of Mary 4 F of Alice 3 F of Francis M. 5/ M Texas 207 207 Nancy MARKHAM 5 F Seamstress Ga Martha HIGGINS 12 F Ala X Jane 11 r X 208 208 Josiah THOMAS 56 M Farmer 700 1800 Ky Mary 51 F Housekeeper of Josiah Jr. 1 5 M Farm Laborer Texas Eliza 10 F It John GERMANY 40 M Farm Laborer Unknown 209 209 J. So JAMES 24 M Wagoner 183 375 Tenn Louisa 19 F Housekeeper Texas Mary E. 3 F to Sarah A. 3 F It Minerva J. 1 F to 211 211 John C. THOMAS 35 M Farmer 480 1 35 0 Indiana Jane L. 33 F Cook & housekeeper Ala William H. 12 M Texas Mary E. 11 F Josiah C. 10 M Delila J. 8 F John P. 4 Ni John CARGILL 1 M 16 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page '30 Precinct , #5 Post Office: Willow Creek Printed #1 26 June '1860 40 4-1 P ow o v � •.� �' A, a� Z� 4) o 4) as � 4 o 3 a� bD , U --1 � � � o � 4 Q w aC v1 v cd W 0 > Z cd 4 P ? PO P� •,� v Isam THOMAS. 1 M Texas 212 212 William H. STEPENSON 53 M Farm Laborer Ky Elizabeth 53 F Housekeeper Ga Isam H. 28 M Farm Laborer Ala X Susan E. 20 F Student to X William H. 19 M Farm Laborer of X Y Nancy C. 18 F Student Tenn X John P. 18 M Farm Laborer of X Margaret L. 15 F.Student of X 213 213 David DAVIS 4 1 M Farmer 1998 1820 Miss Martha 29 F Housekeeper 0/ Texana B. 5 F Texas Alvarez 4 M of Theodosia 2 F of Ezrah 1 M to Angeline HUME 16 F Seamstress of John STAPLEFORD 35 M Hostler Mo 21 214 Preston OWEN 21 M Stockraiser 300 48 Texas J Elizabeth 16 F Housekeeper Miss 215 215 Elijah RAINS 47 iV 'Farmer 1902 4665- N C Harriet 34 _F Housekeeper Ala Isaac N. 22 M Student Tenn X Martha E. 13 F °° X Ann 5 F Texas Hildegarten 3 F <° Joshua 1 M John W. PHIPS 14 M Ala X 216 216 Riley DUNAGIN 32 M Farmer Tenant 1125 Ga Milley 24 F.Housekeeper Tenn James M. 2 M Texas Francis M. 3/12 M 217 217 Mary DUNAGIN 59 F Housekeeper Ga Abner F. 21 M Farmer Tenant 350 218 218 J'ohnathan A.RUCKER 33 M Farm Tenant 145 Va Martha A. 24 F Cook & Housekeeper Tenn Hamilton B. 9 M is Johnathan A. 5 M it Laura A. 2 F Texas 219 219 Stepen FULLEN 24 M Farm Laborer 50 Indiana. Hilda 20 F Milkmaid Ark 17 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page 31 Precinct #5 Post Office: Willow Creek Printed #185 26 June 1860 \ o U Cd a a� w m o a) e� o ;5 r-1 r-q � � Q w a c o >a >aw w ai Mary FULLEN 4 F Texas John W. 1 M to ` 220 220 William HODGES 37 N Farmer 1000 650 Ga Martha L. 37 F Housekeeper Va Sarah K. 8 F Ala George W. 6 M Texas Martha A. 4 F to 221 221 Henry LOFLIN 48 M Farmer 358 670 Tenn Caroline 41 F Housekeeper Ala James T. 18 M,Farm Laborer Ala X Sarah 16 F Student to X Elizabeth 14 F of X Martha 13 F X Edward 8/12 M Texas 222 222 Thomas H. GEE 36 M Farmer 2500 8450 Va Martha A. 26 F Housekeeper Tenn � John H. 6 M Texas Elizabeth I. 4 F of Kate 1 F of 223 223 Horatio PIERCE 35 M Phisician 1 685 Mo Martha E. 27 F Housekeeper Illi Earl R. 9 M Texas James H. 7 M to George R. 5 M " Susan E. 3 F " Martha C. 3/12 F " James H. HUME 13 M " 224 224 M.C.HENDERSON 4 0 M Farmer 3500 7750 N C Sarah 30 F. Housekeeper Tenn John A. 9 M Tex X Daniel C. 7 M of X William F. 5 M it George W. 2 M " Sarah 72 F Scotland Margaret GRAHAM 13 F Texas X 225 225 William T. BEDFORD 38 M Farmer Tenant 1300 Va Nancy J. 30 F Housekeeper Tenn Mary 11 F Texas X George L. 6 M of Dovy 3 F ,. 18 Robertson County TX Census 1860 Page 32 Precinct #5 Post Office: Owenvill Printed #185A 27 June 1860 to a • 1 4-4 4 4-1 .-1 � C ,� Cd .� P4 a:o4V o Q 4n � a) C.) Cd Cd 0) Cd 4) � —I v cn o > rz > a a M v� Jane BEDFORD 1 F Tex 226 226 Elizabeth SMITH 52 F Farmer Tenant 765 Tenn Prior 28 M Waggoner of , Fuller 23 M of Nancy J. 19 F Seamstress to Nancy GRISHAM 71 F it it 227 227 Martha SMITH 31 F Farmer 300 610 Ala William 12 M to X Erastus 10 M 11 X John 9 M of X Abigail 7 F of X Mary 6 F Tex X Dolly 3 F of Abigail CROW 50 F Ala John 21 M Farm Laborer Tenn X 228 228 xicnard CR&W 24 M Waggoner 620 Tenn Sarah 20 -F Seamstress of John Y 1 M Texas -� 229 229 John B,McCOWEN 35 M Farmer 950 650 S C Sarah 25 F Housekeeper John A. 8 M Miss Roberts L. 7 M if Mary J. 6 F Texas Mahala F. 4 F it Martha J. 3 F of Sarah Pe 1 F to 2 3 0 230 Gilbert C. RICHARDSON 51 M Farmer 330 22,600 N C Caroline 47 F S C Frances 20 F Student Ala X Caroline 17 F X Julia 15 F X Gilbert 11 M X James 6 M Tex X t Nora 1 F of Ellen SMITH 3 F of 231 231 James BLACKBURN 25 M Overseer 256 Miss Martha E. 32 F Housekeeper Ala James T. 7 M is Matilda A. 5 F Tex John S. 2 M (Continued in Vo1e5,No.2) Im Steep Hollow Cemetery Brazos County TX HOPKINS, J. W. 19 Mar 1860, 19 Nov 1909 HOPKINS, Olivia V. 2 July 1860, 4 Jan 1944 - HOPKINS, Robert Lee 2 Oct 1891, 23 Mar 1970 HOPKINS, William T. 14 Jan 1850, 25 July 1913 HORTMAN, Ada M. (no dates) JONES, HORTMAN, Daniel (no dates) JONES, HORTMAN, Robert T. (no dates) JONES, HYDEN, Annie May 1896 - ®- wi of Douglas James HYDEN HYDEN, Douglas James 1898 - 1957 hus of Annie May HYDEN JACKSON, Frank J. 10 Aug 1938, 15 June 1979 SL US Navy 'Brother' JAMIESON, Blanche M. 27 Apr 1892, 30 Nov 1967 JOLLY, Laura D. 1891 - 1932 'and infant son' JONES, Bessie Inez 27 Dec 1910, 30 Apr 1980 wi of L.Z.JONES JONES, Buna Risinger 1890 - - -- wi of Robert E. JONES JONES, Callie E. 22 Oct 1886, 27 Nov 1944 wi of Charlie R. L. JONES JONES, Charlie R. L. 12 July 1874, 31 Jan 1 953 hus of Callie E. JONES JONES, Cora M. 27 Nov 1919, 23 Oct 1981 wi of John D.JONES JONES, Earl M. 15 Feb 1923, 9 Sept 1 933 JONES, E. F. 10 Sept 1825, 26 Aug 1905 JONES, Elizabeth 1864 - 1937 wi of Roland L. JONES JONES, Forrest 5 Dec 1907, 19 Mar 1918 JONES, Jessie Melbra (no dates) wi of Walter H. JONES JONES, John D. 30 Nov 1918, - -- hus of Cora M. JONES JONES, L. Z. 29 Aug 1908, 7 Apr 1982 hus of Bessie Inez JONES, Lewis E. 28 July 1930,.20 Oct 1967 JONES, Lula E. 2 May 1880, 23 Sept 1922 JONES, Marion E. 25 Sept 1915, 10 May 1972 hus of Ruth S. JONES JONES, Marshall T. 27 Nov 1881, 29 Apr 1965 JONES, Mary J. 1858 - - -- wi of Z. T. JONES JONES, Maudie C. 10 Dec 1879, 6 Jan 1963 JONES, Mollie E. 1871 - 1924 wi of William F. JONES JONES, Ocie Lee 31 May 1904 - 14 Mar 1964 'Brother' beside Mollie E. and William F. JONES 20 Steep Hollow Cemetery Brazos County TX JONES, Paul Will 25 Dec 1896, 25 Jan 1981, hus of Theodora Parks JONES JONES, R. E. Jr. 22 Feb 1923 (no other date) JONES, Robert E. (Rab) 1893 - 1965 hus of Buna R. JONES JONES, Roland L. 1864 - 1932 hus of Elizabeth JONES JONES, Ruth S. 14 Oct 1914, 17 Sept 1971 wi of Marion E. JONES JONES, Theodora Parks 22 Dec 1908, --- wi of Paul Will JONES JONES, Walter H. (Jack) 8 Feb 1901, 24 July 1974 hus of Jessie. Melbra JONES JONES, Will M. 4 Oct 1891, 31 July 1934 JONES, William F. 1862 - 1914 hus of Mollie E. JONES JONES, Z. T. 1852 - 1935 hus. of Mary J. JONES KESTLER, Laura Jane 19 Aug 1861, 12 July 1945 'N;other KESTLER, Valeigh 7 Oct 1894, 22 July 1972 'Auntie' KESTLER, Valentine W. 18 Mar 1915 (no other date) Pvt 20 N.C. Inf. C.S.A. KIRBY, Asher L. 1886 - 1979 (picture) hus of Vivian J. KIRBY KIRBY, Vivian J. 10 Mar 1903, 16 Aug 1970 (picture) wi of Asher L. KIRBY LEE, Claude E. 1913 - 1978 U.S. LEE, Howard 31 Aug 1900, - -- hu LEE, Ruth H. 20 Sept 1900, 7 Jan LYNCH, George W. 21 Nov 1917, 23 CWO US Army World War II Army s of Ruth H. LEE 1982 wi of Howard LEE Feb 1976 Korea MADDOX, Otis Robert 'Bob' 5 Jan 1940, 10 Oct 1981 MARTIN, Blanche Bond 30 Dec 1891, 1 May 1977 wi of Esker MARTIN MARTIN, Charles P. 30 Sept 1865, 9 Feb 1898 MARTIN, Dimple B. 30 July 1922, -- wi of Samuel T.MARTIN MARTIN, Esker 17 June 1886, 1 Jan 1982 hus of Blanche Bond MARTIN MARTIN, Robert 24 Aug 1856, 23 June 1871 son of Rev. S.C. and S.A. MARTIN MARTIN, S. A. d 27 Aug 1901 wi of S.C. MARTIN MARTIN, S. C. 20 Jan 1825, 23 Dec 1903 1 J 21 _ ., III NU 1 MARTIN, S. C. 10 Nov 1863, 6 Nov 1895 ('Sammie' on footstone) son of Rev. S. C. and S. A. MARTIN MARTIN, Samuel T. 3 Nov 1916, 31 Jan 1979 hus of Dimple B. MARTIN MATHIS, Mildred F. 1903 - - -- wi of Thurman MATHIS MATHIS, Thurman 1901 - 1970 hue of Mildred F. MATHIS 22 Steep Hollow Cemetery Brazos County TX PAPE`rY (Temporary marker beside this small stone, no dates) PATTERSON, Carol Monroe 31 Jan 1923, 31 July 1980 hus of Doris Peel PATTERSON PATTERSON, Doris Peel 6 Feb 1925, - -- wi of Carol - Monroe PATTERSON, James B. Sr. 27 Oct 1898, 23 Jan 1976 hus of Lockye L. PATTERSON PATTERSON, James Michael 4 Sept 1952, 3 Feb 1966 PATTERSON, Jasper 1881 - 1961 hus of Katie PATTERSON PATTERSON, Katie 1886 - 1946 wi of Jasper PATTERSON PATTERSON, Lockye L. 3 Apr 1900, - -- wi of James B. PATTERSON, Sr. PERLICH, Albert 31 Jan 1863, 1 June 1965 father of Ruth Perlich COOK PETERS, Charles S. 26 Aug 1826, 8 May 1901 hus of Evaline PETERS PETERS, D.L. 5 Aug 1898, 9 Nov 1981 hus of Mae H. PETERS PETERS, D. Raymond 1901 - 1923 son Of E.V.& I.M.PETERS PETERS, Edgar Earl 6 Aug 1906, 12 Jan 1977 SK 1 US Navy WW II PETERS, Edgar V. 22 Apr 1872, 17 May 1951 I hus of Icy Dansby PETERS PETERS, Evaline 22 Dec 1828, 11 Dec 1901 wi of Charles S. PETERS PETERS, Icy Dansby 12 July 1881, 8 July 1965 wi of Edgar V. PETERS PETERS, Isaac W. 20 July 1850, 21 Feb 1878 hus of J. A. PETERS PETERS, J. A. 29 Sept 1864, 4 Sept 1870 . wi of Isaac W. PETERS PETERS, Mae H. 20 May 1904, - -- wi of D. L. PETERS PLOCH, Martha Elva 2 Aug 1908, 25 Mar 1965 POOL, Nancy 23 Jan 1835, 20 Mar 1901 POPE, Kathryn 16 Sept 1915, - -- wi of Ruben POPE i POPE, Ruben 15 Mar 1914, - -- hus of Kathryn POPE POWERS, Callie P. 1887 - 1963 POWERS, Lizzie Inez 20 Sept 1909 (no other date) dau of C.P. POWERS POWERS, Lum A. 6 Oct 1910, - -- hus of Vera Mae POWERS (Continued in next issue) 23 Index BEDFORD 17,18 JACKSON 19 NEELLEY 9 SIMONS 2 BELL 2 JAMES 5.6.15 NEUST 9 SIMPSON 12 BLACKBURN 18 JAMIESON 19 NOLAN 9 SIMS 12 BLAIR 13 JAY 15 NOR WOOD 9 SKINNER 12 B• CKSTRUCK 8 JOLLY 19 O'HART 6 SLUDER 12 BROCK 8 JONES 19,20 OLSON 21 SMITH 12,18 BUCKWAY 8 KESTLER 20 OWEN 16 SPRAWLS 5 STAPLEFORD 14- RULLOCK CARGILL 1 5 LEE 20 CLARK 2 LOFLIN 17 COOK 5,22 LYNCH 20 lrons 'UA im roy I IN I dr.11" I c"m iti] FLOYD 7 FULLEN 16,17 GEE 17 GERMANY 15 GRAHAM 17 GRISHAM 18 STEELE 12 STEPENSON 16 STRAUB 12 TAYLOR 12 THOMAS 12,15,16 UBERNOSKY 13 VINCENT 1 3 VON ROEDER 1 3 WADE 1 3 WARREN 14 WATSON 14 WHITTEMORE 14 WILKERSON 14 WILLIAMS 14 WILLIS 5 WILSON 14 YAGER 14