HomeMy WebLinkAboutFall 1987 J/ c Genealogical c54dvertiser I CCNTENTS r Bohemian-American Edi tor i iil President's Message Brazos County Inquest Records, 1898-1911 Bryan City Cemetery Records Handwriting -in Early Records (Conclusion> Queries Brazos County Census Book Reviews Pedigrees Ethnic Heritage in the Brazos Valley Index I Volume VIII Number 4 \ Fall 1987 Bryan - Col1ege Station, Texas .. rr Page 125 126 126 127 130 138 140 142 150 151 155 157 ;) I THE BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER P.O. Box 5493 OFFICERS 1987 ================================================================= Bryan Tx 77805 PRESIDENT.............MARY BELL VICE PRESIDENT.....ALICE STUBBS SECRETARY......EILEEN WELLNICKI TREASURER......HARRY J. PORTZER L I BRAR I AN. . . . . . . . . . . . . JOY BROWN EDITOR.......NADINE BILLINGSLEY PAST PRESIDENT...MARY McCULLOCH STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/INTERNATIONAL......... ............... ROSEMARY BOYKIN LOCAL HISTORY. ................. ................NAOMI McCORMICK CONTINUING.SERIES.............. ................. HARRY PORTZER PRINTING CONSULTANT............ ..................ALICE FISCHER MEETINGS Meetings are on the third Mon- day of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Bryan Public Library. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is year basis, December. on a January calendar through $12.00....... single membership $18.00....... family membership QUARTERLY The Advertiser is published as the Spring, Summer, Fall and Win~er Issues. Each volume of the Advertiser will correspond with the membership year. Free to members during current mem- bership. Non-members $4.00 per issue. EXCHANGE The Advertiser is available for exchange with other organiza- tions or publishers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan Tx. 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articles and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts should be 8 1/2 x . 11 and fit a 3 ring binder. EDITORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogi- cal Society or the staff of the Advertiser will be responsible for error of fact or opinion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliable in- formation. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriate material with edit- ing privileges on a space available basis. The members of the society are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Valley. Research per- taining to deeds, Bible records, schools, churches, and other groups or organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century is especially welcome. ******** :Brazos Genealogical Jlav ert iser '--v Volume VIII Number 4 Fall 1987 Bryan-College Station Texaa BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN , The following article appeared in the Bryan Daily Eagle, July 11, 1895, page 7: The Sixth annual meeting of the Bohemian-American Catholic Union of Texas convened in st. Joseph's parish, Bryan, Wednesday of last week and continued through Thursday and Friday. President A. POLANSKY of Fayetteville, presiding. The Vice-president being absent, Rev. J. Chromcick of Fayetteville was chosen to fill that office at the beginning of the session. There were about forty officers and delegates in attend- ance, including eight priests, Rev. J. CHROMCICK, Fayetteville; G. SEEIK, West; .V. CHLAPIK, Ellinger; F. PRIDAL"Branham; F. Kaczer, Lyons; J. V. VRANA, Praha; F. JUST, Hallettsville; Chas. BENES, Bluff; and J. PELNAR of Bryan. Frank JAKUBIK, publisher of Novy Domov of Hallettsville, was present. This union was instituted six years ago and now has a membership of about 500. Only practical Catholics are admitted. At present the union provides an endowment of $600 for the family of each member upon the death of the husband, and an additional $300 upon the death of the wife. It was the purpose of the organization to increase endowment this year to $900 for each male member, but the uncertainty of crops and stringency of the times, made this impractical at present. Only those under forty-five years of age are admitted to the union, and then only after physical examination. The endowment fund is raised by the usual assessment plan. The membership consists principally of farmers, businessmen and priests, and the death rate is comparatively small. The Bohemian-Americanyotingmen held a special session upon pre- vious proclamation of st. Aloisius Society of Bryan and organized Young Men's Institute, the purpose of which are to educate and train the Catholic young men, and foster a spirit of benevolence, charity and good works. This organization had its origin among the Catholic young men of st. Joseph's parish, and the local society is number 1. 1In order to populate the organization it is proposed later to have a marriage endowment for each member to be raised by assessment and paid to e~ch one upon marriage. Each local society will make provision for a library to be accessible to the membership. ~ The.election of officers for the institute resul ed as follows: Protector, Rev. J. CHROMCICK, Fayetteville; President Rev. Chas. BENES, Bluff; Vice-president, F. TEAUREK, West; Secretary, A~POLANSKY, Lyons; Treasurer, A. SLANIAN, Bryan; Directors, Rev. G. SEBIX" West, and S. BRANDEJSKY, Bryan. Submitted by Naomi McCormick 125 126 PRESIDENT.S MESSAGE Here we are in the last quarter of the year. Much has been ac- complished. Thanks for all your good work but there is work that needs to be com- pleted. All officers and com- mittee chairmen are asked to take inventory and hasten to complete their activities. Publication of our cemetery records has slowed, but we hope to soon eliminate the problem causing the slow up. More mem- bers should get involved in this endeavor, especially with fund raising. Members, please submit queries for the Advertiser. Also, study the query column and see how much help you can give our out of town members. Submi.s- sion of your old bible records for publication would also be appreciated. The revision of the organization~s by-laws should bring about more efficient operation. Thanks to Nadine BILLINGSLEY, Peggy HOPE, Mary MCCULLOCH and Alice STUBBS for serving on the By-Laws Revision Committee. We were sorry to have Eileen WELLNICKI resign as our secretary in August because of her husband~s advancement and relocating in Albuquerque, N.M. We wish Eileen and her family happiness and success in their new environment. Virginia (Vickie) SIMONS has graciously consented to fill this vacancy. Thanks a million, Vickie. Mary BELL, President l EDITORIAL As the year of 1987 comes to a close there are thanks and ac- colades to hand out. To our President, Mary BELL, and her officers who have been the mover for the year. The Society couldn't function without you. Thanks to the membership who are the doers. We thank you for your attendance and participa- tion at the meeting. - -To a II of the peop I e who gave us fine programs. Thanks for sharing your speciality with us. To the SIMONS, HUNTS, 30y BROWN' and her committee for the work on the cemetery book. To the members who did the field re- search and are doing the proof- ing. A special thanks to our guest contributors, Carl LANDISS, Eileen WELLNICKJ Mary COOPER, Bill PAGE, and to the many others who gave their time and efforts researching and sharing special articles during the year. To Naomi McCORMICK, Rosemary BOYKIN, Alice FISCHER and Harry PORTZER, a gold st!ar for your I help and support during this past year. It has\ been a very educating experience and a fun year, Thank Again. \ Now to everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR Nadine BILLINGSLEY, Editor 127 BRAZOS COUNTY INQUEST RECORDS, 1898-1911 continued compiled by Eileen Wellnicki 12/13 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF WHOM: A dead body, a Negro woman was found in house on the premises of 3.A. MYERS in Bryan, given by Sheriff T.C. NUNN. DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 19 June 1899, 10:30 a.m. WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: On premises of 3.A. MYERS in Bryan in the CAVITT'S servants house. WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: premises of 3.A. MYERS, in Bryan. NAME OF DECEASED: ANNIE BRIGANCE DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: Negro woman, age about 35 or 40 years, weight 100-110, light or gingercake color; found about 2 a.m., 19 June 1899. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: I find that she came to her death by a blow with a hatchet or some blunt instrument, in the hands of ANDREW DOZIER and that he was not justifiable. I arrived at this conclusion from his confession hereto attached, from the evidence of LAURA WILLIAMS that he was at her house as he states~..that the hatchet was found near her body and the testimony of DR. R.H. HARRISON... NAMES OF SUSPECTED PERSONS, IF ANY: ANDREW DOZIER DATE OF ARREST OF SUSPECTED PERSONS: 19 June 1899. THE PEACE AND BY the CAVITT servants Texas. Information CAVITT servants house 14/15 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: CLAUDE WARD was dead. That he hung himself in his cell in the County Jail. Given by R.H. SMITH. DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 8 July 1899, 4:30 p.m. WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: Brazos County Jail DATE OF DECEASE: 8' July 1899 WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: In BrazoF County Jail of Brazos County, Texas. NAME OF DECEASED: CLAUDE WARD I DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: A white man, fair complexion, auburn hair, about 23 years old, about 5 ft. 7-8 in. . in height, weight 135-140 pound and had lost right hand and arm ~o near the elbow. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: I find that CLAUDE WARD came to his death by hanging himself with suicidal intent." 16/17 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: GRIFFIN 3ACKSON had been shot and killed. Given by a Negro boy, I did not know or ask his name. 128 AND BY part of WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: AMANDA ROBINSONS~S DATE OF DECEASE: 5 July 1899 WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: In street near the A.M. Church (colored), Bryan, Texas. NAME OF DECEASED: GRIFFIN 3ACKSON DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: A Negro man said to be over eighty years of age, about 6 ft. in height, weight about 160 pounds, complexion dark, but not black. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: I find that GRIFFIN 3ACKSON came to his death from the effect of gunshot wounds in the left side, said gun being in the hands of CHARLIE ROBINSON and that death im- mediately ensued and that said shooting was not justifiable. NAMES OF SUSPECTED PERSONS, IF ANY: CHARLIE ROBINSON DATE OF ARREST OF SUSPECTED PERSONS: 5 July 1899 J t I 18/19 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE ~USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: A Negro had been killed near the colored school building tn Bryan, Texas. The first information was given by 3.W. GEE. DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 15/16 August 1899, 10:30 a.m. WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: Body was examined where he fell and evidence taken at the Court House. DATE OF DECEASE: 15 August 1899 WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: In the yard of the colored school building in Bryan, Texas. NAME OF DECEASED: HENRY NETTLES DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: A negro man about 50 years old, height 5 ft. 8 in., weight about 150 or 160 pounds. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: I find that HENRY NETTLES came to his death from the effects of gunshot wounds in the head and back, said pistol being in the hands of ALLEN CLARKE and that said killing was not justifiable, but that the circumstances preceding the killing mitigates the crime from a capital offense to one of a lower degree of murder. NAME OF SUSPECTED PERSONS, IF ANY: ALLEN CLARKE DATE OF ARREST OF SUSPECTED PERSONS. 15 August 20/21 1899... J I NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE ~USTICE OF THE PEACE I WHOM: NEAL 3ACKSON had been found dead in the eastern the City of Bryan. Was given by Sheriff T.C. NUNN. \ DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 21 December 1899, 10 a.m. \ WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: At residence of deceased. DATE OF DECEASED: 21 December 1899, 10 a.m. WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: In a street east white graded school building. NAME OF DECEASED: NEAL 3ACKSON DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: _A Negro man, 48 years of age, about 140 pounds, brown or gingercake color. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: I find that NEAL JACKSON came of the weight to his ~9 death from the intemperate use of alcoholic liquors and from ex- posure in very inclement weather. J 22/23 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: An Italian child had been accidentally shot and killed 1 1/2 miles west of Bryan. Was given by 3.3. CAHILL. DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 9 January 1900 WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: At the residence of TONY SCANLIATO, SR. NAME OF DECEASED: TONY SCANLIATO, 3R. DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: An Italian boy about 4 years old. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: I find that the deceased came to his death from the effects of a gunshot...the gun being moved by a child about 2 years old and accidentally ~ischarged. Note: the above were signed by 3.T. CLOSS, a justice of the peace in and for Brazos County. 24/25 NATURE OF INFORMATION GIVEN TO THE 3USTICE OF THE PEACE AND BY WHOM: LEVY NEAL had been shot and killed bya Negro man whose name was unknown to the informant and that said killing occurred in front of the store house occupied by Parks and Waldrop in the City of Bryan, the information was given by DEAN HEARNE. DATE AND TIME OF INQUEST: 24 February 1900, 9 p.m. WHERE INQUEST WAS HELD: In front of Parks and Waldrop store and at home of deceased. DATE OF DECEASE: 24 February 1900 WHERE DIED, OR WHERE BODY WAS FOUND: On Maine Street in City of Bryan. NAME OF DECEASED: LEVY NEAL DESCRIPTION OF DECEASED: Yellow Negro man about five feet nine inches in height, weight about 160 pounds and age 49 years. FINDINGS OF THE 3USTICE: I find that death re?ulted from the ef- fects of a gunshot w6und...and that the gu~ at the time of its discharge was in the hand of one DENNIS CALHOUN, a yellow Negro man about five feet and eleven inches in /height and about 40 years old, that deceased had the said DENNIS CALHOUN under arrest at the time of the shooting. l NAMES OF SUSPECTED PERSONS, IF ANY: DENNIS CA HOUN . DATE OF ARREST OF SUSPECTED PERSONS: 26 Februa~: 1900 RESIDENCE OF SUSPECTED PERSONS: Brazos County fn the place of GREEN BUCHANAN in the eastern part of the county. \ Signed by 3.G. MINKERT, Justice of the Peace in and for Brazos County. NOTE: This is probably the same as Levi Neal who gave the infor- mation to the Justice in the inquest of SAM HALL, entry 6/7. EW. r" --., I, . , 130 BRYAN CITY C:E1VIETERY Brazos County Texas Book No. 5 f Book No. 5 of the Bryan City Cemetery Records is a leather botmd ledger-type book approximately 11" by 16". Inside the book, the typed procedures are on the left side of the first page and a printed form from the Texas State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics cites 'Gen. Laws 32nd Leg. 1911, Chap. 95, Rule 45' which directs the reporting of all deaths. (See Appendix for copy.) J The index pages are blank. On page 1 are three snaller pages (numbered 63-67) which have been pasted thereon. Actual entries begin on page 3. Following are the entries from the smaller pages: Page 63: see sec 475 pg 129- 1918 Ord Bk Names and Dates & of Person's Buried in the Old or Public Cemetery Rosa DROSS [Boheman] Born in Burleson County Texas Residence Bryan Texas .:w,e 2 years. Cause of Death--Croup-- Buried Sept 5 1844 Lunado VIEro Born in Italy Residence near Bryan Texas Age 40 years Cause of Death Congestion Buried Sept 12 1885 Jack STEElVT.AN Born in Ireland 1 Residence near Bryan Texas H & T R R. Cause of Death M3.larial Fever [age - 35 years] I Buried Novffi 24 1885 Jack SMILEY [Timler] Born in Cleveland ~esidence B~jan Texas .~e 45 years Cause of Death Typha Malarial ?ever 3uried Decr 11 1885 \ \ \ 1 "" Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Ercole TARANTINO Born in Italy Residence near Bryan Texas Age 26 years \, Cause of Death Killed by Cotton Gin Buried November 10 1886 Page 64: Buryed in old or Public Cemetery Alois NESCHKE Born in Pilesia German Empire Residence at "Rance SMITH's" near Bryan Texas Age 6 5 years Cause of Death Trown from a Horse Buried December 14 1886 Miss Geoseppa. SEDESTHA Born in Italy Residence near Bryan Texas "North East" Age 18 years Cause of Death Congestion Buried January 1st 1887 Mrs Mollie E. TREADWAY Born in Lee Cmmty Texas Residence Bryan Texas Age 27 years Cause of Death "Abortion" Buried June 12 1888 Nlike FOLEY Born in Ireland Residence Section W 16 H & T C Rail Road Age 45 Years Cause of Death "Slm Stroke" Buried August 28 1888 James VJILLIAMS "Colored" Born in Texas Residence near Bryan Texas Age 18 Years Cause of Death "Scrofula" Buried November 9 1888 131 iJ I \ \ 132 Bryan City Cemetery Book No.5 Page 65: Buried in Public Semetery Little Noah Theophulus APPLEGATE ( Born in Jacksonville Cherokee County Texas Residence Bryan Texas Age 1 Year Cause of Death Cholera Infantum Buried ~ay 18 1889 Unknown Cripple l1'El1 Buried Novrn 26 1889 Age about 40 Years Cause of Death Killed by Rail Road Cars John SKUES Born in England Residence Bryan Texas Age 48 Years Cause of Death Sun Stroke Buried August 15 1890 "Near South Gate" Pat MALLOY Born in Ireland Residence Section NO 15 H & T C Road Age 45 Years Cause of Death Killed by Pistol Shot by John CONWAY Buried Oct 16 1890 - in Publice CemeteDj Near South Gate Gilbert MOORE "Colored" Born in Brazos County Residence "Woodville near Bryan Age 18 Years Cause of Death "Small Pox" Buried January 25 1891 Fag // e 00: Buried in Old or Public Cemetery \1JITl FARIDW Nativity Unlmown Residence Unlmown .D.,ge about 30 Years Cause of Death overdose of Morphine Found I:ead A and M College Buried May 20 1891 7 I near \ Infant Son of Mary WALTER "a Bohemian" Residence unkno\vn Nativity unknO\vn Age about 10 days Cause of 'Ceath un1mown "Four.d Cead L'1 Lumber Yard 3uried September 22 1891 BrJan City CemeterJ Book No. 5 133 GaspaITio IDLCEMOSCOLA "Italian" Nativity Italy Residence -) miles North of Br-jan Texas Age 45 Years Cause of Death Pernicious Fever Buried March 12 1897 Leane CANNATILLO "Italian" Nativity Italy Residence Mudville Brazos Co Texas Age 45 Years Cause of Death - Pneumonia 3eried March 16 1897 Page 67: In old or Public Cemetery May 24 1897 Samuel P.AI1JIERI Italian Bo:rn in Italy Residence Bryan Texas Age )0 Years Cause of Death Remitting Fever Ed FUERRI Nativity New York State Residence Travling Horse Trader .~e lLO Years Cause of Death Del'1.glJ.e fever 3uried Novrn 17 1897 ? tiere ends the added pages attached to page 1 of this cook. Name or Nickname? by Victoria Wilson from the Tri-State Trader In the 1850 Federal Census an ancestor has two girls, Mary, age 5, and Ann, age 3. In 1860 he has Nancy age 13 and Polly age 15. What happened to the first two daughters and where were these two in 1850? In the 1980's Nancy and Polly are used as names on their. own, and we are mainly unaware that Nancy was a nickname for Ann, as was Annie, Nan and Nita, and Polly a nickname for Mary, as was Mame, May and Molly. Annie and Nancy were also nicknames for Hannah and Polly ~ nickname for Paula. How is your name- nickname matching ability? Try the quiz: Nicknames:~. Jenkin, 2. Lola, 3. Lon, ~ Meta, 5. Pat, 6. Harry, 7. Lissa, 8. Nola, 9. Sally, 10 Zi ta, 11. Jill. Names: a. M~rgareta, b. Henry, c. Theresa, \ d. Millicent, e. Delores, f. John, g. Martha, h. Sarah, i. Ju.l~ia, j. Olive, k. Lawrence. Answers: I-f; 2-e; 3-k; 4-a; 5- g; 6-b; 7-d; 8- j; 9-h; 10-c; l1-i. NI..ar ~JTay Jtme July Aug 134 ( Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Page 3 DATE OF DEATH Month Day Year NAME AGE LOT BLOCK RElVTARKS Sept 7 1881 Albert PARRIS Hebrew 27 yrs Hebrew 3 Consump~ion . South 46 He brew 11lclosure 20 1881 Ellsabeth DESEREN Carolina "48~-l< 40 E~-l< Infonation of Bowels 28 1881 S ~ SPRING He brew 55" Hebrew 3 Burned 1 1881 infant F. F. HOOPER Tex 5 4 Born Dead 4 1881 Carne KING Tex 6 mos 45 2 Scoffulo 13 1881 Joseph MORTIRKY Texas 6 mo Pottersfield No 1 Scoffula 31 1881 Julia CURRIE 15 yrs 1 20 phneumonia North . 10 1881 T .D. WIlSON Carilona 71 yrs 1 5 consumpt~on 17 1881 Carlmelia De Francis 47 yrs 3 56 Flua Italia 19 1881 J. H. HICKS 39 yrs Pottersfield No 1 consumption 8 1881 Nannie MYERS Tex 2 7 2 Malarlie fever J 22 1881 infant of John DALY Tex 56 3 Born Dead 5 1882 infant of Thomas ERWIN Tex 7 2 Born Dead 22 " :Einma. BUTLER Tex 16 3 Pneumonia 26 " Walter HALE Tex 12 1 Whooping cough 3 " Eliza P. LOUGHRI:CGE La 70 yrs 48 4 Softring of Brain 13 W. P. HASSELE Kentucky 66 "40 3 Cancer 28 Ivy FENNELL Tex 6 wks 10 1 hooping Cough 22 Marie GRIFFITLES Tex 4 yrs 29 1 catarale phneumonia 23 M. Stanly COLE Tex 1 yr 7 mo 47 4 Congestion 2 Inft . A. ~VIRLY Tex 6 3 Born Dead 8 S.C. ECHOIS Georgia 51 yrs 25 3 Consumption 28 A.G. McLELAND Miss 33" 5 4 Dysentary 6 Thomas RAGSDALE Tex 5" 30 2 Flua 11 Josie P. LOUGHRII:GE Miss 34" 48 4 ;)Surgical Operation 12 Lucy C. BRYAN Alabama. 26 "31 2 IHepotic Conjestion 19 John STUGCHARIITE Tex 6 "Pottersfield Teething 24 David BRO\VN (Col) Tex 4 dys \unknown 24 S. C. OOUGHTON 54 yrs 25 4 Qancer 5 Remains of child of Mr.I:OUGh"TON 25 Ll \ 14 R.S. CALo\B.A1'1 La .54 yrs 10 1 ~~elarial fever " " Oct " " " Nov " Dec " Feb " " " " " " " " " " " " .31 3UCh"TOVA ::taly ~/ ]0 30 3 .~bsess .. :: don I t '..lnderstand this entry either. Jid I read it wror....g?? :i}CC 135 Pages 3,4 Brjan City Cemetery Book No. 5 DATE OF DEATH LDT BLDCK IillI'.ARKS NAME AGE P~e 3 (Contd) Sept 6 1882 Marie A. WICKERSHERMER 4 yrs 24 la 18 19 Oct 16 pgge4 Oct 20 " 29 " 29 Nov 14 Dec 8 1882 " 10 " 24 " " 27 30 6 1883 " Jan " 11 12 " " 16 16 24 30 3 9 " " " Feb " " 12 " 14 " 1 ,., J.] " ?'7 -, " 28 2 Black Jantice Willie BARNES Tex 6 A. G. BARNES GBorgia 27 Ada SEITLE Tenn 7 near gate 49 4 9 4 congestion Liver dease Congestion " Mrs. ECON Indiana J4. yrs 4 ~ 4 Conjestion of Bowels ~ . J. H. SEATON Alabarna 33" 14 4 Black Jaundice ~ E. LITLEFIELD Mass 79 "53 3 Jaundice ~ Mrs. WllKY Alabarna 47 "Potersfield Starvation Alminai COLE Tex 5" 32 2 Dysentery infant of W. T. JAME3 Tex 4 3~lil 4 Bo:m Dead 4- " " " " " Vinscence STOLDWSKY 31 yrs 56 ~ 3 Black Jaundice Poland 2 Mr. WIn WHITE unknown 50 "Potersfield Fall from Bridge R.R. Mollie JONES Georgia 41" 9 3 Child Bed NTartha C. GErm AlabaT"fE. 33 . 28r 4 Pneumonia 2 Mrs.H.S. FERGUSON Mis 30 43 SVl~ 4 Child Bed G. D. COOPER GBorgia 22 38 3 Kiled By Pistol Shot W.E. FLETCHER Alabama 37 44 ~ 4 Kiled By Pistol Shot 2 Mollie JONES Tex 15 days 9 3 William ACCOUGH England 56 yrs 4j~ 4 Abstraction of Bowels W 4- J. P. CAMPBELL Kentucky 65 29 ~ 2 rJ Disentery Asa RHODES Alabama. 3 mo 45 2 Pneumonia Rev.Joseph MOSICWICZ 52 yrs 55 3 I Burn Polland Salvatora LABLlD Itly 18" No 2 Poterkfield Pneumonia E. A. FERGUSON Tex 6 wks 43~ u. \inilanJation 4- SI.T Prof .G.GARTNER Germa..>'W 32 yrs 58.1" 4 Flux " " " " " " " " " " " " " infant of M &: M. J .?u...,,-,I{ER TX 8 G. A. KING Arkansas 28 yrs J 2 Pneumonie 2 Born read, " ..,;.- ... 136 Brjan city Cemetery Book No. 5 DATE OF DEATH Page 4. (Contd) ~.srch 15 1883 " 22 " " 30 22 " April 13 " 24 " 25 29 " [.'l.a.y 1 8 " " 5 " 20 23 " Faze 5 :ray 26 " ?o -/ II 30 " 31 J Ul".e 8 12 18 " II 20 II 20 ,-7lU~/ 12 " :U i I . I, I: , Pages 4.,5 NAME AGE LOT BlDCK REl'JIARKS Lillie ~v.EBB Tex 8 mos Millie J. CHILTON 37 yrs Mississippi J.S. HARRISON Tex 45 58 2 infant of George McCLENOON TX 63 3 Teofil DZIEG~~CEZ Tex 2 mos 56 3 Charles H. VOYSE 5 yrs 4.0N~rth 1 Mississippi 2 infant of T.W.& M.NASH Tex 37 " " " " " " . ~J Emily.PITCHFORD Alabma infant of Sarmlel BARRITT Tx 37 " " Mrs .NI.ary E. COWSER 55 S Carolina Charles Plinne TUCKER 5 wks Tex " " Ethel CAlliOUN Tex Carrie E. I-L4Rl'IlON Tx 1yr 12 " 1883 B.B. BAILY Alabama 51 yrs " H.A. ~100RE ... .-Uabarna. 1 " i:iilliaTTl HALL ~land '"6 .I 7 50 3 Poters No 1 29 58 ~ 2 16 28 ::8 ~E 4- -' - ~ 1 2 Malarial fever Phthiric Dropsy Born Dead Convultion Tonsillitis ? Still Born Acitic 3 Born Dead 1 Tumor of Woomb 4. Urinec fever 4 2 Flux & Congestion Brs. Typhoid Flux ?all from 3~ " ?otersfild No 1 Ilieo Colitic ?otersfield 1 Consum~tion " ~8 N :2J.izabeth i'Il. TUCKER Tex 2 mos _ 2 " Goodwin SMITH 'Tex 1 year Oxiie NITNKERT Tx 10 " Mrs . R. J . WTI.LIArJT~ 78 It North Carolina infant of A. C . ;,vOODYARD 5 ds Tex " " " J. F. BOREN Tex ',.... ~( " ~sa L. GA~S Tex 3 ;nos :"1rs .:-'2..r!'iett =~ITI'ON 68 'irS .:.enessee U 53 15 ?O -/ 14 -OSI'! -. - "- So 8 4 Hemic fever 'I DysenterJ Cor.6tion of BJ:w::l-L'1 Old\Age Trismus Nascentium \ ~;'ta.larial ?ever 4. 1 4. 4. !J. i.'1l~::"arr2.tion of 3r-.;:i.'1 ) i."l.fJ,.3lia'tion ;Jf St1.Zache 137 Bryan City Cemetery Book No. 5 Page 5 DATE OF DEATH NAME AGE IDT BLOCK REI/lARKS Page 5 (Contd) July 16 1883 FOSTER HOOPER Tex 2 mos 5 4 ?nrinition " 22 " Mrs.E.E.GOODNIGHT Tx 31 yrs I.vest End Potesf N 2 Consumption " 23 " Mrs. Mary E. GENTRY 49 48 2 Paralysis Alabama. " 24 " lanrd A.BILLINGTON T"..{ 6 54S~uth1 Congestion of Brain 2 " 27 " Louis MENIDLA Itly 44 57 ~ 3 Fecal Absciss 2 " 30 " Charlie W. KAUFER Tx 1 39 2 Menegetis Augst 1 " Edwin C. roWZER Tex 7 44~ 4 Eirrphysema of lungs '2 " 2 " wID F. CASTLES Alabama. 31 4 2 Consumption " 3 " Archie C. WIIKS Tex 1 47 ~ 2 Anemia 2 f II' 3 " Mary C. BAIRD 14 Potersfield No 1 Acute Rheumatisim Missippie " 6 " Riagis GINSDINS Tex 2 mos Potersfield Congestion No 2 " 13 " infant of Peter GUIFFRE Tx 57 ~ Still Born " 22 " Olive Allice PECOCK Tx 1yr 2 N Gastro Enteritis 541- 1 2 " 26 " Robert C. BELCHER 27 Potersfield No 2 Black Jaundice Georgia " 29 " NTrs . L. J. PATE 31 Potersfield No 1 Typhoid fever Louisana " 30 " Mrs. Mary E. TOOMBS 60 53 1 General Debility Mississippi Sept 5 " W. R. INGRAM 16 2 2 Crushed casing of Mississippi collar " 29 " Bertha A RHODES Tx 1 45 2 Cholera Infanturn \vID B. KERR , Oct 8 " 21 Potersfield ~o 1 lacerated arm North Carolina tetamus 65 51 r I " 7 " Mrs. Nancy GRACE 3 Old Age & Fever . Ire lard 2 " 10 " Laniel M. SEATER 22 26 3 Killed by Gunshot Mississippi 4\APOPlexy " 12 II James WILLIANlS 55 15 North CarolL"13. " ?'"J. " Mrs. Rosa KATULSrIT JO ?otersfield No 1 ?ue~eral -./ Poland Peritonitis 138 Examples of letters of Seventeenth Century Found in Parish Registers Collected by the Society of Genealogists, Chaucer House. london. W.CA. AcIt;ilJ\,~2{ . B 2~~. BG' c -@ @6t9c!) rit o 09 Jl6!)~cfc::J~~ E -S ~ € cf'c9€ $<9 F..ft=ff2Jffl . UOl, N rr], O~ qe~t o Q <DcIJ (j b ~~~f 11:rJrfti R ~ ~ q;.~ 'LYE S <sr <3 9::? Q, i-f!5 V? ..1 ~b I;.:/; ft ~ jF, #:. if- J2r:f +r ''''' GGcb~-3~ H {8!i ~ $ ~ T ~ @ G- ~ f' 1-A-;l!Il l c. f. J u IT -es. u V WbrJAf1J) fl' I anJ. J J j Cd- 1- W Cfl[J W 110 PJ? ftO \, K .~ uf. ~~t!< P$~ X e ~ 'Y no 'D;y L ~J.J.. {;&#{wa z~ t G (' G M ~i 4[ 1tV BEATITUDES GENEALOGIST A FAMILY OF Author unknown Blessed are the great- grandfathers who saved embarka- tion and. citizenship papers, For these tell from whence they ,.r;. ame . Blessed are the great- grandmothers who hoarded newspaper articles and old let- ters, For these tell about their lives. Blessed are th~ grandfathers who filed every legal document, For these provid~ proof. Blessed are the grandmothers I who preserved and kept up to date the Famil~ Bibles and diaries, For' these is our heritage. \ Blessed are fathers who elected officials who answer letters of inquiry, For to some these are the only link to the past. (cont'd on page 141) \ 139 German Alphabet Types GOTHIC SCRIPI' c.A.ITUIS SCRIPr SMALL LETTERS ut:.-. .!~. _"-.... t/?? JJt.. ~__ ;J.,. . . ~..""" .av .8. S b.... ~..'!.Y.r:S_._~.L.__~' .C.~.:~~'~~_'~_.c .1;:.,( . ~_~ cl,< -:L"I- .D !D b ~ ~..~~ _'__ ?__...__~_Jt~~__. . .L }}'~ $~~I~::~~~==:=~=' ;'=~~t~#':.~ , . <Y_ ~..!. ~.....flr_cJ;;_18_I;#- _~_'1 . _ H.~.. I~.~,. r~ __~_.~U .t ___ __ 7~-.. J' _ --; .__. r ~i J J #' ; ::-~ ~: .l1..~7 -1!::~~~=-~ ~=~-'p-=~~:="=-':' a 'th (fi, ~ . ... . .. _ ...., - r' . . "'- . L ~ ._1.... ~.{ L: ~..~_._.. __.... ,f. _u .....u... __ ..._. .. . ___. .... . '. . tw\' 9n m ~. . Ot. ..Un #/.. ._. _._ ~ ._. _..__. ..._.,.... 11 ;. . ; N ~ n -pt _.~...x .~__.__.___ ~ _..,. .....___#,J 1:._"W- .. Q 00 CTJJrt ~ Ar 4" . f' . .!p. ~ .'~ _ 'y,i'.J'..;Y-"/-'. :r.:":j-'j--j"-".-'- Q . ~.~. r ._.c:r ....... .- ...... --..... ~.. .....-.- -.. - .., R gt r tp __ ..~. ._...~ _... ..__._ .... . . __.~. .. ~ . ..._.._.. ... S 6 [1; '?' ..1f.._~~~.... __ /~.. r -?_~~=;Ss,~~;1 T ~._ t_u ~. __7:.._0 . .~r;....___. _._____ 4.. _ ~--- ...... '" ---.-.... ...-.... 'U nu 'lt2r" ~ J;. ~ y . . ~~.-;. v_' = r;/,~...=~.:__:. ~~: :~:.~~ ~ _ _~,\ '=-~~:_- :~:-=.-= w __ ~. _ ~__.. 9A? 'J;;. _.w YI... ... . _.___...... ~. _ ._. .. .. - ____... .u_._______... \ x I.J__ ~.Jt. .............. ....___ 15...._....<....... .._.... ......__.... 'f cn.....~. T..::g..?J. ... .._ _' _...__. r .__.~. ... u.... .. ....... z ..83. P ~ ~.. . r _r; Y... . ..~ .' .. ."or, 140 aUER I ES # I 05 COLEY/COLLINS Information wanted concernmg Nancy COLEY married Nathan1el A. COLLINS, buried Mt. Vernon Cemetery, Robertson Co., TX. Brothers and slsters of Nancy: Wl1liam R., John G., Amella (Milly), Mary A~n, Nancy, Wright P, Rachel (or Rebecca), and El1zabeth. Barbara Sanford, 3301 Chestershlre, Pasadena, TX 77503 # 1 06 COLEY Information wanted on Wright COLEY married Rebecca _1_ Oct 1835, Sabine District, Republic of Texas. Moved to Robertson Co. pr10r to 1850. Died and buried there 1853. Eight chlldren. Barbara Sanford, 3301 Chestershire, Pasadena, TX 77503 # 1 07 CHESHER/COX I nformation wanted on Susan Rebecca CHESHER COX. Ran boarding house in Bryan. Died 1938. Buried Bryan. Two daughters: Susan V. and Angeline B. Barbara Brooks, 2211 West US 380, Decatur, TX 76234. # I 08 STUBBLEFIELD Seeking informat10n of King STUBBLEFIELD of MS, son of Joseph STUBBLEFIELD, Pickens Co, Sc. Nadine BILLINGSLEY, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840 # 109 YOUNG/CAMPBELL looking for family of Ezekiel YOUNG m. Minerva A. CAM9BEll around 1843, Rankin Co, MS. Lived in Concordia Parish, lA before 1850. I Nadine BILLINGSLEY, 706 Pershing, College Stat10n, TX 77840 # 11 0 ESTEP (ESTEPP/EASTEP) \ ~ Seeking information on ESTEP (ESTEPP/EASTEP) F AMll y.\Lived in MS/lA, .' 1800-1840. looking for Joseph, Daniel, Narcissia. . Nadine BilLINGSLEY, 706 Pershing, College Station, TX 77840 QUERIES 141 #111 McFADIN-McFADDEN-PARKS Want contact with those researching McFADIN, SC., KY., LA. and TX. Also, PARKS family. Margaret Ann McFADIN, b 12 Jan. 1947, Bowling Green KY, dau of Thomas HAMPTON and Jane (PARKS) McFADIN, m. Thomas Watkins ANDERSON, LA, 11 NOV. 1863. Mary Loving BELL, P.o. Box 885 College Station, Tx 77841 #112 SNODGRASS Does the name SNODGRASS occur in your direct or collateral line? Am compiling a Texas Source Book of this surname. If you run across this surname, please let me know. J.oy Snodgrass BROWN, 1212 Glade College Station, Tx 77840 QUERIES ADDRESS QUERIES TO ROSEMARY BOYKIN, QUERIES EDITOR, P.O. BOX 5493, BRYAN, TX 77805. TYPE OR PRINT EACH ON A SEPARATE HALF SHEET OF PAPER. MORE THAN ONE QUERY MAY BE SUBMITTED AT A TIME. PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 WORDS AND LIMIT QUERY TO ONE PERSON. QUERIES WILL BE EDITED IF NECESSARY AND WILL BE PRINTED IN ORDER RECEIVED OR AS SPACE IS AVAILABLE. MEMBERS' QUERIES ARE FREE. THERE IS A CHARGE OF $1.00 PER QUERY FOR NON-MEMBERS. FREE GENEALOGICAL QUERY COLUMNS.................................. Queries for Maryland should be sent Ryan, 501N.. Paradise Rd., Aderdeen, deals primarily ~ith ELY. surname publish all queries without' charge. to Ely Heritage, Theresa Md. 21001. This publication and allied lineages but will carried life insurance Poli~y Search, American NW, Washington; DC 2006. I fill out. Blessed is \ any family whose member strives for preservation of records,\ For theirs is a labor of love.. \ Blessed are~ the children who never say, Grandma, you've told us that same story twice today, For maybe they will carryon your gleaning when you are gone. An easy way to find out if your ancestor is to send a business size SASE to: Council of Life Insurance, 1850 K Street They will send a tracer form to Beaut1tudes...... (cont'd from page 138) Blessed are mothers who related family tradition and legends to her family, For one of her children surely will remember. Blessed are relatives who filled out family sheets with extra data, For to them we owe much. 142 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 115 Post Office: Bryan 18 Aug 1870 ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & 935 935 SCURREY Kate Jacob HILL, Lafayette MILlER , Jerry 36 36 COOK, Corlelius Rainey Hiram 37 37 MAY, Frank Harriett Warren Eliza 38 38 DIXON, Humphy Ellen Wesley Grace Humphery 39 3 HARPER, Rose Chas Nora 940 940 HOUSTON, Fred D3.ve HUMPREY, Archy .~Cy . Pat Isaiah 41 41 GOOSBERRY, Harvey Sallie Una 42 42 FOWLER, WIn George FARRIAH WIn BANTER, John KII..GORE , Jerry BAKER, Jack 43 43 McCEARY, France Harriett Josephine BAIllEY, Albert Ann H o <l.l >< r-I l:ll)<l.lO ~.tf)O g .~ .p ~ o o o 30 F B K house 14 M B laborer 21 M B " 33 M B Farmer 28 M B Farmer 31 F B K house 13 M B at home 44 M B Farmer 32 F B K house 6MB 1 F B 38 M B Farmer 22 F B K house 5MB 3FB 3/12 M B 38 F B Fanning 13 M B at home 10 F B " " 25 M B Farmer 23 M B laborer 45 .M B Fanning 35 F B K House 13 M B at home ,9 M B 3MB J4 M B Fanning 26 F B K house 5 F B 27 M W laborer 23 M W Farmer 24 M W " 24 M W laborer 20 M W " 20 M W " 3- F B Cooking 11 F B 9 F B 4MB 1 F B Feb f I \ Printed #58 <l.l o (\j r-I E .p .~ P=l Miss Tex Miss Ga Va . Term Tex S C N C Tex " Md Tex " " " NC Tex " " " Va Term Tex " " Ga " Tex Miss " Va Ala " " La. Tex Tex " " BRAZOS C01..mty Texas 1870 Census Page No. 116 Post Office: Bryan 18 Aug 1870 ~ SP . ~ ~ ~ ~. j 944 944 FRANKLIN, Frank Jim 45 45 McCOSLIN, James Isabella Frances Thorras John Eliza Bob Sallie 46 46 Rufus Susan 47 47 McCAY, Boston Jirnsy Tom 48 48 HURN, Matt Mary 49 49 BAilEY, Aron 950 950 HUGGINS, Matt 51 51 BIAS, Chas 52 52 WilSON, Franklin WILLIAMS, Henry 53 53 McCHARI'Y, Lave Martha " .54 .54 LEWIS, Haswell Emily Sallie WIll Ben Henry Geo 55 55 scarr, Thoms Fannie Ed HARDY, Sam 56 56 WHITAKER, Lewis Jeff Alf 57 57 CUMMINS, Wiley 6 .~ +' ~ ~ '0) x ~ CJ ~c95 8 <3 50 M B Farmer 15 M B laborer 48 M W Farmer 32 F W K house 18 F W at School 13 M W at home 10 M W .. .. 6FW 4MW 1 F W 20 M W Farmer 22 F W K house 70 M B Farmer 60 F B K house 18 M B laborer 25 M B Farmer 22 F B K house 35 M B Farmer 22 M B .. 27 M B .. 42 M B .. 38 M B " 23 M B laborer )0 F B K house 20 F B at home 58 M B Farmer 31 f B K house -- 14 F B at home 11 M B .. .. 7MB 6FB ..J 1'1 B 33 M W Physician 22 F W K house 8/12 M W 14 M W at home 40 M B Farmer 12-M B at home 7 M B 22 M B laboring Oct 0) +' Ct-i~ o~ 0) ;::l~ ~& \ 10,000 \ 143 Printed #58A ~ 0) '3 .~ ~ .2''Cl +' 0 .~ {5 D=l U) Term Tex Cr,j~ o~O) O)o~ ;::lmro ~ H +' ro 0) m >p..~ I} I 1000 ," S C " Ala X " " Tex " " Ala " Ga " " .. " " Miss Ala I.a Miss I.a " .. Va Term Miss Tex " .. " Va Miss " " Term Tex " " -. - - -. ---- -- - -- ------ 144 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 117 Post Office. Bryan 19 Aug 1870 ~ ~ ; ~ ! 958 958 WHEELER, Granville Judy Sam 59 59 WHITAKER, Lucius Bettie rave 960 960 DAWSON, Sandy Hariett Joshua 61 61 MILAM, Whitaker Melissa Ella Eirm3. rave 62 62 YOUNG, Albert Josephine Amanda WHITE, Jane Agnes Henderson Rachel 63 63 LEWIS, Maria Sallie . wm Effie 64 64 ALLEN, Jake Lizzie Eirm3. 65 "65 MORTON,' Sipp Hettie Bitha Lena Karey 66 66 KING, Paul Letta 67 67 JENKINS, Jim Pricca ROBINSON, Ed . Margt MARSHALL , John I', II ~ .~ e o .0 . ~ g 'M ~ ~ ~ Q) ~ r-l () jp~ 8 8 30 M B Farmer. 20 F B K house 4/12 M B 30 M B Farmer 22 F B K House 3MB 22 M B Farmer 20 F B K house 3/12 M B 45 M B Farmer 30 F B K House 4FB 2MB 5/12 M B 35 M B Fanner 24 F B K House 1 F B 30 F B work on fann 10 F B 7MB 2 F B 50 F B" "" 23F B" "" 19 M B laborer 4/12 F B 27 M B Farmer 21 F B KRouse 2 F B 30 M B Farmer 40 F B K House 15 F B at home 10 F B" " 3 M B 40 M B Farmer 25 F B K House 50 M B Fanner 50 F B K house 16 M B laborer 23 F B work on farm 18 M B laborer Feb Feb Jan Apl IJ I \ Printed #59 Q) () ~ .@' ~ .~ I=Q Term " Tex Term Va Tex la Ala Tex La Term Tex " " Va " Tex Va Tex " " Va Miss Tex " Ala Tex " Va Miss Tex " " La Va " " " " " 59 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 118 Post Office: Bryan 19 Aug 1870 * ~ g ~ ; ~ i ~ ! ~~8 8 968 968 STEPTOE, Pleasant 70 M B Farmer Mary 70 F B K house Moses 21 M B Farmer 69 69 lITNTON, Dock 40 M B " Tamor 30 F B K house Adel 14 F B at home Sallie 12 F B " " Nicy 10 F B " " Pate 6 M B Stokes 2 M B 970 970 STEPTOE, Giles 31 M B Farmer Mary 25 F B K House Martha 5 F B Ed 3MB 71 71 Torn 25 M B Fanner Julia 20 F B K house . Jim '3 M B PRICE, Armstrong 28 M B Fanning 72 72 Mahala 25 F B K house Harriett 4 F B 73 73 TENNANT, West 27 M B Fanning Hick 25 F B K house 74 74 PRICE, Bill 24 M B Fanning Bobb 24 M B " 75 75 GIBSON, Winfield 2'3 M B " NELSON, Isaac 22 M B " Jim 21 M B " CROWDER, Henry 21 M B " 76 76 RHICHARDSON, Taylor 25 M B laborer 77 77 BAKER, Jerry 29 M B Fanner Mary 25 F B K house ECWARDS, Elisha 27 M B Fanner HUNTER, Cornelia 50 F B Servant 78 78 Lizzie 20 F B " CUNNmGHAM, Eli 44 F B K House Geo 21 M W Fa.rning Baxter 19 M W at School James 17 M w" " Elizabeth 12 F W 79 79 HARDY, Frank 35 M B Farmer \ 145 Printed #59A ~ Q) g .~ ,-j .@'(j +-> 0 H ;::: ...-1 0 I=Q tf.l Va " " Miss Va " " Tex " " Va " Tex " Va ' Tex " la Tex la " " " " " " N C' la " " Ala Va " S C Ala " X " X " Miss * Note: Numbers may occasionally be off a line. This is recorded as is! IJ I 146 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census Page No. 119 Post Office: Bryan 20 Aug 1870 Printed #60 ~ ::j:j::, 6 .~ Q) +> Q) CriJ5 () .& ::j:j::, ...-l 'Hr-l ro ~ a 6 0&3 o ~ Q) r-l r-l H 0 Q) Q)O+> E r-l .~ 0 ~ .0 ~r-l ~rnro +> Q) Q)~r-l () . r-lro 'crJH+> .~ ~ ~Q)o () ~ ~~ li:j CJ)t) 0 >~&3 jJ:l 979 979 HARDY, Lucy 25 F B K House Miss Viney 3 F B Tex Tempy 1 F B " 980 980 KEYS, HarTiett 50 F B Cook La Jordan 17 M B laborer Miss Julia 20 F B works on farm " YOUNG, Henry 2MB Tex 81 81 JACKSON, Andy 35 M B Farmer Ga . t 35 F B K house La Marg hney 16 F B at home " Jom 7MB Tex Gus 3MB " Martha 1 F B " 82 82 CUNNINGHAM, Jo J6 M W Farmer 3000 500 S C Lucy 21 F W K house Miss WIll 3MW Tex HORTON, Lula 2/12 F W May " 83 83 DUNLAP, WID 56 M W Farmer 10,000 500 Tex Lucinda 40 F W K house Tex Elliott 15 M W at home " Robt 14 M W " " " Geo 12 M W " 84 84 Melvina MILLICAN 25 F W at home 300 Ala MILLtCAN, Fannie 9/12 F W Oct Tex 85 85 ALRJJ::GE, Mary 50 F B Fanning Term Agnes 20 F B works on farm " Adelia 15 F B at home Tex Sarah 12 F B " " " Ransom 9MB ff " 86 86 ABLE, ChaS 25 M B Farmer r Miss Mollie 1 F B Tex 87 87 RECTOR, Sarah 57 F W K House 1000 NC Sarah 24 F W at HUme \ Tex MILLICAN, Diadem 10 M W " Louisa 8 F W " WOOISEY, Thomas 5MW " " Mary 8/12 F W Nov " 88 88 Thomas 30 M W No occupation 89 89 CONSTANT, Nelson 35.M B Farmer Va Betsey 28 F B K House Tex .~Ii I 147 BRAZOS Cm.mty Texas 1870 Census Page No. 120 Post Office: Bryan 20 Aug 1870 Printed #60A ~ 6 Q) ~ Q) .~ ::t:l::: .~ ~S ~~Q) ~ ~ ~ 0&3 ~ H ~ Q) Q)O~ .@' ~ ~. 0 ;jr-l ;jCJlca +..l ~ ~~r-l () ~& 'cr1H~ H Q) 0 () .~ tf.) t.) 0 :>If&3 ~ 989 989 CONSTANT, Nelson 8MB Tex Mary 3FB " Julia 2/12 F B May " Jim 10 M B " 990 990 KNOX, Ben 49 M W Fanner 5000 1000 S C Martha 35 F W K house Miss ranI 13 M W at home Tex Lucullus 12 M W " " ..It Walton 9MW " Ben 3MW " Pauline llFW " 91 91 CROCKEr, rave 38 M B Fanner Miss LYNN, May 35 F B Servant " 92 92 KNOX, Dick 40 M B Fanner " Rachel' 35 F B K house Ala' Jim 8MB Tex Bel 10 F B " Sarah 7 F B " 93 93 CLANTON, Henry 40 M B.Fanner Miss Arney 45 F B K house " Eliza 10 F B " 94 94 PHELPS, Taylor 40 M B Fanner la Sarah 25 F B K house " Frances 14 F B at home Te_~ 95 95 JORDAN, Manda r45 F B Fanning Va Stephens 9MB Tex Alex 16 M B laborer " Coley 7MB " Nicey 3 F B ,} " CLAMPITr, B. 37 M B Fanner " 96 96 MILLICAN, Harriett 26 F B " I " Allice 3 F B " Mary 15 F B works on farm \ " 97 97 HOOD, Jonse (?) 35 F B " " " Miss lena 16 F B " " " " Mary 14 F B " " " " Sallie 7 F B " 98 98 MILLER, Bickham 22 M B Fanner S C ROSELL, Arm 1 F B Tex KNOX, lBwis 22 M B Ala r- ~. 148 BRAZOS C01.m.ty Texas 1870 Census Page No. 121 Post Office: Bryan 22 Aug 1870 \ ~ .g ~ ~ ~ ! ~ 999999 TAYLOR, James SANDERS, Geo MORRIS, Mug. (?) 10001000 sTEPHENS, Dan Nela BRAY, Pate BROOKS, rave WTI.J..J:AMS , KING, Melvin Alford GOODNIN, II 1 1 MEAJX)WS, Chas MILLICAN, Wash MEAOOWS, Lelia Mary STEPHENS, woo . TURNER, Henry 2 2 WTI.J..J:AMS, Jones RICHARDSON, Tom GOOUNIN, Ephrain 3 3 DUNLAP, Frank Finden Jack . Hardin Silnon MEAIX)WS, Ned 4 4 CURTIS, Stephens Adeline Clara Elvira 5 5 " Dick Dollie Sam Rich . Wiley Austin 6 6 SPENCER, Curtis CURTIS , Calvin Stephen Eliza g .~ H a a> x~ g ~858 25 25 M W Farmer 21 M W " 35 M W " 30 M B " 30 F B K house 12 M B laborer 19 M B laborer 12 M B " 12 M B " 10 M B " 20 M M " 30 M B Farmer 17 M M laborer 20 F B Cook 1 F B 2FB 22 M B Farmer 25 M B laborer 30 M B Farmer 16 M B at home 50 M B Farmer 40 F B K house 14 M B laborer 12 M B at home 20 M'B Farmer .20 M B laborer 64MB" 28 F B K house 38 F B works on farm y+FB " "" 41 M B Farmer 31 F B K house 8MB 6MB 3MB 1 M B 22 M B Farmer 11 M B 8MB 6 F B Printed /161 Q) ~ r-i .@< 4-.:l .~ lXl Ala " N C Ala la " " " " " " Tex " la Tex " Va " N C Ala N C Ark Tex N C Va Ala " rJ I \ " " " " " Tex " " " Ala " Tex " 149 BRAZOS County Texas 1870 Census 1 Page No. 122 Post Office: Bryan 22 Aug 1870 Printed #61A ~ s:: Q) 4.:l Q) ~ 0 ctl 0 .~ .n ft-t+> ft-tr-i ctl ~ l o~ o~Q) r-l r-l H Q) Q)04.:l ~ r-i j 0 ~crl ~(Jlctl +> ~ Q) ~ r-i 0 'crtH4.:l .~ ~ Q) 0 0 . ctl Q) >~~ rf.lU 0 >0::: P=l 1007 1007 CURTIS, Sam 46 M B Farmer Ala Phillis 15 F B works out " Nelson 8MB Tex Simon 7MB " Lucy 6 F B " Parthenia 1 F B " Peter 11 M B Ala Kate 5 F B Tex Orie 2/12 F B Apl " 8 . 8 'JAMESON, D. 32 M W Physician Term Bettie 25 F W K house " Thm3. 14 F W Tex Coos 1 M W Tex Jane 2FW " 9 9 JARRErr, Robt 32 M W Farmer ' Term Sallie 33 F W K house NC Mary 9FW . . Tex wm 4MW " 1010 1010 WOODARD, Stepen 28 M B Farmer Ga Frances 28 F B K house II Frank 1 F B Tex 11 11 0' BRIEN, D3rby 46 M W Farmer Ireland GRAHAM, M3..the 47 M W " " 12 12 RICHARDSON, A. 35 F B work on farm Tex JACKSON, Abe 18 lV! B Farmer II Frank .23 M B " II RICHARDSON, Gal 55 F B Cook Miss DAVIS, Nate 9MM Tex 13 _ 13 CLARK, Thomas 30 M W Farmer 'I Ga Sallie 24 F W K house Term GARRErr, wm 44 M W laborer I " 14 14 BURKLEY, Jo..n 40 M W Farmer 4000 500 Eng Mierta 33 F W K house Ala Tania 13 F W at home Tex Julia 7 F W II Merita 4/12 F W Feb II CALLION, Tom 45 M B Farmer S C 15 15 CALLION, Morris 19 ~n. B laborer S C Moses 18 M B " Tex 150 COLLIE-COOPER Enterprises 740 Garden Acres Bryan TX 77802 C-C Enterprises is offering sate publications of genealogical interest to those ~ have ties in Brazos, RobertSon and Madison Ccunties. These publications are soft-bourrl and spiral-backed. (-and affordably priced!) Willowhole Cemetery Madison County Texas Compiled by Allie Mae WHITLEY WHITLEY and Mary COLLIE-COOPER Listing of every marker. Covers death dates 1870s into 1980s. Includes history of this interesting old rural cemetery. Alphabetized. Softbound, spiral back, 61pp. Ill. 56.50 Robertson County Texas 1360 Census Listed by Mary COLLIE-COOPER Accurately transcribed page for page. Incl. every-name listing, age, sex, occupation, value of real estate and personal property as well as birthplace. Surname index. Softbound, spiral back, 72pp. $6.50 ..Brazos County Texas 1860 Census (Also 1842 Tax Roll & S~ on 1850 Census) Listed by Mary COLLIE-COOPER and Allie WHITLEY WHITLEY Accurately transcribed page for page. Incl. every-name listing, age, sex, occupation, value of real estate and personal property as well as birthplace. Surname index. Softbound, stapled, 59pp. S6.25 Brazos County Texas 1870 Census Listed by ~1ary COLLIE-COOPER Accurately transcribed page for page. Lists everyone in family, giving age, sex, color, occupation~ value of real estate and personal estate, as well as birthplace. Surname index. Softbound, spiral back, 246pp. $10.00 Sryan City Cemetery Brazos County Texas Books 1,2,3 & 4 Transcribed by Mary COLLIE-COOPER These four books maintained by the Cemetery Sexton give infor~ation 'on those buried, their age, place of birth, cause of death, date and location of burial. Dates 1870 - 1910. It's like finding a death certificate! Surname index. Softbound, spiral back, 193 pp. $10.00 tJ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . I ********** GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH Lost a Kentucky Ancestor? Many pioneers came to the Falls Of The Ohio, and paused for awhile in Ken- tucky, others stayed and became part of our history. Send SASE for rates. LOIS WILLIAMS, RT. 1 BOX 10, COX'S CREEK, KY. 40013. ! l 3a=:::a:-a Sca=:orough Sa:'1fo== :~:\:nl! c; Cc:,:,,:~!lc:- "'::;~ess 3301 Cheste:::-s:-.i:"e C\:y, S::.:e ?assdena,Texas 77503 Dale Ja.'1\.:.a-........ 15,1987 "" O.tl at !:I"~ r-~ 1'IICI 01 Ql:':.:r. m. Oal' o! MI:":':ICf Cl. OUt ~f ::>fa:.' p..,-PlIC.O: OuU ~ Joseoh Wa-rren At~i.'1s ,t-O b.' 24 May 1822 (F.",,, or r;.. 1) p.O. SOuth Carolina m. 30 ~~g. 1853 d. 8 A:'ril 1900 p.d Falls CO.Texas ~ = 2 . NElia.":'. Ya.-..cy Atkins II . (Fatll.tr 01 ""4. 1) :'. 7 A:.1g. 1856 'p.b. Butle:: CO. Ala. I=::. 15 Nav. 1877 d. 25 Jan. 1922 I ~al' C 'T' . IP.d r _s c. _exas I t""l ::t""l 8~ I .::.>. i:'~ ~, ..... ~N EN l-I .. ~ = u r.:~ -l ~ >'C"I l-I~ ... (J . - '" -c;::<' -y::..':: t: \:) ~I t;..N':: Lydia E. Ferguson 5 (MOlAU or r;.. 1) b. 5 ,Sept. 1832 p.b.Butle:::- CO. Ala. d. 17 t-2:=ch 1916 p.d. Falls Co. Texas 1 Lela B. I-.t'ci."'lS b. p.b. m. d. 'p.d. 14 Feb. 1882 Falls Co. Texas 20.Nov. 1898 8 June 1960 Falls. CO. Texas e ~ b. 1835 p.b. Georgia m. 29 Jan. 1857 d. 1874 Ip.d Falls CO. Texas 3\ Lilla Kate Stillwell (MOf.."tcr o! "0. 1) b. 20 t-lay 1858 p.~. ~.aCisO:'1 CO. Texas d. 13 Ja.'1. 1904 p.d. Falls County, Texas 7 Eliza::et'1 Ra'idolph (CRT) t-. 30 June 183S('OI:.<, '" s.. .) p.:'. !.r:::tcorrerv Co. TeY.a5 d. 1384. p.d. :al1s County, Texas ~.:al '":e~ ~e~J Scar::crouch , (~po",u 0: !'os. I) b. -,-0 July 1877 ;:.\J, :;> 1 , S C -- o. ':"1. d. 15 .T:..ug. 2515 p.d, Jones::c:::-o, T'I. Bow:ra.-.. (t.;idow m. (Moc..'\cr of ho. 4) d. 19 b. d. A,~~,: e f:.a..-:.t Perscr. l~o. 1 on this ch3~t !s the s::me person ~ "o.~on c:::u.t !\o.-.-l-. 8 Ja'ieS 1>:tkins U~.Uu.:r ot "'0. ~) b. 6 June 1797 p.b. =:dgefield ~is~ .S: m. 28 Nov. 1816 d. 28 April 1833 p.d Abl:eyville , sc 9 Rosa.'iI'la b. p.b. d. p.d after 1840 Ala=arra 10 Jao::lb FerC"J.son Rev. \ (F.""tr 01 "'0. ~J b. 26 Mar. 1782 p.~. South Caroli."1a m. 1812-1813 GA. d. 25 Nav. 1852 p.d Butler CO. Ala::la,:~a 11 E1izabe~~ D~se (MO~cr 0: ~o.. S) b. 1795-1797 p.ll. SOuth Carolina ~ 1865 . p.d. Butle::' CO. Alaba.-re 12 Re~'1 Stillwell (flt.ftet ell "'G., t) b. p.~. 1800 Georgia ca 1822 GA 11 May 1860 t-ladison COu..-..ty, Texas m. d. p.d 13 Na..,cy '. (Moth.r ol ~G. ej b. 1800 p.b. Georgia d. tefore 1860 p.d. t.2dison COU-"'lty, TeY.a5 14 John Ra.'ido1ph (~) _ (f .lftcr of "0.. i) b. 4 Cct.1793 . p.:'. Tennessee nl. 15 Seot .1824 ;:J. 17 Feb. 1852 Ip.d t\'all:er Co\:..-:'=Y, Texas 15 =ra'1ces Cco::>e:::- (C?T) (Mouu:r of t-;,. ;) b. 30 Dee. 1502 p.b. !,jor':.'1 Ca=~~::.a d. 10 Dee. 1553 p.c1. t'ial).:e:::- C::u.-.-=y, Texas 151 Cb:l:': ~~:.._ 16 ?.::=e=:--:' ;..~~=-~S t'.!. w-..:..,e _I:'::' (F,"'.' e " : rn. 1 i Se?,-.17g3 Co... '" ",". '... . 8 t.:ay l516 I ~::>~e ~a=~e-- 17 "'-. ;j ..-- b. 25 Jd li76 d. 12 Dec.1S53 ('.~ ~::.It':" ; ~ ....:.. :. '0:-':. c:" Cl';,~ '.:. 18 (r.::'l~:" "'! :o..c:. ;. C:or,;.. 01': C1.I:"". :.:.. (MOI:':IIr:" o~ !-o;. ;, Com. o~ c:\.:,,~ ~.:... 20 . I~. (F.t:a~:' o~ .....:. ::. Cor~ c,r:. c:"..:-: I\o:... c. 21 (,,",,0::'11:' c~ :"0:.. i:; Cor..:... Ol~ ::,:"t ~:.._ b. d. .22 Ja:es D..:.:ose o. (flU:':' ,: :0-:'. :~. 1/ J,l' l' 7C -: Co..... "".:: S"_ :':'l..'- U Y c;;.... d. 23 Eliza=et~ Hodce (Mot:'\t:"e: :\:.. ::. Con:. on ,to..:,,: ~:. ... b. d. 24 Jacob Stilhp-ll U'.?) b. ~:> jan. I:>:> (F......: SO. ::, Cor.:. "'_ c~.r. s~.. m. 25 11 Cct.1834 I\an:::v 1>::. Slauch':e:" (Mct~.:, c~ ~:. ;:. Cor.:.. O~ ct..:":. :0..:. _ b. d. after 1633 GA 26 \'0. 1m. 27t. (F.t:'lu':: S:.. :~. toft:.. Oft Cl':&:'; s:.._ (MCltrlC::: .':. l~. Cont. C~ C::-.&:-: S;.. _ b. d. iJ 28 Na~'1a., ?.a.."":c.o1':)h b. I..Z. .lbo:> IF.a::....: s" I', m. ca. 1787 Ca:u.. 0:: ':'.I:'~ 1':-_ 29 r. F.~~~'1S~9ill \ b. c. 1837-1532 30 I~;. .' 31!c. b, c, c~~ot:;,:, :~ ;".... :.. Co:u.o::. :::-.&:-: :0..:.:. . \i-.::.:":,, " '.:. ::. Cc~:" c~ (:"..:'~ ~:. . ~.~~~: .~~. '~~.~'.::' .~~.: 152 5a:<:r-=a S::a='::cro'.Jc:--~ Sa.:-.:O::-= ~~:\::i~ c; Cc~::~:c:- .. ;\c-::ess 3301 C:"es":.-2=sr-.i.:-e Citl, s::.:e?"s::::-:o-,a.T~{as 77503 Da:c J;>...,q~--V 15.1987 7l3-~77-2l07 t. Olte of 91rtl': f\o~ Pl.,. c! (Hr.:.. r.\. O'U or ~~.::'I.;. c. Cat' 01 :'c.t..'l. p..:.. Plact 0: Ou(~ cr. b. 21 Oct.1826 (F"htrolt'o.l) il.b. ~~a. or ~J.ss. r:'l. 19 July 1848 d. 15 ~.ug. 1862 il.d Ashley co. Ark. Ja-reS LDuis Scar1:Orough 3 S ' 8 (FaUll< 0I~.. I) b. ept. _ 49 p.b. Dre'''' co. Ark. m. .10 Sept.1371 d. 20 Feb. 1921 p.d Falls Co. Texas ~ 2 - g- o ~ q ~ U tr. 5 Rebecca Hares Bull (MOlher ol flrio. 1) b. 18 Ju.'1e 1827 p.b. pi.'-'e Co. GeOrgia d. 10 Dec. 1905 p.d.=alls Co. Texas 1 i'ial ter Henry scar1:Orough b. 10 Julv 1877 p.b. Falls Co. Texas m. 20 Nov. 1898 d. 16 ~.ug. 1915 p.d. Jones1:Oro, TX 12 (J::ur:Falls Co.TX) e A.A. "F-bner" ~.elson ? (FaU"oer or No. 3) b. p.b. m. d. Ip.d Ten.,.,iessee ca.1848-1849' 1866-1869 in route to Falls Co. TX 3 Sara:'1 A.lSallie" tolelson b. 16 Ja.'1. 1351)'......' ol "0. I) p. b. Ala:::.arr a d. 15 !-lay 1920 p.d. Falls Co. Texas J . ~...Ic.;~,...r \J: SQ. J) t-. p,b. d. p.d. ;..1 a:::.a:, a :::e:ore 1366 Ala:.a"":'.a ~ €la 3. J..~-:i:,.s (~po,.uC' o! ....0. I) b. 14 =e:,. 1332 ~.'.J;all.s Co.7Z ct. 8 ::.:.::e 1960 :::.:!. :al!.s C.:>. 7Z A,~~--- ef:.a-:t Pel'SO:: !:o, 1 0:1 tllis ch;lrt is the S:ll:'le person:lS ~o.~cn cl~:lrt Ka.L-. 8 (F .UH;r ~ /'Iio. t) b. p.b. m. d. p.d 9 to ia...""V (Mott.cr 0: ~o. 4) b. 1793 p.b. ~orth CarolL-.a d. after 1850 p.d Ark~Sas 10 Rotert Bull (1812) (I",U11( ol 1'-0. $0) b. 1788 p.b. Craven Co. NC m. 31 March 1811 d. 14 Aug. 1861 p.d Ashley CO. Ark. 11 Susannah Sullivan (Mot.~c.r ol 1'0.. $) b. 1793 p.b. Georgia d. June 1851 p.d. Ashley CO. Ark'. (F 't.~cr ol"o. 6) b. p.b. m. d. p.d 13 (MGlher 01 t..o. 6) b. p.b. d. p.d. 14 \'0, p.b, C \_. .Il.d 15\ (F.lhcr 01 ~o.. 7) (M~IlICr oC :--;0. :) b. p.b. <1, _ p.cI, CI:~:': ~;:;.- (F ..~~.'. - o~ ;.:. L Cc,,;.:. 6l". n..~: :.;,... b. d. C.~e.:I.'.::, :: :~:.. :.. Co:";;. e:: :1''1&:'''\ S-;._ (F .\~c:, o~ ~c. t. C;o::~ c,:\ :::a:~ :~:. .- d. 19 b. d. '20 F,rnbrose Bull b. 1750 m. 1777 ld. 27 tvI.ar. 1789 211 Elizal:eth b. Jan.1753 d. 13 Aug; 1838 (!to.\O:h.:- of :-Oc. ;, Co:-':. 0I'l eta:'t ~::.- (1"'?,) (fa:l'.cr o! So. 10. Cor":" Con ch.ar"l 1'00._. (MO:l'.U' or ~c. lC, Cor.L. on dlan S~._ .22 b. (Fatiltr of So. 11.. Coa:. 0:\ c:1'.ar1 S c._ r:'l. d. 23 (MO(~cr o.! SOl. 11 f Cont. or. C~.ar1 t-:o. _ b. d. 24 '0_ m. (Fl:~er Gt 1'01. U. Cor:. on chart So. - 25 (M::hc: of ~o. ;2, Cone... OEl ;tart ~~.- b. d. 26 (r&ther 01 S:. IJ. cor.:. on c:l"~r. Se._ m. 2l' (~~othC: e! ~c. !j, Com. on c:o.a:: S:.. - b. d. "1'1 m. 291.1 (F .~":cr 0: So. l". C:m:.. on C:'.l:"t ~c.._. (~.:Q:.;~rr of ~u. ~ ~, Co:.t. c.c. :::-~n s.:.. _ 'oj 30 c!\ 1;:.\ ., \ ,.' _. l; a~:.'::" '';: =':. : ~. C::lr.~ c:\ c:".a:": !'.;.- ~'~~~: '~~~ ~::,~:t' ~~ .._ b, d. , "- ll. 'o.- 12. '00_ :0..:._ l~. ~e._ .:j, .~;..- :.., .~Qo.-- II. : ~. IS:.. _ :: ~'::'- :::-'c;.. .._ A~t0 e~,:t Person t'o. 1 on this ch~rt is the S:lme Ch:lr: :-;~,- person:lS ~;o,-Lon ch:lrt r;o,-1-. 16 i\atha"1ie1 ~,:adison Call:..;: ~. 23 Sor .1787 (F"'" .,,,. O. 8 Elisha ~!adison Collins (SRT) I~' 1810 c~~;;;.;: ~..- l" ,. (n'''..........1 r:. 17 Ja"1.1360 b. ~6 lal:~h 18__ 171 S\.:sa""l 3urrouC'hs ;l.b. Ke."'ltua<y , - J" , 700 ("...cr 0: ", \, Nathan; 0' PJ.exarrle"- Co"i."1S' b._:l ~.- J C..c..."","':.. . A :-- . " ~er; .....1) -- m. 7 Apn1 1~31 d. 22 Feb.1826 b. 2.. ,'lar'ch 1~3'2 (CSA) CRr) d. 8 Ja'1. 18.:>0 p.b. i".ar~on Co .!>I.J.ss. ;l.d Leon County, Texas :no 31 i"ay 1855 d. 7 Mazch 1869 ;l.d Ro1:ertson County I Texas 3ar:::.a=a Scarb:n:ouch Sa-:forc. :-::l:n~ oi Cc:-::;:11er J Acdress 3301 Cheste=shi:'e Citi'. Sl:lle?asae.ena,To'<as 77503 D:lte J"'''\.:~-v 15.1937 7l3-~77-2107 4 I:Ir. Cate'of BIrth j)-~ Placl ol Dlrt' me Clt. 01 Marr:a,<< d. C20lt cl ::>C.t.'a p.~ PI.ce ol Cut) ....; l""l . 2 John Alexa'1der Collins ""l""le-:; . C'\ ~ (Father of ":-0. 1) g'..-I ~ b. 21 Dee. 1862 8 >, c p.b.Rol::er...son Co. Texas I ~.g m. 23 APril 1881 ~, r:l - .S gj ~ d. 27 Sept.1948 ::j . Q.o, jl.d Travis Co. 'IX (b..lr: Falls CO. 8=0 .8 ~ E 5 Nancy Coley .:J ..-I (M"""" cI No. 1) III . . 3~~ ~C:St'j . l""l C'I >,..-1 Ii3 II . t::....Q'O (CRr) b. 9 Jan. 1832 p.b.llJ.aba.-na d. 20 July 1904 p.d.Rol:ertson ,Co. Texas 1 Ru..."'us Deaner Collins b. 2 Sept. 1889 p.b. Coryell Co. Texas m. 18 Dee. 1910 d. 10 Sept..1949 12 p.d. Harris Co.Tx. (b..lr:Fal1s CO.'IX) e Wil1ia~ Packwood ? (fll.l\noi:-;o. J) b. ;l.b. 31 m. d. Ip.d ~~lissa Jane Packwood (M...o, cI N.. I) b. 19 Feb. 1861 p.b. Missuri d. 13 Dee. 1946 p.d. Falls County, Texas 7 :\a-:cy :::lizal:et.l1 Gresg to. 13 Ja'1. 1839'01.'" ot S.. l) p.b.Tennessee d. !"ay 6,1919 ;l,d. ?D::ertscn County t Te.xas Jc~~~ie ?ze~~s Jones ($pc\o,~ a: :0.:0. I) b. 3 See. 2.559 Wright COley (CRT) (1812) m. (FeU\ct 01 ,,"0. ) d. 21 Rachae1 b. d. 9 Eliza F-.rm t-lcGrew (MO<<.....U 0: 1'10. 4) b. 20 Mareh 1816 p.b.r-<.arion Co. !>I.iss. d. 1853 p.d LeOn County I Texas 10 b. 1789 p.b. North Carolina m. 1822-1823 d. ca.1853 p.d Ro::ertson 11 Re:::ecca (C~) 153 18 J..le.xa."1cer l-!cGre'" (CRr) 13' 2 ib. 1792 (F"....: .....;, m. 16 Oct.1808 c:.,"-.....rt....._ d. 2 Oct.1849 19 E'; zatet.'1 Blaek:u..'7l (C:rr) (MO(!':wr ot So. ;, b. 1795 C:.nl.on c..rtS.,_ d. after 1860 '20 Williarn Colev ? A.'O.. b. (F"l~c:r of So. 10. Co,.t.. Co" cl"..t1 1'0._. Pearson ? {Mot~tt. of ~o. 10, Coftt. on :1"...:1 N;._ CO ..... T .22 un",y, exas b. (CRr) m. (M.ll>o, cI No. $) d. 23 (FICher o! So. I~. Cor.,(. on chut ~:'_ b. 1801 p.b.North Caro1i.i1a d. ca 1851 . . p.d. Ro1:er'tson County, Texas 24 b. Sarme1 packY.oc:d (Fuller cI No. 6) b. p:b. m. d. p.d 13 (Mother 01 No.6) b. p.b. d. p.d. Charles Gregg ;} 14 {Flther 01 No. 7)1 b. p.b, Tennessee m. I:~:d 15 ~~'"Y P'i;.es/Ei.~ds (MOltler c.l Sc.. 7) b. ;l.ll. ?al:'s D.7x p.b, Tennessee d. 17 Feb.1978 d. p.d.DaEas Co. (X=) ;ul. Okla'1orr.a ? Fells Co. To': b. d. r.-'O(~er ot ~c. It, Cone. on c:l""," So._ (F.thu 01 No. :~. Con:. ~ (hlrt So. _ m. 25 b. d. (Mother ot So. 11, Cont. Oft ,1'0.:1 ~=._ 26 (FII..""Ic, oi ....0. IJ. CON..'" c~r: So._ m. 27L' b. d. 28 b. (MOll'\ct of :--;0. I l, CON. on C~~:1 ~Q,,_ (F.:::.er of Sc. :., COIN.. on r::ar: S:.. _ m. 29 b. d. (~.lOt.:\':' rX ~o.:. i', Con:.. CIa CI"...:1 :":.. _ 30 lb. 01. Id. 31 (r.t!:cr ..:: ..~~. ::. CQnt. Cl'l c:-...:-:. ~~'_ b, d. ~\;~~.te~. ~I~~:~. .~~ __ 154 Barbara Scar1:orough Sanford N~me oi Compiler Address 3301 Chestershire Clly. State Pasadena,Texas 77503 Dale JanUary 15 ,1987 713-477-2107 " Sheridan Allen Jones (CSA) 31 Ma 1818 (Fotbor 01 No. 2) b. Y p.b. SOuth Carolina m. 1846-1847 d. 19 Dee. 1897 p.d Rol::er~n County, Texas Jal:ez Joel Jones' b. Dill 01 Sinh pol>. Pl,ce 01 DlnIl In. O.l. of Mar-rile' do. Oalt ot o.:.m pod. Pbc. cl DeltA (Fother 01 No. I) 4:k'arch 1856 Rol::ertson COunty, Texas' 22 Dee. 1886 17 Oct. 1923 Falls COUnty, Texas 5 Elizal:eth Ann Davison (Motbar 01 No. 2) 1 Johnnie Reeves Jones b. 8 Dee. 1889 p.b. Falls county, Texas m. 18 Dee. 1910 d. 17 Feb. '1978 p.d. Dallas CO. (b.Jr: Falls Co. TX) 6 John Randolph Reeves CSA ~ ' (FoLb.. 01 No. 31 b. 24 Nov. 1827 . p.b. Fayette CO.Gerogia m. ca.1865 .' d. 19 !-1arch1905 .d Falls COunty, Texas . 3 Louisa Reeves (Mou>.r 01 No. II b. 11 Nov. 1866 p.b. Houston CO.Georgia d. 9 Oct. 1948 p.d. Falls County, Texas ~s 7 Lavonia Priscilla Hartley b. ca. 1841 (MOIb.r 011<0. 3) p.b. Georgia d. J::efore 1878 p.d. Georgia Dea'1er Collins b. 1794 p.b. SOuth Carolina m. 8 Dee. 1822 b. d. fuy 1851 . d. p.d Fayette CO. Georgia 26 William Cleveland . 8 Apr 1766 (Fat.hitt of "0.13. C '11 W II... '1' "Cl land . Cont. on c~..n 1'0,_ anu a . .'1.J...L. l.e eve m.J::efore 1800 (MOIbor 0I1i0. 6) 27'" 1844 b ca 1800 . . uan. . . 27 Rhoda p.b. Georgia d. ca. 1834 p.d. Fayette CO. ~rgia /!Ha4~ ehtvtt _ Person No.1 on this chart is the same person as No.--L..on chart No.~. 8 (Fath..:r 0( No. <4) b. p.b. m. d. p.d 9 (Mo er 01 No. <4) b. p.b. d. p.d 10 William Davison (fllAer No. 3) b. 1776 p.b. South Carolina m. d. 25 oct. 1861 p.d Navarro County, Texas Jane Stuart Fleming (Mother 01 No. 3) 12 William Reeves (FoLb.. 01 No. 61 13 14 Frederick Hartley (Falb.. 01 No. 'I b. 10 April 1808 p.b. SOuth Carolina m. 22 Dee. 1829 d. 11 fuy 1872 /P.d Bibb. Co. Georgia 15 fussilva Lovelace ,'" (Spol.llf 01 No. J) b. 2 Sept.1889 . P.b, Coryell Co. TX (Molher 01 No. 7) b. 7 Feb. 1805 p.b. South Carolina d. 10 Sept.1949 d, 23 Jan. 1871 p,d, Harris CO. (b.lr) p.d, Bibb Co. Georgia Falls Co. TX Ch~rt No,_ (F"lhcr or t'o. t. COnl. on "Jut 1'",_ _ (Mothef of No. 6. Coni.. on chan So. _ b. d. 18 m. d. 19 b. d. '20 John Davison b. (F'lher of 1'0. ~. C:ont. on chan ~c. ... (MOEhU of No.9. Cone. en chart No._ (AR) (Farhr 01 No. 10. COI.t. CIn chan ,,"0._ m. d.before: 30 Jan.1816 21 Mar2aret. b. , d. . .22 Eli' ah Fleming (AR) b. ca 1757 ~o~bo:n ~:.~; ~~'. (Mothe-r ot So. J 0, Coni. on ch,n No._ m. d. LI Sept. 1810 23 . Young ? (Mother of No. J I, Cont. on chan 1-:0.. _ b. d. ca 1790 24 Wiley Reeves ? b. m. (Farber 01 No. 12, Coni. on chan }..'o.._ . 25 (Morher ot No. 12. Cont. on chan ~o. _ (Mothe:- 01 No. J 3, ConL. on chan S c. _ b. 1777 d. 4 Aug. 1865 28 Hichael Hartle b. 1785 " m.21 Jul 1803 . 1882 I 29 Poll Harris Hueler b.. 1788 .\" d. 30 b \ (Fuller c: "':0. H. COl'll. 0:\ chan No. __ ,/ .. b. d. (MotJ\tr' 01 S~. 104, Cont. Cll:l chan Sa.. _ ("Iotht'r 01 So. l!-. Cont. on ctar! "'0. .._ 155 ETHNIC HERITAGE IN THE BRAZOS VALLEY At this time of year Americans are looking forward to celebrating Thanks- giving, a tradition begun by the Pilgrim fathers who first settled in New Eng- and, and taking many of its details from American Indian customs. It carried rel igious overtones, too, for it was a season to give thanks to God for shep- herding his people through difficult times and at last blessing them with enough to eat and to spare for the first year in the history of their precar- ious settlement on the none-too-hospitable shores of the new world. Celebrations in honor of the harvest, as in a sense the Pilgrims~ was, have their origins shrouded in the mists of antiquity, going back long before the Christian era. Pagan mythology is filled with legends of gods and god- desses who controlled the sun, the rain, infestations of pests or their ab- sence, and all the many factors that determine whether the harvest will be bountiful or scanty. Our very language itself is replete with words 1 ike "cereal", from Ceres the Roman goddess of vegetable growth; "bacchanal ian", for drunken revels, in honor (maybe too much honor!) of Bacchus, the Greek god of grapes and wine, who nonetheless plays a proper role in harvest cele- brations, provided he restrain himself a bit; and others as well. The original object here was to relate harvest customs and harvest thanksgiving customs (though perhaps not always called such, hence the lower case "t") of other 1 ands to 1 i fe in the Brazos Valley, inasmuch as ,these cus- toms have been brought to America, to Texas, and to our very doorstep by im- migrants from those lands who have taken advantage of the "melting pot" this Nation provides to seek a better 1 ife in America, and specifically in the Brazos Valley. A source of some information on this topic is the Institute of Texian Cultures of the University of Texas, in San Antonio, from where I have obtained considerable data about the many national groups who came from allover the world and helped to settle and enrich what was to become the great State of Texas. The task of narrating, even in brief, the contributions of these groups, and partic~larly, where possible, their contributions in the Brazos Valley region, has turned out to be a formidable one. For this harvest season of 1987 it can encompass only a few groups, but we hope to expand the concept into a series of articles throughout 1988. The largest ethnic group to be represented, not only in the State, but locally as well, is Hispanic. This in turn is really composed of several sub- groups, Spanish (from Spain) and Mexican and Caribbean being at least three. (I am, of course, excluding from my count the vast numbers of Anglo-American settlers, largely of so-called aScotch-Irishu and Engl ish origin.) . v:fb Next are the Germanj again, these are divisible \into af least two gr.oi the "Pennsylvania Dutch" (more correctly, Deutsch) who first settled i~ sylvania and again sought a newer frontier, and those\Germans who came.:.::':' from the V<<terl<<nd. An even more important difference\is the reason t came to America: in the former case it was to escape r.el igious persec' i and in the latter, later immigrations, it was largely economic. ...:;;".. .::,,)~ , . .~. Ital ian immigrants and their descendants, though traditionallJ'm. numerous in New York and Cal ifornia, have also enriched Texas and' Valley. Following the lead of Christopher Columbus, who reveale4 156 world to Europeans, and Amerigo Vespucci, who gave it its name, a number of Ital ians were members of Coronado's expedition, and, about 1541, were the first of record to set foot on what is now Texas. Their celebration of Col- umbus Day, October 12, though not a harvest rite, does occur at this time, and to a degree partaKes of the harvest Dflavoru. More of a harvest festival, though less Known, is that of st. Mart.in (ell 316-400 A.D.), celebrated November 11. Our own Rosemary DE PASQUALE BOYKIN comments as follows: r \ .Per San Marttno, ogn1 mosto e v1no. Winter in sicny is still far off from the beginning of November. Although October rains are generally heavy, often causing flooding and damage to the crops, severe drought usually follows bringing Indian summer, Saint Martin's summer, to the island. Even though the summers are, for the most part, hot and dry, this sudden rush of water, and then dry spell produce and unexpected greening when and it seems that grass springs up overnight. The eleventh of November is the feast day of SaintMartin throughout I taly and it is then that school children learn: " Per San /1artino) ogni mosto e vino. "For Saint Martin's Day all the must has finished fermenting and become new wine, ready for tasting, accompanied by the /)iscotti di San /1artino, little round anise-flavored cookies as hard as rocks, , And so it is that this traditional Italian celebration has been brought to Bryan, Texas. Although not usually held on November eleventh, there is, nevertheless, a celebration of the vineyards and of the new wine at the , Messina- Hof Wine Cellars owned by Paul and Merrill Bonarrigo of Bryan, As the name implies, Messina, refers to the city in Sicily from where the . Bonarrigo family has originated. The Hof, refers to the Gerrvanic background of Mrs. Bonarrigo. Their celebration includes many activities such as: grape stomping, barrel sampling of the new wine, complete with music,.dancing and the tasting of the various entries for the cooking and baking contests, The Bonarrigos have gone to great lengths to bring a touch of the "old .countries" to our area. ;} \ . The Brazos Valley region is particularly rich in Czec:h culture. Present day Czechoslovakia was formed after World War I primarily of two ancient King- doms, Bohemia and Moravia, the former by far the larger and more important. When we realize that in 1930 the population of Bohemia, a~out 7,000,000, was one-third German (not surprising in view of its domination\bY the Habsburgs ~ for nearly four centuries), it is easy to understand the close similarity be- tween Czech and German folk-customs, in spite of the diffe~ences in language. \ .' Almost every community in this Valley has its annual Czech, or Bohemian, or corresponding celebration in September or October. This year Caldwell had its Kolache Festival September 12, College Station its Bohemian Festival Sep- tember 25 and 26,'Washington-ori.the-Br~zos its Oktob~rfest October ~ & 157 4, and I am sure there were others I have failed to note. e.og.aphicallY clos. to the e..mans in C.nt.al Eu.oP. we.. the Cz.chs (Boh.mians), the Polish and the W.nds. This clos.n.ss continu.d in the n.w wo.ld, .v.n though th.i. languag.s diff...d. But folK customs w... simila., and mad. a st.ong bond. Call.g. station's "Boh.mian F.stival" draws on all of th.s. cultur.s for its local color. In its pr.s.nt form, it originat.d just fou, years ago , the e "mov.r and shaK.r" b.h i nd its o. ig i n and pr ornot i on b.ing Charl.s H. SZABUNIEWICZ, who is Sp.cial Faciliti.s Sup.rint.nd.nt for the City of Coll.g. station and has his offic. in the main building in c.nt- ral Park, His own .thnic history is an .ncapsul.d v..sion of many Am.rican groups. His par.nts, of Cz.ch o.igin, liv.d in poland, and suff.r.d with many oth.rs und.r Nazi and Sovi.t occupation. Th.y w.r. succ.ssful in ...ig..ting to the B.lgian Congo, wh.r. h. was born a B.lgian citiz.n. H. and his pa..nts c.... to Unit.d Stat.s in 1962, wh.r. th.y gain.d p.r..an.nt ..sid.nt status; thus, h. is a T.xan of long standing. H. is a son-in-law of our own Anna HALLARAN. Earli.r organizations d.vot.d to comm...o.ating C.ntral Europ.an .thnic contributions to the B.azos Vall.y ..gion have .is.n and fall.n. 1 found in the Bryan Li brary a booK of ..c i p.s i ssu.d bYe the s.cond Annual BrazOS County p.opl.'s F.stival, h.ld in 1973. It includ.s ..cip.S f.orn many national cul- tur.s, all r.pr.s.nt.d in this ar.a. Th. Forward is sign.d by Mrs. May T. MAYVAS1, Chai.man of the CooKbooK Committ... Up to this dat., 1 hav.n't b..n abl. to l.arn any more about this activity, but hoP. to do so fo, r.porting in a s.ri.s of articl.s h...in in 19BB. Still old.' organizations .xist.d; one such is reported on in this issue, on page 125. Our own Am.rican ThanKsgiving Oay has its orIgIn attribut.d to the Pil- grim Fath.rs of N.w England, who did in fact hold a c.l.bration of thanKsgiv- ing in D.c.mb.r, 1621. But it did not b.com. a national holiday until Dcto- b.r 3, 1863, wh.n Abraham Lincoln proclaim.d the last Thursday- of Nov.mb.r a national ThanKsgiving Day, larg.ly at the p.rsist.nt urging of Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, editor of 6od~Y~S LddY~S BooA. INDEX ABLE 146 BARNEiT 151 BRANDUJSKY 125 CAHILL 129 ACCOUGH 135 BARRITT 136 BRAY 148 CALAHAN 134 t ALDRIDGE 146 BELCHER 137 BR 1 GANCEJ 1 27 CALHO~ 129, 136 g- ALLEN 144 BELL 126, 141 BRITiON 136 CALLI ON 149 ~DERSON 141 BENES 125 BROOKS 148 CAMP8ELL 135, 140 ~PPLEGATE 132 BIAS 143 8R()I,.#Il 126, 134, CANNATILLO 133 ATKINS 151, 152 81 LLINGSLEl' 126, 141 CASTLES 137 e- 140 8RYAN 134 CAVITT 127 e. BAILEl' 143 BI LLINGTON 137 8UCHANAN 129 CHILTON 136 8AILLEl' 142 BLACKBURN 153 BUCHTOV~\134 CHESHER 140 n, BAILY 136 BONARRIGO 156 BULL 152 CHLAPIK 125 ad BAIRD 137 BOREN 136 BURKLEl' 149 CHROMCICK 125 p- BAKER 142, 145 BOWMAN 151 BURROUGHS 153 CLAMPITT 147 BANTER 142 BOYKIN 126, 141 , BUTLER 134 CLANTll'I 147 BARNES 135 156 CLARK 149 158 INDEX I 11 I 1 CLARKE 128 CLEVELAND 154 CLOSS 129 COLE 134, 135 COLEY 140, 153 COLLI E 150 COLLINS 140, 153 154 CONSTANT 146, 147 COOK 142 COOPER 126, 135, 150, 151 COWSER 136 COX 140 CROCKET 147 CROWDER 145 CUMMINS 143 Clt-lNINGHAM 145, 146 CURRIE 134 CURTIS 148,149 DALY 134 DAVIS 149, 154 DAWSON 144 DeFRANCIS 134 De PASQUALE 156 DESEREN 134 DIXON 142 DOLCEMOSCOLA 133 DaUGHTON 134 DOWZER 137 DOZIER 127 DROSS 130 DUBOSE 151' DUNLAP 146, 148 DZIEGLEWICEZ 136 ECHOLS 134 EDON 135 EDWARDS 145 ERWIN 134 E (A) STEP ( P ) 140 FARLOW 132 FARRIAH 142 FENNEL 134 FERGUSON 135, 151 FISCHER 126 FLEMING 154 FLETCHER 135 FOLEY 131 FOSTER 137 FOWLER 142 FRANKLIN 143 FUERRI 133 GARRETT 149 GARTNER 135 GATES 136 GEE 128 GENTRY 137 GETER 135 GIBSON 145 GINSDINS 137 GOODNIGHT 137 GOODWIN 148 GOOSBERRY 142 GRACE 137 GRAHAM 149 GREGG 153 GRIFFITLES 134 GUIFFRE 137 HALE 134 HALL 129, 136 HALLARAN 1 57 HAMPTON 141 HARDY 143, 145, 146 HARMON 136 HARPER 142 HARRISON 127, 136 HARTLEY 154 HASSELE 134 HEARNE 129 HICKS 134 HILL 142, 151 HINES/HINDS 153 HINTON 145 HODGE 151 HOOD 147 HOOPER 134, 137 HOPE 126 HORTON 146 HOUSTON 142 HUELER 154 HUGGINS 143 HUMPREY 142 HUNT 126 HUNTER 145 HURN 143 INGRAM 137 JACKSON 127, 128, 146, 149 JAKUBIK 125 JAMES 135 JAI'1ESON 149 JARRETT 149 JENKINS 144 JONES 135, 153, 154 . JORDAN 147 JUST 125 KATULSKI 137 KAUFER 137 KERR 137 KEYS 146 KILGORE 142 KING 134, 135, 144 148 KNOX 147 LABLLO 135 LANDISS 126 LEWIS 143,144 LITTLEFI ELD 135 LOUGHRIDGE 134 LOVELACE 154 LYNN 147 McCAY 143 McCEARY 142 McCHARTY 143 McCLENDON 136 McCORMICK 125, 126 McCOSLIN 143 McCULLOCH 126 McFADDEN 141 McFADIN 141 McGREW 153 McLELAND 134 MALLOY 132 MARSHALL 144 MAY 142 MAYYASI 157 MEADOWS 148 MELSON 152 MENDOLA 137 MILAN 144 MILLER 142,147 MILLICAN 146, 147, 148 MINKERT 129, 136 MOORE 132, 136 MORRIS 148 HORTI RKY 134 MORTON 144 HOSI CWI CZ 135 MYERS 127, 134 NASH 136 NEAL 129 NELSON 145 NESCHKE 131 NETTLES 128 NUNN 127, 128 O'BRIEN 149 PACKWOOD 153 PAGE 126 PALMERI 133 PARKER 135 PARKS 141 PARRIS 134 PATE 137 PEARSON 153 PECOCK 127 PELNAR 125 PHELPS 147 PITCHFORD 136 POLANSKY 125 PORTZER 126 PRICE 145 PRIDAL 125 RAGSDALE 134 RANDOLPH 151 RECTOR 146 REEVES 154 " RHODES 135, 137 RICHARDSON 145, 148, 149 ROBINSON 128, 144 ROSELL 147 SANDERS 148 SANFORD 151, 152, I 153, 154 ~CANLIATO 129 SCARBOROUGH 151, I 152, 153, 154 sporr 143 S~URREY 142 SEATER 137 SEATON 135 \ SEBIK 125 SEDESTHA 131 SETTLE 135 SIMONS 126 SKUES 132 SLANIAN 125 INDEX SLAUGHTER 151 SMI LEY 130 SMITH 127, 131, 136 SNODGRASS 141 SPENCER 148 SPRING 134 STEEMAN 130 STEPHENS 148 STEPTOE 145 STI LLWELL 151 STOLOWSKY 135 STUBBLEFIELD 140 STUBBS 126 STUGCHARKIE 134 SULLIVAN 152 SZABUNIEWICZ 157 TARANTINO 131 TAYLOR 148 TEAUREK 125 TENNANT 145 TOOMBS 137 TREADWAY 131 TUCKER 136 TURNER 148 VIEDO 130 VOYSE 136 VRANA 125 WALTER 132 WARD 127 WEBB 136 WELLNICKI 126, 127 WHEELER 144 WHITAKER 143, 144 WHITE 135, 144 WH ITLEY 150 WICKERSHERMER 135 TO: FROM: SUBJ'ECT: BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION NADINE YOUNG BILLINGSLEY, EDITOR DUES WILKS 137 WILKY 135 WILLIA/'1S 127, 131 136, 137, 143, 148, 150 WILSON 134, 143 WIRLY134 WOODARD 149 WOODYARD 136 WOOLSEY 146 YOUNG 140, 144, 146, 154 WE ARE ENCLOSING THIS TO REMIND YOU 1988 DUES WILL SOON BE DUE. 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